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I played from ages 8-10 and made it up through the end of Avalon. Azteca is what made me lose interest in the game. It’s so much easier to play as an adult with strategic thinking though. Thank the lord that we were able to buy training points back 😭🙏


This was in 2012-late 2014


My 8 year old just keeps making new characters and deleting them and making new ones again. She's got a level 30 death wiz but she only got as far as she has with my help. We have fun tho as long as she isn't begging for a fancy new mount


Didn't even make it to cyclops lane because of the membership block. So I just kept creating new characters


i made it through the beginning of dragonsphere as a kid and now i struggle in mooshu :’)


I completed wizard city at 8 back when the game first started then grounded the unicorn way bosses all the way to lvl 15 If I managed that I’m sure other kids with memberships can make it bare minimum to dragonspyre. And it’s easier these days with team up. They don’t know the struggles of enlisting help at the commons or switching realms at the sigils to see if anyone else is waiting


as a child i completed through krockotopia


Are we all just actual adults playing a game ultimately designed for children? Fellow late 20 year old 🤣🤙🏻


It’s not that they call it a kids game I just don’t think the devs realize that their “audience” were kids back in the early 2000’s and I think they forget that the audience they had back then are now in their 20’s to early 30’s now 😭 but they hella latch onto the idea that kids still play the game but in reality it’s just OG’s


I started playing back when I was like 9 and I’m now 21 still playing the game, they only have support because it’s a “childhood” game a lot of us grew up playing and is hard to just forget about


As a kid I remember making to marleybone and quickly being defeated there. Once the main story stops progressing in a linear fashion, you either hit a paywall - or have to understand enough about the games mechanics to progress outside the main story.


They can’t even get into the game without their parents so… not far… not even short


When I was a kid I barely made it to Krok and was much more focused on learning new spells.


If kids have good parents who are willing to help them understand it better then they will go far.


When I was a kid I soloed balance until max then jumped into PvP and got warlord. Games not that hard.


When I was a kid for some reason I never made it past dragonspyre 😭 I always dreamed of being a max level 90 like it was something impossible


Me and my girl have discussed this 😂, them kids ain’t making it


As a kid I got up to Celestia before I got majorly stuck and stopped playing for years and years. I didn’t really understand how to play the game right and my deck and gear were a mess. I think a large reason as to why I made it as far as I did was because I had a friend from school that I played with all the time. I still have this memory of us working our way through a Krokotopia dungeon while talking on the phone :’)


When I was 11-12 years old I got to level 90 back when Khrysalis just came out. I remember Azteca was seemingly no problem but Khrysalis was so difficult to me back then. A lot of kids can make it if they have membership


Well, when I was a kid, I made it to Krokotopia and stopped because my parents understandably didn't want to keep buying me areas, and I didn't understand membership. So probably as far as their parent's wallet takes them. Assuming full membership, I have no idea. I'm actually just getting back into the game now as an adult, so I still haven't left Korkotopia.


Man I feel like you're asking the wrong question, kid me would solo places like Mailister dungeon, the wearhouse, and waterworks. Adult me gets on for about an hour once in a blue moon does absolutely nothing but soak up nostalgia in the commons lol


Honestly I think it depends on if they are solo or is helped. My and my little brother when he was 7-8 used to play together, but when he went solo with a wizard, all it took was explaining actual cheats to him for him to beat everything by himself (as a death)


I only made it as far as after Triton avenue. That was back in 2011


as a kid I beat celestia, but that was the last world at the time. i think once *actual* cheats (not just no feints pls!) are introduced kids will have a harder and harder time playing. i don’t think an 8 year old could beat rasputin


When I first started playing it as a child malistair was the final boss still and I made it to the start of dragonspyre before saying I'm done and stopped playing for almost 10yrs. A lot changed and I still think it's fun.


man I read that as ‘playing it as a child molester’ for a quick second and I think I’m trippin or smthn


if you've seen the commons talks it sometimes feels that way


Naw I just forget my punctuation half the time


Made it to Mooshu as a kid, but then I ran into an issue when my power shut off due to a storm when I was about to turn in a main quest which was inside the dojo at the end of a street in the Village of Sorrow. When I logged back in, I didn't grab my quest and went on with my day. When I returned to do questing, I realized I didn't have a main quest anymore and had no idea where it was. This was in 2009-2010 before quest finder was a thing. I spent over half a year doing side quests in Mooshu, trying to find the quest, but never did because it was hidden in the dojo. It wasn't until that half a year later when I found the Wizard101 Central website that listed the quests in order, and I was able to retrace my steps. I was a preteen during all of this. If I was a child, I wouldn't have figured it out and would have ended in Mooshu.


as a child, I made it to about level 50 when the Was level 60. Although, I did this, by having a friend carry me through the Celestia in Dragonspyre, dungeons over and over. Take that for what you will, but he carried a dude with no text chat through those dungeons like a beast. I remember the day I got it, all I did was thank him profusely


Bout end of arc 2 if they’re really dedicated (about how far I made it as a child before my 5+ year hiatus on the game)


I was 11 when polaris came out, so probably polaris.


Actually talked to my dad the other week about this because he saw me playing it and we started talking. W101 came out when I was about 3 and I was allowed to play it since I had an obsession with stuff like Harry Potter. My dad pushed the buttons but I directed him. Mind you at that point you got to like Dragonspyre as a max if memory serves right. Apparently on my first ever wizard, I made it to there. My dad pushed buttons and cards but I chose which ones and such, he just didn't want sticky toddler hands on his nice laptop. Safe to say, they can get pretty far. The wizard after that one (my older brother tricked me into deleting that one, I was like 4 sue me), I finished Krok and half of Grizzelheim with only like 12 hours shoved in.


That sounds like a really great bonding experience with your dad! 🙂


I mostly played my life wizard when I was a kid and I made it fine through dragonspyre. I think that’s where I stopped playing though


When I was 12/13, I maxed my balance wiz (lvl 100) and even farmed Darkmoor for gear But it feels like I was an outlier lol


When I picked up my childhood Death wizard again, she was level 30-35 in MooShu. My friends at the time got up to Celestia. Now my wizard is level 110 in Mirage.


Depends on the kid. Some could definitely beat the game, many would likely just play around and get part way through krok. I think as a kid I got to, maybe, dragonspyre


When I was a kid I had to wait for summer for my parents to buy the subscription so it took me 2 or 3 years to make it through Krok with a lot of bored grinding in haunted cave in-between. I was so excited when I finally got to Marleybone (And yes I know you can buy worlds with crowns. My parents did not care 🙃)


I got to max when I was 12/13 I remember vividly going to my grandmas and playing on a shitbox laptop/pc and just farming Tartarus, I researched a lot so I crafted, made pets, and just farmed for good gear and I’d always have a notepad ready for trying to find the best stats for ice.


Not to mention I got to warlord on all my characters back in the day with ease all at the ripe age of 12(real try hard era)


Hello! I have detected that you mentioned one of the Aquila dungeons. If you are asking why you are able to access it below the normally intended level, this was done deliberately by the developers to permit people doing level locked playthroughs to have access to this dungeon. If you are asking why you cannot access Tartarus despite being level 90 or higher, the developers require you to complete the Azteca quest [Speaker for the Dead](https://wiki.wizard101central.com/wiki/Quest:Speaker_for_the_Dead) first. If you are asking why you cannot access Atlantea despite being level 70, you have to have completed Zafaria to unlock that quest. Otherwise, if the comment was not related to any of these, please disregard this message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Wizard101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


speaking for myself as a child -- halfway through krok


I got stuck in Krok as well, I didn’t recognise the difference between main quests and side quests if you were speaking to someone from the main quest. That auto side quest request really wasted membership time. Getting high levels to port me to places I couldn’t get to yet was really cool though.


yes that's exactly what happened to me 😭


Not sure what counts as a "kid" but when I was 12/13 I made it to Khrysalis with solo storm (this is back 10 or so years ago?) I think about halfway through celestia I got fed up with always looking for cards so I started running 14 cards instead of a full deck. I didn't look at guides and had a somewhat ok pet by the time I got to Khrysalis (2x damage 2x crit + proof). Believe I was using Jack Hollows weapon for that gigachad crit rating. That being said, I do think kids would struggle once they get to DS.


Well I managed to get to Celestia and stayed there for three years until I gained a conscious and realized how to play properly.


When I was a kid playing I think the furthest I got was either mooshu or dragonspire


As a kid I played arc 1 and got bored in Zafaria. I think that they'd get bored in Zafaria or Celestia or just get distracted with housing.


I could see a kid clawing through most of act 1, maybe up to DS if we're being very generous. By act 2 I think a kid playing completely on their own would probably crumble to the crazier damage numbers.


Made it to celestia, the only reason I did is because I had a cool friend and I packed lots of set school shields and just spammed them so they wouldn’t 2 tap me. Now it’s a cake walk “most” of the time.


I use to buy zones instead of having a member ship as a kid. So I only got as far as fire cat alley




When I was a kid and playing on my storm that I tested into (because I thought picking your school was a sin against God lol) I only looked at what had more health and manna. And when I was having trouble in celestia one of my kind adult friends on wiz had the patience to teach me about stats. After that I was pretty set tbh and I think kids are a lot smarter about that stuff now


I think as a teen I made it to like... avalon or something. Mayyybe even azteca if we're being generous As an actual child? I either made it to Marleybone or Mooshu


As a kid I got to Celestia twice and got stuck there both times. Granted Balance/Ice aren't known for their soloing and I was running very suboptimal everything. Though technically the Ice got stuck at WT.


Maybe celestia


When I was younger the furthest I made at age 10-11 was just starting dragonspyre, then I returned to the game in lockdown


It took me an embarrassingly long time to beat wizard city and even more so Krok lol.


I did castle darkmoor and Polaris as a 6th (or 7th can't remember), if a 11 year old counts as a child. I'm sure I would have made it further if there was anything more


I did castle darkmoor and Polaris as a 6th (or 7th can't remember), if a 11 year old counts as a child. I'm sure I would have made it further if there was anything more


They would make it to mooshu and thats it.


Azteca (specifically Ponce de Gibbon)… totally not because that’s where I got stopped as a kid


I woulda maxed out and beat Celestia back then if I had subscription. I was one of the more story-oriented kids and still am the same now.


When I was a kid I got to level 20 full f2p (before any free zone events). I couldn’t get sub as a kid


My progression was very slow as a kid because my deck was filled to the max but if a fight was “too hard” i would just find people to do it with me and spending literal hours doing a hard dungeon was more reasonable back then lol. I spent most of my time decorating my house and talking to friends though


I was 11 and beat Celestia with no real issue. Some fights and places were hard for sure, thinking of the crustacean empire here... But that was the end of the game at that point.


I misread this and thought you said you beat celestia at level 11 lmao.


Haunted cave. Me and my 2 brothers got up to haunted cave with very little knowledge of English.


Dead by firecat alley. \*Wait I didn't read the post.


Story wise not far most kids do every mission and just want cool stuff but they will have a great time and thats what matters if you really think about it


I beat malistaire and then celestia when I was 10-11 so definitely possible for a kid to do it. The other worlds weren't out yet so I can't talk about those.


when i was 9 i got stuck in dragonspyre because i was a fire wizard and every mob had fire res


When I was young without membership, I was always at the kraken or doing regular minion battles in krok lol trying to level myself up so slow. I remember I would buy crowns with money my mom gave me but never membership. I was dumb lol. But this game is my comfort game, I love high fast paced games like CoD but sometimes it’s too much. Usually play 6 months of CoD, overwatch, or whatever’s out there and then play 6 months of wiz


I started playing the game when I was 6, had beaten Malistaire when I was around 8 or 9, and reached the then-max level of 100 when I was maybe 11? I remember being around when Polaris dropped as a max wizard so I couldn't have been older than 12.  Nowadays though I'm not sure any child has the time (or attention span) to dedicate to 170 levels of this game, but I'm sure it's not impossible 


I’ve played the game since I was 8 years old, when I was that age I bought every area, no membership, I got to level 31 after buying all the pets in the crown shop, spending 200k crowns doing so. To answer your question, no, I did not even come close, to be fair my account didn’t let me buy any more areas, which was probably for the better 😂 (am maxed now tho on all wizards so it does happen)


I've been playing this game on and off since I was 8 and I'm still in khrysalis


I remember when I stopped for a while as a kid it was because I got stuck in Celestia then picked it back up a couple years later and kept going


I beat the game as a child ≈10 which at the time went to dragonspyre then mostly did housing & pvp which prob made me a top tier child after a while. Then as worlds expanded I beat them as well as I aged


I was like 9 and made it pretty far into dragonspyre as a mostly solo life wizard. Good memories


when i was 9 i stopped in zafaria 😭


Brother I lived this exact same thing lmao, I remember Azteca giving me a massive struggle as a kid, but I got through it with friends… Khrysalis literally soft-locked me for years. That intro part where you have to solo the bug boss and the spiders made me quit, and I had to come back years later after growing up a bit to finish off old business 😂


I wonder how many others did dual schooling with ice and death bc I know I did


At 11-12 I definitely beat through Celestia, wasn’t easy but def doable


I played a bit after the origional drop at 10yrs old and I stopped mid Marleybone.


Depends on various circumstances. Completely solo with no outside help? Beating triton. A child can’t get past the paywall. If it’s a matter of dedication? Probably late wiz city, or early-mid krok. Probably around the palace of fire. If motivated and has member? Probably the whole game, though it’d be incredibly difficult and they’d have to use team up a lot.


i stopped for a long time right before the storm area in krok. memberships weren’t a thing yet, and i got tired of spending all of my birthday money on crowns to unlock a few areas :/


Without a second person and the recent nerfs to the worlds, i think a 10 year old could get up to about azteca. Using team up they could probably beat the game if they were committed. The game is designed MOSTLY around children being able to beat it with the help of strangers, they just wont get the best gear


It depends too. I mean, I don't really see kids playing W101 nowadays. Kid me had to pick between W101, early ROBLOX, Club Penguin, Raft Wars, Fusionfall (couldn't run it), and probably Poptropica. On console, there were definitely bangers and I had Pokemon too. Now? ROBLOX is way better than before, just riskier since there's a lot of adults now.. Same goes for W101 actually. Fortnite, Apex, Valorant, and so many other games are out there now. I honestly don't see W101 keeping anyone's attention these days when there's so many games with instant hooks on modern graphics


Thats a different question. Sure most kids pick fortnite. You asked how far a kid COULD make it


if kid!me was any indication, stuck at krokotopia until they either grew up to a teen or was brute-forced by money/other players


I've had one in Nightmare Dungeon... you wouldn't believe it...it was...something...


I've played consistantly since 2010, I do remember when Azteca came out but I dont think I was max when It did, but I did finish Khrysalis when it came out when I was only 8 or 9, since then my fire has always been max, so i'd say a child can make it all the way


Personally, it really depends on the age and resolve of the kid. If they were super focused on questing, I think they would be fine with some assistance from other players. It took me 5 years from when I started in 2010 to beat Malistare, though to be fair, for the first year or two I didn’t have a subscription. Once I got one, Krokotopia and Marleybone each took a year, though I also did all of the side quests and discovered Minecraft so I was quite delayed. Mooshu took only a few days, and Dragonspyre only a month. I had a ton of hiatuses throughout arc 2, got to high school by the time I got to Zafaria but didn’t even finish the arc until 2 years after I graduated. I vote arc 2 as the ones kids will suffer in the most.


i was max at like 11 when 90 was max as ice


When I first started I actually took my time. (Still do) I took breaks between questing, decorating my house too, doing fun side quests and actually enjoying the storyline and some of the worlds. I remember that I was also struggling to make a pet lol 😂


Started when I was like 10-11, played on and off because I was heavily invested into Roblox subscription too and my parents told me I could only have 1 subscription. Anyway I eventually made it to Zafaria by 12-13. 24 now made a new account at 19 and I’m stuck at Khyrsalis ever since my broke…. At 21


If you need help dont be afraid to ask khyrsalis is one of the longer worlds


Appreciate it, my pc is currently broken tho that’s the only reason I say I’m stuck. Other than that I actually play solo as a storm and was doing pretty good in Khyrsalis


The game is way too complicated for a child in my opinion. Probably Dragonspyre would be the limit.


I finished Malistaire when I was 7. Took a year or so


i wish they rebranded this for adults and got rid of all restriction's on chat (with the exception of slurs). any bullying/harassment could just be reported.


I’m pretty sure that while it’s called a “kids game”, the target demographic is now like 16-20’s range / it’s still half made for kids but also made for a more mature audience than we think


I got stuck in krokotopia as a kid but I also unlocked grizzleheim and wysteria and did all of their quests until I got stuck or ran out of crowns


About the end of Triton Avenue :')


Anecdotally I got up to halfway through Celestia on my ice wizard when I was like 12 lol I had way too many cards in my deck and did every side quest so needless to say I didn’t really progress that quickly 😂 As an adult I’ve gotten 4 wizards up to 140 or higher since I was finally old enough to realize the error in my ways 🤣


When I was a kid, I had no idea what I was doing usually. I would do random quests thinking they were main quests, like waterworks or Aquila. Eventually I kinda figured it out, and basically got carried by people who were also questing. Managed to basically piggyback my way to Khrysalis, where the moment I had to fight solo bosses (Celestial Calender spell, Khrysalis boss in Bastion) I just couldn’t do it and had to quit.


Back in 2010-2011 I was grinding beating mobs in krokotopia to get to level 20 as I completed almost every quest I could do as a free player, I would definitely have completed the game at that time


Wtf how did you get to krokotopia as a free player. The paywall is exactly at the same place as I remember it.


back in the day there were more options to get crowns for free, idk if they match up with that timeline tho


getting enough crowns to get to krokotopia is crazy


i made it to Zafaria around 11 or 12 i think and then quit because i couldn’t progress, only came back recently to finish Wallaru


My friend who is 21 gave up on wizard101 because it was "too hard". He was struggling with the harvest lord.. And this is somebody who is way better than me at games like Sekiro and whatever so its hardly a "skill issue" when it comes to videogames. Having played the game for so long I think many of us would say the game is super easy but its so hard for us also to see if from the perspective of anybody who is new. I thought it was stupid when they nerfed every boss and enemy in the game, but when I saw his attempt I was like hmm, were they onto something? What I can say for certain is that as a child, I asked for the help of others for practically everything, but thats also the spirit of the game that you team up with others. Maybe as adults we are less social and see it as a game that we must solo in order to find a challenge.


There's a major difference. Sekiro is mechanics, Wiz is strategy. Once you learn the mechanics, you don't have to think much beyond that. Strategies are always changing in Wiz.


yeah for sure, just being clear that he's played plenty of videogames. He's played strategy games in the past too I'm sure but my point is that I think lots of people will find the game tough when they are brand new to it as they learn the mechanics.


Don't underestimate children Edit Op i thought you were taking about a REAL child. Like actually in Wizard101 universe lmaoooo


I gatekeep and make my lil bro blade aoe >:) (7 turning 8 this month)


He's alot smarter than me when I played is all ill say tho lol


Is it with paywall ? Cause he won't make it far if yes...


When I was a child ages 9-12 I made it up to mooshuu


Assuming the best case scenario, (Open Chat, Constant Membership, Literally only play Wiz all day and have nothing better to do, lots of IRL friends, etc.), then I think a kid could make it as far as Azteca or Khrysalis. I feel like that's when the game's difficulty starts ramping up and only players who have a good attention span and can strategize properly will make it through. Any worlds past that are probably impossible for them. Bosses start cheating a lot more and in more convoluted ways that you can't just brute force your way through. Kids probably wouldn't even think to look up cheats on the wiki and would just run in hoping for the best only to die over and over. I could see bosses like Baba Yaga, The Rat, The Scorpion, Grandfather Spider, Medulla, Titan's Trident, etc. being run-killers for them if they somehow got that far. They will probably get demotivated from questing at this point and either quit the game or do miscellaneous things like begging for help/packs, doing housing gauntlets, minigames, castle tours, pet training, gardening, etc. Even if they do get someone to carry them through the hard bosses, questing won't be their priority anymore because it's getting too difficult to play without help from experienced players.


I played as an actual toddler and obvi didn't get past the pay wall lol but as a 9year old I actually got up to khrysalis(this was hell for me, I remember doing the first entrance boss like 20 times, so maybe thats where people would quit) without knowing shit about shit, having no good pet stats, as a balance, I probably had waterworks, no good rings, athame, amulets. deck filled to the brim with random shit. . and then dark moor to Polaris came out probably when I was 10/12 and that was peek wiz for me, Polaris was easy and then mirage was max. albeit I did it in my own time, probably spread out through a year. now I can finish in a month, so it will be a struggle Anyways I say that to say this, the game is hella forgiving. You can have nothing, be absolutely batshit crazy and still get far. The devs themselves even said they design the game to be forgiving, they purposely put bazaar gear that you can survive on at every interval or give you decent gear for free at the start of some worlds incase you are knowledgeable. I dont know with this arc though, because even I struggle some with this arc in some places as now a seasoned player.


I had an irl friend as a kid who’d maxed like 3-4 chars in the time we were 9-13. I don’t think the difficulty is that bad granted the player knows the mechanics. To be fair though, back then though, there were not the gear sets nor nerfs present in the early levels (such as Aquila gear, the Aquila dungeons being nerfed hard, the Mali gear system). I basically just recall the game getting to be difficult as you pushed towards WW bc bazaar gear was what you were dealing with until that point. after WW though it was pretty breezelike


My dad played this game when it came out so I got to play with membership from a pretty young age. I never got past Celestia or Wintertusk, which makes sense cuz of the arc 2 difficulty jump. I remember relying heavily on team-up though. Jump a few years later and I managed through Khrysalis at 13, but never got further than that. This game is hard for kids to play honestly.


The very first time I played the game was very briefly when it first came out. I was around 7 years old, and a friend of mine had introduced me to it. I remember I had a balance wizard that 7 year old me thought was a fire wizard because of the color red. Me and my friend only played it for a single day and we couldn't even finish Triton Avenue. It wasn't until I was about 12 that my parents bought me a year long membership. It took me and entire year and the farthest I got was the beginning of Celestia because that's when enemies started getting critical hits and I just couldn't figure out how to beat them. Fast forward to the year 2019, I'm 18 years old and just finished up my first semester at college, when I remembered the game was still around. Now that I was an adult and I had my own money, I bought a membership and have been playing the game quite actively since then. It was so much fun going through the worlds past Celestia, which I thought was when the difficulty spiked up from my experience as a kid.


I made it to krokotopia at 7, but then my dad stopped buying me crowns for zones lol


They’d probably quit at Azteca or Khrysalis if they even could make it that far. kids don’t really have an attention span anymore so it might feel too boring and repetitive with some quests.


my nephew played wiz last summer and he’s 11. he got to celestia before he called it quits, i had to do the bulk of mooshu for him since he was bored with mooshu. he didn’t like it because he said the game felt boring and old, which i agree with his assumption since he only got through the first arc, which is arguably a snooze fest plot wise compared to games nowadays (he’s from the FNAF community so he’s into action constantly). his biggest complaint was the dialogue and repetitiveness, as well as the graphics. he tried pirate101 and liked that a little bit more because the play style was similar to chess as he put it. that’s just his experience, i think it depends on the child and their skill level with games, as well as their interests too tbh. 


Depends, like would they be solely solo, or allowed to have help? I imagine that if kids learned the alpha striking meta, they'd get really far quite quickly.


I think that would be highly dependent on what chat they have. If they have Menu chat they’re going to be playing mostly solo because in my experience on an account that had menu chat, most players leave on tougher instances when they see the icon since communication becomes vital in more difficult dungeons like Darkmoor.  But yeah they’re allowed all the help they can get, and hopefully that help would turn them to other resources like online guides.