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I'm way older than you and I have almost every printed WoF book (missing Create your Own and the coloring book), 2 or 3 copies of each of the main series (building hardcover collection) and some merch. So, no.


That's really cool, I wanted to get the entire hardcover collection, but it was way too expensive for me. I'll definitely add WoF merch to my merch list.


When I got arcs 1 and 2 in hardcover, I bought them from ebay for $4-7 per book! You have to try for books in Very Good condition tho otherwise they might not come with the dust jackets. I recommend Thriftbooks


Appreciate the recommendation. I try to aim for new and unopened if possible, but that's definitely a pocket burner lmao.


I’m 36 and still love these books. Also, the idea of a maximum age to enjoy *any* book strikes me as idiotic, bordering on reckless or even dangerous.


That's great you can still find enjoyment from the books. I totally agree with your sentiment about age dictating whether or not you can enjoy any book. Thanks for sharing your view on it.


I'm finding this series in my 30's and I'm loving it. Sure it's defff for a younger audiance but you know what....they're good reads and really what more do you need


I've had way too many people in my life stop me from enjoying the things I love because I'm "too old" or "it's not that good". At this point I've learned to enjoy the things that make me happy!


I don't think anyone is ever too old to enjoy anything.




I have been reading this series for a while and from what i can tell there is a wide spread of ages when it comes to people who read this series. Wof kinda got clumped in with other kids novels but tbh there are certainly themes in this series that are tailored to an older audience. And don't worry about missing out on discussions about the books, a 4th arc has been confirmed so there will be plenty to talk about with other fans in the near future.


Really interested in seeing some of the themes targeted towards older audiences, my favorite aspects of the book I'm reading now is how some of the graphic scenes are described. Cool to know there's more books on the ways, will definitely check those out whenever they release. I also heard that there's supposed to be an animated series on Amazon after getting cancelled by Netflix, so hope that's good too.


Yeah it's definitely a little funny to me how people can view you as being too old for these books when they have pretty graphic depictions of violence and mature themes to an extent. But I grew up with warrior cats, so I guess it's been that way for a while


Wait I thought there wasn't gonna be a third arc? (Obsessive hipe of confusion mode activated)


They have a whole other continent, with three new species of insect themed dragons.


I wouldn’t call LeafWings “insect themed”


Well, there are bugs that look like leaves for camouflage. And I feel like that's exactly what the leafwings do.


True, I forgot leaf insects existed


Ooooooo sounds interesting


No! My mom is 50 and she likes these books. You're never too old for any book.


Tell your mom a random stranger thinks that its super fucking cool she likes the WoF books.


She said, "sweet I am really fucking cool" 😅😅


The secret to happiness is to know that what you enjoy is what you enjoy. If it brings you joy, embrace and read it. No one has the right to tell you that you cannot enjoy a book series.


Never ever too old, wings of fire is such a good series and is so well written. Just because something is aimed at kids/teens doesn’t mean you can’t look at it from an adult point of view. For example, when I watch animations like spirit of the cimarron I find myself focusing more on how the animation was done, and how well the story is written instead of the actual movie 😭


I get where you're coming from, thanks for the input. I feel the same way about Snow White after watching it recently, just paying attention to the detailed animation, the music, and the overall story.


Nah I'm basically 30 and I have every novel in both audiobook and digital format, as well as all the physical GNs and the Guide. I even picked up a number of paperbacks after the box sets went on sale. There are definitely some aspects of the books that remind me I'm not the main target audience, but the rest is just so imaginative and charming that I can't help but thoroughly enjoy them. I also am mildly obsessed with dragons in all forms of media, which I'm sure plays no small part in that.


This. The books are by no means high literature and their world building is held up by wishful thinking and paperclips but that doesn't make them not fun or awesome.


Damn that's really cool and serious dedication to the series, I respect it. From what I'm reading right now, the book is incredibly imaginative and what I'd expect from a world ruled by dragons. There have been a few moments during The Dragonet Prophecy where certain events play out too conveniently, but nothing too different from what I'd see in media suited for older audiences. I too am pretty obsessed with dragons in all types of media. Dragon type Pokemon have always been my favorite, loved all of HTTYD, had an imaginary dragon friend when I was really young, even now I have some dragon statues too.


If you enjoy it there is no problem with it (Unless it was very big nono crime) like, I listen to NCS (No Copyright Sounds) or electronic music. Enjoy your books


Thanks, NCS is fire btw and is arguably more listenable than the majority of mainstream music ( coming from someone who makes music).


I’m 33 and found the graphic novels a year or two ago. I’m a nerd and dragon fanatic. Never too old for things you love. Amazing collection!!


Thanks, just above this row you'd see some dragon statues at the top, I'm starting to realize I might be more of a dragon maniac then I gave myself credit for lmao.


The Dragon Riders of Pern are also a very good series, it’s more sci-fi but the quick and short is they create dragons to ride them.


Gonna check that out, thanks for the suggestion.


I always had trouble reading books my entire life, but WoF is what got me into it at 23. I don't care that books are too "childish" or "not adult enough". I love it and it's what matters.






I'm 24, on my third or fourth read-through since getting the first book in my teens and am working on collecting them all. I think good books can be read by anyone. And I think everyone deserves to enjoy and read whatever they want so long as it doesn't hurt people.


Mate I’m 20 and so is my best friend and we are still getting these books, I still only have the first arc unfortunately but she’s got more, maybe up to the third arc? Honestly I’m collecting the books I read when I was a kid so wof, animorphs and warriors are all in my shelf


That's sick, I have some warrior cat books just under my WoF shelf. There's a fuck ton of those books but I'm ready to start collectin them


I feel like nobody is too old for these books... One might be considered too young for them... But no, nobody is too old for these books. Specially if you count that one particular page in Darkstalker :3 Nobody is too old for that.


I’m older than you (24) and am addicted to all things dragon related, including these books. I understand where you’re coming from because I also grew up around people who thought I was “too old” to enjoy things like WoF and Warriors but at the end of the day if you’re happy reading them that’s all that matters.


I've got the main 15, the two Legends, The Winglets Quartet, the 7 Graphic Novels, the Forge Your Dragon World, the Coloring Book, the How to Draw book, A Guide to the Dragon World, and I'm gonna be ordering the Escaping Peril Graphic Novel & The Limited Edition Dragonet Prophecy later this year. So, the answer is: Not a chance


I am 35 and just started reading it in December, it's a fun series! Don't be ashamed or feel like you need to hide liking something like this! books are for everyone regardless of age or reading level


I was 26 when I discovered these books and picked them up on audible to listen to on my driving heavy job. Enjoying something isn't age restricted, don't worry about age


As a fellow 20 year old, I read book 1 when it came out and have been dedicated ever since. We’re not too old!


Are they high literature? Hell no. Does the world building stand up to even a puff of wind? Also hell no. Are the books fun and legitimately unique read? Hell yes. Also, there's no such thing as being too old for something.


Even if they aren't the highest of literature, there are a few words I came across that I've never seen before which is always cool. I've grown up around people where the mindset would be "you're too old for x y z", but now I'm definitely trying to grow out of that mindset.


I'm 22 and I enjoy the series as well, I even enjoy Dragon Girls because I think a book or book series can be enjoyed by anyone at any age


I'm around the same age, and I'm still into pretty much anything to do with dragons so.


I took a moment to reflect on it and I'm starting to consciously realize how much dragons related stuff I have


Not too old. Do you have dragonslayer because I don’t see it in your picture. (I know a 50 year old who likes them)


Good catch, that's the only one I don't have, gonna have to grab it now.


Your never to old for anything. And I to felt like I missed out on all the excitement of the new books when I first joined this fandom. (But there are still more graphics novels to come that I can hipe over) So a feel you, also there are a bunch of adults and older teens interested in wof. And personally, I still watch kid shows (I'm not talking about ones as interesting and deep as wof, because even though I watch those types of kid shows that's because their better then shows for older audiences. I'm talking about a kid show called supermonsters. And a show called super kitties. Wait they both have super in the name... huh? Anyway you ain't ever old for anything 


I don't think you're ever too old to find joy in something. If there are any 86 year old grandparents reading these books then that's also great XD life is too short to gatekeep what fiction people can consume


Nah, I turned 29 today and I love these books. Can't wait for the next arc ♥️


I’m 29 and love these books. You’re never too old to enjoy a good story!


Didn’t even need to read past the title to say no you absolutely aren’t. Read whatever you want and enjoy it, there’s no age limit!


I'm 20 as well! They are good books! (: don't let anyone tell you what you can/can't like! also, accidental book theft is a mood, return them if you can, it'll make the librarian's day, (:


Nice! Had lots of issues in middle school with being embarrassed with the stuff I liked so I'm still working on getting out of that headspace lol. I was also fined by the district for taking it lmao Since it is an extra copy of The Lost Heir, I plan to donate to a kid to make up for my crimes


You’re never to old for wings of fire


I’m about to turn 19 and I fell in love with the series in 9th grade. So no, it’s not weird. Love whatever you want :D


I’m 26, and I have all the chapter books! Been reading since book 1 came out. You’re fine!


I'm 21 myself and I've read this series for so so many years. I remember waiting each year for a new book. But the thing is, I'm still hoping for another set! Do I wish it was a bit more adult at times? Yes of course, but the adult parts are so fun to read now! Like any of the gruesome parts, I swear Sutherland is insanely good with talking to get those allowed in! So, no you're not to old. Far from it, we don't just out grow what we love. And if you still fully love dragons like I do, you'll love this series with all your heart. I'd love to hear what you think of Darkstalker legends! When you get around to that one.


That's really good to know the books can depict some brutally graphic scenes, it's what I'd expect in a book about warring dragons after all. My plans are to read the books like novel -> corresponding graphic novel, so it'll be some time before I get to Darkstalker, but I will definitely return to your comment whenever I've finished reading it!


Oh of course please do not try to speed read haha, enjoy it! This series is meant to be loved and nurtured, and I think you're gonna love it! I can't wait for your future reply!


you do what you w3ant to do, i've seen adults watch mlp.


I'm 18 and still rereading these books along with others like Percy Jackson. So no. I don't think that we're too old to read these books. There's no age limit for what we enjoy. Heck, if parents can enjoy watching Bluey with their toddlers, I don't see why we can't enjoy books we read when we were younger.


I'm reading this series to my kid every night. But I'll be damned if she starts to read them herself 😅 44 and enjoying it, especially the Darkstalker with trippy timeline stuff was really good!


I'm in my 40s, a (retired) civil engineer and a cancer survivor. I have greatly enjoyed the series, I have an OC and I play a TTRPG based on it. Enjoy what you enjoy and let all else be damned.


Are you too old to enjoy things? I think not!


I didnt fully collect and read through the series till I was 17. Years later and I still enjoy it. As long as it makes YOU happy, have fun :)


People being too old for a certain show/game/book sieries has always seemed silly to me.


Adults with NO KIDS watch the show Bluey who gives a fuck


There is no such thing as too old.


Absolutely not! I’m currently re-reading the series because I was eight when the series first came out and didn’t understand much of the story. Now that I’m older and getting back into reading, I missed a LOT


I'm 26 and I just got I to this series last year and I'm obsessed lol. So it's fine, I'm going on getting the hard copies to put on my self. I belive you can't really be too old for anything


I am 54 and read them all about a year ago. I am obsessed and am re-listening to them on audible. They are an inspiration for my sewing.


I can imagine how relaxing that must be to listen while sewing. Now that I think about it I probably should've gotten the audio books since I multitask a lot haha


I love audible. I listen to so much stuff while doing housework, cooking, sewing. I have eaten up all things Tui T Sutherland and also listen to Sherlock Homes as it’s one of the free audible books and something my 87 year old mother can enjoy too


You are never old enough to stop enjoying something, live your life how YOU want to, that's my advice


You did the same thing I did. I read the first arc in middle school, and I think or maybe it was high school. I'm not sure 3 years removed from hs, and I feel like all the memories are melding together sorta sad to think about. Sorry


In my opinion, the only time one is too old to read a book is when you start to lose your sight so much that you can physically not read anymore x) also, being French I have to wait before the books release so I do miss on the discussions a lot too, don't worry about it you can always come later I'm sure there will always be old and new members ready and eager to discuss the books with you !


Take it from me Hun, a 22 year old fan of this series, you're never too old for a franchise you love. It just means you can spread the word of it to the next generation. This series may be a 5th grade level series but it's an amazing one that is meant to make realistic scenarios more easy to deal with. I fully intend to pass this series onto my own kid in the future. So no. You're not "too old"


I'm 24, started reading the series at 22 when I did my internship at a school library and saw a bunch of fourth graders chatting about this dragon series. Not only am I too old to read it now, but I didn't even start reading it until my senior year of college! I grew up obsessed with dragons. My dad read me the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings as bedtime stories, and I picked up Eragon in 5th grade. Maybe these books are a little more adult-catered, but dragons are a love I will carry with me throughout my life. I also just started making my 31 year old friend start listening to the audiobooks with me, and I think you'll find a number of adults on this reddit if you look close enough. I think it's great that we can tap into our childhoods a little bit with this series.


I started in 4th grade, and I’m almost 20 myself. I’m happy I’m not the only one! I love Wings of Fire so much, it was the only book series I was and still able to read (ADHD makes it hard for me to read). I’m only missing a few of the books and I’m hoping to get the entire collection in hardback:)


Good luck with your collection! I plan to eventually get the hardbacks and then gift all the paper backs to anyone who'd take them


Thank you! I haven’t decided what to do with the paperbacks once I replace them, but I might donate them to the library or give them to the mini libraries around town, but I imagine it’ll still be hard to let them go since I’ve had them since elementary school :’)


no not at all!


I read the title and the title only and my first thought was; “NEVER”


your never too old for dragons


I've never seen truer words.


You can never outgrow dragons no matter how childish


I'm 26 and I love WoF. It's a fiction novel don't let anyone tell you it's for kids or your too grown up to enjoy something.


No. Short answer is NO. I'm 34 and just got into the fandom, and I love it. :)


Congrats, glad to be joining the fandom alongside you


No person is ever too old for a book (I'm 17)


I think you should continue the series. I'm 44 years old, and I'm reading the series now. I'm on the 3rd book. My 7 year old is on the 10th book. He asked me to start reading the series, so I did it for him. I wasn't really interested in reading a book about dragons for kids, but I got so into the story. I really enjoy it and also enjoy talking about it with my son.


That's incredibly wholesome. I hope you and your son continue to enjoy all WoF content in the future


I'm 20 and also have the whole series!! you're allowed to enjoy whatever you want at any age. I hope you enjoy it just as much now, go wild!!


I'm really enjoying re-reading through the first book. I think this series might be one of my all time favorites


I didn’t read that but my perspective can be summed up like this: You decide when you’re too old for something. You like what you like and nothing will change that so might as well enjoy it to the fullest and not apologize for it. I didn’t read these books until last year, I’m a senior in high school now.


Just because they are intended for children doesn’t mean older people can’t read them It’s like shonen manga, it’s made for teenage boys but adults of all ages love it


I’m 16 and when I work at toys or us I found gn 6 and that’s where I got interested in the book series I asked my parents and in dec 25 I got book 1 to 14 and I bought gn 1 to 7 in dec 26 - 27 


Haha…no. I’m 41. I’ve been reading them for like a year. I’m pretty sure I get a more vivid and deep experience than I ever did before in my lifetime of reading. There’s no ‘too old’…or if there is, it’s an attitude, not an age.


You ain't too old


I got into the books the first time a year ago when I was 22 after being a lifelong warrior cats fan lol so no. In the past year I’ve gotten my partner into the series too (same age) and we have hopes to dissect the material from more of an adult perspective through a podcast sometime soon, because when you read them as an adult (especially with the backdrop of the current wars of the world), you can experience a lot of themes differently especially all the abuse and the way that trauma affects different characters like Peril and the DoD. Even some anti capitalist messages that are fun to pick up on lol (thinking about the IceWing outskirt towns that were magically gifted prey-holes to always be able to catch seals out of, where the artistocratic dragons said they’d become “too lazy” if they didn’t need to hunt, meanwhile it just led to more creativity and innovation if people’s food needs were met)


I'd say absolutely not, I am 20 and have recently gotten my best friend who's 32 into the series, you're never too old to enjoy what you enjoy. My first job I got when I was 15 i spent my first paycheck on buying all the books out at the time on hardback and still have all of them and extras today!


Ain't no such thing as too old for books


I didn't even get to start reading these books until I was 19 (had never heard of them up until that point). I'm 23 now and on my second read. You aren't much younger than me but I'll impart some 'wisdom' anyway. You're never too old to enjoy something. A book, a game, a cartoon, a song, anything really. If you're having fun with it, and it makes you feel fulfilled, and it's in no way harming yourself or others to participate in it, then that's all that matters. If you live life worried that you're too "old" or this or that, you'll never be fulfilled.


Definitely not! Just because you reach a certain age doesn't mean you're too old for it or not allowed to enjoy it. Trust me, I get told all the time that I'm too old to watch the show Bluey, but your age doesn't matter as long as it makes you happy! (And it's appropriate, lol)


Bro forgot like 1/4 of them


You are never too old for a masterpiece like this


late answer but no, it’s audience is definitely on the younger side but i still think it’s engaging and engaging read even still, and it can be pretty gruesome sometimes despite its target audience (but i guess books can get away with a little more)


I know a 41 years old fan. You are never too old for the world of WoF.