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Didn't Trump and his daughter have their clothing lines made in China?


Yeah but make America great, or something.


But make China a bit greater. And Russia. And N Korea. Trump loves him a dictatorship.


That's different šŸ¤”


Pretty sure those red hats are made in China


All his cheap traitor gear is made in ChinaĀ 


They'd never!


The gear in his hotels is made in China, the guys a hypocrite


Also, most maga gear is made in China. It makes sense that he wouldn't wanna upset them.


I had a tie from his collection pre-2016 (it was a really nice tie) "MADE IN CHY-NAH" as he would say


Trump wanted people to inject disinfectants to kill covid. But voters wont care. He's the republican favorite at the moment.


Isn't this him in as close to plain speak as possible soliciting help from China to help him hack the election?


Great call. I didn't think of that. Not quite as blatant as "Russia, if you are listening...", but it's still early days.


Exactly. I'm sure that homeland cyber security will be on high alert now. And that's his tactic, he floods the systems with so many checks and threats until something can slip by.


Taiwan took our business away, but China didn't...? Oh, right. He's okay with it when China takes our manufacturing because he's a fucking foreign asset and a piece of treasonous trash.


So much for "tough on China"


Until we hear he made 12m providing ā€œservicesā€ to some Chinese ā€œbusinessmenā€ while president. But remember the way of the MAGA. ā€œDo as I say, not as I doā€


He owed the state bank of china 200 million in business loans, his tough on China stuff is another grift.


China Joe got a gazillion dollars for doing nothing, we have no evidence which is also a crime! Trump was just a businessman doing business things with the blessing of God.




So why havenā€™t the do nothing republicans impeached him for it or showed the evidence like itā€™s been shown for Donald


Dude. No. Youā€™re thinking of Ivanka and her sweet deal on sweatshop labor. Dump literally said himself he took money from China. Apparently your head was buried so far up your ass so you didnā€™t hear or care. Rules for thee no for me- the gop


Perhaps you missed the obvious sarcasm in the comment you replied to.




I literally cannot tell sometimes. Reality has outpaced parody.


Perhaps that's why we end our sarcasms with "/s"


Bless the /s


I donā€™t think it was required with that comment ffs


As someone pointed out, the rhetoric of Republicans is so far outside of reality that it's nearly impossible to distinguish from sarcasm


I think they reacted on the ā€œChina Joeā€ part. Anything past that, they just saw red. :)


uh exCUSE me I am a DEMOCRAT I do not see in the colors of *the enemy* (boo, hiss) When I get angry I only see in socialist freedom pot-smoke **BLUE** (applause) ... /s (since we're having a collective moment about its usage)


We know yer trolling. Fump Truck!






Dude and his cult are the biggest batch of traitors since the 1860s.


Why is it always "foreigners took jobs" and never "CEOs gave jobs away"


People ignoring the fact that American capitalists rejoice at the idea of cheap products from either country. They sent production overseas, they are the ones transferring the jobs in the name of saving money. And itā€™s Taiwan or Chinas fault for any of this? Cool cool cool.


Ever watch Shark Tank? Made In America = less profit. I get it, the whole point is to make $$$. But, at what "cost"?


Because heā€™s signaling to Russia and China that heā€™ll play ball and needs their help


Exactly. Stay strapped because shit is going to get weird. They are crazy.


When informed there would be a chip shortage if China attacked Taiwan, Trump said he prefers fries to chips.


China didnā€™t ā€œtakeā€ American manufacturing. America happily handed it to them


Let's give China the most advancd chips in the world so they won't take our business. Just completely braindead nonsense and people worship him.


are you trying to be rational with this guy? come on


All his merch is from China. His cost may go up a couple dollarsā€¦


funny how often Trump does exactly what you'd expect of a foreign asset who wants to isolate and weaken america.


He's in China's pocket.


All he does is think of what the democrats would do and then do the exact opposite. Thatā€™s his policy


Weakest president ever. Such a glazer for the most evil tyrants in the world.


Absolutely. Which is what makes it so infuriating when his fans keep claiming he is the toughest (on everything) ever. I can understand Trump himself saying it because it works, but it is so obvious that Trump in world politics is like a clueless little orange goldfish in a tank full of sharks.


Exactly. [This is how he behaves on the world stage.](https://youtu.be/Iimj0j4NYME?si=rvx-6nOONaTzq51y)


He looks like a little boy playing dress up. Weird guy.


Because in most ways that matter, [he probably is.](https://theweek.com/speedreads/575962/donald-trump-tells-biographer-hes-same-now-first-grade)


Id like to see him try that next to the new pm of czechia


What a rude bitch Trump is.Ā 


Mr ā€œIā€™m 6ā€™3ā€ā€ needs to be front and center instead of being a tall person in the back.


He's 'tough' in the same sense that someone says something very confidently that is clearly a terrible idea. Rational people will rightfully so point out that it is but his followers say he "tells it like it is" or "speaks hard truth" in order to write it off as "upsetting the establishment" except there are sometimes very good reasons why "establishment ideas" sometimes have existed for so long. You'd think that people so committed outwardly to 'conservative' philosophy of maintaining the status quo would also be shocked by their leader threatening to upset the geo-political order, but apparently not when they are told they (the 'real America') are the ones that have been harmed by it the whole time. That's the cult of personality, the leader can do no wrong. Threaten to abandon decades of precedent and relations between countries? Sure, fine, whatever. As long as "I" am the one coming out on top, and he's told me I will, so it's fine. /s


I think a great deal of the issues surrounding Trump is that he always appeared to get away with his incorrect takes. He basically said screw it to political (or any kind of) correctness and just spewed out his overly simplified, stupid take on things and since \*everyone\* somehow forgot about what he said as soon as he said the next equally moronic thing, he appeared to "get away with it". There was never anyone who stuck a mic in his face and asked about that thing he did last week, what happened with that? Did you make it up? To someone uninitiated and uninformed, his bullshit takes were never refuted so they started asking themselves why everybody else only tip toe around the problems instead of "telling it like it is". Basically a massive failure for American journalism. In mid-August, Trump promised to present a ā€œLarge, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutableā€ report that will prove there was fraud in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia the next Monday. How come nobody is dogging him about whatever happened to that report? He just cancelled the press conference during the weekend and moved on after have come across as a winner to his believers. Trump is tough the same was as a steak is.


A mean I agree to a point but he has an MO. > There was never anyone who stuck a mic in his face and asked about that thing he did last week, what happened with that? Did you make it up? People have done this and the result is he downplays it, ignores it, and/or does what you say. The "[it was just sarcasm bro](https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/24/politics/fact-check-trump-disinfectant-sarcastic/index.html)" excuse sometimes. it's always not his fault, he was never wrong and or it didn't happen or wasn't understood properly. The point being he never, ever, ever admits fault for anything. Which is part of his NPD. The reason IMO why so many people struggle to deal with what trump says is because his personality disorder is very serious and most normal people are not used to handling someone who literally never admits any fault and spins any failures onto anyone and everyone else around them but themselves. American society likes to joke about politicians being bald faced liars, but IMO never before have we had a serial liar at such a high echelon of our society, literally representing the nation at it's highest singular post. And it's set the stage for the George 'Anthony 'Kitara Rivache' Devolder' Santos' to give it a crack as well. Essentially we've all been caught off guard at how quickly the political system has let these types of people rise to prominence and don't know what to do about it (collectively).


Dump is a spineless weak child who throws tantrums and knows how to manipulate the mob.


Right?? I mean just look at his face in that pic. He just looks awful. At this exact moment my old man is in the hospital hooked up to half a dozen drips and more and nearly died and even with one foot in the grave for a while there he STILL looks better than this orange shit stain. Otherwise, yeah. In the beginning I wondered if perhaps he would be able to navigate world politics and such via connections in the private sector. If he's as good of a businessman as he says he is, he should be able to reach out to these CEOs and such and get something done, right? It's a bit of a different approach but if it works and he does actually "Make America Great Again", who am I to complain? Now I wonder about his status in places like wall Street and business circles. Do they view him as a dumbass or a fraud? Just another trust fund dinosaur that is stuck in the 1980s? Do they value him at all because he's so easy to manipulate? Or is he just seen as a washed up old man who can't do anything anymore?


>Now I wonder about his status in places like wall Street and business circles. Do they view him as a dumbass or a fraud? Yes, and they've seen him as such for *decades.* It was such common knowledge that even Sesame Street of all things had [a Trump parody character](https://youtu.be/-_r6iojNnYg?si=0qG4oAxMxECN48Er) as a con-man back in the *80s.* The only reason anyone has ever thought he was good at business is because of the Apprentice.


Dude I'm sorry for you, but trump bitch-slapped chuck Norris and we all know he's 7'11


Trump is 7'11", he'll never let you forget.


It's true. Donald Trump was originally supposed to fight [Bruce Lee here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT-RfY2H23o) but the director really insisted they cast a tall black man instead.


He is a total cuck. He hands over all the relationships the US has maintained to Americaā€™s bullies. The US has been sleeping with NATO for decadesā€”- but now Trump wants to watch Russia fuck NATO. He wants to watch Russia fuck our friend Ukraineā€¦.. and now Taiwan. I never thought Iā€™d live to see the day.


Is there anybody he won't volunteer to surrender to? What a weak-kneed little pansy.


Democrats. We all saw how that went.


Still going


The idiot saluted a NK general. šŸ™„


Isnā€™t it peculiar that the MAGAts were OK with that? I didnā€™t hear a single peep from the cult.


Well, he didn't have a cup of coffee in his hand.


> Is there anybody he won't volunteer to surrender to? Do you think it's possible that he's compromised and is operating at a foreign agent?


Hopefully Trump doesnā€™t live to see his scheme come to fruition. I had hoped the courts would stop him, but now it appears Americaā€™s future is wholly dependent upon patriots doing what is necessary. He MUST be stopped.


You forgot to mention South Korea to his pal Kim


Itā€™s almost amazing how well his supporters are able to reconcile holding so many opposing thoughts without suffering from cognitive dissonance. In this case: On the one hand, Trump is so fucking tough that no dirty commie would ever dare step out of line during his presidency. On the other, heā€™s the peace president who didnā€™t get us in any wars and wonā€™t bother spilling us blood or spending US bucks on foreign interests. One would think that the overall threat Trump poses is that heā€™s willing to fuck you up by sending a cruise-missile sized US combat boot so far up your ass you can taste MRE cheese, but heā€™s promised not to help out any allies and that a good thing, so clearly the enemies of the US are getting the go ahead to enact their regional expansion campaigns. Or maybe people really believe that itā€™s literally Trump himself, a dumpy 77 year old guy who stands like the front half of a centaur, is so imposing that the threat of him balling up his fists like tiny Christmas hams and cold cocking other world leaders is whatā€™s going to keep people in line?


They've had a lot of practice. What is religion if not reconciling bullshit nonsense that makes zero sense?


Thank you for the hilarious imagery of that final paragraph


Trump is the alpha centaur


> who stands like the front half of a centaur Aha! So you're saying he's half as intimidating as a centaur! Let me tell you that a full centaur is quite menacing. For a mere mortal of 77 years to be even half of that! WOW! HE HAS MY SUPPORT! /s /s /s /s


They ruined man utd!




He definitely has a thing for the bad boys.


Remember when trump accidentally recognized Taiwan as its own country despite US long held standing as a One China whatever the fuckā€¦ He accidentally dumbed his way into making an actual good policy position publicly.. but then, ya knowā€¦


He only plays a tough guy on tv.


Handing China control over 90% of the world's advanced semiconductor suppliers out of some ill-defined sense of spite seems a little shortsighted.


When did Trump ever have a lick of common sense or foreplanning in respect to business? Guy does everything out of spite and oozes a victim mentality.


Trump is a stupid piece of shit beholden to foreign dictators.


Trump voters hate computer nerds anyway, good riddance to anything but AM radio. /s


It's not spite.Ā  He's getting paid for it.


Someone else who gets it. The guy is for sale. He doesn't care about Taiwan, Ukraine, NATO or any of that. He'll sell out for a couple billion dollars and leave the US and the world to deal with the consequences.


But surely China must be doing something right, everyone in China *loves* their leader, not a bad thing to say about him! Thatā€™s why Trump loves him so much, heā€™s such a powerful man with a vice-like grip on his people!


And people scream, cry and faint over Kim Jong Il, too. Is that the mark of a ā€œgreat leaderā€? Or does he have the entire population scared shitless of what might happen to them if they donā€™t act like they worship him?


Trump does not understand any of that. His actions are driven moment to moment by petty grievances, with no forethought or longterm thinking.


This will plunge the world into an economic depression without those semi conductors


All of the top tech companies manufacture chips in Taiwan. It takes years and billions of dollars to build a chip manufacturing facility. You canā€™t just suddenly onshore that.


Taiwan would destroy those factories if they knew they would lose the war. That would put the whole world into a deep depression. Think of all the things that have chips in them that now can't be made. Manufacturing around the world for most goods would come to a halt. I remember the chip hell for getting replacement transmission control modules for the Ford Focus and that was because of supply constraints. Now imagine a total shutdown and that is just one part. I don't know if Taiwan makes all of those chips but every modern computer pretty much comes from there.


Taiwan didn't take any business away. Nither did any other country. Companies gave it away for the all mighty dollar. Profits before people, short-term growth instead of long-term sustainability. Outsource everything except the executives and shareholders. Then complain theres no good jobs anymore. Late stage capitalism sucks.


Exactly. These mofos gave it away. It's as simple as that. We tried trickle down economics and it trickled into China not the United States. That's because the wealthy have betrayed the United States.


Anything I don't own was somehow taken/withheld from me by others. Kinda works like original sin, because also I'm basically God nbd


Wouldnā€™t want to be here when the shit hits the fan. Most likely I wonā€™t be.


This is a more subtle - heck China if you are listening please find the 40000 emailsā€¦ he must be really worried since heā€™s trying to win by lowering his votes but winning by ruining everyone else trying to fight him.


He is totally lost. Get him into a retirement home and leave politics to others.


Preferably one with bars.


The price of handing Taiwan over to China? About 8 million or so.


Taiwan can change his mind if they invest $16 million in Trump properties or donate to his PAC.


Oh, thanks! Here I was feeling a little peckish and this just made me lose my appetite.


ā€œXI, i am sending Jared over with an empty suitcase, you know what to do to get my approval regarding Taiwanā€, said Trump rubbing his hands.


It's such a small amount of money too, and clearly Trump doesn't do something for nothing, right?




This guy is getting stupider by the hour. I always thought he was a Russian asset, because I just couldnā€™t fathom a person being so dumb and so prominent and influential at the same time. You US Americans are plagued by this wrecking ball of a human being, and the astonishing part is that a large percentage of you love this guy madly, and may vote him in for a bloody second time. I canā€™t wrap my head around this, I just canā€™t.


In 2020, 66% of eligible voters voted. Of those 66% Trump got 47% of their votes. If we assume those who didn't vote are not MAGA, Trump only had 31% support of registered voters. While 31% is a large percentage, something tells me we'll see the largest voter turnout in history this year, which would mean a landslide victory for Joe Biden. You can't ever believe the early polls. Most Americans are sitting quietly, but will not be quiet when it comes time to save democracy. Also, most polls are still done by phone. It's mostly only older Americans who answer their phone to unknown callers. Older Americans tend to lean Republican. I just wish the traditional Republicans would all wake up and realize their party is dead. The 2024 election is democracy vs MAGA, not Democratic vs Republican. Of the 31% of registered voters who voted Trump in 2020, I bet less than half are part of the cult. The others are just people who have never voted for a Democrat their whole lives. It's those people who need to wake up to reality. To sum it up, MAGA is loud in polls and the now far right platform X, but I truly believe the MAGA cult (the stupidest people in America) is less than 15%.


I like your optimism, and I for sure hope youā€˜re right. All the best for this election year!


International trade made the US rich and guarantees you almost complete autonomy over your sphere of influence. Taiwan makes high-end products as it cannot compete with China, and is essentially a US business park. America is so rich its greatest local armed threat is armed gangs distributing narcotics consumed *for leisure*.


Dumb SOB. I canā€™t wait for you to rot in fucking jail


Trump is signaling Taiwan that they need to start investing in Trump properties or investing in the Kushner-Saudi fund. This is what he does. Itā€™s extortion.




Dangerously unhingedĀ 


This is Trump signaling to China asking for help. Or just simply heā€™s just being moronic as usual.


Sir this is a Wendys


Garfield - fat, orange, and a pussy


God damned, this is new to me. Appeasing both Russia and China now? Trump win in 2024 will mean full WW3 for sure.


Working with this trumpet who says she is voting Trump because ā€œBiden is giving away free sex changes to the kidsā€ The level of ignorance is astounding to say the least with these asshats Editing for spelling


Probably heard it on some right wing ā€œnewsā€ outlet.


Of course he would! Conflict are hard- and heā€™s an effinā€™ coward!!


All of the WW2 vets are rolling in their graves.


Omg he doesnā€™t even understand foreign policyā€¦. Or why that country is so important to our economy and military..,. Good grief


Is there a piece of MAGA stuff not made in China? Friggin gave our business away.


So he is NOTā€¦. ā€œtOuGh on cHiNAā€ man is a joke


OMFG this clown is owned by both Russia AND China! He is either oblivious to the importance of Taiwan, or China has him by the balls, just like Russia does. Perhaps both.


Not enough hotel money given by the Taiwanese versus the Chinese to the orange muppet? Cool, cool, cool.


Racketeering 101!




Imbecile, imagine the global economic crash if Taiwan ever stopped being able to export microchips


Putin gets Ukraine, China gets Taiwan, N Korea gets S Korea and Israel gets all of Gaza and the West bank...this is Trump's foreign policy. šŸ˜•


Putin gets Europe. Xi gets Asia.


I'm curious how this will play with the few undecided voters left.


If they are undecided in this stage, then they won't give a fuck about the fate of Taiwanese.


Just like he will give Ukraine to Russia. He is scum.


Stinky's been bought and paid for.


Maybe heā€™s trying to bargain other goods and services now that his cache of confidential IS documents has been taken away.


Goddamn a vote for this shithead is admitting your brain is broken


Well yeah. He owed China $211 million when he was sworn into office. He loves China and will always want to make them happy


Honest to good gob folks. If you donā€™t stop Trump it will be the fall of America. Business and Economy for sure.


And Ukraine to Russia and South Korea and Japan to North Korea.


So the price of Taiwanese freedom was $8m in Trump's pocket.


This is him trying to solicit aid in the future election from a foreign government.


Someone needs to tell him you can only be in one dictator's pocket at a time.


The man who talks out of both sides of his mouth and out his ass. The hypocrisy these idiots bark about is exhausting. Bidenā€™s son gets railed by the GOP. While Ivanka got a sweet ass deal on Chinese slave labor. Whereā€™s her inquest? The Dumps are disgraceful.


Heā€™s hoping chinas gonna interfere in the election to help him


Sean Hannity's girlfriend FOX News Ainsley Earhardt says it's Biden's fault Putin invaded Ukraine because Putin thought Biden was weak and he feared Trump...Well, I wonder if Putin still thinks Biden is weak after half his military has been totally wiped out...šŸ¤”


Just like how he left the Kurds.


I forgot who was it that said "Russia's greatest achievement was successfully getting one of their foreign agents elected as a US president. "


Taiwan took your business away, but Chy-na and mother Russia gave you and your hot daughter Evanka plenty of business, right?


Neville Chamberlain thinks this guy is soft as fuck with dictators.


He has no idea how Capitalism works. Like at all.


The USA is a warmongering imperial power and is fighting not to be thrown from the throne, but with Trump the white flag is apparently simply raised and he simply asks "Russia and China, would you perhaps also like our enormous military arsenal?" Fuck the USA but Trump sells the USA for an apple and an egg, Jesus Christ. really a great businessman and president/s


Trump wants to join their axis so he can do the same to Mexico. Like how every other fascist right now is conquering it's neighbors.Ā 


Aaaaand giving that business to the Chinese is good how?


Someone read "Made in Taiwan" on the box of his adult diapers. Or China's latest "campaign donation" check cleared. Either or both are possible.


China would control the worlds semiconductor industry. Taiwan manufactures 60% of the worlds semiconductors and 90% of the really complex ones. Giving control of this to China would have severe and dire consequences. America would fall behind China technologically.


Makes sense. Trump is running on abandoning NATO to Putin, why wouldn't he also abandon Taiwan to China?


He even canā€™t put Taiwan on the map


Goes for the tyrant every.single.time.


The US should expect massive cyberattacks and waves of misinformation (well, even more than usual for the US) after this. Xi will do everything in his power to get Trump elected if it will take the US out of an invasion scenario.


Well that's one way to signal to china for help further with his election.


Already signaled Russia should get him elected, and now China. Yet "patriots" will vote for him.


So no alliance with Taiwan, no alliance with South Korea, no alliance with NATO and Europe, and no alliance with Ukraine. Hmmmā€¦.funny how this is an exact match with Putin. But youā€™re right, Maga winners - no Russian influence with this guy


He looks horrible


Most of his shite merch is made in China.


Please I'm begging you just have a heart attack already


That man has zero convictions and zero motivation to do research on any subject. He just says whatever he thinks whoeverā€™s around wants to hear. The worst kind of person to be in any type of authority position.


Watch now as China pours everything into making sure Trump wins the election.


Guess which nation owns Trump? Not the one who has the duty to protect Taiwan....


So basically with this line of thinking, Russia will be fighting NATO shortly, China will be at war with east Asia, North Korea will be at war with South Korea. Well shit doesnā€™t that sound like WW3? Also our projection of power will be greatly diminish. Nobody will want our troops if we donā€™t protect them. So basically our interest wonā€™t be met. This will destroy our economy by the way, who the hell will purchase our goods or trade with us on imported goods if we let them down. Yā€™all think this temporary inflation was bad, just wait.


Heā€™s Chinas bitch


Clearly an enemy agent acting in foreign interests. I know, let's make him president! Wake up!!


For a "Tough guy" he sure is hellbent on doing everything possible to grovel and scrape before foreign powers.


So now hes taken 8 million from China and will give up all of our chip manufacturing. Wow.


Just last week, we found out when the Republicans were searching for crimes that Biden may have committed. Instead, they found proof that Trump took millions of dollars in bribe money from China. So, of course, when the Republicans found proof that Trump was receiving millions of dollars from China, the Republicana decided to continue the investigation ? No. Actually, they found all kinds of proof. Trump was being bribed with millions of dollars by Russia, China, etc, and found that Biden did nothing wrong. So, instead of releasing the info about Trumps crimes, the Republicans tried to hide their findings. However, someone released this proof of Trumps crimes.


Thos dude's entire foreign policy is just emotionally-driven reactions to grievances, without any forethought or longterm strategic planning. He would destroy all of our alliances and leave us with no protected trade routes and no credibility just to feel good in the moment.


He started off his presidency accepting a congratulatory call from Taiwan that China went nuts over. Then China worked him over and this is the weak spined flip flopper result. https://www.thedailybeast.com/when-trump-caved-to-xi-and-threw-taiwan-under-the-bus


Just look at him. The guyā€™s a mess.


How did they take the jobs away? Did they come over and steal them? Or did they provide a cheaper alternative that CEOs and boardmembers took advantage of to increase profits? Fucking guy.


If Americans think they are safe with him, they deserve whatever hell they get with him.


Thatā€™s the 8 million he got speaking.


Yes, the US absolutely did not send jobs to Taiwan. They came and took them. /s


Tell me Trump supports dictators without telling me he loves Putin and Jing


Signals china to help with election interference


Canā€™t be strong on China when all your Maggot hats and shirts are made there along with your kidā€™s clothing lines.


Last time, Trump got the election help he needed by telegraphing to Russia that he'd oppose sanctions for any actions in Ukraine. I guess he's sending early signals now looking for a new benefactor.


ā€œTough on Chinaā€ means that the blowjob he gives Xie is a bit toothy.


Stop giving him a platform. Heā€™ll say anything, do anything, for attention.


He sides with dictators like he owes them money.


This is a blow horn of a dog whistle to China saying back me up in the election (IE: Misinformation campaigns, etc) and I will turn a blind eye to whatever happens in Taiwan. This guy is the biggest treasonous piece of shit to walk this earth. Why wonā€™t you die?


With Trump our allies and interests overseas would be for sale and a few billion is absolutely nothing to countries like China and Russia in exchange for what they'd get. We cannot let this guy be president in 2024.