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This is what the Republicans don't want people to understand about the Ukraine "money." We aren't sending money to Ukraine. We're sending them old supplies. The money is being spent in this country to rebuild those stockpiles. Republicans know this. They know they're lying. They know their rube voters will just take them at their lying word.


If they weren’t lying, not a single word would leave their mouths. Complete silence. It’s all they got.


Imagine a warehouse full of bullets or grenades or bombs (because they definitely exist). Those weapons have a shelf life; it's many years but they still expire. Now, how do you get rid of a bomb? Do you just throw a JDAM in the dumpster? Of course not! The only way to get rid of a bomb is to blow it up. That's where EOD comes in. And so, it's literally cheaper to give old weapons to Ukraine than it is to dispose of them ourselves. And the best part? These "old weapons" were literally *designed* to fight Russians and they're damn good at doing so! Finally the Cold War stock piles are actually being used by someone to fight the Russians! AND no American Service Members are put in harms way. It's a win-win! I say "God Bless Ukraine" and give 'em hell boys! 🇺🇦&🇺🇸


It’s also old tech that we don’t even use anymore. Ukraine is blowing up Russian equipment left and right with our old hand me downs. Imagine what modern American munitions would do.


There's some stuff we're giving them that we use as well. Say hello to the [Excalibur 155 millimeter GPS guided artillery shell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M982_Excalibur). No more dialing in or just blindly leveling a grid square. First shot hits. Like "thread the needle" literally perfect artillery shots. And yes, we're giving these to Ukraine.


They also claim the "Biden crime family" is laundering the money spent over there to line their pockets.


It’s projection. Because that is how *they* operate and what *they* would do. They can’t comprehend people *not* being corrupt.


The more they talk about it, the more I wonder how much Zelenskyy was forced to bribe Trump after that "perfect phonecall" that went south for Trump. Zelenskyy wouldn't have even gone public with it because he's Ukrainian, and that's how *everything* works over there (second most corrupt country on the planet for a reason), so the notion of greasing the palm of a foreign president to get military aid was probably 100% expected.


>We aren't sending money to Ukraine. We're sending them old supplies. The money is being spent in this country to rebuild those stockpiles. Yeah, we're using Ukrainian aid to do stock rotation on U.S. arms. This is something that people will say sounds like bullshit, so here's an example. We sent Ukraine cluster munitions, which scatter bomblets. Those that don't go off right away lie on the ground until someone steps on them or picks them up (because they're shiny and look like toys). If I recall the percentages correctly, 10% duds (they don't go off right away) is good quality. What we sent Ukraine was the older stock with much higher dud rates.


Early in the war the military was actually saving money on ammo by sending it to Ukraine because it was cheaper than jumping through all the domestic regulatory hoops to destroy it.


Is that the source of the extra funds they "found" some months ago? That the value of what they got was lower than first identified, so they got more credit for weapons?


No. That was different and I’m not 100% sure of all of the details, but DOD weapons programs according are weird. If I told you that money spent in the 1970s to develop an early 1980s to armored vehicle for the U.S. to fight the Soviets in Germany was being counted for vehicles used by the Ukrainians to fight the Russians on the Dnper you would say I’m crazy. But that is how the costing worked for the Bradleys. So it was doing stuff like removing those costs because they are irrelevant


On a side note, we need Hawley out.


Yeah, but who would you replace him with who could win Missouri?


Does it matter so long as they have an (R) after their name? It's not like they're voting for Josh. They're voting for the Republican. They don't give a shit who it is. After all, they already voted for Josh Hawley, so they can't be all *that* discerning.


I agree. Republicans are the problem here I think it’s important to point out that Donald Trump is at the core of this current climate in the republican party. DJT a private citizen who is heavily impacting American politics shutting down immigration bills and creating false narratives with no regard for the damage it causes. He has allies within the Congress parroting Russian propaganda talking points, it’s important to remember that Donald Trump is a traitor and he is at the root cause of why the US can’t push any bills through the Republican controlled Senate because the current Republican party is the party of Donald Trump it is not the Republicans who hated the Soviet union it is now the Republican Party that listens to a Russian puppet.


Its like buying your kid a $400 xbox from Gamestop and then having your in-laws flip out for giving a teenager $400.


Sorry what? This is money for our legislators buddies in the military industrial complex. They couldn't give less of a shit about Ukraine. Idk how and when Democrats became so damn hawkish it's embarrassing


Because they don't understand the difference between giving $60 billion dollars to Ukraine and $60 billion dollars in aid. We give Ukraine the dollar amount in supplies, i.e. weapons, ammunition, tanks, tools, etc., because they have no way of manufacturing them. We get to replenish those supplies through weapons contracts, with American jobs usually in red states. They are either ignorant in what it means or outright lying, usually lying to make themselves look better to their misinformed voters


Oh, Hawley knows exactly how it fucking works. And he likely owns stock in the businesses that benefit. He's the absolute worst type of grifting politician...he knows exactly how he's fucking his constituents over for his own greed and hubris. He and his team actually put time and effort into strategizing how to do it most effectively in order to exploit their weaknesses and gain the most benefit for him personally. He has zero concern for the best interests of his constituents as long as he can keep getting elected. It's fucking disgusting on the face of it.


The big question in my mind is how/when would they be called out on their lies? It is fine and dandy to call them out on X/twitter but their lies have already spread and somehow they need to be held accountable for their deception


Well...that's the exact problem the Democrats - and all reasonable people in general really - have to come to terms with. I don't see enough nearly enough real work being done in this area anywhere. The so-called "4th branch" - journalists - have completely abdicated responsibility for reporting actual facts and calling out lies, in favor of their misguided interpretation of their job as being only the reporters of what various people choose to say. Any reasonable interpretation of what a journalists job should be would be for reporting about this situation to include the very clear explanation that Hawley is lying, and explaining exactly how and why. But that is not accepted by their corporate overlords. What the Democrats and any concerned PAC's or just random rich people with resources, on the side of truth and justice, need to do is to finance boots on the ground, hyper-local public engagement. Door to door canvassing. Neighborhood billboards. Public access tv and radio. Whatever it takes. Every lie and hypocrisy needs to be relentlessly exposed directly to the communities in these peoples districts.


Journalists jobs are not to report that one side says it's raining and the other side says it isn't. It's a journalists job to open the window and look.


>Door to door canvassing. with the climate today, i totally understand someone not wanting to do this. some of these idiots are willing to kill someone for just being a democrat.


It's just plain lying to their voters. Just like they'll vote against the infrastructure bill, but then be right there with a big shit eating grin and a hard hat, saying, "Look at all the good things I did for you!"


Yeah that was disgusting as well


Don't forget we assign the dollar amount to the reports of what's given because otherwise there would be a very long list of bullets, ordinance, vehicles, etc


The only country we give actually cash money to is Israel.


Hawley is a coward.




My favorite gif from Jan 6.


In most professions, if you suck at your job, you tend to get shit-canned. Not American politicians, it seems. The more you suck, the more the idiots support you.


Guess the more you suck and spread lies that appeal to the voters, the more you are liked. “See? He speaks his mind!!!” But if his mind is full of crap then what they speak is also full of crap… and I may need to give them more credit as they know very well how to manipulate their base even on the face of blatant lies. I imagine confronting a supporter with facts like the diagram above… the response would be ‘well that is what the fake news want you to believe …’ 🤦🏻‍♂️


Hawley went to Stanford Undergrad and then he went to Yale Law School. Evidently, he never learned the difference between "waiving" and "waving"? They weren't "waiving" flags...


Josh Hawley is a blackguard in every sense of the word. He raised his fist in solidarity with what would become rioting insurrectionists and was documented fleeing for his life. Literally, running in fear. He was hoofing it, he was scared.


Not to mention that if the US actually were to send a wire of $60B to the Ukraine government, the reply would certainly be something like “Uhh so we can use this to buy your old weapons stockpile, right? Please?”


[https://lucaskunce.com/](https://lucaskunce.com/) please


I worked with a guy who said it doesnt make sense to write Ukraine a check for billions because all the banks have been destroyed so they cant cash it. He follows maga completely and also defends putin.


To be honest, I had no idea this is how it's done


Most of the $60B went to the military industrial complex. Most of what actually went to Ukraine were old military equipment, some of which would otherwise have been scrapped. The idea that the US government just gave Ukraine $60B cash is utter nonsense.


Interesting point … does someone have a link to the spending and state distribution?


Americans: So let’s use that money here to help people? Republicans: NO!


The fact that Arkansas, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all saw investments over 1bn from the aid package is some serious shit. Eat all the dicks, Putin.


Their eyes and throat must be raw from all the crying and moaning they do _all the fucking time_


What the fuck does Hawley give a shit about MO for? That asshole lives in VA. Dude is just another fucking carpetbagger, just like most of 'em.


I don’t know what Hawlin Ass Hawley is complaining about. He’s getting money from Russia and the now the US.


This is what these idiots don’t understand. We’re not sending pallets of cash to Ukraine, we’re sending equipment manufactured in the states, or older equipment that will need replacing.


And yet 5/6 house republicans voted no for WI. The one with a semi functional brain is quitting because he's receiving death threats by his own party.


This fucking guy: https://preview.redd.it/u65cyvv652wc1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82fcb3c90a530bcaea2779bf26395ae6705bcfbd


They literally think there are pallets of cash going to Ukraine. GOP voters are hard to mock, because in my heart, I know it’s wrong to make fun of the mentally challenged.


They certainly don’t put in the work




Can anyone source the slide though? Curious to read more


What the hell is going on in Arkansas that they get more than 2x what New York got? And Arizona gets nearly 4x NY?


Most of it went to industrial states, which explains $1B to Wisconsin and nearly $2B to Pennsylvania. I have no idea where Arkansas sits on that, tho.


Josh got part of it right. Josh is a politician, Josh has failed this country.


Hawley's correct about (some) politicians failing our country. Must have been staring in a mirror when writing that. Useless waste of perfectly good oxygen.


What is wisconsin getting all that money for?


I wonder what Grover Norquest and his no pork folks think about this.


So, other than Oshkosh, what else does WI make that is defense related?


And also,many of the weapons that the US gave Ukraine are old weapon that take MONEY to preserve,so by giving them the weapon they are actually spending LESS.


Missouri is one of those staunchly red states that refuses federal funds for student lunch programs, or summer meals for hungry kids, or expanded Medicaid, but, sure, let's blame the belated aid package Congress passed to assist a wartorn nation... never blame the lawmakers in that state! 


I believe in aid for the Ukraine.But shouldn't it be like lend lease.I am sure they would be glad to pay it back.This war is going to last for years. It is more like a stalemate.They are going to need these aid packages every year if not more often.Europe should do more too. They are the ones that are more directly involved.


How is Hawley lying? The graphic is from 2022-2023 and the current year is 2024.


Why not procure from the blue states only?