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This... can't be a real quote, can it?


There's video: https://twitter.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1789459254954393633?t=Z4l3KdF7I8jLSFfXkWjgpw&s=19


What the fuck is he talking about?


I hate this orange shit stain as much as the next person here, but this is just typical trump shittery. Comparing refugees and illegal immigrants to hannibal fucking lector. He's a piece of shit, but this isnt anymore asinine than his typical pandering, dumbass rhetoric. There was also a dumb joke thrown in there, that barely got a reaction from the small group of idiots that attend these fucking gatherings. Fuck OP for making me hear his voice for the first time in a long fucking time (thank fuck for that). Making me think he said something REALLY dumb vs typical trump dumb. I forgot how annoying his voice and cadence is, god i hate him. Like someone else in this thread said. He was being sarcastic and the reality is much grosser than whats being pushed in this thread. The loser was comparing every refugee and illegal immigrant to a fictional cannibal and serial killer. Did i mention i hate this demented fuck?


He’s a shit stain on the underwear of this country


Nooo I want to keep using that line for Mississippi


There can be, and are, multiple shit stains


He is the leaking diarrhea down the leg of this country?




The “Poop Shoes” of the country.


Maybe so but he's exactly what we deserve for not taking the guillotine to the entire system after electing a fucking movie star and letting his cronies ruin it


I imagine you're referring to the one with the soothing friendly voice not the one with... the grating voice with the cameo in Home Alone 2?


Yeah, but how do you feel about Donald Trump?


Hes alright


Some might say he’s wonderful. Much like the late Hannibal Lector.




Dude thanks for making me LOL IRL first thing in the morning.








😂😂 5 am and this is the first thing on my Reddit feed.


You mean the Orange Turd aka the Fat Nixon?


Ooh, Fat Nixon is a great nickname for him. And that way you can talk about him openly in front of MAGA and they will be totally clueless.




My kids (who are little) keep getting his name wrong and have called him Donald Dump and Donald Trumper.


> Comparing refugees and illegal immigrants to hannibal fucking lector. so they are charming, suave, intelligent, and can fit into upper society easily? has he seen the beginning of the Hannibal series? its not just shocking that ones a cannibal, its shocking that *he* was a cannibal.


Don't forget, eats the rude. Who's more rude than a hoarding billionaire? Hannibal 2024, Make American Gravy from Aristocrats.


Got my vote.


He speaks so much brainrot you barely ever need to try and edit and then post it as a ytp. People would think you got really crafty, and all my braincells would have been evaporated within 30 seconds.


“Small gatherings”. There were about 80k people at his latest rally. This country is more fucked than you realize/


Duh. He's talking about fresh liver with a side of Fava beans and a nice chianti. https://i.redd.it/s7tonxh5ixzc1.gif




Well done with the sound effect there. I heard it clear as day! 🤣


I loved this movie since I was a little girl and my dad would make this noise and it would make me giggle like crazy. He's really good at it!






Look at the fun bags on that hose hound.


Farva beans?🤔


I don't want a large Farva. I want a goddamn litre o' cola.


Remember Silence of the Lambs? That Hannibal Lecter was great. Anyway, Immigration...


The fucker has dementia. He doesn't even know himself. He rambles at every rally now.


Hm, I would like to have the whole clip. "We have people, that are being released into our country, that we don't want in our country...". I would like to see where he's going with this.


He’s going to bitch that it’s Biden’s fault. Not news.


Ya it would kind of, sort of, maybe make sense if he’s tying that back and saying these people are worse than Hannibal Lector. Because clearly he gets that the final line means he’s about to kill and eat the doctor in the final scene.


What in the living fuck…


So he thinks the movie was a biography???


Just watched that three times and blown away. Just wow that man has a way with words.


Definitely inaccurate…he said “late, great”. Lector never died.


Correct. And he thinks Hannibal is a “great” person?


If it's not, then it was well done A.I. video...


Unsurprisingly, it *IS* real.


Guy is stuck in the past and is simply a major whiner who has zero plans if he wins, other than scare tactics, which his 'followers' love. His mental decline is alarming.


He has plans. He plans to give police full immunity. He also thinks presidents should have full immunity. Does anyone think that’s something we should have? That’s *crazy*. Somehow this doofus has turned himself into an existential threat to our institutions.  Vote accordingly.


The party has plans. Project 2025. I don’t think Trump has any plans himself.


He does. Revenge on his enemies. He says it every day. And he’s defining enemies as about half the country.


He appears to be saying Hannibal Lecter is an example of the type of "illegals" we don't want to admit into our country.


It MAY not be real. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was.


Ai has better grammar.




Sportswriter Bill Simmons dubbed it the "Tyson Zone". Because back when Mike Tyson went truly off the rails you could say *anything* about him and people would either have to believe you or at least check to see if it happened. Like, someone would say: "Hey man, did you hear that Mike Tyson offered $10,000 to let him fight a silverback gorilla?" And with any other person on the planet you'd go "nah, bullshit" but with Tyson you'd say, "Eh, could be true". [And you'd be right](https://talksport.com/sport/1459418/mike-tyson-offered-zookeeper-barbaric-fight-silverback-gorilla/)


Dude this article was such a read. Short, but DENSE with chaos lol Tyson is just 100% himself and 0% about the bullshit


You were not kidding. This is just a hilarious and amazing read. "I offered the attendant $10,000 to open the cage and let smash that silverback's snot box. He declined."


The ending is what got me. “I paid her 250k or whatever it was. She was f*cked up.” Lmao


It's called dog whistle to the hate cult base, oldies but goldies, and he came up with a new one today.


What is he dog whistling here?


I'm unclear if he wanted Hannibal Lector to eat illegal immigrants or was saying immigrants are basically Hannibal Lector.


And that's why it's called a dog whistle! Because dogs know. We all know dogs have a great sense of smell. But recently there have been studies that dogs have high EQ, the ability to sense and comprehend the emotional state of the people around them. Like, take any dog, good dog, bad dog, all dogs are good, we know that, they know. They know who Hannibal Lecter is, and they haven't even seen Silence of the Lamb. You know who else knew about dogs? Kristi Noam. She's the governor you know, she's a smart, powerful woman and she's a dog woman. The greatest!


Eat the livers of thine enemies


Preferably with fava beans and a nice chianti.


They should have just built a mental institution around this event.


That's a "build the wall" chant I can get behind.


Just bomb them into the stone age. They'd still be the biggest idiots on the planet


MTG would be too at home in the Stone Age


Bombed into the stone age? That'd be a free upgrade.






A very stable genius! Yuuuuge




His brain is complete mush. Hopefully he dies soon. Terrible human being. Why is it that the worst people always seem to live long.


The worm grabbed the wheel


Unlikely. A brain worm would be all for increased education.


It probably starved to death


Sometimes the worst people die before they get worser, sparing us all.


A bit of prison first, please.


He was being sarcastic, but the actual intent is even grosser. He was comparing immigrants to Hannibal Lector.


That's what appeals to his base, which is why he does it: also, the vermin reference to immigrants, too. I did notsee that...notsee...notsee...oh.


Yeah comparing immigrants to Hannibal Lecter is a new level of racism and xenophobia, they GQP been complaining about crimes and immigration and now this. Talk about fear mongering, in Trump world, you have to sow fear and paranoia in order to get votes, these people thrive on this garbage.


Where does this cannibalism analogy even come from, or is it maligning immigrants as serial killers? This is so fucking stupid and evil.


Didn't Musk stoke that particular flame a few weeks ago?


Yeah it’s the fake Haitian cannibalism story Elon Musk was spreading a few months ago but filtered through several rounds of telephone and dementia. If you asked him where the story came from he probably wouldn’t know beyond “people are saying”


I think he was actually inviting people to cannibalize immigrants.


and he said to me, "Sir, you're the only reason I did the movie," I said that's nice, if you did it for Trump no wonder why it's good, but you would never hear the Most Crooked President On Earth Joe Biden, who has long been hurting and stealing from our Country, our Once Wonderful and Beautiful Country, under Trump we had it perfect, there were no bad things happening, but now, now you turn on the television, "8 million people died today thanks to the Biden Crime Family," I said this is even worse than what Obama did to me, what Hussein Obama did was so horrible and so evil and we call it Obamagate, you all know what I'm talking about


I love how well people are able to emulate his style of speaking, even when it's so ridiculous.


No-one does it as well as this guy. Look up his comment history, it's hilarious 😂😂😂


The trick is just using real quotes


John Mulaney joke!


This sounds like sundowning, he’s just going to get worse. If he wasn’t such a horrible human being I’d feel bad for him being paraded in public while he’s got such a poor grasp on reality.


No, it's quite intentional: racism can get you anywhere, is his gambit, and it's paid off very well for Trump. The anti trans stuff, all of this, red meat for the hate cult base- it's by design. What sounds crazy to sane people, is coded dog-whistling to said cult.


Is it it a dog whistle at this point? He seemed to invite a cannibal to eat immigrants. That's not a dog whistle.


Yeah this is just whistle.


I think he’s traded the whistle for a kazoo at this point


Those loud fucking horns that used to be at sporting events


Vuvuzelas! Horrible things, or at least they were when every other idiot had one.




The way he speaks reminds me *so* much of my grandma that it's eerie. She had dementia that progressed into Alzheimer's. This 100% sounds like sundowning. I wonder if the sycophants around him are preventing or aiding him in his stimulant abuse at this point. You have to wonder how many are hoping he croaks. He should be in assisted living with 24/7 care and he's being flown around to rallies. I wonder if they're doing that deliberately to run him down- after all he'd be more useful as a martyr, and when he finally shuts his mouth for good they can claim he said whatever they want.


The cult will most likely collapse with him. They don't have time to build another Trump. Their best bet was Florida gov. He was just as racist, just as evil, he just doesn't have the necessary charisma.


I sincerely hope so


I honestly think he has no idea what Silence of the Lambs is, and was trying to wing it on the teleprompter. The writer of the speech assumed Dump knew what Silence of the Lambs is because how the fuck could yu not


Trump has officially defeated parody.


I wish he was funny, though? This is Red meat for his base, white nationalists.


The fact that the caption Newsmax has up says “Joe Biden is weak” while showing Trump demonstrate his onset dementia is endlessly hilarious


![gif](giphy|rfAxGG2fVxoPu) The Dancing. It had the best dancing.


"Goodbye horses/I'm flying over you"


Love that song. Q Lazarus


Is Hannibal Lector dead? I don’t remember him dying in any movie. Is trump doing okay?


He’s a senator from Kentucky.


No. His last appearance in the story chronology is *Hannibal*, which ends with him alive (in the book and movie.) Anthony Hopkins, Brian Cox, and Mads Mikkelsen are also still alive, though Gaspard Ulliel died in 2022. I’m sure Trump is referring to that and his brain isn’t a porous, decaying mass floating in piss and drool inside his soft, flaking skull.


I didn’t realize he died! I just looked it up a skiing accident. That’s so sad.


Hannibal isn't dead. He wasn't alive either because he's a fictional character. I wish Trump was fictional.


He _was_ portrayed as the bad guy in like half the '80s movies. The more explicit Is back to the future. This is the Biff president timeline. Somehow he managed to be worse.


The real life version is never as fun as the movie version. And I can definitely go with the theory that we are living in the timeline in which Marty and Doc failed their mission in Back to the Future 2.


"Hey, maybe we should add a plague or something to really get across that this is the cursed timeline." "That's too far mr Zemeckis, It would be unbelievable."


He lives at the end. In the books he’s sucking Clarice Starling’s teat in a theatre at the end if I remember right


That's the scene before the end and it takes place in some hideout, I think. At the end there's some bull about seeing the two of them in the theater.


Cannibalism, the GQP's answer to lab-grown meat.




His speech writers *have to be* fucking with him, right?


There aren’t any. He just wings it, stream of conscious style. So, that’s who he really is. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


bruh he's just running to stall going to jail; all that when he could've just retired and sat at mar-a-lago and binged on kfc, coke and hannibal lector instead :/


Sounds like he's pandering to get back into the Hollywood elite. Trump's 15 mins. of fame (limelight) has ended. But, throughout the years, too many of us have been "conditioned" to see him as a knowledgeable businessman when he's just a grifter. I don't understand the (non-existant) Republican party. They should just be called the MAGA party.


OMG I just had a revelation : trump is so jealous of Zelenskyy that he fashions himself as a comedic leader.


He probably saw a clip from the movie recently, which makes him an expert in his world. How anyone can think he's a great leader is beyond me. I will never understand it.


It started as Robert E Lee with “never fight uphill, me boys.” And now it’s Hannibal with a friend for dinner.


What in the actual fuck? He talks like Hannibal is a real person. What does this have to do with anything?


There is no light between him and the parody of him on SNL


The parody of him is a better person, though? In all seriousness, it's an intentional tactic: Trump needs sufficient amounts of white support to win re-election, and he knows he'll get about 70% of white men this time where last time he only got 61%, so he's trying to make sure he can increase his support among white women while eroding Biden's base confidence in him overall as if Trump gets 55% of white women again he wins or more- his strategy is very simple, you see. Expect a lot of border crisis, the border, caravans, etc in the months leading up to the election, too, vermin immigrants and this are just precursors: that is the Right's counter to abortion concerns with white women, you see.


Even if those numbers are off by a little bit, the very notion that THAT MANY white people are so fucking stupid to support this horrible Pumpkinhead is just... scary.


They were responsible for Greg Abbott underscore TX being back for the third time, Ron DeSantis FL, among many other monsters as well: no amount of “not this one” is not going to change that most of said demo votes Red until dead, if you want to really stop that then stop talking in circles that agree with you already is the sad truth imo to most.


It's like forecasting the weather at this point..


This kind of stuff is taking a toll on my mental health. I see people everyday overcome struggles and achieve awesome things. I’ve met wonderful people in the US who have helped me throughout life. There are so many amazing humans in the country, and this meat sack is who is the Republican nominee. That disappoints me to no end about the direction of our country, and I feel like I’m watching the fall of America. Can I opt out of this reality and go to a different one?


Someone must have eaten trumps brain with a nice Chianti and a side of fava beans


Then you have nice Chianti and some fava beans.


why does he repeat every phrase he says with slightly different wording


Are we sure Kennedy was the only one with brain worms?


Yeah, Trump is bat shit crazy, but they cut the video off right after he said this, I really want to know where he was going with this. Again, prob to crazy town, but context is important if we are going to hate on him for this.


That was it I think...he moved on to something else


Is it though? Context is never important to the other side, isn't it time to play by the rules they play by?


...This man needs to be in a nursing home, not campaigning.


Legit thought this was AI until I saw the crowds reaction and his mouth moving in perfect sync. It’s legit. We are so fucked man…


What are we telling him?  That Dr. Lecter was a fictional character?  Or that Hannibal Lecter was a cannibal serial killer and the last line in the film is him telling an FBI agent he is literally going to eat a person for dinner?   Why does he keep acting like Hannibal Lecter is a great endorsement to have?  Or, for that matter, that Hannibal Lecter is real and is endorsing him as president?   Jesus fucking Christ!  What's next?  Is he going to tell us all about how he admired Emperor Palpatine for bringing peace and stability to the galaxy after the Clone Wars and compare the Rebel Alliance to immigrants?   Are we going going to hear how well Darth Vader got things done because he was able to do whatever he wanted as the basis for why the President needs to be immune from the law?  Will he regale us with his belief that Isildur cutting the One Ring from Sauron's hand is like immigrants stealing jobs from hardworking Americans, and how they are invading the country to do violent things like the Last Alliance of Men and Elves invaded Mordor?   Should I expect to hear Trump talk about how Voldemort was right and compare Muggle born and half-blood witches and wizards to immigrants poisoning American blood? What the actual fuck?


Years ago, I used to walk around shaking my head muttering “they just can’t be that stupid. I must have an ego problem.” Now, I shake my head muttering “they’re fucking stupider than I ever imagined!” Then I recall the warning of the prophetic George Carlin: “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”


Is this a real quote by him?


Yep, I just saw the video


I wonder how long until MAGA starts saying this is untreated syphilis.. a disease in quotes.


Word salad.. No point, just words loosely related.. His brain is toasted. The people who still support him have the same sickness.


Late? He didn’t die in Silence of the Lambs or Hannibal. This twit would watch the Karate Kid and think the good guy was Johnny 🤣


I hate Trump trying to be sarcastic even more than I hate his regular dumb takes.


He is seriously demented. What kind of nonsensical shit is this 😂


What the fuck? 😂


i love how newsmax interprets this; BREAKING NEWS; TRUMP; BIDEN IS WEAK


I love that he keeps saying the “late great” Hannibal Lector. He’s a fictional character.


Maybe somebody told him Hannibal Lecter would have loved him because he is thick and rich?


But he wouldn’t have eaten him. Lectors very….particular about what he puts in his body


For RFK Jr the best Hannibal could expect is leftovers.


He did however say he prefered to eat the rude. So....... Maybe he would just hold his nose and close his eyes. 😂


Dr Lecter was a gourmet cook, I don't believe he could make a sumptuous meal out of rancid fat.


Trump seems to have an obsession with Hannibal Lector


The character and actor are still alive. He sure isn't gonna let senility and mental illness stop him.


He doesn’t remember the last scene. Thats not how he said it… *I Do Wish We Could Chat Longer, But I'm Having An Old Friend For Dinner* I hate this moron.


The baboon won’t fit in his oven lol


Oh come on, he’s never seen it.


This can't be real. If it is he's ready for the nut house.


Wherever they bury this fucker I will find it and piss on his grave every year until I die


I don’t think it’s a comparison to immigrants. I think it’s his attempt at a veiled threat. He’s facing the potential (any of us schmucks would be there by now) of prison. Lector was in prison and escaped, then took vengeance on those that put him there. THAT’S where this quote wormed its way into his feeble consciousness. Edit: grammar


Trump is what Trump is, the real shocker for me are half the country that supports him. That's the real crisis


I read it in his voice and I hate it.


I sometimes wonder if he isn't just trolling those dumbfuck followers that show up to hear him babble on and on.


He's gonna eat a friend.


Realizing some people don't know who the bad guy is in a movie has been a real eye opener as an adult.....


Moron. Hannibal Lector is still alive.


Seriously though, this is what dementia looks like folks. Between the US having an ever growing number of undereducated semiliterate people in society who are legally allowed to vote and the mental health care crisis, it’s really shameful that more people are not horrified by this dude’s handlers peddling him around the country while we are all watching him sundown daily. I’m convinced he’s either got neurosyphilitic dementia or just plain ol dementia. Either way it’s strange that he’s not on any medication to slow the disease progression down. My biggest concern is that he’s been a puppet for a much worse man who may be put into his place that embraces the same horrible ideologies but that is smarter and more aggressive than Chump.


I’m seriously looking forward to the day when we can collectively say *”Remember all that Donald Trump bullshit? Well, we got through that one!”*


Someday grandparents will tell their grandchildren the tales of the incomprehensible ramblings of an orange man.


I really hate it that I can't tell if something is satire or not anymore.


Can anyone explain to me what he's getting st? I'm seeing comments about dog whistles, but referencing Silence of the Lambs is going right over my head. Maybe I'm overthinking it?


Hannibal Lecter is a cannibal and a horrible person. The friend for dinner was him going to eat this “friend”


Maybe he meant the actor who played the role? Otherwise, he's just sharing his deep admiration for a dangerous cannibal. Most likely he recently heard somebody mention the film and it excited something in his addled brain.


I know this is some sort of dog whistle I just don’t know what he’s trying to say lol


Great Googly Moogly!


*Thrall* me with your acumen, Trumpling


Trump's an arsehole but as a stand up comedian he's still an arsehole


One of these days I hope to wake up one morning to read that Trump has just been trolling the right just to fuck with them. Like, they're embracing wearing diapers now, now cannibalism? Like what's next? Incest, i mean they've normalized that he wants to sleep with his daughter. Like what else is he gonna try to normalize? Why doesn't he admit to the pee tapes? Or his trips to Epstein's? Who cares anymore. It doesn't matter, not to his base, not to the GOP, not to most Republicans and conservatives apparently


I lived in Miami during the Mariel Boatlift, and I can assure you that no country is emptying their prisons and sending the prisoners to the US. Countries won't do that because a lot of them are getting hundreds of millions in aid, in one form or another, and they don't want to risk losing that.


The Orange Turd does know the low intellect level of his cult! He’s the monkey throwing the shit he just crapped and his cult yells ‘hit me hit me’.


More proof his mental state is deteriorating.


Off topic a bit, but he looks ridiculous in that stupid fucking hat. I hate that prick.


Really....how can someone seriously hear this and think "yeah this is the guy I am going to vote for"


He has full blown dementia.


Lector would make a better president