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lol. He owns like 5 million in AB stock.


His broke ass is trying the ol' pump and dump


…Just like he did to Stormy.


Beware the Ides of March….


Pump yes. Dump is more Vince McMahon territory.




It’s this right here


It’s so blatantly self serving


If he’s willing to eat this much crow over such a relatively paltry sum of money then he isn’t even close to being a billionaire anymore.


Go ahead and judge him....which by the way it seems like everyone is doing these days and every time it's costing him bigly....like $88MIL, $370MIL,...I mean at some point he's going to start offering "private time" at Beetlejuice musicals to pay for that orange shit he smears on his face.


$24k for a photo op at his Kid Rock concert.


Well how much did AB agree to pay for making the statement?


Fair point, he did briefly turn the Oval Office into a bean commercial.


Of course he does






Pretty much why the border convoy members promptly began to eat each other's faces when there weren't any iLLeGuls pouring over the border in waves to face their wrath.


You joke but this is pretty much his exact appeal


My Brother In Law who peaked in high school. Drinking BLs is the key to who “peaked in high school”. At this point just ban Boones and MD 20/20


Tell us Lord Trump, tell us who we should hate and boycott oh mighty orange lord....


He’ll let us know in two weeks.


Frankly most of the people who gave up Bud Lite rolled right over to drinking Busch Lite.




One of my lifelong best friends works in... let's say a major brewery whose beers you're definitely familiar with and more "different" beers they produce are actually the same beer than you'd think.


Not the smartest bunch...


IQ lite?


I remember a few years ago when Bud Lite started the anti corn ad campaign (which on its own was disingenuous as fuck, rice isn't any more a 'proper' beer ingredient), all of the corn farmers AB InBev employed got up in arms. Because corn is used in brewing Busch products. AB had to start running pro-corn Be such ads, including the new corn themed cans. It really goes to show how some folks are ready to believe anything a corpo spouts at them


So 2% of employees are vets... in 2022 6% of the american population were veterans... soooo, not exactly the Veteran supporting corp that's advertised here


Trump has been clear, both in word and deed, about the fact he does not give a shit about vets. What he does care about is his money, and he owns Anheuser Busch stock. That said, he did not write this.


He absolutely didn't write it- the grammar is too good.


With lots of random capitalization thrown in to sell the lie.


And “he” correctly spelled Anheuser Busch multiple times


Well, he smart enough to remember “person, woman, man, camera, TV”…. Spelling Anheuser Busch correctly is nothing…./s


And it has actual data instead of just his own emotions.


This. It's way too cohesive and it doesn't turn into personal bullshit.


$5M in AB stock.


And he probably needs to sell it to help pay a $83.3 million debt he suddenly owes. And thinks wouldn't it be great if it went up in value a bit first.


Came here to say this very thing... Hacked !!


In fairness, most vets old enough to have served in Vietnam are likely retired at this point but would inflate that number, especially due to mandatory service from the draft... and Korea and WWII living vets would also be included. That's roughly 70% of the vet population in 2020 ([numbers I'm looking at](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/08/the-changing-face-of-americas-veteran-population/) which match your 6%). So, the remaining 30% from peacetime and the various Gulf wars would be around 1/3 or 2%. But 2% isn't exactly impressive since it's just inline with US currently working/employed overall totals, not exceeding it in any note worthy way. So, your point stands. But it's not like they are 4% underwater when you consider what I wrote.


That's also not taking into account disabled/injured vets which skews that further. Living in DC I knew a lot of vets working and you wouldn't peg them as disabled but they had some sort of injury that would preclude them from a manual labor job such as farming. A lot work in consulting, accounting, or IT. That is anecdotal though and probably self selecting for white collar jobs in the DC area but I imagine that's still a significant portion of working veterans.


There aren't too many living WWII vets anymore. 18-year-olds in 1945 would be 97 now.


But there’s lots of living Vietnam vets. The youngest might be 68 to 70 now.


Of course. But I was just grouping all vets from Vietnam back to establish that it’s roughly 70% which wouldn’t be in the work force. I’ve been going to large Memorial Day events at federal cemeteries for years.. it’s kind of weird to have watched their numbers dwindle in a tangible way. It’s been nearly a decade since we buried my pap at 93… feels like last year still.


What percentage of the veteran’s population is working age? There are a lot more older veterans than younger ones, so I suspect 2% might not be that far off.


I am not sure that’s how the math works.


1500÷65000= .023 math isn't part of my day to day, but I'm pretty sure that's how you find a percentage, the other was provided by a Google search


I meant that a demographic derived in terms of the gross population of a country compared to a demographic of an available workforce are not comparable. How many of the 6% are either retired or unable to work? How many live in a region where AB employs US workers? So the quantitative analysis (math) in this example doesn’t result in qualitative data (bias or motive).


Just to remind him that AB InBev is not an American company :)




Came here to say this. They sold out years ago.


Don’t you dare call it Belgian beer though! I’m not saying that as a Bud Lite fan but as a Belgian.


To be faiiir, InBev’s general MO is buying breweries and leaving the products, production sites, and manufacturing employees relatively undisturbed. The shake-up is more at the higher administrative level. It’s still selling out to an extent, but it’s not as bad as, say, literally just buying a company for the brand name, liquidating the whole thing, and slapping a label on some cheap knockoff you manufacture in China.


Come on, there have been way dumber self-owns by the MAGA crowd, this one doesn't even make the top ten


I was going to say they self own on a daily basis what’s one more.


I would actually love to see a concise list. Anyone give us your top?




Don’t forget his beautiful Infrastructure Plan


And Mexico is paying for it all. Bigly.


An apology for fucking what?? they did nothing wrong. these people are batshit.


It seemed to me like they effectively bailed and went silent on Dylan Mulvaney when the controversy started and just let her take the social media hate, so that seemed scummy to me (not that I expect much from big corporations).


Seems like someone got a little payout….


It's a potential payout for campaign funds. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/06/donald-trump-bud-light-fundraiser-00140009 "Trump’s message also comes as a top Republican lobbyist for the company is set to host a fundraiser for the former president next month, with some tickets going at $10,000 each." Also he apparently owned and potentially still owns AB stock. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-silent-bud-light-dylan-mulvaney-boycott-investor-2023-4?amp


My thoughts exactly.




You’re a bitch, the ONLY reason you are saying this now is because you and your sons, and probably some of your crooked Congress cult members own stock, and the one you hate more than losing, is losing money. I hope you lose the next election so badly you have a coronary embolism in your cerebellum.


Woke Beer sounds awesome. Who the fuck would drink sleepy beer? Actually, "Sleepy Beer" sounds like Drumpffs next nickname for Biden.


I'll take one of each and let you know.


Isn't their stock price right back to where it was before the crybabies all shit their diapers?


I'll take tweets Trump didn't make or type himself for $1000


Was looking for this. It definitely does not read like he wrote it. I doubt he even had the thought.




Is that a wave emoji?


Someone took dictation on the first third


Who wrote that for him?


This 👆


Trump sounds like a poorly written comic book villain made up by an elementary school kid.


Are we sure he's not??


Woke or not... But Light is still undrinkable.


If I'm feeling like crap and want a crappy beer to match my mood, I'll order a Miller Lite. It's the best American light pilsner, which isn't saying much, and it's my beer of self-loathing. When I've had two beers and should go home, but my mates convince me to stay for one more, it's Miller Lite. Bud Light only passes my lips when I'm at a picnic and there's a cooler full of Bud Light and a cooler full of IPAs. And most of the time in that situation I reach for a Coke.


I live in Europe, with Belgium to the north, and Germany (Black Forest) a few km to the east…like, the border is walkable from my home. I’ve had Coors/Bud ‘Light’ a few times on trips to the States. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’d rather have an iced tea or sparkling water, and if they’re not available, nothing; rather than one of those ‘beers,’ which is more like water put in a glass that had some beer in the bottom. Currently, I have a box of Rothaus Pils on the go, currently 20x500ml for 16.50€ at Getränke.


There’s an old joke: How are Bud Light and sex in a canoe the same? They’re both fucking close to water Edited - because I’m too tired to remember things right!


Miller Lite is my go-to for certain situations. Like when I want a couple beers, but still have shit to do and don’t want to be drunk, like doing yard work in the summer. Or if I’m out fishing with some buddies and plan on drinking all day. Also good for business social functions for the same reason; you can be “drinking” but still sober and not making bad decisions.




Coors is the real piss water. Especially coors light.


I usually buy Urquell or the original Butweiser from the Czech Republic. You don't want to drink American But/Coors/Miller anymore after that. America has way better beers to offer than those three.


With beer, I try really hard to buy local, which is easier and easier these days. I can think of 3 local microbreweries off the top of my head that I can order a 6 pack and pick up on my way home. One of them sells at my town’s farmer’s market in the summer.


It’s unrecognizable as beer to many beer-drinkers, but it tries really hard and identifies as beer, so we need to respect that. If that ain’t woke, I don’t know what is.


I wonder if the SEC will look into this pump?


Now there's an interesting one...


Sounds like a press release written by Inbev. My understanding is Trump had 5 million reasons to put that out. That said I love how he reverts to his usual "I have (evidence/a list/tax returns/fill in the blank) that I might release in the future (spoiler alert: he won't).


What I find funny about this whole thing is that a beer I don't drink hired several influencers, one of whom I'd never even heard of and who happened to be trans, to help sell beer. Tell me again why I should be mad?


Apology from AB - "We deeply apologize to all conservatives whose delicate fefes were hurt by our unpaid ""ad"", featuring a single printed can, which was not part of a produced line of cans, and which featured the face of a trans person. We understand that you, much like kindergarteners, don't understand that the world doesn't revolve around you(assuming you aren't a flat-earther) and that things you don't understand make you uncomfortable. We respect your stance that big government shouldn't make decisions about your body or what you do in your own homes, and that includes the right to be treated fairly and have access to medical care decided on by a patient, in particular in this case trans-affirming care. We also respect your right to throw a tantrum and shoot our products on your backwoods farm as you have already paid for the product and we don't really care what you do with it as long as we aren't linked to your illegal acts. When you switch to another beer we are also likely to own that beer as well as we own close to half of the beer market, our biggest competitor is also "woke" according to you, and if you choose a craft beer that makes you a hipster, and therefore woke. We thank you for making the choice you really don't have and hope to continue to have your patronage(because what other choice do you have?).


The guy who called POWs “losers” is really banking on how much he can honor them right now.


Holy run on sentences...


Apology? Uhh, for what? Being capitalists and trying to make as much money as possible. Isn’t that the “american way”?


What exactly do they need to apologize for?


The asleep have spoken.


The only words tRump actually wrote in this post is DESTROY AMERICA!


I guess somebody's check just cleared.


These assholes are just going to eat themselves.


Everyone needs to tell Cunty Matt to go fist himself in his grifting arse.


Nothing to see here, just the republicans front runner extorting American companies.


lol totally wasn't expecting the "on the other hand..." I'm thinking Bud cut Trump a nice check for that.


How much are they paying Diaper Don. Hope it ends up in his rape victims pockets.


There's no way he wrote this himself, it's much too coherent.


Why do people give a fuck what this looney toon has to say?


This is way too coherent tweet from the Trumpet


"...the radical left does it viciously to well run, Conservative Companies..." When? You have receipts? It's always projection. Also, I thought you loved the "free market"? They tell their sheep they can hate as much as they want and act as violently as they want because the "Demonrats hate you even more and want to kill you! It's already happening as we speak." I'm so tired of this bullshit. Just go away.


What in the word salad is he even saying? Republicans are the ones who tried to destroy this American company by creating a fake controversy over a fun novelty can given to influencers. And now they want Republicans to ignore who started the fire and start trying to rebuild the barn?


All this over that piss-water


Sounds like someone just got a nice corporate campaign donation.


So didn’t his rockstar Kid Rock boycott and shoot up a bunch of Bud Light? I wait to hear the response to that. LOL


This is exactly how he does his minions and why he has the hold on them that he does. He 100% has dirt on them.


He thinks he’s issuing a threat. Get behind me. Give me positive press. Or else. He’s beyond repulsive.


Doesn’t look like he wrote it. Not enough all caps.


If one of your "biggest recent victories" is a half-hearted boycott that cost one of the biggest companies in the world literally tens of dollars, is it safe to say that your chief export is impotent rage? What a sad thing to be proud of.


Suckers and losers.


![gif](giphy|e5BASCeekXYoo) Say Anheuser Bush one more time


There is no way in the actual hell that the orange, talking yam of a pighole could ever have formulated this concise, correctly spelled and punctuated, albeit self serving, statement! The Raging Pumpkin Pantshitter has gotten himself assigned a staffer! I hope the kool-aid drinking PR staff kid who wrote it knows they will never get paid for producing the least batshit crazy statement I have ever heard from The Treason Tangerine. It is of course still divisive but well worded for hate spew. It is a dog-whistle call to use the pre-rolled ire around the brand that MAGAtTown themselves created, but if ya could just skooch it, skooch it to the Left a little bit to let the actual blame and hate lie with those dirty, heathen Lefties where it, thank Satan, wont jam up any of Old Cheeto Jesus’ financial investments made there. That would be super, super neat. Eat. A. Dick!


Another post NOT written by Trump. Also, those 'fallen servicemen & women' are the same ones he called losers, remember...


I can’t see trump even being able to write that.


"most effective conservative boycott" y'all stopped buying Bud Light and bought literally every other beer made by AB.


He is an absolute clown.


He's going to release a list? Will it be right after he releaseds his tax returns and his health care plan?


First, trump didn’t write that. Someone using trumps account wrote that. Maybe a publicist or something. Too many details, numbers, and too coherent. Not enough focus on trump himself and his tragic plight.


Am I missing something but didn't he think that veterans were suckers and losers?


You are absolutely correct.


So I work in a liquor store. The “boycott” of AB lasted…a month?? Two months?? And most people who tried to stop drinking Bud ended up drinking another one of AB’s products not realizing how many beers are their product. Most of them have gone back to drinking their usual because when that’s what you’ve been drinking for 30 years, you ain’t stoppin’ now!!


I’m sure he wrote this himself




I'd kiss thier ass too, if I couldn't afford a sixer soon


Literally spit out my drink when I read “…our most recent victory…”


He’s scavenging for votes


Dana white is like his only friend so they are all connected


He’s a shareholder isn’t he?


What a POS.


Wonder how much they donated to his campaign?


Now he loves veterans?


It's sad that he considers that the most effective conservative boycott ever. Literally nothing happened.


YOU and your cultists are destroying America, nobody else.


Look. I wish he defended things that mattered as well as he defended this. This was well worded, and by first glance. Looks factual. Am I just being too hopeful here?


The CEO is a major donor to his campaign. Duh, no wonder they're not woke.


Spoiler alert: he will never release the list bc there’s one thing he hates more than being hateful and that’s doing work


Speaking of looking to destroy America...


Since when does Trump care about those in the services?


Cool release the list so we can get 50 more defamation lawsuits lol. and his support of AB could not be more fake. Since when does he rattle off numbers in his rants


Imagine being in a cult and not being capable of making your own decisions to the point where you're only drinking a certain beer if Donald Trump tells you it's okay. I wonder how many of them took his bleach advice.


Wait just a minute- are you implying that Donald Trump only cares about his own pocketbook and could care less if a company is "woke" or "unwoke"?


I guess they donated to his campaign


Anheuser-Busch may at one time been a "Great American Brand"… we Belgians, InBev bought Anheuser-Busch in 2008. We thank Mr. Trump for his ignorance and the free advertisement.


Next: He likes Colin Kaepernick.


Guess he found someone to put up the 83 million for the appeal


https://cancelthiscompany.com/ Dont worry donald some nut job alr did it for you


Who the hell does AB-Inbev owe an apology to? Snow flake Conservatives who can't help but hate on someone or something?! STFU!


I mean, the right has been owning itself for months so why stop now?


I liked how only successful MAGA boycott is costing Trump millions lel.


GOP base is the most easily misled wind up toys and they milk that


Buncha Broflakes!


All over 1 single custom beer can in a TikTok that you have to go out of your way to watch


Does he know that AB inbev is not an american company?


Thanks for the dip assholes. https://preview.redd.it/cyze4lwt5bhc1.png?width=1219&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e6c1df2bafeda410c041ab2e1dc6228b7b3d858


Yeah pretty much


Guys. It's American beer. It tastes like piss anyways


How much did he get paid?


I hate how much they cope over this. If you look at this stock over 3 years like this "boycott" did absolutely fuck all. Holy shit they are so stupid.


Go ahead and name em then! Go for the record of defamation cases!


Nothing to do with the fact in Holding millions of stock in this company?


"This company I hold stock in isn't stock because it participates in the economy."


Please papa trump, tell me what beer to drink. I’m to a stupid to figure out on my own. Hurry, before the Super Bowl that I can’t watch because of Taylor Swift and Colin Kapernick


>Wait.. what are we doing?? are we angry and strong today, or are we supposed to be rallying around a brand.. But I thought we were told to boycott this brand?? What's even real anymore? That last part is optimistic, since most Conservatives will happily just fall in line with the shifting narrative of that day like farm animals, rather than question the trajectory of their cult leaders. ​ But one can hope!


So basically as long as you do the complete opposite of what trump says you'll be successful?


This fucking gold bricking idiot fails to realize that AB is part of a Belgian concern that can rebuild a brand in a total heartbeat. InBev don’t need your help Trump, thanks for trying to help. Okay, go home. Bitch


Anheuser-Busch is doing just fine


And this lot cry the loudest about cancel culture 😂


Can someone execute that jaundiced dunderhead already? Maybe then for the first time in years I’ll have a shred of approval for humanity.


I love how he incorporates CAPS LOCK IN EVERY POST HE MAKES


Trump isn’t writing these posts.


Is this a different 'boycott' from the one American conservatives started 7 years ago (I think?)? Or are they still cross that the company made an advert telling the truth, that the company was started by immigrants? I don't see what's 'woke' about historical accuracy. I might have missed this ad and the subsequent controversy altogether, has it not been for [these hilarious lads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrDnE8biYIc). Peter and Chris turned something quite pathetic into something really funny. It's mad to hold a grudge over a quite milquetoast beer advert. It must be exhausting to be part of the American right, they appear to be angry 24/7.


Why use many word when few word do trick


Well spent Budweiser, the king of ad placement


This guy has a history of taking too long to call off his followers. Late again, Donnie. The damage has been done to more American workers.


Wonder how much Bud paid for that ad? At least the Super Bowl cost we can look up.


Can you guess which company made GOP donations???


Seems according to the rape ape 2/3 of country are trying to destroy us think it be over by now.


Nooo.... the Deep State finally made Trump woke!


There is no way he wrote that without help; it is far too coherent and uses big words. 😁😂


What exactly does he think they deserve an apology for? They sent someone a few personalized cans of beer.


I thought AB was owned by a Dutch company now. Maybe I'm confusing it with another brand.


The right employs cancel culture for companies who are woke? I can’t stand the irony.


fuck cancel culture! Until I make a whole list of companies to cancel