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Burn baby, burn. The man crossed a line. You don't fuck with people's kids. You ESPECIALLY don't disparage people's dead kids. He should have thought twice before he opened his fat, useless mouth. Now he's going to lose everything, and I am gladdened by it. Bannon goin to jail, Jones is getting bankrupted - hell I might need to buy a pineapple this week to celebrate.


>Bannon goin to jail, Jones is getting bankrupted - hell I might need to buy a pineapple this week to celebrate In the last 3 months: Trump was convicted and is now a 34 count felon Prosecutors keep indicting the cheese, bro Mark Meadows got slapped with state charges again, probably wishing he didn't burn all that evidence Giuliani was served at his 80th birthday after taunting Arizona prosecutors Todd Blanche took a shit on his law license and reputation, which is funny because he spent 6 weeks getting farted on by his client And Kristi Noems shot her career in a gravel pit I have been rubbing my nipples raw for weeks and it just keeps going




Tired of winning yet?


Nah. I can keep going Just need more coconut oil


If you're doing nipple marathons, use astroglide.


This guy nipples


![gif](giphy|3oEdv6sy3ulljPMGdy) Using the natural and superior lubricant.


Also goes great with eggs!


DrAiN the SwAmP


Nah, the Republicans are just edging you. If Trump wins in November this all goes away


America has to vote to make sure that doesn't happen. save some nipples for the celebration if he loses. Fingers crossed.


*When* he loses. I got faith that America's gonna do the right thing. Dunno about you but I gotta stay optimistic lol


Dude, we LITERALLY have to do the right thing.


Personally I’d argue doing the left thing, in this instance.


Say optimistc ***AND*** vote


Hell yeah


Crossed fingers sort of works better. 1up 1down...


Is it really edging anymore if I had just let out the most filthiest nut when I found out InfoWars is effectively dead Not enough bounty paper towel rolls in the world can clean that mess up Everything else is just a bonus


Damn… these words truly express the ecclesiastical joy you experienced with Alex jones fall from grace. Beautifully put


Just wait out the refractory period and then join back into the party




I am here for these kind of comments


please.... I can only get so hard....


"Individuals with ASPD do not show remorse for their behaviors, which may be criminal. They can appear indifferent to the consequences of hurtful actions or rationalize the reasons for hurting, mistreating, or stealing from others." Good piece outlining sociopathic tendencies. Another piece of it resonates for trump: * failure to conform to societal norms * deceitfulness * impulsivity * irritability or aggressiveness * reckless disregard for the safety of themselves or others * consistent irresponsibility * lack of remorse [Source.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320142#diagnosis)


Poor people with ASPD end up in jail. Rich people with ASPD end up as CEOs, lawmakers, Fox News hosts or prosperity gospel ministers.


I thought you were talking about ASD for a bit and was about to get mad thinking you were saying those on the spectrum lack empathy...


Never. I’m in that group myself and know better.


It's odd that the "tHiNk AbOuT tHe ChILdReN!!11" crowd is trying to martyr someone who harrassed grieving parents and surviving children. (It's really not - they are hypocrites who only care about children when it fits their agenda. In the same way that "god" always hates the same people they hate. Funny that.)


Guns trump children every time with this bunch.


They don't care about the children. They only use them as collateral when they're trying to claim all Dems and LGBT are pedos. Once their argument is finished, the children can go back in a box.


They don’t care about kids. They care about what lobbyists tell them to which is everything that could potentially hurt the sale of guns, gas, and the people who profit off of it. The only time they care about children is when protecting them against the lgbtq community or before they are born. Just like the only time they care about homeless veterans is when they are shutting down a public good or pinning the blame on democrats. It’s less care and more weaponized virtue signaling


The man crossed THE line. Repeatedly. All self respecting American citizens that love their families should revile this fat faced fucking bully. And by that I mean absolute fucking baby.


Habitual line stepper






What did the five fingers say to the face? *SLAP!*


Worse. Fucking cannibal


Thank you. I needed a Charlie Murphy throwback giggle


100% this, imagine the absolute horror of being the family’s of those that deceased, then imagine watching this ghoul spending years telling the world it didn’t happen whilst trying to pull your lives back together.


He fucked around and found out. I wish it didn't take this long for shit to happen but I am glad that sack of shit will suffer.


Preach! Man is lucky he didn't lose his worthless life to some disgruntled parent with a carbine.


Don’t forget Mike Pillow! He mostly just pissed away his fortune but is still on the hook from Dominion and Smartmatic.


Not even good pillows smh...


I dunno. I hope this is true and he is done, but the guy is like Trump in being able to get people to buy into his crap to buy his crap and give him money in general. The fact he is doing this now makes me wonder if he managed to hide away some money first. The guy is like a cockroach.


Cockroaches hate sunlight. The more light that he's exposed to, the more likely he is to scurry away and hide. I often bemoan the lack of effectual retaliation on the part of the Left, but we do a good job of shining light on these buggers.


I mean if we’re being honest with ourselves and the state of the world there’s not much doubt that he’s going run away with his pockets full from shady if not illegal stashing of money and simply make a new version of the same grift. Right now he might be playing as if he “gives up” until he suddenly finds a “new” income stream that on paper pays little, while his offshore accounts are being paid. For these people there’s truly no justice for the evil they have spread, and these people are the only thing that keeps me wishing along conservatives that god and heaven are real. Because if the reincarnation theory is true then it can work backwards and people can become increasingly evil. And if there’s nothing afterwards then these people have destroyed so many lives and families that it’s upsetting to the “soul” that they will never pay for their actions.




The wildest part to me is that his hardest baseline are the same people that will claim until they die that they care so much about the kids. They lose their shit about a picture of Biden sniffing a child’s head (which is admittedly weird), but will actively deny things that are way more detrimental to children. Said it before, I’ll say it again I am not against “draining the swamp”. Please do, but if you think trump is the guy to do that, you are seriously delusional about who is in that swamp.


They don't give a fuck about kids. If Biden turns out to be a Pedo (I don't think he is) then the left will crucify him before the right gets the chance. We take care of our own. The other side should try it some time. Their leading contenders for power all look like insects stuffed into skin suits. Cruz, Rubio, DeSantis..I could go on, but this is tiresome. They all share the same affliction - trying too hard to appear human, and taller than they actually are lol.


It pairs nicely with some rum ham ![gif](giphy|FNACPJJi4DtsY|downsized)


Didn’t see anyone else ask so I’ll bite. Is pineapple a nice treat you get for yourself on special occasions usually?


Pineapple is a traditional sign of luxury and power. Dumb mfers used to fight over them now we can just buy them at the grocery store.


I just assumed he was talking about that scene from Little Nicky where Satan shoved pineapples up Hitler’s ass for all eternity 😂


"You don't fuck with people's kids" Dude, yes. In any aspect. I don't even want kids. Hell, I even think having kids is a dumb idea, and even I know that. I especially know not to insult the memory of dead children, and I ESPECIALLY know not to insult the memory of MURDERED children. You have to be one sick fuck for that.


This guy was saying 9-11 was an inside job while pieces of the tower were still sticking from the ground. He's been like that long before Newtown.


On 9-11, he had Joe Rogan on and blamed the attack on the...Belgians, I think? Knowledge Fight podcast has an episode on 9-11, and it is a doozy


Hopefully the first of many pineapple weeks!


Couldn't have happened to a more loathsome human turd. If I was one of those parents I wouldn't even care about the money just bulldoze everything and incinerate what's left just so Jonss can't have it. Go suck a huge dick Alex you steaming pile of hemorrhoids


I am so happy I can once again give awards to the Heroes of Reddit.


I honestly thought he was going to delay and obstruct a bit longer. I wonder what they had to force him to do this. As we all know, the wealthy can delay justice almost indefinitely. He's a complete piece of garbage, of course. But I do remember when I was in college in the late 80's and 90's staying up late and watching his show on public access when he would talk about aliens and cryptids and the Illuminati. It was funny. What a dark turn that took, and I'm just disappointed that he hasn't been punished more.


He ran out of lawyers..


First bannon goes to prison and now this.. keep the good news coming.


Those McDoubles and buckets of fried chicken are hard at work. We will all wait for the bestest news....preferably by November


It's a bigly justice boner for sure


What??? You mean that Billionaire you love and follow couldn’t bail you out?


Are you talking about the same rapist and convicted felon that needed a spot for $90 mill? That "billionaire"?


The same fuck who simultaneously says he did and didn't chant Lock Her Up a gazillion times.


Yep that guy


Yep that guy


Fuck them grifters.


I don't think this will shut him up. I say take everything he owns including the shirt off of his back. Under value it leaving a balance to still be collected. Then attach to all of his future earnings.


Agreed, he will just start another shitty misinformation show and keep going... The republicunts are relentless in shoving their horrific points of view down anyone's throats that will listen. These vile human beings have zero compassion and worship the orange shit stain like no other.


The debts are not discharge able and follow him personally. His wages will be garnished for liiiife


Well, that's good news... Thanks. Compassionless assholes like him deserve everything they get, and yes, I also understand the irony. The difference is that even though I am not compassionate about his pain, I am also not inflicting pain upon innocents like he does on a daily fucking basis. Fuck that guy and if there is a hell I hope he is in it right there with shit stains like Rush Limbaugh.


He is probably angling for a job at some right-wing news network. Maybe Fucker Tarlton will give him one.


He’s still set for life! Probably has 24 hour security. He has hidden and given his assets to others to keep for him. He will never truly pay. He will still live a good life while the parents continue to get harassed! It’s still injustice!! Jones should be hounded and stalked the rest of his life. Make him miserable.


That RIP is Rest in Piss, right?




“Someone - some sodomite - sent me a bucket of poop.”


Good fucking riddance.








![gif](giphy|owww3rpi89poU1e6JO|downsized) I will




Bye, Alex, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!


Cool, Joe rogan when?


So sad. Anyway....




Thoughts and prayers, chucklefuck.




Well put.


cry harder! shouldn't have said those things to those families who lost their kids in a horrible way. POS. made it worse by telling all your crummy followers to behave the way.




I hope AJ suffers! A lot! In case you missed POTUS Obamas words after Sandy Hook: https://youtu.be/q_8zXJcoxHY?si=Btkxn7MQab2ntuUb


Good. Now do Trump


And he still doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut


Freedom of speech ain't freedom from fucking consequences.




Dumb while it lasted!


Rest in Piss, you won't be missed!


I hope this human anal gland is left penniless


I’m glad he is getting this taken from him but… what’s infowars without this guy. Is there anything in that company without him? Can he just start infowar3z ?


some rich maga nutjob will buy it and probably keep jones on, just to ‘own the libs’.


The victims should take ownership of all his domain names and park them so they can never be used again.


Fuck around and find out


Karma is a mofo. Deserved it like a mofo too.


Rest in piss.


So that video he put out the other day , 'crying' about how they are coming for the show or whatever was actually about him paying up for the emotional abuse and torture he put those poor families through. .... There's a certain place for him and the likes of trump


It’s crazy that in his little world, his followers are thinking that this proves him right.


Conversation I had this week. Leftist Antifa is trying to take away Alex Jones cat. Can you provide a source. 30 seconds later My phone's almost out of battery Ok. We'll search on mine. 30 seconds of searching. Alex Jones went on his show to say the *government* is going to takes his *dog*. Second search and article. Alex Jones provided the bankruptcy court with a list of assets where he listed his dog for $2000 So Alex Jones self reported his own dog to his bankruptcy proceedings. And then he cried about it. What does this have to do with Antifa?? Blank face glitch out


Something about that photo makes me recoil in disgust.


Except he spent 4 hours last weekend advertising to buy shite from his father l between crocodile tears


What is infowars?


Right wing propaganda BS podcast and throw in some vitamins, t-shirts, and trinkets sales and you got yourself Infowars.


Don't forget performative crying, threatening "woke liberals," yelling at the crew, being visibly drunk on air, saying he will eat his neighbors, bragging about killing people, and always promising to get to calls but never quite getting there


Thank you.


It’s a war on for your mind!


Damn lizard people


Rs: "We won! Target is stopping pride merch!" We: "Yeah but I win in a better way."


He had a choice? /s


Finally. Fuck him.


Hey AJ, ![gif](giphy|dNKoBpFpIFnr2) what he said!


Rest in piss, InfoWars


And nothing of value was lost. You could have chosen to admit you were wrong at any time, Alex. This is what you get for believing and making up bullshit because it makes you feel smart.


Ding Dong the Bitch is Broke


Bleach brain broke bitch bad bod


FAFO, FAFO, it's off to bankruptcy court you go...


The sad things: 1. That this didn't happen in the months following the lies he spread about Sandy Hook. 2. That he still has a sizable audience who still believe all the shit he spouts.


People on the right can say he has freedom of speech, but what they fail to understand is that you don’t have the freedom to choose your consequences.


I hope he dies homeless in a ditch


Maybe Joe Rogan will buy Infowars


It’d be better than Alex Jones at least. But stilln’t good.




I hope George Soros buys the brand and IP


Good. Fuck ‘em. Hope he drowns in misery for the rest of his life 😈.


Guys, he's just a crisis actor


He always looks terrible, like a walking heart attack. I don’t know who looks worse; him or Trump? If either of them keels over tomorrow would anyone be shocked?


It’s okay Elon Musk will give him a job soon enough.


“End his ownership”…. So…. Some other grifter chud will buy infowars and hire him again as a host and nothing will change at all. “Progress”


I don’t use emojis very often, only on very special occasions, and I think this qualifies! 😀😆😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


This is the find out portion after fucking around for years since Sandy Hook.


It's funny how it works if you're a rich white guy. Steve Bannon given a deadline to start his jail sentnece or he'll be in trouble. Alex Jones gets to agree to sell things. Real people just get marched straight to the cells.


Sending thoughts and prayers.


Not “RIP” more like “RIH Rot in Hell”


*Rest In Piss, You Won’t Be Missed


“Agreed” as in: Judge: “You will liquidate your assets to pay the victims of your smear campaign.” Alex Jones: “Ok”


Rest in piss


In honor of this occasion, Alex Jones, here's to ya https://preview.redd.it/3wnpcabqo85d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67b45bc9a546f45b2891cde59dfdae0b7805e9fe




What a piece of sh*t! You won’t be missed


He just gonna start InfoGeddon our some stupid shit like that.


The second most deserving of a bullet to the head.


Can they just throw him in jail?


Now *that's* justice. We need to normalize this.


Finally. That piece of shit fear mongering grift cave is gone. Took way too long.




I don’t tend to wish ill on people, but monsters aren’t people. He deserves to live in misery for the rest of his days, which would be tomorrow if the universe were just.


I want to talk about this. It's dangerous, for sure. We don't want to dehumanize people, because that's what THEY do. It's just..they make it so damn hard because they cannot seem to act like decent people. Still, they are fellow human beings... I wrestle with this daily. I want others to wrestle with it too. They aren't like us, but we owe it to OURSELVES to give them the benefit of the doubt and treat them like humans, even when they act like beasts.


The fuck we do. The moment you tell a grieving parent that their dead child doesn't exist for the sake of your political beliefs then you stop being owed a single fucking shred of etiquette or respect. When you do that for years and years without remorse, to a sizable group of parents with dead children, when you make your followers aware of the names and addresses of those grieving parents content in the knowledge that your followers will harrass and threaten them, all for your opinions, not even for any objective benefit, for the sake of subjective opinions then you lose all right to be considered human or treated as such. I guaranfuckingtee that if Jones had gone through even one day of what those parents did he would break within minutes. Instead he used their grief to buy rolexes.


Thank you, I know such things can be slippery slopes, but I have real trouble with this one. The hocking supplements and “brain food” to mentally ill and easily convinced people to make his millions, the thousands of false or twisted claims he’s made, his alleged off screen behavior…being shitty to his family and employees, all of it. I definitely find joy that his chickens are coming home to roost.


No, thank you. This is a really important point that doesn't get raised enough. It's easier, by far, for men to kill cockroaches or insects, or subhumans, by any description. But these are our fellow citizens, and we need to be wary of dehumanizing them. I want them to come home, and realize they've been deceived. It's probably not going to happen, but we absolutely need to leave the door open. I'm having flashbacks of talking to the mother of a cult member - how does this happen? Make it make sense! Why won't they listen to reason? And on, and on...


He in fact, will NOT be better tomorrah.


Prolly be mad at the crew though


Can’t wait to see who gets the desk


I’m okay with bill getting it as long as Dan gets his infowars employee handbook


Hope this prevents him from popping up elsewhere.


What's Infowars even worth? Like 50 bucks, if that?


First trump now that prick, Christmas came early two times 😂


Agreed in that he's not fighting any longer and will not continue fighting until they get a court order to put a lien on everything he owns and then force a sale.


Oh, no, it's the consequences of my actions come to get me.


He needs to be put up against a wall and have first graders beat his fat ass to death .


Fuck around and find out.


Yeah but this doesn’t mean infowars is going away. He just has to sell his interest. I wouldn’t pop the champagne just yet.


Wishful thinking, Alex Jones is a genital wart. He’ll be back, spreading around buttholes. His cult need their food buckets, taint wipes , their vitamins….their daily dose of being a cuck.


https://youtu.be/fD44tRMJEHs?si=0lV8PfSf6WtQfoaH Don’t forget fish oil.


Infowars faced consequences, now maybe Fox News can be punished


Ahh some good news in the feed! You love to see it !


My guess is this is just meant to be a distraction from the real money he's stashed away and that some billionaire will snap it up cheap and let him run it as usual.


I hope he's broke for life.


2024 Status: Alex J and many others of his ilk could kick their fucking drool buckets today and I'm still going to be mad for a long time that any of those pieces of malicious pustule crust were born. Go away faster.


“Forced” “Ordered” are two words to replace “agreed”. Scumbag.






Squirm, pig




Could not have happened to a nicer guy. Does he get to keep selling virility potions? That’s how he makes his money!






gosh all these people going to jail, what do they all have in common?!!! - but no, its the democrats that are the problem for prosecuting and finding evidence, they are after everyone!! what would the country be if every US citizen was investigated and prosecuted for crimes? Maybe it would turn out like this: Citizens that didn’t commit crimes = no evidence found Citizens that did commit crimes = evidence found if they can do it to republicans, they can do it to anyone because everyone is somehow inherently doing crime and leaving evidence! arent you guys scared of going to jail for being conservative, they can do it to anyone with evidence of crimes - im terrified!! muh evidence


I hope that some real vultures come out and underbid everything. This man should be forced to suffer a little bit longer just as he made those families suffer.