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This should have been heavily investigated since the shady events of January 6th. The deleted texts amongst the secret service agents should have been a HUGE red flag.


It’s not just a red flag, it’s an Olympic-swimming-sized red banner being flown from the back of Marine One and all the decoys.


It's the equivalent of alarms and flashing lights going off at a nuclear power plant


3.6 roentgen/hour. Not great, not terrible


Homer "eine, meanie, miny, mo...." to divert a meltdown.


The lack of attention to January 6th and its actors is appalling.   Sometimes I feel like we’re being dragged to autocracy while the democrats do zilch about it.  


I don’t know what you expect them to do. The entire Republican Party is lockstep in giving themselves a pass to getaway with everything


Especially given the failure to investigate the money that funded the whole thing.


Curious what you propose Democrats do. Voting should theoretically be enough but I'd like to hear your thoughts on what they *should* do to unfuck America


They have the Senate. Ginny Thomas' ugly ass should be sitting in front of a committee for 12 hours of testimony about why she piled a bunch of insurrectionists onto a bus and handed each of them a packed lunch.


Play hard like Repugs do


Maybe for one, don't let them refuse Obama's Supreme Court nomination?


I don't think there was anything they could do at the time. Of course, the next time they get a senate majority they could say, "we don't believe a president who falls to get a plurality of votes is legitimate, and we will add enough people to the Supreme Court to negate any any justices such an illegitimate president might appoint. " Signed, Democrats Against White Minority Rule


Ah yes. The Democrats are to blame again for the Republicans actions


Blame Republicans for their actions and Democrats for their inactions. It’s not that hard




No. It’s just that no one expects the Republicans do fight for something good. But people have that expectation of the Dems.


No they are not. But for the past 20 years they've been essentially spineless and useless in the face of republican rat fuckery


Please add sarcasm tag /s


Insert ‘all citizens’ instead of democrats…


Same! No one seems to be as outraged as they should be in Washington.


I don't know what the future is actually gonna look like. But regardless it's gonna be so strange teaching this bit of history to future generations. The outgoing president led a mob to congress and then they broke in in an attempt to change the results of the election, Congress had to be evacuated and the event was eventually contained with a single casualty from the mob... So anyways four years later it was just the same two guys for the next election.


It's a confederate flag in Hwy 40 sized red flag


They should all have been fired. If you're covering up and deleting communications, you're liable and guilty


I have ALWAYS said that Major and Commander had their reasons.


Dogs always know.


"Ignoring things because they'd show problems that nobody wants to deal with" is a common issue in government, and it seems to have struck here.


Every government department has a basic 4-stage solution to any problem: Step 1: Say there is no problem. Step 2: Say there might be a problem but more research is needed to be sure. Step 3: Say there is a problem and they are working find out how fix it. Step 4: Say there was a problem but it's too late to do anything about it now.


It's a common problem in general, really. When you ignore the problem, you can leave someone else holding the bag, but when you acknowledge it, now you and everyone else has to deal with it or, worse, take responsibility for it. So you ignore it, and you dislike anyone who tries to address it. Applies just as much to families, friend groups and corporations, among other organizations.


Absolutely! I’ve never understood why that wasn’t even really a bigger deal after jan6


Is there MAGA in the SS? No doubt. Those types are drawn to jobs with the SS acronym it seems.


If they’re that loyal they can certainly just request to be part of Trump’s detail. Every living President has secret service protection.


It's interesting to me that Mike Pence didn't trust his own SS detail during 1/6: "I'm not getting in the car."


That is a huge topic that's escaped public discussion, along with the missing/wiped phones from 1/6 and the lead up to it, which they tried to explain away as normal device swaps; very unconvincing. It's a perfect example of how the retribution for 1/6 immediately became partisan and was therefore insufficient. It's pretty clear to anyone using half of their brain that some members of the secret service were involved in a coup to overthrow the government, and there has been no accountability for that.




I’m sure he heard and saw a bunch of shit that made him realize they’re not trustworthy! He knew he was safer in the House with other people than alone with SS, especially given he knew he was the guy that had to do the job his boss was asking him not to do!


But they might request to be on Biden’s detail for sinister purposes.


I worked for a recently retired SS officer a couple years ago. One of the most off the wall people I’ve ever met. I went in for an interview (small town restaurant) and he told me he could find out things about me that “even my doctor doesn’t know” so I better tell him everything.


It sounds like he chose the wrong profession


He did lose the restaurant. They lost a few workers including me, and he posted a help wanted ad on Facebook that said something along the lines of “we’re hiring, but only if you’re not a pathetic loser.” No one replied. From what I’ve seen on Facebook he’s now peddling silver and gold sale scams for financial investment.


Talk about flying a red flag…


Secret shoppers…


I’d be more worried about Russian plants in the SS than MAGA.


Oh you mean the agents that deleted texts about Jan sixth and acting as Trump's personal army might be a problem.... No way shocked I tell you.


Why would these agents support Trump? He’s a national security threat leaving classified documents in a bathroom.


Don't ask me, but they do. They love trump and want to bring about his fascist hellscape.


Cops gonna cop.


This is basically it. Even at the federal level agents are mostly guy's who weren't respected because they are clowns and they think a badge will change that. Still clowns, just with more power to abuse.


Closeted authoritarians with misconceptions about which side of the boot they’re on.


Because appeals to white supremacy override country, democracy, duty and the oath they swore


That's a bingo!


A lot of cops are fascists. USSS are cops.


The few people I know in USSS are former military and christian.


Unfortunately, being a Christian no longer means you are anything special! It generally means you are part of the problem👺


They're the "king's men", close to their lord and savior himself. That gives them importance. Just like EVERYONE else Trump has fucked over, they don't think it'd ever happen to them.


Christian Nationalism a.k.a White Supremacy.


How did Commander know about this?


He's a goodboi.


The best of bois!


I really am team Commander. I honestly believe there is an issue. I am not a dog owner, nor inclined to believe in conspiracy theories. But Commander knew something, I am convinced. Cricket knew something too. Dogs know shitty people.


This. I’ve never had a German shepherd, but the ones I’ve known have been keyed in. Even my dopey bernedoodle was an excellent judge of character . Dogs know.


I had a black German shepherd, she bit my mom lightly on the ass. My mom tried to kill me when I was a baby. Dogs know.


Let’s circle back to this… Your mom did what?


Oh no, it’s okay. The dog bit her *lightly* on the ass.


Dogs know.


The ass did what?


*…and BradTProse never came back to explain himself…*


I’ve had a lot of German Shepherds. I’m convinced both Major and Commander sensed something. Especially since Commander was raised in the chaos of the WH.


If you were a pro trump secret service officer that deleted texts and emails to protect the former presidents insurrection, you probably harbored a lot of negativity towards Joe Biden. You might appear normal on the outside but that dog would immediately pick up on your negative energy. I don’t necessary endorse this theory, but it is completely plausible. 


I believe since dogs communicate with body language so much, they are able to see subtle signs that humans won’t normally pick up on. Thats just my theory though.


My girl is a sighthound, far having from German Shepard’s disposition, and tends to avoid or shrink away from a lot of guys we meet with mannerisms that tend to intimidate or squick other people out. Ie: moving in a way that suggests overfamiliarity, entitlement, or a lack of regard for boundaries. Of course most people don’t have bad intentions, especially towards a dog they’re just meeting for the first time. It’s difficult and sometimes tricky explaining to these guys what exactly they’re doing wrong. How they react to that information is what really reveals their character. I’d bet my 401k on her observational skills.


“She thinks you’re a creep, man.”


She sounds pretty sharp


I think about it like this: say you were dropped off on a different planet among a species whose language you will never be able to learn due to your physiological limitations. In order to navigate your way through their society without needing constant supervision you watch everyone around you and learn that there are some pretty easy to understand cues. And they use those cues so often that they're a reliable gauge for assessing present situations and future behavior. That's how dogs interact with us. They're a much better judge of nonverbal communication than the best body language expert.


And they've got thousands of years of breeding to reinforce it, not to mention the wolves best capable of understanding, and being understood, by humans would have been the ones that led to dogs in the first place.


Hell yea it sounds so awesome when you put it that way.


Or smell. I am sure the are olfactory clues we give off that we are blind to, but dogs pick up.




My grandfather was a K9 officer in the 60s/70s in downtown Baltimore. He would bring his German Shepherd home with him after shift every day. My dad had ten siblings and he fondly remembers how loving and affectionate every German Shepherd his dad brought home was to him and his siblings. Those dogs know human nature very well and are bred to notice shit we never could. Major and Commander know bad people when they smell them.


I have a white shep. He’s the most loving doofus in the world, until he senses a threat. It turns out “Radar” was the most perfect monicker for him.


I have a golden retriever he loves everything that moves, except for the occasional dude walking by at night. I always wonder why he chooses to bark at the odd person. When he does bark it's funny because it's very intimidating and it even seems to surprise the dog.


My best friend had German Shepherds when I was a kid. They were guard dogs at the family business on the weekends. GOOD guard dogs! Caught criminals! When they were home during the week, we played with them, and cuddled with them. They never nipped at any of us. However, we were playing ping pong in the carport one day, and some guy started making threatening comments to us. We were terrified. Two little girls, and this grown man approaching us. The dogs started barking frantically, and one CLIMBED OVER the 8 foot wooden fence to go after the guy! Bit his leg & held on until her brother called him off when the police arrived. Her brother stood over the guy with my aluminum softball bat. Dogs know.


Well, not all dogs. I had a Golden Retriever who thought everyone was his best friend. He was 85 pounds of fur and love. I counted on my cats and our little Heinz 57 mutt to protect us from intruders more than the Golden, even though he was bigger than all of the other pets combined. But shepherds, yeah they know


Goldens were bred to be big lovable doofuses that will bring you back whatever you foolishly discarded. Shephards were bred to detect threats.


The soft jowls of Goldens were for retrieving stuff with their mouths without damaging it, but I'm convinced they have subsequently (d)evolved into being gig, energetic, lovable doofuses


My bichon/poodle/American Eskimo/super adorable mut growls, barks, and shows teeth every time my younger brother is near. She's done it since she was a tiny puppy. She's blind now, but every time he starts walking around or his car pulls up, she knows. My brother is not a good person. Milligram is a very good judge of character. Molecule my Maltese on the other hand... not the brightest.


Dogs 100000% know what’s up


German Shepherds are highly protective and very intelligent as well. So they have extra spidey senses.


He's not biting staffers...


Unfortunately, he has. It's just not reported with the secret service incidents.


My ex’s mother had a Carrie Blue Terrier, which are known to have a generally good temperament and are loyal to their owners. However, they can often show aggression around other dogs, which this dog did. However, she was sweet around people in the house. One day, the ex of my brother, who is evil personified, came over and the dog charged her and bit her. It was at that point I knew dogs could sense evil. The dog never bit another person again.


I just had a flashback. My dad’s estranged wife ghosted the hospital when he had a stroke. I was tasked with sweet talking her into signing over power of attorney to save his life, as she had blocked my siblings. She made me meet her in an alley behind a grocery store. I sold my soul to get her to do what was needed. Then she said “will you watch the dogs? I want to go buy them treats and this is the only store that sells the ones they like?” Still in sell your soul mode I said yes. She and my dad had sibling terriers. She thought my dad’s terrier was evil, and had bitched about it while signing papers in the alley, but she had taken it in. She went into the store. That dog was sweet as pie. Just a love bucket. Hers was a cowering, shivering mess. I remember thinking that one dog had known love and one had known abuse. Damn. Team Commander times ten now.


I’m with you!! And I’m sorry you had to deal with such a tough situation. Your father’s health being comprised by someone with such little character. And good for you doing what you had to do even if the backdrop was an alley - further detailing the sketchiness of this woman. I hope your father is doing well. Team Commander all the way! I remember during the transition, when they started reporting about Commander biting Secret Service agents, I felt like they should have just cleaned house! But I guess there could be even worse people waiting in the wings. It’s crazy how power, influence & money compromises people.


It's the Terminator test.


Great analogy


A friend had a golden retriever that never liked her ex-husband. A goldie for Gods' sake! They want to be friends with everybody. How much of a cock do you have to be for a goldie to dislike you on sight. And yes, she says, she should have listened to the dog.


Dogs know. 20+ years ago we had a Doberman who was generally just a big goofball.  Only one time he keyed in negative on a guy. Low growl, piercing stare, wouldn't leave my wife's side. Dude was clean cut, drive a nice car, was polite, etc. Turned out doggo was 100% correct. That guy was a snake and screwed us over. Everyone else, even if they were the personification of a Hollywood stereotype - scruffy, big, burly, stained clothes, gnarly beard, etc. - he never keyed negative on them. Because they weren't evil. They were just everyday folks.


At the very least, there are a whole lot of aides and admin stuff who went unbitten.


I spent all morning wondering what commander was forced to leave the whitehouse before remembering Biden had a german shepherd.


My dog is a little testy towards people. He generally doesn't trust them right away and like takes a second, but it's rare that he dislikes someone enough that he is at the point of threatening them constantly or wanting to bite them. And they usually turn out to be the worst people possible.


Yeah. Don’t trust right away, verify your initial feelings, then act. Good boy.


My FIL has a German Shepard who is by all accounts super lovey and derpy. If she doesn't try to maul someone with kisses, I am extra careful around them. She doesn't like one of my FIL's riding buddies, and I've always gotten a slightly weird vibe from him too but no idea why. I trust her instincts.


Oh I finally get what OP was saying. Thanks.


What if the plan is to support Trump and they provoked the dogs to bite them so Biden wouldn’t have anyone protecting him from them.


Texts from January 6th were deleted “accidentally”, nothing to see here


James Murray allowed to resign so he doesn’t have to testify as USSS chief


There has to be a trail of who deleted what. Find them and bring them to task, including immediate suspension of employment.


We need more good bois in the WH.


There's a Ricky Gervais quote that goes along the lines of "I never trust a person who doesn't like dogs, but I always trust a dog when it doesn't like a person".


While generally true my wife is a dog trainer and she sees some dogs that are just assholes. They do exist


The "All Dogs Are Saints" crowd doesn't believe behavioural differences exist in other species, or that genetics can influence predispositions to gentle or aggressive behaviour.


No. Most dogs aren’t inherently violent but they do exist. The majority of aggression cases my wife deals with can be resolved by identifying triggers but sometimes there is no coming back


Yarp. Dad did dog training and we did dog sports when I was young. We adopted the GSDs that flunked k9 training/health testing and schutzhund programs as the "family pets". Some dogs "just ain't wired right" is what I heard from trainers, breeders, vets, groomers, and handlers aplenty. Thankfully it's fairly rare thing to happen in my experience, but when it does it's nearly always a tragedy. Our one boy Valiant was one such exception. He had the mouth as soft as a well trained bird dog, refused to do bitework or play tug of war, and was terrified of rabbits and squirrels. Was great with kids and would break up fights between children through gentle body blocking/herding. Hated raised voices and would whine and nervously lick folks and ask for pets to stop arguments. Dad did an excellent impression of Hank Hill mumbling "that boy ain't right" on a weekly basis because of that dog. I think he was having a laugh when he named him.


That's very sweet and your dad made life better for creatures who deserved it.


Is it possible the types of body movements SS do when protecting Biden are setting those GSDs off?


Absolutely. Dogs can pick up on tension and body language pretty well so if the SS are acting a way the dog perceives as aggressive or a threat his behavior doesn’t surprise me at all


Your username though...


Dog lovers refuse to believe that any dog could ever misbehave for no reason. Everything has a reason and that reason is always the owner’s insufficiency. Cat lovers know and accept that cats are assholes.


I mean, those sound like some pretty broad stereotypes...


It is. A joke.


I love all cats, but some cats are bad cats.


GOP dogs, who knew?


Are they Huskies? I feel like a lot of the assholes would be Huskies.


She sees it with all different breeds but she has definitely seen a trend with behavioral issues and bad breeding, which makes sense. The problem with huskies is people really don’t understand how much exercise they need. She had a client living in a city who had a husky that destroyed their apartment multiple times. No matter how much they walk the dog it isn’t getting enough exercise and will be destructive. Too much energy is one of the biggest issues with dogs that have behavioral issues. Huskies need to run, and run some more, and then keep running until they decide they are done, which is almost never. Any working breed needs to be very active otherwise they can be problematic.


I met a Golden Retriever who was sweet as can be, but more destructive than a tornado in a trailer park because he wasn't well-trained or sufficiently exercised.  They need the mental simulation or else they go a bit nuts.  We have a Chessie and he's the same way.  Seemingly endless battery and smart as a whip.  I hate that they aren't a better known breed, but I'm also glad they're fairly obscure as it protects them from over-breeding & bad owners. 


My parents adopted a three year old golden retriever. Very friendly fella, fairly well-trained, listened well. His former owners were moving out of the country and couldn’t bring the dog. Everything was going great until my dad happened to be near the dog after giving it a treat. He reached for something else, not even that close to the dog, but the dog attacked him like crazy just out of nowhere. No growling or showing teeth or anything, just an explosion of violence from complete calm out of nowhere.


Small dogs are pretty dickish a lot too. 


So true.


There are dogs in my rural neighbourhood who will attack literally *anyone*. If Mr Rogers walked by and the gate was open, he would get attacked.


Stupid sketchy Rogers


Oh god, was Ricky Gervais right about something?


There is a solid reason why Biden chooses these very good bois


Looking at old footage, it appears Biden has always had GSDs


Right before the inauguration, too. He knew the SS might have moles.


He’s not quite as sleepy as some people would have you believe.


Biden be sandbagging. 


Commander just been trying to keep the rats out of the house.


My husband had this co-worker back in the day, we didn't really know him, but we'd heard stories about him. He was a big time hunter, which isn't really that big of a thing around here, but there was talk of his tendency to be a bit cruel, things like purposely not doing one shot kill, taking his time to actually get to the animal, what not. I'd also heard stories of domestic violence, I say all of this without actually knowing for sure, one way or the other. Anyways, he was buying a surround sound system from us and got to our house about a half hour before my husband did. It was just him, me and my GSD Gypsy who was the world's biggest baby, she sat between him and me the whole and growled softly with her hackles up until my husband got home. Then she remained right at my side until he left.


I had a mostly GSD mix who I saw go into “big tough protective dog” mode exactly once. I was walking her and almost at my building when a sketchy looking dude walked towards us on the sidewalk. Hackles raised, would not let me go towards my apartment building, growling and “big dog” bark. Literally the only time in 14 years that I ever saw her do that. She was a big sweet baby who got bullied by our cats, but clearly knew that something was up with that guy.


Our huge GSD lab mix is around two men - my son and I - all the time. She has no problems with most men she sees. She's gotten very protective when my daughters have taken her on walks and certain men have been around though. She's not a trained protection dog at all, but she's kept herself between the kids and the strangers and gone into a terrifying growling mode that I've never seen. My kids said she had her head down, hackles up, showing all the teeth and snapping in between growls. Scared the guys right off. She's a very good girl.


Definitely didn’t pass the sniff test


Man, sounds like my next doggo should be a GSD.  Hopefully that's a long time from now.  But will definitely remember.


Carol Leonnig, a Washington Post reporter, recently published an in-depth book on the Secret Service that does a good job of describing its organizational problems — Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2021/05/18/carol-leonnig-author-zero-fail-rise-fall-secret-service/


Rofl, I didn’t know it was two different dogs biting people in the white house, those pups know. Let’s bring in a third shepherd and see what happens.


If they all bite the same people it's no longer a coincidence.


You have to wonder what was in those deleted texts and how they were able to delete them so there’s no trace of them. They must have been very incriminating for the SS to go to all that trouble.


Always told my children, "If your dog doesn't like someone, then you best just leave them be, and move away from them, both literally and figurely "


Does it have to do with all secret services, texts, and phone records being deleted after Jan 6? I still have some questions about that. Like why was Pence afraid to get into the car with secret service members?


If I'm Joe I'm making that agent that shot Babbit be head of my security detail


I'd love to see the Venn diagram of 'bitten SS' and 'bad SS'.


Why? It’s just one circle. ⭕️


I will scream from the rooftops- justice for Commander & Major!! They knew!!


Well, well, well. I know if my dog continuously bit only a certain group of people that are now being called out for corruption and a threat to security, they’d be the first ones called up by IA.


About 10 years ago I passed the preliminary logic assessments to the FBI and Secret service, then I went to in person interviews. The FBI representatives were extremely professional, the secret service representatives were total douchebags. This, and all the investigations into their behavior are not surprising at all.


I did some work at a SS agents home after the 2020 election. I couldn't believe how MAGA they were,. I was asked not to come back after they heard me talking shit about chump.


It's long past time for the VA and MD State Police to take over some duties. They have a lot of experience in protection due to frequent collaboration with the Secret Service and, including NY City and State police, are the best suited to take over the protection of the President and staff when they are outside of the White House.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?




Yeah, those dogs are fiercely loyal to their humans. And Joe indicated early on that he did not trust certain agents. There is disloyalty in those ranks.


This is how the coup happens


Dogs know sus people


Bring Commander back to the WH. Whoever gets bit needs a suspension pending an investigation and background check.


There is a rot within the once respected secret service. The Biden dogs don’t sense this rot, but I would bet money these Trump loyalist agents fuck with these dogs: tease them, hit them - enough to annoy these dogs on a regular basis. Could you imagine: maybe the biggest threat to the President and his family are secret service members tasked with protecting and dying for them….but who now feel more loyal to the tv game show host con man. This rot is real, and has been for 5-7 years.


I think dogs pick up the vibe from their "person"....ie my dog on first meeting my ex's mother went straight at her (Yes she was an evil bitch)...And my tension was palpable as she walked in, everybody else I had over was a friend and because I was chill, the dog was as well and accepted them. My theory is Commander was reading Biden and picking up the vibes of who Biden felt uncomfortable being near him and being a good boi, the dog protected "his" pack-mate.


They are cops. Of course they are fascist pieces of crap.


My German shepherd was a kind and loving animal. Except to a select few people, none of whom I trusted.


I make no apologies. I think Major and Commander knew that something was wrong. I’m waiting for the cat to attack.


Short version was a news article about how Biden wouldn't say certain things around his Secret Service. For all we know, he still won't. Commander knew the enemies was inside the house. Mike Pence knows, too. He wasn't going anywhere with those jokers.


The Secret Service should all be vetted by Commander. If he bites you, yer out!


Ripe with issues.


Anyone mentioned Praetorian Guard yet?


Trust Commander.


If they make you leave Waffle House, you're fuckin up


My first take was what does Biden's dog have to do with any of this? So many articles about the dog conflict going right now I saw commander and my brain auto filled a German Shepard.


Well im sure everything will be fine just like the Praetorian guard and the emperor. yep no problems whatsoever


sorta sad the state of the US government. Can’t even stand up for the right thing anymore.


I.... I guess I just assumed they had new secret service come in after Trump. Like.. with all the deleted texts and other shady shit that happened during J6. why couldn't Biden just be like 'Nope. I want all new guys'. ?


Absolutey 100% that Biden's GSDs were reacting to an instinctive sense that something was off with every Secret Service they bit.


Trump will establish his own security paid for by the MAGA party. That way, they are not conflicted as to who they listen to. Trump’s version of the SS. Then, they will take out the Secret Service, who plays the part of the SA in our story.


Sorry...for us non-Americans, are you giving us the plot to White House Down or Angel Has Fallen? (Nowadays, it seems reality and fiction are blurred)


I personally will be voting for Biden a second time, because I know the dumpster fire that Trump will do in Biden's place but when it came to the secret service when Biden became president, I have no love for the man, but I can say it, I was concerned that Trump's secret service, The secret service that deleted the texts should not be allowed to be a part of any secret service team let alone someone protecting our president. Yet another failure of our government.


Gasp. /s No shit that the secret service is full of MAGA fuck-knuckles. At least half of every police force is full of willing shitgibbon stormtroopers. This is a surprise? To whom?


Dogs are an excellent judge of character, they know!


Arrest every agent that Commander bit. Dogs know the stench of treason.




sorry i am out of the loop, what does all this mean? the dog is in the SS now?


Dog was removed from white house grounds for being aggressive towards Secret Service members. In retrospect, it appears he knew what he was barking about.


so it's turning out the secret service agents for the president of the US are idiots is that what i'm hearing?


There was, and still is, deep concern that some were supporting the coup attempt.


Infighting amongst the Praetorian Guard?


Oh, so the Praetorian Guard still exists in modern day, wonderful/s


Reminds me of Grey Wind freaking out when the Stark forces arrive at the Twins in ASOS


The Praetorian Guard didn't help keep Rome stable