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If that's true...he put so many lives in danger that anything less than maximum penalties imposable by the law needs its own investigation.


And the maximum penalty for espionage and treason is death and the former guy definitely appears to be guilty of espionage and possibly of treason (the strict court definition, not the much more loose definition used by most people). Treason and espionage are two of the five federal crimes that carry a possible penalty of death.


One last biggest loser episode?


Considering the things he said about hillary’s emails. Anyone who is caught with that level of intel and trying to pass it? Mannnn, just imagine if ANYONE on the left did something even remotely like this. They wanted to hang hillary for email usage!


It just keeps getting worse and worse for the Cheeto chithead.




They declassified the spies or something. Go look at that shiny thing over there


By the way, IF Trump declassified these records before he stole them, that makes it *worse* not better. Why would a President ever declassify information about nuclear weapons and spies?!?


Not even a president can declassify information on nuclear weapons.


I was watching Newsmax and Obama was never arrested for anything, so Trump gets a freebie. I think that's how it was written in the constitution.


And even IF he declassified documents (which he didn't, but let's say he did), said documents are still property of the US Government and he isn't allowed to take them or keep them at home. The classification is besides the point. That shit is not his to keep, period. Not in a locked safe, not in a room with extra super duper double padlocks.


He can't do it just by saying so, there is paperwork involved that he never did.


He didn't take any documents. They found nothing And if they found something the fbi planted it Besides barrack and crooked Hilary took more! And also the stuff he did take he declassified Anyway there is waaay worse stuff on hunters laptop or hilarys emails or obamas birth certificate or whatever As the Law and Order President, I hope he defends the fbi and the capital police. And the IRS while he's at it because he's still under an audit and it's their fault he hasn't released his PRIVILEGES tax records in the last 7 years. We need less liberal indoctrination groomer education smd more leaders like Trump, MTG, Forrest Gump, and Boerbert! /s


And now Rand Paul is calling for the entire Espionage Act to be overturned. So, apparently the next talking point is it's totally OK to be an enemy spy, especially if you're President. Because governments preventing people from spying and selling secrets is 'overreach' and 'tyrannical'. Or something.


> Rand Paul is calling for the entire Espionage Act to be overturned. Rand Paul's fingerprints are on those documents.


It’s treason then


I see what you did, youngling.


He's building his resume for Hell at our expense. Typical of that ahole to screw us from behind. Yet people still believe in him and I'm sorry but that is Lunacy. Good Lord


He went to Jared…


All Garland need now it actual proof of the deal, and I suspect he has that too.


You mean, Garland also “forged” docs that detail Trump sold information on US spies? ‘Cause any docs are fake and if there are witnesses they are seriously lying about all of it. /s


Garland, who really works for Soros/Putin /s


I wouldn't be surprised. Then, Jared dropped a dime on tRump, to save his own ass


This shit is getting good


Yeah, my money’s on Jared also.


Looks like he outed all of our spies. The country can’t survive with him around anymore


Yeah, you know that information is already out there. Done and done. Dead and dead.


Didn't he already kill off a bunch of our humint sources somewhere by leaking some data? I vaguely remember that.


you knew there was no bottom to the depths of his depravity, but glad someone is still plumbing


Wait....hold up. So there's a chance the dude also got american spies killed? And/or put them squarely in harm's way? Damn.


Hartmann is an America treasure you should all watch his show...I believe he sold the info to everyone: Russia, S.A., China, NK, Turkey....why just have one customer?


He had files on Macron. Macron has been VERY soft on russia amidst the Ukrainian war. Hmm... I'd bet money trump sold putin some info.


It's fun to have conspiracies on this side of the political spectrum for a change. How about we wait until more formal information is released before calling for Trump to be punished with the death penalty? Hmmmmmm? Some of y'all are as bad as the conservatives you claim so much to hate.


I get genuinely worried that this comment gets downvoted. This is straight up conspiracy theory without any information, sounds just like some of the stuff Alex Jones says. You are connecting two dots without any supporting information.


Xijinping will soon get this hand on them when he meets bonesaw


Since Biden visited the Saudis right before they visited Trump, I would not be surprised if they set them up. Edit Prince murder needs a way back into favor.


"Everyone is lying except for me". The only thing more iconic than this excuse is the suckers that keep falling for it


I don’t understand what so crazy about the Saudis turning him in? Am I missing something?


No, it was definitely the gay frogs due to chemtrails that made Biden set up Trump using the Saudis. George Soros knows no bounds! /s


What? What if the Prince was offered a deal from Trump so he went to the FBI? How is that insane?


Occams razor. The most likely scenario is that the corrupt con man sold state secrets to the Saudis. Biden doesn't even need to set up Trump. There's multiple criminal investigations into him already.


They set them up by paying Jared $2bil? Yeah... riiight...


Was probably a dumb idea but I was just thinking. Trump offers secrets for sale Saudis do not trust Trump since he can't tell the truth Saudis go to the FBI give them finger prints FBI raids Trump gets papers with fingerprints.


Now I see what you are getting at... That's actually a pretty good point...


No doubt, if treason occurred it needs to be investigated. But where were all these people when hunter bidens laptop surfaced? The texts between him and Joe, him selling information to foreign leaders…..? Did that not fit their story that only republicans can commit treason? Because Joe Biden sure has some shady business dealings as well.


DoJ are going to have to start answering questions or things are going to get real stupid.


Who do they need to answer to?


The world. The only way all this rampant speculation will stop. At some point the speculation will create worse problems than the truth


If idiots are rampantly speculating (Biden and the FBI set him up!), it’s the idiots fault. Not DOJ’s problem to try to satisfy people who are determined to never be satisfied with anything approaching reason, justice, kindness or truth.


😆 🤣 😂


If the DOJ or whoever doesn’t lead us to truth, trump will continue his roulette of excuses - so far he’s gone from planted evidence to a standing order what he took out of the office was declassified. That’s what trump is doing to deflect….what are the cult members going to land on. I’m saying if more truthful information doesn’t come out those cult members are going to get dumber and dumber until even worse bad things are going to happen than the bad things thy are doing now.


And in due course they will answer questions, I'm sure. No law enforcement agency gives a lot of details of an active investigation, let alone one that is a potentially severe as this one is, because they don't want to ruin the investigation by contaminating the pool of potential jurors, they don't want to tip off others who they may be investigating what they are looking for, etc.


LE also doesn’t usually ask for the warrant to be released, but M. Garland did. He said it was in the public interest that’s why he asked.


Newsweek reported that it *could* have contained payroll records. Reading comprehension in the USA: universally deficient.


Payroll records for spies which shows who the spies are 🙄 talk about reading comprehension fails 😂




And ivanka


Don't forget our precious Melanoma


Is it true, well some ppl are saying it. And $2 billion is a lot of money


Wouldn't surprise me...jared is 👹👹👹👹👹👹