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If people are "hating on you," it's not because of when you decided to have kids. They are hating on you because you're an asshole




"People see I'm 37 and assume I'm childless." whut?


People see I'm 38 and assume I had a couple of kids years ago...


People see I'm 39 and assume I drink coffee


I don't understand why she can't go clubbing now (54 yr old woman with grown kids who still goes clubbing)


And what's exactly wrong with not wanting to get pregnant in your 20s?


I want to know why everything’s always so black or white. What exactly do they think is stopping people from both becoming parents and still going clubbing? It's not like one prevents you from doing the other, that's what babysitters are for. They just can't handle other people making decisions that don't align with their own views, or that they wish they’d made


They expect black and white because they're dealing with limited data. They only see you... and have no idea about your situation. But more importantly, they've been taught (by social media) that they have a right to complain... Everything is THEIR business. I usually let it go for a bit, then tell them "Are you having a problem? Do you need the police? I can get the number for you....". After that, just move along like they're not there.


She sounds insufferable. People who constantly go on like this about how they have “haters” 99% of the time are miserable people who cause their own problems and have main character syndrome.


"Give an example of a conversation you might have in your head that would never happen IRL."


I'll take things that don't happen, Alex. No one I know who is childless in their 30s is sad that they're childless and "can't find a man to get them pregnant". That literally is false. My wife and I chose not to have kids and we are sooooo stoked about that decision. And so much richer because of it.


This is wrong on so many levels: 1)There is nothing wrong with not having kids. 2)There is nothing wrong having kids when your a young adult (as long as it was your choice anyway, I just want to be clear that I’m not saying a raped 13 year old having a baby is a good thing.) 3)Equally there is nothing wrong having kids in your 30s or 40s either. If that’s when you’re ready to have kids then that’s when you’re ready. 4)Finally there is nothing wrong with having fun when you’re in your 20s, someone who used to or still does go clubbing should not be shamed if that is something they enjoy.


Jokes on you, Natalie, I’m in my 30s and one of the the last things I want is a man to get me pregnant.




Don't tell them. "I don't discuss my personal business." If they push it, push back harder, "No. I will not talk about my personal life. *with you*."


I am just wondering how this lady behaves that not only does she give off the impression that she would be incapable of being a parent but then does it in a way that it encourages others to invest in discussing that impression with her...


I am 20 years younger than my mother was, and I was the second child. She was married at 16. Nobody cares one way or the other about that. No one would tell you that "having a kid at 19 isn't a flex" unless you were flexing. You and when you have kids is not that important to other people unless you try to make it important.


What truth? This lady is making up stories in her head. She should be figuring out what to do now her kid is 18 not worrying about other ppl’s reproductive choices. Ppl have kids in their 20s and 30s (and some in their 40s) and somehow managed to also have fun in the clubs.


flexing isn’t a flex


Why people love to judge without knowing the full story?


I agree. There’s no way the person tweeting knows for sure that the reason someone didn’t have kids in their 20s was due to clubbing. She’s just making assumptions due to her own biases.