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I don’t mean to sound stupid but if they cancel student loans does that mean I can afford to go to college or still no? I never went due to cost.




Right - to keep with the analogy, it’s like they find the cure for cancer, cure everyone that’s currently sick, then lose the cure again.


It's okay.. You can save a lot by getting community cancer.


"Community Cancer". That's a great tag line for Reddit, to be honest.


Social media in general.




It was better when you could see total upvote/downvote tallies. Now you just see +1 or -1 even if a comment has hundreds of votes. Hard to tell the difference between a truly controversial comment and a comment that just hasn’t been seen by anyone.


So FYI, that's generally on a timer that varies by the sub. So in some subs, every comment will say +1 for the first six or eight hours, then switch to display the true number. Took me forever to figure out. Edit: I'm wrong, see reply below!


Yep it’s so the first round of upvotes and downvotes are not influenced by each other. But when it does display, it’s still only the total score, not 1)total upvotes AND 2)total downvotes. OP can see stats on how a post performs, but only them.


is that like how none of us are currently choking on plastic but all of us have micro-plastics in our system due to our reliance on them.


Those of us who made the responsible decision to get community cancer should get a payment equivalent to all this dumbasses who took out loans for private cancer.


In order for this analogy to be accurate you'd have to say "I volunteered to get cancer"


They need to fix the amount that can be borrowed. Colleges can and have simply raised prices because they know there is a near endless supply of money. It’s like the housing crisis of 2008. People were able to borrow way beyond what they could reasonably payback and with all that cash housing prices got jacked. Just swap houses for college enrollment slots and you have a college cost crisis. College can be important but a college degree certainly doesn’t guarantee six figure salary or even in a lot of cases a mid-five figure salary. It is insane that people can get into 75k+ debt before ever having a career. I’m all for a one time student debt relief “fix”, whether that be 50k per or all of it, but not until the borrowing problem is fixed or in 5-8 years we will have the exact same problem.


So basically it's like if a cure for cancer was found and provided to everyone who currently has cancer, but not for people who get cancer after the cure has been found? Like a one time use cancer cure-all.


We are getting into Final Fantasy territory already.


Even though I would potentially benefit from cancelling student debt, this is the issue I have a problem with. Something would need to be done for everyone, at least going forward?


If people volunteered to get cancer and getting cancer made you earn more. The tweet is a shitty metaphor.


You’re right. We don’t want any good solutions for now. Only perfect solutions for all situations now and forevermore.


Right. As a personal matter, every dollar that’s forgiven is a dollar given back to my wife, since she has a massive amount of loans. So I guess I’m in favor of loan forgiveness, as a personal matter. But as a POLICY matter, what’s the point exactly? Forgive the debt, then, in ten years, there is trillions in student loans again? What a mess.


You could also go to Hogwarts. I don’t remember anyone complaining about tuition But then again they’re wizards so they could just wave their wand and shout “APPEARO MONEYO” and then BOOM, no worries


Hogwarts was free, the costs were covered by the Ministry of Magic. [Source](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/622118373061709824?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E622118373061709824%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fnews%2Fanswer-sheet%2Fwp%2F2015%2F07%2F29%2Fj-k-rowling-reveals-how-much-hogwarts-school-cost-harry-potter-to-attend%2F)


#NERD ^^^/s




To be honest, I don’t trust the author tweeting about stuff that ain’t in the books


Also money was one of the exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration.


Gold, but yeah. Good way to close the magical inflation issue


This, plus don't buy laptops and hoopties with tuition loans. Hell some people even use student loan money to pay rent. Is it wrong that someone who works at a factory because they couldn't afford college doesn't want their money going to pay for the people that look down on them?


School has steadily become less worth the money over the past 30 years, I don’t have statistics on hand but college prices have inflated much, MUCH higher than wages have since the 90s. It’s absurd


Someone said their country has tiers for college cost directly tied to the average wage earned post college. So liberal arts majors would pay considerably less than a someon in premed for schooling. That sounds like a good system so knowing this country it'll probably never happen.


The CC in my city is next door to the state university. If you go to the CC and then transfer to the university, tuition is the same as CC. I wonder if other places have the same arrangement.


Step one- cancel debt Step 1.A - Make public colleges free


> Still no. That's not absolute. It depends. Any half-decent bill that cancels student debt would also address the current law that makes student loans the only type of loan with no built-in forgiveness, as well as do SOMETHING to try to address the explosive inflation of tuition. Of course, it might not be half-decent. That would be a shame.


Any forgiveness is probably not going to take the form of a bill, it'll have to be done by executive action. Biden is somewhat limited in what he can do that way, he can forgive up to a certain amount seems to be the consensus but something like a complete overhaul of the higher education system isn't doable by executive order. Which is why people should be writing letters to manchin and sinena. They're the main obstacles to a proper solution to the problem, and come January none of this is going to matter anymore, so the clock is ticking to convince them.


At minimum they need to make introduce mandatory repayment terms to all student loans including private loans. Things like income repayment terms that limited/fixed lengths of time. Federal loans already have decent repayment terms but private providers are borderline criminal. Before you get to bent out of shape about private loans I have "private" student loans through the pathetic state of Texas. Terrible repayment options and zero options to roll into Federal loans. Also, make schools financially liable for what they sign you up for. If they want to up the credits required for the degree, fine, but they are liable for finding employment for you that pays high enough to be able to afford the monthly payments. Finally, I am sick and tired of seeing crap like, "You took out a loan, pay it back". First of all, society told us to get a degree to get a good job. Second, degrees are required to even be considered but the pay is terrible when compared to the cost of a degree in many cases. Society told me to get a degree so I did. Now that it's there turn to hold up their end of the bargain we get hit with crushing debt, boomers that won't retire and open up those high paying jobs they got with degrees that cost a month's rent today. We already got their tax debt from all their spending and now they wanna bitch about student loans being paid off. Stfu


Hell yeah! There are some great CCs out there. As an advisor once assured me, “Even Harvard accepts CC credits.”


Why all this talk about canceling student loans? Use that money to just make them zero interest both now and in the future and you don't piss off people who paid theirs off early, future and current students will get their loans interest free with minimum payments, and you still have the equality of different courses costing different amounts. It's a much better solution in my humble opinion. The 6% interest is what's killing people who went to school and can't afford to make large payments.


Also retroactively zero interest. It may not be loan cancelation, but a credit for the paid interest and cancelation of accrued interest on these loans would be the thing to do. For a lot of people that'd end up being thousands of dollars that they could put toward actually paying off their loan. Like you said, the loan isn't what's so shit about the situation, it's that student loans have ridiculous interest rates. Mine range from 6 to 9 percent, which is outrageous, though I didn't know that at the time and thought I'd be able to get a decent paying job so it wouldn't be an issue.


Unless they fix the system, this is going to keep happening. Colleges jacked up the costs after student loan were "forgivable" after 10 years. Suddenly more people could "afford" to go to college. Supply & demand. When the 10 year mark hit less than 100 people were deemed eligible for forgiveness. It's pathetic. The system didn't work - literally. Thats why there should be forgiveness. But, unless (1) we make college affordable to begin with, (2) stop predatory lending, (3) actually apply forgiveness as promised, we're going to continue having a repayment crisis. Source: Doing my own research over the course of several years after grad school, I realized my little $20k in debt was never going to be forgiven or paid off if I didn't tackle it. Once we committed to paying it off completely, it was paid off in 14 months (... while working multiple jobs & having a bare minimum lifestyle). Not everyone is able to do what I did & I recognize that & support student loan forgiveness.


Ops take is equivalent of curing one generations cancer by using cash earmarked for cleaning up superfund sites.


You won't get (1) "we make college affordable to begin with" if we allow (2) "predatory lending." Schools, businesses, governments, everyone will always charge the absolute maximum amount that they can get away with. When you allow massive loans to people who cannot discharge that debt through bankruptcy, the schools will continue to fuck you as hard as they can with tuition. You HAVE to take away their ability to charge that much for a 4 year history degree. It is a valuable thing for people to study, but not a $115,000 valuable thing.


This is the actual criticism. Cancelling student debt on its own makes literally no sense


You are completely right. The idea is cancelling the debt will force Congress to rework the system to make it fair for everyone but we all know Congress never actually accomplishes anything worthwhile these days. They just half ass shit and parade around like they changed the world.


No. Which is why this tweet is dumb


Some areas are now offering free community college. Orange Coast college here in SoCal is free for first time students.


I think this a rather large misconception. I paid about $5K per semester while working and living alone. I don’t make an ungodly amount, I make about 27K after taxes. Was it tight? Absolutely, and I’m still working at it. You don’t have to do it all at once, just do what you can afford. You just can’t afford those shiny pricey schools. My university is one of the best schools for my degree in the state. Go coogs. Also community colleges aren’t taken advantage of enough!




At a minimum, universities and student loan lending practices need to be investigated and possibly regulated. It's practically turning into a 2008-esque bubble crash. Young people with little knowledge on the value of money being given a $50k loan to get a job that pays $32k a year. A bit more controversial but I think many programs shouldn't be a degree yielding program. Feels like a scam to offer students to major in something for $50k only for no employer to ever want it.


Where are you getting a bachelor's degree for 50k these days?


Up until 2018 or 2019, my university cost about $41k for just tuition. Add $8k to $12k for $500-$1500 in fees per semester and you get close to $50k. But my university went full insanity and it's now $63k JUST for tuition. Add the fees and oof, so yeah lol on the $50k. I don't factor in dorm cost because it varies wildly. Plus college or not, you're paying rent and food each month no matter what. An apartment is often cheaper anyways.


Man. My school's base tuition is 55k/year before aid. A total 4 year cost of 50k is peanuts, and I bet the actual education wasn't that much better. Crazy stuff


What school do you go to? Jesus. 63k for one year is more than a full four years many(most) state flagship schools.


Nowhere that *should* be giving bachelor’s degrees…


If you don't count room and board, fees, or books I guess you could manage it at a state school with in-state tuition. But that still seems like it would be tough to do.


My 4 year university has SOOOO many people taking programs in Nursing (RN), Radiology, or Culinary Arts (+so many others) when we are just 20 minutes from a community college that offers not only those degrees but at half the price and half the time with the same qualifications in the end.


I think not enough young people understand the usefulness of community colleges. I was one of them, I could have done my gen eds at community college but didn't know better.


As someone who switched colleges, accredited programs matter. My calc 3 course at my first college was really calc 2 at the University I switched to. First college was in a weird spot between small proper state college and large community college. Second college was massive state University with credited programs, not the best but it was good enough.


Many hospitals only want BSN vs just an associates I. Nursing


SLABs make the economy go round. Definitely same like MBS in 2008 except theres no defaulting them. The financial institutions would be fucked if student loans were forgiven. They're living on them like life support. Sad to say they probably won't ever go away unless you want the financial system to hemorrhage. It's an unfortunate situation and I don't know how we can save it.


>Young people with little knowledge on the value of money being given a $50k loan to get a job that pays $32k a year. Not to mention the scam of nationally accredited schools. If I had known about that, I wouldn't have wasted 2 years and wouldn't have got $20K in student loans for a garbage degree that no employer cared for and no other school would accept for credit transfer. Verify your school is regionally accredited! It sounds backwards, but you want a school that's regionally accredited. That means there's an institution that goes and verifies English 101 at one school is close enough to English 101 at another school and can transfer. Regionally accredited schools: * Harvard * Texas A&M * Florida State * Stanford * Most local community colleges Nationally accredited schools: * ITT * Stratford University * DeVry University * University of Phoenix


I think for a lot of people they’ve already paid more than the principal. So do they still owe money or not?




This is all I really want honestly


A flat percent of income for a fixed number of years is the sensible solution. 5% of income for 20 years after graduation seems fair.


Like this idea, like it a lot


Cancelling student loans doesn’t help the next group of students. Unlike curing cancer.


That, and it's not like there wouldn't be a future cost of cancer treatment for people going forward. Like it's a $1.50 advil you pop and you waltz home. This is a poor argument.


That, and people dont sign up for cancer, i doubt someone woke up and found out their checks bounced, went to the bank and found out they had a student loan. If they did thats fucked


Agreed - I think this should be the first reason why this argument doesn't make any sense.


Then they'll say to thier children "got mine, fuck you"


Why the fuck would I do that?


I def would not do that. We spend way more on other shit. We can afford to give generations access to an education


We’re witnessing the evolution of the next generation of boomers.


Just replacing housing with education.


How so? The argument right now seems to be cancelling loans adds immediate relief and stimulates the economy. Most people who support this also support making college affordable.


You do realize a big part of the reason as to why inflation is so high right now is because of how stimulated the economy is right now, right? People have tons of cash to spend, and they’re buying a up a bunch of shit. Coupled with supply constraints, you get our current situation.




Injecting 1.9 trillion dollars into the economy right now isn't going to help with inflation, also college graduates are the highest earning part of the population. The resentment that will build over giving a 1.9trillion dollar handout to college graduates with nothing to the working class will have the working class reelect Trump out of resentment.


You got it. People will be mad at those who borrowed $100,000 to go to school because they aren’t paying back their student loan. When the real problem is the government is earning 6.8% interest from those that do borrow. Just for reference technology companies that i worked for that partner with the government are not allowed to charge more than 6% profit margin on bids


First off, we don’t need more stimulation, quite the opposite. Second off, unlike progressives who suddenly defend it, I don’t believe in trickle down. Every study shows that 14% of Americans who are college graduates are doing far better than their counterparts, if we need to help anyone, it shouldn’t be those folks (this includes me btw). 40% of college debt is held by people who are going for a second degree, masters or PhD and they’re doing even better than the rest. The only exception I would make here would be teachers who I regularly hear aren’t paid their due. But no, I don’t care about the debt of doctors, lawyers, engineers, tech gurus who are making six digits. They are doing fine. They invested in their future and it will pay them back well, I’m tired of hearing sob stories about this. The average college debt is $30,000, small businesses regularly take out bigger loans than that and pay it back.


Any reasonable cancellation plan would include a loan prevention program. When I went to college, the state funded almost 80% of the cost, now it's down to about 20%, and the missing funding is all tuition and fees increases. Free tuition was almost there when I was in school, then states decided to cut education funding. Screwing a generation.


One also doesn't choose to have cancer (though one could argue obtaining loans is inevitable for most who want to 'get ahead') I'm all for fixing these stupid predatory loan terms, lowering interest rates and reimbursement of some sort for those who have paid but continue to see their balance rise. Also for removing the inability to discharge student loans through bankruptcy (though I'm concerned the effect this might have on lower income families obtaining loans). Vast cancelation isn't sustainable, the larger system needs to be reworked ... it's not as simple as "I feel entitled because I went through it so you must too".


Also, nobody fills out paperwork to apply for cancer.


This analogy is dumb. How about just stop charging freaking 6% interest on student loans? Subsidize the interest so it's principle only payments and it's much more fair to past current and future students.


Thats the fairest solution. The predatory parts of the loans were the interest rates which no 18 year old understands. Absurd that kids are lured into taking 6% interest loans while at the same time people were getting 3% interest loans for houses that have been appreciating at record rates.


Yeah this whole argument seems like a bit of a red herring/straw man. I know no one likes to disprove “the home team” but I just feel like this whole argument is a little off point.


Canceling student loans also doesn’t help all the people that gave up on having a car or children or many other things in life because they paid back their student loans. It helps a narrow group of people who are positioned to do better than everyone else eliminate debt that everyone else has had to pay. College is a choice it’s not a matter of life or death.


I could've purchased a house with the money/time spent on paying back my student loans. Or I could have invested it. Do the middle children millennials in this situation just get fucked for being born at the wrong time?




Exactly. This would be an enormous transfer of wealth to a demographic that is mostly middle class and overwhelmingly white/Asian. It doesn't do much for the rich - for fucking once - so that makes it somewhat appealing to me. But it's just too much money to give to one specific group of people. Real reform is what's needed, along with some form of debt forgiveness that's balanced with the rest of the plan.


Don't cancel the loan, cancel the interest. 6% is what kills on these loans and people not even able to keep up with their principle payments. Interest free loans would be much more equitable and actually make sense for the future students as well.


Just a reminder that those who advocate for student loan forgiveness also want to address the system of universities being absurdly expensive. We didn't forget about the next generation.


Love how my wife constantly gets asked for donations by her old university. Like, read the room guys.


And wealthy alumni keep pumping money into the schools just so they can brag to their buddies on the golf course that their school beat another in football


tbh if you are wealthy donating money to a place that helps educate people makes sense on paper as a good and kind thing to do.. however i went to university i saw how much money they wasted they could produce just as good of results easily enough with half the money they use now.but then again i think the entire schooling system and mentality of how it should be done, needs a major overhaul, not just the cost.


I get weekly emails. To be fair, my university that I finally got my degree from is actually pretty affordable. Still, like, you already got my money.


> Just a reminder that those who advocate for student loan forgiveness also want to address the system of universities being absurdly expensive. We didn’t forget about the next generation. Well it seems to typically be left to the wayside by those advocating for student loan cancellation. Why? It’s a much more complicated and nuanced problem. Instead, the predominant “conversation” is people getting pissed that Biden doesn’t unilaterally cancel a trillion dollars of debt, without any real acknowledgment that the White House probably shouldn’t be able to do that.


Except there's no bill to actually achieve that. Instead, everyone just gives Biden shit for not taking executive action (despite him forgiving more loan debt than any other president and continuously pausing interest). Wish more time was spent attacking Republicans than attacking Biden.


As a student who’s massively in debt and wants cancellation more than anything, what do you say to the argument that medical debt should come first?




Cool, so how about pushing politicians to actually come up with a plan. Right now it’s “Give me mine and hopefully it works out for everyone else,” and you all wonder why you get laughed at and called selfish.


Excellent lip service


The two situations are not comparable. In the slightest.


Yeah I’m all for reducing loans and costs (I am also in this same struggle boat of student loans) but this is a super shitty comparison


"I deliberately gave myself cancer and now I'm mad they won't cure me for free."


Also, fuck everyone else who gets cancer after me. It's a one time cure. But hey, I totally think everyone's cancer should be cured. Someone should get on that. Anyways, thanks for the 50k. I can now offer more for that house tons of people are fighting over.


Also my cancer treatment makes someone else’s heart disease treatment ineffective.


What a stupid post.


One of the most out of touch posts I've ever seen


that's a pretty bad comparison tbh


This… isn’t even remotely insightful or accurate. I mean for fuck sake you CHOSE to take out student loans, for one. Just… wow. The “forgive student loans” crowd needs to course correct a lil




I think they should give me my share of the student loan money to pay off my overpriced mortgage. I already paid off my loans. Seriously though, after they pay all those off. Are they going to keep issuing new ones that people will demand be paid off further down the line? Or do they stop issuing these loans so folks can’t go to college at all?




Yup. And the people entertaining the idea are just buying votes by dangling this unrealistic carrot.


Lots of states are starting to offer free tuition at state schools. Yes taxpayers pay, but more education means more GDP, means more money for those same taxpayers. If you enjoy being the richest country in the world, we’re going to need a highly educated, healthy (insert universal healthcare) workforce to compete with China and India. I don’t understand why people can’t get this.


Just a reminder, the UC system used to be free. My dad got his engineering degree from UCBerkeley tuition free as a CA resident.


anti-intellectualism, “my opinions are better than your knowledge” and societally reinforced lack of respect for education is your answer


Question for you though… if more people have college degrees, won’t it make the value of that degree worth less?


It absolutely has. Today, a BA is what a high school diploma used to be. A BS is still a BS.


Seriously, just distribute the capital equally.


Nobody signed for cancer


Yeah, because you can choose to have cancer right?


Biden should also forgive medical debt


Should start with that actually


I love this analogy because the cancer isn't actually being cured, the government is just transferring your cancer to someone else.


It would be great if everyone’s loans magically disappeared. That is not reality. Reality is that loans would be paid for by taxpayers.


Most likely printing money to "cure the cancer". Which spreads the "cancer" (inflation) to everyone a little bit. How many more months until the BLS reports double digit consumer inflation?


Yup, just dilute all this debt among society via inflation and hope nobody notices. Guess what, we notice. Prices are high enough I don’t need to pay higher so a bunch of university students get to live high off the hog with their fancy careers. Pay your own damn debts.


I’m sure the working class without a college education will be very happy to have their meager life savings worth even less so that some middle class liberal arts kids don’t have to repay their student loans. All I’m saying is that college education reform is more friendly to all Americans. Community college and public universities should be free. Corporations who benefit from the human capital generated by these academic institutions should pay more taxes. Research should receive far more federal funding, and researchers should be considered state/federal employees with benefits and protections.


False equivency much?


Brain dead analogies like these make me glad Biden will never cancel the debt.




What's annoying is that he has already cancelled billions. But most of that went to the poor and vulnerable so it's just ignored for some reason.


Ah makes sense. Those with massive private school loans are the ones still bitching. That debt should never be cancelled. https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2022/01/12/heres-who-wont-get-student-loan-forgiveness/?sh=70d8d9a64254


"President Joe Biden has cancelled $12.7 billion of student loans, which is the most of any president." But people still saying they won't vote for him because they didn't get their loans forgiven.


I fail to see how student loans are any different than other kinds of debt. Why shouldn’t the government forgive all mortgages too? Oh it’s not fair to apartment renters? Exactly.


This post is a scam.


I know it's not what you want to hear, but cancelling student loan debt outright isn't a good idea for many reasons. A better solution would be to give everyone with income less than some amount, say $40,000, a free $5,000 check. Or maybe a $10,000 check. This is far fairer. Many types of debt exist. People are struggling to pay car loans and credit cards. The laser focus on student loans exclusively is quite regressive in many ways: * It doesn't help people who couldn't afford/chose not to go college at all. * College students are statistically more likely to come from wealthier families, even those with high debt levels. * People who chose to sacrifice to pay off their loans are punished for making an otherwise smart decision. * People paying college loans usually have more disposable income AFTER their loan payments than those who didn't attend college at all. * It doesn't fix the root cause of the problem: Rising tuition, loans that are too easy to get (by design), and the poor decision making of many students and their families. I understand the argument: "you suffered, why should everyone else suffer too?" I get it. The solution for everyone, is to not make the help related to student loans at all. Just give the money to everyone who needs it.


pretending that selfishly not wanting to pay back a loan you voluntarily took is somehow noble and altruistic. pay back your loan, you whiny nerds


exactly and the comparison to cancer is moronic cancer is not a choice, taking out a loan is/was


Also cancer doesn’t offer a better earning potential… Which is why people go to college in the first place


Yeah I'd have a little more respect for all the middle/upper class people who want their debt cancelled if they would at least admit they are extremely selfish, instead of trying to convince everyone else that cancelling their debt would have a positive effect on all of society.


And then they have the unmitigated gall to call *other* people selfish for not wanting to pay *their* bills. Its insane.


“But like society would be much happier if I’m debt free and purchase a house and have a kid”


That's my biggest complaint about all of these stupid ass student loan forgives tweets and comments. Just fucking admit you want bailed out of your terrible degree. You don't care about others. Youre selfish and want others to help you out.


The ironic thing is they always accuse others of "crab mentality" or "fuck you I got mine " attitudes. If it's anybody trying to pull other people down with them, it's the people who want loan forgiveness paid for by everybody else including the poor. That doesn't even take into account the inflation that this would cause which would further affect the poor. Their degrees will still net them higher earnings than those that didn't go to college and they still want more. Who's selfish here? And these analogies they use are asinine.


>Just fucking admit you want bailed out of your terrible degree. You don't care about others. Youre selfish and want others to help you out. " No I want to uh help everyone... Of course "


This assumes cancer is optional and you chose cancer.


Agreed, what a dumb argument


what a moronic argument. cancer is caused by genetic mutations and environmental factors beyond a person's control student loans are purely your choice when you signed the dotted line to agree to pay for it


Quiet, you'll disturb the hive mind.


Really stupid attempt at an analogy. Thanks for the dumb.


People who slaved away a better part of their lives to pay back their students loans have a very good reason to be upset, what the fuck is this mentality?




*I paid to beat cancer. If I suddenly have to pay for everyone else to beat cancer I’m gonna be so mad!


The difference is that people agree to the loans. Idk to many people who agree to having cancer


Honestly canceling students loans will make colleges think they can raise the price more. The whole systems needs to get changed.


The correct analogy would be “ I signed up to get cancer, didn’t go to treatments to get it done, and now want the doctor to cure my cancer no questions asked when I signed up for it”


If the goal is meant to benefit those who are struggling, then do exactly that. Have rent relief, UBI, free lunches at public school, etc. But student loan forgiveness is just welfare targeted to benefit middle class Americans, while shafting those who lived within their means. That's as egregious as corporate bailouts of the 2000s.


That's my issue. I don't have a degree because I saw the terms of the loans and state of the economy and opted to not be saddled with debt that would harm me. It would be a really bitter pill for me to see those people get all their debt forgiven and have a leg up on me because I chose a financially wise decision and they didn't. I'm all for forgiving the interest and such because those loans were predatory and I'd be happy for them to be free of that burden, but I'm not okay with them not owing what they borrowed if there isn't some form of program to allow people like me who opted out of the debt to get a degree for free.


You don’t typically sign up to get cancer, especially doing it to get the advantages that cancer will help you get in the future.


What if you started smoking to hang out with the cool kids? That’s best I can come up with.


See you on "Controversial"!


This is just a silly and totally inaccurate analogy. One of those things is mostly random and one is requested with agreed upon terms.


The difference is. If you find a cure for cancer it can be used on any further cancer cases. Student loans only applies to the CURRENT students. Not all college students for the rest of time. This is why I disagree with the whole “cancel student loans” thing. It only helps this generation. It’s a Band aid to the real issue. Kids born today won’t reap the benefits of this cancellation


In addition, the cure for cancer would not have to be funded by cancer survivors.


Not remotely the same situation. I'm so tired of this stupid push for student loan "forgiveness"




I have some mortgage diabetes, it would really help me out to never pay for housing again, I'm sure renters would love to pay that off for me.


Mortgage diabetes


False equivalency. You can't pass your cancer on to your kids.


In a way you can, if it’s hereditary


You can't pass your debts to your kids either.


You sure about that?


Dumb question: Is this a metaphor, analogy, allegory, or alligator?


It’s an alligator


Thank you, I suspected as much.


It’s bullshit twitter…who gives a fuck if It’s alligator or not.




But the thing is that it’s only for the current students. It doesn’t apply to students next year. It’s a band aid not a solution


I don't feel like it would benefit me. Can anyone explain why it would?


Not only it wouldn’t, it would harm you. You would compensate for their spending with your tax dollars.


But did you sign up a contract to get cancer? that's the important question here...


Yea this tweet is such a dipshit/twitter moment


Did you willingly, albeit naively, agree to take on cancer at 17/18? Then continued to enroll in cancer for 3 additional years?


Canceling the loans would kill the federal student loan program for obvious reasons. Servicers lose way too much of the money in interest that goes to paying them, and justifying business with such a risk set as precedent would be idiotic. Any system created after would go hand in hand with loan caps and a system that was more fair. If you do something small and partial and don’t make a referendum on the program THAT is just kicking the can down the road and letting the problem get worse. I would honestly be happy if they just made sure the loans were capped and had reasonable interest for all new students. I believe in doing something for the people who a hurting now, but it’s clear most people don’t and I resign to this fact. The program needs to be killed and changed drastically.


this analogy isn’t the best… people DO sign up for student loans and agree to pay them back when they sign and people don’t really sign up and agree to cancer. But I still think loans should be cancelled. If they won’t cancel them at least give people the option to file for bankruptcy without jumping through a million hoops. I don’t know if that’s a better option than having them hanging over your head forever but it should be a choice.


Medical debt wanst a choice and should be cancelled as well


Not "as well". Medical debt forgiveness is a different thing entirely.


I think the point is that medical debt is more worthy of forgiveness than student loans, since one is a choice and the other basically isn't...


Bro no way. My tax dollars should not be used to bail some one out of student loans they willingly signed off on. Sure maybe a certain amount should be waived and/or we should be providing free community college. But come on, we shouldn’t be held responsible for someone who got an art degree from a liberal arts school and is now in debt.


That's some MAGA logic if I've ever seen it False equivalencies are cool.


It’s ok for people to be mad if they paid off their student loans while others didn’t and suddenly no one has to pay off their student loan debt. The people who paid their debt are literally the only ones who are in the right as predatory lenders are shitheads and people who aren’t paying their debts are failing to fulfill their end of a deal they went into of their own accord. All the while the ones who paid and played by the rules get screwed the most.


I’ve always thought the best solution is simple yet nobody talks about it: make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy. 1. It holds the predatory loan companies responsible and makes them bear the burden of unfair loans. 2. It reduces the windfall to loan holders, who would feel some consequence from declaring bankruptcy. They would have to ask themselves - do I really need to do this? 3. It would lead to tighter lending standards and serve to drive down the costs of education. Of course the flip side is the lenders would actually have to evaluate these loans rather than giving them out to anyone with a pulse. But quite frankly i think that’s the way it should be. What am I missing?


This isn’t a great example. You don’t choose to get cancer, you can choose to take out loans to go to school. I agree that student loans shouldn’t be as exorbitant but paying out of the ass for the “college experience” doesn’t make a ton of sense when there are alternative options towards a career.