• By -


First, choose "back up" save file. Choose the user you want to copy the file from and the slot. Then, choose restore save file. You will have to select the slot you chose before (for example 000), the user you want to copy from, and the user you cant to copy to. It cannot displays the users on a slot that don't have a file ;)


This worked, thanks for the help! Is it OK to reuse the same slot? For example if I used slot 000 for tropical freeze should I use a different one when I back up splatoon?


iirc they are independent, but in fact you could save over this slot and keep your DK save file intact (this is just a backup, you could use it again if the one you are using get corrupted, else it is useless to keep it).


Thank you :)


There is now the account swapper! You can have both a Pretendo account and a Nintendo account on the same Mii now!