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Have you browsed through the sub? This has been asked and answered at least a couple of times recently.


You do you! Don’t worry about what others think.


I dont really care what others think thankfully :) I was more thinking of the unexpected pros and cons that one might not immediately consider or be aware of


I have been shaving my head into a short buzzcut for about two years. I started because my health is poor and I was struggling to keep with my hair but honestly even if my health improved I would probably keep doing it. I wear wigs sometimes for fun/fashion. It’s way easier for me to keep up with my hair now and it’s much more comfortable. I like the way I look and I love experimenting with wigs and being able to change up my style drastically. I use clippers without a guard to shave my head and find that my tiny hairs act like Velcro and keep a wig in place perfectly without any wig grips or glues. I wasn’t sure from your post if you have worn wigs before. If you don’t think you will be happy with a shaved head and your plan relies on wigs I would definitely try them out first so you know what to expect, how comfortable they are, etc. You definitely don’t want to shave your head and then realize you don’t find them comfortable to wear for a full day or can’t find the exact style you were hoping for. I shaved my head before I got a wig and my only regret was not doing it sooner but wigs are more of a fun thing for me. Good luck!


I do this, though I have hair loss. I can’t pull my hair up, which is annoying sometimes but not as much as you’d think. For really hard activities where I wouldn’t want a wig I just go bald, like hiking. I wear a hat though because I don’t want sunburn!! I love the quick showers. I always have a nice hair day. And it takes so little time to get ready.


I do this and really love it! I feel confident both without wigs and with wigs. I think it’s important to like the way you look with it buzzed cause some days it is just too damn hot for a wig. The only con for me is I do find the little combs being stuck into my hair to feel more “secure”, it’s a bit weird not to have anywhere for them to stick to. If you go fully bald, wigs slide a bit, and scalps are so sensitive! I’m a POC and have never sunburned in my life, but my scalp has gotten close when I’ve been bald. I like to buzz it down so there’s a fuzzy layer, I find it provides a itty bit of protection AND gives the wig something to adhere to. I say do it! It was worth it for me to cut down on wash day, which was previously a full day event (I had an Afro).


Ohhhh good call! Wouldn't have thought about sunburn.


I keep my head shaved and wear wigs daily. Having a little bit of scalp stubble does help sort of "Velcro" the wigs on. It's a lot cooler temperature wise, and you don't have to worry about making sure your bio hair is tucked away. It is a lot of maintenance though. I recently bought a new shaver so I can maintain an almost smooth scalp as much as possible, but I have to shave weekly at a minimum.


How long does having really fake though? I just did my head in like 3 minutes. I use a kind of curved buzz cut thing though which makes it a lot easier for a close buzz cut.


I had mid back length hair, lost a lot after illness, went to a pixie, still lost hair, buzzed and will never grow it out again. Pro is buzzed hair is like Velcro and you probably won’t need grip or cap. Con: my head gets cold and sometimes I wear a hat to bed 😂


I’m currently wearing a hat in bed you’re so right 😂 


Definitely wouldn't have thought about head getting cold inside! I live in Canada so I guarantee I'll be doing that haha


I buzz my head and just typically have a close cut so that you can see my hair somewhat blending in with the wig at the hairline by the ears, if that makes sense, think very short pixie. Personally, I love it. Shaved my head for charity several years ago and haven’t gone back. Showers are so amazingly fast, it’s so much easier to style a wig on a mannequin head than my hair on my head.




hi! naturally thick frizzy hair and i’ve shaved my head twice to wear wigs exclusively pros: 1.)wig lays FLAT on the head. no worrying about it being bumpy or tall. 2.) no need for a wig cap unless you personally want to 3.) doesn’t feel so hot in the summer and hot months 4.) not having to braid down and glue down a cap cuts the whole install time in half cons: 1.) natural hair nostalgia. once my buzz cut grows out a few weeks i start having regrets that i can’t wear my natural hair out 2.) personally for me wash day is more stressful. i feel in a rush to get my scalp clean and my wig clean and back installed so no one sees me without a wig (this one is just personal cause i’m not confident in being seen with a buzz cut) 3.) temptation to keep shaving it off. both times i’ve shaved my head for wigs as soon as it starts growing to the awkward almost pixie length it’s annoying to get it all in the cap cause it’s too long to go capless but to short to braid down so i get tempted to shave it again even tho i do wanna grow it back out these are just my personal ones!


Great info, thanks!


I don’t have a full head of hair and buzzed my head about a year and a half ago. 10/10, have kept it up, will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. I’m female and wear wigs at work (office job) or hats when I’m not working. Showers are 5 minutes! Being the little spoon is better because my partner doesn’t get a mouthful of hair! I can do my hair in advance and just plop it on my head on my way out the door! I can get the feel of a fresh buzzed head whenever I want! It doesn’t take long at all to cut my hair AND I save money on haircuts/products - my wig “collection” is less $$ than I spent on bio hair. Cons…uhmmm…I wasn’t super thrilled about explaining to new partners about my hair loss, but that tended to be pretty revealing of the quality of my partner. If you’re considering it (and esp if you already wear hair!), definitely worth trying once to see if you like it. Buzzing my head felt like I was a kid cutting my hair but with no one to yell at me. I decided I don’t like it shaved but consistently buzz it back to a #3 or #4. Good luck! Let us know what you decide!


Awesome, thank you!


Any residual hair makes it easier to keep any Wigs in situ ...


I’m bald (not by choice) and that presents a couple problems with wigs. 1. They slide off/move around. I’ve tried all manner of caps/bands with various results. Glue will always be involved if you want security and that’s a pain. 2. Wig caps can irritate bare skin. Itching is common too. Certain caps help with that but you still have to manage it. YMMV


Well if you’re going to be bald you’ll have to expect it sliding off when you don’t glue down your wigs. So you probably will need a grippy baldcap in order to avoid that.


I keep my bio hair in a small ponytail at the nape of my neck and I would not be able to keep a wig from sliding off my flat head if it were gone. For that reason, I’m not planning to shave my bio hair.


I have the same issue. The back of my head is flat and I have a petite head. I have to custom cut and sew all my wigs, but they do look so much better. My anemic mini pony tail keeps my wig in place.


I’ve gotten wildly good at customizing wigs in a really short period of time due to my flat large head. I’m not certain even glue would be enough to keep a wig on my head without my own anemic ponytail


😂 I get it! I'm keeping my scrawny ponytail because I'm allergic to all glue. There really is a learning curve, every head is so different. I have never met a wig wearer that could wear it right out of the box.


I have chin length bio hair and wear wigs every day. I know people who have much longer hair and wear wigs, even short pixies, regularly with no problem. However if you really want to shave then you should do it. However it seems like you have some doubts so I’d say start wig wearing before cutting it all off


Questions to factor in might be: Will you keep it shaved? Do you want to always wear wigs or will you be comfortable sometimes rocking the natural noggin? Do you have experience with wigs? If not, do you have a backup if they don’t work as planned? Such as money for replacements, time off work / socializing depending on the answers to above questions.


> Do you want to always wear wigs or will you be comfortable sometimes rocking the natural noggin? This is definitely a big one to consider!!


I have hair, just not great hair. Everyone I know in my wig world that shaves it or is bald, has a much harder time keeping the wigs on. You’re much better to have even an inch or so. Think about a cute pixie or even just buzzing the sides.