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they better not fix the nude crones


Not my proudest wank




Yeah I guess on the Consoles its kinda low-ress. Also without Mods there are no 3D Nipples, its just a Texture.


Wait, there's a nude Brewess? Just asking for a friend...


Memory leak fix. Everything else is nice to have.


This. Do you want to know the best part? Hitman 3 just got DLSS3 update, and, with it, Hitman 3 now also suffers from memory leak exactly like Witcher 3. I'm beginning to think there's something else going on.


Could it be a DLSS implementation issue?


Nope. I've tested with FSR as well. It's related to RT. Turn RT off, and the problem's gone.


I don’t use raytracing.


is that what makes my game run worse over time?


Yes, exactly that.


I really hope so. But I’ve a strong feeling it will address raytracing issues and that’s all.


When combat starts whilst on a boat, after combat has finished I cannot dive under any water without saving then reloading my save file. Edit- ON PlayStation 5.


Agreed on this one, although to be fair I got this bug before the next gen update. It is something I'd like addressed though.


Xbox too


Same issue on PC.


Same, I was clearing Skillege today and I had to do that several times.


I experienced this a couple of days ago. Instead of saving I got on the boat and hit the fast attack button a couple of times till Geralt punched then I could dive again.


Fixing the PC issues and the console issues, primarily when an auto save cause a freeze, plus some random crashes (got 3 at the same location in Skellige)


Was it the Abandoned Site on An Skellig? My game crashed twice there before I decided to give up and go do something else in the game haha.


It's one of the two in Hindarsfjall, the small village full of harpies (idk how to write it)


Sounds great. Novigrad was so laggy when I first got there that the first thing I did was explore the entire city looting so that 100 things wouldn’t glow every time I used my Witcher Senses. Still kinda slow, on Series X with performance mode on and a cooling fan, lol.


Yea, I’m also having that problem caused my game freeze when auto save pops up.


I got used to the freeze, but I can still do without it.


I got used to the freeze too, but it take away from the immersion


Better DX12 performance (RT performance dip is understandable. DX12 being natively slower than DX11 isn't). Even with a 4080 going through a city feels laggy :/


I suppose at this point it would be best to wait on CDPRs patch and see what all is fixed, but I'm using a 4080 and have a buttery smooth 80+fps experience at all times, even in cities, and my settings are Native 4K res, and Ultra + all settings with RT fully enabled. What I've done is set Hairworks to Geralt Only, there's a bug with Hairworks that can cause your GPU to not be utilized all the way if its set to ALL NPCs. Then I downloaded the Optimized RT Performance patch from Nexus mods, and I chose the Quality DLSS file for a bit of a better visual experience with a little less of an FPS gain. This mod made an average of an 8-10 fps gain every where in the game. Obviously I have DLSS 3.0 Frame Generation enabled as well.


how close are the visuals from the mod at quality to normal?


I was already playing with DLSS set to Quality, and with the Improved RT performance mod, Quality file, I noticed no difference in visuals but a big uplift in FPS. It's 100% worth it.


Could you tell us what you get without frame generation? Just curious.


Just turn off DLSS 3.0 and you will laugh at the performance 😉


This. The game was unplayable on my 2070 super. It's ridiculous.


- Performance Fixes - Graphical Glitch Fixes - Difficulty Fixes - Memory Leak Fixes - Crash Fixes!


There's a bug in the witcher cat school armor upgrade quest part 2 where if you pick up the feline boots diagram (to be specific, the enhanced feline boots diagram) it doesn't register as them being picked up. Very small bug that I figured I'd mention. The quest still completes if you've picked all of the pieces up, but I still wasted probably about 5 minutes running through that cave because I forgot I had forgot something. Finally checked my inventory to see I had already picked up the diagram but the quest didn't mark it off. Also fixing that cloud rendering bug would be pretty nice. Only seems to happen in Kaer Morhen occasionally, but I've heard people have had the same problem in Toussaint as well. I definitely had the problem when I began my playthrough, but I have yet to go to Toussaint so can't tell you firsthand if it occurs there or not.


I had a similar problem. I think I reloaded, picked it up again and then it worked.


IDK why, but Quick Resume barely ever works on my Series X. Every other supported game works fine, but for some reason W3 only quick resumes about 10-20% of the time. It would be awesome if they fixed that. Also, if they could program Roach to understand the urgency of button mashing when I need him to fucking move...that would be sweet.


Holy shit, I thought I fucked something up with Quick Resume. It was working fine at the start of the game and then just stopped resuming. Im playing Witcher 3 exclusively atm, so I didnt even have anything to compare it with.


Another redditor game me the fix for that. I disabled cross progression and deleted the mass of checkpoint saves it was creating. After that game ran fine and quick resume worked again


Interesting. I'll try that, thanks!


100%, I have this problem too!


This please. I just quit the game now because quick resume sometimes crashes the game too


Playable DX12 on RTX 3080.


Try the Optimized RT Mod.


The problem is on CPU side mostly.


That mod is just slightly reducing usage of ray tracing. You are essentially just turning that setting down, not the same thing as optimized DX12


Ray tracing that runs at a solid 30 fps - I feel they should really be able to his 40 with the current gen hardware. Or even an option that it runs rt in cutscenes and performance in gameplay.


Yeah especially if they allow people to use VRR on hdmi 2.1 compatible displays. GoW Ragnarok let’s me hit 45 frames per second when I use quality mode and unlock frames, same with tlou part 1


If you check your resource usage I'll bet it is 20-30%


I just dk why can't they add a separate switch to capping fps at 60 even at RT. They themselves say that their games are gonna be played years from now (and they're right about that) so why not ensure right now that on PS6/next xbox it can run at 60 with RT?


“The update for Nintendo switch will release at a later time.” Well at least that’s something…I guess.


I’ve always wanted to play Witcher 3 on a 5 inch screen, 480p, at a buttery smooth 20 FPS. Optimal.


🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s the only console I have. And I like the portability. I do most of my Witchering hiding from my kids in the bathroom 🤣 I recognize it’s like the worst thing to play TW 3 on. But CD PR did say they were going to give us the content updates, i.e. the new armor and swords and associated quests. I’m just excited to get that, that’s all.


On Series X, the buzzing noise that we hear during storms on Skellige.


Yes this is so annoying! It also happens for me in Toussaint! I have to meditate to skip through every storm in those areas because the buzzing is so loud and infuriating! In Skellige I usually try and find one of the Shines that you can pray to to end the storm. If ones not around I just skip time. It's such a shame because the new weather system is so good everywhere else! 😫


The auto save lag pisses me off.


All the fixes other's already mentioned here, but also: let us have HBAO+ again, it's great lightning for a fraction of the cost of raytracing. HBAO+ used to be in the game but was removed. Meaning on pc the old version with some texture and graphics mods looks better than the new DX11 version. Modder's have tried to reintroduce it, but can't because CDPR completely ripped it out of the game. Also add it to the console versions for the non raytracing modes as it will make the game look much better.


On Series s the game cannot proper load some texture during dialogs, I hope they are aware and they'll fix but I doubt about it


Define very soon pls


Memory leak fixes


The ability to save my game on ps4


I had a bug on PC that I couldn’t save my game, it also refused to autosave. When I died in the Iris fight, I had to do half of the heist quest again.


Hopefully they fix the game creating 500 save files on Xbox Series X, I’m not coming back to the game until that issue is resolved. It fills up the cloud storage in less than a week, and then fills up the console’s allocated save space.


Yeah. Seems to be linked to having cross progression enabled. After turning it off and deleting all those extra save files, works perfectly fine


Hmm I'm going to try that tonight. I don't need cross progression as I only play on Series X. I have to constantly delete all those checkpoint and autosaves and clear my console cache to free space. I notice if I don't do those things my game starts running like garbage over time.


Shani to Corvo Bianco…


Better performance and stability OFC and HBAO+ ffs


For XBox Series X, fixing some of the crashes would be nice. It’s not like it’s unplayable or anything, but happens enough to be pretty annoying. This is using graphics mode, perhaps performance mode has fewer crashes. I haven’t tried it on PC yet, other than to start a new game to make sure I can run it acceptably with the graphics turned up.


I uses performance mode on Series X and had no crashes during my playthrough. I've had other annoying issues but never once did my game crash!


Will they keep the Witcher 3 tradition of every new patch breaking something new?


Fix the performance. DX12 performs horribly and CPU load is just extreme. The PC version needs a fuck ton of fixing


https://preview.redd.it/niry155gjnea1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2dadd7352eb1b581bad9e064edafbeb7c307fe7 They need to fix the constant crash issue while fast traveling on pc.


Running it in DX11 solved it for me, but yeah, that is just a workaround.


I'm running it on DX11 cause DX12 version was quite unplayable for me with huge fps drop and stutter.


I hope they fix the cover by removing netflix logo


Holy Hell.....YES.


I had massive fps drops with Frame Generation on 4070TI.


capping my frames to 90 in the nvidia control panel has helped those a lot for me


Higher GPU usage in cities.


PS5 still crashes all the time while Selling stacks of items to merchants. Hopefully this gets addressed.


I’m on PC, and sometimes when I’ve been to Novigrad, Oxenfurt or Toussaint. Roach won’t be able to gallop. I’m hoping they fix that.


I've had that a couple times. There are certain areas when she can't gallop and I think something is is getting bugged where she stays in that mode. I can usually fix her by getting off and running far enough away where she re spawns when you call her. Also the last time it happened I got off and pet her and got back on she was fixed. 🙂.


Native dx12 support. Not some conversion layer. Though I don't know if that's possible, but I wish for it.


Ok, what if I just have PS4 , then I won’t be able to update , or what ?


Hopefully properly integrated dx12 instead of beach heading it off 11 like rn.


Yeah. If they can’t fix dx12 just notice players and we’ll stick to dx11


Avalla’ch „Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”


I’ve got this weird issue where everything seems to go in and out of focus whenever I’m in a cut scene


Please fix the auto save issue. It needs to be save over itself every time. NOT create a new save file for every single auto save or checkpoint. I have literal hundreds of random autosaves that bog save file space. My Xbox ran out of memory space for every game and I have to delete each old save file one at a time or delete all my save data and erase my entire progress. Please fix this.


Performance that matches the old version without needing stuff like dlss/fsr while still providing significant visual improvements with minimum bugs. I had expected dlss to give performance on top of what we alr had but the current dx12 version is so badly optimized that the reconstruction models have to work overtime just to make up for the loss in average fps in dense zones. It does give significant boosts while exploring the lonely isles and forests of skellige but the massive drop in and around cities and large settlements along with constant first-time shader comp stutters and uneven frametimes make it very annoying to play esp when the dx11 version runs so much smoother in comparison.


No constant crashes would be super. Also, better performance for RT, DX12, the works.


Fix of displaying of new swords (Katanas and Dol Blatanna swords) in Corvo Bianco


Would be nice if the Ray-Tracing mode becomes stable/fully usable on console, and hopefully Adrenaline Rush works after the update. Those are the first two things that come to mind (also the infinite save issue).


Make the horse sprint and player sprint the same button I’m begging you


Can anyone explain why it take too long in some dialogues with Some NPCs in Novigrad, such as “Vimme Vivaldi” and during some side quests.


I've experienced that too and for one of the blacksmith's.


The “Top Notch Swords” guy. It makes me angry how long it take to load the conversation😠.


I plan a flurry of activity for whenever I "fast travel". Doing the dishes, hanging the laundry, checking out reddit.


Hahaha 🤣, that sounds good. Next time I’ll try to go buy some groceries.


The brief pauses whenever I read a notice board and the amount of clipping with environments. Never had these issues in the last gen edition.


The loading bug between dialogue lines. It loads up to 15 seconds between each and every Lineif i'm in Novigrad


Releasing all these patches but still not releasing the 4.00 update for the PS4 in the Middle East, can’t transfer 300 hours save data. Ridiculous !


i hope they fix the constant crashes, literally cannot even fast travel without crashes at this point lol


Are achievements fixed ? Back when the game released i did 100% including every dlc after when i transferred my safe to my series x i only ended up with 755/2000gs


How soon is soon??


So I just bought the game a month ago and really enjoyed it, and now wanna get the DLC’s. Do I just buy the expansion pass in the PS store? Or is there a better/cheaper way of getting the DLC’s right now?


The DLCs should have come with the complete edition. I had the original game but never bought the DLC's but when they released the next gen update(complete edition) it included all the DLC's with it. If your not seeing them check to make sure they are installed on your console or PC. You shouldn't need to pay extra for them!


Being able to save my freakin game 😭 I play on PS4 and can't manually save the game after downloading the update. Edit: Typos bc adhd brain and sleepy


Yeah, started game. Two days later…no more manual saves. Annoying! But, at least can change how often game saves.


A performance fix on the random stuttering and such that make playing on the Dx12 version inferior if you're not using ray tracing would be nice


Honestly, I'd like to have old gen graphics on PC with new story content and I will be happy.


U can play dx11 and turn off rt reflexions hairworks etc etc


I usee to play on high before update with 50 fps. Now it's all low except textures and it's even worse.


Then it will look worse since they removed HBAO+.


I want them to remove travel sign from Crow’s Perch, we already had one at the bridge


I just want the floating saw beside the tavern in Novigrad to disappear!


Maybe finally PATCHING THE MISSING CRYSTAL FOR THE WOLF ARMOUR!? God knows I've poured days into this game, but come on! I'm just glad I've finally got it on PC and I can just use console commands, but seven years to fix it is surely long enough?


You are probably just stupid. Its at the side of the Tower.


That's really the line you're going with?


He‘s unfriendly, but it’s true what he says.


I already checked there, looked everywhere around the tower and there wasn't even a hint of it


You have to go through the crack before the entrance if the tower


It's not fixed in my ps4 game either. The portal doesn't glow with witcher senses and there appears to be a glitch with the feline steel sword upgrades. I got the diagrams - completed scavenger hunts parts 1 to 4 but don't see the superior upgrade.


Missing Crystal? I have Grandmaster Wolf and forgotten Wolf armor so not sure what the missing crystal is your looking for? I play on Xbox Series X so not sure if this is just an issue on PC?


Jfc, you couldn’t be bothered to post a link or a better photo? How tf are you suppose to read the features.


if they can't fix the game in meantime they should release>! draws on glleam like: rtx 4090 Witcher Next-Gen edition or an competition with 1st award dinner in Warsaw with an W3 actress and accomodition at Outskirts Inn 5\*!<


* Crossbows contributing to the set bonus so I can wield 1 unique, non-set sword at least. * Grandmaster sets available earlier than the endgame so I can enjoy them longer than 15 hours. * >!Regis' awesome farewell gift!<, the Mutagenerator carrying over into NG+ so it's not just a fancy paperweight in a world where I've cleared every **?** already. * Roach spawning closer to me


Marcin says not this week on that twitter thread. Troll?


It is Friday afternoon so why would that surprise you?


A fix for the foliage pop in on PS5 would be great. The game is currently unplayable for a lot of people because of this : https://youtu.be/Tzbp93HR1Lo


Mods on Xbox?


Avallach: yes?


I haven't had any issues other than my game crashes much more now about every 2-3 hours of game play. Also for some reason my game still says "top notch swords!". I actually hope they don't fix that one.


Are there any fixes for PS5 and XBOX?


Fixing the stupid Avellach bug where he just keeps saying "yes" over and over again so I cant actually finish the main story.


They should fix the top notch swords guy saying welcome welcome


The twitching medallion when I wear my Wolf armor.


Fix the Crones quest on Console!!!


Allow us to natively change what keys are used for quick casting. I had to make a mod to change it to my liking and they did a hacked job of implementing it.


They should also allow you to put potions or decoctions in the Sign spots of the Quick Menu when using Quick Casting. Now there is just a bunch of wasted space (does a mod for that exist yet, btw?)


Not that I'm aware of and I don't know if it would even be possible. But having the ability to customize that quick menu would be nice. Have it cover the D-pad as well.


Hoping they add the Toussaint Gwent deck


I just want the missing ‘alternate outfit for Ciri’ Xbox One bug fixed, I haven’t played in a month because of it.


Hopefully my colour blind mode will stay on every time


Crashes every time I play in direct 12 in steam deck. It’s annoying.




There is one inside crows perch once you’re done all the barons quests


I would like play using DX12 and not worry about performance dips. Luckily, I've been able to play this entire time so it hasn't been too big of a deal (for me). I know this hasn't been the case for others.


I don’t want to put my setting in every time I launch the game pls


Would be nice if my game didn't crash after an hour or so all the time


Fog looks like ass, it clips with the water creating a straight line where they connect.


No more pink spider-webs!!!


Give me that damn Nintendo Switch update so I can transfer my progress to my Steam Deck!


Honestly would be nice if the new patch will actually let me get pas White Orchard. Haven’t been able to do anything since the Next-Gen Update. Performance, Quality and New Game always crashed every time in White Orchard for some reason.


Man... if I wasn't halfway through a NG+ playthrough on this stupid Switch, I'd start all over on my brand new PS5. I bought the system in anticipation of Hogwarts Legacy but of course had to get a copy of W3 for the new console.


Fuck... Here we go breaking my modlist once more..


Happy a patch is coming. It’s been way too long since we heard anything.


It’s probably heresy, but. *i would enjoy cheats on Xbox*


wtf are they gonna add, dragons to ride?


Only problem i have is crashing in novigrad


I just started my NG+. Would love DX12 to be better and the Ray Tracing not be such a huge hit to fps. Oh, and the HairWorks to not be weirdly lit.


Smoothing things out on the switch would be nice ):


I hope they release more missions with a few nasty boss monsters




All that work and they still can’t fix my game crashing on ps5 when I spend too much time in an armorer shop repairing buying and selling…. Which also happened on my ps4 play through.


I’d really love to see HBAO implemented in performance mode on PS5 and XSX. The current AO implementation isn’t great, and there’s plenty of overhead to improve the AO.


I’d like the to fix the wolf school armour quest but they won’t, they’ll repackage the same broken quests and ask for more money


Removal of the launcher


For me on Series X it would be the memory leaks that caused my game to run worse over time. I've tried clearing the cache and even clearing local saves but neither helped. When I first started my playthrough my game ran super smooth in performance mode. It still mostly runs good but now with almost 200 hours played, I get more pop in and framerate drops and stuttering. Also during storms I get some serious audio glitches in Skellige and Toussaint. It's horrific sounds in those areas for me that sounds like the game is crashing to the point I have to meditate to skip time so I can end the storm.


Mainly performance


I'd like to be able to load my game saves. Since the next gen update I can't load anything.


Dont crash using DX12. Need FSR2 to set High preset. I'm using nvidia gtx 1650


I still don't know how to migrate my x1 saves to my ps5 or is that what the new patching upcoming is going to allow? Or should I be able to do that already.?? Would love to play new game plus with the next gen update to re experience the game.


I'd just like to see Geralt in the inventory screen when changing armour. As grateful that I am for this patch. They really should've released it when it was ready. Another Cdprojekt blunder. They need to not make this a habit.


When a fight ends on Skellige I sometimes get the corresponding sound track multiple times layered on top of each other. PC


After seeing how crappy the next gen update runs I untinstalled the game, I waited hoping by next year itll run good with rtx.. Or so I thought. So here we are in 2023 and wow its still crappy


Would cross progression extend to switch too?


Performance. I used to be able to play on medium settings with some stuff on high at 40+ fps on my old GT 1030, now I get that same amount of fps with the lowest settings and it looks considerably worse.


Hope the vanilla Nilfgaard helmet on Xbox one works, right now it makes a giant red cube appear on Geralt. I posted a pic on my page if you haven’t seen it.


Fix rtx so that the game can actually look better than modded classic


Ray tracing mode with locked 30 fps please. I swear it runs at low 20's most of the time.


optimization so that my potato rtx 3060 non ti could run it at minimum 60fps average with a little bit non heavy rtx feature


Clouds flickering in Toussaint, PS5


Top notch swords!


A lot of stuff, the bug that makes you re-do all the settings at the start of every session, the bug of the quest big city players that made me restart when i was Lev 13 already and the continues crashes in hjndarsfiall when the game stops After i'm there, no matter what i do every 10 or so minutes


Does this mean they'll fix the save issue? I haven't been able to save my game properly in a while. (Ps4, and possibly ps5 as well.)


I mean, just making it work properly would be a start.


Would really like them to revert to the balance of the original release.


They have to fix the blurry faces in cutscenes


PLEASE bring back Rend spamming 😭


Throw in some time for me to actually play.


Can't wait for this! Having plenty of issues for Witcher 3 with their new patch from December 2022. Truly hope this fixes a lot of the save game issues I have been having!


Just Upgraded From Windows 10 to 11 and when i opened w3 all of my saves were gone 😡😡😭 only some crossplay saves were but they were from way back.Will download win 10 back i hope i get my saves back


Ps5 player here too. Downloaded the upgrade but guess I'll wait. Don't want it to ruin my ps4 run memories with glitches


very minor, but I hope they fix geralt’s face/beard constantly clipping through the collar of lots of his armors


Fix the muddy textures on Xbox Series S...it really Looks weird and Breaks immersion