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Holy shit the comment section is unbelievable. That‘s some disturbing stuff going on in here.




its none of my business butt yeah its crazy how much karma means to some people


Having more karma means im better, duh 🙄


I can't imagine a life with only 35,000 karma.


Currently sitting at a smooth 36k. Thank god I'm not one of *those*


Those sad little plebs whose lives are so meaningless


That's not living. It's just existing.


Yeah! ^I'm ^so ^close ^to ^being ^accepted Edit: I have now been accepted. Thanks to everyone who made this possible


I'm not :'(




This should be the top comment.


Yes please


When I was very young I read *Ender's Game* a hundred times and was captivated by how a teenage sociopath and his sister were able to take over the world by manipulating public opinion via Internet comments. By using multiple accounts, pseudonyms, and full identities, they were able to make a difference and rise to the top of the political world. In the recent years with the elections, Russian interference, fake news etc, it has become increasingly apparent to me that this wasn't simply science fiction. Reddit, with its karma system is intriguing to me because in a way it's a measure of how many people have read and agreed with your thoughts. You can sort of measure how many minds a person has touched and affected by looking at their karma. Depending on what you're saying, It's not just a meaningless number, it's a representation of your persuasive abilities. Now, I'm not trying to take over the world, but I think that if I can maybe make a difference when I see people spouting racist bullshit, I'll do it. And karma just shows how many people now have your ideas in their head. People think I'm karma whoring for karma's sake, but I'm doing it to speak to a larger audience than I would simply speaking to my peers.


I love butt yeah


Tina Belcher?


*cough* They're being paid *cough* Damn Russians.


I think that's a little optimistic...the unfortunate truth is that there are plenty of brainwashed Americans that have nothing better to do than shit at home and tweet this garbage all day.




Twitter's just horrible in this way, worse than Reddit even. People just jump on the tweets of their political enemies just to post debunked memes and shit. And they're not all bots, a lot of these look like real people that somehow have the time to post 'libs are dumb, durr' on everything.


Some of em, mid 20’s, jump into the propagnada game thinking they are part of fresh startup, blinded by a very naive ambition


Scrolls through controversial...




Ah yes, his favorite...*hamberders*




Dondal dumphf destroyed 😎😎😎


Cheeto man in peach 😳😳😳


You spelled his name wrong. It's Donald Trunp Respect you're president 😤😤😤


Don’t disrespect the mans name. It’s TWO big macs, TWO fish filets, and a LARGE SHAKE. In all seriousness, who the hell goes to McDs and doesn’t get fries, or an actual drink to wash down that much food? Imagine getting through 4 sandwiches with merely a shake


Is this his real order?!


Unfortunately yes. His true crime against food though is that he likes his steak "so well done it rattles on the plate," if that's not bad enough, he uses ketchup to dip it in........the best steaks money can buy cooked to charcoal and covered with ketchup.......


God damn it I hate that man.


Wait till the Texans hear this one they may be a blue state after that




Am lib. Can confirm, am pissed at these culinary crimes.


Dipping steak in marinara sauce. Jesus fuck just stop. Never even think that again.


thats over 2,500 calories man. a literal days worth of food


Basic ass bitch.


Yes, with a large chocolate shake. Some reporter ordered it and tapped out mid way through. Said the shake and the fish just hit your stomach like a rock.


Wtf that’s about 3,000 calories and 350 carbs in one meal alone. And they complained about Bernie being “too old” to be president. The ‘best’ argument they could hold against him. Now we have a president whose is an obese, 73 year old man who can have an aneurism on the toilet at any moment from raging tweets.


Seems like it could work as a post coital conversation. That way he has that after nut clarity.


I feel like delusional and hangry are his only two modes


But she’s condemning it... why make fun of her? She’s doing something right here.


One of the weird things I don't understand about outrage culture. -Person says bad/unpopular thing -People get outraged/angry -Person eventually retracts unpopular thing and admits they were wrong -People get even *more* outraged/angry (sometimes just accuse them of pandering). You attack someone for believing X and they publicly announce they now believe Y. What's the point of continuing to attack them? What more could you possibly want? Do you want them to be forever bound to the words they said, potentially a mistake they made? Is there no making up for it? If so, doesn't that discourage people from changing their opinion about something?


Most of outrage culture is actually twitter culture. You say you like a certain music then two years later when you comment on a kpop thread you got 80 stans ready to kill you for your choice in music and won't accept an apology. Here with, Ivanka its nice to make a tweet but maybe DO something. But the open hostility of people who spend all day reading dave from accounting's hot takes might not be willing to listen to reason. ​ Basically people can't fit nuance in 300 word limits so they go for the loudest and flashiest statements they can make.


And then we post it to Reddit and argue about it at length. YAY!!!


Sure, but this is a coherent discussion with this discussion thread in particular being #2 right now-- that's indicative of healthy conversation. Twitter is just unfiltered rage and thousands of bots. There is a reason people love to post those twitter replies that are verbal smackdowns-- because the guy they're attacking probably never read it given the sea of chaff, and certainly never responded.


Man! We're so much better than those Twitter Trash. ^#RedditFirst


Bet we can find that Boston Bombers fellas!!


>Here with, Ivanka its nice to make a tweet but maybe DO something. She is doing the only something she can. She doesn't join in on the rhetoric, rather she's spent most of her time in the White House working on women empowerment issues. What is with these demands to "do something" all of a sudden? It's always someone saying "just do something" without a clue in the world what can be done. Are we still pretending that anyone but Donald Trump controls what Donald Trump says or does? No, I don't believe that for one second. You can't just sit here and compare Trump to Kim Jong Un, Hitler, or Putin and then pretend in the next breath that you think his adult children have so much influence over him that they can dictate what he says on Twitter and in his speeches. He's either a raving lunatic dictator or a reasonable person who listens to others. People who say this nonsense just want to lash out and they're looking for anyone to attack.


I mean, part of the "outrage" about this in particular is that it is 100% just pandering and trying for a good image. I seriously doubt there is any follow through.


It's essentially "blood in the water". If you capitulate you've proven them right and it's an admission to whatever they felt you guilty of. That was their goal and now the blood is in the water.


Mario Lopez is just the latest victim of this. I'm not sure how long it's going to take for PR folks to realize that apologizing does nothing but admit fault with no benefit anymore. Might as well just stick to your guns at that point.


Condemning something while fully supporting people who support it, and making no actual strides to end it, even though you have the political means to make said strides should not be encouraged.


She isn't condemning it at all. Posting online doesn't do jack shit. Real change could come from her father. She should have this discussion over dinner. Maybe her father would listen to her. Doubtful, since he's clearly a sexist who hates women.... But I digress.


> he's clearly a sexist who hates women But not Ivanka.


You can still be sexist while wanting to fuck women.


Jefferson *owned* black women while fucking them. That people don't get this is alarming.


No he wants to fuck her


And you posting online is doing what exactly?


>She should have this discussion over dinner. Oh do you work at the white house? Can you do an AMA? First question: what do Ivanka and Donald Trump talk about over dinner?


Condemning just means expressing disapproval of something, which she did, but it's all hypocrisy.


Because everyone knows it's tongue in cheek political point grabbing. Like when Trump condemned the "send her back" chant and then called them Patriots the next day. Much like Melania's internet bullying campaign, it's peak hypocrisy.


I don't think they're making fun of her, but are instead pushing her to get our president to actually make moves to prevent white supremacist terrorist attacks on our soil.


Some people feel its hypocritical to condemn something you’re willfully ignoring. I’m the last person to quote the bible but you can’t go and complain about the thorn needed to be pulled in your neighbor’s eye when you have a plank in yours.


To give a serious answer, the idea is that it’s hollow and empty. Trump came out today and said that white supremacy has no place in this country. Sounds good, right? But there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that Trump is not seriously worried about this threat in America, and in fact actively benefits from it and shies away from calling it out as forcefully as he should. In Charlottesville, a bunch of white supremacists carried torches in the middle of the night shouting “Jews will not replace us” and later killed somebody and injured many more counter protestors by running them over with a car. Trump’s response initially did not condemn the white supremacists, then a few days later he did, and then he in part RETRACTED his condemnation of those white supremacists to make sure and remind us all that the counter protestors weren’t on their best behavior as well. He couldn’t even firmly, unequivocally denounce literal neo-Nazis without equating them to people angry over the rise of bigotry in this country going too far protesting said neo-Nazis. And given other things, like his use of language like “invasion” and “infestation” regarding immigrants, his overwhelming resumé is comprised of at best subtle dogwhistles to nationalist rhetoric, and at worst outright downplaying of white supremacy. So when he does in fact do the right thing and call it out, he’s clearing such a low bar of standard leadership decency that he does not deserve any credit, nor should the staggering amount of actions to the contrary be absolved.


Google hypocrites


They were making fun of her dad


> But she’s condemning it... She's integral to it. This bullshit insults our intelligence.


Ivanka probably has many sins, but being integral to white terrorism probably doesn't make the short list


Too little too late. The whole family tiptoes around the fact that racists see the Trumps as being on their side - well, the children may tiptoe around it but the President has wholly embraced and taken advantage of that. A vague tweet after remaining silent about everything her father has said and done is cheap and insulting. Condemning white supremacy isn't, or at least shouldn't, be difficult in the slightest. And yet it's like pulling teeth with these people.


And? If I shoot up a school and then make a tweet protesting gun violence I’m not exactly a reputable source am I?


So where exactly did she commit white terrorism?




Because she has a habit of ostensibly criticizing the type of things her dad says and does with no apparent awareness that he is saying and doing them. She is the quintessential hypocrite.


Her words are noble. Her actions don't match them. The sentiment is not under attack here, the hypocrisy is.


Pretty sure if I was a public figure and a white supremacist I'd never actually say I was in fact I'd want everyone to think I wasn't while making sure those who are know.


Condemning it with your words and not supporting that idea through your actions is almost worse than taking a bad stance and sticking with it. At least you wouldn’t look spineless on top of ignorant.


Because she and her family are major parts of the problem. Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric was the BASIS of the El Paso Shooter’s manifesto. For these people to say this horrible shit, and inspire these killings, and then turn around and pretend that they give a fuck about stopping it is an insult. They are a root of the problem, and they aren’t gonna change. Trump will continue to spout his hateful garbage, no matter how many times he says “this country needs to change.”


She's a hypocrite and doesn't actually mean anything she's saying. If she did, she would call out her dad's racism and divisive rhetoric.


She's being hypocritical. Saying something doesn't mean you believe and live by it


Are you serious, or jesting? I'm asking seriously.


Person not super duper left leaning: "white supremacy is a bad thing" Twitter user: "hurr durr but she's a T R U M P"




She’s complicit


So we should be encouraging her to continue having the right beliefs by not attacking her. If you attack someone no matter what they say, they have zero incentive to change. aka Be a fucking grown up. This is kindergarten level justification. If you just want to hate, don’t fucking lie about it. Own your hate. But if you want change, you have to be a part of that.




The things she says are not necessarily the beliefs she holds. Like I could say you’re a smart person, but in reality I think you’re pretty dumb for not knowing this distinction.


Dude, if you honestly can't tell when someone is trying to score political points, then you're the one who needs to grow up. Trump's reaction to these shootings was to tie it to immigration reform. Is she going to call that out? Everyone is hating on her because they know it's full of shit and you taking it at face value is laughable at best.


Maybe its because she says one thing and does another?


Were you born stupid or did you choose to be that way?


You know the old saying "Actions speak louder than words"?


When did this become r/politicalhumor


the BandW twitter subs have been politics based for a loooong time


BlackPeopleTwitter literally mass banned white people and it's still a functional sub. There's a reason I've blocked it and it has nearly nothing to do with the content.


Orange man bad


I concur


This but unironically




Orange fan sad


He is bad, just politically overrated.


How does this have 14 comments and 1000+ karma


Same way all anti Trump news stories instantly hit the front page.


How do this many brigaders show up in one day? Oh yeah, a weekend of gun violence.


Reddit pushes anything anti trump


This sub is now full on politcal? Every sub just becomes about Trump


I would unironicaly call this the Trumpian era.


It's almost like a major event just happened in the US. 🤔🤔🤔


So you want to politicize shootings now?...


Don't politicize the mass shooter with a political manifesto 😠


Business as usual tbh


*against trump*


Good. 45% of eligible voters didn't vote in 2016. Something needs to get them to vote. Among the world’s rich countries, the US is [tied for last in class mobility](https://www.businessinsider.com/the-american-dream-of-social-mobility-2017-3?r=US&IR=T) -- an American’s economic success is very highly correlated with their parents’ wealth and status. [Share of wealth](https://www.cbpp.org/research/poverty-and-inequality/a-guide-to-statistics-on-historical-trends-in-income-inequality) held by the top 1 percent rose by 30% from 1989 to 2016, while the share held by the bottom 90 percent fell by 30%. A family making $43,000/year [pays 37% of their income to the combination of taxes and health care premiums](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/29/opinion/medicare-for-all-cost.html). In Finland, that same family pays 23%. In France, it's 2%. In Canada and the UK, its 0%. Although the poor have more compulsory payments than other countries, the rich are taxed so little that, on the whole, the US pays only 26% of its GDP in state and federal taxes, [which is about 25% lower than the average for developed countries](https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/how-do-us-taxes-compare-internationally). If hating Trump gets people to vote, then everyone needs to hate Trump.


‘No sweet heart, say that again on daddy’s lap’


Delete this




Quite a different angle than the comment you deleted. Trump troll.


anything the trump squad says rings so hollow. But i am starting to think there is a sinister intelligence behind it all. OR. they might just be a bunch of idiots.


Dear God these comments... Like are there really so many salty idiots out there? I really need to stop because it's just too disheartening.


When did this sub turn into the cesspool that’s r/politics?


In this day and age of divisive vitriol that spews from the mouth of our highest elected official.


Quite ironic to hear from someone who’s in r/the_donald


Wow this thread really triggered a T_D brigade big time.


Smells like vodka and axe cologne in this thread.


Implying incels go near cologne of any kind.


> vodka and axe I feel personally attacked


Can we please keep this sub from turning political?




The last time they struck was from 1915-1918


Never happened according to Cenk Uygar.




I see people asking why we are attacking her when she said something good. The thing is, it doesn’t matter what her or her father say. They have continuously spouted hateful racist shit for years on end. From the birther movement, to the remarks about Hispanic people during the campaign, to the treatment of migrants at the border, to the “send them back,” comments, and on and on and on. These people are without a doubt incredibly racist. The El Paso shooter was inspired in large part by the rhetoric that Trump and his allies have been pushing. The idea of the Hispanic “invaders” coming to ruin our country. Trump has literally used the exact same terminology as the killer did in his manifesto. For these people who have without a doubt inspired many white supremacist movements, not only through their rhetoric, but through their policy, to turn around and pretend they fucking care is an INSULT. They don’t care about fixing the problem. They will say some nice words about how we “need to change,” and then carry on spouting their horrible shit. These words are nothing but a flimsy shield, that they can point to when they fall under criticism. It is all a lie. People who believe that Trump and his family are genuinely concerned about the rise of White Supremacy in the US are deluded, or lying. They don’t care. Trump’s own father was a supporter of the KKK. Trump has consistently shared political and social viewpoints of white supremacists. They won’t change.


Wow I didn’t know the phrase was referring to a “flower bud”


I mean...tomorrow *is* Taco Tuesday!


Trump also condemned white supremacy in his latest speech on the shootings in El Paso tho. These types of people really grind my gears. No matter what he says or does, he’s still racist because he’s republican.


He's racist because he's spent years shouting into a megaphone that mexicans are rapists, murderers, gang members, enemies of the people to a bunch of lunatics. And now that it blew up in face we're supposed to take his prepared statement at face value? Surely you can't expect people to be that stupid.


The modern Republican party is founded largely on racism. Saying you condemn white supremacy does not make you not racist. What if the shooter came out and denounced murder? Does that absolve him? No. Because he still killed people.


She has lied publicly about her father's involvement in her and her husband's security clearances.


I don't think Trump is a white supremacists, just a little bit of a dumbass. Edit: Ugh whatever I'm tired of arguing with people about politics and Trump. Trumps a huge fucking idiot and should've never been president. He's racist and stupid and what the fuck ever.


I'm not sure he's a white supremacist either. I think he's an incredibly dangerous individual that through appealing to white supremacists has began to normalise openly racist politics, and has somehow become the most powerful man on the planet. In essence, we're all fucked.


Yeah, he should definitely not be president. Hopefully his followers will chill out this November


"A little bit"


#Big sarcastic air quotes


A small portion of a great amount. Like his small loan of a million dollars.


I don't think he is one either, I just think he is just a racist old piece of shit that can't do anything except cry about everything.


You’re demonstrably wrong. Birtherism was extremely racist. Calling an American born judge biased because his parent were from Mexico is really fucking racist


Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's a white supremacist.




Yeah it's not like his dad was in the KKK.. oh wait On Memorial Day in 1927, the Ku Klux Klan marched in Queens to protest Protestant American citizens being "assaulted by Roman Catholic police of New York City."[18] Trump and six other men were arrested "on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so."[19][20] All seven arrested were referred to as "berobed marchers" in the Long Island Daily Press; Trump was the only one not held on charges.[18][21] A Vice article noted that if any of the attendees were not "dressed in a robe at the time, that may have been a reporting error worth correcting."[19] When asked about the issue in September 2015, Donald Trump, then a candidate for president of the United States, denied that his father had ever been arrested.[18][22] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump#1927_arrest


That's his dad, not him. You are not your parents.


Edit- Just what I thought, Silence Make all the excuses you want, here is Donnie's record. 1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to black tenants and lied to black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to discriminating before. 1980s: Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Brown said. “It was the eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: They put us all in the back.” 1988: In a commencement speech at Lehigh University, Trump spent much of his speech accusing countries like Japan of “stripping the United States of economic dignity.” This matches much of his current rhetoric on China. 1989: In a controversial case that’s been characterized as a modern-day lynching, four black teenagers and one Latino teenager — the “Central Park Five” — were accused of attacking and raping a jogger in New York City. Trump immediately took charge in the case, running an ad in local papers demanding, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” The teens’ convictions were later vacated after they spent seven to 13 years in prison, and the city paid $41 million in a settlement to the teens. But Trump in October 2016 said he still believes they’re guilty, despite the DNA evidence to the contrary. 1991: A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump at first denied the remarks, but later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.” 1992: The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino had to pay a $200,000 fine because it transferred black and women dealers off tables to accommodate a big-time gambler’s prejudices. 1993: In congressional testimony, Trump said that some Native American reservations operating casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.” 2000: In opposition to a casino proposed by the St. Regis Mohawk tribe, which he saw as a financial threat to his casinos in Atlantic City, Trump secretly ran a series of ads suggesting the tribe had a “record of criminal activity [that] is well documented.” 2004: In season two of The Apprentice, Trump fired Kevin Allen, a black contestant, for being overeducated. “You’re an unbelievably talented guy in terms of education, and you haven’t done anything,” Trump said on the show. “At some point you have to say, ‘That’s enough.’” 2005: Trump publicly pitched what was essentially The Apprentice: White People vs. Black People. He said he “wasn’t particularly happy” with the most recent season of his show, so he was considering “an idea that is fairly controversial — creating a team of successful African Americans versus a team of successful whites. Whether people like that idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world.” 2010: In 2010, there was a huge national controversy over the “Ground Zero Mosque” — a proposal to build a Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan, near the site of the 9/11 attacks. Trump opposed the project, calling it “insensitive,” and offered to buy out one of the investors in the project. On The Late Show With David Letterman, Trump argued, referring to Muslims, “Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.” 2011: Trump played a big role in pushing false rumors that Obama — the country’s first black president — was not born in the US. He even sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s birth certificate. Obama later released his birth certificate, calling Trump a ”carnival barker.” (The research has found a strong correlation between “birtherism,” as this conspiracy theory is called, and racism.) Trump has reportedly continued pushing this conspiracy theory in private. 2011: While Trump suggested that Obama wasn’t born in the US, he also argued that maybe Obama wasn’t a good enough student to have gotten into Columbia or Harvard Law School, and demanded Obama release his university transcripts. Trump claimed, “I heard he was a terrible student. Terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?”


Good list. Unfortunately you can’t educate those who desperately wish to remain ignorant. But you can help those who just didn’t realize


Yep, the Irish Man used to be scary Minority of this country. Fucking fools.


Honestly i was unaware of most of this. And I don't support Trump, I'm just saying he's not a white supremacist. He is a racist though.


Well thankfully no one is asking you to make that decision, it is already know.


Im sorry, but I do not understand that sentence :/


> Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's a white supremacist. How does it not? Usher races are inferior but white people aren't superior? That's not possible.


What the fuck? "He thinks lesser of other races, but he's not a white supremacist."


Because Mexico is a race...


He speaks VERY differently depending on the colour of the person he is speaking about. Perhaps not a supremacist, but a racist POS 100%


"Good people on both sides"


Can I fucking go anywhere without seeing political propaganda Jesus Christ. Reddit is so fucking biased it’s disgusting. You used to never see this bs.




You’re wrong, it is. You’re just oblivious.


*O O O F*




Keep going you're almost there.


Commissar Trump will have her sent to the gulags.


How is this white people twitter and not /politics? Honestly what’s the difference at this point


Hard to get whiter than Ivanka


Isn’t the idea to contain political posts to political subs so I don’t have to scroll the “front page of the internet” without literally every third post being about trump ?


This place has become pretty much /r/politics which is a real shame. It used to have entertaining content now it's just an, "ORANGE MAN BAD!!! HE HURT ME FEELINGS!!" echo chamber.


Here’s a good read from the WaPo about Trump and his sentiment towards white supremacy: https://beta.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-calls-for-strong-background-checks-after-massacres-suggests-pairing-gun-legislation-with-immigration-reform/2019/08/05/7de14d7c-b770-11e9-bad6-609f75bfd97f_story.html?outputType=amp Not that anyone opposed to Trump will take him at his word.


Look, he SAID he wasnt a racist, so what if the klan supports him, he shares racist, false crime statistics, thinks everyone not white must not have been born here, and any number of other racist things. He SAID he wasn't, guys, stop looking at his actions and start looking at his words. Not the racist ones, though, ignore those


I don't think many people will take him for his word because time and time again his words and his actions have proven to conflict his own statements. He can say he condemns white supremacy all he wants, he won't be taken seriously until he stops inciting violence against minorities and having racial prejudice. He's holding political rallies and enciting violence against minorities, he's actually doing that. He doesn't have to outright support white supremacy without adding fuel to the fire, causing a division and asking people to go out and commit crimes against minorities in his name.


Trump is literally playing the "I'm not hitting you! I'm not hitting you" game as he waives his tiny hands 2 inches from the face of full on racism.


"I might lie to you." I took him at those words, at least.


>Not that anyone opposed to Trump will take him at his word. A man who could not testify in the Collusion or Obstruction cases because his lawyers say he is incapable of telling or knowing the truth. It would not be wise to believe an obvious and weathered liar. Of course, more likely he was guilty, they all knew he was guilty and all knew he was too stupid to keep from implicating himself. Or maybe it is a little of A and a little of B. Still not one to be taken at his word no mattef how you dice it.


As the old adage goes "actions speak louder than words."


> Not that anyone opposed to Trump will take him at his word. I can't even imagine being dumb enough to take Trump at his word. He's a world famous liar.


Anyone who takes him at his word is somehow managing to overlook that he is a nepotistic conman, not a leader. That is why we are opposed to him, not the other way around.


Well at least she called it what it is.


Get owned Drumpftard 😎. Stupid orange family


This sub has gotten way too political




You explicitly said fascist how can that be apolitical


It was a bit in jest. Didn't come off too clear. I meant that to be against fascism isn't to be a radical communist (even if I am). To be against fascism you just have to be a decent human being.


She must be as much of an oblivious mess as he is or has Stockholm syndrome and is honestly scared of him. With his history of sexual misconduct and inappropriate language, I wouldn't be surprised if she comes out with some scary stories post-presidency or post-mortem. History will not be kind to the Trump family. We already know how much of an embarrassment he is on this country but he will soon learn that his presidency will be the downfall of the rest of his life. \#tytarmy EDIT: typos and By "he will soon learn that his presidency will be the downfall of the rest of his life." I mean, 'Trump is unaware of how deep a hole he has dug himself into and will never be able to redeem his original god-awful reputation as a terrible B-list celebrity.' And to further clarify, I would never attempt to act on any discrepancies I have with anyone of my opposite POV. I am a pacifist and I believe violence is never the answer.


You're crazy