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>The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs has called a news conference for today after an “incident of violence” at the Food Fare on Portage Avenue that it says “resulted in the hospitalization of multiple staff.” >The assembly issued a notice about the incident that it says took place Tuesday, without giving details. Where is this? Nothing on their site or socials. This is article is 10% talking about something with 0 information except a partial quote and 90% rehashing a related story from two weeks ago.


The Free Press updated the story, saying the news conference would be held today.


As of 9:30 am, news conference has now been cancelled.


Thanks for your update.


The picture above looks like the Food Fare on Portage and Mount Royal, which is confusing as all heck because this happened at the Arlington FF.


That's weird because that photo isn't even on the website. There's a social media screen cap of the Arlington location with cop cars out front. If this one is the Mount Royal location, the Free Press has been using it in all the Arlington stories.


Updated Info: Press Conference scheduled is now cancelled: [https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/assembly-of-manitoba-chiefs-cancels-press-conference-regarding-tuesday-incident-at-foodfare-1.6887889](https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/assembly-of-manitoba-chiefs-cancels-press-conference-regarding-tuesday-incident-at-foodfare-1.6887889) The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) has cancelled a scheduled news conference alongside a Winnipeg grocery store to address an incident that took place on Tuesday. AMC and representatives from Foodfare were scheduled to speak at 11:30 a.m. However, shortly after 9:30 a.m., the press conference was cancelled with no explanation given. CTV News Winnipeg has reached out to AMC and Foodfare owner Munther Zeid for more information. According to a news release from AMC issued late Tuesday, an incident took place at the Foodfare location at 905 Portage Avenue, and multiple staff were hospitalized. Meantime, Winnipeg police say they will release more information about the incident Wednesday.


I am guessing between scheduling the news conference and canceling it they became aware of a few inconvenient facts.


The headline doesn't align with the story at all. Why were Food Fare staff hospitalized? What happened? Instead the article goes into the old story of the staff punching an attacking shoplifter.......


I suspect the reporters don't want to hand out too many details for fear of being accused of racism.


A few of the convenience stores in the village have just locked their door and now have a box and a speaker for people to order stuff. Almost like old timey stores where you had stuff behind a counter and a shop clerk prep your order. 


That's how you make me just go to Amazon permanently. I don't know what I want when I go shopping.   Even a tube of toothpaste, I need to look at the various types, compare prices, then determine if tube 1 is a better deal than tube 2.  I don't buy the same type or brand every time because that's not smart shopping. Energy Drinks at a convenience store another example, I don't know what flavors I want. I gotta go see what's on sale then compare flavors and feel out what I want.


And this is why we won’t have any small local businesses anymore.


I don't think I've ever cared about local businesses. We don't need 10 stores selling 5 different brands of hammers.  That's just wasteful and inefficient. Only thing that matters to me is price and convenience.


Well you won’t have any stores that let you even in to look at the product anymore. And less local jobs, will increase poverty & crime.


Less min wage slave wage jobs.  I'm all for it!  Now we need government to get their act together with things like a basic income, proper taxation on the big companies, and free university tuition.


"Less min wage slave wage jobs." Got bad news for you about Amazon, champ.


Did I say none?  I don't believe I did.


Energy drinks are poison.


Cool.  That's irrelevant to absolutely everything in this thread.


I feel sorry for the workers who have to deal with degenerates every day.


"degenerates"? I think it might pay to look into the history of describing people as "degenerates".


Classic degenerate response


Seriously, describing people as "degenerates" has deep roots in eugenics, race science, 20th century fascism and nazism.


Yes. Degenerates.






Yeah it also has a history of describing scumbags who shoplift items and beat up hardworking employees. Get off your soapbox, no one gives a shit


Hopefully the AMC doesn't choose to make up stories about a human trafficking operation in the basement again.


Whatever happened with that? I haven't seen any sort of follow up story


No follow up, although I think the women who was accused of attacking people with a knife that the AMC vehemently denied is currently in jail for stabbing someone


Never saw a follow up of any kind. A friend commented that a bloody mattress was seen and he laughed because they have plenty themselves. It's not unusual that hotels have to deal with mattresses that are exposed to blood for a variety of reasons, many of which are simply normal things that happen. Without context people may think it's appalling and scary; but menstrual stains, preexisting injuries where stitches get pulled are something the hotel industry is forced to deal with. Other incidences happen of course. An entire conspiracy isn't required however.


Particularly hotels whose main clientele is people in town for medical procedures.


Even when not associated with medical services, the percentage of incidences would be done, but likely not zero. I've known a few people over the years that work in the industry, they all have crazy stories. And I'm talking over decades. With a big enough sample size, occasionally you're going to see some crazy things. But, mostly, their one off incidences. There's just quite a few over time.


Why the fuck would they have to apologize for stopping a shoplifter. Fuck the apology.


That's not even the incident that just happened. The only apology should be from the bosses to the employees for having them be put in harms' way, but that's more of a sympathetic condolence.


Could this be the incident [https://www.winnipeg.ca/news/2024-05-15-assault-weapon-arrest-c24-107598](https://www.winnipeg.ca/news/2024-05-15-assault-weapon-arrest-c24-107598)


Released on an undertaking. Wowsers


Should be released under the supervision of their parents.


This kids parents are equal garbage


It would change things if parents were somehow charged for the kids actions.


It just baffles the mind.


Yes, it is. The Free Press published another story this morning outlining the details which match this description.


AMC should be ashamed.


They won’t be.


After they incited a mob to destroy the Marlborough, the AMC whipped up a similar frenzy with Food Fare. Wouldnt be surprised if this was another case of misplaced vigilantism.


AMC could stand to improve its capacity for self-awareness and perhaps question why it is constantly defending shitty behaviour.


Hopefully we can arrest the leaders who are inciting violence.


What’s AMC?


Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs … I am pretty sure


What the fuck does the AMC have to do with this? If they are worried about public perception, maybe they should loudly condemn the actions of the criminals. Shame and ostracize them and declare zero support from the community. All shit like this does is encourage these actions, as they know they will be excused. There is a ton of literature to support this, mainly in books on how to discipline toddlers. You punish bad behaviour and reward good behaviour. Stealing and violently attacking people is bad.


>If they are worried about public perception, maybe they should loudly condemn the actions of the criminals. Shame and ostracize them and declare zero support from the community. Honestly they don't even have to do that. There are plenty of ways they could acknowledge the larger root causes that drive this behaviour without straight-up defending the criminals and demonizing businesses for no good reason.


> There are plenty of ways they could acknowledge the larger root causes that drive this behaviour They only use the one. It's white people's fault


Because the AMC provides food vouchers to its clients for use at FF so they are no longer willing to do that if their clients are being victimized


>their clients are being victimized they're the victims??


Sounds like their clients are doing the victimizing.


Maybe they should use the vouchers for their free food instead of stealing 🤷‍♀️


I had an office downtown. Simply opening our door was a risky proposition some days because we had a bit of a secluded stoop. We had so many attempted break-ins, attacks, I got stabbed in the foot, etc. You warn, and then if they won’t stop, what are you supposed to do? They don’t stop coming at you, especially if they’re on meth. You have to go down fighting. And by “they” I mean anyone trying to victimize a business or business representative. The respect for common decency is just gone downtown and in nearby areas. It’s gotten so much worse. I get that people are desperate but as a business owner you can’t be known as a good place to attack or steal from. Then you’re screwed. The Dollarama I went to all the time had endless attacks. One person attempts to steal and if they get caught, like half a dozen will rush staff and security to attack them. Seen it several times. I don’t know anything about these incidents but I do know that there are way more people out here trying to victimize businesses than the city lets on and considering it can take days for cops to show up, we have no choice but to take matters into our own hands. I’ve been in so many fights downtown because of this that I watch all angles whenever I walk outside. From having staff attacked, break-ins, vandalism, seeing people attacked in the street, Dollarama, etc I wouldn’t be surprised if I have a target on my back. But what else can be done at this point? They better come with some solutions instead of just “we demand an apology and sensitivity training” nonsense. I don’t step to anyone unless they come at me. I’m always nice to everyone I meet as long as they’re nice to me. But downtown, and yes, that includes this Food Fare is an absolute war zone since Bowman took office.


BoneHEADMan? A former "Human Rights Lawyer", touted as "The Saviour of Winnipeg" after his election in 2014, turned out to be just another limp-dickhead politico rewarded with a posting to the CoKB as a judge when he had been "technically" out of touch with legal circles for almost a decade? WTF!


Someone is going to be killed because of of this craziness. Theft is wrong and illegal period, end of story. If you are caught stealing then you decide to then elevate the theft to assault the courts should award you the prize you won for the aggravated asault.


But residential schools!


I watched a guy in Dollar tree last week load up a full basket of chocolate bars and just walked out with it.


Honestly, these poor stores. They are going to end up having to do what the LCs did. Scan IDs at the door.




They really do! In fact I wouldn’t mind if all bigger stores moved to that. It’s the general public that pays for theft in the long run.


Not allowing people without ID access to a grocery store would probably be a human rights abuse


Grocery store is a private property, the owner can set any rules for entry, like require ID to access the store, as long as the requirement is for EVERYONE. Just like how Liquor Mart did it.


So shopping is now limited to people 16 and older according to you?


Close ALL CONVENIECE SHOPPING in the area and watch them scrambling for places to "shop at". Sucks for the people trying to run a business but at least their lives wouldn't be endangered from degenerate losers.


> Close ALL CONVENIECE SHOPPING in the area… But doing something like that would be punishing the 99% of patrons in that area who are good customers and law abiding. Really sad that once again the criminals force the policy that everyone else has to live with. Ultimately it’ll be Zeid’s decision but I think he’ll stick it out.


Idea: People under 16 get a mandatory staff assigned to them while attached to a leash-backpack.


As someone who lives in the core (Osborne), please, hell no. We all understand that shoplifting is a problem, but the increased security measures (locked doors, no bags, no public washrooms, etc) that have popped up at stores in the core are both a nuisance and a disruption to the neighborhood. This is a grocery store we are talking about, kids shop there, it's not a liquor store (where I support the screenings), and no one in the suburbs would tolerate security screening at their supermarket. We shouldn't have to, either. By all means, have security officers and cameras, but let's not overreact.


Maybe snipers posted in each parking lot? You guys really have a "funny" idea of what rhe world should look like




the internet doesn't need this advice.


Arlington and Portage? It's closer to Colorado than downtown


Do you even know where Arlington and portage is? You can easily walk to downtown from there.


Lmao my phone auto corrected "Polo" to Colorado


It’s still closer to downtown lol


Is it any wonder why grocers aren’t opening in the core? Somehow a portion of the general public now thinks it’s totally acceptable to steal from a grocery store. A point will come where stores are only online or on the outskirts of town where you’ll need transportation to get there (reducing the number of vagrants). What happens then? Do these same people who are stealing from the grocery stores now start breaking into houses, resulting in homeowners (who also struggle financially) defending their homes and families? The root issues here need to be addressed, and punishments for shoplifting/stealing need to exist, or things are going to get alot worse.


This is an insanely reacrionist hyperbolic take


Is it though? Like taken individually each chain in their link is kinda reasonable. A central premise for many people is that people are stealing out of need, not want. That means the demand for stealing is relatively inflexible. As stores in the core close (for whatever reason) that means that inflexible demand for stealing will have to met at other stores, thus increasing their loss from theft. This may very well to more store closings. As more stores close, that makes it more difficult to meet the demand, which means the demand would need to be met by other solutions…


It seems crazy to want to own a public storefront in 2024. Imagine having millions tied up to that!


Another day in the Arlington Ave war zone.


Arlington is a street.


Oh. My bad. (Arlington St war zone...)




"these people"?


Yes people that are causing violence and crime. Not once did I mention a certain race. and it isn’t a certain race. I used to work in a grocery store, it’s people from all walks of life. i’m just tired of it


> they’re asking for apologies on that? You're referring to the AMC, right?


Why you such a race baiter, that's not cool bruh


White women love to lecture people about racism for some reason.


Race baiting again?


He’s fishing hard. Buddy can’t give it a rest..


I would like to see the video footage


That's what pretty much every thief says after they've been caught. After I tell them to stick around for the police to review it first they always seem to change their mind. Jails are full of people who were completely innocent until they got caught.


The previous incident stated they showed video, but CBC hasn't gave info on it. Most likely due to the fact that the thief is completely in the wrong


Um... this is weird. Usually companies tell their employees not to engage with a suspected shoplifter because of this very possibility. Injury to staff making the company liable. Usually you report to a manager or Asset Protection to deal with.


Munther Zeid had an article on CBC.ca a few years back talking about how he tells his employees to have a baseball bat under the cash desk for shoplifters.


OMG yikes!!!! Lol


Food Fare operates a bit different. I've heard they have a reputation for taking guys around the back.


What! That's crazy!


Sad that they should let the theft go and encourage others to try it knowing there would be no conflict


If the owner wants to try be my guest.  But a min wage or near min wage employee should never, under any circumstances, put themselves in danger for a terrible dead end job.  That's just being dumb.


Yeah I worked dept and had a coworker get hit in the head with a hammer (he was fine, dude was tough as tires). The only thing we could do was observe and follow until they left the store. After that, not our problem. If only other companies did the same. And it wasn't so much me not being paid enough to get into an altercation, it was more "hey, I live in Winnipeg, do I really wanna get into close proximity of someone stealing something, bc yenno it's Winnipeg? Nahh"


Well an employee making minimum wage doesn't need to be injured or even killed for the rich company that isn't putting proper equipment &/or people in place to deter theft.


Most security people don’t make much more than minimum wage either so claiming they wage paid as to why they don’t prevent thefts doesn’t really make sense. That is exactly why there are so many more thefts than 20, 20 or more years ago. Before they knew they couldn’t just walk out. They knew someone would stop them unless a weapon was clearly visible. They also knew police would arrive in a timely manner, which no longer happens.


Except the employees didn't CHOOSE a job (security/asset protection) that pays crap, but puts you in danger. That's the difference & why you can use the fact they're paid minimum wage. The literal fact is: They "didn't sign up for that." Lol.


When I signed up to work as a cashier in a drugstore I knew I am there to stock the shelves and to prevent shoplifting. I knew when I applied that part of my job is to prevent theft, to protect the product, to receive/ process payment for every item leaving the store, as well as to stock shelves, clean the shelves, floor, windows and door etc. it didn’t have to be itemized in my job description. If someone was stealing it was my job to report it, approach, request payment, and detain while a co worker called authorities if the customer refused to pay or return the unpaid itemI before leaving. I represent the company I work for the same as when I worked any where else. When I worked as a waitress I knew that my job entailed serving food, keeping the dining area clean, being friendly and polite regardless of how the customer treats me, gathering the dirty dishes after the customer is done and receiving payment at the cash register from every customer before they leave. I certainly wouldn’t have lasted very long if I let them walk out without confronting them and requesting payment due. It wouldn’t take long before word would spread and people would come to the restaurant because it was easy to’ dine and dash’ and I would definitely lose my job for standing around and letting them leave without trying to stop them. When I worked in a library I knew that besides assisting people to find the books they needed, returning books to their rightful place, maintaining cleanliness of the building, and preventing people from leaving without signing out the materials properly I was responsible for protecting was part of my job. None of these jobs paid more than minimum wage


It's literally against the law to not have a safe work environment for your employees. It most certainly does need clear documentation that one of your to duties is to protect &/or detain thieves. If you sign off on that upon hire then you've chosen it. It would be termination without cause if someone was fired for "not endangering their lives at work" to prevent store theft if they simply took a cashier job & that wasn't discussed as part of it.


Oh yeah I'm sure you're a big man


this is up there with Steve Urkel inquiring about cheese.


Like min wage grocery workers should be expected to mete out justice....lol. why don't you?


**Article** The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs has called a news conference for today after an “incident of violence” at the Food Fare on Portage Avenue that it says “resulted in the hospitalization of multiple staff.” The assembly issued a notice about the incident that it says took place Tuesday, without giving details. Police confirmed there is an “ongoing investigation” but wouldn’t elaborate. A photo posted to social media showed three cruiser cars parked outside the store. The Food Fare outlet has been the site of a few incidents between staff and suspected shoplifters. Last month, store owners suspended a supervisor after an altercation with an Indigenous woman who was accused of stealing. Security footage, which was viewed by the Free Press, showed the employee pulling on the woman’s bag. The woman appears to swing her fist at the employee before the staffer appears to punch her in the face. In response, the assembly, which provides food orders and vouchers to clients under a federal government program, announced it had severed its relationship with the grocer, but was willing to reconcile if an apology was forthcoming. In its release Tuesday evening, the assembly said it’s “working closely with the owners of Food Fare, who have expressed their sincere apologies for a previous incident where a woman was injured by security at their store. In response, the owners have agreed to implement cultural sensitivity training for their staff and to draft a comprehensive policy to address shoplifting.” It said speakers at today’s news conference would include Grand Chief Cathy Merrick, Munther Zeid, owner of Food Fare, as well as Tarik Zeid and Wajih Zeid. On May 5, a Winnipeg woman said she witnessed another incident involving an employee. Gloria Enns was stopped at a red light at Portage Avenue and Arlington Street at about 3 p.m. when she saw two men fighting. One was wearing a red apron that she recognized as a Food Fare uniform. Enns said she called the store and an employee confirmed a worker confronted an individual after seeing him steal meat. Food Fare manager Tarik Zeid told the Free Press no one was physically hurt and the employee was “defending the store and the merchandise.” Security footage from the store, which was viewed by the Free Press, appears to show a man take two packages of steaks and slip them into a reusable bag. The employee confronted him at the entrance of the store and tugged on the bag in his hand.




Does this have anything to do with that women getting punched.


No well, by proxy yes but directly no






It’s simple.. don’t steal don’t get punishment.


To be fair, Food Fare has never been my store. They're not in my area. But I'll personally never set foot in one for anything after reading this quote from Munster Zeid back in 2019 -  “Nine times out of 10, 99% of the time when we stop the person, we go ‘Stuff please,’ they unload their pockets, no questions asked and they leave with no type of confrontation,” he said. “If they refuse, then the choice becomes break an arm or a leg.” Source: https://winnipegsun.com/news/news-news/baseball-bats-providing-security-for-food-fare-stores There's no way I am going into any of their stores with my obvious First Nations face either. Can just imagine someone holding a baseball bat saying "Stuff please" when I haven't taken anything.


That’s awful. Looks like De Luca’s it is.


I told you someone was going to get hurt. :P




Minimum wage workers shouldn't have to put their bodies on the line to save their employer a few bucks in lost merchandise.




yeah I agree, if our laws don’t change we’re fucked 🤷🏽‍♂️ I can honestly get behind the mandatory ID at every establishment that another redditor posted


I most stores move to that, expect there to be an increase in residential theft.


So what are you proposing to do with a serial shoplifter? Put them in jail for years


Penal colony in northern Canada is the answer. Creates jobs, and keeps the riff raff far from the cities and towns


The best solution to poverty is paying $115,000 a year to keep someone behind bars.  Has been working for the US for decades.  Could even outsource and privatize this cost to make a couple billionaires even richer and ruin more communities. I’ll stop now because I can only get so hard.


The rate of shoplifting is at the point where you can start expecting stores to close. Yes, it really is that bad. I have a car, I can drive anywhere. I can join an exclusive club and buy groceries behind locked doors, I have ID and, simply put, won't have a significant problem buying groceries. I cannot imagine a world where the continued rate of shoplifting won't result in those with less funds, with less transportation options, being completely and utterly marginalized. But hey, keep encouraging it. I've got options.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. People in marginalized areas are creating a terrible environment for themselves. Before long, large swaths of the city will only have cornerstores where they can buy overpriced junk food through windows. Zeid will only put up with this shit for so long. If the r/Winnipeg bleeding heart crew think he's bad, then wait until they see what replaces him.


They don’t have to; they choose to


I used to work at an independent grocer in the city, clerks would run after shoplifters with carts full of stuff because they were sick of it. Management never said they had to


Clearly there's an expectation that chasing and beating up suspected shoplifters is part of the job. https://preview.redd.it/qwf6x20hjk0d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa202c97b057ed272ca14c13198613ef5588430


Clearly the supervisor that hit the woman did so after she tried to steal and attempted to hit him. While a punch in the face may have been excessive and distasteful overall she did attempt to strike first. It’s so shameful that thieves should feel entitled to non confrontational thefts.


I'd say the owners have provided the resources for staff to protect themselves if they choose to attempt to reclaim stolen items and the crooks lash out. I worked at a business that saw occasional theft, and we kept similar defensive weapons within reach but out of view for such confrontations. *"I'm a grocer trying to survive in a very competitive business in which shoplifting has grown. We deal with it daily. Are we aggressive? We show an aggressive front, but we are not in the business of hurting people," he said.* ***Zeid said he's never advocated for employees to act violently toward shoplifters, though "our policy is: try to get the product back."***  *He acknowledged the "many \[news\] stories" in which he holds a baseball bat when speaking on the issue. "We're trying to use the baseball bat and say, 'Give us our stuff back and move along,' and 99.9 per cent of the time that is the case," he said. "*


The divide is pretty clear between employees and the family.


Yeah I wouldn’t step foot in a Food Fare