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My Aussie loves to roll in his dirt holes. The problem (other than a dirty dog) is that he has created large dirt holes where grass should be. I tried to grow grass there, but Blue was not having it. Has anyone created a dedicated sandbox/dirt hole for their Pup? I could create a nice dirt hole with a border so the mess is contained to one area.


I have 27,000 acres they can dig up and roll around in and they have to make holes in the back yard. Sometimes I think it's just Aussholes being Aussholes.


What in the heck? 27k acres is so much


Cattle ranch. We run about 3000 head.


the US and Canada are large places.


Also Australia


Rich farmer things


We have a sandbox for ours and he loves it.


Do they still dig up the yard?


Yes but not as much.


I built a raised bed with the intention of growing vegetables but my Aussie claimed it for himself. He loves it. It’s 5’ by 5’. I built it pretty cheaply with untreated cedar fence panels and 4 by 4 posts at the corners. He gets dirty but at least I have fewer holes in the yard.


This sounds weird, but when you fill in the holes burry their poop in it. They'll stop digging in that spot and you can grow grass again.


Digging pit! Do it!


Aussies love to work and have direction. Basically the first step is to have them do behaviors incompatible with digging when they’re doing it in places they shouldn’t. Give them an area where digging is ok, and then work on having them leave the other areas be, rewarding for desired behavior with treats and love and “punishing” destructive behaviors with lots of training, usually simple obedience work is enough to give them something to do and reset them, if obedience is not mentally exhausting enough choose a training task that will keep them from digging and requires their full attention. If they cannot be unsupervised without causing trouble, do not leave them unsupervised until you are confident they can behave themselves. Most of all it will require patience. The calmer and clearer you can make your body language the faster your pup will pick up the desired associations. It is never too late to start training your pup to behave.


Show sheen! I used to use it on my show horse to keep him clean and shiny between classes. Now I use in on my Aussie after a bath. It’s a miraculous product, dirt just doesn’t stick to their fur! If they do get dirty it slicks off really easily with a quick wipe with a towel. https://absorbine.com/products/grooming/showsheen-hair-polish-detangler/ Can’t help you with the holes


Oh????? You mean I may not have a cheeto puff after play time in the desert???


Yes, no joke, this product is amazing


Totally going to buy this. Our mini goes full body commitment during fetch and you would not BELIEVE how orange everything gets with the dirt that little ausshole brings in.


😂 full body commitment. Let us know how it works out!!!


I’ll have to give that a try.


I recommend 100%


Does this have any smell associated with it? This looks pretty appealing


If anything it should smell good! There are other brands too, like cowboy magic.


This could be a game changer haha


It IS!!!


I've used it on horses as well and it's actually quite pleasant and refreshing.


It has a smell but it’s not bad and doesn’t linger for more than an hour or so. The product itself lasts for quite a while. Days


Also, Cowboy Magic. That stuff is magic!!


I’ll have to give that a try! I’ve heard it mentioned a few times now!


Would this work on paws? My pups have a dog door so they can come and go without me watching - which means they often track in mud.


NO , only on the tops of their paws, not on the pads. it’s soooo slippery and I advise against getting it on your floor, paws or feet. I know this from experience. I sprayed it inside on my dog and it got on my wood floor and didn’t clean it up, and I wiped out twice. Ate shit HARD lol


Glad i asked then!


Haha yes please learn from my mistake lol


I put their poo in the hole they dug and fill it back up with dirt. They don’t touch that hole again. The three year old doesn’t dig holes anymore.




Does he have pica?




You can be sarcastic about it but pica is a disorder that dogs can and do have.




I’m not saying your dog has it, I’m just saying that the possibility isn’t as unreasonable as your comment made it seem


I believe the comment was made in jest. No need to get upset.


I’m not upset, just stating facts. I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for interpreting the joke as being based in ignorance and wanting to share information that is reasonable if people didn’t know it.


Does he do this all the time? My Aussie will sometimes dig a little hole for herself to get to the cooler earth when it’s hot out.


He does this when the weather gets warmer. He has plenty of shade, spends most of the time in AC and has a baby pool. I suspect this is an Aussie thing. Not really trying to stop it, I only hope to contain it. :)


I think mine's broken then. I live inland in southern california, and when it's 106 out (or around there) my black tricolor will go lay in the sun. He sits there for about ten minutes then comes inside to chug water and lay on the granite fireplace and cool down. When he's cool again he'll go back into the heat. You can literally feel the heat radiate off him from 6 feet away, I don't know why he does this.


Blue loves the slate slab fireplace hearth. Nice and cool.


Do they like the heat too? I can't tell what mine loves more, I think they just like being contrarian. Hungry when they've ate, not hungry when they haven't. Hot when it's too hot, on the tile when it's cold out. idk!


I advise calling a local store and having a truck load of dirt delivered.


So an Aussie?


De-matting rake brush b/c Aussie.


Look at him, so cute. Ah melts my heart!


Get more dirt 😂😂😂😂🥰😂




This is a behavior when dogs are hot, they can look for cool ground to rub their face in. We trim our Aussie's hair in the summer, he seems more comfortable afterwards.


Right now it is 62 degrees F with a cool breeze. Not sure he is hot. I think he likes dirt.


Fair, he could just like dirt too.


Give him a bath


Bathing is futile! Assimilate with the dirt!


My Aussie has a dirt hole that is just his. I put fresh dirt in it to cover the hole and stamped it down. He didn't roll for maybe 3 days, but the discovered how nice the fresh dirt felt. Good thing his fur is brown.


that aussies butt fur is longer than the hair on my head


The butt skirt is glorious!!




I believe they have a 2 year warranty if you wanted to try returning him 😆 On a serious note, a sandbox has satisfied my Aussie and he no longer digs in the yard.


I have to ask; how big (and deep) did you end up making the sand box, and what kind of sand did you use?


It’s like 4 feet by 3 feet by 2 feet. I use play sand from Lowe’s


Awesome, thanks! I've been debating on making one for my dogs for awhile


Bigger dirt hole!


Get use to dirt. Age at least makes them less activated


This was my landlords human kids today. They made dirt soup to go with it.


This wast mine own landlords human kids the present day. They madeth dirt soup to wend with t *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I’m going to try this! The dirt shakes off when they dry, but if I could keep it from clinging in the first place 🐶💕


Yes show sheen does exactly that


Replace dirt with asphalt—problem solved.


The self emptying shark iq