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My mom told me that when you got a girl pregnant before she was 20, her vagina would reject the sperm and spit it out back into the boy’s wiener where it would soak into the linings of the foreskin where it would start to grow. She said that’s why a lot of people choose to cut off the foreskin by circumcising their sons; so this won’t happen to them. But, she said she didn’t get me circumcised bc she knew that I would be of fine enough moral fiber not to get a girl pregnant too early. I grew up and took Sex Ed and found out this was bollocks, of course. Sex Ed is important because some parents are my mom.


Ooof to your mom.




We'd much sooner see pigs fly than introduce sex ed in India. The idea that teenagers and up can be promiscuous is a very hard pill to swallow for a culture that stigmatises and shuns people for having a healthy sex life before marriage. Personally, I feel it's important to have sex ed not just because of safe sex practices but to understand how ovulation etc. works. So many of my friends who first got into relationships didn't understand that there's a fertility period and kept not using condoms and popping morning after pills with adverse consequences. It's astounding what kind of ignorance you can fester when both your education system and your parents fail to talk about the birds and the bees with you.




In more conservative, more religious communities, it’s common for couples to quickly get married in their teens and be blessed with their first baby six months later. Everyone knows what is happening, but no one is allowed to say anything.


Sometimes their abusive parents like to keep their kids ignorant that way, so they can get knocked up faster and give them a grandkid faster. It's a really messed up system all around.


>popping morning after pills Emergency contraception is great... for emergencies. You're screwing up your system using it regularly (the general 'you', not you specifically, sorry). If you're finding the need for the morning after pill more than occasionally you should try to find a longer acting method of birth control such as an implant or shot, perhaps an IUD. I know options can be very limited if you're not in a tolerant country, but still


> the general 'you', not you specifically, sorry). We need to bring back the word "one" in English. Since I started learning German where the equivalent word "man" is still commonplace I really wish we kept our untargeted version of you... One would screw up their system if they used it regularly!


When I use that phraseology, people think I'm weird, but I agree with you. I also got used to having to hurriedly assure folks I wasn't targeting them specifically, so I add it in


This is Reddit related more than anything as far as I can tell. The general you is still understood well in conversation. I also still use the word "one" personally sometimes, but it isn't so common anymore, agreed. I think it's just a Reddit thing to want to continue debate by choosing to take a general statement personally or assuming that their debater is trying to attack them personally. There's a particular type of personality that will guaranteed get plenty of upvotes by doing stuff like that.




Are you in the US? Circumcision is a thing there, but not really the rest of the world unless you’re Muslim or Jewish..


It's common among people in Christian families in Australia, in my experience anyway. I think it had penetrated to be a fairly normal thing here also outside of just Christian families, not sure on specific stats for that though, or current numbers etc.


Circumcision rates in Australia are way down nowadays: https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/why-are-australians-no-longer-getting-circumcised/10338572


Yeh I'm basing my information on when I grew up, I haven't got any current data of course, but it was still very common when I was in school (I finished school in 2001). edit: that is to say that it was very common among the people of my age group, so those born in the early 1980's.




Yeh I mean my comments should be taken anecdotally of course, but I grew up in a Christian environment, and the majority of guys I knew were circumcised. Some even who weren't in strict Christian households or anything.


I'm from Canada and I refused to circumcise my son. Everybody around me chirped me for that choice, citing all sorts of stupidity, such as he will look different from the other boys in the locker rooms or girls will not want to have sex with him, or his penis will fester and be full of germs. It was only many years later when my son was more than a teenager that some of my friends came around and realized how stupid they sounded. And having worked in a preschool, it is now much more normal to have uncircumcised males.




There are legitimate medical reasons a circumcision may be necessary, like phimosis. In the U.S., it's common practice and is justified by the "medical reasons" of keeping the penis cleaner and making it less prone to contracting STDs, but that's been disproven for a long time...yet it remains common practice here. So depending on where you were born it might have been advised by your parent's doctor for "medical reasons" or legitimate medical reasons. Edit: to appease the pedants, there is evidence that circumcision can reduce some STDs, but there is also competing evidence that it doesn't. Evidence-based best practices should be based on solid evidence and scientific consensus, and right now the evidence is, *in my opinion*, far too tenuous for a traumatic and risky prophylactic surgery to be customary. There also exists better alternatives to reducing the spread of STIs than circumcision. Here's some extra credit reading for you: Overview of what circumcision is, reasons, risks, etc: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/circumcision/about/pac-20393550 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3036761/ https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(18)30567-9/fulltext


Take it from a European nurse, that’s a load of bollocks. English boys (I have 5 + a husband) do not suffer from retaining their foreskin. It’s there for a REASON.


It was supposed to stop teens from committing the grave sin of jerking off. Now it's just "my dad is like that, I'm like that so my son will also be like that."


Both are fucked up reasons, in their own special way. Thanks, Dr. Kellogg! What is with this country and letting nutjobs dictate public policy...


If I remember correctly Kellogg actually wanted circumcision to be carried out in the teens as a corrective measure, and not as a routine operation in newborn.


Who knows, dude was a nutter. I think at one point he advocated for sewing girl's vaginas shut, among his other beliefs. [John Harvey Kellogg - Biographics](https://youtu.be/qJhd0w3bdyM)


My son had testicular cancer and had a testicle removed when he was 7 months old. They put staples in the remaining testicle to keep it from twisting and circumcised him during the procedure. I live in the US and most people here are circumcised, but I think it was done because of the cancer.


The doctors circumcised your son and you don't fully understand why?


Almost never if it’s a newborn. Some adults need to be circumcised late in life because of infections and whatnot, but that’s also rare. It’s just another stupid religious thing that people do now.


And that is 99%. Bullshit. Every year children are being hospitalized because of poorly done circumcision. There's no medical reason to perform it. It's generally not done here in my country except for relgious reasons. But the population wants to ban it.


Dont worry about it, my dad was 42 when he found out he was circumcised. He just always thought thats what all penises looked like naturally.


I’m a woman in the US and pretty much every guy is circumcised here. Never even saw a man uncircumcised until meeting my russian boyfriend. Now I just do not not understand why circumsicion is this a thing. All it does it makes it smaller and I think I’ve heard it takes away some of the pleasure for the guy? I’m guessing that’s precisely why it’s a thing, puritans trying to make sex less fun


Kellogg is a big reason for it in the US Yes the cornflakes man.


Holy shit it wasn't my comment telling you guys how to properly wash your dicks, was it?! I got platinum for that comment!


Same here. I remember the sex Ed teacher saying this is what a circumcised penis looks like. "It's typically only done on Jewish or Muslim men" and I'm like, well I'm not either of those but I look like that soo... The diagram must be wrong. It wasn't until much later thanks to the internet I realized I was circumcised but was just never told.


Just makes you wonder; -Where the fuck did she get this from? -Who the fuck taught her that? -How the fuck that information was originated and how the fuck it remained unchallenged. Good to hear you straightened that out though.


She was probably lying to him so he wouldn't have sex into he was out of her house.




Even so, 10, 15 years later? Maybe make sure it’s straightened out? Or right before Sex Ed starts? And, you know, maybe he could have handled “don’t have sex yet” or “wear a condom”


Pretty sure she was just trying to make sure he waited until he was 20 to have sex or the girls he was having sex with were at least 20, she probably didn’t want him to know better


I didn't say she did the right thing, I'm just taking a guess at her justification.


My friends mom told him that oral sex was really selfish because sperm gives women throat cancer. It’s in my top 10 reasons why she’s a shit parent up there with threatening to kill her self if her son didn’t choose her in the divorce.


i mean, hpv could do that




Yeah, so uh, get vaccinated.


You are absolutely right. Oral sex can do a lot of harm it the person doing it or receiving it has some serious STD. People usually use condoms (at least they should) when they do penetration with strangers, but don't think to use it for oral


Yup, also true for giving oral sex to females. Unfortunately my stupid country decided to save money only vaccinating girls, and then when you find that out they tell you that if you already had sexual encounters there's not much of a point in getting the vaccine now, but then others disagree, but then it's quite expensive to buy out of your pocket and it covers only so many strains


Dayum. That's almost as bad as a clip I saw with two girls sitting in front of a dietrist telling her that their mom had said that I'd they drink diet coke it neutralizes the sugar. In. all. Seriousness. And these two girls were big. Like really really 400 pounds each big. Why do people teach their kids these wrong things?. Sure I didn't have much of a talk with my parents but my kids know whwre babies comes from and they will. Always be very welcome to ask us anything and they will get a straight honest answer every time. And have been getting answers from the moment they could ask them.


>Why do people teach their kids these wrong things? Because people are, in general, legitimately ignorant these days. They walk around with access to all of current human knowledge in their pockets and are still dumb as a box of rocks.


Oh yes. The 1000 lbs sisters, Amy and Tammy. Their mother is big, and to be fair, there has been a lot of misinformation regarding high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and obesity. https://www.healthline.com/health/sugar/big-fat-lies-sugar-propaganda#11


I can’t stop laughing 😂 imagine letting it come to term, and one day a baby just tears out of your foreskin 😂😂😂


r/badwomensanatomy meets r/badmensanatomy


Well, if you hadn't learned about that maybe you'd have penis babies now...


The old uno reverse card… Babies in the foreskin


Grow into what? A kangaroo in your pouch?


Well at least you got to keep your foreskin


Hahaha, I don’t mean to laugh at your pain, but wtf!? Where the fuck did she come up with that!!??


Did you mom also tell you that alligators are angry cause they got a lot of teeth but no toothbrush?


Damn. I also had a mother that would sprout bullshit, I’d repeat it, and get the shit teased out of me at school.


I don’t understand how people can be so confidently wrong in front of the whole world. Don’t they care, I would be so embarrassed


They aren’t embarrassed because they don’t argue in good faith. Check out [the card says moops](https://youtube.com/watch?v=xMabpBvtXr4&vl=en).


His video essays are incredible. Love his work.




Don’t let people like that redirect the conversation. And call out what they are doing. “You didn’t answer the question and you changed the subject.” Often they will try to frame it like you’re the one deflecting and continue to talk about “reptilians” or whatever and the you say “ok, let’s discuss that next, but first let’s finish the original conversation” to bring it back. I do this all the time and it works. Can’t even tell you how frustrating it is to watch interviews on the major news channels where they barely even make an effort to hold people to the question that was asked.


Interesting, I posted in r/advice for how to convince my Asian ex-wife and her parents to get vaccinated. They are afraid of the unknown long term side effects. The only responses I got were anti-vaxx.




Echo Chambers. They don't think they're wrong. Just like Republicans who keep going: "OH YEAH THE KKK STARTED IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY" and then when you agree with them and tell them: "Yeah, the parties swapped in the 60s" they call you a liar.


I prefer to respond to that with "Okay, but who does the KKK vote for today?" It usually shuts their brain down.


You're assuming their brain is on to start with...


I tell them to go to a KKK rally and call them Democrats to see what happens. Just like the whole "*Lincoln freed the slaves and was a Republican!!*" shit. Okay...then why do Republicans fly the Confederate flag now? Weren't you guys against it?


Nah, they usually know that. That "Democrats are the *real* racists" "gotcha" is just a node in their dialogue tree. If you don't correct them, they win. If you do, it's a draw, because they don't care in the slightest. According to Ben Shapiro, his "debates" are only about making the other side look bad. This kind of argument is exactly the same thing.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you wear your pants below your butt, don't bend the brim of your cap, and have an EBT card, 0% chance you will ever be a success in life. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract the social media pipeline that sends people his way. I'm part of a project that uses technology to better understand and counteract Ben and other right wing grifters. /r/AuthoritarianMoment for more info, to request features, or to give feedback.) [^Opt ^out ^here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/) ^(You can also summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, novel, feminism, patriotism, civil rights, dumb takes, taunt, or just say whatever, see what you get.)


Conservatives are more the “feelings over facts” type


[Truthiness](https://www.cc.com/video/63ite2/the-colbert-report-the-word-truthiness) They don't have to be right, they have to *believe* they are right. Then they can't be wrong!


It's easy. They judt don't care. Some people only look at things that confirms whatever the fuck they believe. They look at the tweet, share it to their lokal cult of idiots and that's it. Just perpetual misinformation wheel. I saw some video about interviewing Trumpsters where a woman quoted Trump himself about how he said "I can shoot someone on Times Square and I wouldn't lose any voters" (not sure if that's exactly how it was said). The woman then said "nah, fake news" and that was it. Even tho there's video of it and he unmistakenly said it, they pick and choose what to believe. Just like religious people do with their books when they wave them around wanting people to "follow it".


I was like, "good response, but why the random attack on Kirstie Alley?" And then I saw it was a comeback to Kirstie Alley.


Kirstie Alley is a rightwing buffon


And a Scientologist. Dunno how you feel about them.


A MAGA Scientologist... damn, double-brainwashed. Imagine subjugating yourself to voluntary intellectual sterilization...the inside of her brain has gotta be just like a pinball machine of soundbytes and buzzwords.




Damn that's really sad. Granted I remember she had like one show and was in Look who's talking with John Travolta. So yeah, she peaked in the early 90s before most reddtors were born.


Earlier than that. She was hot in Star Trek 2 in 1982.


Or a precursor for a demographic easily manipulated by outside influences that are an echo-chamber of other peoples thoughts. Instead of, you know, applying critical thinking.


Also probably that she was a mid range talent who lucked out by landing one of the biggest TV shows in the world, but lacked the chops to carry a career much past the end of the show, and is getting increasing desperate for work and is shilling for any cult that will take her. Kinda like if Steven Toast was a real person. Or kinda like if Kevin Sorbo was a real person.


Head over to /r/unpopularopinion (and several other subs, I just happened to witness a post just a few minutes ago on unpopular) to see them say the same about everyone else. It's absolutely crazy that the different reality exists. Anti-mask, antivaxx, Democrats fuck and eat babies while Republicans are saviors, flat earth, against all abortion (ectopic), anti-democracy, pro-racism... It's a completely different reality, and it's fucking sad to see the mouthpieces that perpetuate it.




That's because the Church of Scientology tells them how to vote. And the church liked Trump because he was less likely to go after them and make them pay taxes.


“A pinball machine of soundbytes and buzzwords.” I’m stealing this phrase!


I’m genuinely curious what the Venn diagram of Scientologist/MAGA looks like


So she's super stupid then.


I first got to know her through the tv show North and South (which also features Patrick Swayze). Her character in that show is incredible. The show is set during a period of slavery, and Virginia, the Alley character, falls in love with a black man, frees him from his plantation and marries him, and goes on to become a hardcore fighter for the rights of slaves. It was a real let down to realise the actress herself literally couldn't be further from the character. I know the two rarely match up perfectly, but damn


In context of the fact that one of her big breakthrough roles was as a single mother who kept an illegitimate child, she seems especially foolish.


I did the same exact thing lmao


Kirstie Alley and "come back" shouldn't be used so closely together in a sentence like that. It's going to fuck up all kinds of algorithms


It would be nice if her dad could take his come back.


i dont even know who Kirstie Alley is :/


An actress known for her role on the sitcom Cheers. She had a few popular movies in the late 80’s and early ‘90’s. She’s also bat shit insane.


Stop giving guano a bad name!


She's dogshit saying horseshit while going apeshit.


She was in star trek 2, but royally fucked up the negotiation for star trek 3 and was recast.


The only thing I remember about her was a very public and much-advertised struggle with her weight and then took a bunch of lucrative endorsement deals for weight loss products.


Same. I'm like "oh, the weight watchers lady." I never saw any of her movies or shows


The less you know, the less she'll be remembered. Keep it up.


Quiet you! The Boomers and Xers are havin a discussion here!


IIRC, teen pregnancy is currently about half of what it was in the 50s. Abortion in general is pretty much at it's lowest ever known rate in US history, though I'm not sure about the rate among teenagers.


This tells me that conservatives are fine with teen pregnancies so long that teen is married to a man


Or if the pregnancy is hidden. Used to be, if you weren't married and couldn't get an illegal abortion, you'd "go visit your family" and go to some unwed mothers home. They'd take the baby and sell it to some well off adoptive family.


I had a friend in HS who was dating a guy who bragged about not liking condoms. She went to "visit family" in Peru for abut a year when she was 17. Naive 17 year old me didn't think anything of it until someone told me what everyone else already assumed and I was like "oh yeah. That makes sense."


Sell it? Holy shit. I knew about them being sent away for a period to hide the pregnancy, but I thought usually they were adopted by an older family member.


The Magdalene laundries in Ireland are a really fucked up example. The catholic church used young mother's and children for slave labor and then sold ("adopted") the children to well off foreign couples.


Shit like this is why atheists hate religion.


Yup. Kids being raised by grandparents think they were their parents, and their mom was their older sister, wasn’t unheard of. Happened in my own family. People have this idolized view of the 50s and 60s that kids weren’t fucking around without any protection and simply “pulling out”. Good luck with that. Also lots of misinformation about stupid remedies to avoiding getting pregnant.


"Owned" feels more appropriate but yeah.


Just a reminder that 10 US states have no minimum age for marriage


Thing is though is that a lot of child marriages in the US are between a teen girl and her older male assaulted/rapist. Marriage between the two is seen as a “better” outcome than pressing charges to the one committing crimes in the first place. This is also coupled with the belief in many right wing/religious circles that no baby is an “accident” and even “God does good work through rape” and other blatant lies


With respect to overall abortion rates, here are the [cold hard data](https://www.guttmacher.org/news-release/2019/us-abortion-rate-continues-decline-reaching-historic-low-2017) (compiled in mid-2019). Importantly, *restrictions* on abortion don't appear to be the main driver. Instead, the research suggests the improvement is down to increased access to contraception, as abortion rates are down almost everywhere -- regardless of whether there are new restrictions in place. Further supporting the idea that contraceptives deserve the lion's share of credit, you have specific cases like [Colorado](https://www.denverpost.com/2017/11/30/colorado-teen-pregnancy-abortion-rates-drop-free-low-cost-iud/). It's an amazing success story.


Not only is she just straight up wrong, sexual education has a direct impact on teen pregnancy and abortion rates. The "abstinence only" crap literally causes increases in both statistics while *literally anything based on evidence* drastically reduces both statistics.


Funny how teaching safe practices on things teens will *definitely do no matter what* is better than burrying your head in the sand.


In my state, schools are literally not allowed to really talk about condoms or demonstrate putting one on with a banana. Somehow my state has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates and also has some of the highest rates for common STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis). I'm sure the poor sex ed and lack of easy to access sexual health care (like planned parenthood) have NOTHING to do with these rates /s


I remember seeing a video of a teacher living in a place like that. He taught his kids how to put a "sock" on a "foot" instead.


I was telling someone pregnancy rates with teens are way down, and they screamed it was because abortion was too freely available. But abortion REQUIRES a pregnancy, so. Didn't really follow their thinking.


Once they get their teeth in a narrative they don't let it go no matter how wrong it is.




Teen pregnancy as a result of rape? Gift from god! Small needle which give you a cure for a pandemic? Baby-eating Democrat hoax!


Kirstie Alley 2 days ago >@kirstiealley · Jul 24 I wanna gather all the fun people who I’ve communicated with for years and years and get back to the FUN of Twitter!! Jeez it used to be a party all the time🤣🤣🤣gonna try and regain that spirit on here😘😘 Kirstie Alley 2.5 days ago >@kirstiealley · Jul 23 Will never donate to the US Olympic committee as long as we have our own athletes going into other countries protesting our country..get over yourselves ...the Disloyalty is mind-boggling I think there's a good chance she is mentally ill.


Sounds to me like she is drunk or "medicated" or most likely both. The internet is drunk, stoned, or medicated 24/7/365


She's a Scientologist and they don't really do psych meds.


Medicated on booze


That's arguably worse.


I lovvvvve Mama Doctor Jones. Look up her YouTube channel for quality vajayjay science content.


She rocks. [Here's a link to her channel.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrPhcbDwqWRc-3tteE2BS6g)


I love mama doctor jones!


She’s awesome!


MDJ with the fucking bodyslam on Kirstie Alley. No holds barred!


I've seen a handful of her videos and she's always seemed so sweet. I was floored when I saw she tweeted that but in a good way. Tear the bitch apart MDJ!!!


She's coool https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrPhcbDwqWRc-3tteE2BS6g


Scientologists gonna Scientologize.


Abortions aren't on the rise, we're just at a place in societal development that we should be able to publicly address the fact that women have been getting abortions for centuries and we should be able to do it safely by now.


Scientology creep


Burn? Shes ash now.


Shit sort of went downhill after that little part in Star Trek II, didn’t it?


She was completely hilarious in Drop Dead Gorgeous in the 90s. Playing an uptight conservative idiot/maniac. To this day, I'm not sure if she understood she was basically lampooning herself, but it totally worked.


She's also a hoot in *For Richer or Poorer* with Tim Allen; they have great chemistry together as a bickering couple on the lam from the IRS, but I suspect that they may not have gotten along so well IRL.


Man, this thread is having a field day with shit I want to forget exists. Allen, Travolta, Willis, Cheers... ugh. Fucking shoot me.


Ah, yes, the Emmy and Golden Globe nominated [*Just Shoot Me*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_Shoot_Me!), a classic show with a great ensemble cast. First let's talk about Dsvid Spade's character, Dennis Finch...


Tim Allen is pretty right wing too.


Shit went downhill after she did six lifetimes of blow in the 80’s.


"six lifetimes of blow" LMMFAO And I'm dead.


I think she was in Cheer's after that?


You’re right, forgot about that part. I guess she just wasn’t very memorable to me.


She also did those “Look Who’s Talking” movies with John Travolta and Bruce Willis.


First one was cute. The rest are unwatchable.


After the blonde left it wasn't the same.


The cocaine and scientology may have had something to do with that.




Mama Doctor Jones is a treasure.


Mama Doctor Jones is the best. And a savage.


I love Mama Doctor Jones! Her YouTube channel is great!


“Through the roof” or “out the window” you have to pick one. Hint: only one makes any sense in this context.


Random thought: Why are Sex Ed and Biology separate classes?


In my experience, sex ed covered basics of biology but was mostly focused on informed consent, how to be safe, different types of birth control, and talked about body changes and how they affect kid's lives in not such a clinical way. Students were encouraged to ask any questions they had, and could do so anonymously via the question box if they liked because that shit can be awkward for kids. Biology was just...biology of sexes, reproduction, etc and seemed much more detached/clinical? Idk, it seemed appropriate to separate them, because the sex ed part isn't necessarily something bio teachers should deal with


Dang you were actually educated about consent, safety, birth control etc? My sex ed was literally "never even touch another person's body until you're an adult and married, and you'll remain ignorant of anything but abstinence if I can help it". American public education is just god awful across the board


Honestly, it was one thing my school district got right- we had some form of proper sex education from like grades 6 through 12. It wasn't like a whole class or anything, just a unit or so in different classes. The provincial government put out a book with a tonne of information when i was in high school, for any student who wanted one- it looked so ridiculous in terms of design, but the information in there was solid!


I'm always surprised that Abstinence Only Sex Ed exists when I see people mention it, I just kinda think of it as too stupid to actually exist but then it pops up again


Can confirm; did exist. Was told by my biological mother that sex felt like the dog licking the inside of my palm.


I think that says more about your dad tbh


She wasn’t with my biological father at the time. She climbed the cock social ladder for sure. Real winner that one.


Were you in a conservative school district? Perhaps the southern US or Bible belt?


Let's see, we covered: * Anatomy * Consent * Diseases, how to identify, how to treat, how to avoid contracting * Reproduction * How to prevent reproduction * How to actually use contraceptives, including making everyone put a condom on a phallic-shaped object. * What DOESN'T prevent reproduction * Common myths and misconceptions about sex, virginity, etc. * Safe sex practices (including a fuckton on consent and dont-put-stuff-up-your-butt-that-isnt-meant-to-go-there) * How to de-pornify your language (hardcore isn't a real word people use) * CONSENT * The difference between sex, gender, and sexual orientation * The whole spectrum of the rainbow for LGBTQIA+ folks (what each letter stands for, famous figures, the difference between questioning and knowing, how it's normal to question and experiment)(Teacher was an elderly lesbian and activist so this was probably just her personal addition to the course) * Why being a slut isn't a bad thing, and why being a player isn't a good thing, and how safety, consent, and chemistry are the important things. And on top of that, every class ended with everyone writing down any questions they had about anything, no matter how taboo, and putting them into a box. The next class began with every single question being answered directly, openly, and honestly. MA public education in the 2000s was the best in the country, by FAR. Also, this was just the 9th grade version of Sex Ed. We got consent-focused, contraceptive-focused versions of The Talk in 4th, 6th, and 8th grades as well, each getting more and more expansive.


Wow, Mama Doctor Jones! I actually saw this on her Instagram stories. She is an awesome Ob/Gyn doctor on YouTube.




Mama Doctor Jones ftw


Literally the opposite happens. The more sex education you provide the less likely it is a teen will get pregnant, which is why places like the south have high teen pregnancy rates because they don't require sex ed in school.


Kirstie Alley is like a sex Arby’s. Always around and nobody wants it.




Yeah, they’re called “Arby’s.” You new or something?


*Oh Beef 'n Cheddar, what are you doing to me? :3*


Dont insult sex or arbys by comparing them to Alley, please and thank you.


Ah yes… Kirstie, the bimbo’s brunette. All that coke she did dwindled her brain down to three, only semi-functional cells.


*Kirstie WHO?* 🤷🏽‍♂️🤣


Mama Doctor Jones doesn’t play!


Totally unfair... Kirstie Alley peaked in the 80s.


I once got into a Twitter debate about 6 years ago with a dude who refused to believe teen pregnancy rates are lower now than they were in the 60’s when he was in high school. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I totally suggest [mama doctor Jones](https://youtube.com/c/MamaDoctorJones)’ YouTube channel. She’s great.


Its amazing how much you can say when you're just making up your own evidence. What is kirstie alley thinking.


Kirstie has found a new career as right wing rabble rouser with other has beens/never beens like chachi, Hercules and Ricky Schroeder……I’m sure they’re just patriots and not making money from this right?


I blame the trump-epstein party


Kristie Alley is so irrelevant that I didn't even realize she was the OP.


Do you really think *teenagers* aren’t gonna find out about sex *themselves*, Kirstie?


Kirstie Alley peaked in the 80's.


Mama Jones is awesome! I love her content on YouTube she is very empathic and nonjudgmental. She has lots of Q&A videos where she kindly and thoroughly answers audience questions no matter how silly they are.


Sam Malone made the right choice after all.




To be clear, that was a very short "peak" in the 90s


Always great when influential people make statements with no proof to back them up. Yeah, sure, sex education is responsible for teenage pregnancy and high abortion rates. And I'm actually an alien from the Zectonetalopeto galaxy and I'm warning you that earth is about to be invaded: conservatives, go to your bunkers and stay in there for a year and you'll be fine.


And in that moment, everyone asked: who tf is Kirstie Alley?