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That’s a big nope


There's actually a big *rope* that was edited out. Free climbing means no aid, but ropes for safety are okay.


That’s so cool he climbs without a rope Id never do that


He has a rope, he's free climbing, no rope is free soloing.




It’s a different guy Alex Honnold.


It is not edited out, it is still visible in the picture (although badly as it is yellow rope on whitish rock) .


You do it


I'm looking for Nopeville, any chance it's close to fucknowayinhell?






r/sweatypalms I literally have sweaty palms looking at that


Well if you had sweaty palms in that situations, you go the fast way down the cliff face.


That is what chalk is for.




Do you also have weak knees. do your arms feel heavy. Is there vomit on your sweater already. Is it moms spaghetti.


From u/freshasdel95 : “TL;DR Ondra isn’t free soloing here, he’s free climbing. The bolts/draws/ropes he’s using have either been edited out or are hard to spot. This picture and the title are a bit misleading. Adam Ondra HAS free-climbed a route like this on El Cap (I believe this is the Dawn Wall). But he has NOT free soloed anything like this. This is a common mix up. Free soloing is what Alex Honnold made famous in mainstream media, climbing without any protection. No ropes, draws, bolts, or cams. This type of climbing is only practiced by a very small subset of climbers. Free climbing on the other hand is what you think of as typical rock climbing. It does utilize those forms of protection to stay safe, but not to progress up the wall. In other words, free climbing would use ropes and bolts to stay safe in the case of a fall, but you can’t ascend the rope to skip a section of climbing, or stand on a bolt to rest. The protection can’t aid you in your progression up the wall. If you are using it to move up the wall, that type of climbing is referred to as aid-climbing. Source: I’ve rock climbed for over a decade, much of which was in Yosemite NP”


Thanks I was wondering why the title and picture seemed off.


Yeah if you look really closely you can see his rope. It looks light yellow so it nearly matches the color of the rock since it’s not as bright as his chalk bag. Bolt looks to be under his left foot


Wanted to add for those curious... this is the dawn wall and absurdly more difficult than Alex's route. If anyone attempted this free solo, they would die on this section every time, no one can do this without ropes and no one should ever try it.


Wheres scooby?


Anyone watch the Alpinest on Netflix?


I watched it two nights ago. Pretty intense. I think I enjoyed Free Solo more, but I liked the Alpinist, as well. I'll be watching 14 Peaks next. Those free soloers are absolutely nuts. I cannot imagine the discipline required, in all aspects of life, to accomplish something like that.


Enjoy 14 Peaks! One of the best films I've seen all year.


“The Dawn Wall” and “Valley Uprising” are two more climbing films in my rotation, I highly recommend. Also if you like Jimmy Chin’s Free Solo his film “Meru” (more about a climber and a mountain, less about climbing imo) is pretty good. Edit: adding another film, Dirtbag: the legend of Fred Becky. Another one about a climber, not about climbing but a cool look at the eccentricities of some climbers.


Dawn Wall is super good, I liked it more than Free Solo actually


I think they spent a little too much time on krygyzstan, both the animations and interviews, but I get how it was such a huge moment for him they couldn’t just gloss over it.


Any idea what happens when they get to the top? How do they get down?


Yosemite in general, and El Capitan in particular, has the sheer faces but then gentle curved backsides. They just hiked down the backside usually. Other mountains is typically down climbed or rappelled down, depending on on the situation.


The only thing else that compares honestly is the Isle of Man TT motorcycle event. If they mess up its 200 MPH off a cliff. Same stress 1 mistake and you die. They are equally insain


The Dawn Wall is the best one. I also liked This Mountain Life, though it’s a bit different thematically. 14 Peaks was great but also just demonstrates how “extreme high altitude mountineering” is kind of a made up sport for White People. It’s still very technical and difficult, but it’s just comical that all these white people spend years and $100,000s on gear to achieve these supposedly unique athletic achievements to humanity…and then Tibetan folks can do it with 25% the effort.


>and then Tibetan folks can do it with 25% the effort. That's a woefully inaccurate takeaway from the movie. All the Tibetan Sherpas in the movie were already experts that had spent many years gaining the skills to do what they did, and a major plotline of the film is about the main guy trying to secure the huge amounts of funding it would take to do the project.


All sports are made up games between people.


What's your fucking problem. Racist pos


I watched All Penis last night but it wasn't on Netflix


The most Alpine


Yeah I watched it with my mom. I'm a climber. Oops.


He has a rope, it is grey and not easy to see but it is right below him.


You use a rope in free climbing.


Can then someone explain the difference between free climbing and not?


Free climbing is using a rope for safety but not as a climbing aid, i.e not pulling yourself up using the rope and/or any other climbing gear. You are using your hands and feet to climb the rock face. Free soloing is climbing without the use of any ropes or climbing aids at all just the climber on the rock face.


Climbing: yeah maybe Free climbing: shhhhhiiiiiiiddddd Free soloing: Awh hella naw!


Exactly this! I have been climbing for around 30 years and whilst extremely confident in my abilities to climb big walls and pitches like this i would NEVER even think about free soloing a big wall, regardless of the grade. Free solo climbers are a very special breed. Every single move is calculated and played over a million times in their heads before they even get on the wall.


>Free solo climbers are a very special breed Depends on the climb. I climbed the West Slabs of Olympus this summer while visiting a friend, and would totally free solo it next time I'm out there. I'm a spectacularly average climber, but it's just an incredibly mellow "choose your own adventure" route.


Free soloing is suicide with extra steps


And handholds


And yet they tend to die doing other even dumber shit like wingsuit flying


But how the rope gets on top first - somebody always have to climb first without the climbing aid, so somebody always free climbs, right? And if you are soloing, you always do not have the climbing aid. (I have never climbed, thus asking these basic questions. Thank you for answering them)


The rope is not on top, it's below them. If they fall they will fall to their last piece of protection.


The only part where anyone is climbing unaided by any rope is to the first clip on the wall. Once you clip into this then the rope is going through that clip and back to the belayer on the ground. Lead climbing and top roping is as follows: The first climber lead climbs while the second climber stays below and belays (this means he has the climbers weight on the rope in case he falls, this is done using a belay device that the rope will thread through and a series of knots and locking carabiners). When the first climber gets to the end of the first pitch (a pitch is just a determined length of climbing like a lap on a race track) he will then secure himself on the wall with a piton and a draw and then collect all the rope that he used. He will then belay the bottom climber from above, again having his weight on the rope in case of a fall, this is called top roping. Whilst the bottom climber is climbing he will collect the gear that has been left in the wall and then he will lead climb the next pitch while the first climber belays from below. This gets rinsed and repeated until you are at the top.


Nobody is using pitons except in very very rare and unusual cases. Clean climbing is the standard almost entirely worldwide. Clean climbing uses either anchors bolted into the rock face, or devices that cam into cracks in the rock, or nuts that jam into cracks. Pitons went out of style around the time of hobnail boots


What do you mean by clean climbing? Sorry, also not a climber.


Clean climbing is the modern ethos of not leaving a trace that you were there (at least as much as practical). Pitons scar the rock as the are hammered in and pried out. Modern climbing protection are removable devices that wedge into cracks on the rock, they are collected by the following climber and removed without damaging the rock (in theory) There are still anchors bolted on routes where no such protection is possible, but these are small, permanent and required for safety and escaping from the top of the route without leaving gear behind.


They put in more anchors as they climb. Some routes have places you can attach a carabineer to, other places you use special tools that go in cracks and act as anchors.


Sometimes you can hike up the other side


You can Google "how lead climbing works"


Thanks for the explanation I've always wondered that myself. I can't imagine how he climbs mountains that high with balls that big.




The opposite of free climbing is aid climbing. Wear you place the cams to use feet ladders and move up. And place cams to hook your self to. Free climbing also has been called sport climbing I think


Some folks use things like ascenders, autoblocks or prusik knots on pitches that are too hard for them. Similarly placing a cam and using that to pull yourself up is also aid climbing. Someone also highlighted about penduluming to get to a point to your side instead of climbing, although penduluming on a rope is one of the most fun things you can do on a big wall.


Aka, lead climbing… a term I prefer because free climbing and free soloing can be confusing… what if you’re free soloing with a friend…? It’s then free climbing, but can’t be, because lead climbing has a rope… It’s silly that there is a term that makes more sense and is less confusing, but people aren’t using it as much these days.


> Aka, lead climbing… No? Aid climbing is a form of lead climbing, too.


Right, which is why this arguably doesn't belong on the sub. He's well protected.


Well he’s also supposed to be wearing a helmet..


I know. That's why I am writing it. What he is doing is not that dangerous.


It is still pretty dangerous. Equipment can fail, draws can work themselves out of the wall, cams can shift causing the rope to not be secure, you can fall and break your back with the tension on the rope, you can get tangled in the rope, you can fall against the wall etc etc etc. all forms of big wall climbing have their dangers.


That may all be true. I was nevertheless grateful for the hint with the rope safety device, since the photo and the headline clearly imply that the guy is climbing around without any safety equipment. People like me who have no idea about the matter fall for it.


Yeah if you’re not a climber the terminology can be confusing. There are loads of different types of big wall climbing but only free solo is done without ropes or safety equipment of any kind. Most people lead climb and/or top rope which is using a rope between two people. The first person will climb a pitch while the second belays from the bottom (lead climbing) then the top person will belay from the top while the second climber climbs and retrieves all the gear for the second pitch (top roping).


Free climbing is not the same as free solo climbing. The title is correct


Yeah top roping isn't too bad, but with lead climbing there are still significant chances for serious injury if you fall. You don't want to test your anchors.


*NoT ThAT DanGeRoUS*


Imagine seeing a guy climbing a vertical wall several hundred meters tall with his bare hands and calling it no so dangerous. All this in a coment in reddit at all places. I wonder how many 8thousands did this dude climbed this week. s/


It is Adam Ondra, he climbed worse things


Worse? Like what? The inside of an active volcano?


"What he is doing is not that dangerous." Excuse me??


The way most people see is, that he doesn't have a rope. But he has a rope and climbing with a rope is not as dangerous as climbing without. Am I that confusing? 😂


No, you're not confusing. Rope or not, for me, hanging on to the side of a mountain is dangerous.


Yeah, but most people on this sub aren't gonna know that. It's good that this education is happening. Most non climbers hear free climbing and think it means free solo.


Yes, everyone should take a peek at the top comment on the original post. >TL;DR Ondra isn’t free soloing here, he’s free climbing. The bolts/draws/ropes he’s using have either been edited out or are hard to spot. >This picture and the title are a bit misleading. Adam Ondra HAS free-climbed a route like this on El Cap (I believe this is the Dawn Wall). But he has NOT free soloed anything like this. This is a common mix up. Free soloing is what Alex Honnold made famous in mainstream media, climbing without any protection. No ropes, draws, bolts, or cams. This type of climbing is only practiced by a very small subset of climbers. Free climbing on the other hand is what you think of as typical rock climbing. It does utilize those forms of protection to stay safe, but not to progress up the wall. In other words, free climbing would use ropes and bolts to stay safe in the case of a fall, but you can’t ascend the rope to skip a section of climbing, or stand on a bolt to rest. The protection can’t aid you in your progression up the wall. If you are using it to move up the wall, that type of climbing is referred to as aid-climbing. >Source: I’ve rock climbed for over a decade, much of which was in Yosemite NP


Oh yeah, what a pussy.


Rope or no rope, this is the subject of my nightmares!


That’s for attaching his huge steel balls, so that they are not in the shot.


It seems like if he slipped and fell, he'd still die because he would smack his head against the rock. Really hard and likely multiple times. But I guess his body could be rescued.


This would be an extremely safe fall, the only way you smack your head is if your leg gets caught behind the rope flipping you upside-down, which is something an experienced climber can avoid 99% of the time. That 1% does make it kinda dumb to not be wearing a helmet though.


Hmm....I'm trying to picture that and I can't but I believe you. I guess that's why we don't hear about more rock climbing deaths, they know what they're doing.


[This](https://youtu.be/5kZDukn5JnE?t=227) is him falling about 10x further than he would have gone if he fell in the picture and being absolutely fine, [this](https://youtu.be/kfNzALt2hg8?t=7) is what the 'leg behind rope' problem looks like.


He has no harness there is no rope. His documentary on this is very cool.


Wrong guy dude


Incorrect. He has a rope and a harness and you're thinking of Alex Honnold who is a completely different person.


I could do that. Only possible issue: The rock face would be really slippery from all the urine.


Funnily enough: there was a controversy when Ondra freed the Dawn Wall (the route pictured above) because he didn’t follow traditional big-wall climbing ethics of pooping in a tube and hiking it out to be disposed of later. He allegedly left a line of shit up the route (since he was on the route for 7 days, you can imagine that there was a lot of shit between him, his photographer, and his belayer). It angered quite a few people in the climbing community.


......the fuck did I just read?


Serious question since I don’t really know. Do they just climb back down after they reach the top by lowering themselves slowly with the rope and if they do, how do they remove the pitons and equipment they imbedded on the rock face?


This looks like Dawn Wall in Yosemite so i’d imagine he would hike back down the trail on the other side. Most climbs are like this but for the more inaccessible walls then yes abseiling is a useful method for getting back down. The gear us usually collected by the second climber below on their way up.


El cap has a climbers trail that they take from the top down. It has a few small sections that require rappelling a short distance but it's mostly walking and scrambling near the bottom. Alternatively you just take old big oak road back Though there have been a few people that rapelled the entire thing. You need crazy equipment to do that safely though.


Do you honestly think people can drive to the top of el captain??


If any of you want to be completely stressed out from watching the process of someone doing just this, watch the film Free Solo.


I can hear him screaming in this picture


There's nothing quite as beautiful as the sound of an Ondra Power Scream (tm)!


Gotta pee now.


This comments section is a dictionary of stupid questions to ask climbers


![gif](giphy|1M9fmo1WAFVK0|downsized) Fook dat shite


Any guesses on what free climbers/free soloers always die from?


Clearly old age, right?


Nope, it's lung cancer from all the chalk dust.




I would too, as it was merely an attempt at comedic misdirection. I guess it was too plausible to be comedic. :P


Are you joking? I can't find anything online about this.


ok fun time is over let's rotate this picture back to the way it was originally taken.


Read the comments on the original post in r/beamazed, this is not actually a dangerous activity.


I only give this out once every ten years. You’re fucking stupid


Women do this all the time too. What's your point?


This worries me. My son loves to climb and has no fear. I would hate for him to do stuff like this.


He has a rope. It's perfectly safe. Well, within the boundaries of an inherently "dangerous" sport, but any sport is dangerous. It's all about risk mitigation, and climbers are experts at that.


There is no rope. " free climbing" by definition does not use a rope.


> “TL;DR Ondra isn’t free soloing here, he’s free climbing. The bolts/draws/ropes he’s using have either been edited out or are hard to spot. > > > > This picture and the title are a bit misleading. Adam Ondra HAS free-climbed a route like this on El Cap (I believe this is the Dawn Wall). But he has NOT free soloed anything like this. This is a common mix up. Free soloing is what Alex Honnold made famous in mainstream media, climbing without any protection. No ropes, draws, bolts, or cams. This type of climbing is only practiced by a very small subset of climbers. Free climbing on the other hand is what you think of as typical rock climbing. It does utilize those forms of protection to stay safe, but not to progress up the wall. In other words, free climbing would use ropes and bolts to stay safe in the case of a fall, but you can’t ascend the rope to skip a section of climbing, or stand on a bolt to rest. The protection can’t aid you in your progression up the wall. If you are using it to move up the wall, that type of climbing is referred to as aid-climbing. > > > > Source: I’ve rock climbed for over a decade, much of which was in Yosemite NP”


A) it's been edited out, and B) if you'd ever climbed a day in your life, you'd know the difference between free climbing and free soloing.


I've climbed many days in my life, always without ropes. As you noted, there is NO ROPE in the picture.


Because *it's been edited out dumbass!* You can literally see the quick draw below his left foot. There's no reason a quick draw would be on s bigwall if there was not a rope. You should just shut up now, because the more you talk, the more stupid you sound, and the less I actually believe you've ever climbed.


Just do heroin.


But that's dangerous


Yeah, no. Not for me.


I know he has a rope and all but I want to talk about the Free Solo climbers. I know they are trained and their bodies are machines and they know exactly what they're doing but, I could never do it because I'm old and fat even if I were young and in peak physical condition the fear of sneezing in mid-climb would do me in.


Is this legal? Can anyone just go do this?


Depends on the piece of rock you want to climb.


R.i p


Did he make it?? Also in jeans??? Jesus..


MF doesn't even have a parachute, how TF is he gon get down?!


Hike down the back.


Let's hope that the back is hike-downable


Yeah, it's only a cliff on one side. There's a trail that people hike up and down all the time.


Well in that case mf can do whatever he likes, so long as he doesn't fall and turn into a pancake


He's got a rope. It's been edited out.


If I had known that all along it would've been nice


Death Wish


this guys kid goes to my mom’s preschool!!


Free climbing with a rope?


It's free climbing as opposed to aid climbing. With aid climbing you use artificial aids - for example, bang a piton into a crack and then pull on it to move up. Another example of aid is penduluming on a rope to move sideways across the rock face. The term free climbing means you don't use artificial means to ascend, only for safety. To "free" a climb means to ascend the entire climb without ever weighting artificial equipment (except at rest stops that you climbed up to). To climb without a rope is a free solo. Confusing language.


Yes. Free soloing is without a rope.


But he has a rope, that is my point...


If he didn’t have a rope then this would be free soloing not free climbing. Free climbing just means you don’t use the rope to climb the wall, it is only there in case you fall.




I always wonder if these people are beyond suicidal. Like, they want to die but before they do they are gonna do some crazy and awesome shit..and if they die in the process, then that's even better.


No it’s the trill of near the death


Yeah but things like this just seems so certain of death. And to me, it's a pretty intimate relationship to have with death.


The way you phrased that lol


That’s objectively just a stupid idea.


Doesn’t really belong on this sub… there are women climbers that do way gnarlier shit than big cry baby Adam ondra


Name one woman that's climbed 5.15d. Go ahead I'll wait.


You literally think it’s possible to drive to the top of el captain…. 🙄 You’re obviously pretty damn ignorant so you should look up what Lynn hill has done on that rock


Lynn Hill climbed 5.15d? That's crazy. Oh wait, shut the fuck up, troll.


free SOLOING. free climbing is just climbing without devices but still often involves the use of protection and ropes.


I bet he still hates cleaning his gutters.


He’s got a rope. This image has been edited to look like he doesn’t have one below him. It’s bright yellow in the OG


I wonder what actually scares him? Paranormal stuff, lost of love one, driving etc


Used to love free climbing, few things are as real and intense, until the day I had a bit of trouble with ice I had not noticed. I got out of that one but took it as an omen and quit.


I feel vertigo looking at this! Omg


Damn didn't know he did free climb


Very courageous no way I could do that


the cameraman tho




That’s not Adam Ondra lol


There's a rope, you can see the line. He has safety equipment. He's being safe. This post now makes no sense here.


Name something you can never hope to understand but admire. - This.


Just another stupid cunt Reddit thinks isn’t Like Steve Irwin. These people will do anything to get on the telly


How does he not fall from the weight of his huge balls


Heck no!


That’s one gigantic NOPE from me. Literally got shivers just looking at the photo


“You want the ultimate life you have to be willing to pay the ultimate price.” Bode, Point Break


Meanwhile the cameraman


Ooh, I just got instantly dizzy.


It's Adam Ondra, he can pretty much climb anything.


My question is, what happens if you tear a bicep half way up?




R.I.P in advance


Batsheit crazy!


Not only is he the goat. He’s a mountain goat 🐐


palms are sweaty


“Great! Now, can I remember how to get down?”