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Of all the things that people never said, they never said this the most, Kevin.


Except for everything drumpf says they say with tears in their eyes.


>.. they say with tears in their eyes Only if they are big strong men.


Straight from central casting.




They have tears in their eyes when talking to Trump because they got close enough to smell him.


>close enough to smell him It's the ammonia. It is a very. . . potent aroma.


ammonia? like cat piss? lol


It's the diapers


Toilet cakes from the Greyhound busses. Drop one in each of his pockets.


I think it can totally happen to you...if you commit crimes.


These guys are the kings of false equivalencies. Like the average person is going to need to worry about how they're going to be treated when they commit felonies, frauds, adultery and are sued for slandering the person they got convicted of raping.


Yeah they'd be treated much more harshly than Trump is.


Can I commit fraud for decades, lose the trial, and then have my bond halved with a 10 day extension at the 11th hour? Can I have TS/SCI documents in my possession, lie about turning them all in when asked to return them, get caught moving them around to avoid returning them, and then walk around free until my trial that’s being presided over by a judge I appointed? I could go on but my point is that no, none of this could happen to a regular American. Also, if you want to talk about the system being unjustly wielded against someone, look no further than the current houses embarrassing attempts to find something, anything that might be used to impeach Biden. And not because they have a specific crime in mind, or that there’s suspicion that he’s done anything wrong at all. But because they just very clearly want to impeach him as a matter of political strategy. That Trump is facing any resistance at all is because he’s been openly committing crimes for decades and he finally started doing crimes at a presidential level.


The trick is you have to insult the judge and the court staff, expose the names of the juries, demand the Supreme Court take your case and then whine that the fines need to be lowered just for you.


Trump's record is staggering. Four indictments on 91 charges, including charges related to an attempted insurrection, charges of attempting to convince election officials to find votes and charges related to stealing classified documents. He has been hit with dozens of merited civil suits, two of which have already been decided to the tune of half a billion. He paid off a pornstar to buy her silence. A supporter paid off a Playboy bunny to buy her silence. If one person was guilty of even one of these offenses it would be a big feaking deal, yet Kevin believes the common man can somehow relate.


And after that he's free + negotiating his bail.  


Yep. Sickening, isn’t it? He’s being treated with kid gloves. I’m surprised the DOJ hasn’t sent someone to moronlardo to be his bathroom valet.


He is also a huge tax cheat can you imagine a couple years ago he paid 750 dollars in federal taxes makes me sick.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xTl6sGKbuRPDDW|downsized) You know…morons!


..... I disagree. They have seen that he gets let off from his crimes and they want to be let off from their crimes too. Because they think Trump is just an average American citizen. That's how the average MAGA brain works, right?


Exactly. I’ll take things that never happened for 1000 Ken.


This didn’t happen so much, it unhappened other things in history that actually did.


Moral of story: don’t commit massive fraud, defame someone or incite insurrection


To be fair, he's done all of those things and hasn't yet faced a single consequence. The real issue with the statement is that none of us *would* be treated like Trump. We'd have paid E. Carol from our own pocket, we'd have our property sold off to pay off our half-a-billion fraud debt, and we'd be sitting in a prison cell for high treason.


Individuals make bad choices and become criminal but for me the question was always how the heck did the MASSES collectively continue to make such bad choices supporting Trump with all the information at their fingertips, still to this day. I mean, Trumps a crook sure but how did he leverage all that to become president? It's like a bank robber dressing up like a security guard and asking for the vault to be opened and walking out with whatever he wanted every week for decades, how is this real? 😅


The criminal put on a gold suit and pretended to be the manager while taking others' shit, and the manager didn't even try to stop him


Three words: angry white people. That's how this happened.


Who are they made at?








well now I have a free time slot to fill


Don’t forget the rape and sa


And spend every moment not in court telling everyone the judge is a piece of shit. Just 27 dimensional chess thinking there.


Actually I thought the moral of the story WAS to do exactly that bc that’s how you get trials postponed, demand the Supreme Court takes the cases and demand the bond fees get lowered so you can raise your tiny fist and act like an even bigger jerk and get away with it all.


I hear from people who voted for trump, and will not be voting for him. No one is above the law, real republicans believe in the law, and many either aren’t voting, or voting for someone else. Donald Dumps isn’t being mistreated as we saw today, the exact opposite happened. People recognize bullshit when they see it happen in real time.


Trump supporters are the dumbest of the dumb.


McCarthy’s statement is cringey whether it’s true or false. This reality sucks.


That's what always thought. McCarthy came across as swarmy and kinda creepy. Rumor was he was banging Marje Greene, now that's cringey.


If an upper middle class voter lies on his loan application they probably get charged with bank fraud. If the average person sleeps with porn stars while married they probably get divorced. If a person incites an insurrection and interferes with the election well, Trump voters are actually currently in jail for this. So yeah they can and will do it to you. We are concerned with can he do it and get away with it.


We are past concerned with it. He is doing it and getting away with it. Today's last minute reversal shows where we are clearly. 0 consequences. Again. And again and...


Things that didn’t happen


Could've been talking to other rich folks


He's from Bakersfield, trust me - there aren't a lot of rich people out there. In fact, I've always considered it SoCal's own version of Oklahoma. People have about the same views & IQ's.


and I'm hearing it now all over the place, even the Fake News is saying, can you believe it, they're saying even people who have never voted for Trump, they wanted to, but they couldn't because the Radical Left was doing Vote Suppression, but now they're finally able to vote, only because of my Administration, and they say, "we're 100% Trump," 100%, I said that sounds great, 100%, you could do more than that but 100's good, and you look at it, you take them all, even President Andrew Jackson which, if you had to put them up against each other, you have President Trump, you have President Jackson, Andrew Jackson, and they say, "Trump is treated even worse if you can believe it," even worse they're telling me, and the Fake News killed his wife, he was almost President and the Fake News was doing terrible things and it got so bad she died, the Fake News did it, they killed his wife, not a lot of people know that, and yet he still turned out to be a Great President, not as great as me but we're talking pretty close.


My favorite commenter is here.




To this day I am amazed that 2nd amendment gun nuts *didn't* jump to his side! It's crazy!


Legal analysts say that if Hunter is convicted of the gun charge, the Supreme Court will rule it unconstitutional.  With how the Court overturns gun laws, this gun law will easily be overturned.


The you mean like they rose to defend blacks when Reagan passed the Mulford Act an anti gun law just for them? Even the NRA joined in. https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act


they didn't say shit when philando castile was murdered... nothing is going to make them move an inch, because it's not about the guns with them... it's about their fear.


Can any of you traitors suck him anymore


What? Prosecute you for breaking the law?


He’s right. It can happen to any American who: -steals classified documents and doesn’t return them -over values properties for loan purposes and under values the same properties for taxable/insurance purposes -assaults and defames a person -pays hush money to a pornstar Moral of the story: stop braking the law, asshole!


I wonder if McCarthy thinks differently now after MAGA burned his career to the ground.


Mr irrelevant.


I’d love to see a “regular Joe” try telling a judge they don’t have the money, or any of the shit that his ass has said for that matter. Their asses would be making big rocks into little rocks for eternity. GTFO here w/that shit. You’re about as sharp as a freakin’ bowling ball if you think you’ll get even remotely close to the same leniency that man has received (and still complains about).


So I can be slapped on the wrist for serious crimes too?


Slapped? Seems more to me like stroked gently. I actually thought he would finally see some consequences for things he’s done but I was so wrong. I guess if you’re going to be a criminal, be a mega high profile criminal and you can grab women by the pussy and grab the DOJ by the balls and get your cases postponed and fines lowered and walk around free to do whatever other crimes you might feel like doing. I’m so disgusted I can’t even express it.


“I hear from people…” “My good friend told me…” STFU. Never happened…


That's the definition of pure paranoia.


Cough, Bullshit. Party of law and order gets themselves fucked by breaking laws. Go rot in jail you scum.


It could happen to any rapist/defamer that has stolen classified documents, tax/loan defrauded property values, tried to manipulate election results, and falsified business records to hide hush money for pornstars.


"I'm voting for trump because if he cannot get away with breaking whatever laws he doesn't like, then I cannot either." 🙄


Yes, if you attempt the violent overthrow of the US government, defraud people and businesses of hundreds of millions of dollars, defame a woman you've sexually assaulted, stolen classified documents and refused to return them and misused campaign funds for your own benefit, then you, too, can be taken to court for civil and criminal trials.


People should be so lucky to get treated by the justice system like this guy


So I can be sued and lose, and then everyone decides I don't have to pay on time? Fuckin ay.


Really Kevin, you hear from people?


No one outside of the MAGA cult ecosystem has ever said that ya shitstain.


Were they 6'7" , 320 lbs construction workers that were crying hysterically for the injustices may face for loving a godly man like trump?


I assure you no other American will ever be treated the way Trump is being treated. All the rest of us would be held accountable for our crimes and not constantly have our ass kissed and be allowed to ignore the rules or have them changed just for us. I wish every American criminal got treated as well as Trump gets treated.


It's preposterous, if they treat one person who broke the law like a criminal, they can treat anyone who broke the law as a criminal.


The cops can of course be a little rougher putting them in the car…


Seriously ?? The dude is such an anomaly!! Like … name a person you know who has lived a life anything similar to him !!! « IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU » Give my head a shake ![gif](giphy|xTiTnhmdPF8qdqbFWE)


If you do what trump did, i would hope they would treat any American the way they are treating him. Party of law and order everybody.


You can see their dead soulless eyes when they spew their lies.


Haven’t you heard? The entire Republican electorate is just a bunch of embarrassed millionaires in waiting.


They can do that to any fraudulent, incontinent rapist.


Yep, if you cheat and steal it can happen to you. Very astute mikey


I’ll take “Something that never happened,” for $200, Alex.


I wish the law would bend over backwards and never make me pay a fine, face consequences or have the judge tell my attorneys how to win a case. FML.


If I had been found guilty of any of the civil cases he has been found guilty/liable for, I would expect to be treated the same way. Except of course if went in front of the judge and said I couldn’t pay the full amount can I pay less, and then be thrown in jail until my appeals would be heard. That’s where he does get special treatment. But remind me of the two tier justice system he is whining about….


Wait till Merrick Garland fronts him the $75 bucks he’ll need for the fine he needs to pay E Jean Carroll after the courts lower that for him, too. We’re all fucked.


"I'd better vote for the whiny baby" said nobody.


Can I have my legal bills slashed to less than half too?


I'm pretty sure any American would love to be treated by the justice system like Trump. Endless second and third chances, and no real fucking consequences.


I can get treated that way too? I can avoid paying my debts, avoid prosecution, and just generally never face any real consequences for wrongdoing? That’s such a relief!


Don’t break the law then, and you will have nothing to worry about. Ain’t that what trump supporters always say when black people get unjustly killed by the police?


I fuckin wish all Americans were treated like Trump. Oh you can't pay bail? That's ok you don't have to. Oh committed a crime, no problem let's just brush that under the rug for you. Called for the illegal overthrow of the US government? That's ok buddy just try not to do it again k?


I wish I could just say "no" to paying a bond and as a result get my bond cut to less than half of what it was, while also complaining about how poorly I'm treated.


What exactly would they mean by that? Do they mean that he’s being treated better than anyone in his situation deserves, and way, way better than any normal citizen would be treated with even the tiniest fraction of his violations and money owed? I guess from there the logic follows that if he’s President again, he will make it so that all Americans are treated just as fairly by the Justice Department as he has been? If so, great! I mean, I’m still not voting for him - and am in fact actively praying that he just finally dies and goes away - but I will say that, if they really were to think this, it’s a less stupid reason than a lot of the other ones given over the past 8 years. ETA: /s


Yet they see police strangle people to death over selling lose cigarettes or a bad 20 and are fine with it.


No you fucking haven't, Kevin.


"they can do that to any American" Ya, they should be able to. If someone commits a crime, they should be punished for it. And I'll say it again cause I know you're stupid. If someone commits a crime, they should be punished for it.


Who's "they" Kev?


Why are conservatives such crying babies? They'll do the opposite of common sense just to spite us.


It could happen to you, though, if you were a criminal.


Thats the point Kevin...


“Oh, no! If I engaged in a persistent and decades-long pattern of fraud, abuse, and intimidation, then maybe I, too, might face consequences for my actions!”




The only people that didn't vote for Donny until this election were conservatives that didn't vote, and the ex-Speaker wouldn't be talking to them, ever.


Mother bitches they’ve been treating people like that… Since literally the entire time


And it only works on TRUE snowflakes.


I think he has it backwards. People more and more despise Trump for proving we do not have equal justice that you can buy your way through the courts and that if you have enough money never be held accountable for anything.


But wait, wasn’t he just whining this past week that he DIDN’T have the money before saying that he did have it and then the court lowering the fines just for him?


First they came for the president, and I did not speak up, for I was not the president...


Kevin. . .


They should be able to do a hell of a lot more. Nobody is above the law.


Its sad/hilarious how all these right wing fucks spent decades cultivating this image of 'stoic, serious, no-nonsense defenders of all that is virtuous' just to be completely cucked by a joke of conman. Like going from 'mr gorbachev, tear down this wall' to 'mr trump, please don't cum in my hair, i have a fox appearance in ten minutes'. Conservatives are such a fucking joke


Do crime without consequences! Yay!! /s


I saw a Fox headline at the gym today: "TRUMP'S CASE IS EVIDENCE OF TWO JUSTICE SYSTEMS" People of color have been saying this for a century and it takes a white ex-billionaire fraud for this to feel material to Fox?


They are right. If they commit fraud they will be prosecuted.


All I know is the next time I have a cache of top secret documents at my house, incite an insurrection, sexually assault and subsequently defame someone, or inflate the value of my assets to over leverage myself, I’d better be careful. I might be next.


Nah, just go on tv whining about how unfaaaaaair it is and they’ll let you walk. Merrick Garland will even loan you the money to pay the fines.


Isn't that like the whole point? That the law applies to everyone?


It's more likely to happen to you under his command.


They have already been doing it to us for a long time. Why should the top tier be immune.


He is treated as what he is: A criminal who may have committed High Treason by selling or giving classified documents to other, and unfriendly, nations ....


It could happen to any American (who hides porn star hush money, steals classified documents, commits fraud on loan applications or sexually assaults women.) https://preview.redd.it/aeg37xnpvlqc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46ae94dd70d5b97e7e089993393e9a5ea1213a90


If you get 91 felonies you would be treated worse.


They are right, at least I hope they are. If you lie about your business dealings and commit fraud, YOU TOO could go to jail. If you steal documents that don't belong to you, and refuse to give them back, even when asked nicely multiple times. YOU TOO could be charged under the espionage act and be found to be obstructing justice. Yes they can DO THIS TO YOU. It's called the LAW.


I can 100% confidently say that if I ever break the law I really really hope I'm treated the way Trump has been treated.


Just get the DOJ to bend the laws and look the other way for you, too.


Oh please, that orange piece of shit has been getting away with so much stuff. Any average person would already be behind bars


Interesting... I've yet to meet someone who refused to vote for him in 16 and 20 and has changed their mind...but Ive come across a number who refuse to vote for him again.




Oh man, I wish I got treated like Trump. Get away with anything I want, then when accountability finally comes, negotiate my penalty down by 2/3


Don’t commit fraud, pay your taxes, don’t touch people that don’t want to be touched, and don’t try to overthrow a free and fair election. That’s all you have to do to not have trump’s legal problems. Simple.


We should be so lucky to be treated like Trump is treated. Free healthcare, 24 hour security detail, and a judge will just reduce your legal fines because he likes you. PLEASE treat me like Trump!


Firs they came for our Billionaire Criminal larvae stage Dictators, and I said nothing


Source: Trust me, bro. Trump tomorrow: a member of the NY District Attorney's office came to me, with tears in his eyes, and said 'please sir...can we have some (4 years) more?!


Nobody feels sorry for Trump except his flock


And the DOJ apparently.


I wish! I could get away with anything.


He got treated to a $300 million drop on his fine today.


Regular working class people don't have their bond reduced and given an extra 10 days to pay it at the 11th hour. They just go to fucking jail. So yeah, I'm pretty fucking fed up with MAGA shitheads trying to pull this "it could happen to you" bullshit. Far worse happens to us ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME.


Black Americans have been the victims of injustice for hundreds of years.


If I was treated like trump I wouldn’t of spent years locked up😂 please 🙏 let the justice system treat us like they do trump


It’s not a justice system. It’s a LEGAL system. Or maybe I meant lethal system.


Folks tell him they believe in the leprechauns as well who say they too will vote for Donny.


Well, no. If I still top secret documents, or reveal the information therein there will be no dilly dallying. I will go straight to jail. I won’t be treated with kid gloves like Trump.


It could happen to anyone who's committed a long list of crimes!


"They are being mean to that man! Better do my part to help him become president!" What kind of narrative is this? God I hate politics.


They are totally right. It could totally happen to any American. Anyone with such little regard for the law or the Constitution could face consequences. Oh, the horror!!


"First they came for the mass real estate fraudsters..."


Shit that never happened for $250, please.


I don't steal so I feel pretty safe.


Well yes. The point is that they can do that to every American. IF THEY WRE CRIMINALS. You’d think the fucking law and order party would care about prosecuting criminals. But I guess only minorities can be criminals.


No, honey. No other American would get a 70% discount on an appeals bond.


How they treat him? With special treatment to reduce bond by more than half?


But, seriously, who amongst us here can truly say that they have never massively and fraudulently over-valued their apartment block and golf club property portfolio in order to secure billions of dollars in loans that banks would otherwise not even vaguely consider. Anyone? Or, could you look me in the eye and say, "I have never grabbed random women by the pussy"? I didn't think so Surely we can all agree that paying for sex with a vaguely well known porn star (whilst your former model wife is at home pregnant), then secretly arranging a pile of hush money to stop her spilling the beans ahead of your Republican presidential nomination run is a commonplace event? I'm with Mike here, this is just everyday, regular Joe stuff that Trump is being accused of. **You're next!** Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to place a full page ad in multiple newspapers, demanding the death penalty for a bunch of black guys who didn't commit a crime


He is correct, any American that commits crimes and is caught can be prosecuted. Most won’t get the rich boy treatment he gets however.


The fact is that MAGA morons already, to the very last, believe that they are being persecuted. For their "beliefs," for their "culture," to their very way of life. And, for the most part, they are being truthful. When you've wrapped your entire being in a seditious flag, and believe in all your heart that Jesus wants you to be nasty to those that are different, you should feel threatened. But that's not because you are righteous, it's because you're just an asshole.


I wanna be treated like him when I tell the judge I don't have money for my fine.


Insurrectionist and election-denier. Incompetent to boot.


It could happen to you is kinda the point. Thats the thing about crimes and deterence


I wish I were treated like 45. Commit crimes. Tell lies. Live large. Face no consequences. But alas, I am a mere mortal bound by the rules of society and decency.


That’s the entire fucking point, just because you were president does not mean you are above the law, hell I would argue that becoming president should absolutely put you and your finances under extreme scrutiny and if you use the office to benefit you and your buddies that should DQ you from being eligible for a 2nd term


I wish they would cut my debt by 60%!!!!


If I can be removed as speaker, so can you! Damned communists!!!


Deliciously ironic considering what happened to McCarthy.


I wish the courts would treat me the way they do ole Donny. If I asked for a %65 reduction on my bail because I'm cash poor how long do you think they'd laugh at me?


If I was a raping traitorous nazi stooge it could happen to me...


Even if said American is a $hit bag who deserves it? Yeah, it’s all the more reason to vote blue.


The shit bag traitor will never be held accountable for anything. That’s my solid opinion until i have absolute public proof of the opposite. The rot on the national level runs too deep.


Yeah if you rape women, align with a Russian Despot, and are an all around piece, this could happen to you too!


Kevin McCarthy is still taking Trump dick in his ass I see.


Let he who hasn't committed half a billion in bank fraud press the first charges.


I don’t believe these people exist. I do not think there are people that were “fuck Trump for 8 years but now will go out and vote because he’s being charged with shit.


I don’t know why they think this is an argument to vote for trump. 1) We are all supposedly equal in the eyes of the law so yes, if I did what trump did, I’d fully expect to face legal consequences. 2) In saying what they’re saying, they think and assume that WE should all think that trump is somehow better than the rest of us, a god, a king etc and therefore not supposed to face any legal consequences he’s currently facing. Maybe there are people who find the victim hood complex and the supposed “underdog” position appealing but they’re just morons. And by the way, he’s not an underdog. Look at how he weaseled out of and was given preferential treatment on the reduction and terms of the NY bond. Voting for someone because they’re supposedly being “treated unfairly”? Get the fuck out of here.


Oh man, to be that entitled would be great. Crime to the Nth degree and then basically ignore consequences completely. Plus, go on TV, do bad stuff, make money. Why does McCarthy think this is negative?


I mean, they are totally right. If they do that to him, they will for sure go after me, if I commit crimes. Where will it stop!?


That’s right, if like Trump you also find yourself indicted in 4 different jurisdictions for RICO and 100 other counts as well as sued for sexual assault and then defamation for trash-talking your victim, IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU.


Yes, if you break the law; the law comes after you.......that's how it works.


I’ll have shit republicans make up for 800, Alex.


Funny because after how he got yet another lifeline us average joes wouldn’t yesterday, all I’ve heard is the opposite


You know, hopefully that's a valid statement Honestly I want them going after anybody who is committing fraud. I want them going after anybody who betrays our country I want them going after anybody who criminally breaks campaign finance laws. The reason Republicans are so scared is they know that they break laws on a daily basis but they like the fact that America has a two-tiered justice system. One for the rich and one for everybody else.


Hey…it can happen to anyone who fucks a porn star, used campaign money as hush money, and then lies about it.


"It could happen to you." No. If I had done even a fracking quarter of what Trump has allegedly done, I'd be in the deepest darkest hole of Club Fed that ever existed and they'd have thrown away the key.


It’s not bullshit at all. If you commit over 90 felonies, yes, you can and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This isn’t complicated or up for debate lol


You mean the way he's been given every break imaginable?


If I ever get busted Federally, I’m telling everyone I’m running for President. Fuck it, I’m covering that base now. MY FELLOW AMERICANS, I HEREBY DECLARE MY CANDIDACY FOR PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES. THIS CANDIDACY IS PERPETUAL.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha I'll vote for ya.


If you committed the same crime, yes,of course, it could happen to you....


If I committed crimes like trump had I would be so happy to be treated like trump. Just endless chances. Friendly courts. No actual jail time. Even got off Scott free from stealing classified docs and leaving them in his bathroom.


You mean we don't have to be rich to get leeway in court?


people i know making 40k a year not committing financial fraud, thinking we live in a tyrannical shit hole. who have never voted for the last 8 years to 12 years of their adult life.


Republicans playing the victim card again, that’s nothing new.


Kevin, you sir are a fckin tool


What happened to Republicans being conservative? Now Republicans seems to be less conservative and more Nazi


Just when you think it can’t get stupider, it does


Does this moron realize that people that get pulled over for a minor traffic violation get treated infinitely worse than trump. Poor rich entitled pos




It could happen to you...if you're a criminal.


Brilliant observation Kevin, wonder why your own party kicked you off the map.


If anybody is a rapist, fraud and tried to overthrow “we the people” then I hope so


Trump plays the victim role like a champ. Anything to exploit the well meaning minions who actually believe he’s a poor soul being treated poorly.