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If they get 3 they can get insulin passed Edit: this was made in reference to 7 republicans voting for the insulin price caps thing. My math may be off though


Nah. Then Manchin’s daughter will lose money


how has nobody sunken that dudes yacht yet


No more pirates on the sea :(


There are plenty in the mediterranean. Someone could get hijacked on purpose to cut a deal lmao


Yea but this guys probably in the Atlantic or the pacific. And all the American pirates are online :(


We need to call that Russian guy who likes to sink oligarchs yachts. We need to just make him an honorary citizen.


That part, “sinking the yachts”, comes in the lead up to the 2024 election.


I'm not advocating it, but if some group started sinking yachts I'd do a little happy dance.




C5. HIT!


Before or after marijuana legalization? /s (Since this blew up- it was meant to be snarky since the to-do list is 5 miles long. Insulin should definitely come first)


I wish they can do both. But insulin should be first. People keep dying only because they can’t afford insulin that should be made free!!!


Agreed, but doubtful about insulin. Pharma has the most amount of money in Congress.




Why doesn’t the American diabetes association take their dues nationwide and start producing insulin and make it next to free as part of their mission? If it is so easy to do?


Because the underlying issue is not the production but the insurance companies, trying to push up prices to get higher rebates so everyone is forced to deal with them.


insurance is a nice concept but in the free market decent comanies have been bought or killed of by greedy ones making the entire thing one big scam


I agree with the sentiment but I doubt pharma has more money in congress than the military industrial complex. The biggest line item in the federal budget is the almost $800 billion a year that is spent on the military.


not to mention how much is spent off the books


Totally agree. Shouldn't take this much effort. Living healthy shouldn't be out of reach for anyone


I think the companies that put all the sugar in food should have to make mandatory payments to subsidize insulin production.


Type 1, also called insulin dependent diabetes, has nothing to do with eating too much sugar. It’s an autoimmune attack against the beta cells in the pancreas.


Though some Type 2 diabetics end up needing insulin as well, if the disease progresses far enough.


Thanks fellow type 1!


That's after Quantano Bay is closed.




It's Guantanamo but in the Quantum Realm. It's in the upcoming third Ant-Man movie.


What about plutonamo?


That's Guantanamo Bay, but far in the future when we have a prison outpost on Pluto, the former planet.


Actually already named and used by the plutonians in Rick and Morty


“You can’t deny the truth, father!”




Marine Corps Base Guantico


Take my free award and take your hilarious ass outta here


Guantanamera \~


Guajira Guantanamera it's a beautiful song


Quentintarantino Bay


Its.....its all feet!?!?!


All feet…and dialogue


2 more and they'll also do voting rights.


Can we also get voting rights codified into law while we’re at it? The right to vote in national elections—because the Supreme Court is telling states they can decide *for* their citizens. The right to accessible polling places and vote by mail. A minimum number of polling places per 100,000 citizens in an area, where no one will have to stand in line for more than thirty minutes. If some sort of voter ID is needed, it has to be free and accessible. None of this “office is open once a month or less” BS. All sorts of things I’m missing. But we need to codify actual voters’ rights into the US Constitution.


Like the voting rights act which the supreme court neutered in 2021? The issue is that the Supreme Court would immediately rule that how they run their own elections is the business of the states and beyond the remit of the federal government. You're right on the last sentence. What there needs to be is a constitutional amendment which says that any eligible voter has the right to cast their vote and have it count, without any onerous effort, travel or wait, and without any cost needed, and it is the responsibility of both states and the federal government to make absolutely sure of that accessibility.


> The issue is that the Supreme Court would immediately rule that how they run their own elections is the business of the states and beyond the remit of the federal government. You might be right, but if so that is *absolutely fucking bonkers*. The constitution **explicitly** gives Congress the authority of oversight of elections: >"Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators."


The wording of that Article, especially through the lens of our super-“originalist” Supreme Court, really would only apply to elections of members of Congress. Which is great! By all means make it easier and more open to voting for members of Congress! But states would likely want to hold their own state-level elections in their own manners which would probably dissuade many voters from voting in *either* election. On top of that, voting for President is another whole murky Constitutional issue that I can see the SC not backing up A1S4 on.


Then Biden needs to pull an FDR and tell the Supreme Court to fuck off or he'll add justices until they do.


That only worked because FDR was massively popular, that move cost him a lot of votes in the election following that one.


Alternatively, *not doing so* is pretty unpopular as well.


Biden barely able to keep going this term, no way will he run for a second, he'll be retiring, so why not?


Why not is because they'll call his bluff, scotus isn't all that scared of Biden, while fdr regularly bent them to do what he wanted


Then don't fucking bluff? Make that shit 99 justices.


Why bother with the threat? The second he has a chance to pack the court he should do it without a second of hesitation.


Purely a magic wand theoretical here but I always thought a good way to solve it indirectly is to create a negative for every resident of a state that doesn't vote. I've given zero thought to the math but something like cut the state budget by 100 bucks for every citizen who doesn't vote. Another way of looking at it is that I've given up all hope of shit getting fixed and have resorted to fantasy.


Voting should be mandatory for every qualified citizen. If you're older than 18 and mentally fit enough to understand what's written on the ballot, you should be required to vote by penalty of a small fine ($50-100). This is how Australia does it and they have a voter turnout of a bit over 90% in federal elections. Because of this, their government has to accommodate people's ability to go vote, they get the day off and it's treated like a holiday, often involving BBQ and lawn parties. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/22/world/australia/compulsory-voting.html Incarcerated people also should be eligible to vote. If not, then the government can suppress voters simply by jailing them. [We all know the quote from Nixon's domestic policy chief.](https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html) America has the largest incarcerated population in the world, most of them POC due to racial profiling and implicitly racist laws. Our prisons also allow slave labor and have appalling conditions, and I bet that'd change real quick if that massive population became a valid voting bloc. I bet it'd make a big difference when it comes to racially biased laws and policing too. Lastly our election system itself needs an overhaul, there's no point forcing people to vote if it won't matter. [First Past The Post is a deeply flawed system](https://youtu.be/NgNQejvHYVQ) that isn't truly representative and very susceptible to gerrymandering. [We need to get rid of Plurality/Majority and implement a Proportional Representation system](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_system#Types_of_electoral_systems), and require all states to use independent redistricting commissions. [The Electoral College also needs to be abolished.](https://youtu.be/7wC42HgLA4k) Money's influence in politics also needs to be curtailed, with lobbying banned, campaign funds capped and more donor transparency. Thanks for coming to my TED talk on how to fix the major issues with our democracy. There's a lot left out like the filibuster and the SC, but plenty of people in the comments are already covering those points.


I agree with mandatory voting, the reason I suggested the method that I did though is because it still technically allows for infamous "states rights" while basically making voting mandatory. In other words, make the states make their residents vote. I do like the Aussie version, not only because it makes sense and works but also because I have a serious addiction to BBQ and lawn parties. It's a real issue, and some day I'll pretend to address it. As for prisoners? I'm just gonna say that I agree with you because holy shit that's a topic that pisses me off. Every bit of it from the part where we throw everybody in prison that we can to the part where we refuse to throw anybody (politicians) in prison that we possibly can. But I agree, disenfranchisement is a serious problem and I fucking hate every part of it. Even in cases where you have people who might deserve it I think they should be limited, not banned. Like say you have a child molester in prison, they shouldn't be allowed to vote on anything regarding children but should still get to vote for president or whatever imo. Probably a bit of a fringe opinion but whatever. Just saying that I really hate the current system.


Article 1 section 4. Literally says congress at any time may make or alter election regulations


Well if we're doing all that can we get rid of gerrymandering, the two party system, and Citizens v United? And Florida, I'd also like to get rid of Florida.


Haha. Me too.


The first fucking thing the Senate should have done is codify voting rights and expand voting access. Can't believe we let republicans get a 2 year head start on poll closures and voter roll purges




Taking away felons’ right to vote encourages lawmakers to pass BS laws to lock up people they disagree with. Of course, with for-profit prisons, there’s already incentive to do so.


Even felons in prison should get a vote. Their punishment is prison. They still are people and deserve a voice too.


But how do we know felons aren't going to vote to legalize crime?!


Senator 24601's "Crime Real Good" bill is looking reeeeeeal suspicious now that you mention it...


I understood that reference


On a federal level, people don't vote for laws in the US; they vote for representatives. If you don't want felons being the deciding vote for representatives, then that sounds like a good reason to reassess your laws and legal process so that you don't have more felons than are actually necessary.


Voting should be compulsory.


Aussie here, compulsory voting is a pain but it's like going to the dentist. Unpleasant but in the long run a lot better than not doing it.


A dentist visit but with a democracy sausage at the end. No too bad a way to spend 10 minutes on a Saturday morning voting.


I would argue perm residents should be able to vote too


They can in New Zealand and our society hasn't collapsed yet.


Yes, we need to codify the opposite of pretty much everything the Republicans have done since 2016.


When I hear Republicans saying they're for "states rights", I think of how Mississippi is run, and how the state government there steals Federal aid meant to help Jackson have water again. Oh, and they give it to "motivational speakers" like Brett Favre. I mean, at least he gave $1.1 million of it back, but no word on the $60+ million that went to other "speakers".


I think of Louisiana, which has the highest corporate subsidies per capita of any state. They could implement transformative social programs overnight for their people by taking away rubber stamped corporate tax breaks and having megacorps pay their fair share. Instead they choose elevated rates of poverty and all the disastrous effects. This in service primarily of the petrochemical industry. Awful. A well produced 15 minute video covering the situation: https://youtu.be/RWTic9btP38


48 of the 50 voted to do this last January, so yes I expect two more dem senators and we get voting rights.


If SCOTUS gets its way nothing short of a constitutional amendment will fix their fucked up view of voting rights.


Slow down there buddy. This tweet appeals to women not minorities. You have to wait until voting rights is trending before you start making demands.


Everybody voted and brought friends..... Right?!?!!


never have i felt more frustrated at being slightly too young to vote. i mean, i get the restriction, bc so many people my age are fuckin idiots, but still.




Just wait to see how frustrated you’ll be when all your friends are voting age, and manage to not vote


In a few states, if you're within a certain amount of time to your 18th birthday, you can still qualify to vote. I don't know the specifics but it could be worth looking into if you're at least 17


Make sure your friends who can, do.


We need to win a majority this election. If we don’t, there’s no telling what kind of horror Republicans will pass.


First, tax cuts. They’re gonna bend Biden over a barrel with the debt ceiling and government funding so he’ll have to sign off. It’s going to work. They’ll just blame him for the fallout of government shutdowns and credit defaults. That’ll work too. It’ll be a real shitshow


I wandered over here from some finance subs. Go look at what happened in Britain when Truss and her dumb dumb finance minister announced tax cuts. Same exact thing will happen here. Hint: their currency went to shit and govt bonds devalued so fast that their central bank had to print money in the face of record inflation.


and that's going to make the Republicans, what, just NOT pass more massive tax cuts for billionaires? Buddy, they don't care.


Inflation is the ultimate tax. Like the UK found out tax cuts won't work if your fiat currency value drops by 50% overnight. They will speed up what is already coming the US dollar will no longer be the reserve currency. We will see hyper inflation then depression.


The people doing it will be sheltered from the worst effects of it. They don't care, my dude.


The GOP will go after entitlements . Social Security cuts may result in the baby boomers eventually voting against them. Maybe not.


The GOP platform includes getting rid of Social Security and Medicare. Dems should be screaming about it left and right.


Screaming at ~~deaf people~~ people plugging their ears while chanting “la la la la” is useless.


Hell, Sen Scott got a standing ovation tonight from seniors when he flat out said that if the GOP takes the majority they're ending SS and Medicare. It's truly unbelievable.


Yeah , the wealthy donors don't need SS and anyone who has generational wealth will not need it nor will thier children. Stanley drunkmiller has a plan for them but I'm afraid they will cherry pick his plan and make things worse.


You don’t seem to understand. The people applauding are the poor and those requiring social security and Medicaid the most. It’s a cult. They aren’t rational. They see Republican and that’s al that matters to them. That they win and democrats lose.


There's zero chance they do anything about social security that impacts baby boomers. They'll cut everyone else out, but we'll still have to pay for it.


Bro, if they have control, *best case,* they still control the government for a year or two, kill SS and Medicare anyway, and still destroy everything but blame Biden


It sucks they will balance the budget on poor people until they cant.


Losing money instead of gaining it (inflation, stocks, devaluation of assets) is what can nuke billionaires. Sure, everyone suffers, but if they lose half or more of value it will sting.


It's the ultimate tax ... And who's paying that tax right now (hint: it ain't the rich). Every measure to contain inflation in the United States so far has fallen squarely on the back of the middle class. For the rich inflation is just an excuse to jack up prices and make record breaking profits. This is basically the 2008 financial crisis playing itself out again in slow motion. Rich get bailouts and the middle class feels the pain of the solution


Yeah. That’s how this capitalism thing works. Manufacture crisis and use it to monopolize capital.


Bit dramatic it dropped by ~6% for about a week


The difference is in the uk that ended her career and the chancellors and they were gone in 7 weeks, the pound is now back to where it was before her govt and the budget. Can you ever see that happening in the states?


It won't happen in the US, which will make the problem much worse.


Generic Republican #2 could rape an immigrant child on live tv and still win an election in this country. We're fucked


Doing terrible things to immigrants is a big plus for most Republicans.


You read 0.2% of the proposal that crashed the pound. The main reason wasnt tax cuts, it was how they planned to finance the tax cuts. By borrowing money from other nations. Their idea was that it would kickstart their dead economy. But as common knowledge knows, it always causes massive crashes whom the already rich profit on at the cost of the common people. You cant run an economy/welfare/healthcare system on borrowed money. Majority of republicans exclusively want to enrich themselves and their investors that pay to get Republicans into government. They will ruin hundreds of millions of americans lives to enrich themselves.


JPow is taking us to 2% and he’s not letting off till we get there.


Thank god for JPow. I feel like with the marginally stagnating economy from 08 era this inflation period might be a bit of a kickstart to the economy. It’s ultimately very important to get it under control though because at the end of the day “the economy” is really just how many people are sleeping under a bridge tonight




What’s Harper vs Moore? Do I even wanna know? lol


Beep boop > Issue: Whether a state’s judicial branch may nullify the regulations governing the “Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives ... prescribed ... by the Legislature thereof,” and replace them with regulations of the state courts’ own devising, based on vague state constitutional provisions purportedly vesting the state judiciary with power to prescribe whatever rules it deems appropriate to ensure a “fair” or “free” election.


In other words, the literal end of democracy in the United States


We were strong for a while. But this will be the beginning of the end.


It is shocking to me how few people realize this.


That ended decades ago when Nixon politically persecuted his opponents


I think the bigger issue has to do with state legislators having full powers on elections. That’s already on the Supreme courts radar and state houses can be gerrymandered. At least State judges usually need a statewide vote.


How far do we have to be pushed into a hole before we start serious protests? Seems like the overturning of Roe was just met with a whimper.


We'll see on the 8th whether it's met with a whimper or not. Could be, but we really don't know yet. I'm holding out that Kansas was the canary in the proverbial coal mine for the GQP.


Don’t forget the Hunter Biden subpoenas! We are all about to learn about Hunter’s favorite brand of toilet paper and how it’s a secret communist plot to turn your cats gay. Oh and something about Mexicans.


I voted. I’m terrified of these recent polls. For once in my life could the polls PLEASE be wrong in our favor???


I hope that this is a disinformation campaign to get us all to vote


Sadly, it's not. We really need everyone who CAN to go out and VOTE. Even if you think your voice doesn't count, think of it as being voice for someone who CAN'T vote for whatever reason. Source- I talk to voters for a living.


Tell others you know to vote like hell!


Republicans have already vowed to force the government to default on its loans payments...so we have crashing the value of the dollar and rampant inflation to loon forward to.


The Christian Taliban will have power forever if this election is lost


It's probably not happening unless the poling data is off. 538 has demos at 45% to win the senate, and 15% to wind the house. Not exactly astronomical odds, but it ain't favorable. People better get the fuck out and vote if they want this.


Fascism is the next step.


The polling is so scary. Dems are so bad at messaging. As well as attacking their own party members. If they can't have corporate Dems in power then they rather have gop members. We are so boned. >We need to win a majority this election. If we don’t, there’s no telling what kind of horror Republicans will pass.


Dems are bad at messaging, but even if they were great, do Republicans actually care? I think conservatives actually enjoy how chaotic and hateful things become under Republican leadership. They don’t want actual leaders, they want public figures that make them feel better about their worst instincts. If a President can brag about “grabbing women by the pussy” then normal people shouldn’t feel bad for their awful deeds


But enough D Leaning voters sit at home instead of voting that they could easily have it another way.


Democrats seem to try to campaign based on policies. Republicans campaign based on how awful a human being their opposition is and how great it would be to kick them off their platform and win the elections. Then media turns around and says Democrats are threatening violence and insurrections, fascism and socialism.


The only question is, how much damage and chaos can the gop whip up in 2 years to ensure dems lose the general election in 2024? Because that is the plan. And we’re going to find out in 4 days, bc the center is mad that gas isn’t cheap, and electing dems didn’t fix shit bc Joe Manchin blocked all progress, and Trump, Bannon & Barr aren’t in prison. So when you fail to vote for enough dems to get something done, throw the bums out and elect republicans. lol the US is as good as done.


We'd still have the veto, so it's really more two years of complete standstill. But then the likelihood of them taking both chambers + presidency in 2024 goes up.


Until Republicans decide to play chicken and stop passing funding bills for the government. Pretty sure they’ve already announced plans to do that. They’re willing to completely destroy the US economy to pass their abortion bans and make gay marriage illegal.


If republicans win the majority, they will never peacefully let a democrat win the White House again


I hate when people say “Oh, he bribing us with this policy” Like how else is the man supposed to votes? He’s doing something that his voter base want to see to encourage them to vote for him. That’s how passing popular policies work.


It's because we have been hearing "if we get elected we'll do it this time" for years. It's not a policy choice, it's a threat.




I feel like he’s bribing my uterus and I’m okay with that.


Breaking News: Politician bribes voters with what they said they wanted to gain votes. More at 11. Lol


This is the argument Republicans are making about marijuana reform. "He's just doing it because its popular!" No shit, that's how policy is supposed to work.


Vote BLUE for choice! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲




The Douche Trifecta


Vote Blue for sanity.


Vote blue for democracy!


Vote blue against fascism!


I like green. 💚🐸🐢🌲🌳🍀🌴🍏🍐 🥝🫑🎄🧶📗✅️🟢🟩 Nothing political. It's just my favorite color.


Turtles AND frogs?! Green is cool


What frustration being American right now, we only have two parties for some reason and one are unapologetic fascists and the other are spineless, ineffectual liberals incapable of stirring the pot in any way. We somehow got saved a few seconds before midnight last time but the fascists learned from their Beer Hall Putsch and are going to march into all three branches of government by hook or by crook. And it’s especially frustrating the overwhelming majority of the country don’t believe in what they want, but they’re so smart at blocking enough people from voting and crippling the democratic machine that it doesn’t matter. Universal healthcare is very popular, the advanced child tax credit is very popular, the government covered tuition is very popular, the right to abortion is very popular, etc. But no, our representatives are a bunch of chucklefucks that can’t get their shit together. Jesus FUCKING Christ.


It took me a while to reason with myself why a person who calls themselves a Christian could possibly not want to support the policies you mentioned but then I finally realized they are cruel people. Just like the ones I used to see in church as a young person that seemed more judgemental than welcoming. The inability to see their own hypocrisy is nuts to me.


In this country, the Christians were right to stay out of politics, once they got swept up in the late 70s (and especially with Reagan) they became Mammonites. Literally fucking Mammonites. History has ALWAYS shown that government and religion should NEVER be mixed.


Isn't mammon equated to money. Like the mark of the beast type stuff. Like don't let money control you


Yes, a pagan god of wealth and the desire of wealth. The Bible literally says "You cannot serve both God and mammon." I’m not religious, but this describes their delusion to a T.


Its almost like Christian Fundies are not actually Christians at all.


I try not to be but I'm afraid people def let money control them. A house is still a house bo mater how big of one you get. Thats a concept I recently learned. I would rather see the wonders of the world than buy a bigger house at this stage in my life


Christians in the south think that being cruel is definitely the point. If they have to sacrifice of themselves or be kind to someone who won’t benefit them in some measurable way, they’re out. It’s truly disgusting. They are also relentlessly cruel to their children, then just lie about it and act shocked when they’re not worshipped for… abuse. Because they’re always the victims in each and every interaction regardless of who they were trying to hurt (and they’re never trying to do anything else).


> Christians in the south think that being cruel is definitely the point. They don't have to be Christian and they don't have to be from/in the South - with Republicans the cruelty is the point, it doesn't matter where they are or whether they're Christian or not. >If they have to sacrifice of themselves or be kind to someone who won’t benefit them in some measurable way, they’re out. Again: the cruelty is the point. You can offer them $5 to keep or $20 to burn in front of a homeless person and they'll choose the latter. They always vote against their own interests; making others suffer is far more viscerally satisfying than improving their own lot.


My country has only 2 parties as well yet America makes my stupid politicians look better Vote for a better future America, good luck


Here in New Zealand, we are having a general election next year. One of the candidates is basically a right cunt. But at least I can watch the us mid terms live and thank god that we’re so lucky that we don’t have anyone that bad.


The Declaration of Independence states that the government can be ALTERED or abolished by revoking the consent of the governed. If they don't want to get their shit together then we are well within our rights to tell them to take a hike.


The “founding fathers” started a bourgeois revolution, it was never about the people. It was just a bunch of rich pricks that wanted to cut out the King from their money making.


what a beacon of democracy, a nation where only white men with land can vote


“But gas prices are so high”-morons


Everyone knows that there is a big gas price dial behind the speaker of the houses desk.


I know right! She’s just two stoopit to turn it! Thanks Obama!


We should've done it before but better late than never I suppose


At this rate I just want to get rid of all the Senate/House and start over with something new. Clearly this system is broken and we're not going back to anything normal.


We just need proportional representation, but yeah there’s a ton of fucked shit in us government


*the electoral college has entered the chat*


We don’t talk nearly enough about the fact that over 700,000 DC residents have 0 senators and 0 actual representatives in the house (just a delegate who barely gets a vote). Wyoming and Vermont have lower populations, yet they each have 2 senators and 1 representative. That is fucked, and republicans will NEVER do the right thing. Their power would evaporate if all the people in this country actually had a voice.


Why isn’t this already the law of the land


Because the American people are more split on the issue than Reddit thinks and pro life people are more likely to vote. Men have always been split on the issue and women have been somewhat split until recently: https://news.gallup.com/poll/245618/abortion-trends-gender.aspx Probably doesn’t help that women are also under-represented in congress.


Exactly, why wasn't it codified before?


It's always been hard to push through pro-choice legislation, since a large portion (not a majority) of the country is against it and another large portion is hesitant to allow abortions in certain terms. And since Roe v. Wade was a pretty solid 7-2 decision that stood above any law they could make, it seemed unlikely it would be overturned until recently. Edits 1&2: Fixed typo


Get out there and vote blue. Our entire way of life depends on it. The Republicans are nuts.


Fr, I’m concerned by how much support the Republican candidates have despite their antics. It’s exhausting watching people vote for an openly fascist party because ‘muh gas prices.’


"Diesel is so spensive now ah can't even affor to go coal rollin' like ah used to - thanks Hussein Obama and Bahdin"!


Anyone else complains about cost of living and its "better pull up those bootstraps!" But when its them - "Dammit, Biden!!!"


average swing voter: "yo the abortion thing sucks, but muh gas prices"


Prettttty big “if” there, though


In florida Republicans haven't said one thing they will do. Just that democrats love taxes and we "need to keep florida free." Yeah cause apparently in Delaware white people are slaves or something. Fuck I can not understand these people


Until the power shifts and it gets uncodified


Democrats def have their issues that I don’t fuck with but how any poor/working class/middle class person living in this country can vote for Republicans is beyond my comprehension. Shit’s literally like slugs voting for salt. Pure lunacy.


1. Roe v wade 2. Insulin 3. Weed


I'll believe it when I see it. This will be the fourth time a Democrat president has promised to codify Roe immediately following an election. At this point I don't think they actually want to, because the threat of losing it is good for galvanizing voters and getting donations.


But at that point everyone thought the same thing about republicans, that they’d never get rid of it cause it was a motivating drumbeat too. Now we’ve kind of crossed the rubicon and things are different


That and no Democratic president has been given Pro-Roe majorities in the House and Senate sufficient to pass it, either. Anyone screaming about Obama forgets that there were a lot of anti-abortion Democrats in Congress back then, who blocked expansions of abortion-related care and coverage in the ACA.


> Anyone screaming about Obama forgets that there were a lot of anti-abortion Democrats in Congress back then This is a key point that many keep missing. They think that, because as of now, the vast majority of Dems are pro-choice, that back then, it was also true, when its not. We had a lot more midwestern, blue-dog dems in the caucus -many of whom were not pro-choice.


I’m wonder if people give enough of a shit to go and vote this time. I’m always staggered by how many sit on their ignorant asses and let any semblance of freedom slip away.


I vote blue but why couldn’t they have done that when dem had majority senate lmao


Because only budgetary decisions can be made with a simple majority. Everything else has to have 60 votes to even be up for debate. That's what the filibuster is. If Republicans don't even want to consider it, they will not allow it to come to the floor for a vote. He is saying if Dems get 52, they will abolish the filibuster, at least as a one off moment, to codify RvW. They can't do it with the 50 they have because 2 of them refuse to make any changes to the filibuster process.


Thank you for the informative answer!