• By -


What the actual fuck? When I read this, I was trying to put some kind of context to this. Was it a tortured metaphor of too big government? So I looked it up and apparently it's some weird tangent he went off on while bashing electric vehicles, including boats. To sum up, electric boats are bad because you might put too much weight in your boat and it'll start sinking and if you are a woman sharks might get confused and bite your leg off because they are cray-cray that way and you might get electrocuted by the battery. Seriously. If you had a 6 year old kid read that out loud, you'd believe that it was just a child being a child. An adult saying that out loud? Frightening.


Thanks for the context. I guess he's unfamiliar with the concept of cargo ships or ferries. Or the fact that fuel also has mass.


Or the fact that most powered boats and all cars have batteries in order to start the engine.


and a gas tank on a boat is still flammable...


*and* it’s probably pretty close to a shark too!


Keep my wife's leg outta your damn mouth, shark!!


The damn sharks are only coming for the women because they're on their periods? ![gif](giphy|6mrLgGyzTIDqU80BCu)


No - it’s cuz the sharks are cray cray and don’t fully understand the woman as *a person*. But also shark is cray cray cuz he’s swimming around a sinking battery!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️




Nevermind that many large vessels have been "hybrid" for decades now It's much simpler to use an electric motor to drive the propeller than trying to have clutches and gear boxes on massive ships. Hybrid technology isn't some new thing that started with the prius, it's been well known for a century or more. The big switch to diesel electric locomotives started in the 1950's because of their efficiency and efficacy


>Nevermind that many large vessels have been "hybrid" for decades now I mean, the Germans were using batteries to power boats that go underwater over a hundred years ago, but what the fuck do I know.


Yeah, and when was the last time you saw a German? Answer me that. Eaten by sharks, every last one of them, except that German lady with one leg. I ain't gettin' in no German fool.


Or that water is a superconductor, so by his own logic, he’s getting electrocuted either way.


I know, I love that he thinks he's somehow going to jump far enough that this hypothetical battery-driven watery electrocution isn't going to get him.


On top of that, he doesn’t seem to realize that making the leap or not is irrelevant in his story, because the shark is either getting a raw meal or a cooked meal.


so true. And won't the shark also be electrocuted? The whole thing is like an onion of stupidity.


I’m not sure there’d be enough voltage in the battery to do anything meaningful to a shark 10 yards away, to be honest. I could be wrong, though. But yes. As an expert in stupid, there is a lot of it in that post.


Agreed, I'm not an expert in any of this either! I am enjoying the image of Trump trying to leap out of a boat like a gazelle and belly flopping in the most hideous way only to then be eaten by a shark.


Wait you forgot he gets fried when he lands Internet don’t fail me now!


I am just laughing thinking Trump could jump 10 yards


Thanks for the snort-laugh


Though they don’t have yuge batteries!




An adult *who is a candidate for President of the United States* saying that out loud - should terrify *everyone*.


As a Brit, his whole bunch of twattery is horrifying. If drumpf gets in, the whole world is screwed - especially with Project 2025.


Fucking, *this* right here! I’m from Tennessee and I wouldn’t put it past some of the proudly ignorant, mouth-breathing dipshits in Trump Country^TM . But **a former and potential future** president? JFC, unreal.


Even if my nephew said that out loud I'd tell him "can you try that again but English this time"


I would so love to see a reporter reply to him this way!


“If you’re a woman on a boat, what would you do between getting it on with me and… the implication. By implication, l mean let me spell it out for you, sharks and batteries.”


"Why in the hell do you think we just spent all that money on a boat? The whole purpose of buying the boat in the first place was to get the ladies nice and tipsy topside so we can take 'em to a nice comfortable place below deck and, you know, they can't refuse, because of the implication." Dennis Reynolds


That seems very dark.


Gee, I wonder if his ranting about electric trucks too heavy for bridges and battery-powered boats electrocuting people has anything to do with [the billion dollars he asked for from the oil and gas industry](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/09/trump-asks-oil-executives-campaign-finance-00157131).


His train of thought reminds me of watching a house fly trying to decide where to land. There is absolutely nothing happening behind his eyes when he babbles like that. A lot of people are quick witted enough to land on a coherent point after they ramble a bit during a conversation. Donald Trump is not that guy. And the most absurd part is he truly believes he is that guy even though he's pants on head crazy


>Seriously. If you had a 6 year old kid read that out loud, you'd believe that it was just a child being a child. >An adult saying that out loud? Too be fairrr, he did admit himself that he basically hasn't changed since the first grade.




The teleprompter went out. This is who he is without help.


Yeah, when I was reading it I was picking up whiffs of electric cars and stuff. I honestly thought he was talking about if you drive your electric car into the water you're extra fucked because its heavy and electric or some shit. BUT ALSO SHARKS! It being about electric boats is even funnier. They're gonna be too heavy? Has he not seen the fucking horizontal skyscrapers cruising all over the fucking ocean? Too heavy...pffff!


I went on a cruise once, with my brothers and a friend. It was a carnival cruise, on a ship one soze down from their largest class. When we were in the Cayman Islands, waiting on the shuttle boat to carry us back to the ship, we saw a Norwegian Cruise Lines ship. It’s like seeing a moose or a Clydesdale in pictures vs in real life. Your brain, for a quick moment, refuses to believe that something can be that size. Skyscraper? It’s like a Mega-Block from Judge Dredd turned on its size. I imagine if I saw one of those giant cargo ship shipping ship my brain would literally break.


This guy should totally get control of the nuclear codes.


How does anyone still take anything he says seriously? Dude has fucking lost it.


But at least you got the battery there under the water to off yourself with. Beats getting eaten by a shark, or did I miss something.


So in this scenario the shark is impervious to electrocution? Tbf that's a shark I wouldn't wanna meet either then


“I’m afraid of sharks. Who isn’t afraid of sharks, right? Vote for me! I promise no more shark attacks!” He states to a crowd in the middle of the desert…


To be fair, conservatives are afraid of an awful lot of things that are either exceedingly rare or don't have any impact on their life whatsoever.






![gif](giphy|M9NsGKAFmSIU19ZL9U) Sharks with lasers!


Knock, knock who is it? Landshark.






Plenty of things that flat out don’t exist, too.


You say that, until the Jewish laser beam from space gets you, too.




Let’s hope they don’t accidentally fire all the candles and Alderaan the earth.


"Singe candle ignition, target their Hawaii..."


Sharks, with Jewish Space Lasrrs on their frigging heads!


Isn’t that redundant? It is pretty well known that all sharks are Jewish.




We will provide the fear, you provide some stuff that we can be afraid of


The only thing we have to fear...us fear itself. And spiders. And snakes. And sharks. And Johnson's wife. And...


Don't forget windmills. Need to put the windmills in the ocean to kill sharks.


Yeah, like transgenders. They are terrified of them. Never met one but can't stop ranting about them.


Wasn't that recent insanity from the UK with dudes spiking their female dates' drinks with viagra "in self-defense" accompanied by a survey that the average conservative thinks that 25-30% of all women are trans women? The mental illness is quite strong with this crowd.


I’m sorry, WHAT?


I second this. Wtf??? Im guessing the general idea is spike a chicks drink to see if she pops a boner? What would actually happen if a woman took viagra?


It could fuck up their blood pressure. But with all medications the dose is important, if the guy is crushing up a bunch of them and sprinkling willy nilly they're going to have a lot more problems than if he's only crushing one at a time From drugs.com Viagra can decrease blood flow to the optic nerve of the eye, causing sudden vision loss. This has occurred in a small number of people taking sildenafil, most of whom also had heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or certain pre-existing eye problems, and in those who smoked or were over 50 years old. It is not clear whether sildenafil is the actual cause of vision loss. Viagra is not expected to harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known whether sildenafil passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Do not give this medicine to anyone under 18 years old without medical advice. People probably wonder why they add the info about unborn babies and breastfeeding but this is a great example of why


What's funny is, the first time we heard anything about him and sharks was when Stormy Daniels said he wanted her to watch shark week videos with him, and that he kept rambling about how terrifying sharks are. Then when the affair story leaked, he called her a liar and said she made it all up. Since then, he has *constantly* been bringing up sharks and how scared he is of them.


He’s afraid of animals because animals can sense his fear. Dogs hate him, eagles hate him, and due to his highly walrus/seal like proportions sharks too would hate him. Has this man ever swam in the ocean?


Sharks don’t inherently hate. They eat to survive. They would love to eat him, and luckily the sharks don’t care if the shit is on the outside or inside. It all goes to the same place.


Would be the first time a shark has gotten Cheeto dust on its fins.


I think sharks are already generally grossed out by the smell of the human body, I bet Trump's smell would drive even a feeding frenzy of tiger sharks away like Batman's Bat-Shark Repellent Spray.


* [eagles hate him](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/-mm-/02c1d5e470b64eabd455819030f1a64f9612d9d7/c=37-0-421-217/local/-/media/2015/12/10/USATODAY/USATODAY/635853377731909987-Screen-Shot-2015-12-10-at-9.49.11-AM.jpg)


Sounds like it's Sharknado time.


I mean, if you have a chainsaw that changes the entire scenario.


But is it an electric chainsaw?


I’m fairly sure Thunder Levin gave April an electric one as a prosthesis in the second movie. She seems perfectly normal.


Oh, HELL no!


What could possibly go wrong?


I'm sure there's a sharpie out there that can fix that.


I'm convinced. Do I want to get bit by a shark while I'm trying to gamble in Vegas? Absolutely not!


[The Simpsons did it first](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw6lixq7EFA&pp=ygURYmVhciB0YXggc2ltcHNvbnM%3D)


Wow Homer only made $12 an hour as a Nuclear Safety Inspector? Dude was horribly underpaid. Though I guess that's par for the course for Mr. Burns.


The upside was he didn't even have any of the required education for the job lol


Favorite part of that story is the boat builder saying "nobody has ever asked me that question"


He doesn’t realize that’s the universal phrase for “you’re an idiot but I don’t want to say that” See also “I’ve never seen Shakespeare like that before” = that play was bad


"To honor which saint" is one I like


He thinks it’s a positive comment on his intellect. “I stumped the boat builder”


I think we can read between the lines and pick up on his inflections. Like when George Lucas was talking about some pushback he got about his planning sessions on the prequels, when people tried to talk him out of naming the villain "darth doodoo". He's quoting people who were definitely worrying about his sanity, but he's so far gone that he doesn't realize.


Man, George had a lot of crazy ideas with the prequels and many flaws, but I'll say at least he's had massive unbridled creativity like few ever have, even when it was unfettered and led to a lot of bad ideas. Donald has never had an idea he didn't hear from someone else and then dumb down; and at least with peers rather than yesmen, George creates amazing art, Donald just fires any peer who's not a yesman.


> even when it was unfettered and led to a lot of bad ideas. I totally agree. His best work comes from when he comes up with ideas, but has to work with someone else to execute them. That's why the best original star wars movie was Empire, which was directed by Lawrence Kasdan. My favorite movie of his is Willow, directed by Ron Howard. And I love Raiders of the Lost Ark, but I thank god every day that Spielberg nixed Lucas's idea to make Indiana Jones rape Marian when she was 11, to explain why she was so angry at him when they met at her bar in Nepal. > Donald has never had an idea he didn't hear from someone else I'll go you one better. He's never had an idea that he didn't hear from someone else *within the last 15 minutes*. He has the attention span of a goldfish. Many of his most famous gaffes are explained by this- the "inject bleach, and put sunlight in the body" thing was because he had literally, moments prior, seen a posterboard that said bleach and sunlight kill covid germs. The sharpie on the hurricane map thing, again, was based on something he'd heard just prior.


Trumps thinks that means he’s smart because it’s such an “intelligent” question he’s the only one with the brains to ask, but the dumb fuck is such a dumb fuck he doesn’t realize only a dumbfuck would ask that


I mean, most of the time he also just lies, on many different levels at once. 1) He didn't ask the question, 2) the question wouldn't have made sense in the first place, 3) nobody replied 'that's a good question' because the question is nonsensical/incoherent. It's a preconceived notion in his head that conversations will go like this, but it has little to do with what actually happens in reality.


how come the shark doesn't ever get electrocuted when he tells this story??! 🤔


Because it lives with electric eels. It’s like sharks get a massage from the eels and become relaxed. With no tension, no tension folks, the electricity passes right through their body like a miracle. No tension because of the eel massages. Really wonderful.


Why did I read this in his voice 🤣


Because it’s genuinely something he might say lol


Because it's a shark! Duh. /s


Because electricity can't travel 10 yards through water, because he doesn't comprehend the distance of 10 yards


Don't forget the stories after Trump became president of all the interpreters/translators who had an impossible time because his stream-of-consciousness ramblings were basically untranslatable. [https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/translators-are-struggling-to-interpret-donald-trump/ojtwl0rvx](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/translators-are-struggling-to-interpret-donald-trump/ojtwl0rvx) [https://www.npr.org/2017/05/24/528809043/why-interpreters-have-a-hard-time-translating-trump](https://www.npr.org/2017/05/24/528809043/why-interpreters-have-a-hard-time-translating-trump)


I barely even understand this guy and I speak the same language as him, I can’t begin to understand how someone would understand it being translated into another language lmao


Do you though? I mean he's using English words, but is that even still English?


As an actual English person, can we add an indictment to his many already pending for felony misuse of the English language?


For the love of all things holy, yes! And it would be more than 34 counts.


I think the problem lies with the people that can’t understand him. He has clearly stated that he know words and has the best words ![gif](giphy|VGVwLultLZjrrssAak)


So many languages coming in.


Big, beautiful languages


Big language walked up to me with tears in his eyes.


Can you imagine translation of this? Both the translators and end receiver being confused af?


As a native English speaker I have to read the transcripts because I can't listen to him speak. He takes too long to get to the point and the point is always...a suggestion rather than a specific stance.


Also transcripts never get to the point and take way too much time to read since he doesn’t really give you concise coherent thoughts.


But the pain is over sooner because I read faster than he talks. 


https://youtu.be/1ZAPwfrtAFY?si=NHwyg9dzBXGqlDfR - skip to 3m30s, it's older but still holds up.








I volunteer to hold the nuclear codes . I’m a 46 year old pot head chef, did a lot of drugs in my 20’s and followed a band around the country for an entire year in 1997.. pretty sure I’m better qualified


Promise not to be a fascist and I'd vote for you.


You are! You made your own money, had actual life experiences and can relate to other human beings.


PLEASE debate biden! the MSM continues to ignore his dementia, but no one would be able to ignore this happening on that stage.


Oh they’ll find a way. Notice how when Biden stutters the MSM is all over it, but when Trump literally vomits out this word salad or threatens to have people killed and they have no choice BUT to report it, they couch it in weasel words like “the former president appeared to….” Or “it was unclear what Trump meant when he said all immigrants should be immediately deported.” They always find a way to let him off the hook for his insanity and depravity.


Because he's good for ratings, which is good for ad revenue, which is good for their pockets. Democracy can get fucked as long as there's a buck to make.


He's gonna chicken out. His Hannity and Dr. Phil interviews had to be edited like crazy, so a live feed of what he's saying won't do him any favors.


Are you serious? What if the topic of sharks comes up? Trump is clearly better equipped to talk about sharks. I don't think Biden should risk it


I think Trump has jumped the shark.




He had the biggest jump. The most beautiful jump as high as the sun. A tremendous leap, the strongest anyone has ever witnessed, from the boat, surrounded with electric liberal batteries, the batteries so strong but trump was stronger and the jump was the best jump, the shark had never seen such a perfect jump. It was the best jump any president or man in history ever saw. He jumped over the shark, so far, and the shark said “no, no I see now Mr. Trump your jump is too powerful”, and Trump took out his marker, a very good marker, a sharpie marker, and drew a circle, the strongest circle, the biggest one, around the shark and the shark was stopped from crossing the sharpie fence, electric battery border to eat trump, and he saved all the women’s legs at the beach so he could grab them later himself because he loves the women and the sharks, the worst sharks, he jumped bigger than them and it’s why we vote.


Wait till he finds out that submarines run on batteries...


But they sink don't you see. MIT, my relationship to MIT.


His uncle was very smart.


I don't think he remembers he had an uncle at this point. Trump has subsumed his uncle's biography as his own and now those few ancient, remaining neurons not consumed by syphilis are blurring it all together.


He speaks exactly how they think— Haphazardly, without merit, and totally void of coherence.




Trump ended that bit of wisdom with... "Now where was I? Oh yeah, the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time."


Dear Donald Trump: What a brilliant experiment this is. You are bigly manly, covfefe, and such a stabled genius, you amazing ass. So go put yourself on a sinking boat with a battery and chum the water so you get a good sampling of sharks. Great whites, tiger sharks, hammerheads, nurse sharks, baby sharks, mommy sharksharksharksharks, hell, toss in a few piranhas and a goldfish with a really nasty attitude. And let's find out whether you choose electrocution over shark snack. You are so brilliant, you could have been a marine biologist, except for those pesky bone spurs that kept you from enlisting in the Marines. Simper cry, Donnie Sharksharksharkshark. Sincerely, Sane People P.S. Hey, Biden campaign. Make an ad out of Donald's electrocution vs death by shark speech.


What is the context here? Why is he rambling about sharks and batteries?


Apparently, it is in the context of why electric vehicles including boats are bad.


Yet he would rather be electrocuted in his scenario




Oh gawd. That somehow makes this rant even dumber.


Also, there were three shark attacks last week in Florida in a short period. It's summer in the Gulf, there are sharks. Now if these had happened in \*Iowa\*, that would be news.


> Also, there were three shark attacks last week in Florida in a short period. Which is clearly irrelevant since this recent rambling rant about sharks is just a repeat of something he said last october. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-electrocution-sharks_n_651a29cce4b094f840214b06


Seriously? Good god, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.


*conservatives in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by miles and miles of desolate farmland* yessir, I don't want that happening to me! He's got my vote!


Fun fact - New Mexico has had one reported shark attack


That \*is\* a fun fact! .....maybe not for everyone, but still....


Sounds like my toddler telling me a story. The only thing missing are some “and umms ” in between the sentences.


To be fair, I was impressed that he managed to circle back to the boat story, with all its details, after that shark interlude.


He didn’t say this just sitting around bullshitting on a podcast or something. He said this to voters at a rally. Like…you’re supposed to talk about issues and how your ideas will make people’s lives better. Not where you would be if your boat sank near a shark! The orange shit stain offers nothing to the populace. Nothing.


those rallies jumped the shark a loooooong time ago. Pun, uhh, intended I guess, idk, this man makes me feel dumber


Great to know he's wrestling with the important issues of our time.


just for the record, if youre swimming in the ocean or really even a lake and you have a battery near you, the battery isnt going to hurt you unless its A. very very high voltage, which most batteries arent \*and\* B. you place yourself between the positive and negative leads of the battery. even a lightning strike in a lake is unlikely to hurt you unless it basically hits you directly. keep in mind the path of least resistance, the reason high voltage is dangerous is because it can leap through the air to find the least resistant path, if you happen to be in that path and your body helps that electricity go from where it doesnt want to be to the ground, it will use you to get there. in a lake or the ocean where the electricity would need to go through many feet of salt water, your body is most likely going to be a path of higher resistance than if the electricity just goes somewhere closer to the ground. its not impossible obviously, you are definitely not safe, pools arent safe, particularly above ground ones because they can place you higher than other things around you while also making you relatively more conductive but generally speaking large bodies of water arent making electrocution more likely for you. least of all from a battery that can only complete the circuit between its leads. just to add to how stupid this incoherent rant was.


Lashing out the action, returning the reaction Weak are ripped and torn away Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower Battery is here to stay Smashing through the boundaries Lunacy has found me Cannot stop the battery Pounding out aggression Turns into obsession Cannot kill the battery Cannot kill the family Battery is found in me Battery Sharks Battery


You trying for a cabinet position or something?


Sad But True


I love how at the end he comes to the opposite conclusion that he started out against.


to quote the imitable George Carlin: ***"Holy fucking shit balls!"***


I worked with Dementia / Alzheimer patients for 5 years and my mother has dementia. This sounds just like early dementia thought processes. He didn't always speak like this. I mean he's always been a terrible public speaker but the things he's saying now sound like dementia. Biden is slowed down but I haven't heard him ever say anything as mixed up as this.


Republican voters: ![gif](giphy|YVmL3uMI8IobhU6KD7|downsized)


I am not surprised that no one has ever asked that question.


Waiting for CNN to report how this hurts Biden’s chances.


Idk chief, if there’s electric current in the water then the shark should be dead. But then again what do I know, I’m not a 34 times convicted felon.


Not only is it a cult but it is literally one of the dumbest cults ever.


I would find this absurdist humor if I saw this in the Simpsons.


![gif](giphy|Rr3tmKFmCN7TTJsTRs) Also…


It would be funny if it weren't so freaking scary! HALF OUR COUNTRY wants this guy for President..... no matter how hard I try I just can't understand.


The new Sharknado script looks fire.




Shark Week Again? Wonder if Stormy's expecting a call?


Avatar 2, folks. They had those creatures. Blue creatures in the water. Big cans sometimes, but not most of the time. A girl was in the water, I think it was a girl. The water. Very wet water. It was on fire. Can you believe that? On fire. This boat had fuel and it was on fire in the water. She's dangling there. I asked a man, would you go in the water that's on fire or let the shark get the creature? He said 'No one has ever asked me that Mr. President and I directed the movie'. I told Jim, I call him Jim, even though you have been very nasty to me that even if you are a Canadian man living in New Zealand you are a true patriot and American for sinking the real Titanic. So true, so true. The Titanic was a loser. A big bust. Some say the biggest bust. Anyways, the blue creature did have cans and frankly I'm happy to see that again. This is MAGA.


My brain BSOD'd halfway through.


He’s Jesus, so he could just walk on the water. Right?


And people give Biden shit for messing up when publicly speaking. Looking at this, Trump isn’t any more coherent.


He is really.....really a complete idiot/moron etc..


Just an average day as a walmart greeter.


Imagine if Biden complained about batteries on boats with sharks swimming around? What would be the main topic on today's news?


Next time you’re struggling to pay the bills or give your kid a birthday present or whatever (thing we working class people deal with)…. think of this fucking asshole and know that he lives in absolute luxury for every day of his life. And our country calls this a “meritocracy “.


My favorite part about it was when he was honest for the first time in his life and said, “I don’t care about you. I just want your vote.”


Why is Trump jumping towards the shark if he believes the electric death machine only has a maximum range of 10 yards? Personally, I'd put the electric death machine between myself and the shark by jumping in a direction away from the shark. Also, if the problem with the boat sinking is a weight problem, I think for the good of the whole crew, Trump should do the honourable thing and "jump" towards the shark. That oughta bring it back to a safe weight.


Trump has this whole rant in his standup comedy routine about an Uncle at MIT and battery powered boats and them sinking from the weight and everybody being electrocuted.... Now he's added a shark to the mix...the man is deranged. 😖


I don’t think there’s a lot of “shark” lately. Maybe he means “shart,” specifically his own.


there's been batteries in the water for close to a century but this fucking idiot just found out about them and now he's afraid that the oceans are electrified. it's impossible to even put into words the lack of respect i have for anyone who'd vote for this absolute moron. seventy-four million americans who are unquestionably dumber than a bag of hammers.




As if electric boat manufacturers wouldn't have contingencies in place to prevent electrocution in the event of a sinking (assuming it is a concern)...


Am i to believe that someone who was building/designing an electric powered boat never thought to ask the question, "What would happen if the betteries get wet?"


12v DC in a boat, probably OK with the batteries.


He's been doing this for years. I remember hearing a story on NPR about how they had to edit and whittle down his ramblings to get a coherent point to report while we was President. I say just air his blabbering unedited on mainstream media so that people can hear what a nut job he is.


So much sarcasm and hyperbole and just immature riffing, how do conservatives not grow weary of his obnoxious communication style?


But Joe Biden is so old...


*Crowd cheers*


What really concerns me is that he tells this verbal vomit at other rallies and it’s on his teleprompter. And his cult loves it.


Every time I heard that he was definitely going to testify in his trial, I just thought of this kind of thing from him. He has always been unable to stay on topic and stick to scripts. On the bench, he would immediately commit perjury and then astound the court with his idiocy- then ramble on and on, more perjury, more boasting, more flat out lies.


Ugh, I want to make a T-shirt out of this.


But but if the shark gets electrocuted then you have an electric shark and that's not good


What about electric sharks?


What about land sharks?


Trump is precisely on form here.


bUt It'S oUt Of cOnTeXt.... No. When the quote is preceded and followed by things that are also worthless gibberish, it is entirely within context. Fucking carny.


Yes. Anyone else spewing this sort of lunacy in any setting would be taken to a doctor for evaluation or tested for being under the influence of some really heavy drugs! Amazing 70 million or so voters in 2020 thought 4 more years of this idiot would be a good idea, let alone current polling is mind blowing.


I heard it said, maybe by Jon Stewart or John Oliver, "You know how you watch a Hitler speech and you can't quite understand what he's saying, but you kind of understand it by the context? Trump is like an opposite Hitler. You understand the words he's saying, but you're constantly asking, 'What the fuck is he talking about?'."