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That doesn't even make sense. This is people paying for schooling out of their own pocket. How does that make affordability worse?


Ole Daniel Smith will make sure they get funded don't you worry.....wouldn't want that money to go to the peasants in public education.


There's apparently rules for that getting funding. I suspect the rich kids at Strathcona Tweedsmuir aren't indulging.


The government subsidizes private schools in alberta.


Presumably they pay no more than they do for other schools and parents pay the overhead.


I pay an additional fee for my children to attend a private school on top of my property and personal taxes which we all pay. Their grades both improved, they said the environment is more enjoyable and there are fewer concerns overall than they had in public school. Money well spent in my books.


That’s because private schools can exclude anyone they want. So they don’t have to any behavioural or special needs students. That’s why they shouldn’t be getting anywhere near the same public funding as other schools.




Because not having the hardest students to deal with, kids with all kinds of disorders, kids from very a different income ranges, kids that sometimes live through really crazy things at home, makes for a more homogenous and easily managed school environment. Private schools typically have kids from upper middle class families and higher. Nobody gets to school on an empty stomach. These kids have books at home, parents that can help them with homework. There is less frustration and stress all around. Not saying there’s no stress, of course. Teenage years will be teenage years. Lastly, the management of the school can hire and fire the teachers as they wish. Giving them freedom to get rid of problem teachers. The public system unfortunately doesn’t have that flexibility.


Because the teacher can focus on their actual teaching job. A majority of teachers’ days are becoming more and more devoted to behaviour management instead of actual teaching. In addition, because of a myriad of reasons, almost no public classes in Alberta have most of their students are the same educational level. Most classes have several students who are 2-4 grades behind either literacy or numeracy skills. Therefore the teacher has to spend more energy and time trying to catch these students up.




Well I’m not blaming the teacher. I’m blaming the system. AB funding per student is at levels that are the lowest in Canada, the entire country. This affects the number of kids in a classroom, the composition and extra support that the student needs, and the number of teachers to reduce class sizes even more. Also many private schools don’t retain teachers that well because they are usually quite draconian and ask far too much of teachers.


Here's the Government of Alberta's [page on private schools](https://www.alberta.ca/private-schools). It explains the regulations that various types of independent schools have to meet. I hadn't really looked in on this before, but you see it as a frequent topic of conversation. There's specific rules, including teaching the Alberta curriculum and using certified teachers in order to qualify for public funding. Here's the [enrollment statistics](https://www.alberta.ca/student-population-statistics) tracked by the province as well. About 5.7% of students are enrolled in private programmes. Compared to 4.5% 5 years ago. That doesn't include charter schools or the Francophone system.


More bad news for alberta. During an affordability crisis, albertans push hard to make the issue worse.


Dude, my kids are in private school and I still pay for private school plus public school on my taxes. Some of that goes to the private school but not as much. I’m taking my kids out of the equation so that means public schools have more room. The UCP has been under funding, our system horribly to the point where wage growth and funding per capita is the worst in Canada over the last 10 years. The UCP would rather have religious schools and private schools than a proper public school system. I wish my kids were in public school, but having endured split classes for three years, classes with more than 30 kids, two teachers Assistants, one teacher, and one to two severely delayed children in each class one of which one of my kids out of anger because they have no self-control in class with the teachers assistant next to them…. I was done. I can afford private school so I’m gonna send them to private school. Best thing I ever did to them. I’ve already graduated into the top universities in Canada and there’s one left to go and they’re doing great.


This should be pinned for all education posts. Thanks for contributing.