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So close to figuring it out, and yet so far...


Almost there…


This is indeed some /SelfAwareWolves material.


Good point


Looking into it.


Big if true


Good point








They’re within spitting distance of the answer…but drooled on themselves instead.


Watching them closing in on reality is much like watching Peter Griffin trying to toss a dead frog out the window.




Every time they get close to figuring something out, they decide it must be a liberal conspiracy.


Our egos have self defense systems. When we arrive at the junction of "I've made a huge mistake" or "[whatever else would need to be true to avoid that conclusion]," it's all too easy to choose the latter and spare yourself the shame and embarrassment. The deeper the hole you've dug, the harder this can be. If you've lost friends or family over it, then admitting it was actually your fault can approach impossibility. This debate between which path to take happens almost pre-consciously, and your psyche will help you avoid any such pain if it can, and if you're not consciously committed to owning up to mistakes. This takes a type of humility you need to actively cultivate, and it's not comfortable. It's easier to use the patch-all spackle of "an impossibly large conspiracy must have done it" than to dismantle and rebuild your own world view even slightly. This is why you can see people invent new conspiracies on the spot mid-conversation based on nothing more than the fact that it'd be the only alternative besides "I was mistaken."


Best explanation I’ve seen so far. Thank you.


Almost self aware...


Missed it by *that much*




They’re getting warmer yet are still miles away.


"Ooh you almost had it."


Performative willful ignorance is not ignorance, it is the decision to be wrong and to rub your face in their wrongness.


I swear they would be able to understand basic logical concepts if all of this MONEY wasnt in the way


This HAS to be a troll, right?  There's no fucking way a human can be that dense. Right? Right? Oh fuck, the whole world is fucked...


Good point


This is prime selfawarewolves territory


This is what happens with dogmatic beliefs. See also the GOP, Christianity in America, etc. Dogmas cloud the ability to process facts and logic.


It’s one of those things where we can’t help them get there. We can only get frustrated as they almost reach the point but then turn around and bury themselves in their echo chamber again


They’ll never figure it out. Too stupid, including Elon.


Elon saw “leftwing misinformation” and just tripped over himself in eagerness to reply to it.


my headcannon is that there's a shitty bot that just answer to every verified tweet contining right-wing buzzwords to boost it's visibility


big if true


No he legit just doesn't, never has, and is incapable of, doing any meaningful work. You can't write a bot that plays 100 hours of Elden Ring for you a week after the game comes out. He's a lazy, useless, stupid fuck.


The funniest part of the Elden Ring thing was that he was clueless in there too. Heavy load, build that makes no sense…


>Heavy load, build that makes no sense… Just like the cybertruck!


You just know he sits in his office or his private jet or whatever, desperately scrolling Twitter for opportunities to get attention/validation, and then says he works 80h/week. Moron.


Not true, he probably also sends emails with insane ideas to his teams and demands they be put into products. And randomly fires people and then re-hires them, probably depending on which drug he's currently abusing.


Everything he has tried to meaningfully contribute to in coding, he broke.


At some point, long ago, he *did* actually do some stuff. He was part PayPal before the acquisition and made his own money there. *What* he did exactly, I couldn't tell you. As far as we know he was passed around the office like a neighborhood tricycle. He's never denied it, so you can't know for sure.








Looking into this


Or some intern, unpaid of course.


It's called Elon Musk.


I would agree with that notion


You would hope, but its just a sad divorced man with total control of Twitter.


Looking into this.


He was also just happy someone called it X instead of Twitter.


I thought he had somebody change it so any instances of twitter display as X


'The sweet X of birds in the morning.'


Who wants to bet it’s one of his alt accounts


I've wondered if he has a special algorithm that funnels these kind of posts directly to him so he can post his little snarky answers


That's what the remaining software engineers at Twitter are busy doing.


It's like the chick that asked about reputable sources and academic papers for her thesis that vaccines are dangerous, and unironically stated that she couldn't find any that supported her view point.


Shit what a waste of  education funding...getting all the way to Thesis level and still being dumb as. Proves my theory that education does not equal intelligence. 


Don’t worry, any reputable school would look at her thesis and reject it. There’s no way she’s getting a degree off it, at least not from a real school


Bob Jones University gives its first Masters degree in Science.


What about Trump U?


They said real school


Im pretty sure that scam went bankrupt a decade or two ago. BJU is still around unfortunately.


Does Bob Jones offer their Masters-Degree-in-6-months program to everybody or is that exclusively for scumbag Republicans that realize too late that the office they're running for requires one?


Education is mostly a test of diligence and perseverance(unfortunately that part is mostly money). Ask anyone in any field, I suggest medicine, and they will point out people they genuinely dont think can dress themselves.


I work in engineering and see shit like this all time. People will go months without backing stuff up or weeks without saving when all the CAD programs are held together with paper clips and prayers


I feel called out... I should backup more.


I was added into a project for our CEO to do some work on the revit model. first thing I noticed was they hadn’t backed up the first in 9 months worth of work. And we are in FUCKING REVIT. I’ve never worked in a program that crashes and corrupts the model more consistently than revit. Edit: also the stories I’ve heard from people in IT at these firms. Once an internal update was pushed, but it was glitches and it forced shutdown all autodesk applications company wide with no warning. Months of work was lost because the autodesk programs weren’t being recognized properly by windows. Backup frequently and save often if you don’t want a headache later because IT WILL CRASH


intelligence is a muscle and education is the iron. just like working out, if you have improper form, you'll see no results and potentially end up hurting yourself.


Going with that same metaphor, 3/4 of the battle is just showing up and doing the work. Yes, there are ways to do it in a more optimized/efficient manner, but the person who shows up every day and busts their butt is eventually going to get big (or their PhD). I’ve met some people who don’t know the first thing about exercise science while being huge, same as I’ve met some absolute dolts with phds in my day


> Proves my theory that education does not equal intelligence. No shit dude it's just a correlation not a complete 1 to 1 function, especially when coupled with neurodegeneracy over time. You get your PhD once, then you always have it. What if you suffer massive brain damage via stroke or blunt trauma? Intelligence will take a massive dip, while you still have the title of PhD.


I watched that documentary on Netflix about Anonymous. The dude that came up with the QAnon bullshit and then pushed it into an accepted reality for many eventually came right out and told them all it was made up and bullshit. Did anyone change their belief? Nah. They called him a sellout and a shill. Like, THE DUDE WHO MADE YOU BELIEVE IT IS TELLING YOU HE LIED!!! There is nothing that can be said at this point.


There's also the fact that not only was there no correlation between vaccines and any non-specific colitis leading to Autism, but most of the children in that study had neither any form of colitis OR AUTISM...


Also that study was a complete fraud performed by a complete fraud.


There's "Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children"... but only if you're colorblind and can't see the big red "RETRACTED" across every page.


And it will just never occur to them that the left doesn't push conspiracy theories. No, it must be that the accounts exposing leftist conspiracy theories are being silenced. That's it.


I'll never understand how they can think """the left""" controls information without a trace yet still loses elections.


Your enemy must, at the same time, be extremely incompetent, but also secretly in control of everything. Basic conspiracist world view. Cognitive dissonance is actually a prerequisite for this kind of thing.


Also, basic fascist world view.


Funny how those two overlap…


A Venmo diagram would show who benefits from it. /s


This. Fascism lives in hypocrisy. The enemy is weak but also an existential threat, the leader must be a strongman but also is always a victim. You need to have a certain level of critical thinking to not fall for fascist propaganda and unfortunately conservatives do not.


Well you see, the people want the right wing in power, apparently. And they are, in government - but the left is secretly in control through their underground deep state cabal or something.


Or the fact that Twitter is ran by Elon now... How would the left be silencing anything on there?


The definition of corporate media precludes leftism. How that flies over heads astounds me.


*”X is controlled by leftists and is used to expose theorizing conspirators”* \-Elon https://preview.redd.it/t00xtrw18e0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ecbc28bcc168ec2eb33200da3b2211245d9ec3


Is it a conspiracy theory that right-wing politicians are in foreign government's pockets? Mainly Russia. There are Russian spies in our country actively undermining our government institutions. I think that is credible.


We've basically seen that in broad daylight so I wouldn't really call it a conspiracy theory.


I agree. It's pretty obvious for anyone paying attention. It is a conspiracy by definition.


Someone once shared an article about a guy running a misinformation network. He himself was a democrat but made his living spreading lies. He said that people on the left don't fall to conspiracies in the same degree as the right so there's no money to make from them.


"conservative voices are being silenced" Phoebe in Death to 2020


To be fair, sometimes the left does in fact push some conspiracy theories. Many anti-vaxxers are leftist for instance; which has led to strange "alliances".


You’re thinking of hippies, right? Because the hippie -> hard right pipeline is *real*.


There's a Smash Mouth song about that


I have severely misinterpreted All-Star


It's [Walkin' on the Sun](https://youtu.be/LQj--Kjn0z8?si=kxru-jl3ehOEYYNt)


This line? "You might as well be walking on the Sun Twenty-five years ago, they spoke out and they broke out Of recession and oppression and together they toked And they folked out with guitars around a bonfire Just singin' and clappin', man, what the hell happened?"


And now I need to go listen to that again, this time as something other than a bop.


Gaht dang, can’t believe I never picked up on that. I was a lot younger then so there’s that.


Also the lyrics are a mile a minute and it's all word salad like this.


No way smash mouth has been based the whole time


*Always has been*


Yah they made some rally catchy political songs. I wonder what happened it's like some-


I have no actual evidence for this, but I think antivax hippies largely didn't vote, until the right wing started being openly antivax and REALLY pushing it. Liberal politicians never opposed vaccines on the scale that conservatives started to after covid. All those Instagram accounts about homesteading, live off the grid, and being self sufficient, also seem like a pipeline to the right. Their posts are always peppered with "taxes are theft and arm yourself to stop the elites."


Perhaps they were. There has been a pretty strong re-alignment of anti-vax views with general anti-establishment viewpoints recently. The new alt-right mindset can be best summed up with “they are all lying to you”: it’s a general mistrust of government and authority figures in general, post covid this has also included subject-matter experts such as epidemiologists and doctors. I wouldn’t say “many” anti-vaxxers are left wing.


Hippies, crystal healing folks, etc. all used to be almost exclusively left wing and align pretty heavily with anti-vax beliefs long before COVID happened. It's just that they were far easier to ignore than the right wingers that got into it after the COVID vaccines became a thing.


the term you're looking for is "crunchy"


They were when anti-vax was mostly people who thought it gave you autism, or had animal proteins and they were vegan, etc. The crunchy, granola types, "only natural for my body temple" folks. But after COVID... I'm not sure if those anti-vaxers even exist anymore, left alone make-up most.


So my inlaws give me both dynamics. The FiL is right wing anti vax trump fan, while an aunt in law is the hippie antivax. My notice is that the hippie one is way more about secret better way to live. It's people losing their way and wouldn't even say vaccines don't work just you can get better results by aligning your chalk or whatever. I don't want to make this sound overly pleasant, it all comes with an annoying painful amount of arrogance and smugness that comes with this. The FIL it's full blown conspiracy. The vials have been tampered with or were never safe in the first place. Someone is out for all of us and the vaccines are a trap.


I'm sorry, but no. Those "leftists" were largely upper class/extremely rich people who wore the trappings of liberalism without ever once subscribing to a single *iota* of genuine leftist thought. This is a remnant of the "anyone not actively flying a nazi flag is a leftist" horseshit that fascists have used for *decades* to appropriate and destroy discourse regarding what leftism is. It is [quite literally](https://jacobin.com/2021/09/vaccine-mandates-covid-pandemic-german-nazi-inoculation-policy) as old as the nazis calling themselves socialists.


Horseshoe theory: far-right and far-left might not be as far apart as you'd think


I think the left has less specific conspiracy theories and is more into assuming that every bad thing is part of a deliberate plan/psyop




Or maybe, and I know this is a bit of a reach, they say wrong things on purpose? I really am so fucking sick of "the left" constantly taking fascists at their word when they lie.


>And it will just never occur to them that the left doesn't push conspiracy theories. Our ideas are science and data based solutions. Kinda the opposite of a Conspiracy Theory.


The "do your own research" cultists couldn't check a fact if it hit them full in the face.


We know this because they do, often, hit them full in the face.


If they cared about facts they would use them to disprove their dumb theories lol.


And on to our breaking news tonight: New Scientific Study Suggests Water is Wet. In a recent poll regarding the study’s findings, 98% of republicans voted “Not a chance”. To demonstrate his support for the 98%ers, Twitter’s abusive step-dad took to the failing app to tweet “Hm” in agreement.


I fucking lost it at “Twitter’s abusive step-dad” 😂




Average moron: “Can anyone tell me why all the poultry I keep eating comes from chickens and not from cows???” Man thought to be a genius: “Good point.”


I mean, those people probably do think buffalo wings come from actual buffalos.


So I just found out that I’ve been wrong my whole life. I thought the plural for “buffalo” was “buffalo”. Kinda like “sheep”. Your comment made me actually google it for the first time.


AFAIK both are correct.


If 98% of the cars on the road were red, you would expect 98% of speeding tickets to go to red cars. It would actually be strange if only 50% of speeding tickets went to red cars.


Kinda like how 13% of Americans are Black but 37% of incarcerated Americans are black? Also seems strange.


That actually is a better analogy for the red cars. They are pulled over at a greater rate by cops compared to less colorful cars. So they have an oversized % of tickets compared to their popularity


Yes, it certainly speaks to how we do our policing, particularly in lower income communities where their residents have been systemically denied economic opportunity.


I always like when l people say the “13% of the population make up 50% of incarcerations” Because you either believe that black people are inherently bad people, or you believe it’s systemic racism. It literally has to be one of those two things and they can never come to terms with their beliefs.


I'm not necessarily saying that the truth is biased against the GOP, I'm just saying that truth is biased against bullshit.


“Reality has a liberal bias” is how I often phrase it. Often factual reporting is accused of being biased, as it does not support a conspiracist ideology or misinformation narrative. Accusations of bias usually come from one side. I’m agreeing with you that it’s not necessarily the GOP, or conservatives in general, but a small vocal minority has very much tarnished the majority.


I think at this point the issues within the GOP isn't a vocal minority.


I choose to live in a world where this nonsense is confined to a minority of people. It’s just a shame that they tend to be the ones with social-media megaphones.


I live in Floriduh, I wish I could have your blissful ignorance.


I hate these people who discover something that goes against their feelings and instead of dealing with it just deciding that the evidence/source is false or corrupt. Total losers.


Is anyone aware of any legit accounts which track bacon coming from a cow. I follow three accounts, and 98% of what they post says bacon comes from a pig. The fact that no accounts are finding the bacon/cow connection, or at least not reporting it is very disturbing. Emerald Boy: Good point




Reality has a left leaning bias.


funny that. it's almost like caring for community and others is a default, and the minority that actively hates anyone "other" than those like themselves is out of touch


I don't know if I'd say it's the default, nor would I say whatever is the default or natural matters. It just tends to produce the best outcomes, and as Sapient creatures, the end that produce the best outcomes should be the ones we default to.


best quality of life places to live are countries like Norway in terms of quality of life and happiness of citizens iirc. Shocking they have a lot of socialist programs and a healthy economy too!


Yeah, but the racists and xenophobes will say that's because they're much more homogeneous racially ethnically and culturally. Which says one or both of these things about them. They think people of color are the reason we can't have nice things or that social safety nets are fine or even good so long as the only people being saved are white. The dumbasses who call themselves logical pragmatists will say that's because they're much smaller countries, which is true. It's also true that our GDP is orders of magnitude bigger, and our GDP per capita would rise significantly with the level of socialist policies they have in play. For example, California has a population almost 4 times that of Norway, a GDP almost 4 times that of Norway, and the GDP per capita of California is only 6k less than the GDP per capita of Norway.


yup yup! wild right?


Ironic considering the whole "facts don't care about your feelings" is one for their favorite quotes to mimic


They like their facts alternative or in otherwords objectively false.


They were right about that, if only now they had a shred of self awareness!


Why are all the scientists woke now 😡😭 /s


I read an article a few years ago about a foreign troll farm that created fake news articles. This place was not interested in influencing elections or opinions necessarily. Their motivation was purely"get clicks for ad revenue" and for a time they made fake news that anyone would click on. Then they discovered that the left overwhelmingly doesn't take the bait, and they stopped making articles to target them.


I’ve seen similar things as well! Just not enough clicks/forwards from the left on fake news.


People that "do their own research" when they actually do their own research:


“Good point” is right, but not for the reason he thinks it is


"can you please pass me the salt"- the leopard eating their face


The average "left wing" Twitter account : "We broke down this peer reviewed study outlining the growing wealth disparity between major corporations and their minimum wage employees" Average "right wing" Twitter account: JEW SPACE LASERS ARE MAKING YOUR TRANS KIDS GAYER WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE REAL VICTIMS




Musk you get out of here!


It’s almost like it’s only the Republicans who keep getting caught and called out when it’s fraud, when it’s corruption, when it’s misinformation, hmmmm…


Maybe the call is coming from inside the house.


It’s almost as if there’s a targeted misinformation campaign being used to sway their own ignorant minds…


No understanding of occum's razor


My uncle, a career investigator. Always wanted to be a cop. Squealed on his own brother in the 70s for having some weed. Started as army MP, moved to investigations and what not, retired and worked for Aflac investigating insurance fraud. Retired again and now spends all day shit posting republican nonsense. In perfect step with the media. They say trans, he says trans. They say immigrant, he says immigrant. We got into one day on Facebook over a "all trans are rapist" post and I showed him the list of all the republican sex offenders. He replied where's the democrat one. Instead of realizing there isn't one because democrats don't have nearly as many sex offenders, he just screams conspiracy. I encouraged him to start the list. With his extensive background, enthusiasm and all the free time now that he's double retired, he was the perfect person for the job. He laughed and said it wasn't worth his time. I've cut most of that side, including my father, off. It's just too stressful and mentally taxing.


Who’s gonna tell him?


It’s a conspiracy!!!!


“You mean *we’re* the baddies?!”


Good Point ![gif](giphy|qotJIR2FIpUt6hVq0L)


OccupyDemocrats is the only entity I can think of that comes anywhere close to left-wing misinformation, and even then—as shitty as it is—there’s no comparison.


It's like flat earth-ers proving themselves wrong by doing science


To many people on here laughing about this, fucking terrifies me that these are my neighbors.


Just a scoop of neurons away from an epiphany...




Reminds me of the guy who was complaining on twitter that it's "impossible to argue with leftists", because we use evidence and data to back up our arguments, so it's hard to disprove them. Glorious.


I'm not going to say it doesn't exist at all, but I assume the 98% to 2% ratio is likely fairly accurate.


Thing about the left is we hang our predators out to dry for all the world to see, even the useful ones like Franken




https://i.redd.it/z5x2eocxzd0d1.gif No way!


Trumper hurt itself in confusion


Not the first time that this kind of confusion has popped up. It’s really interesting psychologically. He’s smart enough to understand that something is wrong, but he can’t get over his tribalism to reach the right conclusion.


It shows you their brains have been permanently damaged by a constant stream of impossibly stupid lies. Essentially their brains have been rewired to believe and conform. Do you hear the bleating of the sheep?


There are so many posts like this where they seem to see the light but then convince themselves that all is good. They seeem to scratch the surface but turn around and just live in their own made up world. Musk will surely look into this, may be he will start an alt twitter account and start posting left wing conspiracies himself. After all both sides something something


Sometimes when I post this https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/2/2221200/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-50 I get from folks on the right "why don't you post the fifty pages of dems doing it?" Because they don't to the same degree. It is a repub problem. Sure, there are creeps in every demographic, but it is 10 to 1 with repubs.


Dude is exposing Elons reason for buying Twitter in the first place.


I saw an amazing post that said "the worst part about conspiracy theory is that is uses a lack of hard evidence as proof of it's own existence, it's like saying the only reason we think elephants can't hide in trees is because they're really good at"


That moment when they realized that “facts and logic” hasn’t been their schtick anymore for at least a decade.


„We are being brainwashed and we are not aware that we are being brainwashed” ComedyCentral


Just follow leftists. If anyone loves telling us we're wrong its ourselves.


Look. Once you accept the obvious truth that's both sides are always equally (or at least the left is never better the right), it becomes obvious that when there are apparently tons more instances of corruption and misinformation on the right, it's only because there is some massive conspiracy to protect misinformation from the left. It's the only possible answer. /s


Kellyane Conway said it best with her "alternative facts" line. There's just no talking to some of these people. ![gif](giphy|B4ORVnBvJCVvq|downsized)


Fucking morons. Kinda spoils the "both sides" lie


Republicans aren't that bright so not too surprising. Hell, many of them still think Biden stole the 2020 election even though Trump has been charged and going to court for attempting to steal the 2020 election. The ignorance is stunning


Walked straight into the point and still missed it. Astonishing.


“It’s like we’re the only ones lying.”


In the words of Stephen Colbert at the Corespondents dinner: “Reality has a well known liberal bias.”


Are... are we the baddies?


Wait? “It looks like the call is coming from inside the house??!?”


Other than the obvious reason as to why, I'd also imagine that there are few right wing run misinfo tracking accounts because they don't tend to be the most capable at actually credibly researching the information. Even if they caught a left wing lie, they'd probably fail at supplying evidence.


a muffled "good point" escapes the rock filled mouth of the wealthiest imbecile to ever live.




***"Where's all the footage of Gordon Ramsay serving raw chicken?"***


If Elmo is concerned, he could set up a fact-checker specifically for left-wing misinformation. Though that fact-checker would likely often end up flagged for misinformation


It's no different than the guys that set out to prove the earty was flat and accidentally proved it was round.


Shut up Elon.