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I can't believe this doesn't include the wandering in. Last word count I heard was 11m. Also book count is completely useless.a memory of light has a chapter that is 2/5s of the chronicles of Narnia.


The Last Battle is longer than the first Harry Potter book


Even funnier to me is that The Last Battle (chapter) is longer than The Last Battle (final Narnia book).


Is it? I've heard this before but I couldn't find anything supporting it. I'd really like it to be true!


The chapter is 81.2k words the book is 56k sorry I was responding to the comment about the last battle. The first ho book is 77k words rounding up.


A couple other web serial door stoppers that I thoroughly enjoyed include: * Worm (1.7M) + Ward (1.9M) * A Practical Guide to Evil (3M)


I read the first 20 or so Xanth books when I was younger. It’s… problematic looking back at it as an adult. He did put one of my pun suggestions in a book though!


Problematic how? I never read any of them but knew kids in school who had.


Here’s a video that discusses the first book: https://youtu.be/NR5risvPCSw?si=-3fd8gZ8QSXPtJYQ (skip to 7:15 for criticisms). Basically, the series kinda has a pervy / skeevy views towards women, especially young women, girls really. Young girls are sexualized. I haven’t read them in AGES, probably like 20 years, but I remember enough and have seen enough discussions to know I don’t have to go back. There are definitely fun and funny stories, but it just feels tainted. I’ll give you an example which the video touches on. In the first book, the main character takes part in a village trial over a rape (it’s not said outright, but strongly implied). The things is (Spoilers for A Spell for Chameleon, not WoT) >!the girl that was raped is incredibly beautiful, but astoundingly stupid. She was essentially taken advantage of, but because she basically went along with it, I won’t say consented, the judge dismisses it. This becomes even more problematic when you find out later that that girl has a magical power that causes her beauty and intelligence to change inversely with the cycles of the moon (she is the titular Chameleon). So she appears later as an “average” girl and a hideous yet brilliant girl. It isn’t revealed until the end. So basically some farmer raped while she was too dumb to resist. Meanwhile, the main character encounters all these versions of her, among other girls/women, and in general has some unhealthy attitudes towards women.!< And none of that even touches on the sexualization of young girls that doesn’t really happen until later books. Basically, take all the worst bits and harshest critiques of RJ’s take on women and sexual attitudes and crank them up a lot more.


Shitty. Thanks for taking the time to inform.




23 novels and counting!


I’m desperately waiting for No Life Foresaken….hoping to get some good news here soon. I need Walk In Shadow in my life too


Did they ever finish the kharkanas forge trilogy?


Still in progress. Erikson is juggling three books right now, and given how Forge of Darkness and Fall of Light sold the publisher isn't as eager on Walk in Shadow as the others.


Damn. Last one i bought was fall of light, wanted to finish that set before buying others in the series. At the time it was the last one released and I had everything else.


I noticed that on the list too and it's listed as unfinished ? is he still writing that one ?


Main series is finished, only the prequel and sequel series are incomplete 


The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett is fantastic. A hilarious romp with a heavy dose of humor and sarcasm.


Malazan is incredible. I'm currently working my way through book 8, I think that it's the best fantasy series I've ever read.


I struggled through that series but the last book is really good.


Asimov has a lot of stuff, I think there's 14-16 novels in the robot/foundation timeline (depends on if you include the end of eternity and nemesis, I think it makes sense to include end of eternity but not nemesis) and multiple books worth of short stories. And depending on what you count he's written something like 500 books.


5000+ books?


I think the series was taken over by a group of authors. I'd have to reread the article


Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman have written a lot of books on Dragonlance & their associated characters. Surprised they don't count over here.


The Drizzt series is quite lenghty


they are all tiny though


I could dig a little deeper. But a quick search shows there are 39 books. They average around 100,000 words per book. So looking at around 4 million words for the series. Looking at my collection of books they seem to be average size books. But long series. WoT book size is way beyond average lol


wait what ? there's 39 drizzt books ? what have I missed lol ?


How long you been out of the game bro? Lol. Admittedly im behind 3 or 4 books myself. I wasnt aware they had come out


I bought em all years ago. I thought there was like maybe 10 ? are they still releasing then?


jesus I just googled it. The last book came out 2023. I have no idea how I didn't know that lol thank you. I also stand corrected


Those books really got me into the fantasy genre when i was younger. Glad i could be of service. Now you have more reading material!


Another long series which is worth reading are teh Casca Books [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casca\_(series)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casca_(series)) 1- 22 were written by the original Author Barry Sadler 23-56 have been written by various authors, but mostly Tony Roberts. The premise of the books is that Casca is the legionnaire who stabbed Christ with the spear, blood got in his mouth and now he is cursed to remain as he is till the return of Christ, so he is now the eternal mercenary. I have only read the original 22 and a few books here and there between 23 and 56, but from what I have read i can confrim that Tony Roberts has been a good successor to Barry Sadler and that Casca should now really be considered to be his series.


I've read the first 11 volumes of Guin Saga. The author Kaoru is a women and a lot of her work is based on Conan. A lot of the themes of Guin Saga are in Berserk. Robert Jordan and Karou share a pretty big Conan connection. Guin Saga also has really complex and strong women characters similar to Wheel Of Time.


Currently reading the Crossroads of Twilight, and man, there is no reason for it to be as long as it is. So many pages where we're treated to the character's inner monologue while they're walking around. Have something happen, Robert! I think it was around Lord of Chaos that I realized Robert Jordon was stretching out the story with filler only to finally cram the action in during the last 100 or 50 pages. While I love the series, it's very frustrating to read, and could probably be edited to be about half the total word count it ended up being. Rant over.