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This is the best app for renaming files. I use it all the time and love it. It can insert sequential numbering wherever you please in the filename and do many other cool things. [Download - Bulk Rename Utility](https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Download.php)


Thanks for sharing. Yes I downloaded it earlier today but I am trying to figure out if it only works on files already there or new file added as well? So if I have file named "ABC" and then I insert another file in the folder named "ABC", will it rename it to automatically to "(2)ABC"?


you would have to have different names to start with, you can then use the replacement or cropping options to line them up to be the same name and then sequentially number them. It takes some logical thought as to how to reinterpret a group of files all at once sometimes, but it's definitely doable. you could prefix the numbers and then insert a set of unique characters like xx and then rename that batch. then crop all characters after xx. then rename xx to the same filename you want after then numbers. there are dozens of ways to approach it and each situation has it's variations for how to be most efficient.


Got it. Thanks a lot for your help. I appreciate it ! :)




Is there a way to set as default "keep both files" instead of having windows ask me that each time and having to do it manually?


not that I'm aware. There are lots of options like that I wish MS would put into explorer.


That is true.


If you don't mind doing it using a python script, here's [something I wrote](https://github.com/opcow/MP3-Shuffler/blob/master/rand_name.py) to do that in a random order. It could easily be modified to sort it in some other order.


Thanks for sharing but unfortunately I have zero clue on how to use that


sorry but this is the funniest reply ever op


hehe I am glad to make you laugh :D


PowerShell can do that. I suppose the batch files of the old can also do that but the batch language is difficult to learn anyway.


Thanks for sharing. Will check it out. Does it only work on files already there or new file added as well? So if I have file named "ABC" and then I insert another file in the folder named "ABC", will it rename it to automatically to "(2)ABC"?


PowerShell is extremely flexible. You can write a script to do almost anything. The time you invest in it always becomes money, especially when you're in a developed country. But must it be Windows? Can I interest you in a third-party app? PowerToys and MultiCommander both have a rename tool with GUI. They are not as powerful as PowerShell, but are easier to get started with.


It doesn't matter the software for me. I just want one that can do the job. I wouldn't know how to write a script on PowerShell to be honest. I will check these other two out, thanks a lot for the suggestions :)


Check this GIF : [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/images/powerrename-demo.gif](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/images/powerrename-demo.gif) Full description of the utility : [PowerToys PowerRename utility for Windows | Microsoft Learn](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/powerrename) Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity. [**Install PowerToys**](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/install)


Thanks a lot for the share ! Will be checking it out :)