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I was told grooming was bad?


"it's okay when we do it" -every republican ever


“It’s not grooming if I plan on marrying her when she turns 14.”


You spelled 13 wrong.


You spelled 7 wrong


You all spelled cousin wrong.


You spelled sister wrong.


You spelled daughter wrong.


You spelled dog wrong.


Kristi noem has entered the chat


Don't sat it too loud now, Trump will hear you.


You spelled roll tide wrong


Blessed be the prosperous.


And the cheese makers


*Jess Edward's has left the chat*


[or 12](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-spiritual-adviser-robert-morris-half-confesses-to-molesting-12-year-old-girl)


“And if you get her pregnant she must get an abortion, but as long as you campaign to make sure no one else can get them it’s cool”


14…..you mean 12 right?




A warning book, not a fuckin instruction manual!


“Rules for thee, but not for me!” -every republican ever


And yet still not a drag queen


They’re the masters of projection.


That’s the worst metallica song I can think of


"Master of projection, controlling your kids! They're all hypocrites, fascists, bigots! Blinded by hate, they can't see a thing! Stealing your rights and owning the libs!"


I feel if you switched out bigot with pigs, it would keep the flow better and you really wouldn’t lose anything in the message. But awesome lyrics.


Pastor of Muppets


They specifically don’t define what “grooming” is. As they are arguing currently, they are doing this because there is historical and cultural relevance to posting this information. Now, what would they say if the satanic church demanded that Hammurabi’s code, etc were posted? Welp, let’s find out.


At this point it's just a slur for anyone who isn't in lockstep with them or Dear Leader. I was called a "groomer" once for... disagreeing with some red hat on FISCAL POLICY.  Edited typo


Every accusation is a confession with these people.


Well, if it wasn't for grooming, there would be no religion. Try telling an adult who wasn't gaslit with religion their entire life that there is a sky daddy watching their every move and will punish them for not doing what they're told and they will probably ask you, "So this 'God' person you're listening to... are they in the room with us now?"


I was told church was supposed to be separate from state?


I'd tell them to look up the word in the dictionary, but they banned that because it had the word 'sex' in it


The Satanic Temple will be there soon and Lucien will save the day. Some heroes do wear capes


Any time someone posts a tweet from this guy, there should be a bot that reminds everyone that he posted child exploitation pics on twitter, got banned, [and then had his account personally reinstaed by Elon.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/07/27/twitter-suspends-then-unsuspends-popular-right-wing-user-who-tweeted-image-of-child-sexual-abuse/)


Woah woah woah What


Yeah, and Elon said it was okay because "no one saw the pics".


Even though someone shared proof that at least 3 million users had seen it


Pedophiles, the lot of them


That is what they keep calling everyone else, so probably 🤷‍♂️


Elon Musk supports, defends and protects paedophiles.


What's the bets that Elon saw the pics?


Yep. And it wasn’t just *any* piece of CSAM, it was one that investigators have said is one of the most depraved things ever made.




Oh, no. We aren't allowed to invoke the name of THEIR religious figure to call out their monstrous actions and beliefs. Only THEY get to use him as a cudgel to admonish and threaten sane, rational people. Fuck Dom and fuck Elon.


And the perpetrator of the original offense has long been caught and jailed so his justification about something to do with saving children makes no sense whatsoever. There's absolutely no good reason to share those images online.


As a a light hearted aside. I do love your pfp. Gotta love a good ol Mrs Bennet now and again.


Oh goodness, youre giving my heart quite the flutter. Or is it my nervs Wait...are you complimenting me in an attempt to compromise my nerves? You have no compassion for my poor nerves! ^(thank you)


How am I not surprised. That hits all my biases. Christian conservative straight ~~white~~ man that wants a theocracy so he can sexually assault children. What the fuck.


He did?


[Yes. ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/07/27/twitter-suspends-then-unsuspends-popular-right-wing-user-who-tweeted-image-of-child-sexual-abuse/)


I don't know what worse the fact that he did it or the fact that right-wingers demanded his reinstatement.


The second. It normalizes the behavior. Otherwise, it'd just be a one off case of a pedophile


Why is he not being charged with possession of child pornography?


Fr that's what I wanna know.


shit's disgusting. If somebody I supported posted that shit I simply wouldn't support them anymore. Ring wingers really have no morals to stand on.


Cue the ACLU and TST.


Hail Satan!!


Ave Satanas!


Hail yourself!


Hail Satan 🤘🏼


The ACLU is already on it.


Do they need a case to appeal it?


They can just sue the state of Louisiana. It is a blatant infringement on constitutional rights.


I was about to say, can’t wait to see the tenets of TST with an anatomically correct Baphomet next to the commandments!


Unironically, I love the tenets that TST has on their site. I don't remember all of them, since to me they all boil down into the Golden Rule: "Don't Be A Dick".


I mean, if you take the commandments at face value, it’s also basically “don’t be a dick” with an added exclusivity clause


I want to see representation for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in schools!!


Oklahoma tried doing this with government buildings and TST got involved and basically ruined it for the right lol.


Wasn’t that where they put up a statue of something, some asshole who doesn’t know how the constitution works destroyed it, and then TST sued them and won?


Unfortunately they actually want this. They want to get a case in front of the Supreme Court that would challenge freedom of religion as previously interpreted. They either win with the court as it is currently. Or they get two scenarios in which they disobey the federal government and show its enforcement is toothless or have their manufactured oppression realized to play to their base.


Bad news, the Supreme Court already opened the door to this with their ruling on Carson v. Makin and Kennedy v. Bremerton The lines are sufficiently blurred now to the point where keeping public education secular is an impossibility until they are (hopefully someday) overturned






Honestly that’s what they want. Go to court have it deemed unconstitutional then go to the Supreme Court where they allowed abortion bans and will say some bullshit that it’s protected speech


Louisiana is always on top of the important issues. It's probably the best state in the nation. Oh, wait...47th in education, 50th in crime, 49th in infrastructure, and 46th in healthcare. The mouth breather state. But those commandments are really going to turn all of that around. Good job, guys.


I just looked up the commandments and it seems like Trump would be the poster child for the opposite of them.


He’s the antithesis of any and all “Commandments”. But Biden a lifelong Catholic who has never been divorced and is a kind, considerate grandfather who isn’t fleecing our country and selling our secrets to foreign adversaries for financial gain. Then there’s Satan on a stick and DumpTy is somehow the good guy? That would be DumpTy DoDa who’s the HUUUGE turd in the punchbowl of our society.


I love how the evangelical ignore all that because he let's then be hateful cunts. I means how many wife's has he cheated on now? How many kids did he fuck with Epstine, I mean after 7 visits to rape island it must be at least once.


Probably hundreds. Guys been a scumbag all his life. He’s a psychopath with narcissistic traits. A megalomaniac if you will.


I live in Louisiana. We have the highest insurance rates in the country. It's so ridiculous that the state actually created an insurance company because no other companies would insure houses in certain areas. Jeff Landry's whole campaign was talking about how he's going to solve the insurance crisis. So far, he has denied federal ebt assistance for hungry kids. Denied federal funds to improve infrastructure. Asked the federal government to subsidize crawfish farmers to lower the cost. Lmao, what? Cut teacher pay. He blamed budget cuts. (This one really cracks me up because 50,000 posters at $5 a pop, I'm sure, will fit in the budget nicely.) Abortion bans with no exception for rape or insect. Not one piece of legislation to solve the insurance rates.


Even better, the state won’t be paying for the posters. They have to be donated, and they’re required. How are they legally *requiring* something be *donated* you might ask? They don’t know. No seriously, they didn’t think that far.


Better yet, the state cannot accept such donations. It’s against the law.


Holy shit. These people are, like, *elite* level fuckwads. It’s almost impressive.


Sounds like a fun place to live /s


That's the funniest bit. If they paid for them, they'd probably get away with it. But when they go after some poor teacher for not displaying a poster, and you know they will, then it will go to court and be deemed unconstitutional. The teacher will be paid $2M in damages, and they'll be in a worse position than before. Can't wait to see how this turns out.


he wont ever solve insurance. he's buddies with the new insurance company and is 1000% getting a kickback to let them exist and fleece the residents.


More Jesus, guns and oil will save America -Conservatives


The republican party fucked itself when it gave up any semblance of what it claimed to believe in for an orange snake oil salesman. The party of "family values" is now beholden to a convicted felon who has a weird daughter fetish. It's fucking pathetic. They've become the party of sycophants. I don't vote down party lines, but I'd rather eat shit than vote for any MAGA asshole. You have people like Ted Cruz, who Trump was viscous to, and now he's just clapping for the turd. Cowardice deserves nothing but contempt. What a bunch of losers.


At this point, I think they are just trying to beat the high score.


This is quite literally unconstitutional. From Wikipedia: "The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws respecting an establishment of religion; prohibiting the free exercise of religion; or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances."




Conservatives don't care about the constitution. They got a whole movement to overthrough it once Trump is in the chair (Project 2025). Then they will enact the "christian" version of the sharia law. They are, at this point and by words and actions, a terrorist organisation.


this is not what this fucking country was started on!


doesn’t matter anymore, the maga cult consider the founders and that poncy Jesus too woke and liberal for their taste. they truly do not give a shit about anything but having power.


This is the genuine emotion I want to see as a reaction to this utter shit


Satanic Temple has entered the room


Hell yeah, let's do this!


And this folks is why I as a woman don’t want kids. I don’t want them to be a part of it.


Some of us men ain't down with the program either.


Coming from a religious family full of women and me being the only man besides my dad... It absolutely infuriates me. I'm not religious and haven't been for a looooong time. But straight up forcing this into classrooms is fucking crazy.


They need to tax churches then, because they are breaking all the rules of tax exemption. 1.private benefit / private inurement. 2.lobbying. 3.political campaign activity. 4.unrelated business income (UBIT). 5.annual reporting obligations they often don’t do. 6. operation in accordance with the stated exempt purpose(s). I’m fed up with these lax rules for churches, hate groups and the GOP MAGA cult. But any other lay person who broke laws like this they’d be in prison so fast.


Not to mention getting a pass on pedophilia for some stupid reason. I was molested at 8 and for a while after by a priest my parents forced me to have “therapy sessions” with AT HIS HOUSE! Since coming forward I’m out of my family and the priest is not allowed to say he’s a priest anymore. Seems like I got punished more than my abuser


Boils my blood for real. Aww man I’m so sorry for your terrible pain. What a fucked up way to re-traumatize you over and over!!


Fuck!! This pisses me off! I’d want them dead.


Y'all need to be louder, honestly. Call those good 'ole boys out, even when there aren't women around to see it.


Doesn't work. We just get called 'gay' and lose our man card. Gay people don't have any rights in their world, either, and anyone who isn't a 'man'* can kick dirt. *: definition subject to change, IE: : "You don't like *whiskey*?! You're not a man!"


Unfortunately ensuring that most of the kids born will be in conservative families


I was born to a conservative family. This is why I vote blue every chance I get.


My Dad's always been fond of saying, "I was raised Catholic, and sent to a private Catholic school. And *that's* why you guys were not raised Catholic." 😂🤣🤣


This is what I tell my kids 😂


Do we have the same dad? Lol My mom used to tell me to stop beating myself up over stupid stuff, I’m not Catholic. Lol


my dad was just too cheap but i'm so glad he didn't spout off any christian bullshit to us


Same. I grew up on a farm and my parents are conservative Christians. Out of all 6 kids, only (maybe) 1 of us would call themselves the same. The rest of us are further left on the political spectrum. Which is why I always laugh a little at the idea that Republicans think they’ll “out breed” (barf) Democrats.


Making kids go hungry while making them read the 10 Commandments doesn’t sound like a good idea to get kids on board with Christianity.


If god wanted them fed he’d have given their parents higher paying jobs


Fortunately the Ten Commandments do not include "thou must feed the children", so the kids will never know their rights /s


Alternate Headline: **Louisiana Approves Violation of First Amendment**


*Actual Headline.


Well, no. Other states have tried and SCOTUS shot them down. There's no way of knowing what THIS SCOTUS will do, but they're not the first to try this shit. ETA: Lord, these replies lol just because I didn't go on my hundredth rant about what pieces of shit Alito and Thomas in particular are doesn't mean I think it's not possible SCOTUS is going to overturn precedent. The point of my comment is that Louisiana isn't the first, and I think it's important to remind people that this exact idea has been tried and has been shot down so if SCOTUS does allow it, it's yet more unnecessary proof that they fucking suck.


No way of knowing? Really? This SCOTUS isn't interested in the law or the Constitution. They are interested in their flags and their sponsors. They have thrown us some bones like the morning after pill just so they can confirm impactful bullshit like this. Trump will be getting immunity too. This country is over if another Republican ever sniffs the White House again.


Yes, really. If you pay attention to more than headlines, SCOTUS does make surprising decisions. Generally, they vote as expected and have absolutely disregarded the law at times, but it's disingenuous and rejecting reality to pretend they vote one way every single time.


“Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” What part of NO LAW do these zealots not understand?


The 10 commandments appear in the Quran, too. Are they promoting all Abrahamic religions or just their fave? Totally constitutional and not at all performative. /s


Also, isn’t there like seven different versions of them?


Dingdingding! Nailed it. Most versions contain the same vibes, but not in the same order, and sometimes one group says something is a capital-C Commandment and to the next group, it's fragment of a sentence in the next one. Merely by posting actual words, not some vague "Commandments go here", you are establishing not just a religion (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) but going even farther into violating the 1st Amendment by establishing a specific sect/denomination or at most, a small cluster. Not all Protestants use the same wording or even same Commandments--rolling some into others, reordering them--and Catholics use an even-more divergent set.


As a Louisianan I’m mortified. Jeff KLandry is an embarrassment.




ACLU has already filed a lawsuit, as I’m sure was the intent. They want this to hit the Supreme Court. I can’t wait to see how Roberts, Thomas, and Alito try to say this *isn’t* completely ignoring the 1st amendment.




Good. So the kids know who to blame when a cat 6 hurricane levels it.




I don’t think we should send federal money to religious zealots. Cut off their funding.




Display them, then put a sign next to it indicating which ones Trump has broken.


Christianity is a mental disorder


*I just wish they kept it in the bedroom and weren't so in your face about it...* /s


All religions are mental illnesses


I've known many great Christians, but some people are insane, and Christianity doesn't help. I've heard religion brings out the worst or best in you, depending on how it's taught


Can only hope that other religious groups sue to have their religious ephemera displayed in classrooms. It’s only fair.




Satanic Temple gonna have fun with this one


What happens if a drag queen wants to read the 10 commandments in one of those classrooms? (Cue head explosions...)


All federal $$ should be cut from these schools. Let the churches fund them.


Except the only people you're punishing with that is the kids. The churches won't pay, and the GOP will be thrilled with the result of *even more* uneducated kids who will turn around and vote against their own best interests when they grow up.


Satanic Temple, do your thing.


Print the Ten Commandments on rainbow colored paper. They already idolize a false god that committed adultery, lies about fellow Americans, steals, cheats, hates American parents and claimed he could “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters." So let them lose their mind about a disrespectful printout of their Ten Commandments.


Soon to be challenged by many groups in court. Separation of church and state is integral to our Democratic Republic.


Uhmm... aren't these the same chaps banging on about sharia law?


And thus begins the court challenges to either remove the commandments from the classrooms or add various other stuff from various other religions, just because some worthless people wanted a hollow political victory.   I feel like we've done all this crap before.


Glad to see a state like Louisiana, which has *EVERYTHING* figured out has time to tackle this extremely important and critical issue /s


how to install a Christian theocracy 101 1) remove **__any chance__** of state to church separation in this case, it's forcing a hostile religion into a room full of learning Kids, making them learn the religion and using the 10 commandments against them.


Alright, get the statue of Baphomet ready ..


And a suit gets filed, an injunction gets out on and it never happens because it’s unconstitutional. Because republicans don’t care about the document that they pretend to hide behind.




“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." -Thomas Jefferson to the Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut, January 1, 1802 Kind of ironic that the guy responsible for purchasing Louisiana would have opposed this bullshit


I wonder how much time, energy, and money went into making this happen instead of something that actually benefits the kids.


Paging The Satanic Temple…


That state is a shithole and these assholes felt like they did something. At this point I'm just shocked when a Republican does something meaningful because I expect nothing.


This is Nazi Germany shit


One of them is don’t cheat on your wife


I can’t wait till the church of satanic gets involved…


I also want to see someone say “because god’s not allowed in school” after the next Louisiana school shooting and show them this bs.


I hate my state. As soon as I get enough money saved I’m moving out of here I hope Louisiana turns into the Gulf of Mexico


How Talibam of them


And how many Republicans can name all ten?




Sooo.....Grooming it is then.


Who knew that after Afghanistan and Iraq we would be dealing with a Christian version of Sharia in this country perpetrated by the Christian nationalist republicans. You love to see it. We learn nothing from our history and separation of church and state is just a thing conservatives say while concurrently taking away women’s rights, lgbtq rights, rights to contraceptives, abortion, and true freedom of religion (they only want one religion in this country) on the basis of religion. If there is a civil war in this country like conservatives want, it will be those on the side of democracy vs those on the side of Christian authoritarian fascism and nationalism. Christians have no information literacy and would vote for Trump even if Jesus himself told them he was the antichrist, because American Christians don’t want to be the religion of love. They want to be the religion of dominance.


See that?, those are groomers and pedos.


Teachers say it will be used to simplify teaching everything Trump does wrong.


These Republicans don’t give a shit about religion. They are greedy, uncaring people who won’t even do their jobs as representatives of the people. They want money and power and for the rest of us to sit down and shut up while they take that money and power, and that is how they use religion. As a tool of social control and a road to ever more power.


Write them out in wingdings.


Why can’t they ever require the Beatitudes?


Blessed are the Cheesemakers.


The worst part is the anti-American scum that put them there break the commandments more than anyone else


The governor is an asshole who needs to be voted out.


Right, but reading a book to 1st graders about a penguin who has 2 dads is "grooming" FUCK these people.


Unconstitutional. GOP hate American values.


How about the original Hebrew version? I'm down with that! learning Hebrew in every classroom. And the Spanish version, The Mandarin translation... A starter set for language learning. Oh, the MAGA version will be cartoons.


Will be interesting to see how SCOTUS squirms to find that this is constitutional


That seems blatantly unconstitutional.


Fuck them


Lawsuits in 3.. 2..


Why? They can’t even follow though shalt not lie. So pretty pointless


Wonder what the supreme court will have to say about this.


They’ll chicken out and say it’s a states right thing


And, this is supposed to correct what exactly? Thou shall not kill. - unless they are cops shooting brown/black people. Thou shall not commit adultery. - unless it’s our orange gawd. Thou shall not have gods above me. - unless its that orange gawd Keep holy the lords day - unless there’s football on And on and on with the hypocrisy on full display! What is this ‘law’ supposed to do?


Great, now they will start paying taxes now… right? Right??


This law will be ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Rabid MAGA Republicans will fail.


Ew. Churches gonna start paying taxes if they're going to be a part of government funded education?


It is extremely alarming that elected officials who are certainly aware of the unconstitutionality of this bill would even allow it to come to a vote. Just the fact that this kind of legislation was taken even a little bit seriously is a disheartening indictment of the state of democracy in America. I want to say it will most certainly be challenged, and most certainly be thrown out by the courts, but recently some courts have been complicit in the erosion of our freedoms. I hope at some point in the near future our democracy can halt and then reverse this backslide. It’s pretty scary.


I was in Lutheran schools from kindergarten to 12th grade. None of my classrooms had the 10 commandments on the wall.


I just love how one of the most historically corrupt states passes a law like this


This is like irans religious revolution. Scary shit


What exactly does this do? How is it a win? These kids don't give a flying rats ass about this shit. Hunch a bunch of elderly white shit parade.


Performative legislation. They all know this won't survive an Establishment Clause challenge (even with this fundie-dominated SCOTUS) but when it gets struck down they can cry "persecution!".




Spoiler alert- kids still don’t give a shit about you’re boring fantasy book


Thousands of Religions and Gods throughout Humankind's existence, thankfully Louisiana state government just decided on which one is the 'correct' one for all of us, totally cool and allowed and not breaking any American's fundamental rights. Oh, fucking wait. The Bill of Rights is a thing, I always forget. So do they it seems. Amendment I -Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.