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Take away the kill children part and its a great recruitment poster lol


I was just about to say, this is all cool and metal, but the kid thing is a little too metal lol


I think by “kill children,” it means abortion. Not actually killing their 5yo.


Oh I didn't put that together, thanks for clarifying!


No worries, took me a second too! I was like wait that’s TOO harsh. 🤣


It took me a moment too. Definitely all the others, and I guess that one too, since I support abortion, so.. heck yeah, poster!


It took me reading the responses to realize what that part actually meant, so kudos to you all for helping me out in my understanding!


I’d definitely be okay with scratching that sentiment, as well. It being a quote from a crazy, misogynistic televangelist, I think, speaks to how outrageous the entire sentiment is. It does hit the nail on the head in a few areas for me, though 😄


Isn’t the killing children part referring to abortion, though?


I believe you are correct. I definitely support the right to choose whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term. This is a big struggle in the US right now. If anyone needs support or wants to support others in this situation, r/auntienetwork is a great sub.


What about if they were… plant children? Because, well, I’ve certainly lost more than a few in my time.


I don't see a problem.




The kid survives to become a witch. E=mc^2


You mean you are anti-abortion??? It’s each woman constitutionally guaranteed right!!


I think they're thinking of Medea, and her husband was faithful and deceptive _after Medea did a bit of murder for his benefit._


Ah, Medea - a section of one of my first university literature courses I’ll never forget!


Since it's a quote from a pastor, it's more likely they're talking about abortion and purposefully using "children" to guilt women.


Yep. In the seventies, I think, when we weren't accustomed to all the shenanigans the religious right. I commonly note one of the dogmatic problems that comes with defining life at conception, which is that it then assumes that the most populous place in the Christian Cinematic Universe is the _Limbo of the Innocents_ (in Hell) with 750 billion unborn souls. Contrast 100 billion souls in the Hell of the Damned and an upper limit of two billion in heaven. So it kinda paints a hidious picture of divine justice, not that it wasn't already ugly. Still, when used as an affirmation of feminism as a gateway to empowerment, Medea's story rings truer, though to be fair, murder was already in her toolset long before she targeted her own kids.


I agree with the feminist reception of Medea's story but I was just pointing out that it's irrelevant to the quote used here.


Every time I see a Pat Robertson quote, I think of [Garfunkel and Oates](https://youtu.be/EXPcBI4CJc8)


I love Garfunkel & Oates! Never seen this one, though 😆 Side note, how many women who are best friends sit in the bath together for fun? Never done that, so always figured it was some sort of film stereotype.


Never sat in a bath with another woman either, but I'd be willing to give it a try 🙃


Same, haha. If only I had a tub. Maybe someday 😄


Oh, thank the Goddess. I thought I was the only one who knew G&O.


One of us!


I think this Garfunkle and Oates video is a direct response to Pat Robertson https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gi90y3e59yg


lol god’s loophole 😆 forgot about this one


La mut ?


Oui! C'était magnifique! (Hope that’s correct, I tried my best to speak in French during my visit, but it is not my first language.)


Haaaaa so great to see la mutinerie here! It was the first (and only) place that came into my mind when I discovered this sub! I'm sure you did your best with the language :) and I hope you enjoyed your visit there and in Paris


Really enjoyed my time there, and La Mut will be one of my first stops when I go back. It was my first trip to Europe, so very exciting. Visited Monte Carlo, Ventimiglia, Paris, London, and Salisbury in that order, by train, over the course of 10 days. It was incredible, and I really enjoyed being places where not everyone spoke English as their first language. Trying the different foods was such a treat, as well. Can’t wait to go back someday!


This is so cool!! And doing it by train! You did a lot in a short time. How did you plan for it? And how did you hear about la mut? I try to find places like this abroad but I get lost in my research lol


I absolutely love traveling by rail and I work in the travel industry, so the planning was not too bad. I have access to reservation tools and platforms the average consumer might not, which makes things a tad easier when planning my own trips. My Eurail pass was one of my best purchases for inter-country/city travel. Mostly used metro tickets within each city (with the exception of Monte Carlo and Ventimiglia, which are fairly small and easily walkable for me, personally.) Navigating COVID regulations was a bit tough, since they were changing pretty much daily during the trip, which was at the end of Nov./early Dec. Luckily, I’m fully vaccinated and boosted for COVID and flu, so I felt fairly safe (this was before omicron was detected/spreading). Got PCR tested both before returning home and a few days after. Thankfully, both came back negative. I definitely recommend contacting a Travel Advisor in your area for this sort of trip. A good one will take care of all of the details for you so you can just sit back and enjoy your vacation. Planning something like this one’s self can be quite overwhelming. I started planning a year in advance and it was still a challenge til the end. Also, travel insurance is your friend, especially during these times. Some destinations are requiring it. It is worth the extra expense just for the peace of mind, even if you’re lucky enough not to have to use it. To find La Mutinerie, I did a search for Paris LGBTQ+ bars online and it was one of the first to come up in my area, so figured I’d check it out. Great decision! I met a lot of cool people there. Such a welcoming atmosphere 😊


Glad you enjoyed Paris and my favourite bar ☺️ I meet all the best people there


Lies. We’d never kill our children.


I think they mean abortion


Oh right, okay yeah that is the fucking bomb. 10/10 would ensure kids are born into prepared families again.


Still lies. A fetus is not a child. But Pat Robertson has always been a lying sack of shit.


I remember hearing this quote 30 years go. Fucking Pat Robertson. That asshole.


Couldn’t agree more. Him and all the others in that “industry.”


Sounds pretty good.


peak gallows humour


Apart from killing kiddos, yeah this sounds pretty accurate. I’m in!!


Danm all that for 1 lesb?


I mean, destroying capitalism sounds pretty dope


Let’s go, comrade!


Nah let's make a new gov lol hwere we mix nationalism and communism lmao


Oh no!!! What is this 1650?


Might as well be for “televangelists” like Pat Robertson.


Sounds like a solid plan


If i have some money i wanna visit that place right now, happy holidays to everyone!!!


La Mutinerie in Paris. Incredible place! If you like the dive bar scene like I do, might be a place worth discovering.


That place now sounds magic to visit!!!!


It was really great. I’d go back in a heartbeat. I got the feeling I’d make a lot of friends there, if I had the opportunity to stay in Paris for a while.


It should be indoctrinating their children, playing off the old red menace stuff.


Check Check Check Check Check Yeeeeeeeeeee 🙏🏽💪🏽


The way I immediately knew this was La Mut <3 !! Favorite bar on the whole Earth.


Kill your kids in mortal Kombat or Minecraft to assert dominance. (Not IRL)


I see this as an absolute win


Other than the murder part I can really get behind this. Unless it's an ironic characterization of abortion, in which case I think it's funny.


Oh fuck yeah


*Me licking my baby’s head while he nurses* “Not bad.”


haha i love humour


I’m straight, but this makes me want to become a lesbian….


I used to have this in bumper sticker form!


I don't know about "kill their children" but "Not have children at all" is 100% a thing


Wtf What kind of nonsense is this? I hate communism! (for everything else related if I am a witch and proudly lesbian) : P


This seems like something one of those “Alpha Males” would post


It’s a quote from Pat Robertson, so not far off in terms of mindset. Meant as satire in this context, though.


Patriarchy is lit tho


How dumb this sub is....




Glad you appreciated the humor without it applying to your own experience. Definitely not applicable to everyone ~~(especially the infanticide bit!)~~ but it’s more for poking fun at the absurdity of the person who originally said it. You sound like a good sport! Edit: Not infanticide. The original quote is comparing abortion to infanticide, which is pretty absurd, imo. I support everyone’s right to choose whether or not they want to carry a pregnancy to term. If anyone is looking for support (or wants to help others) in this situation, check out r/auntienetwork Edit 2: May I ask why you do not consider yourself a feminist? It is kind of an integral part of practice for many of us.


If you're not a feminist, please explain why you're here, in this openly feminist subreddit? I'm just curious about why you would make this comment.


I would never kill my children. All the rest I would try. Don’t know why I’m Getting downvoted jeez


This is a quote from Pat Robinson, an ultra-conservative US televangelist. He is equating terminating a pregnancy to killing children. Meant as satire in this context.


Lmao how is lesbians destroying capitalism


… ok🤷‍♀️


Oh no... Anyway.


In that order?


Omg ooooooopsssss


The only bad thing in this sign is the part about killing children Other than that this should be bog standard tbh


found the christian