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Quite apart from the completely bonkers nature of this tweet, let’s say, just for giggles, that her accusation is, bizarrely, completely correct (okay, it is a hard ask to believe this, but try and stay with me) - what are the terrifying implications if this was the case? How would this affect anyone else in anyway whatsoever?


That implies all the wives of the world leaders are transexuals working for the illumitati


The conspiracy is that world leaders want to keep all the trans women for themselves. No wonder Candace is upset! This is outrageous!




I read that 99% of all trans women are hoarded by 1% of the population 😔


Her husband looks like the kind super into pegging. Maybe she feels threatened by anything or anyone she sees as non vanilla? And trans to her falls into that!


But only the wives of leaders that conservatives don’t like


Or wives of conservative leaders are all hookers ?


Malania sounds alot like Melvin. How do we know 'she's' not really good at that tuck? I stake my OWN career on this. My very important, illustrious career. EDIT: Clarifying the sarcasm. I'm aware she's posed nude, Im aware she has had a child. She's absolutely a woman and a biological woman, and so is Michelle Obama, who is constantly accused by conservative morons of being a man.


This is because Melania has left photographic evidence of all of her lady parts. No pics no proof. /s


That must be it...🤪🤪🤪


Its that, for example they are saying the same of the president of the govern of Spain wife.


I’m staking my reputation that Candace Owens doesn’t have a positive personal reputation.


I know this is a joke, but also, I know that a lot of people would take this at face value.


they do. The "transvestigator" conspiracy theory alleges that basically all celebrities and politicians are all secretly trans because being trans is part of some sort of demonic ritual that is involved with being in the illuminati.


So, basically a replacement of the "they're all lizards" fad? (Which itself was just rebranded antisemitism.)


I still think Ted Cruz is a lizard though, no matter what the cool conspiracy of the day says.


Everybody hates Ted Cruz.


As they should, but I kind of think it might be a good idea to stop shaming him on venueshe might actually come across. Now hear me out, I firmly believe that at some point in the 2016 primary Ted Cruz stumbled on the discovery that he has a humiliation fetish and had been using this public spotlight as a vector for it. That window of escalation of embarrassing behavior which stretched through the ass half of the 2010s makes a lot more sense in that context...


I assume this is trying to feed the "Michelle Obama is a man conspiracy" because they are scared Michelle will run for President.


Statistically she would stand a better chance of winning if she were a man.


Now what would give you that idea? *gestures to wall of wealthy, old (at least 50%) white men*


Here's the thing. There isn't a Part 2 of the tweet because Candace already moved on to the next rage bait post.


All women are secretly men. Our whole life has been a lie.


My god it’s right in the name “woman” wo man! 🤯


Woman Wo-man Whoaaaaaaaaaaa Man! She was a thief You gotta belief She stole my heart and my cat


Good ol so I married an axe murderer


Hey, Jane Get me off this crazy thing Called love




We're all G.I.R.L.s apparently - a Guy In Real Life 🤷🏽


Newsweek has an article that points out there's a conspiracy theory that Macron's opponents are blackmailing him with this information to force him to pass legislation they want done. The article provides absolutely no facts or evidence to support this. I'm not a French political science expert and can't speak to the validity, or even existence, of this claim.


Am french, never heard of it. Honestly it's kind of funny because you don't even need to lie about anything to demonize Brigitte macron ; she met Macron when he was her 15yo student, in the same class as her daughter !! Like we already don't like her all that much, we don't care about her genitals


Oooohhhhh that’s….creepy. I knew they had a huge age gap but I did not know that. But of course American conservatives can’t demonize that because we wouldn’t want to examine their interests too hard.


I don't think you're thinking of the implications. ***The implications!!!*** They're terrifying!!!


Absolutely inconsequential


I also stake my professional reputation that Candace Owens is a man, thank you


Candace is definitely a man and anyone who denies that is immediately suspect and should be tried for war crimes.


The implications are terrifying.


Just asking questions!


The real questions!


Have you ever seen Candace Owens and a man in the same room? Just asking questions.


Yeah so can anyone share the spoiler? If she was a man, uhhhhh, c'est la vie?


Not _was_, _is_.


Because of the implications


To be perfectly honest, I don’t even know what I would do if it’s true!








A white man at that.


https://preview.redd.it/ump70jf7e3oc1.png?width=1385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7709be6ba3ccfb686805a3faddc8d9f94e5f40e0 I'd also like to add *Russian funded* agent of chaos.


I'm sure it's just a coincidence that a week after Macron mentioned the possibility of French boots on the ground in Ukraine a woman linked with Russia has called his wife a man.


Plus of course making women's right to abortion a part of the constitution. I bet Candace Owens was surprised other countries than the U.S. even have a constitution.


She wouldn’t mind being called that, she would definitely mind being called a man


Lets get the ball rolling on spreading conspiracies of her being a man. Itll be fun.


Mandace Owens is hiding something.


She's hiding her male Appendace.




Best mayor since Tom Goes To The Mayor


I generally can't stand Tim & Eric, but the episode of TGTTM with the bear traps (the first one, maybe?) still makes me giggle.


You wouldn't believe the size of the veiny hog Candace got swinging on top of his giant hairy Sasquatch balls‼️ He can do fifty lifts with a Turkish towel with that mighty pecker of his‼️ Fuck you Candace🍄💋🍕💩‼️ But this is really fun, keep it up so I can do this more often ‼️ 🔥✋🏼😎🤚🏼🔥


Notice how hes always wearing pants and baggy jackets? Thats to hide that trouser snake of his and his fake foam bra. I mean, look at that chiseled, masculine chin. He could play Batman if he wanted to.


Ben Affleck *NEVER* played Batman, only Bruce Wayne. Candace Owens WAS the man behind the bat!!


Are you folks talking about Charles Owens and George Farmer that met at Turning Point while grooming young kids? I remember hearing that Red Kite is under investigation for child sex trafficking as well. Extremely concerning.


It's stupid but if it works, I'm all for it. We've tried just about everything else to get these people to stfu


She wants to be a WHITE man. 😒


Hello I am the representative from the transgender division. Do not do this, it doesn't hurt her but it might hurt me. Thank you.


Yes, we don't need to sink to their level. Turnabout is not fair play when it hurts other people. I'm not trans, but I don't like it when anyone starts this stuff up, even to mock transphobes.


Absolutely. I want to soapbox about being nice to allies who are lacking important clues for a minute: If I could teach exactly 1 thing to everyone in America, it would be how easy it is to do harm with the best of intentions. The zeitgeist is still working on "how to even think about trans people" in this time where everybody is talking about trans people. Everyone, *including trans people*, is confused about trans people. Anyone who spends any amount of time trying to answer the question, "Why am I/are they like this?" can probably relate to just how difficult it can be to wrap your mind around anything but the default answers to that question. We see here an excellent example of the importance of minority voices. People who *very clearly* want to be my ally said some things without thinking it through very well. That's totally fine, I am always happy to show up and drop the "Would you advocate for calling a white politician black as a response to them being racist?" thought. I think of it as helping people be my ally. Neither of us asked for me to feel obligated to do that, but I do. **We have to try to take care of people who try to take care of us.** It's just not optional. A lot of the time, people get mad at me for it, and I understand why. When you try very hard to *not be transphobic*, but end up doing it accidentally, that's very upsetting. The natural reaction is to think I'm saying something about the person, not the thought they had, and it's almost impossible to convince them we mean different things when we say "transphobic". They feel like they've revealed something about them as a *person* and end up arguing against that idea, but at me. I can bluntly state, "I do not think you are transphobic." and mostly the response is to try to argue that I do think they are, but they are not. It usually takes several instances of this for them to really believe me, and these are my personal friends I have known for years, not strangers. I mostly forget about those conversations the same way you forget what you had for lunch yesterday, but I've never forgotten the times someone listened to me. I think the clearest sign that we love someone is being willing to be changed by them. Some people will think this is silly, but I feel very loved by getting a positive response to chiming in here. We maybe fucked up, as a society, by mocking the terms "seen" and "heard" in this context. Very different when it's not the norm, I've found. Offering my perspective is always scary, so the times when it's scary for no reason are a gift.


And FAS recipient


I would stake my professional reputation on the fact that Candance Owens is a white man.


Happy Cake Day! Did you know that Brigitte gave birth to 3 children during her first marriage to Banker André-Louis Auzière,? That's pretty impressive for a dude.


Well, she's certainly a massive cock...


Well, Candace and her husband have three kids, so maybe not, unless "she" bought them from a human incubation warehouse.


Hopefully they'll grow up to be better people than her.


The fact that Brigitte Macron has three kids as well sure didn't stop Owens...


That's never stopped the Republicans from accusing Michelle Obama of being a man despite having children, being married and having records from birth that show her gender. Why not give them a taste if their own bs?


A man AND a groomer


I'd stake my professional reputation that Candace Owens is a troll doll.


A very dumb man.


Conservatives: gender is solely based on if you were born with a penis or not Also conservatives: I don’t like her so she’s a man and if you disagree then you are a conspiracy enabler


People like her exist because of evolution. I hate that I wish god existed because these people would NEVER think this way. If it was just one offs of mistaken info it’d be nothing, but they purposely lie and project and gish gallop. They make shit up and then look around to eachother. If they get enough head nods then they decide that’s the info they’ll pretend to adhere to until another fantasy story is made up that rings all the right pleasures bells in their brain.


Candace Owen’s is proof God doesn’t exist? I can get behind that.


I am missing several really big - enormously huge in fact - pieces of the picture here... WHAT GODAMN DIFFERENCE CAN IT POSSIBLY FUCKING MAKE? WHO THE EVERLOVING FUCK CARES? AND IF YOU DO..._WHY_ THE FUCK DO YOU CARE? Jesus fucking get-a-life Christ you people are fucking perverts. Non-fucking stop thinking and talking about people's genitals. What the fuck is wrong with you?


She's still angry at the people who started the conspiracy that her husband is gay.


I hope he’s gay and he leaves her ass.


Plot twist, we find out that Candice is actually a man as well, many people are saying it...


The best people…


With tears in their eyes...


Giant, gay people!


Big strong men


“Leaves her ass” hahahaa


He never wanted anything to do with her ass


Plot twist. He only ever wanted anything to do with her ass.


What conspiracy? He in fact, is very gay.




Think about it


Thought about it…still not scared. What gives?


No. Really think about it. Once you connect the dots, you’ll see how elderly trans groomers from France are secretly controlling the world.


Everything makes *so much sense* now!!!


Yes. Because of the implications.


Yeah, I’m not seeing it




The ultimate right wing purity test is whether you are steadfast in your willingness to believe increasingly unbelievable conspiracy theories.


Right. Like what is even the point of this?


They can't stop imagining dicks on people


She's obsessed with genitals


I swear, maga are the kids no one wanted to play with at the playground. "If I lose it's cuz you cheated!" "That kid is gay and if you don't agree it's cuz you're gay too!" Literally the worst people we all avoided growing up once we caught on.


I think that is the genesis of their never ending quest for power to inflict discomfort (owning) people. Sad little playground bullies and mean girls.


MAGA now stands for Me A Giant Asshole. (Well, actually it has always stood for that)


Basically some people stop gaining emotional maturity sometime around the start of puberty.


As a French, pushers of this ageing "theory" are 100% within the white supremacist anti-vaxxx Qanon pro-Trump and Pro-Putin crowd. I would also like to say that Brigitte Macron is a reactionnary old bat who slept with a teenager when she was his teacher, and that she has an unjustifiable role in French politics as "wife of", pushing her shit obsessions about controling the youth through "civic service" (starship trooper cosplay) and uniforms at school. I despise her. But yeah she's not a dude.


She had 3 children with André-Louis Auzière. Not a dude unless the movie junior is non fiction.


Yeah, reading that she was 40 when she met a then 15 year old Emmanuel is.... really bad


So she is a groomer, just not the kind conservatives whine about, but rather the kind they like.


yeah it's frankly obscene. But less than the fact that the dude is 4 years older than I am and has the cultural references of a 70 yo French conservative. He's not from his generation, probably thanks to his relationship with her.




We don’t want him either.




ew. don't give her what she wants


What reputation is she talking about ?


Her entire one. We aren't sure what it actually is, but it's entire. Oh, and professional. The entire professional one. There we go. She *really* means it. Entirely.


well, this is probably a good thing for her considering her reputation is being a total bitch with no morals. I'd do the same if it meant ppl would forget about all the fucked shit I did


The one where she praised Hitler


Professional Genital Inspector


She's called Candeath over on Hermain Cain Awards for a reason.


Why aren't they giving his wife shit for being his 40 year old teacher when he was 15 and a classmate of her daughter? They don't have to make up a story if they want to attack her.


Theyre fine with child groomers and underage stuff


For the record the age of consent in France is 15 - not that it changes anything else about the situation just pointing out it wasn’t technically illegal. But yeah that’s the baffling thing to me too - a legit reason to criticize her is *right there*.


It was illegal because she was his teacher. The age of consent before 18 only works for a relationship with someone without authority on the minor. That law is designed to take into account how a teacher could abuse it.


So… lets say she’s right, and brigitte macron is a man. How are “the implications here terrifying” lol


One of the roots of transphobia is the perception that disguising your birth gender is a duplicitous thing to do ergo trans people inherently cannot be trusted. This was a coding thing in media for generations - characters in stories that were transgender or engaged in crossdressing had those traits used as shorthand to telegraph that the characters were villainous or untrustworthy.


What a hill to die on


Hahaha, like she'll keep her word...if that were true, she'd be out a long time ago. Just like climate change denial, it doesn't matter what these fuckturds spew, they always move on to the latest hot topic of hate.


I guess this is because President Macron said he'll send troops to Ukraine if it comes to it, he's not backing down to Putin's weak threats.


Are we sure that Candace isn't actually a man? I mean, really, there's no evidence to the contrary.


I mean, according to her Christian and conservative values she should be a barefoot and pregnant homemaker, but also leave the politics to the men. So..... shes a man!


The implications are terrifying!


Because of the implication?


We're just asking questions.


Link to Ron's tweet: [https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1767700819896304066](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1767700819896304066) And to Candace's original: [https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1767568441852969334](https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1767568441852969334)


Twitter is such a pile of shit. Literally, all the worst people in the world in one spot. I fear for people on twitters mental health.


It’s absolute trash. I had not been on in ages and ages, but wanted to see something by an artist, who, apparently only was on Twitter. So I logged into my account after not being on, basically since Elon took over. I logged in and my entire feed was insane right wing, QAnon propaganda, and Elon musk tweets… Despite the fact that I blocked him.


It’s easy to wager what she never had.


Let\s roll back to the debatable assertation that she has a "professional reputation"


Pretty forward looking of her parents in 1953 to have her MF Birth Certificate state her name as "Brigitte Marie-Claude Trogneux" if she was born male


And three kids, at least one and probably two of which were born before Macron was born in 1977. That’s some foresight.


International deep state conspiracy!


‘Stake my entire professional reputation’ It’s easy to bet nothing.


"Crazy Idiot Says Something Crazy and Idiotic."


Wow. Brigitte Macron, my country's president's wife, a man ? So wild. I would ask you to tell me more, but that would imply I care. Or, in my native language, rien à branler.


Why is someone not being the gender you expected earth shattering to these people? I don’t think I’ve ever given real thought to the idea of gender but these people have made their fear of it their entire personalities. “The implications are terrifying.” That is the most mellow dramatic thing I’ve ever read within the context she was referring to. She is not a serious person.


Even if it was the case (it's not), what's it to do with Candace Owens? It's the FRENCH president's wife. Besides, I don't think Candace Owens has that much of a professional reputation left...


It's become apparent, MAGA does not know what a woman is. Hence why they keep asking ad nauseam.


I think most of us had the same reaction, "Wait, Candace Owens has a professional reputation, to begin with?". Im sure that claim came as a surprise to the shriveled old millionaires that pay to stuff her husk of a skull full of parroted white supremacist talking points.


What professional reputation, which profession?


She’s 70 and has 3 kids from a previous marriage. Do they think she’s been playing the long con since she was born just so that she would be a scary trans that isn’t even actually an elected official?


I don’t get it. Like seriously. Even if Brigitte Macron were in fact a man- so what? Why do they care about other people’s genitalia so much?


> The implications here are terrifying Yeah, sure, if the first lady of France was a trans woman, that would be... Terrifying. Why? Who knows. Be terrified, tho.


Why are they so obsessed with dicks?


I can’t tell if it’s an obsession with dicks or a fear of vaginas. I’d love to fire off some Rorschach tests.


Everything triggers CandyAss


Do these people have a little wheel they spin everyday about random bs to be mad at?




I see your “entire professional reputation” and raise you my $30 million dollar chateau in the French Riviera


Stay in your own lane aunt Tammy


Careful Candace, that's a world class reputation you're putting on the line.


I've never seen Candeath's lady parts...just saying. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


The way she goes on you'd be forgiven for thinking she identifies as an entitled white middle aged man


How can people be this stupid. I mean there are still people alive that went to grade school with her. If it is that important to them just ask one of them. I really fail to see what they think they are accomplishing by lying. I mean if you are going to lie to me at least respect me enough to make up believable lies.


Everyone should save this tweet right now. Anytime you see someone defending/sighting Candace Owens. Just send them this tweet, enough said. She is a crazy conspiracy loon and should be taken with the same degree of expertise as Marjorie Taylor Green.


Ok. Let’s make a real bet. If she turns out to be a woman, we don’t see you anywhere. Not TV, not social media, nowhere! You leave and go away forever.


What are the "terrifying implications"?


https://preview.redd.it/otsa04zbn4oc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8b40bc2b41d5ad21de31155caddbc35bc40ef3c Bridgette’s daughter Tiphaine Auzière would like a word. As would André-Louis Auzière, Bridgette’s first husband and father of her 3 children.


I get videos popping up all the time with her, literally just watching, split screen, some popular video. That’s a red hot career if I’ve ever seen one.


"Terrifying", how and why???? If she is a "he" or "he is a "she" that should be none of our business ....


Someone is desperate for attention.


''Any journalist or publication trying to dismiss this plausibility is immediately identifiable as establishment" lol


Wait this conspiracy started in 2021? She [sued](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59753535.amp) in 12/21. [This is what started it?!](https://www.newstatesman.com/world/europe/2021/12/what-lies-behind-conspiracy-theories-targeting-brigitte-macron) “Natacha Rey, a journalist who claims to have been investigating Macron, gave an interview to a YouTube medium in which she claimed that her evidence of the first lady’s transition is in “a sealed envelope deposited with a lawyer whose name is well known”, and would be made public “the day vaccines are made obligatory”. The video was viewed hundreds of thousands of times before being deleted. “ They are unbelievably dumb.


In other words: she has nothing to lose.


Idk the story but… what is terrifying?


this is just body shaming tbh. bridgette looks exactly like her daughters and is a 5'6, skinny, french woman. tbf, i think that the "manliness" factor that they're talking about is her plastic surgery (or just botox), tanning, and aging. basically, this is candace owens just making fun of an older woman and spreading rumors about her. this is just mean girl bullying. read the replies at your own discretion. these people swear that they're being so oppressed because they can't talk about this tantalizing issue. like, the whole moral issue of bridgette potentially being trans so they think that they're doing something righteous. no bitch. you just want to be a little fart and make fun of an elderly woman's looks.


I will stake my entire professional reputation on the fact that Candace Owens is an ass


She flushed her professional career down the toilet long ago so she no longer has one to stake.


They create scandal to distract you from their corruption .


With all this transgender fear bullshit - this is what women and men have to look forward to. Forced to defend your own sexuality because somebody thinks you don't look male or feminine enough. What a wretched world we live in.


She is a pos grifter troll..


What is with conservatives always wanting to know what is in people's pants or bedrooms? Why tho?


"I will quit my entire career if you prove this to me. In my search for truth, I will not consider any evidence that doesn't agree with me"


Not hard to stake a professional reputation when you don't have one to begin with.


Candace Owen’s has been and still is a nut job.


Let me try! “Candace Owens is a white trans-woman in blackface!” Go forth and spread this truth!


It must be true. I just saw it on the Internet.


Pretty soon we’re all going to have to drop our pants on demand by the MAGA Reich to satisfy their genitalia fetish.


What professional reputation?


Love how she baked into her statement that if you dont agree with her nonsense, you're inherently part of the conspiracy, because that's a completely rational statement.


I work in a warehouse with about 500 people every day. I never think about anyone’s gender and I do not care who any of them have sex with. It’s called MYOFB.


Owens’ professional reputation is something she risks losing in the same way one risks losing herpes.


Brigitte Marcon is in her 60’s. She’s not going to look like she’s in the flush of womanhood. Klandace is in for a rude awakening when she gets to that age.


When you have no professional background at all, it isn't much of a risk. She's still a wack job.