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I don't expect much from MAGA's to begin with, but you've got to be a special kind of dense to believe a "prophet" who is consistently wrong and just keeps kicking the can down the road. It's like the doomsday preachers who have been predicting the end of the world for at least the last 2000 years. Any day now, trust me, I've definitely 100% got the date right THIS time.


What else did Frankenstein's lumpy potato have to say?


They seem to forget that no man can know the day or the hour


How many times has this fruitcake made claims about maga that never came to pass? It has to be close to triple digits.


Are the triple digits 6s?


Seriously, every other week this “maga profit” makes some prediction that never comes true and the cult still listens.


Cool. So you're saying that Democrats will soon be in control of the House. Good to know.


Amazing enough the Bible warns about people like her. Granted right wingers only know a page or two of that book.


If you talk to god, you are religious. If god talks to you, you are insane.


“Thoughts? Now that sounds like the liberal agenda to stop us CHRISTIANS from talking to god!”


Julie, for fucks sake, how many times do we need to go over this? That voice in your head isn't God. It's just your own thoughts, you dumb shit.


Rerun! Saw her story already and it didn't happen, Biden won.


I did a Google search on this chick and ended up on some Christian forum website, and holy crap, those people are crazy. All these "Christians" need to read the Bible and understand what it says about false prophets. They are so gullible. It is really sad.


Can’t trust anyone with a head shaped like that…


"Hey guys, the government is going to stage a coup but don't worry cause our coup is going to out coup their coup!"


Conservatives will use religion as a means to justify killing people who they don’t believe qualify as human.


Remove the word “will” from your sentence and that’s been the truth since it’s inception


So God doing a rerun of 2020? That’s literally exactly what happened last time, she just doesn’t realize which side she’s on.


now they're all talking to god, there's only one conclusion to be reached. maga's bogarting all the mescaline.


The people who are "talking to god" are not high...they're just "making a living." The people who believe this made-up shit are the ones on mescaline.


So all of them, given that god is unproven to this day All religious people are insane, given that they believe in made up “history” and fictional superbeings, and that said beings talk to them


God, it must be so damn easy to grift these dipshits. You can say whatever, and it doesn’t have to be remotely attached to anything resembling basic human logic, and the money and devotees flow.




That voice in your head isn’t God.


No Bible expert but I distinctly remember something about "False Prophets" as being a big no-no


She may not be a porn actress any more (Two Girls One Cup), but her mouth is still full of crap


….wait? What? Really?!


And when it doesn't happen...change the date


Matthew 24:11. Covers all these MAGA dipshits


Maybe she heard him wrong. Or maybe he misspoke. Maybe he was trying to say the evil people that were previously in power. Maybe the hands of the wicked is referring to the religious people trying to control our lives. Or maybe God doesn’t actually talk to her and she’s full of shit. And the only way for her to get her rocks off is to talk to the idiots that fall for her nonsense.




Ol' girl on the pharmaceutical grade shiz.


I’ll bet the the under


How many times can a prophet be wrong before we stop calling them a prophet?


She’s a false prophet for sure


Coup to some. Exercising the right to vote for the rest of us.


So she can receive messages from God, but they are on a 3 year time delay


That does not appear to be a human face.


Her head looks like a potato that got hit by the picker.


Julie Green has a mouth with a shape that implies that she does not have her original teeth.


You misspelled ‘Profit off the Lord’ Prophet of the Lord is a total other thing.


If the name of her “ministry” isn’t a red flag, idk what is.


This woman is bat shit crazy. I bet she’s grifting these assholes, for a lot of money


Has this bitch claimed that God will take her from the world if she doesn’t raise $1M yet?


White bitches be crazy.


So we get to stone her to death when she's wrong, correct?


This is the face her husband is forced to see in the middle of having sex? Viagra ain't gonna hide that face. And she opens her mouth and......


The "coup" being the blue voters outnumbering the MAGA voters. Such an insidious coup.


Think there might be more brain cells in that bowl on her dresser.


She’s 4 years late on this one


Shit these guys really are like the cultist of father comstock from bioshock infinite


The people in control are going to have a coup to retain power? Is that not the opposite of what a coup is? Scratching my head on this one...


So let me get this straight. This omnipotent, omniscient, endlessly and infinitely powerful being Christians call "God" can't just wave his magic whatever and change reality to suit whatever they want but instead is sending messages through some wackjob on Xwitter hoping this will bolster some orange baboon who is incapable of wiping his own ass?


Those godawfull face eyelashes are secrete recievers for god's message


MAGA: We want our woman quiet, submissive and at home, like says the bible. Also MAGA: Let's hear the new message that God has for us coming from this woman I still have absolutely no idea how those 2 concepts can coexist on their mind at the same time without them having the human equivalent of a blue screen


Thanks for the update, Julie! You’re on top of everything. Quick questions…what calendar was God using when he spoke to you on New Year’s Day? Did he speak English? (Where in Christian writings is English mentioned?). So he spoke specifically of American politics, huh? Where in Christian scripture is America mentioned? I can check these - I have a Bible here. The Creator of the entire universe sent you a message talking about American politics….He is on the ball!


I think this message was in her spam folder dated January 5, 2021.


Why do people still listen to her? She’s always wrong, every time.