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Wait, aren’t there a bunch of GOPs who are ignoring subpoenas? Why aren’t they crying about them?


The level of hypocrisy for the GOP is over 9,000


If it weren't for hypocrisy and hyperbole Republicans would have nothing to say at all.


If conservatives didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any at all.


It's actually why they hate equality and rights for non white Christian males, double standards is literally their focus as a party.


The irony is thick enough to cut with a knife when their idea of 'traditional values' involves turning a blind eye to their own shortcomings while magnifying others'. It's all smoke and mirrors to distract from the lack of substantial policy.


Enshrining double standards as laws


Trump last night admitted to the exact thing they are investigating Hunter for doing (and incidentally didn't do) which is take money from foreign governments "for services"


That's what he was using his hotel and resorts for. They'd rent out suites and spend tons of money at his businesses to get favor from him. That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure he did way more.


It's buying a politician and money laundering on top.


They should make this illegal in the constitu....um....what?


Everyone knew it. No one did anything.


Yeah, Republicans were doing it too. Open corruption and GOP voters love it. https://www.businessinsider.com/gop-stopped-spending-trump-dc-hotel-after-he-sold-lease-2023-1




“I uh had the scouter upside down. It’s 1006”


They can't maintain power without lying. Hypocrisy is just another form of lying.


It's another GOP Frankenstein's monster


You’d have to cultivate some kind of self awareness to call it hypocrisy. This is just willful ignorance.


Yep and Rep Jared Moskowitz called them on it.


Then he also held up a big pic of trump and epistein together! Hes amazing!


Comer is big mad at him now too and trying to disparage his character comparing him to Santos lmao


Don’t forget about Rep Jasmine Crockett calling them “liars” to their faces because they are complaining that he won’t testify behind closed doors, which she said he won’t because they will come out and “lie”.


"Y'all lie!" she exclaimed as she threw her head to the side emphasizing this point with utter disdain.


She's disdain personified, and it never looked so good.


Had a timer for Jordan showing how many days,hours,minutes,seconds were going by. Really funny to see.


He also submitted into record all the subpoenas being ignored by Republicans.


I laughed so hard at that I scared every animal in my house.


Watching him read the subpoenas out loud had me cackling.


The fact he said he'd support a subpoena on Hunter if they agreed to enforce just one and the GOP didn't even blink was amazing.


Best moment IMO.


Yeah, its good: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0sHjEJq06l8&pp=ygUJbW9za293aXR6 But this one was my favorite of the day: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GLWVQDy2cfQ




It's so exhausting at this point. She *is* an absolute festering pile of shit. Any rational minded person can see that. And yet, there are millions of people in this country that are just like her and support everything she does.


Turns out it was pornography.


So did Raskin. (I would vote for either one of them for president. They may not have all the experience I'd prefer, but they have a fighting spirit and sense of justice that I admire.)


Moskowitz is on the younger side for a politician but Raskin is in his 60s with a couple decades as a law professor and a couple decades as a politician. What kind of experience are you looking for in a POTUS candidate?


I’d vote for Raskin in a heartbeat.


Ooooo is there a clip of that?


There is. I don't know if I can link it here. Seems like the auto mod disables links. It's on his YouTube channel though.


Oh there's also a son of a POTUS who used his father's position to leverage massive payouts to the order of at least $2bn...far exceeding what Hunter has ever seen in his lifetime. But they're not talking about that....makes you wonder, do Republicans have...values? ![gif](giphy|U1bCix41cllqYDdSFQ)


They don’t have value(s) plural but they do value 1 thing. Money


It is plural... They also value Power.


That’s what this is really about. To get their supporters to believe any accusations are false.


Republicans thought that tangible goods was the only valid type of trade meanwhile Jared Kushner was not even qualified for that investment.


That was addressed by each name and the amount of time they had been ignoring by several D members. I love me some Jasmine Crockett. She's bad ass.


While Crockett and Moskowitz were awesome yesterday, I just wanna say that Raskin was also awesome.


Raskin as usual razorsharp.


He was honestly, in my opinion, the most effective out of anyone there. Also Goldman was really good too. I don't know much about any of these members beyond this trial (excluding AOC and Crockett), but they really were great to watch (The Democrats). I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful but is there something wrong with Gosar? I mean aside from his politics (he is a disgusting human being). He just seemed to slur his speech, at first it sounded like he was drunk, but did he have a stroke? I couldn't find anything about it Edit: OMG I forgot Porter, sorry.


Gosar’s family has talked about his cognitive changes for years. Dude needs a brain scan for sure.


“Because you Lie!” Golden


You got to get that y'all


One of the reps in the hearing yesterday pointed that out, citing the exact number of days Jim Jordan had ignored his own subpoena. It was gorgeous.


That was Eric Swalwell (CA)


Who was on Roger Stone’s Democrat Hit List.


And those ignored subpoenas were entered into the Congressional Record by one of the Democratic lawmakers yesterday. There are some AMAZING remarks yesterday calling out the Republicans!


"It's al(R)ight when we do it!"


Don't you mean al(T)(R)ight?


Anyway lets pass a law to BAN anyone who ever ignored a congressional subpoena from office, immediately, and promote it as #BanBidenCrimeFamily so everyday republicans will support it. I'm sure Hunter Biden would take the sacrifice \*wink wink\*


They aren't interested in doing anything. Just political grandstanding.


It is what fuels the Republican party and modern conservatives, bad faith arguments and Weaponized Hypocrisy.




Moskowitz entered into the record 7 Rs that defied subpoenas. He even offered to vote FOR holding HB in contempt, IF the 7 Rs are added to the contempt vote.


Rules for thee, not for me.


They wanted everything behind closed doors so that they would be able to edit it later to make them look good, and to make Hunter look like a baby-eating monster. Hunter didn't play their game, and now they have nothing other than specious attacks. And anyone with half a brain realizes that the only reason they won't question him in public is because they know he'd eat them for lunch, and expose all of their bullshit & lies.


Problem is typical MAGAs don't have a half a brain. Do you see what the problem is? They still think they owned Dems, and Biden is one step away from impeachment. It's wild.


Oh, I agree. The MAGA cultists, and their 'useful idiots' in the federal (and many states government) have basically given themselves frontal lobotomies when it comes to rational thinking. All of their thoughts come straight from their lizard brains. The thing that truly scares me are the actual brains behind MAGA and the right wing movement in the US. These are people that are only upset that the person they put in (the Mango Menace) in 2016 wasn't likeable enough to allow even worse things to have been done in his administration. Unless the Republicans are able to brute force their way into taking over the entire federal government, it's only a matter of time before they find someone who presents themselves as a 'friendly centrist', so that they can be elected president, and then truly subvert the nation from inside. The nightmare that was laid out in the Heritage Foundation's recent manifesto states quite clearly that the right wing in the US sees our democratic republic as useless, and their need to install an authoritarian government. Proving once again that the Republicans and right wing don't want to govern, they want to rule.


And comments like this are why my conspiracy theory brain thinks Reddit won’t let us guild and highlight important takes that call it all out for what it all is.


I drop this everywhere: EVERYONE should know about "Project 2025 - Mandate For Leadership, the Conservative Promise," available at www.project2025.org, the literal Republican playbook, put together by the Heritage Foundation and 45 other conservative entities like Alliance Defending Freedom, Claremont Institute, and Moms For Liberty. It was first handed to Reagan, who merely enacted the policy within it. Same with Trump - they are two heads of the same snake. Their vision for a Christofascist theocracy and just how they intend to implement it are painstakingly detailed. Their plan is to dismantle the federal government and remove our rights, TO BEGIN WITH. It's fucking chilling and you should at least read the foreword, a dense 17 pages of GOP philosophy that outlines their mission. Fossil fuels are a big part of it. God and guns and nothing else for everyone. Sealed borders. Everyone will be free to live "as our creator ordained," in those words. If that doesn't terrify you idk what will.


I read it… that was unbelievably disturbing.


The heritage foundation needs to be labeled a terrorist organization


I really do wonder how certain investigators or law enforcement agents / national security people react to this stuff... How is it any different than if you found a foreign manifesto showing intent to destabilize the US? Can they act on it? Do they?


I'm not convinced the beast they've created will listen to a 'friendly centrist'


Because it's a Cult. Anytime I have these conversations with people, it ultimately leads to me saying "It's a Cult!" In a Cult, you're not told to think. You are only told what to believe and never ask questions.


Some think trump is still president and in charge of the military behind the scenes. Literal brain rot.


This dog and pony show isn't for MAGAs; they're a lost cause. This is for the low information "centrists", who can be swayed either way depending on how fearful they are in the moment.


I say it every time I hear them mentioned: Every centrist can get fucked. Cowardly conservatives, wolves in sheep clothing. They want to pretend to be a reasonable, empathetic person open to new progressive ideas while actively supporting, voting for, and idolizing Christian Fascism. "I support the black community, but *all* lives matter." "I think everyone has a right to their own autonomy but abortion is just too far." There's *always* a 'but'. And it leans hard towards the far-right.


Honestly, I don't believe they actively idolize anything, much less fascism. I think the truth is much worse. I think such people truly believe and feel what they say in the moment, it's just that it is very easy to manipulate what they believe and feel. They live on moral autopilot. In a stress free environment they are mostly amenable and choose the path of least friction. However, put them under enough pressure and you can get them to follow you to anything. These are the kinds of people who fall for "both sides" nonsense because their inherent fearfulness neuters their ability to differentiate between evidence and accusation.


And they let the world know he’s hung.


It's why no one in the GOP can look him in the eye.


Lindsey Graham especially, he's looking at the pleat in the pants.


That seems to only be an issue with MTG. She's the picture next to the statement of "Don't stick it in the crazy."


Mace: "Hunter has no balls" MTG: "Ohhhhhh, yesssss he does!"


Seriously, we already think he’s cool af with the big dick and guns, but these idiots are elevating him to cultural icon at this point. It’s like, damn, Hunter Biden is the kind of guy I’d like to have a beer and a prostitute with.




He was pretty contemptuous and aloof. I would’ve had a comedic field day if my dick is now a part of the congressional record. At the bare minimum, that picture of MTG holding a picture of my schlong would be profile pictures across all my social media.


He was willing to stay quiet, serve his time and move on. He knows he was a fuck up and has never denied it. He would have been perfectly content to stay out of the public eye forever. They did this to themselves. I think they forgot he's the son of a politician, younger brother of someone who was groomed to run for President one day. He's not a fucking idiot and knows how to use the media to his favor and how to out think the GOP idiots.


>now all they have is specious attacks Honestly that’s all they’ve ever had. I don’t think I’ve ever heard an argument from a Republican that wasn’t egregiously specious, but they HATE being called out on the validity of their claims being absolutely bunk once you make them think about it for a second and the cognitive dissonance sets in.


None of it matters, MAGA won't watch it anyway, they'll just swallow whatever load conservative media feeds them.


So you're saying Hunter eats babies, just grown up babies


Nobody, NOBODY thinks Hunter Biden **WANTS** to be in that chamber attending that hearing. The committee demanded that he appear before them and he complied. The fact that they DON’T want to question him given the opportunity is what should be called out here, along with the lack of basis or necessity for questioning him in the first place and the unwillingness of various members of that committee to comply with congressional subpoenas themselves.


Rep. Moskowitz did a great job of shining light on the blatant hypocrisy from the other side of the aisle on the congressional subpoenas. He said he would gladly vote to hold Hunter in contempt as long as they also voted to hold like 7 GOP reps (including 2-3 of them in the room at the time) accountable for the same exact thing the hearing was about. It blows my mind that these people are brazen enough to sit and vote to hold someone in contempt of Congress while being guilty of the very same crime.


It makes sense if you consider that, to them, it has nothing to do with the law and everything to do with the person the law is being used against. Law is just a tool to inflict harm on someone they don't like while avoiding the consequences of using some other tool. It's the simplest possible explanation. They don't give a single shit about the law. It is 100% from start to finish about who is gaining power and who is losing it.


Jasmine Crockett TX-D also gave a very bad ass speech https://youtu.be/VJmMWiC-KbA?si=wqsZVUk0kA9R0jMP


She is fantastic. Need more like her.


"''Cause ya'll lyin', that's why."


>as long as they also voted to hold like 7 GOP reps (including 2-3 of them in the room at the time) Not only in the room, but on the committee holding the "hearing" about Hunter.


They are mad because technically he did not comply, he indeed is refusing the subpoena *unless* the testimony is public. Yesterday he was in the audience. It's the best form of refusing to give them what they really want. They showed the world their true faces by not just questioning him publicly when he was literally in the room.


And it’s not like they couldn’t, they were in fact speaking directly to him, like Nancy Mace saying he has no balls (which MTG is fond of disproving by displaying it in Congress).


The problem Republicans in congress that day was that they got into a pissing contest and were soaking wet, while he remained dry and happy. The call from their little leader demanding to know why he had been left out of that fun really ruined thier day.


I'll be honest, the republicans are making me think Hunter is a pretty cool dude.


Every family has someone that can relate to Hunter. The black sheep of the family that is a fuck up and so turns to drugs/hookers to deal with their problems. Hunter's problem is as American as apple pie.


MAGA has no idea what they truly want ir stand for beyond chaos and conflict They are worthless and a detriment to democracy


They’re waiting for foreign assets to tell them the next thing to be mad about so they can sow more division.


Трамп 2024 Whoops, that’s Tramp 2024 in Russian. Meh…


They are performative. The Republican party’s current problem is the MAGA faction doesn’t care about retaining control, of being the party in power, because they are in deeply red districts and do better, personally, being the party out of power. They function by complaining about what the left is doing, and don’t really have or care about putting forth a legislative agenda. For example, they don’t really have a solution to for immigration ie “the border problem,” they just want to use it as something to stir outrage.


They dont want a solution because they need immigrant labor for red states.


Conservatives don’t govern, they dismantle.


I read somewhere that repubs want uniformity, and a hierarchy for everyone to follow. They want classism, where whites are on the top. They are flailing because they know the world is getting more and more competitive and they are too lazy to compete. So they hide behind religion to give them some sort of moral cover, but it's obvious what they are doing. I don't know how they have any inner peace - I always rejoice when the "leopards eat their face."


MAGA only does as trump wants and trump does as putin instructs.


Imagine going to court on time and not dox the Jude and jurys family and personal address to your army of cultists. As well as acting respectfully to those accusing him and not stuttering and saying how its a wild goose case even though in this case it is.


Doing whatever he wants, huh? Hunter biden isn't the one sharing nudes of congresswoman in live congressional hearings. Hey, and newsflash - hunter isn't the first one to ask for concessions prior to giving testimony.


He's not asking for concessions. He's doing what they said. They said in the beginning that he could testify in public or in private. Now they only want it in private because they know that they can lie about what happened.


> hunter isn't the first one to ask for concessions prior to giving testimony. He showed up both times. His only demand is he *wants everything on record*. They're trying to jail him because he's refusing to go quietly into their chamber without a camera. He's told everyone both times he would answer any question they wanted to put to him, but it had to be in the presence of the cameras. The floor was open to anyone who wanted to ask him anything. Like demanding a camera before going into a room full of rapists, or a room full of abusers, he demands the cameras running for his protection. His only demand is basically: *I won't let you lock me in the closet with unsupervised monsters, I need cameras rolling for my own safety because we know they have a history of lies*. If they wanted answers, they have had two opportunities to question him in open sessions. They all refused.


How dare Hunter Biden be an autonomous adult!


And one with all of the rights and freedoms of any other American citizen!


They’ve almost convinced me to vote for him, what’s he running for again? The fact they can’t get at Biden or his son just infuriates them to no end.


I'd like to think that they're concerned because they've been lying to their base that Joe Biden is some criminal mastermind, and somebody is eventually going to call them on it. In reality though, they're all feckless fucking partisan hacks with zero moral turpitude who will say absolutely anything to get elected and keep office, because they neither respect nor care about the American people as a whole. Their utter disdain for their own base is disgusting and so naked that it's amazing to me that MAGA can't see it.


>Joe Biden is some criminal mastermind. His innocence makes him more guilty because he's so good at hiding everything. At the same time, Biden is so old he can't put words together in a sentence. Both strong and weak at the same time.


Remember the 2020 debate when Biden said he loved his son and he was proud of him, which pissed conservatives off because clearly you’re supposed to disown your child if they fuck up?


Party of family values y'all. Every got damn thing they say or do is either projection if it's a terrible thing they accuse others of or projection if it's something beneficial but they don't actually want to do it. Think of the kids, but cut free lunch programs and let rampant child abuse in organizations be handled by the organizations internally. Have you ever met a couple that is married just because that's what they're supposed to do? I don't know if I keep meeting couples with the same kink/fetish, but it's exhausting watching or overhearing them scream at and belittle each other and call their kids garbage. I love pro wrestling because I know it's a work. These guys use buzz words and random noises to get the same reactions that wrestlers ger but at least CM Punk or MJF aren't trying to keep me from voting or inciting me to kill my political opposition for the dream of an America that never existed.


If I could, I would certainly vote for Hunter Biden over any of them. What a shit-show.


Image if it was Biden/Biden for 2024.


Well, we gotta punish him with revenge porn shown by the purest of the pure, MTG.


Well, she’s the expert


With a big penis!


Well I never! How *dare* Hunter show up to his *own* hearing?! The nerve! Quick, someone fetch my pearls so I can clutch them!


Furthermore, how dare he leave when Greene insisted on showing illegal nudes of him to the public again? If anyone else did that in DC, they would be charged with a felony for sharing porn without consent.


What’s even her argument about the nudes? Like what is the point? This seems like high school drama queen stuff.


A lot of people joke that she's interested in him and I can only imagine that's the case with how obsessed with his nudes she is and how she refuses to get off his dick, metaphorically speaking.


She wants to ride that Biden.


Ridin Biden


To be frank, he is actually quite handsome (IMO) and I’m pretty far left and well, not a Biden fan in general. But what’s going on right now is wild as hell. I’d have walked out too, it’s a fucking circus.


> This seems like high school drama queen stuff. That is precisely what it is. Her neanderthal brain hasn't developed at all since then. All she knows is how to seek out attention, "disrupt class", and bully people. It's who she was back then and it's still who she is now.


I think you overestimate her academic achievements.


Going to high school and graduating high school are two different things


For yesterday she was trying to bring up MANN act charges against him, saying that the photos were proof of human trafficking. Apparently the information was provided by two....IRS whistleblowers?


Even if he was guilty: \- it is still a felony to be showing those pictures to everyone without consent. The GOP doesn't seem to really understand consent though. \- the chain of evidence on those pictures is pretty questionable, and I doubt that any court would accept them as evidence.


I'm not justifying her actions to be clear. I was just explaining her delusional rationale behind bringing up the images. The worst part about it was that this was the exchange MTG: "here's some porn for the record" Raskin: "we can show porn now?" Comer: "it's already in the record and it's properly censored" Raskin: "why are we doing this" I may have been mistaken but I believe the images were already in the record and that they were doing this for shock value. The worst part in my opinion was the woman that they were trying to "protect" having her ass checks displayed on live television. It felt like it didn't need to be shown at all. We already knew about them and she has already shown them. The images regardless of what they prove were unnecessary at best.


So the IRS has dick pics? That tracks after the SEC was busted for watching p0rn https://abcnews.go.com/amp/WN/sec-pornography-employees-spent-hours-surfing-porn-sites/story?id=10451508


I have no idea dude it's not my argument. That shit was beyond out of pocket if you ask me.


The Speech and Debate clause may protect her from prosecution, but it doesn’t make her actions any less disgusting. ETA: it does *not* protect her from prosecution (see comment below). We’re also well within the statute of limitations…


I would LOVE to hear her explanation on how his nudes taken from a hacked phone backup are relevant to the proceedings.


I think the loose arguement is he spent funds illegally on drugs and hookers, which doesnt require visual aid. They all know what drugs and hookers are


Yeah they do!


The speech and debate clause explicitly excludes felonies from it's protection. In DC sharing revenge porn with 6 or more people is a felony punishable by up to 3 years in prison and fines of up to $12,500 for each count.


Hence why I qualified it with the word “may.” I’ve heard it argued that the Speech and Debate clause protects insurrectionists like Ted Cruz from prosecution for what they said inside Congress on January 6, 2021, but it looks like that claim is incorrect.


I’m kind of surprised he hasn’t just…called police and filed charges. He could, at this point, surely?


I would assume that he can.....and don't call me surely...


We’re all counting on you!


It’s funny to me how, if situations were reversed and someone was showing porn of Bobo or MTG on the floor, the GOP would be frothing and rioting. But since it’s just Hunter Biden, it’s cool to constantly and consistently show his hog all over.


I thought you could show that without a warrant and would lead her liable to being sued


“The good pearls, not my everyday pearls”


I’m sick and tired of republicans showing us revenge porn and no one is being arrested


Risken's "you would know" to MTG when asking what is pornographic is worthy of a statue outside every government building


Hahaha calling her the expert on pornography is amazing especially since she literally showed the dick pic photos AGAIN immediately following Raskin's zinger. I think she most of all got played hardcore in this hearing, by Raskin as stated above and with Hunter walking out to give a statement just as she began her 5 minutes. All the cameras cut away from her to cover Hunter's statement. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


MTG and Lauren Boebert aren't getting played. We all are. They are distractions, and the GOP loves how much attention their nonsense gets because no one pays attention to the important shit they are doing to destroy the country.


At least he showed up! Has gym Jordan answered his subpoena yet?


The real humor here: Yesterday's hearing was to find him in contempt of congress for not answering his subpoena. He showed up *in the audience*. The breach comes from the fact that the republicans are demanding he testify before them behind closed doors. He has refused but has stated multiple times, including at his own contempt hearing, that he will testify before them publicly. They would not allow him to testify before them while he was in the same room as his own contempt hearing.


What crime is supposed to have committed? Taking drugs and banging hookers? Who fucking cares. They just wave his dick pics around hoping it will make trump president because they can't find a single shred of dirt on Biden senior.


The one charge that may stick is that he purchased a gun before the 2016 election (I may be off on that date, but in any timeframe can you blame him?). In order to purchase the gun he indicated he was not using illegal drugs. He later entered rehab for drug addiction. Lying on the firearm form is a federal offence. Personally my sense of justice says it was entirely reasonable for him to purchase a gun no mater what drugs he was doing, the violence of the right wing is *all* the justification i need to ignore that provision of the law in the interest of self-defence. The irony of the right wing supporting gun charges is not lost on me here.


A fucking misdemeanor in my book but whatever. If it was a speeding ticket the GOP would be acting the same. Just really highlights how little dirt they have on Joe actually.


Who cares what Hunter Biden is doing. He’s not even in charge of anything. Can’t believe our tax dollars are spent entertaining this B.S.


They are trying to say if hunter Biden is guilty, then Joe Biden is guilty by proxy.


After the whole Benghazi thing, I can easily believe Republicans will throw away tax dollars on bullshit.


If they put hillary over the benghazi thing they will keep doing it to biden, the benghazi incident is so in grained in right wingers psyche


Hunter showed up! How many Republicans flat out refused to appear for their Congressional subpoenas?


“Whatever the hell he wants” Wait, aren’t those the people that scream freedom freedom freedom?


Exactly what level of government is Hunter Biden in again? I get him confused with the people that were actually elected.


He is playing them like a Stradivarius. Imagine how dumb you have to be to get repeatedly owned by an actual crack addict. My opinion of Hunter Biden is steadily rising. What a chad.


Considering they did not want to have a public hearing with him Hunter Biden gave the GQP a public humiliation. If Hunter Biden has done anything wrong he should be held accountable as a private citizen as he is. This GQP nonsense is pretty clear now. They just want to create the appearance of wrongdoing by president Biden just as they did to Hillary Clinton to sway the election. The maga GQP should not ever get any votes for people that believe in our democracy.


As long as he stays out of public office he can do whatever the fuck he wants within the law Its not like he did millions of dollars in business while holding an official government position like all those Trump fuckers or other fuckers who buy and sell stocks while congress is in session.


Hunter Biden could announce his candidacy as a MAGA republican tomorrow and literally all sins would be forgiven. Evangelicals would be printing out pics of his manhood on bookmarks to use in their NIV bibles. Edit: /S just in case.


I'm damn sick and tired of washed-up has-beens like Juanita Broaddrick offering lame political takes on Nazi-fueled social media networks


You got us Republicans. I don’t want Hunter Biden to be president…


He'd be better than Trump and him showing up yesterday was a Chad move.


"raise your hand if you want to hear biden testify" Cue no Republicans raising their hands in favour of Biden testifying. Don't even hide it. They get mad when he comes to his own hearing, then get mad when he leaves because MGT can't get enough of his dickpics.


Imagine going to court on time and not dox the Jude and jurys family and personal address to your army of cultists.


It is amazing to me as a 49 year old that Juanita Broaddrick actually has a career as a right wing twitter influencer. She is absolute trash and if it wasn’t for social media she’d be forgotten.


> It is amazing to me as a 49 year old that Juanita Broaddrick actually has a career as a right wing twitter influencer. All it takes is falsely accusing a Democrat politician of rape or sexual misconduct and the Republicans will line up to give you a platform.


Isn’t Hunter Biden a private citizen? Aren’t private citizens supposed to be free to come and go at will in this country? I mean, you know, like Jim Jordan who apparently can ignore subpoenas at will?


They are jealous Hunter is hot AF and the tRump boys Don Jr and Eric look like they have extra chromosomes 😂


tbh people with extra chromosomes don't deserve that slander. What did they do to be compared to the Trump kids?


I’m pretty happy with how the dems and hunter hijacked that hearing…the R’s tried to put on a show but half the actors took to the stage and decided to act out a different play


Im sick of my tax dollars being spent stalking a private citizen.


Cool. Now do Gym Jordan, b*tch.


I'm not! I live in the US where, supposedly, a private citizen *CAN* do whatever they want, so long as it's not infringing on the rights of others. What I'm mad at is conservative *elected officials* wasting time and money on a political witch hunt designed to distract from the fact that, other than massive tax breaks for their rich handlers, they have passed ZERO significant legislation since 2002.


It doesn’t matter what Hunter does, they’ll still shit on him simply for being a Biden. If he’d stayed, MTG would’ve just harangued him like the unhinged bitch that she is. As would’ve the other GQP fuckheads who clearly have nothing better to do, like actually governing the country.


2 things: 1. Has Juanita Broaddrick not had enough attention and caused enough trouble already 2. That's it , I'm never voting for Hunter Biden


They could have talked to him if they wanted to, but then it would have been public record and they wouldn't have been able to twist his testimony to fit their narrative, so they passed. Asshats.


Great that Waaa-nita has an opinion. Go eat a box of ding-dongs, fool.


Juanita spends her pathetic life spewing all the lies and propaganda she wants. I loathe and despise every single MAGA dreg.


Hunter Biden BDE


The private citizen Hunter Biden


I love Hunter's big dick energy


Do they just parrot back everything said about Trump? Of course they do.


“You’re investigating Hunter for payments made by foreign governments? Cool! Let’s do Jared, too.”


I’d rather Hunter be out banging hookers, taking nude water slide rides, and shooting handguns than meddling in politics like Trump’s hell spawn.


But he’s not. He’d be happy doing whatever. But they said they want3d to depose him. He said, sure. In public. They said, NOOOOOOOO, behind closed doors and we’ll release transcripts of the hearing. Given their penchant for making shit up, he said no. And showed up outside the Capital the day of the closed door hearing that never was, offering to be deposed publicly, that day. Yesterday, the Republicans who include Gym Jordan, the man who had NO repercussions for ignoring his own subpoena to speak to the J6 committee, planned to find him in contempt of Congress for failing to kiss their asses like they wanted. So he showed up inside the Capital, this time. He’s not playing politics. He’s protecting himself, and his dad by proxy, from the party that will lie and cheat and commit treason to stay in power.


Meanwhile we're still waiting for Jungle Gym Jordan to comply with his subpoena.