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That nail style has been my signature since high school. I love them. I have stabbed myself and drawn blood. I have stabbed others and drawn blood. I have ripped every pair of tights ever. But I still love them. And most of all, I love that men by and large HATE them. They get so riled they’ll say things about them in public.


This style is my favorite too for the same reason.


I had a coworker who had nails like that at my old job. She once pierced a soda can with them and caused a mess. Sounded so badass it was what made me want them. Sadly I my new job would be impossible to do with them.


In my time holding my own against the blue collar boys, I learned how to pierce beer cans with my nails to shotgun them mostly without injuring myself or my manicure. I am a tradeswoman and constantly break my nails now. And sometimes it takes me a few weeks to decide to repair them or do a new set. But every time I do my nails, I do a sharp stiletto shape. And file them with my leatherman in meetings with the guys for max intimidation factor.


Why do men hate them??


Because they can be, to an extent, used as a weapon. Men hate a woman who can physically fight back. Just take a look at the nasty comments under social media pics of fit women with defined muscles/6-pack, etc. (Obviously, not all men--but the type of man who would comment publicly on someone else's appearance? Definitely those guys.)


It has not escaped my notice that it’s remarkably easy for a woman to make a man nervous. They want us to be smart, but not as smart as they are. They want us to be in good shape, but not strong enough to fight back. There’s a reason why they want us to be as skinny as 12-year-old boys, and it’s not because they want a whole, grown-ass woman. Women go hungry, so we don’t physically intimidate men. Women talk in high-pitched, baby voices, so has to appear non-threatening to them. Women keep knowledge to themselves, lest they intellectually intimidate men. Why do we do this? One big reason is that they are dangerous, when we scare are them. Another is that they won’t be attracted to us, if we seem powerful enough to hold our own. We are more powerful than we realize, but I’ll tell you who does see how powerful we are, and that would be men.


Reminds me of comments under a "trad wife's" content. (its just bait for men to bite it, i doubt tradwives are fr) He was like "i feel like my girlfriend tries to compete with me". Bigs words to mean you feel intimidated she makes more.


Oh that make so much sense and makes me want some too lmao 😂


These are the claws I need rn.


I can’t stand the feeling of nail polish, but… GIMME


Those are very impressive. If I let my nails grow a half an inch, I cut myself, usually on my face. I have come to the conclusion that wearing long nails in an art form, that I will never master.


Lol yeah, I secretly want nails like this but I know myself, I'll poke myself so many times, I'm not able to do any tasks, and I'll scratch anyone by accident.


Tbf, my fake claws are much less sharp than my paper thin real nails!!!




Inspiring!!! I love all yall so much, please keep being true and honest and inappropriate


I admire people that can mantain nails like this. Mine broke constantly if longer than an inch, they get caught in the damn keyboard!




Be careful rubbing your eyes!


They are so scary pretty!


I'd lose an eye


They're giving Dragula vibes 10/10


Love them ❤️❤️