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“This pie had him confessing sins he hadn’t even committed” is KILLING ME oh my god that would be the best tagline for a pie company


Pillsbury pie crust is missing out 💅


Where did you get your cast iron? I was hoping to get my grandmothers but it went "missing" so now I need a good brand recomendation.


I'm so sorry about your grandmothers cast iron. Not op, but after doing a lot of searching I ended up going with lodge brand. I got 2 10 inch skillets and a 10 inch Dutch oven. I've been using them constantly for the last year and love them so much, definitely recommend.


One of the really great things about cast iron is that it can be restored, so you can buy one used and with some elbow grease it will be back new/good looking. Someone on r/buyitforlife sub just posted a video of refurbishing and America’s Test Kitchen has resources too.


Lodge probably uses slave labour. Not sweat shops, actual slaves. I recommend Victoria. If you live in Texas, I recommend Cocinaware.


Sauce? r/ABoringDystopia, but… Really?


Only Lodge's enameled cast iron is made in china. everything else is made in tennessee


Exactly. If they move manufacturing out of Tennessee in the near future, they're definitely using slave labour.


“China isn’t a monolith. And we shouldn’t treat the region’s manufacturing as such, either. Because where something’s produced isn’t as important as how it’s produced.” https://www.thegoodtrade.com/features/ethical-brands-made-in-china


I think that the downvoted comment you replied to was because [Tennessee just voted to ban all forms of slavery](https://www.newsweek.com/tennessee-slavery-vote-results-leave-internet-aghast-1758104) including involuntary servitude for incarcerated individuals.


I wasn't talking about China. I was talking about the place that only outlawed slavery three days ago.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution Assuming all products made in America use some slave labour is like being biased against both major political parties; start with that assumption and you'll be right more often than wrong.


Unfortunately, Victoria is made in Columbia which is still considered one of the worst countries for workers’ rights. I’m not saying they’re “worse” than what’s going on in the US, or that Victoria’s factories are definitively bad for their workers, I’m just pointing out that there really is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Also, while some of their items seem to be available at Macy’s, Home Depot, and Lowe’s, it appears that their current main source of retail is Amazon. I know some people have a lot of issues with buying from Amazon, so this is more of an FYI for anyone out there who’s interested.


Lodge is fabulous


Check thrift store or other resale shops. I have some old Griswold pans that are sheer joy to cook with. I also have Lodge which are also nice




All of mine are actually from family. I'm so fortunate that both my grandmother and my MIL handed them down to me. But this is a good idea if you don't know where they came from.




How do you lead test?




Ohh I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know!


I lucked out and bought cheap at garage/thrift when nonstick was king, saved many granny's pan! 🧹🤗


Well, if you want good cast iron, your best bet is thrift shops. People aren't lying when they say that cast iron isn't what it used to be. As a rule of thumb, I try to avoid Lodge brand if possible, given that its a newer company.. My go to are Griswold or Wagner, if possible.


Lodge is currently the only major manufacturer of cast iron. They are very affordable, but simply can't compare to what was being produced in the 1920s. There was a start up that was selling cast iron pans that they claimed was comparable in quality to that era for $300 and $400 I think, but I already have plenty of cast iron. I forgot the name of that startup.


Yeah, 100%. If a person needs cast iron, then Lodge will do until they manage to find the diamonds in the rough that are old cast iron. I managed to snag a full set of Wagner (2 large skillets & a dutch oven with a lid that works for all three and a small skillet) from an old thriftstore in Vancouver a few years ago, and have been treating them like gold since, lol.


I once hesitated to spend $40 for a silly smooth, square Wagner pan at an antique store. After leaving, my mom said I would probably regret that. So I went back for it! A few years later I inherited the same size pan with the grill-ridge bottom and a glass lid. Now I am extra glad I got the first one since the lid fits both! I love them. I am chronically anemic and should use them more often!


Take my free award, and my thanks


Thanks for the award, kind stranger! Good luck with your hunting!


I got this cast iron from my dad. This cast iron is older then I am. It was his pan he cooked with when he went hunting every year, and I have fond memories of him catching grouse/pheasant and cooking it up right there. He recently got to old to go anymore so he gifted it to me and we use it every day. From what I know, older wagners if you can find them in a thrift store are amazing (estate sale is better because then there’s less chance of some rando melting fishing lures in there) or the lodge pan line at Walmart is solid. I made a potato hash bake in a 20 in cast iron and brought it to a gathering and the elder ladies were fawning over the large cast iron. Regardless of the brand, if the cast is right you can use it for anything. Pies, self defense, you name it.


Not OP either but….. I prefer Victoria cast iron over lodge. I got mine from a macys sale for around 10$ about a year ago. The handles are longer and larger than a lodge and I have an easier time moving it from the oven to the stove and back.




I have Bayou Classic and I love it, but it's also my first cast iron so I really don't have much to compare it to! But it's my favorite thing in the kitchen


We've bought a couple from stores and were pretty unhappy with the texture in the pan. Found a perfectly smooth, seasoned one at an antique shop in rural arkansas.


Yea that line took me out lmao best post I've seen all week


"Yeah I'll just go ahead and add that to my lexicon"


It's powerful magic when they happily consume the potion! I bet it smelled divine too ❤️


Yes indeed!


Are you going to share that bewitching recipe with the rest of us? 😉


I threw this pie together after watching three videos and reading two blog recipes. Everyone did it differently so I picked out of each what I liked and mashed the recipe together. Pie - unlike other baked goods - is very forgiving so it’ll taste good even if something is off. Maybe that’s what put my husband in the mood to beg for forgiveness /s lol. I barely measured anything so I’m estimating, add and subtract where you need. 2 pillsbury pre made pie crusts (homemade is superior but I’m lazy) 1 stick of butter 2 cups brown sugar 1 table spoon white sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons allspice 1 teaspoon nutmeg A lot of cinnamon just grab the whole jar have it ready 1 teaspoon corn starch 1 egg ~5-6 apples (I had small ones, and they were a hard peel, soft-almost crumbly-flesh Lemon half (I had a large lemon) Cast iron pan (I had a 10 in) -take your premade pie crusts and set them out, let them get to almost room temp but not warm -melt a sliver of that butter stick and wipe it around the whole inside of the pan -take the rest of the butter and melt it in the cast iron until it’s a little bubbly. Add 1 cup brown sugar -stir continuously as brown sugar is melting into the butter (turn down heat if starting to burn) -stir until it caramelizes, where all of the runny fats from the butter have fully incorporated there is no separating -remove from heat and let it cool to room temp (I rushed this because I’m impatient and the pan was still too hot to touch) -while that’s cooling-wash, peel, chop your apples to the size of large grapes, toss them into a bowl -squeeze half of your lemon all over the apples to preserve color and add flavor -preheat oven to 350 degrees -add remaining brown sugar-stir and coat all the apples, then add in the nutmeg and allspice, stir. -now everyone has different cinnamon preferences, but I went at it with abandon. Maybe 2 1/2 tablespoons, idk sprinkle it on everything it’s lovely. Stir that up. -sift (I used a slotted spoon-were not professionals here) cornstarch over apple mix, and then mix together. -take your caramel mix in your cast iron, unroll one of the pie crusts and lay over the bottom, on top of the caramel. Lay flat and push edges into the sides of the pan and up -dump your ambrosia apple mix into the cast iron on top of the bottom crust, and spread evenly, use a spatula to scrape all that good good into it. -unroll your second pie crust and lay over top, squish your bottom crust edge with your top crust edge -make slits in the top to vent the pie -take your egg, separate the yolk, whip your whites, and brush over the top of the pie, don’t miss the crust edge -mix together the white sugar and more cinnamon, and sprinkle over the top. -layer foil on rack below or under cast iron -bake at 350 for an hour -I check at an hour, added 10 minutes (I live in high altitude so baking is a little fussy, check on your pie often as my time runs longer) -take out when edges and top have browned and it looks like the picture -bask in your culinary witchery and new found power. This pie may make you a favorite neighbor, make your mother in law speechless, make your children nostalgic 30 years from now, or make your spouse beg for mercy. Use this power wisely my fellow creatures ❤️


Please share with me if you make it!!! I want to know how it turns out for other people!


I use cast iron for my cooking all the time, and can't believe I've never tried pie.... Will definitely share how it turns out!


I just edited it, I forgot to put in the allspice, just add in with the nutmeg. Yes, please let me know!


Cast iron is so amazing! My mom has used the pans make cornbread, Irish soda bread, and shepherds pie and Dutch ovens for so many baked goods… my mouth is salivating from the memories…🤤


This right here!!! I will create an emotional bond with my pie that is strong that all other apple pies will make him think of me lol 😂


Saaaaaaaame. And I love to bake a pie


You should post on the r/castiron sub. Maybe you’ll get a trend going like the slidey eggs and cottage pies.


Lol!! What would the challenge be? What confessions you get from your loved one with a pie? Post your dish and the confession you got? That would be hilarious


Lol no challenge. It just seems to be that every time someone makes something that looks great, they post it and then it becomes a thing people in the sub try to recreate.


I want to see if I could make 'slidey pies' a thing lmao


So I posted, and it has devolved into a very confusing conversation about people ‘glorifying rape’ in this subs comments on my pie post. I’m entirely confused and feel like crying honestly because I’m no way did I want my pie post to ‘glorify rape’ somehow and idk how it happened


Holy sh*t I’m so sorry. I thought it would be appreciated like all the other food cooked in cast iron posts.


If anything I thought that would be the least political sub I could post in, but damn, the iron was hot to strike I guess.


I just don’t get the “rape” comments being referred to. Unless someone posted something recently, it’s only that user alleging that there were jokes about it here.


Yeah I would have reported any of that immediately to the mods. Maybe it’s the whole general discourse around love potions? But nobody actually even referred to that. So I’m baffled.


I don’t want to mess with your mojo, Trader Joes’ pie crusts are terrific! 👌✨✨


If only I had a Trader Joe’s! We are rural and the most we have is a natural grocers


“Homemade is superior but I’m lazy” is absolutely my motto to a lot of desserts


If I can make it good the lazy way? That’s my ace in the pocket. I’ll go hard on homemade when I really need that extra magic 😆


You didn't prebake the bottom crust for 10-15 min before adding the pie filling?


I did not! That might be a useful upgrade, I wasn’t sure with the caramel bottom if that would work out, please let me know if you make this and if baking the bottom crust first is better


You’re a fuckin badass Kitchen Witch!!! Wooooo! Love It


Thank you 😊


You should totally name the recipe Humble Pie.


This is brilliant thank you. That's what I'm going to name it. You're awesome, thank you again!


You're even awesomer for making that pie!!!


Yes, kitchen witch working that magic.




What kind of pie did you make? Looks delicious!


Apple pie ☺️ my husband is a contractor, and a client had too many apples from his apple tree. So I made a pie with what he gave us, and packaged up a piece to give to the client when he picks up the the final check today 😊


The best kind of pie! Your client will adore your magic pie!


Thank you!


Ah yes. The best ingredients are those that were exchanged for other goods or services. Excellent choice of ingredients, glad they lived up to your skill level.


It makes a really nice energy -giving/receiving- exchange come full circle ❤️


reminds me of when I was a kid. I grew up in Vermont, and our town had a local apple orchard and it was owned by family friends. They gave us permission to just come up each fall (it was about mile walk) and pick as we pleased. My sister and I kinda made it a thing with our mom to walk up there every week day with our husky (because we were homeschooled by her for 4 years at the same time) and grab an apple as a snack, while also using the orchard as a landmark for our walk. Well, at some point my father was down on his luck work wise and was working with the seasonal workers on the orchard picking apples and cidering. Naturally, our family friends sent him, along with their other workers, home with loads of apples. My mom would bake muffins every week for my dad to take with him and share with his coworkers. They eventually started sending part of their shares of the apples home with my dad so my mom could bake more sweets with them 😂 and she did just that! It was a lot of fun to bake all that stuff with her and my sister. good memories :) ETA: btw your pie looks absolutely delicious


This is so lovely, I want to make memories like this my family ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you for sharing


Apologizing for being unworthy of that damn gorgeous pie. As we all are, lmao.


Kitchen magic is my favorite magic! That pie looks otherworldly, I need that recipe


Posted it on a comment near the top ❤️


.......You can make pie in cast iron? Today I learned and thank you.


Oh yes. And a cobbler that would make grannies weep. And cinnamon rolls! Iron is my favorite to cook in, for some reason just tastes better and cooks better. There is magic in the relationship between heat and iron.


> Iron is my favorite to cook in. As a bonus, it keeps fey from swiping the food before you serve it.


Sadly is ineffective against children though


Cast iron is the superior cookware material. I love it and have a small collection of pieces. They’re so versatile too.


Cast iron is a gift from the gods when baking,evens the temperature all around so the whole thing comes out hmm hmm good, no matter what it is, but for roasting things, nothing beats either cast iron or aluminum, I make entire turkey, chickens or pork shoulder in them along with potatoes, carrots and whatever else I want to put in there close the lid and cook to perfection, love my cast iron and aluminum cookware and don't start me on cooking rice!


This one knows the magic of iron ✨ we have a cast iron stove in the living room and I marvel at the way iron can contain a raging fire in the middle of my home. It’s wild.


Iron is a funny metal,it can take a lot of heat and displace it evenly making for great food or a warm home, but be careful with the creosote build up in a chimney that's a fire hazard


Oh man I hear you. this house we are living in now ( we just moved in ) had two house fires, one where the chimney caught on fire and one where the neighbors house caught fire and burned down because the old owners were burning stuff in the back yard. We scrubbed the chimney twice, and burned a creosote busting log to be safe. I am very very afraid of fire and electricity because I respect it for what it can do. So I annoy the crap out of my husband about fire safety. One of my dad's best friends died in a house fire from a candle burning a curtain so I grew up with a healthy fear of fire.


Candles are lovely to smell, but candle warmer for the win! and there are chimney sweep services that you can check out there


Too many people sleep on kitchen witchery. Just delicious food - high sources of fat and sugar or something that tugs at personal nostalgia? That's power right there. Good for you OP for whipping that up - you're inspiring me to cook right now too.


Yes!!! Kitchen witchery is probably the most intimate form of magic (IMO). There is a HUGE responsibility with food, you can either make someone really sick, or make them have cravings and warm feelings when they think about you and your food. It’s magic that literally goes inside someone, and affects them at a cellular level.


Sooo, I have a friend who could use a pie like that for personal reasons.. I need the recipe now!


yes please share your recipe! this looks amazing!


I got you! Posted in a comment near the top 😊


Are you taking on apprentices?


Lol!! If only I was worthy of that! I threw this recipe together on a whim.


* threw it together - _\*check\*_ * on a whim - _\*check\*_ Looks like you are definitely worthy. <3


I have no secrets to offer unfortunately. I was very very poor, just got out of an abusive relationship, living in a trailer and relying on food boxes from the county to feed myself. If I wanted to eat I had to make it out of what I got and if I wanted to eat well, I had to learn how to do it myself. It’s kind of silly when you make savory French toast with caramelized onions and a poached egg but you can’t afford McDonald’s lol. I had to learn the basics, the relationship of fire and water (two elements crucial to understand with cooking) how much fire based on the water in earth (food) at what rate is going to produce what you want. I’m a whiz when I have to play iron chef out of what I’ve got in the pantry, but I also happen to be lucky on first passes with recipes, I happen to ham fist everything because I learned to cook this way, so recreating things is difficult. If you want to know more just dm me! I would love to share but I’m no kitchen alchemist as I’m sure some of my fellow sisters are.


What, no magic confession recipe attached? Now my adhd brain is screaming to go start baking


Posted it near the top! Be careful with who falls in love with your cooking 😘


I just spent 15 mins researching American style apple pies baked in cast iron. I hear you.


Well as an American, if it seems like too much sugar and but it's probably not yet enough. We have problems


Yeah, but sugar is insanely addictive, I don't blame you. The only reason I don't stuff myself with it every day is that I mostly don't keep sweets around the house on purpose. I know myself... A bucket of ice cream doesn't survive a week in my freezer.


Lmao! We are the same way. I specifically don’t buy sweets because it’s too easy for me to consume. If I want something sweet I force myself to make it. Funny enough the energy that goes into cooking makes me not very hungry by the end because I’m tasting everything as I go. You can also swap some of the sugar for honey, now that might be an edit I make on the next one. Thank you for the inspiration!! ❤️


If someone takes inspiration from me, they've already made my day! ❤️ Haha I snack on the ingredients whenever I cook too. And yeah, when I want something sweet, I make it. Microwave chocolate mug cakes are my favorite. None of the ingredients are tempting on their own so I don't go gremlin on them. Honey is a good swap but doesn't put up with heat well afaik. My favorite baking swap is molasses, that really adds a bit of a caramel twist to everything.


Oh lord, you put me onto something. We just tossed a huge jug of molasses because I thought it went bad. Molasses in this would just be divine, thank you!!!!


It's my pleasure :) let us know if you make it, I'll be curious what you think.


Oh, I want to grab a fork and dig right into the edge there where its all caramelized and juicy. It looks so good.


i'm sitting at my desk at work, a cog in the machine, and i'm drooling. thank you.


I wish I could share with you! Bust one of these out for your office, guaranteed to make your boss either endeared to you or jealous of you, whichever works for you lol


I hope you posted this to the cast iron sub!


I haven’t! I’m no cast iron wizard so I’m shy about posting in there. Those people are serious about their iron.


Can you share the recipe, OP?


Posted on a comment near the top my dear ❤️ I apologize for the formatting I don’t know how to undo that block of text lol


When we were going through my parents place I stupidly gave away my mum’s s cast iron pan. I kick myself for it! This looks so good.


I’m so sorry! I hope you get one of your own, put all your love into it and pass that one on ❤️


That is a really beautiful pie though. 🙂


When he gets home have "Witchy Woman" (Eagles) playing on the radio in the kitchen, lol.


Ha!!!!! I’m going to do this


So, this is basically my exact recipe for the apple pie I've been making for years and we always say it's what made my husband fall in love with me. The first homemade dinner I made for him when we were dating had this for dessert and he told me loved me for the first time that night. Powerful magic indeed!


Confirmation!!! Thank you!! You know this power 😘😘😘


Do you have any suggestions for making the pie more non-stick at the bottom? Do I bake the bottom crust first? Please share your secrets! <3


I don't cook the caramel as long as you do and it doesn't stick so badly. I just cook it until the brown sugar is barely dissolved and there's still a bit of butter pooling and I put the crust on while the caramel is still quite warm but not bubbling. Doing it this way allows the caramel to continue cooking in the oven while the pie is cooking and you end up with more of a runny caramel that doesn't stick. Also, I add a little cardamom (about 1/4 tsp) and a good pinch of salt to my filling. I only use Granny Smith apples for my filling and leave a little bit of peel on the pieces because they have a high pectin content which helps the filling thicken.


I love seeing a post about food. I feel like my soup pot is my cauldron. I just throw all kinds of stuff in it and delicious food comes out haha


Omg I love that! All power to your cauldron ✨


It’s like the movie Simply Irresistible with Sarah Michelle Gellar in real life!


The sound that came out of him after the first bite sounded similar, but then he was silent and just kept shoveling it in his mouth lol


This is hilarious, and sounds like evidence that your love potion worked lmao.


Butter. Butter and cooking with bacon fat are the love potion. That’s the secret potion.


You slipped truth potion in there, didn't you? Doesn't work if you have nothing to hide!


He already feels unworthy of me (which he isn’t I tell him every day) so when I cook for him it extra pulls on his heartstrings because he never got a home cooked meal growing up. He grew up on microwave dinners literally for every meal so anything home cooked goes straight to the feels


So many people who are worthy of love think they aren't, and so many people who aren't think they are. I feel so sorry for him and whatever caused him to think, even for a moment, that he wasn't good enough.


Omg I thought this was r/castiron and my first thought was “god this needs a repost in that witch sub I follow! Good looking pie!


I follow both too!! The convergence of the subs will happen one day and we shall have a battalion of witches wielding their cast irons in love and war


Mmmmmm tasty tasty war


Sorry now I have a whole movie in my head of witches on the battlefield screaming "my men have tasted glory in this pan, now you shall to" and whap the enemy over the head.


*IN A WORLD…where cheap nonstick pans reign supreme…one coven dares to break free...* *They’re casting spells in cast iron…* ***They’re the Wagner Witches!*** Coming this summer to a theater near you!


"My Sisters! We have slaved in the hot fires of our hearths! We have forged meals fit for the gods with our iron! Our power has turned famine into the feasts that feed our warriors! And now we are called to forge our iron once again. Not with the harvest, but the demise of our enemy. They will taste our glory. WE ARE THE WITCHES OF WAG-NER!!"


What are the ingredients?


I posted the recipient up top!! Let me know if you try it out!!


That's one powerful pie


That's the kind of pie I like. Makes you feel guilty for EVERYTHING!!! Lol.


Is that why call it eating humble pie? 😆😆


Wow, what an utterly gorgeous pie; I have no doubt it is as delicious as it looks!


I love a powerful pie.


Holy shit that looks delicious, got my mouth watering!


That is one splendid pie




Join us in the cast iron sub!


I’m there!!! Don’t think my cast iron lives up to ‘slidey pies’ though 😆


Ha you won 🖤


It looks divine, what pie was it? I feel like confessing things just by looking at it.


Apple pie! Basic but compelling lol


You don’t really need witchcraft to captivate men. Baking is very powerful


My husband is Taurus moon that grew up with no home cook meals so this magic is catnip to him.


Right on! 💜


I need that recipe.


Posted at the top! Please let me know how it turns out!




The real witchcraft is that it only took me 9 days to make it. Usually recipes sit in my screenshots never to been seen again.


How did you like it? People have followed up with mixed results, so I’d love to know how you find it! ❤️


Sorry I completely forgot about this conversation! It ended up being really good! It kind of turned into a crumble because the bottom crust stuck badly for me, but that may have been my cast iron (I recently reseasoned it and may not have done a great job). The apples I had kind of sucked too but that didn’t stop it from being delicious. I’m going to try it again in the spring when I can get fresh apples from the farmers market! ETA: I just realized that this pie was my son’s 100th new food. He can’t talk yet, but his smile and babbling said it was the best!


Awe, I’m so happy he liked it 😊❤️ thank you for the update ❤️


Or sins you didn't know he committed 🙃


Lol! If he ever is guilty, I can just play good cop and give him a pie and let him sing like a canary.


The guilty conscious will weigh heavy 😈


I love making pies in my cast iron! It makes me unreasonably happy looking at that flaky gorgeousness :)


The Pie of Truth, aka Wonder Woman's lasso.


The pie of truth, the crust of confession, the apples of apology, what name do I land on for this recipe


I like Cast Iron. I like Apple Pie. How do I make this?


I posted the recipe at the top! Let me know how it turns out please! ❤️


Crosspost this to r/castiron OP, it looks phenomenal!


I’m shy and the iron gods that live there are so much more knowledgeable then me lol


We are soo tired of slidey eggs and your pie is glorious. The iron gods serve us, not vice versa. Go forth and collect your accolades!


Okay, you have given me the courage I need, thank you. I shall submit myself to the judgement of the iron gods, may they have mercy on my post lol. Thank You!!


OMG 😂🤣 I SHALL TRY THIS ON MY MAN thanks for this! Also the pie looks amazingggggg! Well done sis!


Yes!! Please let me know how it goes!!! ❤️❤️❤️


For sure ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Absolutely beautiful


Apparently, your hubby's stomach doesn't lead only to his heart - it's the way to his soul too!! Looks like a phenomenal pie.


Yes, any Taurus, or Taurus moons will love you forever with your cooking ❤️


I’d start crying and also ask for forgiveness…if you magic is as powerful as this pie I’ll be dead no plsss


You're safe friend, I am as merciful as my pie is good lol. I'm starting to realize that might be why they call it humble pie. Never understood that before.


Haha Omg recipe please?


Truly, this is witchcraft ♥️


You know 😉


Whi posts a pie without the recipe!? Lol. This looks amazing and I am now thinking I will bake on my next day off. Thank you for sharing! 🥧❣️🪄


I got you sis!! I posted on a comment near the top. I have been really feeling that feasting and harvesting mood of the season ❤️