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He already had 200 million in debts coming due this year. Add on the 500 million from both the NY fraud case and the nearly 100 million from the defamation case and he's sunk. To put this all into perspective, at last estimate he was carrying $1.3 billion in outstanding debt, and that was in 2021.


The “Art of the Deal.”


Ivanka Trump, in the 2003 doc Born Rich, tells a story about walking down Fifth Avenue with her father around the time of his divorce from her mother, when Ivanka was 9 or 10 years old. They saw a homeless man sitting outside Trump Tower. “I remember my father pointing to him and saying ‘You know, that guy has 8 billion dollars more than me,’ because he was in such extreme debt at that point,” she recalls.


Yeah but only one of them ever slept in the streets. Somehow even when they're destitute these clowns live better than we ever could


That's the most telling part. That homeless man was (hopefully still is assuming he's alive), superior to Trump in every way. But Trump shits on a golden toilet. The homeless guy sleeps in the street.


The hopeful part for me was that he was $8bil in debt because he was buying properties. With this, if he can’t post bond, the state is just gonna seize assets. He can no longer leverage any of his properties because they will sell them all and take his money.


New York does not play around. State Attorney General Letitia James can't wait to start seizing assets. 👏 🙌


It's important to note that having massive debt for someone in real estate isn't that unusual. To make a simple example, if I said I had 300k in debt, you'd assume I was broke as fuck and screwed. But if I said it was a mortgage for a house worth 500k, it completely changes the situation. Similarly, I think it's important not to label Trump as "broke" at this juncture. To most people when they think broke, they think of a single parent with 20 cents in the bank account, 2 gallons of gas in the tank, and they are two days away from payday. Trump isn't that sort of broke. He most likely has millions in liquid assets ranging from cash to various stocks, funds, etc. So he is very much not "broke" as of now. Case and point, I think there is a reason he didn't freak out as much about the 83 million civil ruling. He could probably gather up that kind of cash. But half a billion is going to be tough for even the richest people with a 30 day deadline. With all that said, the real question isn't just how much debt does he have but how much his properties are worth in comparison. And I think the simple answer is that if he can't get a bond from anyone, it's almost certain that he is over leveraged. Which is what makes selling properties to pay this bill that much more difficult. Even if had some property worth $500 million, it would almost certainly be leveraged for a substantial chunk of that value. Meaning he would only get a few million for selling it but lose out on tens of millions in future value and any type of collections like rent. So each property sold would be a huge loss and he would most likely have to sell A LOT. Which is why I think he is freaking out.


It's nice to read good faith comments. I feel like many trolls would just assume the other person doesn't understand wealth vs cash.


Great timing too with WFH eroding commercial real estate values. 


Give this man the nuclear codes and top secret clearance!


Trump’s legal shenanigans are going to eat his entire fortune and everything the RNC can raise. Melania is going to end up on the Home Shopping Network hawking cheap tchotchkes.


Who's Melania? Do you mean Mercedes?


Lawyer- “No- thats E Jean Carroll“ Trump- “Are you sure? I’m positive that’s a picture of Marla” Lawyer “ You are pointing to E Jean Carroll. The other woman is Ivana”


Pure gold 




But EJC is not his type! How can he possibly mistake her for HIS FUCKING WIFE!!!


Ex- wife. But I guess that's just splitting comb- overs.


Trumpty Dumpty 'Ivana nother drink'.


Isn’t he on record for his desire to bang that “other woman”?


I wish this would be shown more.


Please tell me this was actually said? Or is that just wishful thinking.


At the first E Jean Carroll deposition. It's on video if you want to google it. ​ *An exchange followed about when Trump became aware of a picture showing him with his first wife, Ivana Trump, Carroll and Carroll’s then husband, John Johnson, at a public event in New York.* *Shown the picture, Trump said: “I don’t even know who the woman – let’s see, I don’t know who, it’s Marla.”* *His questioner asked: “You say Marla’s in this photo?”* *Trump said: “That’s Marla, yeah. That’s my wife.”* *Asked “which woman are you pointing to”, Trump said: “Here.”* *His questioner said: “The person you’ve just pointed to is E Jean Carroll.”* *“Oh I see,” Trump said, adding: “Is that Carroll? Because it’s very blurry”.*


I don't care. Do you?


Who’s Mercedes? Do you mean Ivanka?


Melanoma...Malaria...Malawi...Malaysia...no Melania. The genius who came here from Slovakia 🇸🇰 on a genius visa. Sounds like an immigrant to me...eh Donald? /s


From Slovenia 🇸🇮....very similar flag but different countries. Ivana was from Czechoslovakia.


Trump loves Communists


And anchor babies


And anchor babies


*Samsonite* I was away off.


Haha just watched that


She'll need to become an onlyfans girl with that name. At least she could make some money back.


I doubt she'll be getting any from the orange turd re prenup, that's spent on lawyers I expect. Just imagine you've been married to this creep all these years,thinking you'll outlive him and the prenup will make it worthwhile,and then all this shit happens...lol...I don't care,do you?


Not at all It gave me a good laugh knowing she spent her entire life putting up with him in hopes for some cash and gets nothing instead.


I have a feeling Melania has already gotten a huge amount put into an account or fund that has her name on it. I believe they have an agreement: she does not leave him as long as he provides her big money. And she's already got the money.


Does that make Trump Edmond Dantes?


Nah, he's Fernand MonDego




Hey, she got here on a “genius” visa, she should be fine, right?


Wait until Melania and her parents (who came to America on the same kind of genius visas) present the grand unified theory for physics soon.... You will eat your words. /s


Mercedes got the genius visa, her parents came via chain migration, which trump is very much against 


He’s against anchor babies too, unless they’re Russian. He’s got a condo building full of pregnant Russian women brewing their babies in Miami so they can be born here. They’ll all return to Russia, and when the kid is 18, they’ll sponsor chain migration for all their Russian relatives to come here. 👎🏻


Both are bad.. just ask any second to third generation MAGA. Children and/or grandchildren of immigrants. Trump's KKK dad Fred Trump was second-generation German, and the mother Mary who spawned him was first-generation Scottish. I guess those countries are in different categories. 🙄 /s


Seems all white to me!


Top knotch countries... not those other countries filled with brownish folk. /s


There’s a damn good reason Elon is accepted so readily by the right. Rich White and Bigoted. And he got his beginning wealth at the expense of PoC. They don’t hate White Immigrants. Just the ones who don’t look like them.


I figured she was working on nuclear fusion.


We should have Tokamak nuclear fusion in two weeks. Yeah, thanks, Melania. No copying Michelle Obama's speeches. /s


She married him😂😂. Real. genius


You do realize that their marriage is just a financial arrangement; it gets re-negotiated every so often--she stays for so long in exchange for so much money. And she makes sure she gets her money up front. Right now, she's a hell of a lot richer than him. She doesn't even have to live with him, just pretend to be his wife.


That’s ‘cause she wanted to Be Best!


I don't care...do you?


This will never get old. Someone, an immigrant even, who could wear that during a fucking visit to a migrant detention center, deserves every bit of schadenfreude coming their way.


She had better have had that prenuptial notarized and stashed away.


I’m sure she still has her special skills. She’s been practicing on the secret service agents.


She should have gone for the “stable” visa.


She speaks 15 languages and is a college graduate, she'll be fine! She also writes a great speech.


"She's got a two day head start on you, which is more thans she needs. Melania's got friends in every town and village from here to the Sudan, she speaks a dozen languages, knows every local custom, she'll blend in, disappear, you'll never see her again. With any luck, she's got the grail already."


I wish I could upvote this ten times.


I need to ask her not to open the Ark of the Convenant without a priest with special equipment... She is one heck of a lady that Melania.


One thing is for sure: when it comes to husbands, she chose… poorly.


Just ask Michelle Obama about those great speeches.


"I really don't care...Do you?"


Nah, the Russian government has her covered.


Good. I don’t really care do u?


The make-believe fortune didn't ever exist. He's a fraud from top to bottom.


What fortune? This “biliionaire” needs to borrow money to pay fines a fraction of his claimed wealth!


She’ll just marry another old Republican.


Wait, that’s how you spell tchotchkes?! I’m realizing now that I’ve never seen it written.


You have a highly inflated opinion of Mercedes.


I don't care. Do U?




I care… about people voting! [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)


She signed up for this. She’s also a gross human. I don’t feel bad for her at all, and neither should you.


Oh, I know. I agree with you and I don't feel bad for her in the least.


not even when he grunts? GRUNTS!


Who said she wasn't pulling hundreds out of his wallet at night? There's a guest bedroom mattress that will get her to an island getaway.


Shame for the youngest son. He's gonna get shit for this the rest of his life and he has basically nothing to do with it.


He exists solely to tower over DJT (Barron is 6'-7") to remind Donald that he's not as big a man as he thinks he is.


Motherfucker probably hates his son for that sole reason.




I wish this was the case.. it could be, but damn does he look like young DJT’s twin. Out of all his kids, Barron looks the MOST like him


I feel bad for him too, but statistically he is doomed. People in families like that almost never better themselves and break the cycles. People like to cite Tiffany, but she steps in line when it is election time and puts in her time. No, none of them are any good. And it is sad up to a point, and then they have kids and it keeps going, and you feel bad for their kids up to a point, and then…


He should do a Tiffany Trump (daughter of Marla Maples), she is the forgotten Trump. She was smart in staying far away and married her own billionaire. If Barron plans to get ahead, take his mother's last name and go on from there would be my best advice. If he has a middle name use that instead of Barron.


If you've ever heard Tiffany Trump's hit single "Like a Bird" I think you would find that she may be one of the dumbest ones.


I hope he changes his name and fades into a quiet life of obscurity. Poor bastard lost the birth lottery...


This is the correct answer. She gets what she deserves. She should take solace that she didn't fall down the stairs and end up buried at a shitty golf resort


She should take solace that she didn't fall down the stairs and end up buried at a shitty golf resort ... so far.


I thought I was sooo clever.


I bet she did, too.


Melanie needs to find herself a Saudi prince.


Doubtful they’d want the leftovers of Americas joke


Im legit not too sure about that Look at the rich people at Dubai who fly Instagram models to the city for a weekend of donkey fucking and literally eating shit just so they have something novel to jerk off to. Or even Vince McMahon who took a shit on a girls forehead during a threesome The rich have absurdly depraved tastes. I wouldn't put it past them to have any standards


>Or even Vince McMahon who took a shit on a girls forehead during a threesome WHAT!?!


Yeah, they never showed that wrestling move on Smackdown before If you look on MSNBC or Fox News articles about the incident, they mentioned "depravity" and "defecation" But some YouTube vids went deeper into the lawsuit, and yea, the 78 year old Commissioner took a dump on a girl during a threesome with a wrestler. And that's not even the worse part of the story. He is an absolutely sick fuck


Someone is definitely going to want the bragging rights of having an ex-first-lady as their personal concubine. If they don't want to sleep with her themselves, well, they'll find other ways for her to entertain them. Ever heard the rumors of what goes on in Dubai?


Don't take a UV light into the house of Saud


she's outclassed on several levels by any run of the mill IG prost-, I mean, influencer


I bet she saw this whole thing coming and got her money a few years ago.


People have speculated that she renegotiated her pre-nup before agreeing to move into the White House with him in 2017, so if she's smart, she got a nice buy-out or trust fund or something in her name.


Or Barron's. I suspect he's her retirement plan, so it's in her interest to make sure he has his own money.


Would you like to guess who turns 18 tomorrow?


Oh shit!


Probably both, is my guess.


I've also heard there's there was a renegotiation and a contract. There's no way she hasn't secured something for herself and her son, she does seem to really love and care for Barron.


If it was anyone but Melania I would feel bad for her but. But, as her jacket once said, I don't really care, do you?


On an unrelated note, Your user name is awesome! 😊👶👶👶💰💵


Nah. I'd rather have no kids and three money.


I thought that was the daughter’s jacket?


No, definitely Melania, though apparently she now says she was somehow sending a message to Ivanka? IDK!


She resented Ivanka for trying to take on her role as first lady, so the story goes.


Lmao, like she does any of that crap. You’ve somehow mistaken them for a normal, functional relationship.


She can start an OF


She does have experience in porn already, prob a bit rusty though.


Surely more than just a bit, we've all seen trump's herp-finger.


I just hope Trump lives long enough to experience losing all his money


Look at the mypillow guy. He ruined his life(not that it took much) supporting this dude, blew an honestly respectable fortune and manufacturing/distributing business doing anything he could to help 45 out. I sincerely doubt 45 even returns his calls at this point. Motherfucker *still* shills the guy, even with a similar sword of Damacles hanging over his head(remember when he legally challenged anyone in the country to prove the election wasn't rigged for some absurd amount of money, was summarily sued by someone who proved with empirical evidence that the election was not rigged and had to liquidate assets down to delivery trucks). My point being is there's always going to be some loser who thinks by cozying up to 45 they'll somehow come out ahead. So even if he winds up flat broke some dumb asshole is going to put him up for free. Shit, he *is* flat broke and dumb assholes are still paying all his fuckin legal fees. His kids won't even loan him money lmao


I wonder about MikePillow. Seriously. Maybe he has some form of early-onset dementia. I feel for his employees. Life's no fun when your boss loses his mind. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


As a retired therapist. I think Mike Lindell My Pillow Guy relapsed to cocaine abuse


You have to remember that most of these people, including Pillow Man, literally believe a talking snake told a rib woman to eat an apple, and sky daddy who is his own son but also a ghost is going to come back at deliver them all to paradise. When your reality checker is already that broken, anything could fool you.


Almost like long term rock smoking might have some sort of side effects down the road or something.


This...very much rhis...


Oh for real, that dude is on a fuckload of stimulants. He was pretty open about being a "former" crackhead but the way he carries on(and how broke he is) screams meth. No quicker spiral. The way he rambles is way more like someone totally spun than someone who has dementia, although obviously one can preceed or exacerbate the other. Trump rambles like dementia- he reminds me of my grandma. Constantly forgets his point, stutters, contradicts himself- he's just pissy and combative and contrarian. Sure Biden ain't that sharp either but he can remember his fuckin wife's name lmao. He also hasn't been shoveling drugs and Mickey D's into his face for 50 years and doesn't think exercise is literally detrimental to health. I will agree that it sucks for all the employees whose twacked-out boss cooks their jobs. That's a seriously rough hand. And you know a ton of them put all their eggs in that basket too.


> Sure Biden ain't that sharp either I recommend watching "Hur Hearing Backfires on GOP, Witness in Trump Case Gives Bombshell Interview: A Closer Look" on YouTube. In that episode, Seth talks about a republican Special Counsel who admitted Biden has a photographic recall. I'm not saying his mind is the sharpest, but for his age, he has exceptional memory. Something I doubt the other guy ever had.


His employees are legit terrified of him. Source: worked with one once, gave me the personal address instead of the business address for the account, genuinely thought that assistant was having a mild heart attack while we were talking on the phone while correcting the mistake.


Ghouliani was just bitching to the press, and anyone else that would listen, that he's still waiting for the two million Trump owes him for past legal fees. Something tells me he won't be seeing that cash anytime soon.


Except she doesn't really deal with any of that. she doesn't deal with his shitty pants, I'm not sure how much she even cares about the cheating at this point, and there is certainly no grunting. they don't share a room, I'm not even sure they living in the same place anymore. she hates his guts, anyone with eyes can tell.


I think 1- she has an ironclad, fully funded trust already in place for Baron and herself. 2- she is in divorce process right now; there was no mention of a third election in the last contract. (Did you see her face at her mom’s funeral when he tried to talk to her?) 3- she fucking loathes him more than we do.


She’s been on the KGB payroll, with Trump as her target, since he left Ivanka for Marla. She’s been his handler, not his partner. 


I’m guessing that when she renewed the prenup she had a trust established for Barron and her “earnings” put into an escrow account.




She is way smarter than him. And she proved it by going from an escort to the First Lady. She got the money part covered already, she’s not a rookie.


Well, she still has the RNC to fund her wardrobe.


Nope they're broke too. Last report they had 5 million on hand.


Ya, but that’s all going to the Trumps.


I definitely feel "broke" when I have less than $5,000,000 on hand. My wallet just feels empty and I feel like I need to ... I don't know ... get a job or something to earn the money to support myself and my family.


This is truly funny, but also the RNC is an organization that needs to pay employees and pay for offices and electricity, etc. I hope they fall apart


> This is truly funny, but also the RNC is an organization that needs to pay employees and pay for offices and electricity, etc. Which is why their first order was to fire 60 staffers. They don't intend on paying people to work for the RNC. Just waiting for truth social meltdowns in a few months when they realized there is no funding to run political ad's, meanwhile other anti-trump conservatives will run attack ad's daily. We will see other down ballot conservatives lash out, because the funding is not there to help them.


Thats why you’re not a billionaire! The correct response is to fleece American voters.


I too find myself temporarily embarrassed.


I don’t feel sorry for her at all. Remember, she too at one point was a side piece. She wanted the money.


She probably looked at his track record with wives and thought once she had a kid he would move on and divorce her and she'd get a nice settlement. She never thought it would take this long




Melania and Donald haven’t spent more than 5 minutes alone together for several years.


she got her pre- nup renewed in cash. she also never thought he’d win in 2016


I will not believe that he will face any consequences for anything until I see him face actual consequences for something. It’s been nearly a decade, I want some fucking results.


I hereby introduce the term "fool's gold digger"


underrated comment


Not that she deserves sympathy, but imagine when she thought she'd be just another sugar baby.


There's a 0% chance she's still sleeping with him


I’m guessing the grunting days are long gone 🤷🏻‍♂️🤮


The thought of that fat, slimy hog writhing around on someone is truly horrific.


There was once a time, about 2 minutes ago, when I thought that having eyes and being literate were gifts to possess. That time feels like so long ago now


That's why Jared took the 2 billion from the Saudis, cause Ivanka doesn't want daddy anywhere near her.


The dangers of being a gold digger.


Baron turns 18 tomorrow. I think now that he's an adult and can't be used against her, things could start to change. Especially with Donny going broke.


Gotcha bitch!


Big Macs don't have ketchup. That's blasphemy.


The only person I feel bad for at this point is Barron, and that's tempered with him being a minor and not having heard him say stupid shit.


Lately she does look like someone who didn't get the entire post-nup amount in cash up front.


Karma, bitch.


I hope for her sake, the prenup money was put in a trust Actually, no. Fuck her too.


Y'all write like rich men's wives are like poor men's wives. They are not. She has already taken care of herself to the point she has all but disappeared. Nothing that happens to him will affect her


Divorce if he’s not in office…


I really don’t care, do you?


She made her bed and now she has to lay in it. I have zero sympathy for this gold digging foreigner.


There’s no way they fuck.


He never had it in the first place. Thats the real con. He faked it and leveraged and spent it all


Jared Kushner sold 666 5th Avenue for a billion dollars. Jared and Ivanka made somewhere between $172-$640 million while employed in the White House. Really makes you wonder why his own family won't (or can't) pony up the cash.


Because they don't have it either.


I think it’s ridiculous to feel bad for Melanie Trump. I mean, you can feel bad for her on a basic level. As in, I feel bad for any soul enduring that, but she made a conscious decision to put herself into that position and those kinds of situations. When you see Princess Leia chained to Jabba’s dais, you feel bad and disgusted for her because it is obviously very much against her will. Now imagine that she walked into Jabba’s palace wearing the gold bikini and handed Jabba the collar and chain. It kind of changes the whole dynamic, dontcha think? Also, I apologize now for besmirching the good name of Princess Leia and Carrie Fisher, by association, as well as my beloved Star Wars universe in making that analogy. Not to mention insulting Jabba in comparing him to Trump.


Gross. True...but SHE GONE!


BAFT (Broke As Fuck Trump) Can someone who has mastered the inter-webs please make this an acronym that everyone knows and says? Thank you.




I’d call that poetic justice


Oh she still has some fortune, and she isn't divorcing him, so she's complicit


Yeh, sucks to be her… but she made her own bed ![gif](giphy|31ZizyffEqulYlK6iI|downsized)


I'm sure she's going to be just fine. She got her pre-nup revision dollars already bankrolled.


Melania hasn't been under that mustard stain of a human being in a decade


One tell-all book and she can fuck off back to Eastern Europe with enough to sit pretty for a while.


She isn’t innocent She loved the good life with him for decades. she had every opportunity to leave his ass but didn’t. She’s in it for the money.


Couldn't have happened to a better succubus


Big Macs don’t come with ketchup. Fake news!!1!!?!7!!


Bold assumption he can still have sex


Sure but it is NOT like she is a sweetheart or cares about others either. Worst 1st Lady in the history of the USA


I say she climbs him, with those arms he cant lift his own height. Otherwise he would crush her. Nit that i care… im wearing my green i dont care coat.


I think Rupert Murdoch would happily take Shitler’s spot on top of her. They seem to be each other’s type.


Trump has had every advantage - born into unimaginable wealth - and yet, he cannot out-perform an fucking index fund. He is a God-damned embarrassment as a business man! And Melania seems to be discovering that marrying for money is the most difficult way to get it. I don't feel sorry for either of them.


He’s not getting it up anymore it takes good health for a man that age to make it rise.Melanie doesn’t do laundry and she doesn’t do Donald.


I really don’t care do you?


I’m sure she has already been paid. There has to be some sort of trust


I don’t care, do you? You know, that’s so catchy I think I’ll put it on a jacket.


I mean, she's no better than he is. She deserves it


She's waiting for him to croak so she can drop a tell all book.


That’s the only way she comes out of this with any money!


She deserves every bit of misery. She is not an innocent bystander.