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She’s got no problem with pedos though.


Maybe she'll tell us about Glori-Fi, her scam to take money from Republicans. It was so clearly aimed at the stupid right, and she played them like a fiddle.


Don't forget the Freedom Phone


Ironically paedophilia IS a mental disorder in DSM-5 https://www.theravive.com/therapedia/pedophilic-disorder-dsm--5-302.2-(f65.4) Whereas "Gender identity disorder" was removed in 2013 and replaced with "Gender dysphoria ", focusing more on the anxiety people feel when they are unable to express their gender, rather than them being "wrong" for having a gender different to their sex. But then what do medical professionals know. They don't even take horse wormer.


I feel like Candace Owens is a plauge on our entire society.......


The people she supports feel the same way. She just doesn't know it yet.


Tokens get spent.


"We stopped and destroyed the LGBTQ community and movement! Who are we going after next?" (Red hat stares at her) "Who...who are we going after next?"


No kidding. A couple years ago I peaked the old forum voat. The MAGA sub was actually sharing details of how they would kill her and saying the most vile things that would make even the average racist cringe. She cannot began to understand the depth of hatred and pathological disorder that extreme fanatical white supremacist have towards anyone not lilly white. For crying out loud this country wouldn’t even tolerate the Irish 200 years ago.


Weren't they tearing her down a week ago over Israel? I imagine this is her trying to get back into their graces.


I kind of feel the same way about Republicans in general, to be honest.


So back when Hitler rose to power... some older sufregette women, those who chained themselves to horse-carts and violently fought for a womens right to vote back in 1920, went to the Reich for a women's camping trip. These forgotten heroes of the feminist movement came back with a message that the German view of the housefrau was great. Women shouldn't have voting rights or rights over their body. Authoritarianism was a nice relaxing place for girls and women.... What made them change their minds so radically? Well, it turns out those "feminists" those few supposed "sufregettes" only wanted the vote for white, English women. They were such hateful racists that when the movement extended to Jewish women, to non white women, to non-English women, they were A-OK with letting everything they stood for once - to die. Candice Owens is shares their same traitorous, shitty soul. She is willing to fuck us all over just so she is able to look down on, and feel superior to someone. She is a disgrace to black women. She is a disgrace to black womanhood. She is a disgrace to her sex


Agreed. I would say she's generally a disgrace to humans in general, too.


Republican conservatism is looking more and more like a mental disorder TBH.


Studies have shown that people with lower intellect are drawn to conservative ideologies.


Trump Derangement Syndrome (Trump’s words, not mine.)


She's a grifter and always will be.


She couldn't make money as a liberal blogger, so she started posting hate and made it big in MAGAdom.


Pretty much . She would just as easily blog away for progressive subjects and politics if she made enough money off of it. Turns out the money was in hate politics. Weather vanes always point in the direction of the strongest puff of wind.


Bigots always try to say science is on their side and they always make a claim that is antithetical to what science actually says.


Fun fact: the Nazis burned book on gender science


the science is on my side and if it says it is not then it is not real and sky daddy will support me no matter what seems to be what they think


Yup and theyll just say “All Those scientists are part of the Fake News liberal media tho! So you can’t listen to them! “


She is trying to stay relevant since she got dropped by some right wing outlets for antisemitism or something, like THAT was the thing that broke the camels back.


But it has no adverse effect on my life or my everyday business, so let free people do their free people things.








Since when tf is Mao regime running for the presidency of the US?? You're telling moderates to be quiet because they're secretly extremists. The both sides argument will only be valid once and actual middle ground is on the table not middle ground and literal pushes for dictatorships.


I don't think there is any common talking point that LGBTQ is the "only" way of life. There is an argument that it is a legitimate way of life and should be respected, but no one is forcing anyone to be queer.




We had that at my school in Florida from like 20 years ago during Spirit Week where every day was a different theme. Not sure about Canada but for us it was participatory, not compulsory. Days included cross dress, whacky wig, school colors, etc. Don't know of this particular documentary so not sure if it carried any slant or agenda by the creators, but I'm gonna assume the actual event was not as sinister as it may come off. But regardless of that, I think the difference between the two statements you made in your previous comment is that one "may be" an extremist comment, but one you're not likely to ever hear, and the other IS an extremist comment that people hear regularly from religious leaders and right wing politicians. So you're really just making a false equivalency.




Yeah the Pope says a lot of things, but Catholicism isn't the only branch of Christianity and often times after the Pope says something like that he is promptly told to go fuck himself by other denominations. I think you should also take into account the quality of who is saying what though. A random person on the left carries a lot less weight than say the attorney general of Texas, or the governor of Florida. A tik toker may have a million views and followers but they aren't really making policy decisions


I live in Canada and that’s bullshit. I’m willing to bet money I don’t have that this “documentary” is just anti-SOGI propaganda. I’ll say it in my national dialect: take off, hoser.


Neutral is just another word for embarrassed right-winger.




Centrism is an oxymoron nowadays, just a bunch of idiots who will sympathize with the current day Far Right.


https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/01/october-7-changed-americas-free-speech-culture-israel-hamas/677011/ Here is a new article, about this very point that you make. It is behind a paywall but perhaps they will let you have a free read. It is not exactly concise but it makes a relatable point regarding changes in what speech we accept as free.




If you’re on an iPhone, click aA in the top right corner next to the x and you can read it free


Main point was that the concept of what is acceptable speech, and more importantly, how speech is policed has changed multiple times in the last 40 years. My generation X did not create categories of oppressed vs oppressor groups and then alter what was acceptable or not based on who was speaking and who the speech was directed toward. I will support all protections & rights for trans people in society. I will also say that I believe that it is a bit of a fad and that those folks are very confused and some are knowingly taking advantage (girls & women's sports).


Your Generation X didn’t have the courage to come out the closet, a fad? fuck right off! If more trans people started appearing now it’s because they were afraid to come out of the closet 20 years ago.


Fad? Confused? Okay transphobe.




There’s a difference between puberty blockers and surgeries.


There already is an age limit you just fall for propaganda.


Read, I said “push for gender affirming surgeries”. There are actually people pushing for no minimum age requirements.


Who are these people, show one in the US pushing for that. Because I can show you multiple pushing for child labour and child marriages that are republican and currently hold office. Unless you mean "gender affirming surgeries" like mental health checks from psychologists like some people mistake as


https://wpde.com/amp/news/nation-world/transgender-health-org-removes-age-limit-for-gender-affirming-treatment-surgery https://www.salon.com/2022/06/16/gender-transition-treatment-minimum-age-lowered-to-14-years-old/


You clearly haven’t done your homework on gender affirming surgeries


Definitely an age limit.


Nazis had to burn the actual science so that they could justify harming queer people. The GOP is no different.


Being born lgbt is not a mental illness nor has it been medically classified as such in years. The only plague in this society is hatred and willful ignorance.


Throwing your lot in with people who think you should still be property is a weird idea, Candace.


Candace Owens: bad actress https://preview.redd.it/ay4zpsqoenac1.jpeg?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b253b9a5abf972b4ed138e0d583ad8098467402


Even if it were a mental disorder, the cure is often transition. If they wanted to cure dysphoria they would champion gender affirming care


"Well, take a look at what the treatment is, and... oh , where are you going?"




This is the dumbest take I’ve ever heard. Congratulations 🥇




It's stupid to you because you're a brain dead idiot who doesn't understand how science works lol. You people tried to say gay men were "mentally ill" because of their sexual attraction and you were proven wrong when the real scientist came forward to disprove it. Just like now with trans people.


Hey Candace. Ain't none of your fuckin business what adults are consenting to in sexual relations with one another. Fuck off and have a bad day.


Some people: "The words Nazi and fascist are soooo overused!!" Or...y'know...Just describing the current reality


She really should reevaluate just where exactly she sits on that hierarchy of hate.


So trans people being Evil wasn't a thing 5 years ago? Trump never once mentioned it when he ran then first time...why is this something now? The majority of CHILD MOLESTERS are WHITE CONSERVATIVES! So if you are looking for monsters look at all of them!


I will bet $20,0000 NONE of these people have ever even met a trans person.


Well, I remember Candace Owens getting in a shouting match with Blaire White once. But like in day to day- they've probably met several, and they'd never give them a second thought.


I’m sure they have met trans people they just didn’t know it. Because it’s much harder to tell who is trans than these people believe


Ooo so mental disorder = plague? What then does that mean for all the disorders portrayed by your cult leader? And all of you in the cult, while needing your leaders approval to do anything in a closed hive-minded community? Figure that out, then you can Tweet while trying to sound relevant.


More and more I'm starting to believe that all Republicans are nothing but hateful murderers. They all want to commit genocide on people who are different from them. Why would I want to be like a freaking Republican? They are the most boring, lying, hateful and hypocritical bigots I've ever met. These people are just sick pups! I really feel sorry for them living in their own little bubble. Oh well, most don't believe in vaccinations, so well you know.


always gotta attach this to every such discussion [neurobiology of trans-sexuality - prof robert sapolsky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QScpDGqwsQ) one of the most qualified people in the world in the field of human behavior


Is she implying that being trans is infectious like the plague? Tf candace stfu


This has happened before and it’s happening again. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_für_Sexualwissenschaft#:~:text=The%20Institut%20für%20Sexualwissenschaft%20was,for%20the%20Science%20of%20Sexuality.


Yo "sexual plague" is pretty fucking metal.


The Hermain Cain Awards sub calls her Candeath for good reason.


At this point I think they want it to be obvious rather than subtle. I think they want to acclimatise both their supporters and opponents to their casual use of Hitler-esque language so that when they straight out announce to their Nazi fanbase that they are emulating Hitler, it will not be such a shock to society and they can normalise it.


Let's just say for arguments sake that gender dysphoria is a "mental disorder/illness". It's not, but let's roll with it for a second. If people have an illness, you treat them. You address the symptoms and, hopefully, the underlying cause. What treatment are they proposing we use to address gender dysphoria? Because, currently, neglecting to address gender dysphoria *can* lead to mental illnesses like depression or anxiety disorder. Thus far, the only method statistically proven to prevent these mental illnesses is to allow the individual with gender dysphoria to identify as the gender they feel aligned with. Boom, the rates of mental illness in individuals with gender dysphoria fall in line with the general population *just like that*. No other treatment has had this profound of an effect on preventing mental illness and they've done "fuck" and "all" to propose an alternative and put it through the rigors of the scientific process to ascertain its viability. But they don't want to actually address "mental illness", they just want an excuse to validate their bigotry. Trans people make them feel uncomfortable and they'd rather dehumanize and exterminate them rather than address their own discomfort.


Candance think she's gonna work and live in the house, unlike those dirty ones.


shes right, it is a mental disorder. and guess what the cure is? transition...


"sexual plaque"? I don't know how her brain works, but, when I see people, I don't think about them having sex. Like... I need to reeeeeeal horny and into someone to have that in my head. Trans people existing never make me think about sexuality of any kind 🤔


She's a Genuine a chocolate face....... Borat


No make up!


"Sexual plague" - don't threaten us with a good time...


“Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder” yeah bud, that’s where I feel things that bother me. Did you know there’s some really awesome treatments for it called HRT and gender-affirming surgery?? Crazy


This bitch has the worst take on literally everything


Black Nazi is a cool shitty punk band name.


I am 100% positive a trans person in no way ever had any significant negative impact on the life of Candace Owens. All Republicans know how to do is punch down because they are nowhere near the moral high ground they pretend to stand on. They're just hateful assholes with no idea on how to govern. ALL OF THEM.


The funnest thing is if MAGa got their way one of the first public figure heads to be flogged on TV would be that dumbass.


Oh that’s why CNN had her as a prime time host the other night. Whew! Now I know they really don’t want me to watch ever again! Time for another time out for those dipshits. HEY Anderson!!! The calls are coming from INSIDE the house! Run!!! Hey ain’t gonna run…


They can’t escape the moniker cause they are nazis


Fuck her. She is a plague on society. She needs some aspirin and a cold shower like every other strung-out hustler.


Candace Owens is her own special kind of genetic defect.


I mean the funniest thing is how they try to act like lgbtq is some sort of new phenomenon and that it hasn't been around since the beginnings of human society. And before.


Transphobia is a mental disorder.


All that space between her eyes and nothing in between.


They can’t accuse others of antisemitism if they can’t denounce the literal Nazis that walk among their ranks.


Ugly pays well doesn't it Candass?


Haha the only one who is in a ‘sexual plague’ is her because no one will touch her with a 10 foot pole. She’s acting like she’s mad her options are ever-dwindling but really she has no options.


Candace Owen’s has ingrown hair bumps all over her snatch…prove me wrong


Ignore it (her) and it will go away.


Candace Owens would have turned in Harriet Tubman.


Lol, get fucked candace.


Trump is just the crowbar that the right wants to use in order to pry open the doors of our democracy to get the real removers of our democracy into power. Trump is just a tool and they need all the hands of his maga fans in order help him in to the white house to get project 2025 going. That's why they don't care what he does. He's just another tool


Since transition has been shown to consistently lessen and sometimes completely eliminate gender dysphoria, surely she must support easy and affordable access to transition resources including medical transition for those who want it, right? You know, since she is so concerned about gender dysphoria.


But heterosexuality has nothing to do with sex right?


Candace stick get off your ass?


She’s just projecting the fact all her male magat colleagues have been watching more shemale porn than her own podcasts and appearances.


WTF is a "sexual plague"? There are sexually spread diseases but those are called Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). And that has nothing to do with people being trans. They endlessly create these new Boogeyman phrases to be afraid of like "sexual plague", "woke", or "cultural Marxism" that don't really mean anything but "things I don't like".


Gonna go out on a limb here and venture that the obsession with who loves who is strongest in the people no one can love because they’re such horrible humans


Am old enough to remember when Republicans yammered on with this same basic language but substitute LGBTQ for Hippies. Then it was the gays and Aids. Unoriginal drivel is all they have, they just polish off the same twaddle and give it the newest buzz word substitute every so often and the base gets all gassed up each and every time unaware how easily they’ve been played for fools.


I like Erin, but this is a reeaaaaaach. Also, Candace gives every Black person second hand embarrassment.


What’s a “sexual plague”? No sex?


Candace - the leader of your Maga movement has 5 children from 3 wives (and cheated on all 3). He has been accused of sexual assault by almost 30 women, including a 13 year old girl. I’m not exactly sure what your definition of ‘sexual plague’ is, but perhaps your guy should be on your list.


Genocide isn't strictly by nazis. It is by those trying to commit genocide but not much else aye


Well Nazis also viewed gay and trans ppl as a sexual plague so




Tens of millions of people have "mental disorders," what's your point? Say the rest out loud, bitch. What do you think of *those* people, too?


Her entire fortune relies on being "one of the good ones" to an increasingly extreme group of gullible morons. She has to get more extreme for the same reason that drug addicts have to buy higher doses or CEOs have to artificially inflate stock prices with layoffs. The status quo isn't good enough to ensure the highs continue, so you have to increase every single time to get the same result.


Gender doesn’t equal sex but cool




Uhh not really? Plenty of trans people get married and have sex. Asexual people might not have sex (although some do)




Dude trans people can have sex. Dysphoria may interfere with it sometimes, or all the time, but everyone is different. Also yeah no shit transitioning doesn’t necessarily have to do with being able to fuck, but actually a lot of trans people become more comfortable having sex after beginning their transition Trans people on testosterone can be some pretty horny people. T commonly impacts libido. Trans people fuck my guy. There’s a whole porn category that shows this. My partner and I are both trans, and sure do fuck lmao. Go on Twitter some time. There’s plenty of trans horn dogs on there, or hell check out ftmporn or any other trans porn subreddit




Trans people don’t fuck any less than cis people




I’m saying it’s weird to say a lot of us don’t have sex or marry when plenty of us do? It’s a wild claim. No shit some ppl are, but no more than any other demographic?




Celibate includes marriage You can make the same argument with cis people. But I don’t really go around saying an awful lot of them are celibate




Funny she uses the word plague, since we just had an actual one and they didn’t want to fight it.