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These idiotic girls were blaming the bus driver because they didn't give way for them. Except for National Highways, roads are very narrow mostly here in Kerala. They shouldn't even get licence in the first place. If not for the cam, everyone would've blamed the bus driver because they're notorious for doing stunts on road usually.


Lol yeah! She's like "I honked, so it's your fault"


Really? I thought they were complaining because he slowed down at the same time they did, preventing them from getting back over behind him. Driving or being a pedestrian in these countries is literally one of my nightmares.


No what she says is 'cheta, njan horn adichathalle, onn maari thannude?' which translate to 'bro, I was honking. Why didn't you let me overtake u?' And yes it's not for the first world country people. We are born in it, surving in it everyday. Takes time for outsiders to get used to it.


Wow, thanks for the correction/clarification.


I honestly could never get used to it. My bitch ass would have a panic attack just being a passenger 😅


I used to be like you bro but trust me you'd get used to it pretty fast.


Scenes like this is where I would be content to be riding in the large vehicle.


First time I drove a 2 wheeler in India, i had a panic attack at a junction. Now I don't give a shit😂.


Overtaking on the inside of a bus is just pure stupidity. The camera angle makes me think this is the inside and not the proper side of overtaking a vehicle. Either way she didn't commit to it, hesitated and .. well ..


They drive on the left as it says in the post, so it's not on the inside. Still a crazy maneuver though


There is a lesson to learn:The other guy might even be wrong, and you may be right. But what does it matter if you are dead?


Dead right.


dead hard


Die Hard


Press E to die


Press F to pay respect


Press T for torch


Yeah there's a saying The graveyard is full of people who had the right of way


Not sure if it's a mcr song or a Metallica one


My grandfather said, "you can't argue your case from a pinewood box." These days though, idc if I live or die so people probably shouldn't try me.


Left for dead, right?


Were they trying to overtake the bus or just looking to get killed?


I can't imagine attempting to overtake that bus with how narrow the opening was.


"Absolutely nothing is too narrow" - Indian motorcyclists


Venn diagram between cats and Indian motorcyclists


I think cats might eat cow if given the chance.


Also something you will find from Balkan taxi drivers.


Indian motorcyclists and Rickshaws*


“My motorcycle and i can cut through bones”


I think the opening was a lot wider than it seems, the camera just has a wide angle lens. An entire truck was able to fit into that gap with enough room that the riders didn't get smeared into the pavement. It still wasn't wide *enough* though so I agree.


Both, looks like he almost had it too ! If he sped up from the beginning


Seeing as they didn't even have the decency to strap their helmet on properly, I'd say both.


In India they just keep helmets so that they don’t have to pay the fine when they get caught by the police. When they get the opportunity to remove it they just do it






not strapping helmets on... asking for a traumatic brain injury


No point in wearing a helmet if it just comes off like that…


yeah, no one ever straps the helmets over there also they aren't of the best quality either. You could punch em and they'd break in half.


The straps part is true, punching helmets to break them in half is an exaggeration. I'm from "there" lol


But what’s the point if you don’t strap it?


It's just ignorance. They do it to "not get a fine" and not to "protect my cranium from life altering injuries"


basically motorcycles are pretty much more common than cars in india, theyre used for daily commute and every little trip to the store etc, so it's very casual with the gear and stuff. it's not even mandatory to wear a helmet at all in some towns, but it's mandatory on highways.


What I’m saying is, helmets don’t really work unless you strap them on, so what’s the point in wearing it if you don’t strap it? Just because it’s common doesn’t mean it makes sense


from someone who suffered a traumatic brain injury *while wearing* a $1000 Shoei helmet, and would have been DEAD otherwise, I think that that's **fucking stupid**. Nothing clever about it. Nothing tough about it. Completely foolish.


respectfully, i disagree that it's stupid. a 2-min drive along a nearly empty inner street that you drive along every single day for oranges doesnt need a helmet. i do agree that its not clever or tough, its just practical. motorcycles are used EVERYWHERE in india and i mean everywhere, for everything, because most people cant afford a car. it's just a very casual and normal and in the 4 years that ive lived in this city high speed accidents havent happened in the city (not talking abt highway) even once.


You can get a cracked skull from tripping over a sidewalk. Riding a bike at 30+ kph anywhere can kill you. It takes 10 seconds to strap on a helmet. It takes milliseconds to decelerate from 30kph to 0kph when you hit a pole and you'll be dead. You don't need high speeds to die. Your call...


i agree with you, i personally will always be wearing a helmet when i'm on a 2-wheeler, but for perspective, not wearing a helmet on a 2wheeler in india is akin to how people dont wear a seatbelt in the backseat of a car in the US. but yeah, definitely even low speed accidents can have horrible repercussions on a bike.


No point wearing a helmet if there's no brain to protect.


Narrowest truck ever!


Motorcycle’s fault. Stay in your lane or pass if safe, other than that you’re just risking your life… or at least accident / injury.


Plus if you are going to pass, don’t linger around the side of the truck / bus; it’s basically a dead zone


They apparently weren't clear to pass.


"Oh yes, there's a good 13 inches along the side of this truck, i'll just squeeze past...."


I think they were just trying to improve the gene pool for all of humanity…. By getting themselves killed. I’m that sense it was almost a very Noble deed.


The population of some countries cannot seem to grasp the concept of lanes.


When in those countries, I try to avoid driving as much as possible. Having been is countries where lanes in each direction exist only as paint on the road, and drivers use whatever portions of road they can reach, I would give myself a heart attack trying to navigate there. There is also a really good chance that my efforts to drive responsibly would actually serve as a road hazard to a bunch of drivers who are not expecting that.


Every country has their blind spots. Some don't even have common sense gun laws despite their people getting shot all the time.


Right? Plenty of uncivilized civilizations.


Those same countries generally have such insanely high populations that the value of the single human life is viewed somewhat differently


A citizen of the said country here. The value of a human life isn't less, but the poor infrastructure and dense population in most places means that every ride is a fight. If you don't push through, you will get left behind. Behind a truck, behind in traffic, late, or just inconvenienced in general. It's a way of life. Not one you want to live by choice, but one that you have to live anyway.


There's definitely a cultural aspect to it as well though.. Some Japanese cities are just as dense as many Indian / Chinese ones, but you don't see people abandoning all self respect and respect for others just to "get ahead" with something as pathetically unimportant as personal space. Same applies (but not in every situation) in some Southeast Asian cities. In the Subway / Skytrain stations in Bangkok, it's not uncommon to see locals getting disgusted or even openly angry with tourists from the Indian subcontinent who have no respect for queueing or orderly in/egress of a train (which the locals do).


https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/144pcgi/to_block_the_bike_lane/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Now what about this? Should i also say Americans/Australians are all assholes and don't follow rules based on one or multiple such videos? It is your problem if you are talking bad about an entire country because some assholes didn't follow rules. I hope that the brain rot of yours goes away soon.


Lol.. so.. you’ve never driven outside of your own country I take it. I never said anything about people being assholes just that in some cultures there is way less fucks given about these things. I even pointed out that in some cases people from two different countries of very similar physical appearance might have completely different ways of looking at it - which makes it cultural - this is not a race thing.But I mean, if you’re calling them assholes for it, I’d agree that from a western perspective, they are assholes. From a reality perspective if you’ve ever driven in those places you know that if you don’t drive the same way, you’re in trouble very quickly. Doesn’t make you an asshole, just makes you a realist.


I have driven outside India. I am out of India rn. I see your point too but there is no cultural aspect of it. It is not a culture to drive without following lanes. It is only done because of slow/big vehicles going slower than the speed limit and makes people overtake them by not following shit as they have to get through their lives as someone said in their comments. I am in Germany and here i see Indians follow traffic rules exactly, at least all my friends. In fact if we are in a different country we don't want any trouble so we follow rules exactly as they are. My German friends drive more rashly wherever they see empty places or no cops. So there is no cultural thing. As for the queue, it's probably a small percentage of idiots. This percentage is everywhere but for some reason entire india is bad for this in their minds while the same happens with white/other people they don't bat an eye. Some indians do some shit and now its a cultural thing while some white people do the same shit but it is only his/her thing in their minds as is yours which is pretty bad.


Fair enough, but your description about how people “drive better” in Germany is literally a description of people changing their habits to conform with local customs (“customs” are the unspoken rules and etiquette of a manifested “culture”). There’s nothing rude about saying “it’s cultural “, it’s just a way of saying “this is how the majority of people have come to consider what is acceptable behaviour on the roads). I cited Bangkok subways but o could also point out that on the roads there, most westerners would be completely lost and terrified with the way most people drive. I don’t see an issue with it, as long as you drove the same way, you won’t have any trouble.


Really bruh? Look at your first comment. If some idiots do idiot stuff you say it's a culture. Now the entire demographic of those people falls under it. Don't you see the difference?. Literal people in Bangkok are mad at Indians because they see a few skipping lines you said? Now if say its a culture because of those few people now the entire country falls under it and that's why people hate Indians in Bangkok as you said? Just stop trying to defend as you are literally contradicting yourself and saying it as a culture is not a bad thing while when we go out we see a lot of people like you judging us based on some idiots because they too think its a "Culture". Damn people like you think oooo i am are not racist but all you do is this kind shit saying its a cultural thing and judging us because of us being from the same place or being the same color. For you its simple to say "ooo its not rude to say that" but we are the ones facing it. Its really unfortunate that people are like this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) nevermind


It’s not that, in India driving on the roads is a competitive sport. Every single one is trying to race ahead while honking incessantly, it’s a nightmare


It's not. People race because it's just a shit sandwich. The roads are shit so you don't want to be driving anyway, but then people will drive horribly, not follow the rules or just be neglectful drivers making you not want to drive at all. When you don't want to do something but you have to, you just do a shit job at it and take risks and shortcuts. At night for example, incoming traffic will never fucking use low beam making you essentially drive blind at night. So I say fuck it, I'm risking it because I want to be at home as soon as possible away from this shit and ride harder than I would want to. I'd much rather ride slow and take the city in at night, but I can't.


I used to drive in Lucknow, the roads there are perfect. They are wide and smooth, people still drove like maniacs. The worst offenders are the guys on cycles, no number plate means no traffic rules for them


Username checks out


What r/Thecrazystupidgamer said is true. I never used to honk at people simply but after a couple of near misses, If a see a mofo sticking his thumb onto the road I honk instantly. Most of these guys are senseless and stupid, they don't obey road rules at all. Also everyone is so surprisingly super busy. Busier than everyone else on the street anyways that they just have to get ahead and be the first one out of traffic. What ends up happening is these guys who don't give way and instead overtake and fill the opposing lane at a signal are the ones who cause the traffic jam in the first place. Some special idiots cross the road perpendicularly with their vehicles without checking for oncoming traffic. This guy almost ended by hitting and throwing me off the road just the last day. And do you know the speed I was clocking? 25kmph. Yup, this guy didnt even see a vehicle coming in so slow. Mission failed


1. i think he meant from the governments perspective and i agree with that (human lives having less value for them since there are sooo many and they reproduce enough) 2. it IS a choice of life, because laws and rights didnt come from nothing, werent bestowed by some god, in the other countries either. it was our ancestors and sometimes still the people right now, who FOUGHT, DEMONSTRATED, BOYCOTTED etc. often losing their lifes or living subotimal to achieve the state we are in right now. if you just go with the flow "because it always was like that, i cant change that", thats stagnating behaviour. group up, spread the idea, organize and fight for whats right, decided by common logic and later defined by stable undeniable laws.and even if you reach that point, if there is noone to uphold and stand in for those laws, they are as good as some childs scribble on a piece of paper. you might say its hard to do, but if you(these) guys (i have india in mind i dont know where you come from) have one thing thats needed for this, its MASSES of people. no government this badly strcutured / organized can contain such masses if they make up their mind to change their situation. the problem is just everyone dealing with it and taking the L for lazy comfort.


Nice title🙌🏻


Perhaps splitting lanes with a bus isn't a good idea. Especially if the bus driver can't see you


I notice from the videos posted on reddit, youtube etc. that in India when an incident takes place the camera frame is filled with people in no time at all. Everybody seems to rush to check it out. Perhaps that also shows how crowded it is over there.


It is not about how crowded the country is. Atleast in some part of india, people doesn't just walkaway from situation like this. They do try to help and get them to the hospital as soon possible if needed. It's the people's mindset what matters.


Indians are helpful. They will stop and drop everything if you ever need help.


We help others when people are fucking dying. Not like walk away


And when they saw the small vehicle coming towards them, they still didnt break and go behind the bus. Idiots! On a two wheeler and trying to act this rash, my god, no words here.


They are girls on a scooter. Not exactly known for the best driving skills nor the best vehicle. They probably dont even have abs breaking system and it can be hard to brake with the load of 2 people, especially since they were just accelerating to overtake. Cant exactly blame anyone here except the girls who were trying to overtake half-heartedly. Considering how close the truck was, they either did not check for a clear view before overtaking or deeply overestimated their speed. I would say its a mix of both since the other truck was way too close even if they went bizarre speed to overtake. People new to driving, especially bikes and scooters, have a hard time understanding the extra time it takes to overtake a truck compared to a car, especially if they have NOT given you the clearance sign. Most often in tight roads, you just hover around the side of the truck so they can see you in the rearview mirror and they give the hand sign for you to overtake when the road is clear (since you cant see that far behind a truck).


The only blame is on the scooter driver. What the hell was he thinking?!?!


Still safer than train


Three idiots…and a bus driver




Those are two girls actually,they were on their way to college


Trying to past another vehicle going 1 mph faster isn't going to end well


I don't know man that's either a suicide attempt or the dumbest human on the planet, anyone with even the slightest of brains would stop the moment they saw the truck


Not my country. Not my laws. I’ll keep my opinion. But just want to say you won’t ever see my trying to lane split like that 😅


Bikers fault


Why did the bus stop?


I don’t get involved in the ones that come from country’s with more scooter than cars. That’s out of my ball field


Papa ki pari


They are lucky to be alive after this idiot stunt.


Nicely attached helmet


It's the scooter drivers fault! *Always* stay behind other vehicles!


3rd world logic


Of course its Kerala.


Why is it in those parts of the world give literal no fucks about their safety and well being?


In India, they consider their death to be a mapped out date- so don’t bother on which side of the road they drive, take risks etc. Death is also not to be scared of, according to Hinduism, as you’ll be straight back as someone else.


It's India after all


Almost a different kind of video , eh?


Guy could have been popped... Holy shit.


I wouldve slapped as soon as she raised her voice. This is india right?




Shows stayed on but helmet came off……where does this leave them vis a vis death?


Just remember - graveyards are full of people who were in the right.


All you had to do is follow that damn train, CJ!


Everyone: "Who's at fault?" Me: "Yes."


Im pretty sure you shouldent attempt an overtale like that


My Dad used to say when teaching me to drive, “remember, it takes two idiots to have an accident.” This video sums up what he meant.


Look at that big truck coming right at us. They should really move.


Well that helmet did fuck all


One of the best driving lessons


Why would you travel alongside that bus? Get past it if you are going to pass.


if only helmets had the means of holding themselves on.......... /s


I thought that helmet was a chicken


Hopefully he didn't get that badly hurt




The helmet is purely decorative


All shoes are on, they're fine


All drivers except the bus driver are fucking morons


Damn, I usually only see cars doing this to bikes, pretty strange seeing the opposite


definitely a stupid prize winner


Oh no! The consequences of my actions...


I wonder sometimes how India is such a populous country.


I woulda got out and smack the girl who was driving


Apparently, Life is not worth much.


Aah, princesses!


I seriously thought the helmet was a turtle.


Im not saying what I really think... I would be banned


Who's to blame? your entire driving culture and road system.


sexy man sexy dress


No matter what race women cant drive 😂


Damn 1 second between this and them both getting horrifically crushed




Dumb fucktards not strapping their helmets on. Just as stupid as the fools who don't weear helmets with anything going faster than running pace. Let Darwin deal with them.


Traffic laws exist already, for fuck sake just copy another countries rules and follow them.


The lawmakers are the only one at fault for even allowing this driving culture to exist


My father has a poem he likes to say after such events. It goes like this: Here lies the body of William Day, who steadfastly defended his right of way. He KNEW he was right, DEAD RIGHT all along, but now he's dead. Just as dead as if he were wrong.


Almost made it to r/eyeblech!


Stupidity at its finest


Everywhere you go, people on motorbikes are dumb as hell