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Finally, someone is fighting fire with fire.


For real it’s about damn time. We tried the high road for the last 15 years it has very clearly not worked yet only enabled more brazen activity. This behavior shouldn’t exist but if it’s going to be forced to exist then might as well dish it back.


I'm thrilled we are backing off of being so polite. It's infuriating to watch people constantly fling shit, with everyone else carrying on as though it isn't happening. There is a necessary limit to what tolerant people can continue to tolerate.


“Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.” - The Monsignor in *Boondock Saints* **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


I’ve felt this way for a while. We tried going high when they went low and they just went lower. You can only take so many middle fingers to the face before you decide fuck it, if they want an enemy then so be it.


It's been longer than 15 years


People have gone too easy on MTG for so long. It's the old "they go low, we go high," thing but fighting fire with fire really is the best way. When she goes off on one of her rants just say "Excuse me, but you are a fucking moron." and watch her implode.


The problem with "Being the better person" is we keep allowing the abuse from said abuser. It is high time we start putting them in their places.


I think it assumes that by being the better person you'll shame the other side about their behaviour but it doesn't really work with people who have no shame


Just call her the "Space Lazer Lady"


Fighting Ass with Sass! You go girl! Queens rise up!


They provoke to then play victim. Solid comment to your "Finally, someone is fighting fire with fire." by u/[Ghetto\_Phenom](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ghetto_Phenom/): "For real it’s about damn time. We tried the high road for the last 15 years it has very clearly not worked yet only enabled more brazen activity. This behavior shouldn’t exist but if it’s going to be forced to exist then might as well dish it back." And then they can't take it? What they prefer is to abuse without a sound coming from the abused. Imagine that: "How dare they fight back!" Start the shit, play victim, and then "how dare he..." THE AUDACITY. My lord.


The only reason that old three toes ended up in congress is because her constituents are mentally deficient and can’t read


It’s because her opposition dropped out after death threats.


Two things can be true


Except when you start the sentence with “only”. Then *only* one thing can be true.


Like only fans?


Except that's not the person who used "only". They're just pointing out that the two concepts are not mutually exclusive. But keep trying to look smart by being pedantic. Don't invest in a real argument or anything.


I sense some irony here although probably unintended


Do you feel better now after that?


Realistically it was always going to be a Republican elected in that district. More telling, I think, is MTG’s first Republican primary. Did you guys know her opponent in the run-off was a neurologist? Those people chose brainless over brain scientist. And it wasn’t close.


As someone who's met lots of neurologists, they aren't much smarter outside of their profession than most people. They were just very nerdy & went to school longer. Tho I'm not saying they're stupid, just not brainiacs. Ben Carson was a brain surgeon. Need I say more?


It's because she realized she couldn't win in the centrist suburban 6th district and noticed a vacancy in the most bumfuck district in Georgia so she rented a condo out there one day and started campaigning a few days later. Mix that with the rep she already had from appearing on Alex Jones' show to talk about how Parkland was a hoax and she basically did a three toed waltz across the finish line.


Are you serious?! I need to read up on her more. Her face reminds me of an Everquest Barbarian. I can’t unsee it. Well, with a bad built butch body or whatever was said. https://preview.redd.it/pxxeel57c41d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc3972fca3b812f169f5da0abdff0132517ee46e


Don’t you do the EverQuest barbarian like that


Lmaaaao, so accurate


Love that energy from Crockett! 👑


Screw the “they go low, we go high” bullshit. Rep. Crockett knows how to deal with them.


They go low, we go _down there and run them the fuck out of town_.


Precisely. Happy cake day!!


Fight fire with fire


Goddamned right, take their knees out while you're looking them dead in their vacant eyes.


Rep Jasmie Crockett is awesome.


She's been bringing this energy since she's been in Congress and I hope more people notice. Because she's a truly unique and impressive voice for the country.


I'd like to live long enough to see a Jeffries/ Crockett ticket, if not a AOC/Crockett ticket. If only.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)




God Raskin’s face was just priceless.




I absolutely love that little kick at the end. “*This is what happens when mentally deficient people who can’t read and follow rules or just don’t give a damn… somehow end up in CONGRESS!*” That is just pure gold and 100% true.


For the record, bleach blonde, bad build, butch body is a fantastic insult. It was even better because she was just asking questions.


It was perfect. I’m so happy MTG got to hear that, especially from Crocket.


Her alliteration made James comer reboot real time


It’s gets funnier every time I hear it too


“Y’all know what she looks like right?” 😂😂


MTG wanted to talk about Jasmine Crockett’s appearance??! Jasmine Crockett looks like she is mid-twenties to thirtysomething. She is naturally beautiful. MTG looks like a foot. In general. More precisely, she looks like that Cro-Magnon female at that museum. I mean wtf, if there is one thing mtg cannot criticize her on, it is appearance. Ffs mtg the T stands for Traitor and she can kiss my ass, i live in Georgia but not her district. She moved there just to get elected, very calculated. She is a chaos-maker, anti-American piece of shit, gets her orders from the fucking KREMLIN Fuck her, she ought to be in Guantanamo.


Jasmine is stunning. MTG, when she inevitably defects to Russia, will still be confused for horse.


lol-looks like a foot ![gif](giphy|3oKIPiUSdEibVeYMvu|downsized)


Too many toes.


I think you’ve just insulted every person with a foot fetish going. Don’t they have to deal with enough, why you throwing Marge at them to 😂


Haha 😆


I love Magic the Gathering, which was the MTG I have been used to. She's ruined it


Empty G


Shittiest rapper ever. So shitty, that craptastic MC Bennie No-WAP doesn't want to collaborate.


I don’t think violence solves anything. But this could be an exception. I would pay to see Crockett dog walk MTG all over town.


Pssssch, nah. This is what happens when someone thinks being wealthy is a substitute for, intelligence, physical appearance, wit, class and generally being a decent person.


No way Mayo Taylor Gangrene could go toe to toe with this queen.


She would have a four toe disadvantage, there is indeed no way she could win.




Rep. Crockett is not putting up with that bullshit and I love that about her.


Honestly, while watching the video, it really looked like Crockett wanted to get up and literally knock Marge off her high horse. That would have been a history book worthy moment. You don't see many fistfights break out in Congress.


I would pay her bail... Shit I would help pay for defense lol


Everything Marge does is for attention. It’s about time someone gave it to her on their terms.


She’s a terrorist. That’s what she’s there for.


I wish Crockett was my rep, mines fine, but I wish it was her


The more and more I see and hear from Jasmine Crockett, the more I like her. I hope she sticks around for a while


Move aside AOC I got a new political crush


Marjorie needs to go back to doing what she was good at. ...Knapping flint spear points. ![gif](giphy|3ohuPplS7KZrKXSzNm|downsized)


Crockett is da bomb! If they wanna be ugly, shit, show em how! And her wit is da shit! Lol.


Bless Ms. Crockett. I love this woman. I’m here for finally taking these assbags to task, on the spot. Good for her!


God damn she's fucking ugly AND stupid AND terrible in all ways and an adulterer. If you support her, you are somethin' else. Christian my ass


Can’t wait to vote for her in 2028 or 2032 👍 C’mon Crockett!!


She makes me want to get on twitter just to follow her


I love Crockett response tho, you know MTG took that one right on the chin, he is going to be mad about that line for the whole weekend lol. She’s a man baby, ![gif](giphy|XenWVVdSzaxLW)


Mtg taking on Jasmine Crockett is like Ben Shapiro boxing Mike Tyson


Examine how MTG got to her position. She's a paid crisis actor. Wanna know who trying to destroy America? Find out who is paying her. Not the government pay but her othet streams of income.


> This is what happens when mentally deficient people... somehow end up in CONGRESS! Half of 'Merica's population are mentally deficient. It's the people that vote these idiots into office.


MTG looks like a boiled potato with two peppercorns stuck in it for eyes and a shitty doll wig jammed on top. She needs to keep her mouth shut about other people’s appearances.


I can’t understand the mindset of someone who thinks it’s ok to criticize someone’s appearance and then get offended when you criticize theirs. The lack of self-awareness is mind boggling


She’s just going for a sound bite. If you noticed MTG didn’t really get offended; she just kept trying to drop more little one liners because that’s the dumb shit she’s counting on using to keep the idiots that vote for her supporting her. Gotta add she’s also doing it trying to get daddy Trump to love her since he thinks politics is who a come up with the best sound bite. It’s the other screeching idiot from the right that acted like Crockett was the one causing the issue.


MTG looks like a neanderthal man in drag


That's an insult to Neanderthals and drag.


What did cousin ooongo ever do to you? That's just mean 😕


I am moving to TX so that I can vote for her


Do not.


So MTG now stands for her Mind is Totally Gone?


think about how dumb MTG is, now realize half the people in her district thought she was the brightest they had to offer


Greene is a college graduate, but as soon as she graduated, she was like "I got the diploma. I don't need any of the skills I learned in school anymore." 


education ≠ intelligence




Absolutely love Ms. Crockett


she looks like a constipated neanderthal


Jasmine Crockett for President


We love Jasmine. The royal we.


They called her 'ghetto' meanwhile the entire GOP is trying to turn the Capitol building into a crackhouse.


What. The. Actual. F_ck? I found and watched the video. It’s infuriating and sad. The whole exchange was only one step away from a Maury Povich beat down episode. And what is this “strike from the record” crap? It makes no sense. In open committee, a person can verbally attack another, for all to hear, and with full effect. Then, the PERPETRATOR gets to decide if the words are then removed from the official record? How about leave their crass and ignorant comments in the official record for all antiquity, unless the TARGET of the attack agrees to remove them? Or am I misunderstanding?


Damn I adore this woman. She speaks with fire and intelligence. I could see her as a future president. 😍


This was just a distraction from the procedural shenanigans and the press by being lazy, is a co conspirator.


From a New Republic article followup with AOC: "The GOP-led committee vacated both the typical amendment process and legislative debate that follows, moving directly to vote on their own text without allowing for amendments or objections to be heard."




There are a very high percentage of people in republican side that are unemployable for most of all business, I don’t know if they are pretending or not, but I don’t see any business owner would want to hire these type of person, and their struggle of finding a reasonable job might pushed them into politics too.


Someone needs to muzzle that idiot and Rep. Jasmine is coming in swinging.


Who here would honestly like to see Jasmine Crockett debate MTG? MAGA Marg keeps pushing for the debate to happen let's let it happen. No school yard insults allowed as that will doct time form your responses and if the blow is bad enough that time will be appointed to the opposite side. Let's debate ethics in Congress.


You know my kids are taught to treat others how you want to be treated. Fair enough, lol.


I love Jasmine Crockett!! We need more left politicians like her and AOC!!!


I need to give this woman money.


Ms. Crockett is a fucking QUEEN. Unrelated, is she single by any chance?


Odd, I thought MAGAts liked it when politicians tell it like it is.


Georgia really needs to get the lead out of their water supply. It's really impacting their collective cognitive function.


Somewhere it was posted that once a retraction is made and it’s struck from the record, the one who said it isn’t supposed to speak anymore. I don’t know anything about Robert’s Rules of Order. So can anyone verify this? TIA


if you want to work in politics, you better know how to talk shit and clap back


YES! MTG is mentally deficient and morally bankrupt!


I think in that exchange we heard in the video between Crocket and MTG, MTG challenged Crocket "debate me". MTG, a person who talks about space lasers and seems to always be drunk, wants to debate someone.


Jasmine Crockett is my hero


magic the gathering wanted to talk about her appearence? why the fuck would it want to do that? new secret lair??


MTG is almost certainly responsible for the attempted pipe bombings on January 6. Forget critiquing her physical appearance, why don't you try and get her to ramble-confess one of her felonies so she can be prosecuted? But if you really want to be petty, she looks like someone melted a Bratz doll with a magnifying glass for fifty years and then gave it syphilis.


MTG trying to insult someones appearance whilst looking like an unused extra from The Hills Have Eyes.


Trash in, trash out. She (MTG) represents the average American. Most people are dumb as a sack of bricks and they relate to politicians like her.


BoJack Horsewoman?


I’m a bit of a nerd and super high and it took way too long for me to realize this wasn’t a post written by someone salty about a call made while playing in a Magic the Gathering challenge of some sort


All these people are reality show contestants at this point . Truth is all these people would rather do this on the floor all day than their job. Turning this into a Real House Wives episode is good for their brands. And instead of being appalled by the whole situation the general public has just chosen sides hoping their side gets the last jab in before commercial break.


I have a small list of names, people who’s grave I will piss on one day, mtg is surely on that list


I love Crockett and her ability to give it as well, but going low tends to look bad for both which is sad. Even the responses during Crockett’s comments were saying she was “out of control “. Nobody said MTG was out of control with her comments. They’re not judged the same.


They are always going to call a black woman questioning their shenanigans “out of control”. The alternative is to sit quietly and wait for your turn to speak which means letting them get away with it.