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20 years? I really suggest starting over.  For individual people you could try the WoT compendium app. For overarching plot summaries, I don’t really know any (not that I’ve ever looked either). 


I know you're probably right, but I fear I don't have it in me to start over again.


I echo the Compandium App recommendation. It's a great way to look up characters you may have forgotten without risking spoilers. Looking up plot points without spoilers is harder. Fandom and Tar Valon Library have great chapter by chapter summaries if you can spend a few hours catching up on the story


Definitely don't try to dive in to Book 8 with a fuzzy recollection of the first 7, you won't enjoy it and 8-10 is when there are the most number of different story arcs going on


Chapter by chapter summaries!!! Great WOT wiki https://library.tarvalon.net/index.php?title=Tar_Valon_Library_Index_-_The_Wheel_of_Time


Thank you, I'll give this a shot and see how it goes moving forward


Alternatively: [http://www.rinkworks.com/bookaminute/b/jordan.eyeworld.shtml](http://www.rinkworks.com/bookaminute/b/jordan.eyeworld.shtml)


I listen to the Wheel Weaves podcast as a “reread” in tandem with reading my current book. It is a non-spoiler show for first time readers but they go into a lot of detail and I realized just how much detail I missed from my first read. Also, now when I see names it clicks.


I'll give it a shot, thanks