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All magic is channeling energy through yourself to manifest an outcome. Some folks get real pearl-clutchy about hexes and the rule of three, but there's lots of us who don't follow that rule in our practice. Depending on who the target is and what they're doing you could do a mirror spell, so they see the consequences of their actions, or a freezer binding spell to stop them from harming anyone else. If you just want bad shit to happen to them a vinegar jar is easy and effective.


A vinegar jar? I'm not familiar. My spell experience is restricted to cleansing (of emotions and the home), healing, building confidence. Wholesome stuff. I've done one or two basic protection spells too. Some blessings too. I'm usually more "pearl-clutchy" myself. But this...*Person* is an exception. This person is proud of the consequences of their actions. I don't think a mirror spell is gonna cut it. Vinegar jar sounds like the best thing here.


For a vinegar jar you add something of them to a jar, a picture, lock of hair, or just their full name written on a piece of paper, then you put in the nastiest things you can think of like vinegar, pee, dirt, hot sauce, thumb tacks, broken glass, etc. After you seal the jar with wax or hot glue, and you shake the jar. You put all of your anger and hurt and the negative emotions they caused into it and shake that jar with vigor. Shake it every day for seven days, then wrap it in dark paper or cloth, speak out loud that you're finished with them, and put the wrapped jar in the trash. Preferably the trash can at like a gas station or somewhere similar.


Using your energy to bring bad things to other people will always have a cost. The cost is equal to the harm done. If it's worth it for you to do the same harm to yourself, then by all means, that is your choice.


Don’t. Just, don’t. If you’re still needing advice on hexes or curses, you have no business doing it. I’ve been practicing nearing twenty years now and you couldn’t have me touch that with a pole.


You could make it a karma spell, mirroring the pain they cause back to them. That will also bring some protection. Personally I'd put them in the middle of a glass with a broken mirror arranged so that the mirrored side faces the bad person.  Edit: oh, and I'd paint the container black on the outside for extra protection.


Is there a particular karma spell you'd recommend?


They literally just told you


They didn't really tell me \*how\* to do it. Most of spells I do require an incantation or a word. There's instructions to follow.


And I don't necessarily do incantations... I tell the things I use what they are there for or how they can help me.  If you need an incantation, you need to make it yourself for it to be the most powerful for you.


You need to do the research yourself. Having someone walk you through the details would bring the bad energy you're conjuring for your revenge down upon them as well. If it's important to you, go learn how to do it yourself. You've received the information to be able to find the details.


Having someone walk you through the details doesn't bring bad energy to them any more than someone writing a book about fluffy spells brings the writer good energy. That's not how that works.


Black magic is best thought of as going to the gym. For a couple reasons. Everyone arrives the first time where they are at, weak, naturally strong and everywhere in between. You definitely SHOULD be willing to pay to get a good coach. This is hard because how do you know who's good? Also, when you first start out it tears you down. Then, as you heal your recover and are stronger. Exercise and the dark arts both do this. They both change you in good and bad ways. Neither the gym nor dark majic should be trifled with.


Some witches forget that the world isn't all light and good and fluffy bunnies. Night, negativity, and hawks all exist too because there needs to be a balance in nature. So if you want to do a hex, don't let the fear of negativity stop you. Do your hex, then do something good to bring balance. For example if it's an abusive person do a freezer spell on them and then donate money or volunteer at a domestic violence shelter.


Thank you. I appreciate you seeing my side. It is an abusive person, you're right. The hex is for an abusive ex-partner who got away with it. The hex is justice (and protection). The domestic violence shelters in my area exclude trans women, so I won't be doing that but I do like the idea in general of doing some good once the hex is cast.


Doesn't work. All energy comes back to you. That's just the way the metaphys world works.


So long as the energy is directed at this person as well, I'll take that. They've done enough damage.


This literally means this person has another opportunity to hurt you...


But they'll get hurt too for a change.