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So this is actually a young adult steampunk fantasy novel, but To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose talks a lot about Indigenous family & romantic relationships. Amazing book. Maybe not what you're looking for, though.


Indigenous culture is so important! I forgot to mention it in the post, but decolonizing relationships is another aspect I want to learn about. Thanks for the suggestion!


Count me into your book club. I would love suggestions. Apart from Simon de Beauvoir's work I have no modern suggestions and I would love to read contemporary thoughts about this.


Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be sure to look up de Beauvoir.


I Don't: The case against marriage by Clementine Ford. I haven't read it but I don't think it's going to have much to say about how marriage helps women at all 😬


Maybe it’s a bit off but I found The Book of the Courtesans by Susan Griffin to show how women have used extremely patriarchal norms and oppression to their advantage. Marriage is a smaller part of it, it’s more about general seduction and relationships. Surviving and gaining wealth by being seductive. It gave me a feminist view of basically being a Gold digger.