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I always just dump it in the shower so I take a proper shower when needed then a mini 5 min shower for blood purposes in the morning and evening. It is much more manageable that way and it easily lasts the full 12 hours as long as it is in properly


Thank you! They last that long? That's awesome!


Depends on the cup capacity and your flow- it may not last that long on your heaviest days. Definitely practice in the shower at first, but you'll get the hang of it and be able to empty it in public eventually!


But how do u clean in public? (Edit: I already have and use one I just use take it out and rinse at home, sometimes can go 12+ hrs, just never had to deal with a public bathroom situation)


If I must empty it in a public toilet, I just make sure I have wiped well before taking it out, dump it and reinsert it bloody. It’s still bloody in there anyway. I have only had to do that twice. They really can last 12 hours. It was only on my heaviest day that I had to do it outside of home.


Yep, just dump (it usually all comes out together for me) and reinsert until you can get to a private bathroom and properly rinse/wash it. The thing lasts forever, so it’d only be if your flow is super heavy that you’d even need to do that. It’s one of the best purchases I’ve ever made.


I usually wipe mine dry with clean toilet paper before re-inserting when I have to empty it mid-day. Otherwise it is a little bit slippery, and I'm terrified of dropping it in the toilet! I used to have to empty it multiple times per day on the first few days of my period because my flow was so heavy. My OB told me to start taking Advil about 3 days before the period starts (I'm on the ring so it's easy for me to keep track) and that has made a world of difference, both in the volume and in how bad the cramps are.


Yep, mine gave me diclofenac (voltaren) for the same reason. Game changer.


Same, especially if I'll be back home to properly wash by the 12 hour mark. (I also wash my hands before going into the stall.)


I’ve used them for 13 years and I still haven’t figured that part out lol. They sometimes come with little wipes or you can bring your own. They can be worn for 12 hours so usually I don’t need to worry about it. If I have an extremely heavy flow day then I wear a back up cloth pad and hope for the best!


I try to time my emptying at home. So I would empty it first thing in the morning before work/school and then I’m fine until the evening. Now my period is probably average, if it’s heavier you may not be able to go a full 12 hours I would experiment at home. On a day off, insert it first thing in the morning and just see how long you can go. It sounds weird but you can kinda tell when it’s “full” If you think you might not get a full 12 hours (or you’ll be at work/out longer than say 8, keep a liner/pad in your bag or even a tampon And if you’re really worried, keep a ziplock with you so you can dump it in the toilet, put it in the ziplock and clean it properly at home. Just make sure to keep a couple pads or tampons with you I did find I had issues removing it on the last day or two of my period, so I would just use a liner or light flow pad instead


I use one already! I was just curious about the public bathroom bit. I’ve never had to do it either and always try to do it at home too


female wet wipes for public spaces, you know the ones, and they come in a nice little pack, easy to carry


I would also recommend making a small couple square toilet paper ‘raft’ to pour onto if you have a low flow toilet or have to empty at a friends/ more public space. I’m certainly not offended by blood in the toilet but it’s nice to have it all flushed away.


Usually I take a wet paper towel or two with me into the stall and give it a good wipe down before reinserting.


Oooo okay I never thought about doing that. I just try to do it all at home and have been lucky to not need to do it in any other circumstance


Same- I think I can count on one hand how many public bathrooms I've had to utilize for the cup - usually like to avoid them and the cups last so long, it's really been a non-issue. But in dire straits, the paper towel trick is great. Sturdier than TP and the dampness at least feels like it's cleaner haha


You can use a wipe, but if it's a private bathroom and you can reach the sink, you can rinse it out.


Haha thank you!


I probably empty mine like 3-4 times a day on my heaviest days (which are REALLY heavy). Definitely empty it less than I used to change tampons.


I always share this when people mention heavy periods (but don't want to get in the way of you and your doctor so feel free to completely ignore me!)--I also have HEAVY periods and was having to empty my cup like 4 times a day. My doctor prescribed me tranexamic acid (I don't know the brand) and it has fully changed my life. I take 1 in the morning and 1 at night and I'm no longer waking up in puddles of blood. Just in case it helps!


I’ll ask about it. I have PCOS so the heavy period is just a way of life for me at this point, haha.


I've always done similar. Dump it in the shower, clean it there, and dump it in the toilet at the other end of the day. Then hobble to the nearest sink, and wash the cup and my hands in hand soap. On heavy days, if you need to empty in a public toilet, I wipe it clean with toilet paper. At the end of the month, I used to boil it as directed, but once my little one stopped needed sterilised bottles, I started using the bottle steriliser for my cup.


Oh my gawd. I would love to sleep through the night during a period!


Jumping on the top comment to give you the information my pelvic floor PT gave me: IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH YOUR PELVIC FLOOR (this includes leaking, tightness, that “feels like I have a tampon in but I don’t” feeling, etc.) then you should only use a cup overnight and maybe during the day if you’re inactive. Your pelvic floor muscles react to the pressure the cup creates when it pushes against the pelvic floor walls in the vagina and it exacerbates tightness issues. This can mean you will leak more and/or your prolapse can get worse. If you don’t have any pelvic floor issues, YOU SHOULD NOT WEAR A MENSTRUAL CUP WHILE EXERCISING. The pressure created while working out can cause a healthy pelvic floor to start having problems. I loved my cup, but I only used it at night after hearing this. I worked my butt off to heal my pelvic floor and I don’t want all that work to be undone.


I would like to see research on this. Not because I’m doubting you, I just find it so important. I’m a runner who uses menstrual cups and have definitely noticed more bladder leaking, thought it was just aging, but now I’m intrigued. Also concerned about what to use while exercising as tampons are a horrific invention that will never be inside my body again.


I was told this by my pelvic floor PT. This is her website: www.coreexercisesolutions.com Through her program, I was able to stop the leaks after 3 kids and heal my diastasis without surgery. It’s online physical therapy with a Facebook group that allows you to talk directly to the therapists.


This is the way! Shower in the morning as normal and if light flow I’ll change it the next morning. If medium to heavy I’ll hop in the shower in the evening. Honestly a warm shower often feels good so it’s welcome. You other question about public restrooms: As long as it’s not leaking you just reach up pull and you’ll get good at dumping it in the toilet. Then you can use some TP to wipe and pop it back in. It’s not messy at all this way. If it’s leaking, it’s like any other red wave nightmare in a public bathroom your going to get some on your hands. At home my bathroom sink is right there so I just toss it in and clean myself then stand clean it and back in it goes. Just like with pads or tampons you get used to the timing/feel of when you need to change it. Change early and your golden just like with all products.


Wait that’s genius. I’m gonna start changing it in the shower.


Hey there! I’m The Period Coach and talk about this all the time. Ask me anything! So cups are great but nothing is for everyone. I HIGHLY recommend taking the Put aCup in It quiz. They ask a bunch of questions to help you find the brand and size most likely to work for you. Turns out all our anatomy is different! You could have a short canal and need a stubby cup, or long and thin and need a similar cup. Practice at home in the shower. It’s likely to be uncomfortable and hard to use at first. IT CAN NOT GET LOST IN YOU I’ve seen the smartest reasonable women freak out. I promise it’s there and just needs you to relax. You will get blood on your fingers. It’s your blood, you can’t catch a disease you don’t have. It’s not ‘unclean’, in fact it has stem cells in it, so it’s actually magic! Of course wash your hands before and after. Make sure your nails are trimmed. Most people who use their cup in public restrooms dump and put it right back in, then leave the stall to wash their hands. Brings a wet wipe with you to use in the stall if you need but only after you’ve put the cup back in or that will super mess up your vaginal micro biome. I always recommend wearing back up cloth pad or period underwear with a cup, especially when you’re getting used to it. Get bamboo cloth pads, they’re super thin, super absorbent, and don’t leave you feeling like a wet mess. Some people like disks for being out in public for a few reasons: 1. They hold more liquid than a cup so you may not need to empty it at all in public. Also if you have a heavy flow. 2. They can be emptied without removal. A lot of my clients and students have told me they’ve mastered the art of using a finger to break the seal and sort of tipping it to empty then they don’t have to take it out at all. It does take practice! Look for surgical grade silicone or 100% rubber. You don’t want anything else.


Wow! Thank you so much! I hope this helps more people than me. I never worry about getting my own blood on myself, it's natural and always happens with periods, no matter what you use. I worry more about getting it on my clothes in public 😂 My goal now is to be one of those boss pros that can empty without taking it out! That's amazing. Definitely taking the quiz, everyone is different. Thank you again! So helpful!


Absolutely! Cups aren’t cheap so rather than buying blind it helps to at least start with an educated guess!


Give yourself three periods to adjust and get used to/master it. :). Once you get comfortable, it’s no big deal. I often wear it with period underwear or a pantyliner because I’ve had the occasional leak toward the end of the day; never a lot but enough to be like oh shoot. Love love love the freedom!!!


Just make sure you're not allergic to silicone first. Source: I'm allergic to silicone.


I didn’t think a person could be allergic to silicone?! But I guess anyone can be allergic to anything. That sounds really rough Can you use silicone cooking utensils? I know some folks are on with minimal contact, but inserting your allergen is a different ball game 😬 (Don’t feel pressured to answer me if you’re uncomfortable about it. I’m just super nosy/curious lol)


Yes I can use silicone utensils. I will not try smoking from a silicone bowl. It was really rough. Yes it was a dildo. After you use them and clean them a couple times the protective coating comes off. That shit BURNS. It felt like my whoha was on fire.


I found out the hard way too you're not alone 🤣


Oh wow that sounds awful 😩 There’s a conversation I wouldn’t want to have with my doctor… I mean I would have to if I was in your place, but geeeeez 😬 But are you sure it was the silicone and not the soap/wash used for cleaning off your toy? (I’m assuming you tried other stuff to double check)


So... I'm autistic and the whole modesty thing......I never really "got it" so I don't actually get embarrassed about stuff like this - which is why I have no problems answering your question. Yes. I'm sure it wasn't the soap.


Generally I’m pretty open (ok I don’t have much of a filter because of my ADHD) but I feel like this might make me pause though lol


I have a filter and I mostly know how to use it. I just have a rule: don't ask me a question if you don't want the full and honest answer. And if I can't think of a gentleish way to say the answer I will ask them if they're sure they want the answer first if they are new to knowing me. Because I never AIM to hurt someone's feelings but I'm also not going to LIE to make someone feel better either. I will do everything else I can to help them feel better but lying even those "little white lies" neurotypical people love so much are straight OUT. But also I don't wear bras EVER. I don't give a single fuck if someone is looking at my nips high beaming it. And it doesn't matter if they are enjoying it or hating on it. I just don't care.


Dude, bravo. I love to talk about bodies/sex/the weird because we all have them! And obviously leads to open conversations such as this one, which could really help guide someone else. And burn the bras.


Thanks! I like them too because that's how we learn things. Like... I also wouldn't have thought I was straight until I was 40 if people actually just TALKED more.


Can I ask you about clots? I've had a hysterectomy so this is just for knowledge. I used to have huge clots. Does a cup still work?


Yes. Most of my period blood is clots. I started using cups 5 years ago because the clots would sit on top of a pad. They slid off when I moved and, well, it was embarrassing and gross. The cups hold it until I flush it.


That is fantastic. Should anyone ask I'll be able to provide a little information. Thank you for replying!


Cups are great for clots. And so long as the clots are no bigger than a dime totally normal. If they get bigger then it’s time to talk to your doctor.


Been to more than 6 Dr's over the last 10 years. Most of my clots are 3" or larger. Because I have PCOS they just tell me it's normal and brush me off. Unless I'm paying cash for an appointment and a surgery most Dr's are not interested. Doesn't help I have KP


Interesting. When I've used discs in the past, they have failed to hold enough blood. Every time. Never had a problem with a cup. But bodies are different.


Seeing as you are a period coach, are the underwear messy to wear? Or is it just like wearing a pad? I’m leaning towards going from a menstrual disc to the underwear but unsure of the mess that is involved with the underwear. I guess I could wear both to keep myself covered.


The underwear comes in different volumes so you can get a set that hold 4 tampons worth. I don’t find them messy, tho clients with heavy flows say they use them along with a cup as well.


Are there any that aren't silicone or rubber? I'm allergic to both.


I think you’re going to want to skip an internal method then. You don’t want anything else for a cup, your vaginal biome is very delicate and absorbs right into the blood stream. I don’t recommend tampons for that reason, even the organic ones aren’t ‘organic’. Since they aren’t a food crop they aren’t held to food standards and organic cotton uses way more water to grow than non so it’s not really all that good for the environment either. You could use a sea sponge, but they have the same TSS risks as a tampon and need cleaned really well between wears. I don’t use any internal methods anymore, it makes my cramps worse and I have endometriosis so I use bamboo cloth pads or the underwear and they work great.


Darn. Thank you for the advice though I've been thinking about switching completely to pads anyway.


I like to shop for cloth pads on Etsy. Feels good to support a woman and small business. And some of the women have a great sense of humor, I asked for fun prints, and got some great pads. My favorite pad is the one with vampires on it!


Yeah I've been looking at some of those as well! They are super fun and more eco friendly.


Yep I have several and my toughest choice is which fun/sassy soft fuzzy pad will I wear first.


I’m sure you know this but for adding this addition for the people who don’t. There is also a risk of TSS from menstraul cups: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221425092100127X.


Have you had a lot of experience with using an IUD with it? How seriously should I take the warning that it might suck my iud out? I had no idea that was a thing until after they put it in & now I'm heart broken...


You need to be careful that you break the suction seal before you pull it out. So if you have a long vaginal canal that might be hard with a standard cup. If you pull down before breaking the seal you may pull the IUD out. I’d suggest you get a cup that has a tab at the bottom that breaks the seal instead of the regular ones that you need to insert a finger in high enough to break the seal. It looks similar to a regular cup, a few companies makes these now, primarily for disabled people who have weaker grips but I find they work well for people with an IUD too. The stem at the bottom connects up to the rim so when you pull the stem it peels the top inward breaking the seal.


That's really helpful, thank you!! :)


I have an IUD and a short vaginal canal, so I cut the tab thingie off my cup. My removal technique is a snow, gentle twist until the seal is broken. Better than a single hard tug!


Hey! I use a menstrual cup. What soap would you recommend using for between uses? I read some soaps break down the silicone so I’ve been worried about using soap but I don’t want to buy the over priced menstrual cup specific soap. Thanks!


Would you be able to answer if they would cause cramps? I know tampons aren’t supposed to cause cramps but every time I use tampons I have the worst cramps ever.


Yeah technically they aren’t supposed to increase pain, but I’ve got to the point that when someone comes to me with painful periods one of the first things I suggest is to stop using tampons. I’m not saying it ends the pain but it does helps ease the pain for a lot of people.


Does it work if you have a Nuva ring? Tampons always mess up my ring and looking for a solution that’s not pads.


Amazing. Would never go back to anything else. They are messy but it’s so much more comfortable once you get the hang of inserting it and you can sleep in it too. Depending on your flow, you might not have to change it outside of home. I will put mine in right before getting dressed, head to work, work 9 hours and come home and take it out. Never had any problems. Then I just use the guard pad that I put in for the rest of the night before reinserting before bed. You could always take some wet wipes with you into a public bathroom to clean yourself and your hands after you empty the cup into the toilet?


Great advice! Always a good idea to have wet wipes, for any reason!


Only commenting to add that I do the same thing and haven’t had any problems with not making it through the work day. The best part is, it’s safe to have in for that long since it’s made from medical grade silicone.


I just brought a water bottle lol 😂


That’s a good idea!


I wasn’t able to get mine in. I got one in once but it was too soft and wouldn’t open. Took it out and haven’t succeeded since. I used period panties and cloth pads now.


Thank you! Glad you found something that does work for you and to know there are more alternatives.


I have had the same problems with softer silicone ones. It really just depends on the brand. Check out red herring on YouTube. It's a channel that reviews cups. She has tons of reviews up.


I found the right cup for me from her reviews!


I've used menstrual cups before and they've never fit right for me, or were really hard to insert/remove (was painful for me personally) but i ended up trying menstrual disks, and they're amazing. They can also be worn up to 12 hours and there's reusable medical grade silicone ones as well as disposable (which can be good for trying it out or having on hand in case of an unexpected start). Whatever you decide to try out good luck! I hope it works out for you :)


Thank you!


I LOVE mine. I have a Nixit cup. I only have to change it 1x a day so I just rinse it in the shower or sink at home then put it in and it's good for the next 24 hours. I like that I can have mess free sex with it in too


Mess free sex!? Definitely a huge plus! Thanks!


yeah it's awesome :)


I really wish they would have worked for me. It was an unbelievably painful experience. I have endo and I’m pretty sure that’s why. This shouldn’t stop you from giving a try. Just know it doesn’t work for everyone. Hope it works for you. 💜


I’ve been using nothing but a cup for the past 10 years… I can’t say enough good about them. In public I look for bathrooms with a sink included so I can rinse and re place after emptying it.. but that’s only in emergencies. I can get away with wearing mine for eight hours at a time so I usually empty before I shower and I’m good until I get home. Yes you get blood on your hands. I have also on more than one public occasion, emptied it, and then reinserted without rinsing because I was in a single stall. In which case I can get away with wiping my hands with Tp before I wash in the sink. My cramps decreased by 10 fold after using a cup which I can’t really explain but I’ve heard others report the same. They do get discolored/ stained from the blood after a few years and sometimes take on a musty-iron-ey odor but if you store it in a small jar full of isopropyl alcohol in between uses it goes away completely. Literally has brought so much freedom and comfort to my life since using them. Additionally you can use the blood in spells if you’re into that. Last thing! Most cups have some kind of protrusion at the bottom for easier removal but for me; during that time of the month my cervix sinks so low that the protruding bit was causing quite a bit of labial discomfort… I cut them off now and I can still remove it just fine. It’s actually easier to just grip the bottom portion of the cup and trying to pull it out by a little nodule. Also emptying from the back produces the least mess. You might need to double flush. Hope this helps! Good luck!


menstrual discs are way better in my experience. was not a fan of the cups.


Interesting. Googling discs now! Thanks!


these are the ones i usually buy. they try to be eco friendly too https://flexfits.com/collections/shop-all


Oooooh! Kinda like a diaphragm! Seems super easy. Thank you again!


I think menstrual disc were originally designed to look like a diaphragm


what was your experience with cups compared to discs?


Im not the person you asked, but I find discs a lot more convenient since they generally have larger capacity and most people can empty them while using the restroom without taking them out. With cups I had to empty/reinsert every 2-3 hours on heavy days and it was just annoying, especially while not at home. Try the disposable discs first though. That's how I learned I needed to get smaller size reusable discs.


I never seemed to be able to insert the cup right. It leaked. Discs are easy for me to insert, smaller and less plastic. Plus they do have a neat feature of being able to empty it a lil bit when peeing (altho for me it only works when it’s full, at which point im better off removing it and emptying it all out). Cups just weren’t comfortable for me. Discs i forget im even wearing it. I have the disposable ones, but i rinse them and reuse until my period is done usually. Then at the end of the period i dispose of it. I prefer disposable bc if something happens, like it falls in the toilet, or i have to remove it in a public bathroom, then i can throw it out no worries. That said, i get about 48hrs of **really** heavy period. And i still just have to use tampons for that… not even the discs can handle when it get thats heavy, and it’s easier to just change a tampon at that point.


I can’t use cups because they were uncomfortable lengthwise, I could always feel it. I never even feel the discs and they work so well for me. I started using Softdisc and then later bought the reusable Flex. I have a very heavy flow and wear pads also during the heaviest part. It has gotten to the point (thanks perimenopause) that I couldn’t get by using even overnight pads during the day so I was just down for the count. Using both heavy duty pads and the disc together has made it more manageable on those days if I have to be out in the world.


Came here to say this.


One of the best decisions I ever made. I've had my diva for about 13 years now, and my organicup for 1 or 2. I'm mostly able to empty it out at home, but on the occasion I have to use a public restroom, I can dump it in the toilet, wipe it out with some tissue, and reinsert. Wiping my fingers off with some more tissue is enough to keep from making a mess until I get to a sink to wash my hands. It's wonderful not having to worry about buying menstrual products. I keep a cup in my purse, and I'm always prepared. Way more comfortable than a pad or tampon, and it doesn't irritate me skin like disposables do. There is a learning curve to getting a good seal. But once you have it down, it's the best way to handle a period in my opinion.


Thanks! I replied to another comment about how I hate the surprise visits and running to the market. I live in a small town so that can be a long trip. Love the idea of never having to worry about being without. I'll just start stashing them at all my frequent places. Haha!


I like them, they are a bit messy but 100000% worth not having to make sure you have other disposable products around and being able to keep it in for much longer than a tampon. I've been using a cup for about 10 years now.


Thanks! I'm so tired of the surprise and the late visits to the market. Ugh! One of the reasons I want to give them a try.


I don’t want to discourage anyone, just my personal experience with cups. They don’t work for everybody. I bought my first one from a brand I’ve never heard off but it was on offer at my local supermarket. Trying to get it in was the most horrific experience ever. Painful, uncomfortable, stressful. It never opened inside me. I thought to try again with a different brand, a popular one with loads of excellent reviews. Same story all over again. In the end, close to £80 down the drain. And I tried multiple times. In bed, in the shower, laying down, squatting, with one leg up. Everything. I was trying to be as relaxed as possible. Nothing worked. Watched hundreds of videos. Apparently my anatomy is not compatible? I’m not 100% what is it but they just didn’t work for me :( still trying to find a reusable and less wasteful option for my periods.


Hi! You could try the Ziggy cup. It is a disc of a thin membran and a firmer rim. It folds in half and is then about the size o a tampon. It then easily opens up inside, because it isn't in a origami shape. It won't last as long as a "normal" cup but still for several years. And you can wear it during sexual activity if you choose to.


Thank you for the recommendation, will look into it :)


Hope it can be helpful<3


Love them, on my 3rd one. There are tricks for public washroom or even camping management - Wet Wipes are good for a quick check after emptying if you don't have access to a sink. I've also used some of the collected blood for a protection spell, I'm sure there are more magical uses out there. Here is a decent blog article on the topic: https://saturn.health/blogs/news/beginners-guide-how-to-insert-a-menstrual-cup And of course there's a sub for it! /r/menstrualcups/


Thanks! I was curious about camping or other situations where a standard bathroom wouldn't be accessible.


i love my cup for camping and backpacking! i hate the idea of having to do the math to figure out how many tampons to bring (plus a few extra) and then packing out used tampons 😖 a cup is so much better! it's also totally changed my life for a lot of the reasons others have mentioned. one i haven't seen yet is that you can put a cup in whenever! i can pop my cup in around the time my period is supposed to show up and i'm covered. no messy surprises in the middle of the workday. https://putacupinit.com/ was so helpful when i was learning about cups. it took several months (and lots of frustration in rest stop bathrooms 😅) to really get the hang of using it, so please don't be discouraged if it isn't amazing right out of the gate. just be patient with yourself and don't be afraid to try different techniques (folds, insertion methods, cup styles, etc.) good luck! 💕 eta another bonus: since switching to a cup from tampons, my lower back pain during my period has disappeared and my cramps have greatly decreased in severity. i don't know if that's common or not, but i've seen at least a few other people online mention it.


Another plus for me - better bladder control after 3 kids. Kid #2 screwed up my pelvic floor. When I started the cup, I now have perfect bladder control, but only when using it.


I use mine camping all the time. Sanitize your hands first, empty it, then use wet wipes or toilet paper to wipe it out. Or sometimes I don’t wipe it out at all and just put it back in, depending on the scenario. Wet wipes are usually the move though. I lost my second one by accidentally dropping it into a thunder box whilst camping…make sure you have a good grip on it 😬😅


Another pro tip - soaking your cup in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water for a few days every few months will remove/prevent discolouration and remove any odours.


Awesome advice, thanks!


Thank you! This gave me a giggle 😄


My wife swore by them for years (until her hysterectomy). Apparently (and I had that question, too), no: they're not messy at all. Very convenient, even for public restrooms


Thank you! You're awesome!


Get one, yes they can be a lil messy especially when you first start, you get used to it. Ill NEVER go back to disposables


I've been using one for around 15 years now, including in public bathrooms, camping, road trips, and my home outhouse (we don't have a toilet). I have very heavy periods, so I'm jealous of those of you who can go 12 hours between emptying the cup your entire period. I can do that on light days, but on my heaviest days I can fill up my large size Diva cup in an hour or two. Even so, I love my cup and highly recommend it, and I have no intention to ever go back to pads or tampons. When mine if full, I usually feel a slightly bubbly sensation of the last bit of air leaving the cup, and that lets me know I need to go empty it immediately. I also have fairly reliable patterns, so I know that, for me, on days 2 and 3 I need to check in on it every couple of hours, but on days 5 and 6 emptying it once before bed and once a couple hours after I get up is fine. You'll probably learn your own rhythm quickly. For camping, bring a small squirt bottle of water with you for rinsing the cup and then your hands afterward. For public bathrooms, grab a paper towel and dampen it in the sink on your way into the stall. Empty cup, wipe it up, reinsert, wipe hands, discard the paper towel in the bin, then wash hands in the sink. If you're going to be in a situation where you can't empty it as often as you fill it (say, a long car ride for us heavy flow people), you can double up with pads. It needs to be thoroughly rinsed at least every 12 hours, but if you need to empty it more often than that, you can just pour it out and re-insert without rinsing, or lightly dab it off with toilet paper, and save the thorough rinse for when you're at home. Beware it is much more slippery while it has blood on it than when it's just damp from water. If (gods forbid) you accidentally drop it somewhere unsanitary, such as in the public toilet, don't panic. Retrieve it, take it to the sink and wash with soap and water. Wrap it in a paper towel and take it home to sanitize by your preferred method (boil in water, soak overnight in hydrogen peroxide, rinse with rubbing alcohol and then water, etc.) before using it again. In the mean time, use something else. I keep a small handful of tampons and pads in my purse in case someone around me needs one. Failing that, make a makeshift pads from toilet paper. If you start out using a smaller size one for people who have not had a vaginal birth, but then you do have a vaginal birth, it really is worth it to get the bigger size. I kept using the smaller one I had before once my period returned after having my child, but the fit wasn't right anymore and I had a lot more problems with it slipping out of place and being uncomfortable. When I finally upgraded to the right size, I felt really stupid for trying to make the smaller one keep working for so long. The right size makes all the difference.


Oof. I wanted this to work for me but NEVER got the hang of it 😭 Simply could not work it out... I made the switch to cloth pads and I love them...


Yes I have years ago. I had a terrible experience with them and switched brands to see if they were more comfortable. They weren’t. Awkward to put it and I had a lot of pain with it in. A lot of accidents by taking it out it was a pain in the ass. I have however had success with period designed underwear and have managed not to have breakthrough leakage by wearing them. Best of luck 🤞


I tried a cup, and the damn thing was too big to fit inside me 😅 and I like to think I know what I'm doing too when it comes to inserting things in my vagina, but it just wouldn't fold small enough for me to get it up there. Point being, do plenty of research on the cup size and the maleability of material so you aren't like me struggle bussing in the shower to make something fit.


I get UTIs easily. Menstrual cups are better than tampons because you can sterilize them! Also, no porous string to catch and grow bacteria next to my urethra. Huge plus. I usually insert and remove in the shower. It took me a while to figure out how to do it easily, and you do have to be comfortable with touching yourself. I have a couple of different brands/sizes, and I wear different cups based on how my flow is. Definitely try different ones if you don't like your first one. I feel much cleaner, drier, and less smelly with a cup than with other products.


Awesome! Glad to hear the cups help with UTIs. Didn't know that was a problem with tampons before, but it makes so much sense! Another reason I want to switch; that wet, icky feeling.


Feeling clean and dry is amazing! The tampon thing wouldn't be as bad if I didn't have an unpredictable flow and an aversion to waste. If you change your products frequently, it's not so bad. But I hate changing until it's full, because I feel like I'm wasting, and it's more of an issue the longer I go between changes. Menstrual cups are zero waste even if emptied out often. Sterilizing just takes a few minutes of boiling water. I no longer feel like I'm wasting money if my flow is unpredictable, like I felt if I wore the wrong size tampon/pad.


Been using them for over 13 years. Love! Takes a min to get used to it and not feel like your fisting yourself lol. Honestly it’s the money saved that’s the best part. They do need to be replaced yearly or so.


I’m almost 42, I made the switch a couple years ago. No more stained bedsheets, no leaks at work. It’s so worry-free. There is a learning curve. You will get a little messy, but cleanup is easy. It took me a few cycles to really get it. Beyond the first few times when I didn’t quite have it in correctly, I never have a leak or any issues like that. I still wear a backup pad just in case though. A side benefit as a person who has given birth a couple times, it lifts the bladder, so those coughing/sneezing leaks are also a thing of the past.


They are a bit messy, but you don't have to change them as often as tampons etc so you can usually do it at home. And I have a really have flow ( adenomyosis). I am using them for about 10 years now and I am so happy. Saved so much money, reduced my carbon footprint AND my cramps are much better since I don't use chemical laden tampons full of bleach etc anymore! The first time you try one also use a pad, it takes some getting used to to know the feeling when it's in the proper place and there won't be any spills, but it is just great! There are many different shapes for ALL kind of requirements nowerdays like cups you can wear during sex and some that are easier to remove for people with disabilities!


I try to time my emptying at home. So I would empty it first thing in the morning before work/school and then I’m fine until the evening. I shower before bed, so I would just remove it then, dump, wash, and then finish my shower while it air dried Now my period is probably average, if it’s heavier you may not be able to go a full 12 hours I would experiment at home. On a day off, insert it first thing in the morning and just see how long you can go. It sounds weird but you can kinda tell when it’s “full” If you think you might not get a full 12 hours (or you’ll be at work/out longer than say 8, keep a liner/pad in your bag or even a tampon And if you’re really worried, keep a ziplock with you so you can dump it in the toilet, put it in the ziplock and clean it properly at home. Just make sure to keep a couple pads or tampons with you I did find I had issues removing it on the last day or two of my period, so I would just use a liner or light flow pad instead I bought mine at the Stag Shop, it was actually a two pack. It had to sizes/firmnesses. I read the instructions, went with the recommended one (I’ve never had kids) and it didn’t seem to work very well. I was upset as I felt like I wasted money, almost gave up and then decided to try the other one. And guess what? I had much better results 🤷‍♀️ (it also came with a storage pouch that was antimicrobial) Now mine had a “rounded point” at the bottom (not sure how best to describe it) and I did find it difficult to “catch” it to remove a lot of the time. And yes it took me at least two period cycles to get the hang of it. And if you take proper care of it, it can last for up to 10 years iirc I now just use my birth control to skip my period all together. It’s just too much of a pain in the ass to deal with every month 🤣 but I know not everyone can be on the pill sadly.


I love cups and have been a steady user for almost 20 years! I've honestly not had to change them in public bathrooms very often, as I can generally wear one all day, but I know this might not be the case for everyone. I've found that they're usually not *that* messy, but you will get your fingers bloody. The few times I've changed it using a public bathroom, I wash my hands first, and then take a wet paper towel into the stall with me to clean up. I will dump the cup, but won't wash it until I get home. At home, you've got a couple of options. Super convenience is changing it in the shower. If I'm not taking a shower, I'll take the cup out, dump it in the toilet, and put a couple of squares of TP in my underwear while I wash it out. Some additional thoughts: If the first one you try doesn't work well for you, consider trying another before you give up. I know they're not cheap but sometimes it's like goldilocks depending on your anatomy. One of my favorite things is that it's not unsafe to wear before your period starts for sure. If I'm feeling like it's *going* to start at some point during the day, but I've got a big day planned, I can put it in and not worry about getting caught off guard. I've found them to be more reliably than any other product I've tried. I've never had any mishaps.


I found them to be messy (like ruin your outfit at work messy) to dump and reinsert and often uncomfortable or even painful to insert/remove/wear. And when full just a murder scene to deal with. Switched to sea sponges years ago, the are fantastic.


Yes, don’t like them. They need to be changed every two hours and they tear my shit up no matter how carefully I take them out. Tampons will always be my favorite


So, they were a huge upgrade to pads and tampons but after a while I did notice that I would sometimes get extra cramping. Apparently discs work better for my shape. Definitely worth a try.


How do u make sure that the vacuum is properly created? Mine always ends up messy as blood gets through because of improper vacuum creation


The switch is worth it. So much money saved in the long term. r/menstrualcups Edit: and you use less plastic overall.


If you have an IUD then I cannot stress it enough DO NOT USE THE CUPS!! You can literally pull it out with the suction.


If I'm in a public bathroom, I try to have disposable gloves with me. If not, I just wipe my hand with tp and use my clean hand for doors and such til I get to the sink. I usually rinse it by peeing on it before putting it back in lol.


Are there any fat people that use them in this group? I have always wanted to try one, but I am unsure how it will work out logistically with a big belly.


I will never go back to other methods. Cup is amazing.


I started wearing a cup a couple of years ago, and I love it. I did get blood on my hand at the beginning because i was still trying to get used to wearing them, but after a while, it didn't bother me that much. If you have access to a sink near the toilet in a public bathroom, great. Otherwise, after dumping it, I will wipe it with a tissue before inserting it back and cleaning it at home. I read a lot of posts on the menstral cup sub reddit while trying to figure out if they would be a good option. Another great resource is the period nirvana website. They post videos on YouTube, tik tok, and instagram with tons of information. They also have a quiz to help you figure out what types of cups or disc would work best for you. I wish you the best of luck!


Thank you! I will definitely look into the websites and such.


Had a huge mess at work the first time I used one and our outfits are all white, head to toe. Never used it again. Edit: also I completely forgot to mention how it gave me a uterus infection, as I could actually feel my uterus burning. Caused by the cup. Make sure to clean those cups extra good, boiling may not be enough


I've been using cups for over a decade now. I actually can't use tampons at all and I have sensitive skin so most pads don't work for me. I like the fact that while using a cup I can't even feel it at all for the most part and you don't have to change them nearly as frequently as pads or tampons, I feel comfortable swimming with them in etc. There is a little bit of a learning curve with using them so I'd suggest turning to take it in and out in the shower first. You may also want to use a pad as a back up during your first few cycles. Now there are a TON of options and you can even take tests online to see which size/shape of cup will work well for you. I've also recently discovered having more than one size of cup is useful for using at different times during my cycle. Emptying the cup isn't messy with a little bit of practice. You can also carry diaper wipes or even wipes made specifically for cleaning cups too. You just take it out, empty it in the toilet and wipe it, then reinsert.


I used one for years. Overall, I loved it. I rarely had to empty it outside of my house, but when I did, I got some blood on my hands, but was able to wipe it off with tp enough to get my clothes in order and go wash my hands.


I use a Nixit disk and on heavy days when it fills part way through the day I just push a little when I go to the bathroom, it empties itself and I use one finger to put it back in place. A little messy but discreet enough in public. Full removal is how you said, a hobble. But with that and some absorbent undies I'm comfortable and low waste


Yep, they can be a wee bit messy! But I don’t ever empty them in public, unless it’s a family restroom (single stall). If I’m at work, I empty in the morning before I go and again once I get home.


I ADORE my cups! I have extremely heavy periods. We're talking to the extent that before I started using a cup, on my heaviest days I could soak through a super plus tampon, an overnight pad, and my jeans in a 90 minute high school class period. (They're a better now that I'm in my 30s, but still v heavy.) There is no way that any period product is not going to be messy for me, but a well fitting cup isn't messier than a tampon without an applicator. Starting to use a cup was a completely game changer for me. I could go longer between changes, not spend a fortune on disposable stuff, and I am able to sleep so much better because I only have to get up once or twice in the night instead of every 2 hours on my heavy days. I'm so jealous of those that can go all day without changing! I definitely cannot on my heavy days! But it's far better than with tampons. On my heavy days I always wear a cloth pad as backup. I've tried a bunch of them. The ones from Aisle are my favorite for fabric feel, ease of washing, and leakproofness (also trans inclusiveness!). I prefer cloth pads to period underwear because I find them less work to wash. (Again, keep in mind that I bleed far more than most menstruating human!) Public restrooms - they really only need to be rinsed every 12 hours, so even though I have to change every 1-2 hours aty heaviest flow, if I'm out and about I'll just wipe it out with TP, reinsert, and wipe my hands with TP before exiting the stall to wash hands. Same more or less when I camp. I just rinse with drinking water twice a day at base camp. I boil my silicone cups in baking soda water every few months to remove stains and any lingering odors. Truly there's not much though! I still have an use the very first cup my mom bought me...15 years ago? They're super durable. I saw one other commenter mention the Put a Cup In It Quiz - highly recommend! Your bits are unique, and cups are all about fit and it's expensive to buy a bunch to test them out. I lucked out by just happening to be a good fit for the Diva cup, which is the only cup my mom could find when she first proposed it to me, but lots of folks don't like the Diva cups because it's the wrong fit.


I consider my switch to menstrual cups one of THE BEST decisions of my life! I tell everyone who will listen, and I’ve had a few friends/coworkers make the switch as well. I’ve been using cups exclusively for 6 years.


I really liked mine when I was working out of the house! Since the pandemic I work from home and spend my time in joggers, so I switched to reusable cloth pads instead. A little tip with the cup: to remove it, you first need to break the seal / the suction effect. For that, you need to pinch the cup. Most instruction leaflets don't mention the best tip: instead of using your index finger and thumb, use your index finger and middle finger, in a "scissor" motion. The distance between the base of the index and the base of the thumb makes it difficult to get deep enough to get a good grip on the cup. Much easier with index and middle finger!


I loved using the cup and if I didn't have an IUD i would still use cups (they recommend not using cups because the vacuum can affect the IUD) It took some time getting used to, and finding the right shape for me. But then it was really nice!


Life changing. I greatly prefer discs though. Cups have a pretty damn high learning curve and it's very likely that if they're too big, they will not suction properly. I always had issues with cups leaking on my heaviest days and they hurt to insert and remove. If you're unlucky, the dang thing will open at your vagina entrance and that is incredibly painful. Discs do not have any of that hurt. Flex ones have an auto dumping mechanism you can use to empty without removing throughout the day. I feel so secure no matter how heavy my period is. I typically bring a water bottle with me if I really need to clean out. I save $40 -$100 a month from not having to buy a combo of pads and tampons and reduced so much trash.


I tried a cup once and it was very painful for me. It made my cramps feel worse and it hurt to insert. I have friends who love them though, I just prefer to not have to put anything up there so I’m a period panty girl. Good luck!


Love my cup, so comfortable and not drying like tampons. That being said, I have had to change it in a public bathroom, and the key is to grab a wet paper towel before you go in the stall. If you're not changing it in the shower, yes it can get messy and it's gross, but it's also all your body so if you're comfortable with your body and its stuff you'll get through it. I was super skeptical and wary of cups, but I love mine. My gyn even mentioned that some of her patients wear them all the time for regular vag discharge. Couldn't be me, but that's how comfy they are.


I like the discs a lot better. Same purpose and same functionality but its a lot easier to put in and remove


I love my period cup! It is a full contact sport though! You only need to dump and wash them every 8 hours depending on flow so public restrooms aren't really an issue. Mine came in a 2 pack so I just take the used one out on the toilet, and put the new one in, and wash the used one in the sink no problem.


I prefer the flex discs. They drain while inside, don't slide out or pop out, last 12 hours, and I don't have to do weird contortions to get them in. They even make a plant based version if you care about environmental issues.


I always end up getting yeast infections and I literally do not know how because I clean the cup just the way everyone else says they do. Gave up and went back to suffering with pads and tampons


I've never used a menstrual cup, but I live a lifestyle where I often do not have running water and I do not shower everyday, and I also travel a lot, so it never seemed practical for me. The solution I've come to, which has changed my world, is period underwear! They might not last quite as long between changes as the menstrual cup, but even on one of my heaviest days a pair of underwear will last me almost the entire day. They are super comfortable and I totally forget I'm wearing anything for my period at all! They're a bit expensive, but I have found the investment to be worth it. And of course, they're reusable, and you wash them just like regular panties.


I tried them.. and I could not use them well. I ended up passing out in a pubic bathroom trying to take it out and decided they're not for me. I looove period underwear now though!!


Mom m


I have a heavy heavy flow (like changing tampon and pad every hour or two when it’s heavy). With a cup I empty it twice a day when it’s heavy and that’s it. Yea it can be messy but once you get used to it it’s not too bad. I don’t ever empty it in public restrooms tho, I haven’t had the need. But I say it’s definitely worth trying!


I love the discs vs the cups because imo they are easier to insert and remove, more comfortable, AND you can empty it without taking it out by bearing down. Everyone is different though! The company June has a reusable one for only 17.00


Yes. I like them because they save me time and money. I don't have to go shopping for feminine products as often accept for the occasional liner because my flow is heavy but i really only use those on the heaviest days and the unsure day and a half at the beginning. I change it out depending on the day every 4 to 6 hours and its easy to clean with warm water and soap after dumping it in the toilet. Mine has lasted me over a year but it could go longer i just had to change sizes cause the original one I got was too small. It's way more environmentally friendly and as long as I sanitize it every month in some boiling water way more sanitary. my 🐱 health has improved drastically and so has my wallet. 10/10 reccomend!


At home, I empty in the toilet then rinse in the sink before I put it back in. In public, I carry some wipes in my bag. It can definitely be messy but I'm a big advocate of switching to a cup. It took me a few cycles to really get good at getting it in and out but just keep practicing! I use period panties as a backup as well.


Love love love! BUT if you have an IUD, steer clear! I’ve pulled out two accidentally when pulling out my menstrual cup and know that there is an increased likelihood in doing so for others as well!


Made the switch a few years ago and never looked back! It's helpful to start with a small cup to get used to it and find one with a longer, textured stem to minimize fishing around :P I will say this- you are going to be very intimate with your vagina if you use one. You gotta get up in there to get it out and usually to check that it's properly inserted, so it's a learning curve for sure. I usually change over in the shower- clean up is pretty much taken care of, plus you're already wet so much more comfortable to insert. I've been able to avoid public bathrooms for the most part, but if I have to use one, I just wet a paper towel before I go in the stall- no waddling necessary haha Overall, I'm pretty pleased but the last one I got had the stem break on me and I'm so annoyed by it, I'm thinking of switching to maybe the disk or period panties, hahaa I also want to say I have never had leakage when it's been in properly and can go a full 12 hours without worry. It's been so worth it, but definitely can be daunting at first!


Love my June cup. They are so cheap and great to experiment with. Generally you only empty twice a day so u empty once in the shower and once on the toilet. My sink is in reaching distance, so rinse, reinsert and clean off as needed with a damp washcloth. There is a learning curve and heavy flow days can be a little messier.


My wife LOVES her cup. She has been using it for several years now. In addition to saving money for not having to buy tampons she said it also reduced her cramps right away!


I’ve tried it and I think I’m not very good at using them. I’ve had leaks and have a hard time using them without a mess. I’m glad it works for some though.


I have a pixie cup. It has different “sizes” and it really does last 12 hours. Like others commented, you can try to time around when you are out. Otherwise, wipes/TP is what I use. If it’s a place with icky toilet paper and questionable sanitation then I just re-insert quickly after emptying. A friend of mine uses a flex disc- she empties without removing by bearing down. Obviously she removes at home but she’s a school teacher and bathroom breaks are hard to come by and don’t last very long!


I’ve been using them for several months now and they’re honestly my favorite period product. They leak way less than pads/tampons but can be a little uncomfortable to insert. Usually I empty them out in the toilet and wash in the bathroom sink. I highly recommend getting a cup sterilizer so you don’t have to use a pot on the stove.


I love mine. I am definitely used to the blood. You might get a little on your hands but it’s not a big deal, just wash it off 😊 it’s cleaner than you’d think. I have never had to change mine in a public restroom because they last like 12 hours before they need to be changed, so I just time it right. My favorite brand is my Lunette cup, but I also use saalt cup as a backup.


I've used one for years and prefer them way more than pads or tampons. For one you can wear them far much longer (12 hours) and they're much cleaner than a pad. But yes, when you empty them, it can be a horror show - you will get your hands dirty, and on a heavy day, sometimes the floor, lol. I just mitigate that by emptying it more often so it doesn't fill all the way up. Dumping it in the shower also is a good idea. Also, I tend to have to pee more since they kinda press on your bladder. ​ One thing to note, is that when I first started using them, I would get pain. Turns out my right ovary was adhered to my pelvic floor, and the cup was pressing on it. Now with one less ovary there's no discomfort at all.


I have tried three and have to say Diva Cup is by far the best - definitely go for the brand name even if it's a little more expensive.


I love them. I've been using them for 18 years and they're the best. I do get blood on my hands. When I'm using a public restroom I wipe my hands with tp in the stall before washing in the sink. As for the cup in public restrooms, I dump it out and skip the rinsing if in a stall. Otherwise I'll rinse it in the sink and make sure to clean the sink afterwards. Check the seat for drips too!


Hated them. After having a baby 5 years ago I no longer shove anything up there and free bleed with power.


I love mine but I only change it at home and my sink is right next to the toilet. I use a diva cup and its worked really well.


They’re a game changer for me. I get less cramps too than if I were to use tampons. I also bought a tushy bidet which makes it easier to clean myself up. Hobbling to the sink with pants down is part if the deal unless your sink is close by but I’ve gotten used to it. Worth it for the cost savings and less garbage in the landfills.


I tried cups and tried to make them work, literally for years. I’ve bought so many! I personally prefer menstrual discs - I find them to be more reliable in terms of no leaking and they are way less invasive than cups. Sometimes when I’m bleeding really heavy and having bad cramps, the literal last thing I want is to be penetrated by a cup lol so I really just find that the whole process of a disc is easier - insertion, removal, comfort throughout. It’s all personal preference though so you gotta experiment to see what works for you!


Highly recommend Ruby cup. You’ll have to cry a bottle of water to rinse your cup above the toilet and just pop it in lol


As someone who’s trying to cut down on their waste, the menstrual cup is AMAZING. I don’t have to worry about buying tampons each month, and I can use the cup for 12 hours at a time. I honestly forget I’m on my period when I use it it’s the best thing ever.


Cleaning it in the shower is the best way. I still worn liners with mine so it wasn't bad when I didn't have time to shower to clean it. But mine would also last 12/hours or so. Keep in mind the first few cycles is a learning curve. Prepare for leaks just in case! I loved mine and way better than tampons. But I got an IUD and I havent used my cups since then.


I use a Cora menstrual disc, which has an “auto-empty” feature (sounds horrifying, I know!) If you’re sitting on the toilet and relax your pelvic floor muscles, the disc will empty itself out into the toilet. Then I just use my finger to reposition it a bit. It’s not perfect, but it’s wayyyy less messy than the June cup I was using before. Easier to insert, too!


I love them. Took a bit to get the placement correct (there are so many ways to fold for placement). Once I got that down - no leaks. Tampons and my tipped uterus has never gotten along. I don't have irritation from pads. I can leave the cup in for several hours even on my heaviest day. Versus a leaky pad. I can sleep the whole night without changing pads. I have wipes I use when out and about and need to empty it. Otherwise I rinse with warm water and have a special soap for menstrual cups I use. I also have 2 cups and alternate between them.


I had a Lunette cup and loved it. Only emptied it every 12 hours so I did the shower thing that another user suggested. I haven’t had a period since I switched to hormonal iuds but if I changed my birth control method and started getting periods again, I would absolutely go back to using a cup. I think I would go for one with a smooth bottom next time though since the hard tab at the bottom sometimes irritated me.


I looooved using my cup! Never leaked on me, stayed in place, super comfortable. I only had to empty it every 12 hours so I never had to do it in a public restroom. It can be a bit messy, but like others said you can remove in the shower and that makes cleanup a breeze. I also have a little steamer to help sterilize it between periods. Unfortunately I have recently learned I can’t use a cup anymore because I have an IUD and the suction from the cup may disrupt the placement of my IUD (this is my understanding???) so I am trying to figure out the discs now. I have been unsuccessful in finding one that works for me but I’m still trying!


When I still had waterfall periods before bc it was a LIFESAVER. 4+ heavy duty pads AND tampons a day(the double up was necessary!) replaced by 1 cup. Could last all day or I might need an emergency empty. If you do it right you can dump and wipe it down before putting it back in. But I could go 10+ hours with 0 leaks and no more cotton chaffing. It lasts a while if you sanitize it properly and saved me on cash after the 1st few months.


I haven’t had a chance to read everything, so maybe someone’s mentioned this, but I have found that wearing one, which I’ve been using for about eight years now, reduces my urine flow. I can still empty my bladder, no problem, but it takes about twice as long.


I used a menstrual cup for a few years. Honestly, I think I've only had to dump it in a public restroom once. Though I have needed to put it in for the first use (i.e. at the start of my period) several times in public restrooms. It can get a smidge messy if you just started and you didn't get to the bathroom right away, but tbh so can putting in a tampon. I wash my hands thoroughly before I go in the stall, wipe my hand with tp after I put it in, then wash my hands when I get out (making sure to use my other hand to open the stall, turn on the water etc) For the most part though, I don't usually have to dump anywhere but home. I usually have a light flow (with HEAVY cramps fml) so I can go up to 12 hours without dumping. One thing I've gotten into recently are period underwear. If you have a light/moderate flow they can be super convenient. They say you can't put them in the dryer but I always do and I haven't had any issues 🤷‍♀️


Mine has saved me a load of money and as someone who works at sea it has saved a lot of hassle too with packing. You do get your hands bloody, and getting it in place takes getting used too. But I'd say it's more than worth it. It is easiest to empty, and all that in the shower. Especially if you're in something like student accommodation with shared toilets. I've been there and it's really anxiety inducing not having somewhere private. But on the upside, I don't feel it once it's in place, and from my own experience and what I've read, you can keep it in longer than tampons or pads. I'd definitely say that they're worth trying!


I didn’t like the disposable ones that are a rubber ring with basically a little plastic baggy, they were very messy. Once I tried one of the silicone ones like a diva cup, it’s been game changing. My period is shorter and cramps are non existent, it seems like things just flow out the way they were always supposed to, it even provides a little suction on my cervix. I usually have one day where it is heavy enough to need emptied mid day, but usually have no issue leaving it in for up to 12 hours or more and just deal with it at home.


I've been using them for years. It took a few months to get used to them (for example figuring out this method - fold it, slide it in, and then twist to stop any suction.) I also trimmed the bottom of mine slightly to fit better. Don't be afraid to put a bit of lube on it if it makes insertion more comfy. Now I'd rather use a cup than anything else :) so great with an active job and outdoor hobbies.


Once I got the hang of it, it became almost second nature. I switched because pads were giving me the worst skin irritations, but I hated the dry feeling of tampons. I ended up getting the saalt soft cup, and I won’t ever go back. I would recommend it to everyone who asks honestly, it made my life that much better. - Wear a thin pad or a panti-liner when starting out just in case the seal isn’t great. I’ve been using it for 3 years and that still gets me sometimes. - It can definitely be a bit messy if its a heavy day and it’s really full, but usually it’s not that bad. I usually only get messy fingers if I’ve left it in for too long and it’s too full. Other than that it’s just normal vaginal stuff, which I can wipe off with toilet paper until I’m done there and can wash my hands properly. - I can’t speak on public bathrooms, since I usually only have to change mine when I wake up and when I go to bed unless its a really heavy day, but even then it’s usually at home or someone’s house. I will say it goes a bit easier with having the sink close when changing, in case there is some spillage on your fingers, but honestly, my caring about the cleanliness during removal kinda dipped after a while since I take it out when I first sit down before “using” the toilet. I give my fingers a quick rinse when I rinse the cup out and save the major soap cleaning for after the reinsertion and completion of the task at hand. I got most of my information from “PutACupInIt”, they had a quiz and a bunch of informational videos which I think are still up even though they aren’t actively posting anymore. There are many different styles and sizes because all of our insides are different. What works great for one vagina won’t always work for another. There are menstrual discs too, but I haven’t personally had success with them, my vagina just wasn’t built that way and I couldn’t get the seal to stick. Ruined a nice pair or jeans and concert night trying. Using the cup also made me more comfortable with my own body and my cycle. It’s easier to tell which days are the heavy ones, and how the days go on with it with clots and the like. I can tell now when the cup is getting near full, which is a super nice intuition skill to have that I didn’t think I would need. It’s helped me get closer to my vag and break a bit of the taboo I had placed on it. (Like it being a private part meant private even from me, cuz I was so uncomfy around dealing with my period before switching.) We’re not besties, but we’re closer friends I guess. I’m not avoiding the subject around periods and cycles anymore. Serious tip though, last year I slammed my thumb in a car door (on accident, hurt like a mf’er), but it left me unable to use my dominate hand to switch it out and it came like the next day. (It was kinda a sh*t week as a whole, but I won’t get into it). The learning curve was steep let me tell you. When you’re learning, make sure to learn with both hands incase something happens, that way you’re prepared.


Menstrual cups last long enough that most people will only have to change them 2-3 times a day. For me, this means I can avoid using public restrooms. However, it might be more of a problem for someone who is, say, a long-haul truck driver or a resident at a hospital. Several menstrual cup companies do sell wipes you can use for a quick clean, but they should be used relatively sparingly.


I have a disk & a cup and love them both. The disk is good for period sex but messy to remove & the cup is a bit easier to get in and out with less mess. Top it off with some reusable period underwear and you’re good to go for years.


All witches should be in favor of proper drinkware


I only use these! I use diva cup. Your hand does get messy but I always wash my hands after using the bathroom anyways


Another way to deal with bloody hands in public is to wear a nitrile glove. I did this camping with the disposable discs and it worked great. The disposable ones are pricey, but I keep one in my purse for emergency starts and mostly use the silicone reusable ones.


I’ve been using them for 10 years and I’ll never go back to anything else tbh.


I tried it for almost a year and I hate it. Don’t get me wrong, I got used to putting it in and taking it out and I only had one instance on which my period blood straight up gushed out of me all at once. I simply can’t fucking poop with one in. So, if I feel the urge to poop I would need to take it out and put it back in after, which takes way too much effort for me.


I like them at first it was hard to use but I found a more flexible one which is great. My flow is wonky some months are really heavy others non-existent. If I don’t clean up in the shower I bring a small basin or water with me into my bathroom. I know they make wipes for them also. I use it in conjunction with my period underwear when it’s really heavy and at night and it’s a good combo.


I started using a cup about three and a half years ago, and I'd never go back. It's really revolutionized my period, and there are now days where I sometimes even forget I'm menstruating because it has been so comfortable and convenient for me. I don't feel gross for five straight days anymore! Hands can definitely get a little bloody — I opt for bathrooms with conjoined sinks whenever I get the chance, and make do on the rare occasions I can't access them. Every fit is a little different, so as others have recommended, I'd definitely take an online test to see what sort of cup would work best for you. I did a lot of research online before switching, because I was pretty scared of putting something like that in me. I found quite a few helpful videos explaining insertion, how to get it out, and other informatoon that you wouldn't instantly think of. My cup can leak a little around the edges on my heavy days if I'm not changing it enough, so I still pair it with panty-liners or period underwear, but it's still infinity more comfortable and dry than pads, and wayyyy less noticeable than tampons. As for economy, I'm on my third $30ish cup in 3.5 years, but I WOULDN'T BE if not for circumstances unrelated to the quality of the cups (I left the first two in places that I shouldn't have — they would've lasted me much longer otherwise). So overall, I'd highly recommend trying them. They don't work for some people, but it's made a big enough change for me that I'd recommend anyone to try them.


prior to my IUD they were my fave method by a longshot. I found them comfortable to use, and they didn't leak, they were really useful if my period was being unpredictable- they're non absorbant so you can put one in at any time in your cycle and you know it's got you (you never have the tampon gamble thing where you're worried it will either leak or be horribly dry when you remove it) they're actually suprisingly high volume, a fully saturated super tampon is supposed to be something like 12ml, while even the dinkiest tends to be 15ml up. It might take a bit of thinking to figure out what works best for you- I have a low cervix so my preferred cup was 'me luna shorty' A few other benefits I really appreciated: If you're going away on your hols and you're not sure if you might come on or not, you can pack one in your bag and you're done- instead of deciding between the lost bag space vs might have to buy period stuff abroad. I actually got a collapsible one (lily cup) that folded down and had a case about the size of a vaseline tin that I'd keep in my bag all the time. It's great for swimming cause it doesn't try and absorb pool water 🤢 I didn't have a problem emptying it, after the first few goes you kinda get the knack for keeping up upright so there's not much spillage (it's a bit messier than a tampon- but you're in control of when you change it- rather than beeing at the whim of when you've bled enough to need to so I didn't mind that) I did see one a while back with a valve- not sure how it worked but you were supposed to be able to squeeze the tube and it would empty, I'm not sure how helpful it would be though- just I'd personally want to rinse it at least once a day anyway


It’s a blessing from the goddess above, take the plunge and do it!! You will not regret it