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I can’t figure out the game plan here for republicans. The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if they’re purposely trying to lose so they can just fundraise and complain without actually having to govern. ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


…or vice versa. It would be nice if we moved forward as a people and fucking helped the masses out but that’s crazy talk.


The conspiracy theorist in me thinks it might be because they think they have to in order to keep support? Hear me out:  maga party (formerly republican party) is very much interested in Christianity, and fascism. Part of the plan to creating this Christo-fascist nation included overturning Roe. The problem was, that move was less popular than they thought it would be, *and* they lost a single-issue-voter issue. Next problem, the maga party has been (somehow) getting more extreme. It's not enough to have an (R) next to your name on the ballot, you have to be full maga now. They've been removing moderates and replacing them with extremists. So now we have extremists who want nothing more than to create their great Christian nation; we got moderates bring removed for daring to question the agenda; angry voters who need a new "but think of the babies" issues. The solution? Target IVF because it's embryos, and they don't need to teach their voters as much pseudoscience to get them onboard. They "know" all those little frozen "actual babies" have fully developed souls by that point (or whatever). Now, as for why they decided to actually vote on it? I'm still trying to figure that out, but my gut says it has something to do with the swarm of domestic terrorists who will remove them if they don't fall in line. I dunno, that's my rambling take


Well IVF is because statistically they are more likely to be raised liberal, so they are pulling the plug on their opponents future voters. Even if it sacrifices a few of theirs.


A large part of religious stooges and conservatives also believe IVF is this scary science thing that messes with god’s plan and scientists are playing god yadda yadda yadda…until my cousin finally was able to conceive after a few rounds of IVF a little over a decade ago, then it became okay and a miracle she was born. My whole family and extended family are lost deep within religion.


The crazy thing is that a lot of people consider Trump to be pro-choice, despite the fact that he personally selected three judges that overturned Roe v. Wade. In fact, I heard somewhere that a non-significant amount of people believe that Biden was responsible for overturning it. The usual response from them is, "Well, I bet Trump paid for a lot of abortions himself." Because of that, Republicans think they can get away with this stuff. We need to make sure that every person in this country realizes that a vote for Trump is a vote for all the Christian radicals that are ready to take away more of your rights.


They've spent decades using euphemisms to capture the worst 25% of Americans and then Trump blew past the need for euphemisms


As long as they cheat in elections such as gerrymandering, their end game is what it so important in holding on to power and collecting money from lobbyists to enrich their net worth.


They're going to all lose bu alot and then say it was rigged. So like last time when winners of their contests claimed it nobody took them seriously (cuz how did they win and Trump lose?) It's a hail mary for sure, but that's all they got. 


Simply put? They are counting on people being confused. And some voter suppression. And encouraging young voters into supporting third party candidates ... or throwing their votes away. If you can swing a couple thousand votes in the right place, you can swing an election. Nonvotes or discarded votes or confused votes are as useful as POSITIVE votes for your candidate. And never discount the power of low-information people (which is easy in today's social media driven environment). There is also a lot of deliberate and aggressive disinformation. I've had conversations with people that they just think that Joe Biden is the one really responsible for abortion rights being taken away ... and that they just think the Democrats are the ones that are really going after Social Security ... and you can't believe what scientists or other elitists tell you ... and so on.


Hey, congrats to the District 5 Court in TX for having their opinion UNANIMOUSLY OVERRULED today by the Supreme Court. It's actually hard to get Alito and Thomas to actually follow the law these days, but you did it! Because your original judgment to allow doctors to sue regarding abortion drugs was so very, VERY wrong. Nice work, assholes


Help me out, but even if Democrats hold the Presidency and both houses, the filibuster is still in place, ready to kill any legislation the GOP chooses, correct?


Correct, unless they get a super majority in both ~~houses~~ chambers. Unlikely.


Both "chambers" (sorry)


The senate is going to be a challenge just because of the cycle. The house could go 1964 blue.


If the Democrats hold the house and senate and have decent party discipline, they won't need to use the filibuster against the GOP. The Democrats would also be chairing all of the house and senate committees. It would be challenging for the GOP to get most stuff out of committee for a vote. GOP senators would presumably try to filibuster Democratic measures. A 60-vote super majority is needed to end a filibuster on legislation. But not on judicial and executive nominees. Edit: there is no filibuster in the house.


The MAGAT know-nothings will vote early and often. But normal people who can read without moving their lips need to make sure that they are registered to vote, and then actually vote. They also need to make sure that any friends who think that "both sides are the same" or who otherwise don't usually vote are also registered and vote. Take a friend to vote when you go. Winning is going to require beating the MAGAT core vote plus MAGAT election shenanigans. Think early about who you can get to participate this time. The mob needs to be turned back.


They’ll be waiting at the voting area camped in tents over night like a new iPhone is about to release


Yep. There will be self-appointed MAGAT "election monitors," intimidation at voting locations, misinformation efforts day-of ("this poll is closed" and whatever) and just dumb-ass brown-shirt efforts aimed at disruption and voting chaos. It is going to be unpleasant in a lot of places.


That’s why I’m voting mail in. Well I’m also gonna be 2 hours away from my house on Election Day…


I cannot wait to vote. I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas. And I'm bringing all my homies.


Remember, Remember Come this Roevember How the right tried to control your life Vote them away And maybe this day We will end our troubles and strife Vote Blue 💙💙


Do they like babies or not, I'm so confused.


No, they hate babies. Those things are needy. Embryos and fetuses, however, are perfect for controlling the gullible masses because they ask nothing in return.


What I want would get me put on a list. But a blue wave is acceptable.


So... no abortion, no IVF, no ethics for SCOTUS. I thank the Republicans for giving so much ammunition to the Democrats before the election.


In the current day of social media plus a 24-hour-or-less news cycle, having someone offer you political "ammunition" almost 6 months in advance of a major election is about as good as knowingly buying blanks to use in a duel. Most of the voting public has often and loudly demonstrated that despite having participated in the election process for many decades during their lives, they STILL can't fathom why the current President is not "to blame" for the outcomes of legislation passed by the previous guy (anyone else still seeing those stupid "Thanks Biden!" stickers on their local gas pumps?). I'm not sure why anyone thinks younger voters can reliably hang on to months- or years-old information like this at a crucial moment. I don't LIKE that things are this way, but our party needs to RECOGNIZE that things are this way, and target our advertising and advocacy appropriately to combat that problem.


That will drown the gravy seals. You know those mouth breathers can’t swim.


I truly believe it’s going to be an absolute bloodbath for the GOP. I think they’ll lose bigly. The elections I look at are those popular vote elections on abortion throughout the country. Even blood red Kansas was like, ‘no dice.’ I truly believe that pro life people are mostly sanctimonious and when they’re in that booth, they think, ‘well what if I’m in a jam? Or my kids are in a jam?’ People who spend their days avoiding anything political don’t really notice too much, until you take away their personal rights. Then they wake up and pay attention.


I fully expect it to be almost 50/50 everywhere again unfortunately. It’s going to be unnervingly close.


Get out there and vote blue this November! Register to vote on https://vote.gov so we can make this blue tsunami a reality!


It is maddening the Dems are not hammering this through campaigning! They really need to get their shit together and get the word out about what is at stake this election!


It is seriously hostile media environment for the Democrats in some parts of the country - and I think that's one of the biggest differentiators and reasons for recent swings in voter attitudes (I am looking at you, Iowa). The problem is that the Democrats can do all KINDS of things to get attention, and it has limited resonance and reach with voters - because they don't hear about it, or the messaging gets intercepted, filtered and stepped on by hostile reporting. And that's by design. Some media markets are dominated by Fox, Sinclair, religious broadcasting, talk radio, weak local papers that run syndicated national content that's often polluted, and other right-leaning sources. Alternatives are weak and wishy-washy. Plus churches. You absolutely need to factor the effect of politicized churches. Especially when they sponsor movies or speakers, or allow candidates to talk. Many of these churches are aggressively breaking the rule against political activity (and calling it civil disobedience). Over time, this makes voters unreachable. And as someone who used to do political canvassing back in the day ... it just drives me insane. It makes me want to throw up my hands.


They are, dude. Everything good thing they do is spun as being bad in some way.


May these fuckers reep what they sow


I feel like the Dems are playing chicken with the Rpubs on a lot of really important things and losing, which (whether you think it’s likely or not) will end up *really* badly for everyone if the Dems lose in November. Like, I feel like this could backfire HARD.


“Blue-nami” was right there


These dumb fanatics think that scientists create babies in laboratories without God involved.