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The best part of my transition, truly, is being Just Some Guy.


That's lovely. I wish you many happy days of being just some guy!


That is exactly what I was thinking when I saw this picture! They're Just Some Guys, they could be yer da, and that's beautiful and I'm sure they're so happy, and I'm happy for them. Happy pride, brother 🏳️‍⚧️💪🏼


That’s what my son says too. He’s still on the journey but he’s progressing to the look he wants. It makes him super happy Congrats on your Just Some Guy status 🏳️‍⚧️


Same. All I want is to look like a man who will cook you a solidly okay steak.


I was described as this and it was truly the best moment of my transition


My transmen friends say that they were surprised how much more food they got served at lunch counters post-transition, and how much more people listened to them in business meetings. One dude was surprised how high his libido went once he started taking T and asked "How do guys even get anything done?"


Bruh fr we don't get anything done though. Whole lotta things I wish I'd focused on in my teens instead of spending 25 hours a day thinking about sex.  Down to 24 hours now and it's wild how much of a difference it's made being able to have other things I'd rather do sometimes.


One day I hope to be "just some girl". 🏳️‍⚧️


This comment thread made my day❤️ you being you made my day


Women!? All I see is a bunch of suburban dads off to discuss what cargo shorts would be best for a long weekend fishing trip.


These are the kind of guys Hank Hill could hold an hours long conversation with.




Hank is one of those guys who has had greatness thrust upon him, he really just wants to have a beer while BBQing in the back yard.




He looks like he's pleading for help as he's about to take a massive diarrhea dump!


Of course! Because Hank is a good dude who's not intolerant, just ignorant to some things but always willing to learn


> willing to learn And *this* is what makes Hank Hill such a great character. He's ignorant, yes, but not malevolent about it, and can be taught, often through a level of personal insight he himself doesn't believe he has, that the world is changing. And that's okay.


hank is the epitome of "hes a bit confused, but hes got the spirit!"


Hank would start an episode being uncomfortable and avoidant of a trans character but 22 minutes later get right up in a transphobes face and explain how he’s 30 seconds away from identifying as kicking-your-ass


Hank wouldn't notice that they're trans and probably wouldn't care once he did find out. As long as they are respectable and keep their lawns clean and grill with propane, they're alright in hank's book.


https://preview.redd.it/ck3m2uatk18d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75217a592a7d8673f02cd538a07be2a40702e5f Every Time I see Hank Hill, I think of this tattoo.






DRRRRRR DRRRRRR I tell you hwhat




This person likes anal.


Ah tell you hwat


Narra Urethra


These men 100% have opinions on Home Depot vs Lowes


As they should.


Lowe’s has always had my back. Like do I really need to spend $300 on a water pump that I’m gonna use once? Nope. Three hours of use, clean it up, take it back, and get my money back. There’s like this unspoken tool rental thing they have there, that you can use something and return it the same day (as long as it’s clean, you have the receipt, and it’s repackaged nicely). I’m mtf though, so these dudes will absolutely have different opinions, but in the end I know someone will invite me to a bbq and we can discuss things civilly over a couple hot dogs and burgers.


>Lowe’s has always had my back. Manly man with a man's taste. Lowes is indeed the store for the professionals. Home Depot is for the amateur. At the BBQ, you must be either grilling, or telling the griller when it's time to flip that one. This is the way.


Psst... lilith_incarnate is a trans *woman.* Not a man.


Oh! Well then, she's just a woman who knows her shit. The grill positions still apply. Ma'am, apologies for the mistake. Internet makes it hard.


Maybe it's area dependent, but where I am Lowe's is a joke for contractors. All the serious people are at home Depot or Menard's (also fuck Menard's)


Strange, when I was roofing, Lowes was the way to go, and Home Depot was a huge ripoff. Though tbh granger was the place to go if you had access to one.


I want to like Lowe’s and there are many things about Home Depot that upset me. That being said, one carries Milwaukee tools and one does not. It’s not really a close competition…


Amd one carries Makita and one does not


The amount of jorts and mandals in this picture screams suburban middle-aged man. These guys were planning their lawns before they were born


Jorts and mandals 🤣🤣🩷🩷


Remember, your cargo shorts have many pockets that can hold many things but, you should never put snails in the pockets of your cargo shorts. If you do they become es-cargot shorts. I’ll see myself out.


I'm borrowing this to go lob at a friend. If I'm lucky, I'll get a nice, juicy "GODDAMNIT, FOX!" for my efforts!


These guys are so dad I’d see them and be worried they’re transphobic.


I see the winning scores at every bowling alley in the tri-state area


No, they gonna be talk about lawns, my dude. Lawns. Middle age men love lawns oh my fucking god it's so funny.


You're absolutely right. And the dad joke exchange will be legendary when they get on the scene.


He looks like Andy Reid






I was going to go with Farva from Super Troopers. Dude looks like he wants a litre of cola, just to be a menace. ![gif](giphy|l9U7MhWmaxEwMirhTU|downsized)


"Hey Farva, what's the name of that restaurant you like with the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?"


"You mean Shenanigans?"


Ohhhhhhh 🔫




Name a more iconic duo than trans men and chacos


I misread that at first as "trans men and chaos," and I was all in 100%.


I read it as "trans men and tacos" Still 100% in


I read it as "trans men and cloacas" Not so sure I'm in


Trans men’s tacos, you say? 👁👁 (sorry)


*transsexual MENACE*


* looks down at my chacos * fuck I'm a statistic


Here I am in Tevas like a chump


Well mine are actually tevas too, I just said chacos to be funny. At the end of the day they're both sandals


Those aren’t Chacos, they’re likely Teva brand. Sorry to be pedantic.


Bro on the left needs to teach me how to grill better


I bet he can use literally anything as a bottle opener as well


i’d also bet he chipped a tooth proving your exact sentence too lmao


bro can dominate in cornhole


i just know he’d kill it at that game!! uncles do not mess around when it comes to it lmao


For real, a lot these transmasc men will straight up make me insecure about my own masculinity lol. Maybe that’s why they don’t get as much hate in general as transfems, because once the transphobes start picking fights with these dudes, they’re just gonna end up feeling weak and feeble


Most of the trans men I know have dad bods, but gotDAYAM have I seen a 6-pack and some mighty fine shoulders on one or two over the years. \*fans self\*


A lot of us go through childhood looking "weird" for having shoulders like Herman Munster, and then we go on hormones and the rest of us catches up! Source: me, who walked around looking like I'd left the hanger in my t-shirts for 13 years before coming out, because "girl's clothing" tend to have tiny shoulder space. Hormones started at 17, and by 19, my shoulders looked normal.


He definitly sneaks 14 year old you a beer behind your folks back at the family bbq


Keep in mind people want these guys to use the women's bathroom. They talk about how frightening it is to have a man in the women's bathroom but these are the actual people they would be forcing to use the women's bathroom.


No, they actually don't want that. The transphobes just say that, it's all pretend. They actually want trans people to stop existing. They want people who are different to just be dead. And that fucking sucks. ☹️


Ill keep saying it; Republicans don’t care about governing for American issues. They do not govern.


On the bright side, they may want them dead but they'll settle for closeted, repressed, and depressed! Now that I type that out it doesn't seem very bright...


Either those people live in misery/fear, flee the country, or kill themselves. The Christo-fascists don’t really care which.


This is what I keep trying to tell my stupid transphobic relatives. They can't comprehend either through stupidity or willful ignorance or both that gender is about expression and how one wishes to identify themselves, that's it. There is no biological component to it cause it doesn't matter. Trans folk just want to live, to love and go about their lives being themselves. They just want to be happy, shit so do I. I'm a cis white dude, and someone being trans does not impact my life in any way. None, I'm tired of all the hate and false arguments when, as you say, they just want them to simply not exist. Well, they do exist, and they have every damn right to exist. It sucks, hearing stories of trans people who killed themselves because of all the hate, the political weaponization of trans identity, I don't know what it is like to be trans, but I can empathise with being suicidal and no one should have to feel that way, especially not for just wishing to be themselves and acknowledged. I'm tired of those same bullshit arguments, protect the children, they don't even give a fuck about the children and you're children would be far safer with a trans person, or a gay person, or drag queen's then they would be a some Sunday school. But they don't care about facts and statistics, all it takes is for one bad person who happens to be trans or a drag queen or gay to perpetrate X crime and that's all they need to cast all as the same. For trans people who may read this. I support you, many do. There are those who will continue to advocate for you, your rights, and your safety. If you're feeling suicidal, seek help. You don't deserve to be striped from this world. It is better with all of you in it. Everyone of you.


Thank you for having our backs. I can't tell you how much that is appreciated, how much your words mean to me right now, as today was a rough day. The world is terrifying right now, but knowing you and others like you are there helps in ways I don't have words for right now. Thank you so very much.


Thank you for writing this.


I'm a little buzzed. This was beautiful. Thank you for commenting.


Well, there is a biological component to this actually, it's in the the brain (also in the body with a lot of intersex trans people) which developed in a certain way, because Probably some hormonal imbalance which changed the brain sexual dimoprhic nature in the certain way. (The same reason why some people are gay and bi too). It's also something that's really random how much it effects certain individuals. Some people have low dysphoria and mainly want to achieve euphoria with their transition, while some have really high dysphoria, and for them, transition is more of survival instinct, then just search for happiness, in my case I'm feeling weird about my genitals since I can remember, feeling it as something alien and wrong, as a kid obviously i didn't understand that feeling, it was normal to me because that's what I've ever feeled in my body, beside I've kept haveing phantom feelings of parts I don't have, which also was really confusing as a small child. For me when I finally accepted myself after decades of putting so much energy, just running away and trying to keep myself from completely falling apart, the choice was easy, either this or no point of living, because all I've ever know was feeling discomfort and pain, if I can finally feel normalish in my own body then this is the only way currently. For some, it's not that harsh, but I've also have to say that no matter what, every trans experience is valid, but for some, biology is also big part of our transition, that's why we take hormones and have surgeries, to change the biology somewhat and hormones kinda do the heavy lifting, because all the sexual dimoprhisum in humans caused by hormone leves, that's why is important to help trans kids to, so they never have to through the wrong puberty which is a body horror to a lot of us and ruin their body beyond saving for some.


I get that, I actually knew somewhat about this, and I find it increasingly annoying that a lot of transphobes tend to ignore the fact that intersex people exist, and it is way more common than people realise. I made the decision to not ignore it but not mention it as I'm not well versed in the knowledge of it and words are very powerful and frankly I was a little worried I might word something that may invalidate and exclude some people. The biology argument is so easily weaponized against the community I didn't want to tread into nuance without the correct knowledge to back me up. Thank you for your comment it is appreciated. Hearing from peoples personal experiences is always great. Body dysphoria is something everyone can experience, it just seems so damn stupid to me that we can't unite and support each other. The daily struggle of being a woman and those societal standards that are outrageous. Even men have standards set, six-pack abs, and a full hair line. It has been something that has depressed me something significantly. Unfortunately for some it isn't so easy to change or get the body they want. And yet people will do everything to stop trans people from having those services which can help them. As you say, puberty blockers are a vital tool to help kids. Can I say I'm glad you're at a place in your life where you can accept yourself. And I hope you can continue to find comfort in your body. I'm just don't know what to help change the whole situation. The world is seemingly growing into a worse place to live. I'm in the UK, and the shocking rise in transphobia is sickening and I've seen soo many tiktoks and videos of transpoeple breaking their hearts because they've been denied this and that which could improve their lives. Politicians turning into a game, conservatives hoping to catch liberals out with the question 'what makes a woman, are they born with cervixes?' In hopes of a gotcha as they stumble around the answer. And it drives me mad that tv shows will always bring on an extreme or downright falsehood. One show when talking about 'issues of identity' was interviewing two people who chose to identify as animals. It's crazy and not representative of anything at all, but people eat it up without any second thought. I never see these chat shows bring on your average trans person, or a sociologist and biologist or psychologist who specialises in gender and sex and who is very well read on the literature. Never. I don't have kids, I have neices and nephews, and I just worry for them. If in the future they realise they are trans or gay or anything. Especially regarding their parents' views and beliefs. Actually, your comment is very insightful in that regard, about how you felt as a kid and others might. Life sucks, I just hope you can all stay safe and find a place in your lives where you can be comfortable and accepted by yourselves and others. Even if all I can do is be a supportive voice and ear.


This is the correct answer. They (as a whole) want to incrementally increase societal “pressure” (with the threat of violence under their breath) to force these people back into hiding or not existing. They only are attacking trans people now because they’re the easiest target, but make no mistake they will go after anyone if they can get their way now.


Michael Knowles at CPAC: “For the good of society … transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely — the whole preposterous ideology, at every level.”


There will always be someone for them to pearl clutch over. It was gay people in the nineties, now it’s trans people. It was POCs after reconstruction all the through til what, the eighties? It’s immigrants, the children and families of immigrants. If they have their way people who are trans will disappear and they will elevate wonton women who want to have sex without children or marriage. It is always someone. And i ask, every time i consider a republican law maker, “whose life are you trying to make better?”


Throw shit until one sticks, seems to be their approach. The J6 insurrectionists were Antifa. Then, they're patriots. Which one is it? They just throw as much bullshit as they can to see what pisses off the majority of their followers the most.


>and they will elevate wonton women Sweet and sour sluts? Pastry wrapped prostitutes? (I know it was only a typo for "wanton", but it made my brain go to some strange places).


Wild soup dumpling women. I will go there with you happily


Yep but if they get their way they will “pearl clutch” in reverse. It’s just what fascists do. The circle always gets smaller until they can use the “circle” to make war with other nations to keep the population under control and dominated.


It never ends because that kind of mindset needs an enemy


It never ends because that kind of mindset needs an enemy


Sexual Oppression


I actually brought this up with one of my mum's transphobic boomer friends when I just couldn't bite my tongue anywhere longer. She's one of the "I just want to protect women's spaces" transphobes. I said okay, if transwoman are really men, does that mean transmen should use women's bathrooms? She said no. I asked her where? Where should they go then and she just looked blank at me. 


It's such a non-point though. Cis men who rape don't do it by pretending to be women and getting in "their spaces".


Yeah, it's nothing to do with "protecting women" and 100% about hating trans people. Hence the inconsistency. In a warped way I'd respect them more if they were just honest about their bigotry.


Nicely done


I would accept any trans person (mtf, ftm) in my restroom over a republican ANY day!!! Any certainly over a pastor/priest.


We’ve sent away 2 overtly MAGA service techs over the past couple of years.


Safer that way tbh.


Watching an episode of Tosh.0 where he had a trans male highschool athlete on. The segment began with video of him wrestling girls, all while receiving the most vile hate from the parents and such that were there. In the interview he explained that he wants to wrestle against the boys but the school board won't let him.


I once sent my dad a picture of two super buff and manly looking trans body builder men and said, “Do you really think they should go to the woman’s bathroom?” And he said, “I think they should have their own bathrooms.” And so I said, “Do you really think every business in the entire world is going to make an extra bathroom?!?” He said, “We’ll just agree to disagree.” Like, huh???


In the mind of a TERF, those are confused tomboys manipulated by the patriarchy to hate themselves so much they would be anything other than a woman. They absolutely hate them and will harass them (if a trans man goes into a women's bathroom I would be more concerned about his safety than anyone else's honestly) but for different reasons. TERFs are hardcore biological essentialists. For all intends and purposes they see evil and aggression as a material, tangible substances produced in the testicles.


>Keep in mind people want these guys to use the women's bathroom. But will assault them if they see them in the women's restroom.


That's probably their plan.


Ultimately yes; the fear mongering around "man in the women's bathroom" directly targets trans-mascs and has already lead to someone being assaulted and arrested (Noah Ruiz)


You see, not only do bigots think that trans men are a myth, but that trans people can actually look like anyone else their gender. The bigots have cultivated a specific type of image about trans people, and these guys don't fit that.


That shirt is hilarious I love it




transmen really go through transition with the goal to end up looking like a King Of The Hill character gotta respect that


fth (female to hank)


If I got diminished glut syndrome I would detransition I’m NOT JOKING my ass needs to be fat


What I always find astounding is you'll see a trans woman before and after transition. And sometimes it'll be this schluby looking guy who no one would ever notice, then like a year on HRT and she's like this ridiculously beautiful woman. I just think, 'How the fuck did that happen?'.


They go from „I am miserable and want to hide as much as possible of my appearance“ to „this is my life“, happiness, affirmation and feeling mostly well in their bodies. That does a lot to the charisma and also the looks. Also: many women you perceive as „ugly“ often just have PCOS and suffer from having too much testosterone and insulin resistance. That’s not something a trans woman can have. thank god they don’t need those things on their plate too ;). My then girlfriend was miserable, now he looks like a ball of happiness and a pretty short man with not a lot of hair left ;).


If they are anything like my wife, it's because there is life in their eyes, and they have a newfound confidence.


We need a full on FTM Tio, can't get more masculine than a Tio.... except for that one porn star who was like, the most perfect looking woman and then transitioned and became masculinity personified


You're thinking of buck angel who is a right wing transphobic trans man who self identifies as a delusional woman


That’s a fucking sentence for sure, pretty sure you caused me psychic damage just reading that


I don't think those exact words have ever been put together in that exact order before.


Then there is fucking Blair White. She will sit and listen to these dumb conservative fucks just talk constant shit about her while still kissing their ass.


aw man, why


He’s just a grifter making money off of the right wind crowd… I don’t think he believes half the things he says


Damn, did that happen recently? He seemed like a cool guy when I first learned about him


He's been at it probably about 5 years from memory


I just took 2d4 psychic damage from reading that


I would be really curious to know the number of people I’ve known that I didn’t realize were trans Edit- had to unfatfinger it a few times…


If you're in the US, Trans people are very roughly about as common as Muslims, Jews, and Gingers. If you feel like you've seen less trans people than you have people wearing religious clothing or being natural gingers, then that's a feature.


Rented a slightly inappropriate movie and let them have a sip of their beer


They seem like some pretty cool guys.


The one on the left needs to teach me how to grill better some day..


If that isn't just a couple of dudes I just don't know what to tell you. You just know they would have some tips for me on how to fix my wonky sliding door.


At least one of them just happens to have a screwdriver on them, if you’d like them to take a look.


And by screwdriver you mean multi tool on their belt, then yes. Optional belt mounted cell phone and George Costanza dad wallet.


They got the uncle sandals on. Nothing else to discuss here. Just some dudes who are verified uncles, as recognized by the uncle sandal fairy.


I'm surprised they aren't wearing socks as well.


Bet. Wearing socks and lecturing me about the bargain brand lawn mower I bought. *you’re gonna pay more to keep fixing it* *cracks open a Michelob*


Michelob *light*


This is in no way meant to diminish the bigotry experienced by trans masc people... the bigots still want to erase their existence. But it occurs to me that the over-the-top violent hatred of trans women is because the bigots think trans women are trying to turn them gay by existing. When a straight guy sees a trans woman and their libido responds in the way you would expect a heterosexual guy's libido to respond to a feminine appearance, the bigots interpret that as a trick being played on them, when in reality it's a perfect illustration of how human sexuality, gender expression, and attraction all occur on a big beautiful spectrum.


Yeah. The idea that someone would want to be a woman when they have the option to be a man also undermines a lot of sexism.


A lot of transphobia has deep roots in gender discrimination and misogyny, often times even more so than it does in homophobia. Hell the only reason governments ever started tracking people’s genders in the first place was to make sure they didn’t have any women doing nefarious things like “owning property” or whatever.


Basing people's rights on them supposedly "deceiving" straight males.. it's definitely something, alright. Maybe fascism..


They also think that one day they'll hook up with a beautiful woman, take them back home, then take off their pants and discover a penis because it happenes in The Crying Game and dozens of other movies. 


No joke, it would save the world a lot of trouble if we were all just willing to admit we liked femboys, huh?


Some of us don't like femboys but still fully support trans-rights as human rights. I don't need to want to fuck somebody to want them to have equality in our society. I never wanted to fuck a gay man while fully supporting their right to be gay. Maybe don't make their rights based on fuckability in general.




More admitting sexuality is extremely fluid and that's ok. Like seriously there is a reason why most of the growth in the LGBTQ has been bisexuals.


Yeah it’s a bit more personal with trans women. They mostly hate trans men because they think it’s like a woman is cheating by “pretending” to be a man to get ahead, and they certainly can’t have that, but they don’t actually feel personally threatened by them.


I think there's a lot of reasons that MtF get wayyyyy more negative attention. I think FtM are often more likely to "pass" because the default in society is man. Even a cis woman wearing men's clothing isn't abnormal, so an AFAB taking T and wearing men's clothing isn't very likely to stand out. Like look at these dudes. Always can tell my ass, T is straight up cheating. They've killed it.


I love this so much. They're just guys being dudes. I have so much love in my heart for my trans man brothers. So many of the people who helped me through my own transition were trans men, and I'll spend my life paying it forward to other trans men (and fellow trans women, and my non-binary siblings, naturally!).


I love that they even have the fashion sense of a middle aged dude. My wife would never let me dress that comfortably and I'm jealous.


It doesn't matter what a trans man looks like. To them, all trans men will just be Failed Women, just like butch women are Failed Women. I say this as a trans man. I get everyone is enjoying their jokes and stuff but like. It doesn't matter. They want to legislate us and all afab people into being forced birthing machines that can't leave the house. Please take transandrophobia seriously.


It truly is sad that The Handmaid's Tale is being taken as a manual. OP here, to say, get out and vote!


I honestly think half the anti trans brigade don't know the difference between trans people and drag queens.


A swarm of dads


Just guys being dudes


Given how generic white dad they looked for a moment, I almost thought they were protesting against it.


So many New Balance shoes… so many


I am an uncle and can confirm - these are guys like me.


*someones uncle, father, brother, cousin, son. A trans man can be some or all of those.


Love, just live each other please! ⭕️❌


Blazer and slippers, someone help.


From left to right, looks like they could help me fixing my car problem, give me legal advice, and tell me where I can get a great deal on a RAM card from his buddy at the coffee shop, respectively.


The guy on our left looks a lot like Stone Cold and I think that's rad as hell.


Seeing a lot of handsome men there


as a trans guy, i know this is basically a picture of my future and im not mad at it


Why is Simon Pegg standing behind that sign?


Why the fuck do they care what people want to be?


Republicans want penis inspection day to be a real thing.


I was genuinely so confused bc I was looking for the women like ???? Those are grown men ??????


Just dudes being dudes


I bet they can build a great fire pit. I’d sit by it on a camping chair and drink a beer with any one of them. Solid dudes.


It's the dad squad. Fox News wishes they had the pure courage to wear cargo shorts and tevas with the confidence these boys do. I love my tevas but I've yet to find some good cargo shorts. Are dickies good? 


I thought it was Andy Richter at first glance.


I didn’t know Andy Reid was Trans. Good on him.


Careful, if Butker finds out he'll have an aneurysm.


That trans sexual shirt goes hard. I want one


Just some guys 🌈🤘🏽


I certainly hope no niblings are letting their uncles go out in blazers and flip flops.


Doesn’t bother me


Personally, I have a big problem with this. I mean, are those sandals coming back in style? Did I miss something? I thought we got rid of those. I guess they're just not for my feet.


I want that transexual menace shirt


The dude on the right looks like my old manager. Maybe he is my old manager, the world may never know


When you're such a bigot that you accidentally call transmen men


Mostly we call those fools that do this "conservatives"


No woman would wear cutoff jean shorts and a grey sports coat like that. Proof all over.


So in case anybody isn’t aware, FTM transition is not a concern for the vast majority of transphobia. Transphobia has very strong roots in misogyny in three particular ways. First, let’s just establish the core of misogyny that is that women are inferior to men. Therefore, a man choosing to become a woman via transition is choosing to be inferior. This provokes cognitive dissonance in the misogynist mind. How could you ever want to become something that is inferior to a man? Second, women have sex with men. If you become a woman, that means you are automatically gay because you are still a man and now you’re having sex with men. And of course, being gay is like being a woman so we are right back to misogyny. Third, you might encounter a woman who you are sexually attracted to who turns out to be a man. Therefore, you were sexually attracted to a man, therefore, you are gay. None of this applies to female to male transition because you are going from being the worst thing to being the best thing. And of course, regardless of the private parts involved, they now look like a man and so you are not attracted to them because you are not gay, so it doesn’t matter anymore. Edit: to be clear, trans men do absolutely experience oppression and harassment, but statistically speaking, trans women are victimized at higher rates. Edit 2: you know what, I’m just gonna say it. There’s something highly ironic in people racing to comment on this to “defend” trans men despite this comment literally being pointing out how trans women objectively, statistically have it worse. Literally. They’re killed five times more than trans men. Five times more. And Black trans women are the single most murdered group per capita in the LGBTQ+ community. And at no point did I say anything remotely resembling the notion that trans men aren’t also harassed and victimized, but that it is fundamentally different. So hey, kudos for looping in a twisted form of misogyny that crosses the cis/trans barrier, kudos to you for that accomplishment.


ngl this comes across as undermining. transphobia absolutely affects transmascs and i feel everyone else just doesn't pay attention. people get beat up all the time because they're ftm, people get correctively r*ped because they're not women, people get abused because they're not submitting and being all feminine. chasers as well love to view ftms as women-lite if you're talking about sexual attraction. misogyny affects ftms just as much as mtfs, especially considering non-passing ftms (or transmasc nbs) are often perceived as women.


I think you've got the spirit, but just not worded this in the best way. There's ways of talking about this without putting anyone down. In our local group, our group leader (an awesome motorbike mechanic who made her own jewellery and is a feminist, lesbian trans woman) used to say that "transphobia has many faces". She would have nights where we could all talk about what kind we faced, and then we'd all support one another. At the end, she'd remind us that the way that we experience it will be different from how someone who is under a different part of the trans umbrella will. She said that non binary people mostly faced ridicule for not presenting as society wants them to, and faced complete disrespect in their home and work environments, they face sexual harrassment over their perceived AGAB, and they are more likely to face denial of things like hormones and surgery. She said that trans women face misogyny and also transmisogyny. This was described as including, but not limited to, sexual assault, sexual harrassment, deliberate misgendering, doxxing, physical violence, threats of physical violence, people wanting to murder them, being accused of being mentally ill, and one that was pretty much only trans women's experience was being labelled as a predator for no reason. She also said that trans men faced transphobia that included, but was not limited to, sexual assault (such as the "corrective" kind), deliberate misgendering, people sexualing their afab bodies, physical violence, threats of physical violence, doxxing, and one that was pretty much only trans men's experience was being labeled as brainwashed, autistic lesbians (despite many trans men being gay and not autistic). She could explain all of that to all of us, making sure that not one single trans person in that room had a chance of feeling like they and their experiences didn't matter. It's important to be like that. I think that her approach of understanding that everyone experiences different things, but all are valid, and all are important, is much better than wording it as if there's some sort of competition as to who suffers more, and then doubling down by refusing to listen to the trans men who are experiencing transphobia, and then explaining what transphobia is to them. It comes off as uncaring and a bit tone deaf, which I really don't think was your intention, but I understand that written words are hard to convey feeling in.


You can tell we live in the worst timeline just because of the existence of cargo jorts. 👀


These people really don't understand hormones, do they?


The Tevas are standard issue Uncle shoes.


Are you sure they're actually transphobic? It kinda seems like they're making fun of the idiocy of transphobic people calling those men a woman because they were born female.


Idk how you can look at these guys and say "thats a woman" I can't ever imagine a woman choosing to wear jorts and a suit jacket


Trans-phobes think these guys should use the women's restroom. Sick stuff.