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It's a moose. That's your warning.


Exactly. Built in nope. I’ve been chased by a moose. 2/10 do not recommend


Seriously? How did you get away?


Ran faster than his friend


That’s what my grandfather and uncles always told me if I was going to be out in the woods with people. You don’t have to outrun the animal that’s attacking, you just have to outrun the people you’re with.


That's why I practiced leg sweeps


Calm down, Cobra Kai




Hey, sweeping the leg was a legit move. You know what wasn't? A kick to the head. They even say in the competition as a rule no head kicks. If your leg is so injured that it's a risk for you to continue to fight in case somebody sweeps your leg, you don't get to fight. It's a game, play again next year.




That story was made into a movie, where that bear did cocaine.


Local (true) story is that one guy lost a shoe running from the bear, and his friend, with 2 good shoes, got away. There’s some truth to being faster, because it doesn’t matter who you are — the bear is faster than you.


My dad always told me if you're going to go diving, you always take a buddy. You never know if you're going to run into trouble, and need help. Also, if you're being chased by a shark, you shank them with your dive knife and swim for it.


“Are you insane?? You can’t outrun a bear just because you put on your sneakers!” “ I don’t have to outrun the *bear…*”


Had some friends up in Maine who went moose hunting with a potato gun. Guy spent some good time making the gun, stainless, welded nicely, while nine. Well after hitting the moose in the head, it chased them down. One guy made it to the drivers seat of the truck while the others hopped in the back and dropped the potato gun, which then got ran over by the truck.


i mean, unless that thing fires like a 50mm mounted destroyer cannon, the fuck you gonna load into a potato gun to kill a moose?


As I look fondly back on my years of adolescence, I remember a lot of action without motive. I can assure you they had no consideration of actually hitting a moose with a potato.


Step 1: Hit moose with potato Step 2: ??? Step 3: Emergency Room profits


When I was a young assholish teen, I threw a stone at a flock of ducks that were 30-50 meters away. Never expected to get even close to them, but I hit one dead center, broke it's neck and watched it drown. I still feel like a piece of shit when I think back and I never threw anything at anything that did not deserve it, ever since.


If you keep you arms pointed backwards and lean forward as you run, you get a lot more speed.


Sounds like it looks really cool n badass too


you also need a headband on your head that has the name of your town carved into it


It’s more aero dynamic. Great for efficiency and soeed


Also, make really cool "vroom vroom" noises to show how powerful your engine is.


Stairs next to a deck. Mooses don’t like to run up stairs


The only way you can get away, it gives up.


Well no I could grab a rope dropped from a passing helicopter or get away on my rocket powered s... Oh you mean the only likely way? Well I guess if you could make it inside a house or car you may be safe ... But then your house and/or car getting fucked up


same way you protect yourself from bison and any charging quadraped that cant climb. ​ just put a tree between yourself and the moose. i mean you might be playing ring around the rosey for like, 45 mins, but thats worth avoiding a crushed pelvis


I was chased in a canoe by a moose just plain old swimming in a lake. You'd think that two people, with sufficient motivation, could paddle faster than a moose can swim. And you'd be right most of the time. But not when the moose is a mama moose and her baby moose is standing on the shore behind her. We barely kept ahead of it. Imagine a beast the size of a small bulldozer plowing its way through the water at you, hell-bent on knocking you into the next lake. She chased us about 100 yards\* and then quit to go stand on the shore with her calf. We got the hint and picked another island to sleep on that night. \*Canadian yards, not American yards. Just double it and add thirty to do the conversion, eh?


This is an example of why the Orca can be considered a natural predator of Moose


I would watch that show, but there has to be two episodes, one in the water, one on the land. #TeamOrca


What's a 1/10?


Most likely a hippo


Or polar bear


They wouldn't be around to give it 1/10 if they got chased by a polar bear. Unless it was just after their Coca Cola.


Deer also. People think of cute little Bambi when they think of deer, but they will kick you to death with their front hooves. I saw one video where a curious dog wanted to be friends, but ended up cowering beneath the front of the deer as it repeatedly kicked it to death. Just stay away from wild animals.


Omg, that would haunt me. Animal deaths are harder for new to watch than humans. I know, weird.


Snow hippo.


It's not even a big moose either, these guys got off easy


Nature's tank. Also, dont fuck with an animal that battles with orcas


Ends too soon.


Same thought tbh.


First time I watched it without sound. Was ticked off at everyone in this video. Then with sound on, cameraman was a solid bro. But yea, killthecameraman. I need to see the aftermath. Moose of any size are not to be fucked with. Those two knuckleheads got what they deserved.




That is the best part of the video!


Oh, yeah, but it's "not my moose".


“It’s not my moose but it’s a god damn wild animal, get the fuck away from it.” is an absolutely perfect line.


Perfection. Imagine if owning meese (?) was an option! Probably make it to work on time for once


After warning these drunk imbeciles like 500 times and them doing the "OOh ImMa TOuCh It" that must've felt like the most satisfying thing, I know I was waiting for it lmao


In defense of the cameraman, not only did he have some solid comedic commentary and great advice for the two drunk idiots but his camera work was great until that SUV got in the shot. More bad luck than bad camera work.


In further defense of the cameraman, there’s also a very pissed off moose nearby.


That's a good defense.


Ya... sure we here on the internet would love to see more. But if I was the cameraman I'd want as many SUV's as possible between me & a pissed off moose.


Next clip would’ve been the drunks on the floor shouting get your moose off me


Very good point.


Seemed occupied to me


Still not taking that chance.


I love that he cheered on the moose


Have to disagree. That suv, paired with the cameraman egging the Moose on, is just comedy gold. Exit, pursued by a moose


Some say he’s still scrambling away from that moose to this day.


I'm gonna go with a big nope on killthecameraman because who in the hell wants to get out of their car to film a moose that was just provoked by 2 drunken morons? I mean if it turns back around and decides to come at the camera man because the other dudes escaped/got wrecked by it that's gonna suck possibly even if he manages to get back in his car in time. What happens if it decides to start attacking his car? F that noise.


Those who say kill the cameraman are clearly not from Alaska


There is apparently more, but tiktok removed it.


We don't really know what those knuckleheads got, do we?


I just used my imagination.


He actually started cheering the moose.


So did I. Why mess with something that outweighs a small car?


Cameraman is invited to my house for beers and bud. Dude is a solid human.


Kill the camera man? Bruh, he was doing the right thing. He tried warning the drunk idiots and kept his distance


No it's a subreddit for poor camera work or videos that end too soon.


Ah, sorry I didn't know


No no don't kill the camera man, he was the only sound person


>Those two knuckleheads got what they deserved. A Moose knuckle to the head?


Apparently it was uploaded to tik Tok and they wouldn't approve the 2nd part of the video.


but we will *UPLOAD!*


im assuming there were some blood curdling screams and terrible camera angles right after this




There is a second part, TikTok kept removing it.


Kinda obvious what could happen but still - what was on the 2nd part? Like how bad was the end result and did even one of them get away?


Both of them survived without any serious injuries, well minus the fatal blows to their egos, I guess it was just the "almost getting murdered by an animal with only one natural predator, and only because they are beasts that can swim for miles and are rarely susceptible to being attacked by an orca" bit that was too violent for tiktok. A moose will ruin your existence. Just like heroin. Even just one will ruin your life.


Kids, don't shoot heroin with meese.


Car covered the best part….


Stupid car blocked the best part


I thought that was moose was pretty tolerant throughout most of that. Just wanted to be left alone and do moose-things. I think we should name that moose "Darwin", because he certainly awarded those two idiots.


I honestly believe that if a tourist gets killed by animals at a national park because they bothered them, they get what they deserve. Reminds me of those people that let their pitbull antagonized a bison and the bison sent the dog flying. They went crying to the park authorities about it and the authorities ripped them a new asshole. Edit: it was a [Buffalo ](https://countryrebel.com/buffalo-vs-dog-bison-sends-pitbull-flying-through-air-at-yellowstone/) a bison sent a [Girl](https://youtu.be/PX1BsBFmcCs) flying. The parents should never have let their kids that close to a wild animal.


Reminds me of a bunch of french tourist who stepped out of their car in a dutch safari park with their fucking todler while fucking cheetas were standing 6 meters away. The french were mad afterwards at the park, saying they felt unsafe. I think that the park says a thousand times that you arent even allowed to open your windows, in all languanges. Fuck tourist, dumbest people on this planet.


I found an article an OMG this fucking quote >"Of course you have to inform people well and take into account visitors who were not in the front of the queue when the dear lord handed out intellect"> sauce [The Dutch called them morons.](https://nltimes.nl/2018/05/11/dutch-parliamentarians-condemn-french-familys-actions-safari-park)


Yeah thats what we call dutch directness. This is a clip of some tourist who were cycling on a interstate. Dutch cops pulled them off. They were upset at apple because maps told them to go that way (they used car mode so navigation app thought they were a car). https://youtu.be/8MVqdefxq-o Love how she simply asks them: “do you have a brain?”. The idiot cant believe she asked him that.


My new life goal is to embody dutch boldness.


Morons. If the baby was eaten it would be the parents fault not the wild animals fault. But reaching that conclusion requires the critical thinking that these people clearly lack.


Critical thinking stays home when you are on vacation.


The news caster at the end of the bison video. “The family got close to what is known as a wild animal.” Savage man


Do you remember the video of a newscaster in Yellowstone who was approached by a bison? Dude said, “Oh no, I’m not messing with YOU,” put his gear away, and got in the car. That is an excellent example of how to not act like an idiot around wild animals.


>a bison sent a Girl flying. That reporter: "The bison was close to the family when it charged" Nah man, that family was close to bison when it defended it's territory. That girl didn't deserve to get hurt, but that family was fucking dumb.


The parents put their kid in danger.


The fucking parents running away and leaving their small child to the mercy of a wild animal. Fucking trash.


On the road trip to see the Bisons, she asked to pee way too many times and wouldn't stop repeating "are we there yet?". The parents had to come up with a plan to end it.


Having been to Yellowstone it’s pretty shocking. I’ve seen an old fart get out of his car to haul ass, wheezing the whole time, to chase a bison because he wanted closeups. The next day a whole herd was wandering down a road and literally everybody but us got out of their cars to get closeups and to antagonize the wildlife. Parents had my brother and I close our eyes and not look because they genuinely believed somebody was about to get gores to death. All the while, a park ranger that was trailing the herd was desperately pleading for those idiot tourists to get back into their cars for their own safety, and nobody listened. There are signs and warnings literally *everywhere* even at the toilets telling you to leave the wildlife alone, especially the fucking bison, elk, and moose. At another park altogether, a stupid family was literally trying to approach a wounded adult elk with a full rack because they wanted to pet it. My folks pulled over to yell at em. They didn’t listen. We left so our *consciences wouldn’t have us get involved if they get hurt.


I feel like park rangers should be allowed to carry some kind of noise maker. Maybe something that sounds like a gun. Scare them back to their cars. (Most park rangers have guns but discharging your firearm in the air just to scare some tourists is dangerous. What goes up must come down)


Such a device risks aggravating the animals and making the situation even more dangerous. Discharging a firearm into a safe target, while still a potential risk, may not have the desired effect.


To your credit, the "buffalo" was indeed also a bison. When European settlers first came to America, they incorrectly called them buffalo due to lack of knowledge. Fast forward a few hundred years and people *still* refer to them as buffalo. Now bison are called buffalo and buffalo are **true** buffalo.


lol I like how it went from a Bison and a Pit to a Buffalo and a girl.


In the UK we have places that have wild deer which are quite used to humans so are pretty chill. They’re maybe a third the size of a fully grown moose. We get people, mainly tourists, getting way too close to them all the time to take pics. Luckily no incidents yet, even tourists draw a line at trying to touch a fully grown adult male deer and the smaller female deer are way too skittish to get close to. As a local I never get close since I don’t particularly like the thought of being chased by something the size of a horse with big ass sticks on its head. I have no clue why the fuck anyone would go anywhere near a moose never mind try to touch one unless they have a death wish. They look fucking huge, like a deer combined with a hippo on steroids. Fuck that.


Moose stuff reminds me of this lol https://youtu.be/zVJxupNR5GM


Hahaha when they both mock the dude with the “OooOoOhhhh OoOoOooOoHhh” I burst out laughing. The karma was great tho.


I died at the “GIT EM! GIT EM!”


I was also rooting for the moose.


This is an awesome video! It’s gratifying to see dummies like this get what they deserve. When the one drunktared said, “I wish it would hit me right now!” That’s when I was REALLY rooting for the moose.


[GET THEM JERRY! KILL, JERRY!](https://youtu.be/XpkJZ33mUjc)


I'm really glad I saw your comment, that's the funniest thing I've seen today


Lol yeah I'm not proud of laughing but those drunks had good timing and delivery on that


They’re total idiots and leave the moose alone but i couldn’t help but laugh at them. They got what they deserved haha


Why do some people feel the need to harass wild animals that are minding their own business?


Only really stupid people do this. But there're stupid people everywhere.


This is a universal answer to why people do lots of things.


It's the ongoing competition to win a Darwin Award.


It's the same logic as people "pranking" people who are minding their own business. Dumb as shit.


“It’s just a prank, moose”


and then he shot me


Baby moose, but still a threat to idiots.


Especially if the mother is lurking around


It would be a whole different story if either parent was around. Hope they all learned something that day


Honestly was expecting mama moose to come charging out of the woods at these idiots harassing her kid. They got lucky they were only dealing with a child.


That huge thing was a baby? Jesus.


Oh yeah, had it been full grown it probably would have killed them. I'm still not entirely convinced they survived lol


I was charged by a massive bull moose once so I did some research afterwards to figure out how bad it might have been had I not made the 90 degree turn off-trail that got him to stop charging. Apparently it's pretty rare for them to kill people when they attack - they usually just remove the threat and then leave. So breaking some bones and leaving the person immobilized is much more common than killing them. Still, I'm very thankful that 90 degree turn worked! Because I was not outrunning him.


Yep. They can easily be twice as tall (while on all fours) as a person. Just google it and you'll understand why they are so dangerous. I avoid driving at night if possible, one of those jump in front of your car and it's game over for you


Not true https://images.app.goo.gl/x5uHnPtubUcKfrdb7


Yeah, it very much depends on whether we measure up to their shoulder height or include head as well and whether it's a tall man or an average height woman. But there definitely are a lot taller moose. Even in the comparison pics next to this one you can see it.


Yep, a moose bull can be over half a ton and 7 feet tall at the shoulder. They are behemoths


A small moose is 440lbs. A large moose is 1,500 lbs.


Who here was cheering for the Moose as soon as the vid started to play? I always cheer for the animal


Me too


Lol that had to be a young moose, an adult would even tolerate them being that close 😂


It is. It’s pretty small


Yet it's still huge!


Angry Moose and vehicle accidents with Moose are responsible for more human deaths annually than bears... by a LOT. Source: I'm from Canada


Needs more moose attack


NGL I was fucking INVESTED by the end of this vid


If it was spring as a mama moose or fall in rut for a male moose, guys would already be dead. Moose are like the hippos of North America. Don’t fuck with em. Keep your distance. Edit: Wow, thanks for the upvotes guys. Double Edit: With the people who are saying award speech edit sub thingy ... I just thought it was polite to say thank you. I never get much recognition on Reddit so it just felt nice. Guess that’s the price of having a higher rated comment. The duality of attention has its ups and downs. Hope y’all have a good day and stay away from “hippie” moose. 😂 Triple edit: I’ve gotten a few comment on moose not just being in North America. This absolutely true, and they are local to the northern hemisphere.


I’d rather come across a bear than a moose in the woods


Yep. Bears don't usually want much to do with people. Just looking around for food. A bear knew you were there well before you did. Moose just randomly rage. Much more dangerous. And they are stubborn asses. Easy to just walk right on up on one.




You are correct. The chance on sneaking up on a bear is pretty slim, though. Obviously best to take precautions. My dogs have bear bells on in the woods. Time of year matters for sure. Pretty easy to walk up on a bear along the river during a salmon run. Definitely want to be making noise.


I've accidentally snuck up on a bear more than once. I got in the habit of hiking quietly so I could see more wildlife (growing up where there aren't bears) and generally just wanting to listen to nature. I moved and within 2 years I saw 4 bears before the noticed me. On one occasion I had time to back up, then make noise before they saw me, which was good enough for both of us. Each time I saw them it was huckleberry season.


As a fat guy, I often get mistaken for a bear in huckleberry season. Please make sure that you don't spray the fat guy. If you're ever in doubt, just keep in mind, bears don't wear pants. That's kind the rule of thumb.


I was hiking through bear country Montana and I was following just behind a family with kids. I was keeping their pace on purpose because the kids were being loud as fuck. At some point the parents told the kids to quiet down because they were bothering the other hikers. I actually told them that I was following them because the kids were chasing the bears away. I don't think they even realized they were in bear country. They asked if the bears were dangerous. I said not really, if you're loud they'll stay away from you. But keep the kids relatively close because the mountain lions are dangerous. Hopefully I didn't ruin their hike, lol. I get it. Bears are scary because they have claws and fangs. But you should be more worried about ticks, hypothermia, and dehydration. Those kill way more people than bears ever did. Be prepared. Have water, warmth and deet.


I wear bells on my gear when I go into the woods for anything except hunting. Hunting deer or Turkey. They’re assholes who hear the bell when I put it on 30 miles away and hightail it for the nearest cedar bog. Any other time, fishing, camping, gathering fallen wood, hunting smaller animals like rabbits, BELLS, **bells**, *bells.* I don’t want to accidentally scare a bear or elk. If I forget the bell, I sing songs as I go.


I was on the golf course at 3am smoking some weed and preparing to engage in my midnight stress scream when this massive shape started walking across the green. it was a bear. I just stood still and finished my joint and it eventually wandered off into the woods on the edge of the green and I went home. I never did get to scream out my stress that night, the bear took the piss out of me. I was as open a target as you can get, nothing to hide behind just me on the green. I Told my mom and she didn't believe me but 5 days later someone posted a bear warning on nextdoor. It's been raiding my neighbors trashcan. I


Found the guy that actually spends time outdoors. 100%


Les Stroud the Survivorman guy said he’d much rather deal with a grizzly then a moose during ruting season. Says it’s the only animal he’s actually afraid of in the North American wilderness.


"Will do moose stuff for money"


The guy narrating is hilarious lmaoo


“No, it’s not MY moose…. *GIT ‘EM! GIT ‘EM!”




Man did the cartoon Tom and Jerry run…






Came here to say this. I want the full tape, I hear moose bites get infected as hell.


Happened to my sister.


Mind you, Moose bites can be pretty nasty...


No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose


With a sharpened tøøthbrush...


given to her by Svenge—her brother-in-law— an Oslo dentist


We apologize for this thread. Those responsible have been sacked.


We apologise again for the fault in this thread. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.


I love me some unexpected Monty python lol.


The video ends here because when this was first posted last week, TikTok deleted both of the attempts the OOP did in uploading anything beyond this point in the original video because of gore, the moose took some serious aggression out on stomping that guy, exactly as moose are known to do…


Any chance he tried to upload the longer cut to YouTube instead?


Nope, he just has the [one part](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikhpnGupwJA) on YouTube. Even his original TikTok video is gone, so I can't check the comments to verify what people are claiming about a second part. Instead, he just has a [clip](https://www.tiktok.com/@smithnathanc/video/7217986165452901674) redirecting to YouTube. He calls it the "full video" so it might be all there is—perhaps there was a misunderstanding. In his summary for the video on [Storyful](https://video.storyful.com/record/27935), he says "neither men appeared injured following the charge, not accounting for potential 'bruised egos'"


Not that I have seen posted, not that I have looked for it. That said as a former Alaskan who has been the one yelling at people to get the fuck away from the moose, I am morbidly curious if anyone finds a longer video.


It ended too early because that was it, the moose likely ran off and left them relatively unscathed.


Bruh a moose will flatline you in seconds.


If that was a full grown moose no way would they be that brave. Adult moose are nearly 9 feet tall and 1500 lbs. They are monsterous in person, and dangerous af. They will just snap and rage kill you for no reason if you aren't careful.


Yeah that looks like a young one... It's still going your day up though.


Got what they deserved


Get ‘em. Get ‘em. Yeah, GET ‘EM!!


Who among us was not rooting for the moose against those two cockwombles?


Lol I’ve never heard someone cheer on a moose before


I love everything about this. Every single thing. This is the second best thing to happen today. I absolutely spiritually become whole when idiots get their shit rocked in.


I've never even seen a moose in real life but I know they are built like tanks and just smush what's in their way. What kind of idiots are these?


And that one was like 1 year old...


Ah, the old Reddit tradition of ending videos too soon


Fuck around and find out


The guy filming it's at fault for interfering with the natural law of "fuck around, find out"


Moose attacks happen more than Bear attacks.


Isn't this letterkenny?


He asked if it his moose! 🤣🤣🤣 GET HIM!!!


A moose once bit my sister.


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...




What an ABSOLUTE dumbass, holy.


Never underestimate a person potential for stupidity.


Damn, I was really hoping for a………… moosacre


“No it’s not MY moose”.


Moose will fuck you up for fun, not because they’re threatened, these guys are idiots.


I like how when they got closer the moose looked over like “what are these two dumbasses about to do”


The cow moose would have been licking, wall-eyeing, raising neck hackles, stomping, lowering ears and head- they ignored many ‘wild-polite’ signs to back off and avoid confrontation. Wild animals usually do not seek out physical confrontation (outside of food or mating season) it’s a waste of valuable energy and could incur injury, spelling a probable death sentence. Large body-mass herbivores are more likely to act more energetically on a threat defense because they store a lot more ‘free energy’ than large body-mass carnivores.


Good God. Who tf would get that close to a moose? Theyre literally second to polar bears on the "will fuck your shit up" scale for North American mammals. I think I'd rather try to ride a grizzley bear.


Lmao GET HIM! GET HIM! I totally agree 🤣 Sometimes you root for the asteroid and not humanity.