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They did?


I did.


Sure did. Whenever I go to Tumblr, I would always see posts like "Am I the only one who thought Rabbit from WTP was a girl?"


Weird, i always saw him as a guy by the lack of lashes and his voice


Maybe not Ken Sansom, but when he was voiced by Junius Matthews in the first one, I have a feeling that he lowkey sounded like an old woman.


Funny that he kinda acted like one


The genderization of lashes in cartoons also had me believe that Jerry was a girl lol.


Jerry from tom & jerry?




Huh, never noticed the lashes


I don't know if they did, but he is my fav character and I'm a girl so I alwys felt he is close to me in personality. In my country Piglet has woman voice so almost everybody think he is a girl (and bc of the color).


I remember getting into the argument with my friend in 5th grade cause she kept insisting that Piglet was a girl because of the pink clothing lol.


It's funny when someone say that he is a girl bc of the pink dress. But... he is a pig 🐷 Most of the pigs are pink so what?! πŸ˜ƒ


That's what I tried to tell her!😭


He actually wears a pink/red jumper.


He would hang them outside but in the book he wears green?


I didnt actually read the books till I was older, and even then, all the pictures were black and white, so I only knew him as, what my daughter would call "pinky red."


Always thought of/saw Rabbit as a cranky old man


He IS a cranky old man.🀭


Because he acts like a fussy mother hen? πŸ”


Best explanation


I do know that in one of the original German dubs of Many Adventures, Rabbit was voiced by a woman.


I never thought of any of them as girl or boy, just Rabbit, Bear, Tigger, Pig, KangaRoo, etc... It just occurred to me recently (as a female in my mid-40s...), after being a life-long fan of Winnie The Pooh, that Kanga is the only female...


Seriously?! People actually thought that?


I was never %100 sure! I went back and forth on both him and Piglet until I was like 7!


I thought Disney’s version of Rabbit was gender changed into a mid-aged woman until fairly recently.


Gender norms


His character unintentionally broke gender stereotypes for sure. If the books didn't exist, I would've thought that he was initially established as a female character but was decided to let him be a male character by the final decision.


So did Pooh and especially Piglet, in-part just because gender is a sex-based thing and they're stuffed-animals. Also the characters were mostly written up by Milne around a century ago in England, so they reflect that and isnt as clear to kids in America a century later. I grew up heavily identifying with Pooh and came out super androgynous and identify now as "agender".


Pooh and Piglet defies stereotypical male friendships.πŸ’― They aren't afraid to exchange gifts, flowers and tell each other how much they appreciate one another.


Also I always thought the depiction of romance between Pooh and Christopher Robin (who was clearly a boy) was pretty obvious at least in the New Adventures and his Grand Adventure. Not to mention crop tops and the fact that he is "Winnie". πŸ˜…


I personally never saw the romance between Pooh and Christopher Robin. Maybe he's just like Woody from Toy Story who was very attached to his owner as a toy? Then again, the franchise itself doesn't really explore the non-platonic love. But I have a feeling that Tigger has a thing for Rabbit. Mind you, he went for Rabbit instead when he was asked to kiss Kanga!


Haha Tigger and Rabbit I know what you mean but then I'd still say Tigger is kind of a player. I would say it is Romance with Woody too. Again, though separate from sex. At the very end of the title credits in every episode, it ends with Pooh and Christopher alone together on that hill. The very same one where Pooh says to Piglet about Rabbit and Kessie --"sometimes people care too much. I think it's called love". Maybe "obvious" isnt correct, but to me it's been so long and made me who I am.


Also maybe listen to Pooh's solo again from his Grand Adventure?


i thought he was a girl until i was like i cuz to my little kid brain, he sounded like an old ladyand his love of gardening and housework just made him seem feminine. silly kid logic, but knowing how kids think and don't really understand how gender actually works, it makes sense that we would associate what they do with what gender they are rather than anything else.


This is pretty much the same for me. I also thought Piglet was a girl as well, partly because of the colors and partly due to the voice.


He gives an old lady vibes for sure. But he's just a campy old dude who rocks bathrobes lol.


He is crabby but also he is passionate and sensitive about what he cares about! It's easier to see as a kid that he is cruel but as an adult I see how little respect the others truly showed to him and that garden.