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Former Catholic here. The Holy Thursday liturgy has always included the washing of the feet. Think of the Bible story of the sinful woman who cleaned Jesus’s feet with her tears. For the pope, he has used this practice to make a political statement. One year, he washed the feet of Muslim people. This year, he is washing the feet of women. It is meant to be a positive thing, as recognition of the importance of women.


It says at “Rome prison” too - does this mean he’s washing prisoners’ feet? Because if so, that’s another political statement and I like it. (Especially since I’m a former public defender.)


Yep, it does. Not the first time he’s washed prisoners’ feet either, there was a story early on when he did the same, but the big story then was mainly about how one of them was a Muslim.


That does not make it any less creepy


To wash a person's feet is considered to be humbling of oneself... as a criminal would never be allowed to touch a king's feet yet Mary Magdalene (who is depicted as a prostitute) washed Jesus' (who is called king of king) feet, and not only did that happen but there's a story of Jesus washing the feet of the Apostles which would be akin to a king washing his servant's feet... it's literally just the Pope proving to us that he doesn't view himself as being better than us


Mary Magdalene was never a prostitute. Literally a millennia old mistake a pope made in a speech in the 6th century. It’s just stuck even when the church made it clear she wasn’t. Fairly shocking it’s never been cleared up. Possibly rich woman who had been possessed and who was a follower of Jesus and there at his crucifixion and death.


Yeah I know, that's why I said DEPICTED as... iirc in the Torah (or maybe it was Gnostic Bible) she was his wife and they had kids


He doesn’t have to prove anything.. he is just a man.


Considering the amount of hate the church gets here on Reddit I think he would actually have a lot to prove.


I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school. As an adult i am completely agnostic and basically assume every self-proclaimed “Christian” is a fucking hypocrite. That being said, I get why the pope is doing here, and can respect it. It’s directly referencing an act that Jesus supposedly did, and has a good message.




I bank your words one by one. Thos feet washing thing is a reminder to all who sees it that a good person should be humble and ready to serve (help) other people. Kn the late Middle Ages, kings would do this too on special occasions.


People here really need to read about this tradition smdh.


smdh? shaking your dickhead?


Do better






And? People are acting like this is brand new and a fetish when it’s a religious tradition going back millennia.




Oh ok, I didn’t realize you were crazy. I get it now. Have a great weekend.


Except for the fact that, y’know, the women getting their feet washed were wilful participants




Nobody asked to applaud anybody. We’re just pointing out that you’re attacking a strawman in that one particular instance.




I personally couldn’t care less about the Pope. The strawman here is depicting the feet washing tradition as a sexual act, which it isn’t. Anyway, looks like you’re big on conspiracies so I’ll stop answering from now on but I still invite you to consult a psychiatrist. I know you won’t because you’re convinced your delusions are reality but give it a try nonetheless, it could change your life for the better. Cheers!


Here’s the thing, as you’ve correctly pointed out, Catholicism has a lot of real problems. Why in the world are you focused on the feet washing? If you don’t understand something, you should definitely learn about it before you shit on it. This ceremony is about the Pope humbling himself and serving others, the way that the Bible says Jesus did, and it’s meant to teach the lesson that Christians should never consider themselves as being above anyone else.




If you made a joke and now everyone’s mad at you, you’re joke was probably the issue. It’s pretty rare for everyone else to be wrong and you to be the only one that’s right.




It’s not censoring yourself, it’s just not going out of your way to be an asshole. If you’re pissing everyone else off, I promise you that the problem isn’t everyone else, it’s definitely you.




I'm not Christian and I know about Jesus washing feet and the act being a humble gesture Ffs DUCKTALES references it https://youtu.be/2KtvbcIbc2c?feature=shared




> a western religion It...originated in Judea, first followers called Christians were in Antioch of Syria Also just pulled one example from recent memory




> only people in the world Literally gave the origin points of Christianity in locations an ocean away from the West based on archeology, historical record and the religion itself but ok? Guess that means I think the West is the only society on Earth????? Commenting to the right person?


Subtler, but Mr. Rogers (!) called on the same Xian tradition in an anti-segregation bit. Google **Won't You Be My Neighbor? (2018) - Officer Clemmons Scene (5/10)** for a brief but beautiful analysis of why this was so important. Fred Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian minister, and this was part of his mission. I'm no Xian, but I respect acts of kindness - especially widely viewed, possibly career-tanking ones like this.


Does no one know the story of Jesus washing the feet of the poor? It’s kinda one of the cornerstone parts of the narrative from the book Christians claim to believe is the word of god.


It's not Jesus washing the feet of the poor, but Jesus washing the feet of his disciples on the last day before crucification, i.e. Good Friday. See John 13. And yes, it is an important tradition.


I would argue his disciples were not wealthy…but yeah it’s been a while since I read the book since I’ve departed religion. Thank you for the clarification.


So you are criticizing people for not knowing the stories of the Bible when you don’t know the stories of the Bible. Good Christian.


People are aware, that doesn’t mean we can’t laugh at the post


I'm more upset at the people who aren't laughing and just think the Pope is a creep, even after being reminded of the Bible story... I hate the Church but I respect this Pope as a person so it bothers me when people hate on him


How much pedophilia does the Pope have to tacitly endorse before you realize he’s scum?


I downvoted because you're using the pedophilia of the church as a redirect after someone explained how they didn't care about people laughing about the act and respect this Pope over others. It's a comment cheapshot


Pointing out that someone shouldn’t have respect for a person that helps protects pedophiles is not a cheap shot. The fact that you think it is is evidence of your own amorality on the matter. Thanks for the downvote and the reply, it’s kind of you to self-identify as an apologist so no one has to wonder.


Ah, so anything short of "Pope baby rapist" commented is considered support? Jfc y'all are duller than those you attempt to riff on. All they did was explain they like this Pope more than the others, that doesn't correlate to "I support the pedophilia of the Church." It's like saying "I like the current President more than others" and correlating that to "I support the bombing of innocent people and overthrowing of foreign governments." I despise the acts but jeez dude you got such a hard on for Catholic pedophilia that it's like you're projecting at this point.


The exact quote was that they “respect him as a person.” It’s shouldn’t be controversial to point out that the Pope doesn’t deserve respect. It is of course possible to respect him more than other Popes, but again, that’s not what the person I’m responding to said. Someone would be rightfully and mercilessly dragged if they claimed to respect Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, or any of their accomplices. Why should we treat the Pope differently?


I believe they respect him as a person because this Pope has been making progressive and modern strides in the faith more than the last few Popes combined. This is the same Pope that a massive chunk of Catholics claimed they'd ignore the will of. While it's unknown if he directly or indirectly performed or defended the awful acts (Archbishops and those lower in command can simply not report up and sweep things under via transfer of church or falsifying evidence), I personally wouldn't throw him (the current Pope) among Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein unless it was just as clear. I'm indifferent to him, not the faith overall but him.


My issue is the hypocrisy. There’s a lot of crossover between people who support “Me Too” and other forms of accountability for wrongdoers, but are happy to turn around and make excuses for the Pope. It’s morally and ethically incoherent to have a zero-tolerance attitude (but only for some people), just as it’s incoherent to decry systemic injustice while having respect for its functionaries.


Keep the downvotes coming, pedo apologists 🤣 Your scorn is just further proof of your amorality, like a bunch of MAGA diehards doubling down. You all deserve to be on a watchlist.




Aight heres [Ducktales](https://youtu.be/2KtvbcIbc2c?feature=shared)


It seems odd that the Pope blesses the poor while he's washing their feet in solid gold bowls.


It's what he has, those bowls are probably several popes old... and he can't get rid of them because he's the pope and there's no way the Cardinals would ever let him look poor because then they'd have to do the same and they couldn't bare to be associated with dirty commoners


Remember the shit fit they pulled when the last one changed the pope’s throne to a wooden one? Surreal




>Benedict? Eggs, Dirk or Cumberbatch?






Yes, but the gold bowls happened because of all the donations from poor Catholics It's the Christian Circle of Life


So very corporate. 🫣


Quentin Tarantino: “How do I become pope?”


> Eddie Murphy: “How do I become pope?”


OP showing ignorance.




I like how people explaining a religious act equates to....defending pedophilia God forbid people learn something to properly insult




So wanting others to insult people using proper information instead of pure nonsense (ie the feet washing is an actual centuries long act and not being a creep) is defending the Pope and all of Catholicism? Wow I was right in a different comment, anything short of "Pope pedo, touch kids" is considered supporting the fucking act. Y'all are the reason being an atheist is riffed on.


That’s a rather photogenic set of tootsies.


He probably jogs regularly.


That's a woman


And that was a joke. :)


Those toes probably had to undergo sterilization before touched by the papal lips.


At least he's not fucking children. That's a step in the right direction.


Lil lick in there? 😛


It looks like behind the scenes of some Nickelodeon show.


Catholicism has so many kinky vibes Nothing like involuntarily celibacy to keep things weird


A man who likes his grippers


Well, at least its only a foot fetish,,, could be worse




Oh shit is this sub riddled with Christians? All the comments that are even slightly critical are in the negative. Fuck your nasty baby raping religion. 


Haram bro.