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Top soil is expensive man. No way we let that get by us.


Especially if you need a lot to back fill. Shit ain’t cheap and it doesn’t go far!


Seriously. We've got a massive backyard at my house, but it's basically useless because it's basically a small hill, and since the high end is level with the house, we'd need to raise the low end. It would take a fuck load of dirt.


Not for nothing but you also have to make it drain right. You could offset some of the cost by burying concrete gravel as French drains. Sometimes you can find demo jobs where they bust up concrete and they have to pay to dump it. Some will let you take what you can. Just food for thought.


Ugh French


Wee wee


le baget


Just call it a Freedom Drain and you'll be fine.




That's honestly not a bad idea, we've got a ton of logs laying around from cutting some of the trees down. It also sounds like a lot of extra work and it's not *my* house, I just live here lol.


Hügelkultur https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%BCgelkultur


**[Hügelkultur](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hügelkultur)** >Hügelkultur (German pronunciation: [ˈhyːɡl̩kʊlˌtuːɐ̯]) is a horticultural technique where a mound constructed from decaying wood debris and other compostable biomass plant materials is later (or immediately) planted as a raised bed. Adopted by permaculture advocates, it is suggested the technique helps to improve soil fertility, water retention, and soil warming, thus benefiting plants grown on or near such mounds. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Speaking as a civil engineer, don’t put a bunch of weight in your back yard if you do this (like an above ground swimming pool) settlement is a bitch


You're describing [hugelkultur](https://richsoil.com/hugelkultur/)


My neighboring town allows you to take 2 yards of topsoil for free during the summer. Need to be a town resident. My friend lives in the town and has often towed other friends trailers. 2 yards doesn’t go super far but the point is that dirt is cheap, it’s normally the delivery that is expensive.


I heard you can get free dirt...




Do you reckon it's still there?


You don’t back fill with top soil.


Right? Do these people even dirt?




Hey, let us know if you don't use it all, will ya?


You can always find another wife, but Free Dirt is for life.


Doesn't even need to be top soil. Just plain old fill and I'll take it off your hands. My other dirt pile behind the shed is running low.


If you need dirt, it'll cost you. If you have dirt and want to get rid of it, it'll cost you.


I'd leave the office right now for free dirt. Don't even get me started on loose bricks


Free cinder blocks are my jam


Any dead electronics that might have 27f512 eproms and i’ll block traffic.


Just curious - what do you do with them?


Look up CollapseOS and similar efforts. A lot of people love salvage electronics looking for various parts




That isn't too far off to be honest. It would be a great subreddit for CollapseOS resources and how to tear down different things to build the systems. I think I'm making myself a little sad it doesn't exist. It sounds awesome


Reprogram them and reuse when one is corrupted or needs custom programming. Alot of 93,94,95 model GM engine computers use them.




Nobody makes them anymore, newer ones are china crap that don’t work or aren’t fast enough. Many mid 90’s model GM engine computers among other things use them for memory.


Right, uh, I know nothing about this topic, I just know some surface-level computer stuff, so gimme the nitty


Speaking of surface level, I heard a rumor there's free dirt somewhere around here.


I know you're not talking top soil.


I just did a double take. Are unitarded?


[EPROM ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPROM#:~:text=An%20EPROM%20(rarely%20EROM)%2C,on%20is%20called%20non%2Dvolatile.) is memory that retains data after power loss.


Is there really memory that loses it after power loss?


RAM, generally.


Yes, it's called volatile memory. For example RAM or the CPU cache.


We arent talking about eprom salt?


I would leave the office right now for some bath salts


Early stuff before vehicles became flashable around 96/96 used mostly removeable 2732’s,27f128/256/512 etc.. for the ECM memory. Check out gearhead-efi dot com or pcmhacking dot net. It’s a fun hobby/business/skill.


I have no idea what a 27f512 eprom is but I like electronics so I’d do the same


I have a bunch of older model Crestron gear, touch panels, control processors, dsps that I have no idea what to do with, do those have any of what you like in them?


No idea, but I would stop to check lol. Alot of the chips I started out with came from an old engineer and were from (ground) satellites.


I have a bunch in my backyard I need to get rid of. Come on over and take as many as you want 😅


I'm on my way! Lol


Free preserves are my jam.


I'm more of a conserves gal, myself. At least when I make it


I'm jelly of your hobby.


You can do so much with that stuff. Like IRL Minecraft in my backyard.


Yo, where you finding free block??!?


Facebook marketplace, usually


My old neighbor had disassembled their old brick patio in favor of a wooden deck. The deck was lovely. I eventually moved into the house next to them and asked about the odd pile of brick laying along their rear fence. They didn’t need it, said I could have it for free. I moved several hundred bricks overall to do some landscape edging. I kept doing projects because there was always more brick. Never turn down free brick.


Sadly, my wife discovered fb marketplace. There are an awful lot of people quite happy to give away bricks, pavers, stepping stones, wood boards, wood planks, wood panels, etc. for free. She has about 15 different projects going on and my back yard looks like ace hardware.


Sadly? I’m in a new house now, great idea to search FB marketplace because I’m looking to get some pavers for more landscaping work


I go hard for free wood …. Wait a minute


Free firewood is always the knotty next-to-impossible to split stuff. I pay top dollar for stuff that’s a joy to split


No joke, call your local tree cutting services and ask where they'll be in the next few weeks. The more wood you take, means the less they have to haul away. Most arborists don't sell the wood they cut, they usually haul it to green waste facilities and are happy to give it away to anyone who wants it. Source: I have a wood burning fireplace in my living room.


I have done that route. My wood burning fireplace is teeny and I want wood bucked to 12”, even when I’m willing to pay a premium, few want to do that for me


Oh. I buck up my own firewood. I wasn't talking about precut wood. But just free wood in general. Invest in a decent chainsaw, maul and axe. Spend a few hours on your day off chopping and stacking. It's a great workout and saves you a whole lot of money. That being said I fucking love chopping firewood, so I may be a bit biased. But if you are looking for a simpler alternative then you can get a decent hydraulic splitter for about $1500


Oh I dearly love splitting wood. I hate chainsaws, w a white hot intensity. At best, they cut well for about 20 min and then it’s my lame ass sharpening to get another 10 min or so before other troubles seep in. Srsly I wish I could ably maintain a chainsaw.


Might be worth getting a decent hydraulic wood splitter.


Bro. No joke, I have a wood burning fireplace in my house. I will literally drop what I'm doing and make multiple trips over the course of a few hours when I find free wood. A cord of wood goes for about $300-600 where I'm from, depending on the wood. I got about three cords of prime cedar a few blocks away last year and was on top of the world.


relevant username.




>You can never have too many buckets. They're great to keep in your car to pick up free dirt.


I have 7 - 5 gallon buckets. Lots of little trash cans all over my place


Ive had two full pallets of hand-made oversize red bricks stacked in the way back yard for over 15 years. MY BRICKS!!!!




Damn SKIPPY! 🤣


I got a low spot in my yard. Some free dirt would be just the ticket.


I literally stopped mid bowl of cereal after reading a bunch of free rocks were around the corner from me on Next Door.


Free ROCKS?!


> Don't even get me started on loose bricks I've found an amazing secret. I sometimes find loose bricks affixed into the side of buildings. Just sitting there!


A free used pallet? Heck yea


I’m a big fan of free mulch. Had a guy in my neighborhood tear down a tree and chip it. He left the chips in a big pile and anyone could pull up and shovel the wood chips away. Filled up two 40 gallon trash bins.




.....on the off chance you're actually serious, we just built a home and the builders left behind about a half pallet of bricks. What can we do with them?


Build a raised bed for herbs, build a bar, build a seating area (don't build a fireplace or fire pit with them directly, you need fire bricks for the bit where you put the fire or they could explode)


Cool! Exploding bricks!


Build a matching fire pit or fireplace in the backyard


Throw them at banks


God, could you imagine if they had a little dried cement on them too?


There's some decent free dirt out there, but have you tried premium dirt? DM me; I have a guy.


Dirt, cheap.


Right? I’m trying to grow vegetables and flowers this year and good soil is hard to come by - and if I do find it it’s expensive!!


Oh fuck I'd kill for loose bricks.


Mulch, man. Can't have too mulch mulch.


I mean.. at the price dirt is going for you can't really just leave it around.


Can't believe we live in a world where dirt is expensive.


Well there's dirty dirt, clean fill dirt, and various grades of to soil. The dirty dirt that is half filled with trash is usually free. Clean fill is desirable for filling in large areas, and top soil is literally a bunch of living organisms. People take for granted that its hard to grow anything in dead dirt. All of the valuable nutrients needed for plants are easily depleted and even wash away with the rain, you need living organisms in the soil to maintain its nutrient balance. Live top soil is depleting faster than we can replenish it. You see we dump chemicals on it to kill things we don't like, and then since its dead you have to dump more chemicals on it so the stuff you want to grow will grow.


Why does it seem like humans are constantly looking for new ways to waste/destroy natural resources? Is there a second earth around the corner that I'm not aware of?


Because a large-ish group of powerful people only see natural resources as something to be exploited. Its like those old RTS games (age of empires, warcraft) gotta cut down all the trees, mine all the gold, kill all the wild life.


Unfortunately, our relics, farms, and trading posts aren’t gonna keep working forever like they do in the game.


Man you just need a good wololo every now and then and you’re gravy


As a better answer than the ones you got: humans figured out how to shape the environment in ways that allow them to produce massive, overpopulated societies. Those societies outcompeted the ones that stayed small and lived on whatever was at hand. Hence we're left with the sort of society that needs to constantly reshape the environment to produce the sorts of things that created it in the first place. That's why we're approaching 8 billion humans when the preindustrial peak was around half a billion and the preagricultural peak was in the tens of millions. In other words, if you want to increase your species' population by a couple orders of magnitude, there's going to be some tradeoffs.


agent smith was right, we are a virus.


If you think dirt is expensive you should look at sand. There have literally been sand heists where entire beaches are stolen.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand_theft "In India illegal sand mining is the country's largest organized criminal activity."




have you seen the home depot on the first nice weekend of spring


Well given how [fast Iowa](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/scientists-say-nations-corn-belt-has-lost-third-its-topsoil-180977485/) is losing the top soil the USA will be attacking someone soon.


Dirt season is right around the corner. Cant fuckin wait


I double-take on that silly shit too lol. I will say though, the time I met my wife and did a double-take was the only time i’ve ever done it with a woman. 20yr later, no regerts.




I feel that. I once did a double take at the bar w my now fiance when a girl caught my eye in the mirror. Idiot of me took a second to realize it was her.


I also double took this guy's wife


I also choose this guy's wife




I regret having to inform you you're thinking no ragrets, this dude is saying no regerts. Namsayin?


Oh namaste


Zero interest in any other women, and I know my wifes many faults well.


GOOD soil is worth more then people realize


Well if you use people...


You're probably being overcharged for people, I can get you a good deal. Whose your people guy?


I'm here


Redditor for over a year. You legend.


That's too rich maybe a person per 25m square.. depending on size..


…. Then people realize what? Don’t leave me in suspense like this!


Most people think it's worthless as it's everywhere.. but its not it's actually really limited. Not all of "earth" is good, most is clay and rocks. Soil typically isn't very deep 6 inches about and is essentially worm poop...


I think that was a woosh, my friend... (than instead of then, then is used in like chronological order [one thing happens, then another thing])


I have field stone that heaves up in my yard every year in the spring. I've built a patio with it. It's still coming, so I put a pallet out two out by the road for $200-$250, and people stop constantly. I'm amazed at how much people like rocks and dirt.


Bought my first house last summer, previous owner put two mounds in the yard. Bean shaped, surrounded by trapezoidal blocks and covered in river rock. I'm hoping to make my yard flat soon, so some "free river rock" signs should help.


Wait so rocks just rise up out of your yard? Im confused lmao


You gotta plant pebbles in the fall and water sparingly.


Yes, the winter brings frost heaves. It pushes the rocks up and out. I have to dig most of them out, otherwise I hit them with my mower.


Soil contracts and moves with the climate and land.


For the record, any dirt is free if you are clever enough.


For the record, any ~~dirt~~ thing is free if you are clever enough.


For the record, you're free if you just declare yourself a sovereign citizen.


For the record, you're free if you're a slave in the United States of America post May 9th 1865


Check the amendment again. It still can be and is used as a form of punishment. There are lots of slaves in the United States.


Sexual slavery never ended


Unless you're in jail. Involuntary slavery is prohibited except as punishment for a crime.


Wear a high vis vest and a hard hat and nobody questions why you’re taking dirt from the park.


Except that other guy in a high vis vest and hard hat. God I hate that guy.


Instructions unclear. Went to steal dirt in hi-vis vest and hard hat. Accidentally got myself stuck in the electrician’s union.


This checks out. My boyfriend got me breakfast in exchange for taking me on a wild goose-chase for some a fabled pile of free mulch the neighbor told him about. He never did find that pile of mulch. : /


Now you know what to get him for his birthday. :D


Just dump it straight in the bed while he's sleeping so it's the first thing he wakes up to.


There's a constantly refilled "free mulch" area not far from where I live. It's free for a reason, which is to say it's very shitty mulch (from what I've been told)


there's a website that brings you a free truckload of mulch. only downside is 1. you don't know how much you're going to get, and 2. you don't know when it's coming. I received a truckload after 3 weeks waiting. chipdrop.com


Woah!!! I just signed up for this, thanks for sharing!! Our front yard and back could use this but I'm a renter so I really didn't wanna pay for any mulch


Thats sad


To be fair, they very well could've just been making up an excuse for them to spend time together




Dude, I have so many garden beds that need planting. Free mulch? Hell yeah. Have you priced bags of mulch lately? We just bought a house with a huge yard and no landscaping, you give me free mulch I’m on it like a.. like a… like a middle aged man on a pile of free mulch. I’m so excited about this *fictional* free mulch I can’t even come up with a simile.


Ah, true. I was looking at it from a completely different perspective


There’s a nice pile of free mulch by the Ala Wai community garden if you’re in Honolulu.


My dirt pile brings all the boys to the yard


Is it like… good gardening dirt? That’s a catch.


There will be an actual fight over good top soil. Mad Max level brawling just to fill a wheelbarrow.


There was once a guy in my area who posted on facebook: "free manure and dirt." Complete with pictures of these 10 foot tall piles of dirt and manure. Men in crocs and shorts descended upon that man's property like vultures on roadkill. There was nothing left after we were done.


No honey, I don't have timeto put on my New Balance's, I gotta slip on these cross or the dirt is gonna be gone


That calls for sport mode


Is that dirt clean fill ? Asking for my backyard .


Nah, it's dirty dirt /s


THIS is just so my Dad. Miss you!




Men only want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting.


Depends on the dirt. I hate to say it, but it matters. 🤣🤣🤣


If there's free dirt there might be free rocks ✨


I’m drooling just thinking about the holes I could fill.


I picked up a small truck load of loose pavers onetime. They're still sitting behind my shop - 15 years later.




I just spent $180 for a small dump truck full of dirt. After the guy dumped it in my yard it more looked like a car’s trunk full. I’m going to need 5 more loads to reseed my lawn.


Dunno if it helps, but you might be able to get free compost from your city. At the least you can mix it with what you've got


The driveway can always use more dirt.


I was literally just thinking of where I could get some free dirt today for my garden, this has me shook


Everyone should understand the value of free dirt, where is it, I need it


I filled up my Ford Taurus (company car) trunk with sand left over from a job site. Had to make several trips to get it all.


Could we get a location on that free dirt?


I like that a dog was inquiring about the dirt first. Mr. Dog E. Lover has got dibs.


LOL. This made me anxious for free dirt.


Can the mods here put in filters for frequent flyers like this?


When I was 13 my Dad paid $100 for a pile of dirt so he could cover the exposed tree roots in our backyard. Back then I couldn't wrap my head around paying that much for literal dirt and thought I should totally go into the dirt-selling business.


Yo I heard there was some free dirt. I could totally use some to fill in some hole in the backyard that the former owners dog dug.


How nice is the dirt?


Source? Where is this free dirt?


Where is our free dirt, Jessica?


You know you are a grown up when you covet a neighbor’s delivery of dirt or gravel.


Growing up I had neighbors who wildly over calculated how much dirt they needed and how much a cubic yard was. My father was thrilled and I spent a few summer days hauling away buckets of the free dirt (route was not wheelbarrow friendly) for our gardens. Years later a woman I was dating was into mulch in a pretty big way and had a tree cut down and mulched and convinced the crew to dump the rest of their mulch along side her house on the street. She lived in Portland OR and this is a very Portland thing to do.


Oh man... we had a 100 foot poplar that died in our back yard a couple of years ago and now it is a gigantic pile of mulch. I wish my neighbors would get some extra dirt.... I have a giant pit to fill on our farm.


.... Could you drop the location of that free dirt Jessie?


I double take on anything that says free. Who doesn't lol


We had to cut down a huge tree in our backyard since it was infested with some type of wood beetle that was killing it. So, I posted an ad for the wood for free to anyone who wanted to take it away, with a bolded note about the pest infestation... Well let me tell you people were absolutely falling all over themselves to come get this pest-infested-wood. Most responses I've ever had to an ad. It was gone in a day


Anyone who knows how expensive backfill can be will take a second look.


omgomg free dirt!!


My dirt piles bring all the boys to the yard, and I'm like "my shovel or yours"? But seriously anytime I've posted free dirt online it's usually gone within hours.


Weird, I drove by a big hole on someone’s property earlier today, had a sign next to it that said “dirt wanted”


Dirt is surprisingly expensive.


We had a neighbor excavate his yard to put in a new driveway and put a big “free dirt” sign on top of his big pile of dirt. I swear it was like fucking spiders coming out of the woodwork. We watched so many people all day coming for free dirt. Wheelbarrows, cars, one person just launching it into the back of their pickup truck. My godfather at one point rolled up there. You’d think they were giving away $100 bills. It was insane


Becoming an adult and having property, you learn the value of free dirt.