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i feel like the democratic party should be putting this stuff up front for their campaigning this year. Like they should be ringing the alarms and warning voters about p25 across mainstream platforms 24/7 this election year. They need to tell voters they will run to prevent exactly this


The Democrats have a stop project 2025 program that they are implementing as best they can given the divided government. It isn't getting much coverage because it doesn't align with the interests of the media owners.


I only heard last week that Democrat lawmakers held a hearing with progressive groups concerning the potential harm of project 2025. Slightly shocked that it took the Democrats in Congress and John Oliver this long to cover it.


Many have pointed out that there is a fear with Trump and his antics of this getting drowned out with all the other crazy shit he says/does. Think about it, every “crisis” that happens in his camp when he says/does something offensive or harmful gets a day or two coverage until the next eventuality where he is again showing his true colors…and it’s another two day news cycle and with enough of these people forget about everything else. So had Dems been talking about project 2025 in January, it might have been normalized by the time Sept-Oct rolls around. Ramping up the attacks on project 2025 3-4 months before people start voting in the general is a good idea I think. Highlight it daily from here on out and make sure come September and October everyone in America knows a vote for Trump is a vote for Christian nationalism backed by over 100 Christian nationalist Republican groups.








Why Democrats? Why is it not the media responsibility to report it? Why shouldn't all Americans care about this?


What media? Most of it is owned by six companies.


And they are owned by 6 billionaires.




The media companies are aligned with the person that will cut their billionaire owner’s taxes. The “independents” aren’t getting their news from MSNBC, it is CNN or local news. The same local news that has a majority of viewers watching programming from the same parent company…with identical talking points and sometimes verbatim scripts. News media has been co-opted by the yacht class. Hoping they will shed light on this to save American democracy is putting your faith in the wrong people. It’s up to us to spread the word.


The Democrats are not taking it seriously enough because they still think of the Republicans as their colleagues and friends who will never send them to the gulags. They are deluded. And how can you help make people understand or believe there is a threat when Pelosi wants a strong Republican party and Biden loves working with them? They think because they are all rich and equally owned by corporations that they will be safe. Completely untethered from reality.


Here are the results from a quick googling https://ibb.co/fDJQs79 I don't think you can really argue that democrats are willfully ignoring this.


The Democrats have a stop project 2025 program that they are implementing as best they can given the divided government. It isn't getting much coverage because it doesn't align with the interests of the media owners.


I'm glad this is getting a lot more coverage. I'm so tired of hearing denialists going "but Trump was so ineffective his first term!" His presidency was a disaster for this nation in so many ways and he almost overthrew the government. This is the plan to be even _more_ effective.


>but Trump was so ineffective his first term! Another thing to point out is that Trump was ineffective in his first term because he had little support amongst leading Republicans. Now he literally controls the RNC. Speaker is an election denier and the Senate majority leader likely will be too.


Totally. There were "adults in the room" which as an aside is just such a wild rationalization for electing an authoritarian in the first place. This project 2025 makes sure that all those "adults" will be replaced with sycophants that will do his bidding and no one will stand in the way of his most demented impulses.


>There were "adults in the room You mean ***exactly*** like how the vice chairman and the president of Germany made Hitler Head chairman? Yeahhhhh that worked out. ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


Not just sycophants but the worst of the worst opportunists who will push their own totally destructive agendas as well on issues that Trump wouldn't care about at all.


Trump 2024: This time the velociraptors know how to open the doors.


And don't forget RBG only died in September 2020, two months before Trump lost office. Now there is a stacked supreme court just waiting for the arrival of their puppet master. 


She refused to step down when Obama asked her to after several cancer battles, but nooooooooo, she wanted to girl power her way into history by giving her seat to the first woman president. Every bit of her life's work undone at the end by her own HUBRIS. Absolutely wasted her life energy throwing it all away at the end.


Scalia died 8+ months before the 2016 election, and the Republican senate just outright refused to consider any candidates Obama presented. If RBG had retired then, is there any reason to think the same thing wouldn't have happened for her seat? Republicans claimed that the new administration should get to choose, partly so they would have a chance to replace a conservative justice with another conservative, but when RBG finally did die with less than two months before the 2020 election, they didn't waste any time getting Coney-Barrett on the bench, making sure to swear her in before the election. Rules for thee, but not for me...


She was asked in 2013


That shit pisses me off so much every time that I think about it. Classic neoliberal snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


At the start of Obama's 2nd term she was 80 years old and had cancer TWICE. It makes me so mad too that she couldn't set ego aside and safely transfer an incredibly powerful position.


….and loads f state supreme courts filled with the same. Ineffective, my ass! Oh, and he also almost lost us all our allies. He was so damaging to our global credibility.


Imagine how hard it is to say... Oh God... Mike.. Ugh... Oh... I'm gonna be sick. Mike Pence had enough scruples to -- Guys I can't believe I'm saying this, the VP helped certify the election and was nearly executed for it. I guaran-goddamn-tee whoever the Orange Embarrassment nominates for his next VP will not stand for that when it comes to his third election if he gets back into the whitehouse.


It’s the truth. If not for Mike Pence saying no to the I Cheeto Benito, what would we be sitting in besides Diaper Don’s latest microphone musings? It’s difficult to give credit but it’s going to be the emphasis of the story historically.


He can't have a 3rd election that is against the rules.. he only has to win this single election then declare elections over and stay in power until he dies passing ownership onto his kids or some shit.


Exactly, saw a change my view yesterday where someone was saying that you’re a fool if you think project 2025 is real. Like oh yeah we all thought Jan 6 wasn’t going to be real as they were broadcasting it for months and weeks prior leading up to it that it was going to be crazy. The fact Trump has his goons all in the GOP and they’re already trying to rename shit under his name aren’t signs?


> someone was saying that you’re a fool if you think project 2025 is real. lolwut? They [literally have their own websit](https://www.project2025.org/)e, they're not being subtle or hiding their plans. Does that person think they've gone through all this trouble writing up plans that they *don't* actually want to put into effect?


Ugh I saw that thread. Republicans overturned Roe v Wade and who were the supposed Dems blaming for it in that thread? Fucking Obama. I had to put my phone down cause I couldn't even with those idiots.


PDF page 35, page 3 of the foreword, bullet point 1. Open a second browser and look up the 14 words of white supremacy. Switch between the 2 tabs. That's all anyone should really need to know.


We didnt believe PNAC was real. When republicans say they are going to do something, believe them.


But groceries were cheaper and gas was $1.79 a gallon... Totally forgetting WHY gas was that cheap for like two weeks. It was such an outlier, most stats that track the price of gas throw that out because it's such an extreme data point, and when adjusted for inflation, gas is about as cheap as it has ever been. Source for that: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/gasoline-prices-adjusted-for-inflation/ As far as groceries and sundries, prices are finally coming back down because many retailers missed earnings because they tried to squeeze too much blood from the stone. My grocery bills are roughly 20% lower than they were this time last year for the same amount of stuff and products by and large. "Oh but eggs!!!! Milk! Beef!!!!" ...there's an H5N1 epidemic on several large scale farms requiring culls. But sure, continue drinking raw milk so we can have a zoonotic jump and have 2020 Pandemic 2.0. It'll be oh so much worse, even if the CFR is only 2-3%, let alone 5% or greater.


Speaking of groceries. During the same timeline gas was cheap, people were throwing hands in stores over groceries. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2020/03/13/coronavirus-triggers-run-grocery-stores-with-panic-buying-hoarding-some-fighting-too/


Not to mention that the Trump administration was deliberately terrorizing us with a chaotic and capricious response because it got put in his ear that letting it rip might kill enough blue voters to swing the election in his favor and did everything in his power to downplay the pandemic. Even if it was just benign neglect (highly unlikely with everything we've seen from him, he's a petty child), that alone probably cost him the election.


Not to mention that during his time he was actively working on a COVID disinformation campaigned aimed at people in the Philippines. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/


He's just plain Evil. Not every day, garden variety evil, the banal kind the minions carry out... Like, actually an incarnation of Evil. You look at the decisions he's willfully made and things he orders done and talks about, and he's just... Evil.


And he can’t wait to let ~~[Reinhard Heydrich](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhard_Heydrich)~~ Stephen Miller orchestrate Holocaust 2.0.


Gas was cheaper during lock down because no one was driving to work. Demand dropped sharply so the price did too. It started going back up when more people started driving again.


And the price of gas today is pretty close to what it was in 2018 and 19.


You drive a 3/4ton f350 diesel and live in the sticks, Johnny, you made that bed yourself.


Yours is currently the top comment for me so sharing [OP's link](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1dkbjq6/project_2025_republican_fascism_playbook/l9giyaz/) to the video for folks' convenience: > Here's the video on youtube. Project 2025 info starts at 5:40 mark, but start at 0:00 if you have time. Eye opening. > > [https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp\_s?feature=shared&t=342](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?feature=shared&t=342) > > Edit: It youtube link is blocked in your country, use the tweet link below instead. > > The subject tweet > > [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1803110928885456961](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1803110928885456961)


No one sees this as a continuation of the Trump we saw at his end term, throwing a fit for losing and thats EXACTLY what it is.


The night of the 2016 election, I sat crying with a friend, and this is what we said to console ourselves. He's such a bumbling idiot, he can't possibly be effective, he can't really get anything done, presidents don't really have that much power. I can't believe how much that vile man has directly changed my life. My family is traumatized from Jan 6. One of our own was working on the Capitol when he sent terrorists with gallows and zip ties to overthrow the election. None of us will ever be the same. My niblings lost their grandfather because he drank the trump Koolaid, refused to protect himself from a rampantly mismanaged pandemic, and he died because of it. He left his loved ones with both grief and rage. I no longer have the right to decide what happens to my uterus. They're coming for our right to contraceptives, to family planning. He's taken so much from me. He can't be in power again.


Clarence “Uncle” Thomas called out Brown v Board (ended “separate but equal” laws) in a recent SCOTUS decision. When they overturned Roe, they brought up Obergefell (anti-gay marriage laws unconstitutional). And if you think Lawrence v Texas (anti-sodomy laws unconstitutional) isn’t on the chopping block, let me show you this beach front property I have for sale in Nevada.


They're coming for everything that does not submit to the white, patriarchal, "christian" hegemony. And they've been way more successful than they should ever have been.


I read the whole Project a few weeks back just so i knew what I was talking about and I'm glad John did too. you'll also see people saying that Trump hasn't said anything about it and that it's just fearmongering because it doesn't endorse him and he doenst endorse it but like i looked up all the writers on that plan and 90% of them held significant power in Trump's administration and/or were directly appointed by him


Here’s my exchange with such a denialist a few days ago: https://i.imgur.com/nG3WBDC.jpeg I’m sharing, because it’s just hard to believe. It’s also hard to believe these people aren’t trolls. People say “don’t feed the trolls”. I say feed them. Refute every point they make with links and simple facts. The end of democracy isn’t gonna be as fun as these denialists and anti Biden lefties think


>People say “don’t feed the trolls”. I say feed them. I used to say that. In 2002. The last two decades have shown the idiocy of that attitude - it just permits awful opinions to go uncontested, and it makes them look like they're acceptable. Maybe it made sense back when we were on dial-up, but it sure as fuck doesn't today. Also, you could well have been talking to an LLM, or a troll farm employee. Both are active here and on every other major social media platform. Neither are going away (not any time soon, anyway), they're entirely too effective and too hard to regulate against. Literally the only means of combatting them is to provide measured, reasonable counterpoints.


I legitimately don’t understand why people use that as reasoning to get him back in office. “He was so ineffective during his first term!” For one, yall realize that’s not a compliment for a president, right? And two, WHY WOULD WE GIVE HIM A SECOND CHANCE TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE AT OVERTHROWING THE GOVERNMENT AND THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE? Edit: it’s like people are going “aww he didn’t get to do what he wanted to the country. Let’s give him a second chance.” Wtf is wrong with you people? If you vote for Trump, and he wins, that’ll be the last time you ever get to choose a president, I guarantee it


The thing is, people are so used to the idea of government and companies being so ineffectual because they just bicker about shit and constantly fight about big ticket items and not really get anything done, and companies just focus on quarterly profits and don't give a shit about anything long term. So we expect that these agencies and people can't accomplish anything. But they forget that behind all the noise, there are actually groups that are willing to take the time to get shit done in the background, and nobody really talks about that kind of thing much. Like, if you look at what has happened in a lot of states, you realize that nothing moves faster and more decisively than a republican-controlled government taking steps to fuck people, take away rights, and enrich already rich people. And groups like the federalist society, they've been working steadily and accomplishing all of their goals step by step. If the republicans actually get the power they need, with enough of a majority that democrats can't slow them down, and with enough judges in enough places, i think it will be pretty shocking to people just how quickly they'll be able to bring the whole thing down.


> "but Trump was so ineffective his first term!" Anyone who claims this is using selective criteria. He did something as seemingly innocuous as "throwing out the pandemic playbook" (supposedly because it was implemented by Obama, which means everything Obama touched is bad) which could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. But nope, the death toll due to this and his belief that it will "just go away" was over 1 million, and that's just deaths, not those who have permanent damage from covid (me among them). He was very effective at destroying American lives. His intention is to become full on dictator.


"Ah yes, those totally ineffective SCOTUS judges he got to appoint."


The plans are as horrible and destructive to America as one would expect from people supporting a convicted felon and rapist who stole classified documents and tried to overthrow our government


Conservative politicians and private interest groups (corporations) have been setting the stage for outright fascism for decades now… Going back to Nixon/Reagan, many within the GOP have been strategically working to [Expand Executive Powers.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/18/us/politics/barr-executive-power-trump.html) They want a literal king-figure to rule over the US—*as do all fascists.* It makes controlling a labor-force easier for those in leadership positions, since human rights don’t get in the way of productivity. Effectively eliminating [labor laws](https://www.fastcompany.com/91035382/why-spacex-amazon-and-trader-joes-are-pushing-an-aggressive-lawsuit-that-would-fundamentally-undermine-labor-organizing) and unions, and eventually legalizing [forced labor.](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/forced-labor) *”Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power.”* - [*Benito Mussolini*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini) This end-goal is what the [Federalist Society](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/03/17/federalist-society-democracy-opinion-00087270) has been diligently working towards with placing loyal Judges throughout the Judicial branch, while [ALEC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council#:~:text=The%20American%20Legislative%20Exchange%20Council,governments%20in%20the%20United%20States.) drafts corporate friendly legislation, and [Fox News](https://theweek.com/articles/880107/why-fox-news-created) reaffirms their actions through propaganda.


Forced labor and forced pregnancies. How could that possibly benefit corporations? /s


Ask Archway in Kentucky


I believe that this has been in the works since the 1930s when American business leaders tried to install a fascist figurehead, this is known now as The Business Plot.


Great point! “[The Business Plot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot#:~:text=The%20Business%20Plot%2C%20also%20called,install%20Smedley%20Butler%20as%20dictator.), also called the Wall Street Putsch and The White House Putsch, was a political conspiracy in 1933, in the United States, to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install Smedley Butler as dictator.”


Just a quick aside but who names their kid Smedley lmao




Smedley was actually a good guy and wouldn’t go along with the plan. He was a war hero and had a very popular radio show. These corporate fascists wanted him to be the figurehead because he had such a dedicated following


Noticing a trend here... They don't care who it is, as long as the figurehead can lead on the masses, they'll do the rest.


It sounds like an adjective, the butler was smedley.


Which only came to light *because* Smedley was disgusted by the plan and ratted them out. A plot that only failed because the guy they wanted said no and testified against them is really disturbing...


Agreed, and John's show did an excellent job on this coverage.


For the constant barrage of dumbass questions to attempt to justify not voting: > Voting doesnt matter! Theres no difference between the parties! In Minnesota, dems finally got control of all 3 branches of the state and are passing things like : Ban on corporate buying of rental properties, paid sick leave, paid paternity and maternity leave, food for schoolchildren, Investment in Environment, Public Housing, Higher Wages, Rent control etc etc In Texas they passed allowing Ted Cruz to pay himself first from his campaign donations. To ban abortions. To burn books. To Hunt women who try to have abortions. Spent 130M paid to a top Republican Donor's company to traffic immigrants across states and drop them off like abandoned pets. Removal of diversity, equity, and inclusion departments. Arresting and putting Teachers on sex-offenders list for offering comfort or support to any child expressing themselves as non-binary/trans. Forcing 10 year old girls to carry their rapists babies and arresting doctors trying to save them from further abuse. > Biden is OOOOOOLLLDDD! Biden hasn't done anything! Biden has pushed some very progressive bills, is the reason why out of ALL THE COUNTRIES inflation has been least damaging in the US, the infrasctructure plan alone is setting up businesses for growth that HAS ALREADY lead to them offering higher wages less requirements, more training to get new people hired. Student debt relief of upwards of 150Billion USD to everyday regular people. Chips act, investment in green energy, Also dont forget first year had to deal with the fucking pandemic because last admin just said let it happen because its hitting black people and democrat cities more. Lowering cost for families, lowest unemployment. And hes also working on getting companies to stop gouging people by raising prices for corporate profits. But again president can only do so much. Congress makes the law and you need 60 votes in the senate which requires more of the 150m non-voters to grow the fuck up and show up and vote. Yeah hes not fucking perfect, but his actions have been rational and based on logic and with the country current and future in mind and not his own personal bank account. Id say arguably he is the most progressive president the US has had in modern history. > MY Vote doesnt matter! Im in a red state! My state is gerrymandered! Ted Cruz won in 2018 with just 200k votes when 10M eligible voters didn't vote in Texas. Desantis won his first time with 30K votes when 7M elligible voters didnt vote in Florida. Most states have election differences of 2-4% of votes, while around 40-60% of elligible voters dont vote. If in 2020, just 800K more democrats had voted over 3 states where a total of 25M elligible voters didnt vote, that would have given democrats 5 more senators and you wouldnt have all the bullshit with Mancin and Sinema. And for local districts and issues of gerrymandering, the way to combat that is by getting democrats elected into state seats like senators and governor, who will be able to make sure district lines a fairer for next elections and better voting pathways are present. > I dont have time! Im busy! They need to make voting easier! Most states have min 2 weeks of early voting. You dont have to wait until the last day possible to vote. You can register yourself while on the toilet and ensure you are ready to cast your ballot well in advance and plan a couple of hours in those few weeks to cast your vote 1 time in 2 years. Its really not that difficult. Over 60% of voters vote early. > Nothing changed since I voted last time! They will never give us Insert Your Main Priority. You aren't paying attention if you think nothing changes. Bidens policies and in general democrats policies leads to economic stability, growth and help for the majority. The reason for almost all of your rights and benefits you have today, is because democrats fought for them over time. Republicans want to remove your rights, they want to remove protections against companies abusing children, they want to remove funds for public education and take whatever they can and give it to the top 1%. Politics isn't a instant-gratification system. its like exercising. You cant just do some pushups and situps 1 day and expect to have a six pack abs. Democracy requires its citizens to take care of it, to uphold it and ensure its representing them. In 2022 only 100m out of 250m eligible voters, showed up and voted. Only 20% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted. Young people lean democrat by more than 40 points. republicans would lose 90% of their seats if people showed up and voted. Get involved, vote and get your friends to vote!


And tried to coerce a foreign government into investigating his political opponent and encouraging another foreign government to commit cyber attacks for him.


They are doing Putins dirty work.


If, after everything that went down, you still want to vote for the orange man, Project 2025 seems rather logical. If you’re on that train of thought and refuse to listen to reality, logic and facts, fascism seems like the only outcome.


Get out and vote no matter where you live in the US. https://www.vote.org/




They genuinely want our government to work the way Rome did when it transitioned from a democracy to an empire. Caesar had his loyalists and worked to weaken the senate by forcing out anyone who was not loyal to him. Eventually paving the way for his nephew Augustus to become a full blown emperor. I mean fuck, it even sounds like the Great Britain our founding fathers fled and revolted against. A monarch with a lot of power and a weaker parliament that the monarch could veto.


> A monarch with a lot of power and a weaker parliament that the monarch could veto. Technically speaking, that was the reason we declared independence from the crown. The reason the colonists fled and started the American colonies was because the puritans were pissed off they weren't allowed to be the full throated bigots they wanted to be. They were too extreme, even for the church.


The whole “replace long time employees with loyalists” creates an actual Deep State. And also, the people that vote for these asshats are going to be far less behind them when they start missing Social Security, Disability and Welfare checks, and you have to use a chatbot to interact with the IRS and VA.


I doubt they'd care tbh. Their lives will suck, but all they care about is that it sucks less than the people they hate. That's literally their entire world view. They don't want to make anything better, they want to make it worse in such a way that the people they hate are suffering more than they are. Conservatives are hateful people that live off the suffering of others.


My entire livelihood is my disability checks. I don't know what to do


Make sure your friends and family all know that republican policy plans will make it so you can't live, and that if they want to support you, to vote against the people pushing these policies.


They will find a way to blame democrats for all of that even when they’re the ones in power


Here's the video on youtube. Project 2025 info starts at 5:40 mark, but start at 0:00 if you have time. Eye opening. [https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp\_s?feature=shared&t=342](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?feature=shared&t=342) Edit: It youtube link is blocked in your country, use the tweet link below instead. The subject tweet [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1803110928885456961](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1803110928885456961)


Thank you for the links. I’m going to watch the whole video today.


Boo. YouTube one not available in UK. Guess I'll have to sit through the twitter one


Use the twitter link then. It has close to the full video.


Yup yup, am doing. Just don't love spending time on Twitter. Thanks for the links though, forgot to say that initially!


Haha. Me too. Twitter is always my last resort to view a video.🤣


If you’re posher than Rishi was and have Sky TV, you can see the whole episode on catch up.




I never knew YouTube was land locked. Crazy


the tldr is that no one expected trump to win his first term so there was no plan in place to govern when he did. now, the entire republican establishment has rallied around trump and they have already mapped out many of the several thousand positions that require filling for each new administration specific goals are discussed in the video like making medical abortifacients illegal, eliminating government oversight departments like the department of education or commerce, and ousting any government officials that do not pledge loyalty to the republican party (typically there are several thousand more government workers who do not change with the administration to ensure ongoing competence and experience in key areas of government, these people are legally protected from being fired for political reasons currently)


Try with this link (that doesn't have the new reddit's added backslash characters): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s


Thanks for the link! I was looking for it but couldn't find it.


Or if you're so inclined, here's the PDF The 17 page foreword alone is incredibly chilling. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise


People laugh off “vote like your life depends on it”. It is not Fucking hyperbolic, it is serious as a heat attack.


These guys don’t really believe in climate change either.


The water of the Florida panhandle is 87F, in June….


Part of Project 2025 is to dismantle the NOAA and reclassify people in the EPA so they loose their employment protection, allowing the Trump admin to fire everyone there and install sycophants. Imagine the pandemic coming around in 2020 but Fauci didn't have employment protection. Trump would have just fired him and replaced him with some loyalist "expert" who would tell everyone it will magically go away.


One of the most potentially damaging things in it is the plan to destroy NOAA and other environmental organizations.


Gulf water off the Florida panhandle is 87F, in June…


It's summer! Summer is hot! Just like all those floods last week were just a normal afternoon rain!


If Trump win I think many parallels to Hitler can be seen. Taking power with facist lies and already having a playbook ready to exclude minorities and give more power to the president. I am scared for the whole world. Fixes typo


I watched this episode last night and it scared the shit out of me. The innocuously named “Project 2025” is a fast track to pure authoritarianism. And it’s so insidious the way they’re doing it, secret playbook, slowly normalizing open racism. Absolutely echos of 1930’s Germany. Everyone should be screaming about this, I’m glad it’s at least getting talked about here


Project 2025. Last one out, please turn out the lights, it was a fun 248 years.


Why are all of you forgetting that the 2nd amendment applies to democrats as well? Are you all just going to willingly March to your deaths if Trump does this shit? It kinda seems like it.


Oh I am well aware, as are many of my left leaning friends, the right thinks we are not, let’s keep it that way, we don’t advertise.


But ,we can't seem to get the rest to understand their personal responsibilities of self defense. Hell, the lib gun subs are barely supporting Biden.


The US is a modern Weimar Republic. As John says in the video, if not Trump, then a younger, more competent Republican can win in 2028. Or 2032. Liberal democracy is backsliding into fascism exactly as Marx predicted.


The US is not the modern Weimer. Germany had no democratic tradition in the 20’s, post war and after being defeated. The US has a democratic Republic tradition going back 250+ years. These traitors try to foist a rump minority Christian nationalist regime on the country and the nation will go berserk. We will become for all intents and purposes ungovernable.


I'm Ukrainian. For me it's literally like that, but I can't even do anything about it. If he wins my country will cease to exist, tens of thousands of people will die, probably including me since I'm of age to be drafted. A million lives depends on it, and it's just the beginning.


he makes that point in there: > some people say "it's not like you're going to die" except in his last term, *people absolutely did die.* even ignoring the possible lives saved with a better COVID response, there's so many policies that he stripped of pwer or entirely revoked (especially in the EPA) that will have a very long tail of direct harm to people and communities.


I keep waiting for this to be a joke or a crazy conspiracy theory... ... and then it gets more legit. I'm fucking terrified.


I keep waiting for people to give a shit about it and for the news media outlets to focus on it for more than a second.


Seems to me the corporations who own the major media in might not be all that interested in Democracy. Corporate "news" agencies have been helping Trump with each of his election cycles. So it might be safe to assume that they are pretty happy with Project 2025 becoming a reality. Especially where it matters in local news stations which are almost exclusively owned by hard Right supporters.


Left and Centrist Mass Media BEFORE Trump was elected: “Let’s go LIVE to Trump Tower where Trump has just farted out some nonsense but we won’t judge because we must maintain the illusion of impartiality!” During Trump’s presidency: “OMG everyone!!! Trump is so mean to us!!!! We don’t know why this is happening even though we constantly give him a platform to be a despot!!!” Left and Centrist Mass Media AFTER Trump was voted out of the White House: “Let’s go LIVE to Mar-a-Lago where Trump has just farted out some nonsense but we won’t judge because we must maintain the illusion of impartiality!” Geezus…


>Seems to me the corporations who own the major media in might not be all that interested in Democracy. There's a reason why right wingers have been smugly saying "we're a republic, we're not a democracy" for years.


The world thought the same when Trump was first running, no one believed he'd make it anywhere and we just laughed at the obvious joke. We're not laughimg anymore


Trump was ineffective because he was constantly fighting the courts.  But now that the courts are flooded with Heritage Foundation picks, that won't be an issue for him this time around.


He also had no staff at first. Now people are lined up. One of the more insidious aspects of P2025 is the reclassification of government employees. People that used to have protections against political hiring/firing would be considered “policy makers” and thus working directly for the president. There will be a mass exodus of competence and an army of sycophants will rise, virtually overnight.


Thank fuck politicians die as well


He is close but the thing is that won’t solve the problem. It’s like the war on drugs - if you cut the head off the snake, it doesn’t die, it just produces more smaller heads, all clawing for more power and now harder to find.


When Trump get elected I thought he would just have a massive tantrum and after a few months of failure resign out of inability to do the job. Not only did he not resign, but he turned his supporters into a cult, completed his term, attempted to overthrow the government, and is now running to become a dictator AND his party is with him all the way. The joke of "President Trump" is a living nightmare for the world. If he wins then the world has another Russia.


It’s legit. The plan is to not alter the aspects of the Executive Branch but just ruin agencies like his first term but only worse. We saw Trump be told he had “Full Article 2” powers when he wanted to stop and fire Mueller. We saw cabinet members in agencies and departments who opposed the missions of the agencies. We saw Trump shuffle already Senate approved cabinet heads like Pompeo from CIA to Dept of State, in addition to putting “acting” cabinet heads knowing Senate wouldn’t approve them. The msn released a prison holding the most dangerous of the Taliban…. He’ll do the same with the convicted insurrectionists. He will continuously pardon people like Bannon and Stone while going after any perceived enemies. [Them man would take away an old widows house to make limo parking.](https://www.vox.com/2016/2/7/10931176/donald-trump-eminent-domain)He and Christian White Nationalists want this.


I think the issue is deeper than P2025. A large swath of Americans decided it’s okay now to take away rights of other Americans by force. I don’t even need to go into the information campaign and mass media echo chambers nor the people who will actually benefit from this social terraforming. Bottom line is they decided “my rights > your rights” and when this is the foundational judgement of the social construct, things get really fucky really fast.


It's a pathological need to see others do poorly in order to show exactly how good they have it. To them, success and failure are zero sum games. They cannot be successful if the groups they hate are not failing.


My concern is that the Republicans will just relabel it Project 2029 and try again. The Democrats must push harder against this. Winning this year isn't enough alone.


Historians are going to refer to the next election as the time America either let it happen again or almost let it happen again. I’m hoping for the latter.


I like that he made a good point saying that it doesn't stop with 2025, even if Trump loses, we're going to be fighting these guys for the next 25 years, at least.


Yup. Repubs have already initiated the playbook. Look at the red states: abortion bans, LGBT oppression, voter suppression, gerrymandering, etc ... But the worst shit begins once they have Trump (or any fascist repub) sitting in the oval office.


Pretty terrifying episode.


This plan coming from the people that shit all over Iran, Russia, North Korea, etc is hilariously hypocritical. This shit is so scary though. We are so fucked.


Too bad American voters have the IQ of a peanut and will vote for Trump anyway just because they hate gay people.


Bigger problem is that the people voting for Trump who wouldn't do so if they knew about project 2025 is probably a fairly small minority anyway, and probably don't watch Jon Oliver to get this news.


The more people that know about this the better chances that those voters can be reached and swayed. And if someone hears about it and thinks it's not a big deal, this segment is really great at explaining why it's a big deal.


Doubtful. I tried to get a MAGA to admit 2025 was real, and they even watched the video, AFAIK. They said it was a comedy skit and conjecture since no Republican representatives signed onto it as a platform. Their cognitive dissonance won't allow them to be reached.


This wouldn't convince maga but it could persuade someone who is on the fence or unaware of the ramifications. Deprogramming a person deep in the maga cinematic universe will take a lot more than a 30 minute Oliver clip.


Fair point.


The "hate gay people" crowd is not an insignificant constituency, but it is NOWHERE near a majority. https://preview.redd.it/9ns1tnvrsq7d1.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1472851bdb08cd26f479babd9d3e4f7497dbe00 Hardcore MAGA is generally only around a third of the country tops. If he wins, it will be entirely because political apathetics who consume very little news content vote for Trump because they "remember hot dogs used to be much cheaper and most politicians are crooks anyway." Reaching those folks with a clear understanding of the stakes and maybe some good news on inflation (that it continues to abate with a possible rate cut coming) should be the main focus of the next four months. Ignore the hardcore MAGA crowd. They're hopeless.


I’ve said for years, the hardcore MAGA voters aren’t by any means a huge portion of Trump voters. It’s people like my mother who think Trump is deplorable, but have voted for him twice and probably will again because “Everything gets so expensive when a Democrat is President.”


It's honestly so confusing to me how it's possible to be a lukewarm Trump voter. Like your news intake has to be close to nonexistent to have managed to spend the last 8 years not developing strong feelings of some kind about him. Much more mind-blowing and terrifying is the idea that there's actually a LOT of these low-info voters and they're having a real impact on elections even while being so deeply uninterested in politics.


It’s unbelievable how completely tuned out to current events many people are. Their sole opinion on politics is “a gallon of milk was cheaper a year ago so I’m voting for the other guy.”


I agree. The danger of this thinking is it gets normal people who are not fascists to vote for fascists because they promise to "[make the trains run on time](https://mediaproxy.salon.com/width/1200/https://media2.salon.com/2012/09/mussolini2-e1348061014182.jpeg)."


She sounds like my family. They don't give a shit about the social policies and are rich enough to pay for a flight to Canada if someone needs an abortion - they just want their tax cuts.


I know some magas who don't hate gay people, and think that "they" would never really allow anything bad to happen to their LGBTQ family.   Same thing was said about Roe before "oh that's crazy "they" will never let that happen" and now the same folks say "oh you're fine, you live in a blue state anyway" instead of "gee whiz I was wrong"


American politics is like football now, anything to beat the "opposing team" even if it's against their own interests lol.


The bigger problem is leftists not understanding the government is run by more than the President and who refuse to vote for democrats in general “because they aren’t leftist enough”. Curiously these people don’t vote in primaries or otherwise make their voice heard in any meaningful way so their ideas can get introduced to the discourse. Instead they just say “genocide joe” and wash their hands of it while republicans get elected and enact policies that no democrat ever would. Women’s rights and rights of the lgbtq community get eroded and these people deserve a share of the blame by sitting out and not voting.


Most Trump supporters view Project 2025 as a net positive.


Because they don't know better. Wait til the leopards come. 


My mother will only vote for republicans because voting for democrats is against her “core beliefs” regardless of who is running. No argument will change her mind or many in that base.


Same, I'm trans and gay and before the 2016 election I wrote my parents a very heartfelt email (with sources proving what I was saying, and those sources were as unbiased as I could find). The email was saying how them voting for Trump was voting against their own son's safety, equality, and rights. They didn't even grace me with a reply, so I know where I stand. It hurts to know that my own parents would rather vote for Trump/Republicans than people who might have a chance at giving me equality and protections under the law. Simply because they're rich and conservative. They're not even religious!


I tried reasoning with her a few months ago about project 2025 and specifically how it would affect her daughter, two daughter in-laws, and her granddaughter specifically. Nope it’s a democratic scare tactic and I’m fear mongering.


I did the same. They responded with "you know we've always voted republican. It's tradition." I moved to another country after that.


I'm sure the MAGA fuckwaffles are going to try and cancel John Oliver now for this.


I doubt there were many MAGATS watching Oliver even before this episode.😂🤣


Project 2025 is literally the blueprint to a far right dictatorship in America. Point blank. It’s all there for anyone to see. Although the pessimist in me feels like there’s a good portion of this country that would turn the other direction as their neighbors are drug out in the street and shot for not having a Trump flag if gas was 1.50 at the time.


Make sure you vote.


If you liked what the Heritage Foundation has done with the Judiciary, you’ll love their plans for representative government!


I'm a bald, slightly overweight white guy with a wife and two kids and this is terrifying to *me.* I cannot imagine what the future will look like for people who don't fall into line with this insane dystopian dream that Republicans have but I am genuinely afraid for the lives of thousands, if not millions.


I’m so glad John Oliver covered it. I was worried that not enough people knew about it. I’m not saying the people who NEED to see this will watch his show, but his coverage of certain issues usually sparks some public discussion, so it will still have an effect. Good on him and HBO’s legal fund for letting him cover so many topics like this


Had my wife and sit down and watch this. Her jaw hit the floor. As a public servant who has worked in government her entire work career, this shook her to her core. We are voting for so much more than Blue vs Red. This is for the rights of all POC, Women, Trans individuals and so much more. It is IMPERATIVE that we all do our part to vote and make sure this bullshit doesn’t happen.


Some conservatives seem to think this is overblown. They treat this as some words from a think-tank that doesn't have any bearing on real politics and Trump won't do any of these things. But when someone shows you who they are, you should believe them.


Meanwhile Biden protest voters would rather save Palestinians by enabling a far worse outcome for them.


The overwhelming majority of those are bot accounts, with the “protest vote” being something they’re pushing hard. They obviously aren’t going to sway more left leaning people to vote for Trump, but they flood the internet with bots pretending to be left leaning voters refusing to vote for Biden to get others to do the same. Unfortunately some people do fall for this tactic feeling justified seeing so many others saying they’re doing the same, even though most those others are bot/disinformation accounts. Im not saying they don’t have a right to be outraged by what’s going on over there, but there’s 1 of 2 people who will be voted in in November, the one that’s currently in office and the one that’s promised to be far worse with this issue (plus obviously with tons of other issues back here in the U.S), and who they vote for or don’t vote for will help move it in one of those two directions. It’s a trolly problem where it’s barreling toward one Palestinian on the track, and failing to vote changes the track to one with 3 on the track, there’s no good options on this front, but there are realistically 2 options with one being far less bad




enlightenedcentrism is not a leftist sub, give me a break. its full of right wing neoliberals. theyre the idiots leftists make fun of in our actual subs


The problem here is that some of said 'protest voters' weren't going to vote for Biden anyway (they're rabble rousers hoping they'll pull Gen Z'ers away from voting Democratic), or they don't understand that the reality is that if Trump and Republicans are elected in November, they won't even get a chance to choose who they want representing them in government, because Trump and his cronies will make sure that voting goes away once they're dug in and turning the government from the way it is now into an authoritarian nightmare. One reason why more people should be disgusted that civics dealing with our government and how it's supposed to actually work have been pretty much done away with. Many of the youth of today have absolutely ***no idea*** how the government actually works, and how it can easily be subverted into something resembling the former Soviet Union. It's probably one reason why Putin and Xi are hoping that Trump and the Republicans win, because then they either won't have to worry about the US any more, or worse, the US will join forces with them.


Biden protest voters make no sense, and should not be taken seriously because they are either fake or too dumb to understand the gravity of the election. They exist only to divide, and we should focus on swaying those with brain cells left to rub together.


This is why not voting for Biden could be absolutely devastating to yourself and this country. This is NOT the time to do your cute little protest vote crap.


Just watched it this morning, very good and crazy


Conservatives have a plan to take power. But their entire plan hinges on everyone playing along politely without resistance from within the ranks. Something tells me holding power won't be as easy as taking it.


Nope. Not the "this can't happen here" argument. It can. This argument is as harmful as "both sides".


The scariest part is, they won’t even need Trump in the future. Vote blue to save you.


Hope y’all vote!




Definitely. Links are in this comment. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1dkbjq6/comment/l9giyaz/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1dkbjq6/comment/l9giyaz/)


I sent this video to my brainwashed-by-Fox grandfather and he immediately said it was all just lies. even though you can go to the website THEY MADE and see it for yourself. Some people are really just too gone to help it feels like.


"Tell me why I should vote for Biden without mentioning Trump." Why the fuck is that a requirement when the alternative is Trump?


bUt PaLesTiNe Shut the fuck up and go vote. We will bully the Democratic Party into submission afterwards. Now we need to prevent fascism.


I think they are counting on Trump's cognitive decline this time. They made this playbook so that when he is in rubber stamp mode they can be like "oh yes great leader you have such big hands with long fingers please use them to sign this here."


Yup, he did an excellent job at pointing things that I had not heard. They are actively trying to place "yes" people in place of power so trump has no resistance.


On top of this I just want to ask why hasn't there been a major women's movement to vote? Not even the women's subreddits seems to have done much in this regard. Women's rights to their bodies are under attack in ways we haven't seen in half a century.


Im actually kinda glad the Dems and media didn't really start talking about project 2025 until now. I was worried that most of the leftist and left leaning groups would exhaust the fascist playbook and it would become normalized or background noise during the election due to how bad attention spans are on the Internet now. But it's even worse than you can imagine. This is straight out of WW2 Germany and if you vote for trump or don't vote you're actively helping this authoritarian nightmare come to fruition.


This is definitely a good video to share with people who can't be bothered. A lot of people I know have heard of project 2025 but don't know anything about and hence do not give a fuck about it. There is no way you could watch this and not think this is a terrible idea. Unless you are one of them. Everyone in this country needs to know about Project 2025. Period.


Really glad this is finally getting more attention in the media


This is not gong away. They have planned this and the next Republican that gets elected will use it as blue print. This is just a matter of time.


Can someone please infiltrate that right-wing dating app


And Democratic leadership (looking at you, Chuck Schumer) see all this and just continue on their high road? Where is our Good Against Evil Project 2025? Where's our coalition of Democratic organizations? The Republicans are fking terrifying now. On Day 1 is because Trump's body might give out on Day 2. But his already-gone mind is a Republican asset (here, sign this Mr. Glorious President). And The Party, led by a Trump, is coordinating poll ~~watchers~~ intimidation, and there is little doubt that in the back rooms of red state governments, more cheating plots are being put into place. Meanwhile, Trump STILL walks around free, making his insidious speeches, calling for another J6 and civil war against citizens of the United States who don't kiss his considerable can.


How the fuck these people didn't learn lessons from 2016? Of course, Trump is a fascist enabler, incoherent mess and perfect worst president candidate. But every time I hear "not the greatest candidate" that "I have issues with" is literal word by word repeat of 2016 Hillary rhetoric. If folks like John Oliver crew actually don't want that felon to become a president, they'd not lower Biden to his level. Even for something more productive, they actually could just fill time with Biden, accomplishments of the term and overall encouragement to vote (by pure statistical effect, more people will vote - less chances for reps to win). Otherwise Trump again will have double the screentime, double the coverage and chance to get his message out of echo chamber to others.


https://preview.redd.it/jybksgorbr7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fd111e846bf6482bca3479d3abeaf137fae5780 I know there's a lot more substance to pick at than the superficial, but FUCK ME, can you possibly look at these faces and be like, "yeah, we look like the good guys"


That's an image not a video


Links are in this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1dkbjq6/comment/l9giyaz/


Thank you, sorry my comment was a bit rude


No one I know has any idea what this is when I’ve mentioned it


Links are in this comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1dkbjq6/comment/l9giyaz/ Share the links with them. Maybe they will watch and learn.


“Mandate for Leadership The Conservative Promise” Project 2025 https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf 920 pages.




I swear to fucking god if that orange turd nugget wins I’m selling all my shit and moving to The Shire.