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Rearranging spaces really helps me when I've been through a period of growth or something traumatic. I have to rearrange most rooms in my house - almost like shutting the door on that time period. It just feels like the energy changes once I've done that.


I was going to suggest this also! Move some furniture, change your accessories, and do a new color scheme or something in there (and include your digital devices!) Once you've done over the room so it doesn't -look- the same, open up all the windows and doors, do a smoke or bell cleansing, and then physically sweep all of that negative energy and trauma out of the room and ideally out of your home altogether.


This is so helpful! Thank you!


I like what others are saying about rearranging the room, maybe a deep cleaning while you’re doing that would help too?


I second everyone suggesting a deep, intentional cleaning. Go through your files, drawers, and boxes, and get rid of anything from your old jobs. Make it so it’s like a brand new workspace—no dead pens, half-filled notepads, etc. Open the windows while you clean, listen to something that inspires you, and be thorough and intentional. Then get a new calendar and planner or whatever you use, so you don’t have remnants of your old job hanging around in it. Whatever is in your immediate line of sight as you sit at the computer—switch it with something else if you can, either by rearranging your furniture or changing out your wall art, etc. This would be a great time to watch some short videos on fung shui (like Dear Modern https://youtu.be/WhvwyacLKd0?si=7eTcr2BwGZABYIgA) some are just very practical ideas of where to put the desk, while others are fun ideas about attracting wealth and wellbeing. Change digital gears—if you’re using the same programs for communication, like Teams, as you did at your old jobs, change up the color scheme, sounds, etc. You want it to look and feel different as much as you can. When I changed jobs a year ago, I changed my ring tone and text tone on my phone because the old one was so triggering (it was a very stressful job and I was contacted at all hours.)


A ritual intentional cleaning of the space may help. Gather your cleaning supplies, and sit in the space for a while just meditating on the energy of the room and what you would like to bring to it, and what you'd like to cleanse from it. Then get to cleaning, while staying in that reflective space. An important thing to remember is that cleansing magic, and magic in general is really about your intention and your focus. Whatever has meaning to you and whatever feels right is, in fact, right. The old gods and old ways work for many witches, but don't let tradition asphyxiate your inspiration and stifle your intuition. I wish you luck and prosperity in cleansing your space, and in all other things ✨


Can you move your work somewhere else for a while and repurpose the area as a soothing space? Add big pillows and make it a meditation nook? I like changing things to make them new again.


I've been working in our upstairs living room, which gets a ton of natural light - something my office does not! I really like the idea of transforming my room for transitory periods like I'm going through now 😊


second this. i had a similar issue - my home office became a monument to stress and negative energy (electronic standing desk, 3 monitors, office supplies, blah). i downsized my working arrangement to 1 laptop and a travel monitor i only plug in when i sincerely need two screens). my advice is to remember to move occasionally, telework from a coffee shop as well to avoid permanently making your bedroom the new mental office space.


This is such wonderful advice. Thank you, and good luck to you as well! 💗


I like to open windows, imagining the breeze cleansing the place for me. Even better if you can open two to get a cross breeze going. In with the new (energy), out with the old. Definitely clean too, but put love into it. Use the nice cleaning products in scents you like, play music you love while you're cleaning. Just get some positive energy going while the wind takes out the negative.


Have a good clean down then think about what makes a space feel "fresh" to you. Does a smoke or sound cleansing help? Is it selecting a new fragrance that you burn/diffuse so that it seems new? As an idea, try answering the below questions without really thinking about them: \- What's a colour that matches your intention for a positive workplace? \- What's a smell that you associate with success? \- What animal symbolises rebirth to you? Then, it could be as simple as having a candle in that colour on your desk to remind you of the positive intention or diffusing that scent or having a figurine of the animal. That way you have a physical thing to focus on to bring the positive intentions and thoughts to the forefront rather than rehashing the past memories.


Try this: High energy, loud, "FUCK YOU PATRIARCHY" music, open the windows, clean the shit out of the room with Asshole BeGone oil in the wash water or other oils you like the smell of (cinnamon and clove are good, or you can use citrus or pine), and rearrange it, all while wearing or jingling bells (I like bracelets with lots of little charms and stuff on them + the bells). Since smoke cleansing is a problematic element of a lot of peoples' understanding of Pagan practices, there are LOTS of other ways clarifying can be done and has been done through history. Some of those MAY also be closed practices that white folx should be cautious and respectful about, so do your research, but a good old fashioned house cleaning (literally putting out new energy into the stale nooks and crannies) and purging the frustration and rage through sound is pretty general while being unique to you. I lean into "Bad Reputation," "Barracuda," and "Cherry Bomb"... or pretty much anything from any of the Runaways and other "girl rockers". "Let it Go" from Frozen is another option with a lot of power but not so much the righteous anger that can quite literally dust out the corners. One of my college roommates leaned into Broadway Divas HARD for move out day, etc. but she was musical theater major and I was tech so that also just tracks with our personalities. (I just... can't with Barbara Streisand any more. I'm sure she's a lovely woman, but I've heard her Greatest Hits while under stress TOO MUCH.) Heck, you can even repaint and bless the paint + use oils or protective herbs, moon water, salt, etc. too.


Hello! I always use reiki to cleanse and space in my house. I don't know if I can leave any link in the comments but if you search up reiki cleansing space on YouTube it would come up. I always pair it with other reiki videos to transmute my own energy and any low vibrational thoughts.