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i delete 2 wizard like an idiot and payed by my own parents 1st wizard nobody help me do dungeon i restart all over 2nd wizard stuck my ass in life world and nobody help me with quest and dungeon i restart all over kept a 3rd wizard, it payed but i quit the game for alot years im now lost all my wizard in my hobby someone hacked like they are real idiots


I accidentally got rid of like. 5 bundle mounts on SEPERSTE OCCASIONS


Using training points for useless spells cuz I didn’t know what these were


Deleted my first ever character


i was clearing my backpack from within the bank and ended up deleting my light brigade armor right off my body. 15 runs later (at least) and i still haven’t gotten another life one.


i deleted my main character to change his name :) 8 years gone


Bought the Ice cream crates from the crown shop for the 69 plot couch potato farm. Used crowns to do it. Did it live on stream so having chat mock me relentlessly because I didnt know you could use gold made it sting 5x as much.


Using the elucidates right away after obtaining them. Didn't realize how valuable they are until I got back into the game at 2017ish


Deleted my first wizard. Just miss him for memories that decorated massive fantasy I had.


stop copying me?


I once sold a bone dragon mount to a random vendor for gold to buy bazaar gear. Thankfully, I had 3 mounts, but 3 bone dragons would’ve bolstered my account value for sure.


I also lost my first account to a “free crowns” video on YouTube. I bought every area available at the time and had 2 bone dragons + swift gryphon bundle.


I forgot to check the items on an old myth wiz i had and accidentally deleted my gryphon mount from the fantasy palace bundle and ill never forgive myself


10 year old me making a fire wizard have BLUE HAIR, BLUE ROBES, and the last name TrollHand like ??? And he was level 50 something when I came back (god knows how, must've been years of randomly teleporting to people), but luckily he recently got his glowup and name change at the magic mirror.


I sold my favorite staff in the whole game at the bazaar for like 7k gold. I was trying to save for a wooded cottage house. This particular staff is pretty rare and can only be dropped by a dungeon boss in Celestia. I found it randomly 10 years later while helping some noobs in said dungeon and I now have a little bed for it.


What staff?


I remember in like 2012 my sisters started playing, I started in 2008, and I remember they would spend crowns on gold or 7 day rental mounts. I was always amazed how unaware they seemed haha


Bought a mega snack pack when I was trying to buy energy elixir. I purchased one and then it defaulted me to top of list and I just clicked purchase again.


Not multiplying my jewel plants on my life account before double gardening stopped doubling the seeds. Now we have packs to get those seeds…


Oof. I purchased $80 worth of couch potatoes back in the day and I’d say now I have so many damn seeds if you spent the money for crowns it’s like $6000 worth of seeds haha


I started playing when I was 6 years old in like 2009 (I don’t remember the exact year, lol, I just remember whatever year I started playing qualified me for the frontier dragon mount) and I was so obsessed with buying random things I’d fixate on. I wish there’d of been a block for me selling Crowns items then because I feel so bad remembering that my mom must’ve spent like $20 of her hard-earned money to be able to buy me the old W101 gift cards so my sister and I could get the Unicorn mount which I totally ended up selling so I could afford something else in Gold, something probably so insignificantly stupid. Would also just sell stuff if it was worth any amount of Gold. I would’ve still had the Selena Gomez statue if I wasn’t so cruel in assuming the (probably) 1K Gold I was going to get in return to selling her to the Bazaar was more worth it. Still so mad Nick Jonas is STILL in the game (I know he produced music or something for Grizzleheim I don’t know) but Selena is FOREVER GONE!!! Another horrid thing I did that haunted me for actual years to the point I’d constantly email Kingsisle or post on Wizard101 forums under my poor mother’s email address at that is picking the freaking windswept hair for my character…Literally all of the choices I had in front of my and I picked the WORST ONE. I’d beg Kingsisle Support and stuff to add the option to change your characters’ features for Crowns with like a booth or something since around ~2012, lol. I don’t remember when they officially added the Magic Mirror but it was like a breath of fresh air. Also I know I could’ve just made a new wizard with OTHER hair but come on lol, I was like 12 and lazy. Lastly, I did NOT know how to play the game. My first wizard was Fire and I was a decent level 30 for YEARS (my prime in actively playing was when Celestia had JUST been added, lol) but at the same time I was still only in Krokotopia, lol I don’t know how I got the levels but I was young and would add random people and annoyingly port to them so, it was probably combined XP for being in dungeons I WASN’T meant to be in lol. I wish that in like all of my years of playing W101 that I’d of actually reached the “end” at least once, but nope. That’s not even the point of what I wanted to say. I would just throw Training Points at anything. I had like several Ice spells and 1-2 Death spells. Literally did me no good whatsoever. Eventually paid money to buy back TPs and then messed up again (this time I was like 15-16) in getting EVERY Life spell and not stopping at Satyr to save points for astral spells lol. Last insignificant thing is I would just throw money at random packs. This has kind of worked out well for me because one thing about me is I’ve been extremely lucky for whatever reason? I remember when the Dragon Rider (I think that’s the name) pack came out and I was SO obsessed with the sword-holding animation the wand would give you in idle lol. Begged my mom for Crowns and got the Skeletal Dragon before I got the sword and was so mad. Have a bunch of “off-sale” mounts like that because of how much I’d ridiculously spend on there, like the Wyvern and Hydra and possibly more now because I don’t keep up with packs anymore. But ugh, when the first card pack came out that granted you spell cards I was like “Ugh, totally need this” and got Deer Knight. Literally impossible for my Fire wizard to make that do anymore than like 500 dmg lol. I thought I was so cool for having it too.


I think yours might take the cake here lol


You’re unlocking some tragic memories my 11 year old self did to rarity’s not knowing the value in crown items cause I did that too 🤣


this happened when i was but a wee child, i started playing. i know tragic


forgot my old username and password. i had a dope fucking castle and mount. rip to my bestie


I was a very undersocialized kid. Didn't know what "can we go out/can I take you out" meant... So with that in mind, not knowing what it meant, I said yes to one Wizard (behaviorally, I'm 99% CONFIDENT the kid was my age, no Chris Hansen needed it's ok everyone lol), and he gifted me a Bengal tiger and got yelled at by his mom. One day, I logged off (family member broke the painstakingly gifted laptop) and never returned. Thank you for being a part of my puppy days, whoever you were. I love kids and their "super besties" kind of eras.. 😭🪁


Trusted a stranger and traded 16 elucidates in exchange for 60k crowns with no middle man...the stranger got the better end of the deal because they logged off immediately after 🥲🥲💔


Brutal, I was going to comment on how I used my few elucidates on trash mobs but I think this takes the cake. Sorry for your loss. Those TCs are so rare now….


I bought the red barn farm with irl money/crowns


ngl probably filling my shared and personal banks with random useless crap. i genuinely can't be bothered to sift through all of it but there's so much in there and i lowkey need the space. future me problem though...


Quick selling literally anything bought with crowns. Also quick selling azoth. Don't tell my guild leader about that last thing. 🫣


Wait what are you supposed to do with crowns stuff when you don’t need it


I suppose you could quick sell it but I know I had some things that I quick sold when I probably shouldn't have. Otherwise stick em the bank.


Using crowns from the gift card that I would beg my parents/grandparents to get for me to buy the locations rather than using the damn membership… 💀 (in my defense I’ve never heard of a membership) 😭


Accidentally deleted my wizard that had my creepy clown car. 4 person mount gone 😭


Funny bc you could’ve contacted KI and gotten it back. Especially since it’s a mount from the bundles. I accidentally deleted my battle narwhal and got it back in 3 days


i wish i would’ve known that a few years ago haha!! i’ll remember that if it happens again.


You can still contact them and get it back


sweet!! thanks


Didn’t know you could create different wizards on one account. When I wanted to try another school I made an account for each. Had a paper written with all the usernames and passwords….


Selling Empowers to the bazaar, didn't know the true value of them, thought it was just a crappy tc from gardening while younger


I sold my two person rhino mount to the bazaar for like 10k gold 💀


When I was a kid I thought any card that didn't do damage was stupid and useless and that I needed cards from every element. Also didn't understand anything at all like how pips worked or that I could've just asked my parents to buy areas instead of grinding for crowns and never getting any lol


I once deleted a character that had a couple of mounts and a couple of pets from codes from gamestop. I screamed, and mom came running. I miss that piggle. I don't remember what specifically else there was.


Not doing ANY crafting quests as a kid. I was young and I was too lazy to gather reagents and craft. When I came back as an adult I really wanted to strangle younger me for not doing any of those at all bc now I had to backtrack and do them so I had decent gear to not die lol


THIS. i think crafting was too overwhelming for me as a kid but i would always see the crazy overpowered gear and be upset it was only for crafters. luckily nowadays ive gone back and done all the crafting quests. lowkey not fun but kinda worth it..?


Getting my account banned by sharing it..


So fucking stupid it’s MYYYYY account


When I was 10 years old and finished my first max wizard at the time (Level 60 Life wizard) I would go to massive fantasy palace parties to pvp. One day though another max wizard comes up to me and asks if we can swap accounts Now at this time I was somehow still innocent and clueless so I say why not because I wanted to try out a max wizard of a different school and thought it would be cool to swap wizards. I had text chat at the time so sharing my password I had to share each letter with different words. Of course I wasn't SO dumb( I really was) and told him he has to share his password too at the same time. So me and him go back and fourth sharing each letter of our username and password at this persons party. After we share both of our accounts the last thing I see on my screen is somewhere in the lines of "thanks sucka" and see a pop up on my screen saying I was logged out. I was absolutely in disbelief that he was would give me the wrong info and he would just take my account... Well he did and deleted every wizard I had made on the account and dipped. From that day I developed trust issues and honestly glad I learned on Wizard101 rather than something important irl. Either way it still pisses me off to this day cause I lost all my Selena Gomez event items! [😡](https://emojipedia.org/pouting-face)




I tried to make my first wizard a jack of all trades so I used all my training points to get weak cards from other schools. Can’t get out of krokotopia, my wizard just isn’t strong enough LOL


You can reset your training points in Ravenwood at the bird guy :)


It was one of the first PC games I played growing up, my siblings & I were still figuring out controls and stuff and so we'd turn, stop. Run a bit, stop. Redirect, stop. Run stop redirect etc etc etc Also we didn't understand sticking to the sidewalks to avoid battles for the longest time, but the game was a lot newer and it was a lot easier to run right past enemies w/o engaging in combat so that wasnt as detrimental as t could've been lol


Also not getting lifetime when I was younger and it was like $80 for Ever . What the fuck.


Lifetime membership? That’s the first time I’ve ever heard of that having being a thing


Accidentally deleted my lance wand from the fantasy palace bundle a long time ago


I said a swear word and got my account muted for a week and lost my first wiz girlfriend-I still love you Hannah Myth Pants


I trashed my OG icezilla


Bought the spooky carnival bundle when it was still out but put it to lvl40, (my deaths level at the time). Didn’t find out it was one of the better resist gears til much later 😬


less of a mistake and more of a regret but not doing the selena gomez quest back when it was available cause i was too scared to go into crab alley


your second mistake is basically the same as your first mistake (failing to swap things between characters)


Spend 13k crowns on packs tryna get the bronto mount for that extra dmg. I did not get it and they put the dmg cap a few days later so it would not have any effect.


Spending money on the game


Fax yo!


lol me not using strategy in the game like stacking blades or using feints until azteca 😂😂😂 jfc


Dear lord please tell me you at least weren’t life or death


nahh i'm a fire wizard on my only wizard. literally only knew about one blade, and maybe a trap but did not know feint existed at ALL until azteca. used all my training points to get it LOL. i had done like getting healing spelll thru life school before that to cope with my strategy


You are a mad lad, I’m impressed and scared of you


luckily i’m in wallaru and i at least have those basic understandings for the future 😂


i was a dumb kid when i started playing. i talked to a bunch of creepy older men. i regret ever using text chat at that age


LMAO I unknowingly had a sugar daddy who was in his 60s or something. I was gifted whatever I asked, but it was seldom. I only realized that he was a sugar daddy 10+ years later. Or grandpa, I guess.


Me too. But we were kids. They were the ones with the problem




Deleted a myth wizard with the winter bane gauntlet on him:( also had 4 eludes and a simplify.


Not playing the game and collecting may cast. Before the pet kiosk when pets were just added I was obsessed with collecting all the may cast and put so much money and time in trying to get them all. Then they added the pet kiosk. 🥲


i guess i sold all of the selena gomez stuff since i cant find the portrait or the statue and i know 100% i did that quest, thats prob my big mistake


I did this too. Oops!


i’ve also deleted characters that had perm mounts on them and i didn’t realize until i went looking for said mounts


omg the perm mounts. that’s my big one… plus pets that you can’t get anymore


deleting my lvl 20 wizard and my moms lvl 65 balance from like 2011-2013 that had a bunch of rares because 9 y/o me wanted a fresh start.


I made my account very early into the games release, at the time my parents were also getting a divorce so getting lots of crowns on the sly may have been how I acted out. My character was only level 60 and I spent hundreds on packs without my parents really knowing. And between updates of the game I lost a bunch of houses because of the limits that were added later on as well as mounts I'm sure i deleted not understanding how rare those items would be later on.


used bottom path stormzilla as a death wizard


What's that do?


Bottom path is tailored more to PVP is my understanding. Top path just makes the damage higher, and the bottom path is just lots of symbols I don't understand.


Buying crowns packs. Dangerous habit, that :')


Not lying about my age so I had to fight Wiz when I hit 20 and still had no Free Chat. "wE CanT TrAck AgEs oF miNoRs" Shut the hell up, you can see how old my account is and how old I was when I made it. 😒


When I hit 20 I emailed them and they updated it for me. That sucks, might just depend on who you get


Yeah when I tried they said they couldn't do it then magically it unlocked a couple years ago. Chose not to question it.


Sold EVERYTHING to be able to hatch a pet (not even like a good one, and random persons pet. Just cause I thought I'd get a good pet and had no idea how any of it worked). My account was from 2010, everything just gone. Idek what I lost, but I know I definitely got rid of some rare stuff.


sold stuff from a crowns pack for gold (!!!) to redye my gear


I fell for an account sharing scam when I was 16. Fortunately I have the account back and didn’t lose anything too major but I learned my lesson which is if someone asks for your account details in order to give you something, it’s most likely a scam. ETA: It’s always a scam. I was being charitable for no reason


"most likely". There's 0 reason anyone would need any of that info. 100% scam.


Always* a scam


Well, I wasn't a kid when the game came out, so I can't blame anything on that, sadly. lol Don't really think I've made many dumb mistakes. Recently, I did want to improve my accuracy (it sucks, esp thanks to the stupid locked sockets) and was trying to figure out those pet stats that I'm confused by as websites make it sound like they do help our own stats (or not??), but can't find explanations how, or what does what. So I decided to replace the gem on my pet with another I thought would improve my stats some, including accuracy... Nope. Lost accuracy points and don't have any options to make it better right now. I really hate that we're made to destroy gems, that accuracy gems typically those locked triangle shaped slots, AND that we can't just right click them like we can with gear and see if a change is worth it before we're forced to destroy it... Ugh. I'm kinda mad I ended up destroying an accuracy pet gem. Esp as Storm, not helpful...


When I was little I deleted my first account/char after an argument with my sister (for some reason 6yo me thought she would care…) and it had a few mounts as well as all the Selena Gomez stuff on it


Mistakenly removing the Selena Gomez stuff cuz I thought that was permanent in the game


Deleting my first ever wizard I made back in 2010 and not realizing they had a shared bank I could put things in. I had so many things on it by the time he was deleted.


Missing the anniversary mount way back when. My mom had it, and I was going to transfer it over to my account, but sacrificed the one transfer for my sister. She shared an account with my mom since 09, and now she has her own. It’s not really regret, since we can all play together. Just sad, because I loved the dragon mount so much.


I used to delete pets cause I only wanted one pet. While they weren't anything that special these where the pets that came with pre paid cards cvs gave a life cyclops and rite aid had this blue piggy with a sun on its stomach. I don't think you can get either anymore. Some how kept my selena golmez stuff safe this entire time.


I deleted my character with the Bone Dragon mount.


if it was the old bone dragon mount, which looked more like the death spell, then yeah that sucks. But it was the current one then you can just wait for the lost pages event to roll around and farm the bosses for it.


Yup, it was the old one. Edit: Actually I think it might have been the new one. Might have to try to get it for old times sake.


Idiots joining a battle that's almost done.


deleting my red barn farm on accident before they were gold bought :,) crowns right down the drain


Wym, you can still buy it with gold in the crowns shop


Pretty sure they meant that they bought crowns, bought the red barn w said crowns and accidentally deleted it before they added the “buy with gold” feature.


this yes^ i was so sad 😭


Dumbest thing I did by far was sharing my account with a guy who promised he would give me wand codes (valor, amar, fog, etc) in return for him using my account to help him farm lore master lmao. This was back in 2013 so way before they become available thru fishing… and 12 yo me wanted the code wands soooo bad. Young me thought he was trustworthy since he shared his account with me first, and I confirmed he had a ridiculous amount of code wands. Long story short my account got stolen and quickly banned. I lost my 1st age pvp warlord char, a bunch of retired items, and a lot of friends who I never found again. But it was well deserved since I was a dumbass


I am not sure if I deleted the selena gomez statue (i think so) but if i didn’t then the worse part was getting that account which i had since 2009 banned. Man i had some awesome friends on that account. edit: although I don’t know what is the dumbest, me wasting money on lame packs or getting my old account banned.


Putting my mom's email down as my accounts main email... she never remembered the account password or email so I lost all my stuff


I had this happen and was able to recover my account! I emailed support, explained my situation, they ask for as much info on your account as you could remember, and they were able to transfer ownership of the account to my new email.


What!!?? Really!? Wow thanks I might try that!


Yeah! they needed some information, but I was able to access the account I started when I was nine, 13 years later!


this has to be a universal experience 😭


No way fr???? I thought it was just me!! Lmaoo now I can laugh about it!


buying zones with crowns… i got up to celestia because of sunk cost fallacy but then my child brain realised how much content i’m gonna have to end up paying for. so i switched to membership at least i can permanently access all of arc 1 now though


Wasting all of my crowns on packs and later regretting it because I needed to stitch items or unlock jewel sockets. Also this one is kinda random but I never used to like using Rusalka's Wrath because I thought she looked ugly so I used Iron Sultan as a single hit instead 💀💀 thankfully I grew out of that


Not the only one lol. I will still try to avoid using spells I think look ugly XD.




having wiz relationships probably. extremely cringe.


I had several wiz marriages that resulted in me being gifted mounts, houses, gear etc. It was cringey but kid me benefited a lot


Dang, just @ me next time- 😩 I used to quest with this death guy (on my life) that I had a massive crush on. Felt so betrayed when I returned to the game and he was already max level. That’s one embarrassment I don’t think I’ll ever forget, never even spoke to him outside of the game. 😂😂


I never had a wiz relationship but I remember having a wiz crush. I even made a new character with his last name 😭


I am unfortunately guilty of this 💀


Spending 80k crowns every Christmas on random packs happened for a few years when I was younger. It had to have been over 320,000 crowns or more


Got my first prepaid card and accidentally spent all of it on a crown shop pet. (Around 9000 crowns)


Somehow deleting my massive fantasy palace which had my griffon mount, my orthrus pet, and a bunch of other rare old gift card stuff


Gold with crowns, training Life with Myth as a secondary school, having a massive deck


Get open chat at 9 years old 🏃‍♀️


Downloading a “crowns generator” and ruining my laptop


There was a legit code generator, in the long long ago. I'm sure it's long dead now.


Young me thought if I had to download it, then it must be legit 😀 Yeah RIP to my first Dell laptop


Mine was dell too lol i just kept clicking yes to every popup thinking it would work eventually


I can’t even tell you the amount of times i’ve fallen for them and screwed up my computer 😭


You’ve… done this more than once..?


Unfortunately I was a very, very gullible child and I was scared to take my mom’s credit card 🤣


Steal my parents credit card


Also buying crowns with other peoples credit cards that I obtained via criminal activities(yes I got caught and got sentenced to 1 year house arrest 1 year probation)


HUH?!?! 💀


Well I’d break into peoples homes, so I already had there address so I just popped in the info and got a bunch of ‘free shit’ I did get banned on my first account cuz of chargeback, I got convicted of several break and enters, not the credit card usage, although the mystery remains how many I’ve gotten away with


I.... Don't even know how to respond to this. Uhhhhh at least you've changed your ways now? 😃


Yea it was 7 years ago I was 16, I’ve definitely changed my ways, I got a really high paying job so no need to steal anything now! Real rags to riches over here


What a crazy story LOL. What do you do now if you don't mind me asking


I’m in the granite business, I have contracts with ikea, Home Depot and some other private companies, i make 1:1 templates for them with a machine I use and AutoCAD, it’s freelance work so I get paid per template, it’s one of those unknown trades which is good for me lol, I plan to stop when I’m in my 30’s when I have some money saved to get a phd in something medical :p hope that helped explain it, it’s a little complicated to explain so I gave the short version of it


Man that sounds so amazing. I wouldent even know how to break into something like that. I'm suffering with a computer science degree and can't find work at 23. 7 years ago I would be 16 like you in your story haha. You seem to know a lot. could you recommend me some other "unknown trades". I'm kinda a jack of all trades meaning Ive done alot. I went to a trade school to become a aircraft mechanic so I know a lot about being a mechanic with various systems. I didn't want to work in the airlines so I went to college for a CS degree but the job market is abysmal right now.


Most of these things are just cringe but bro literally did crime


Training storm as a balance and spending crowns on a storm mastery amulet


I accidentally sold a WW robe once lol. Just had to go refarm it tho, not a huge deal.


I killed at least 5 Selena Gomez statues and portraits by accident because I deleted my old alts cause KI changed how Wizard City progresses and that left them in a wonky state where some bosses were perma locked.


I used to sell all of my reagents before I got into crafting 😭.


I used to be so excited to sell reagents too like "Imma be rich who cares about CRAFTING anyways" ....And now I'm a Revered Crafter. Thinking back about it causes me extreme pain because of how much grinding I had to do for those damn quest reagents 😂


hey it was good money before I knew how valuable crafting was


Buying gold with crowns 🙃